Page 1: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce


ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST).

Page 2: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce


• ll

Chris Muir Stephen Konya

Director, Standards Division, Senior Innovation Strategist, HHS/ONC HHS/ONC

ONC Lead, FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST)


Page 3: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

Today’s Presentation Objectives & Goals

• Collaborative efforts are coming together to leveragethe power of APIs and the HL7 FHIR standard, taking the industry one step closer to improved digital dataaccess and exchange

• Carequality, Argonaut, and Da Vinci individually are working towards proposing approaches to addressthe future of digital data access and exchange inspecific domains towards goals such as reducing provider and administrative burden with health IT and empowering the patient

• Meanwhile, the FAST Initiative is working toaddress the infrastructural challenges holding back the deployment and adoption of these individualsolutions at scale

Goals • Raise awareness of the

FAST approach, goals and accomplishments to date

• Understand how FHIR collaborative efforts complement each otherand how FAST's work is set apart

• Highlight how workingcollaboratively providesvalue to reach a common goal and how you can get involved

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Page 4: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

What is FAST?

The FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST), convened by the Officeof the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONC), brings together a highly representative group of motivated healthcare industry stakeholders and health information technology experts.

The group is set to identify HL7® Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIR®) scalability gaps and possible solutions, analysis that will address current barriers and will accelerate FHIR adoption at scale.

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Page 5: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

FAST Importance to/for the ONC

1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health datathrough a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure.

2) ONC is working to reduce the regulatory and administrative burden related to the use of health IT, including EHRs.

3) ONC is working on ways to give clinicians more time tofocus on what matters – caring for their patients.

Supporting Documents; • ONC's Cures Act Final Rule

• Strategy on Reducing Burden Relating to the Use ofHealth IT and EHRs

• 2020-2025 Federal Health IT Strategic Plan (deadline for public comment extended to 4.3.20 at 11:59:59 PM ET!)

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Page 6: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

ONC's 21st Century Cures Act Final Rule

Main Landing Page;

Putting the patient first in health technology Direct Links; enables the health care system to deliver: • Fact Sheets • Transparency into the cost and outcomes of their care • Webinars • Competitive options in getting medical care • Media/Press • Modern smartphone apps to provide them convenient access to their

records • Blog Post • An app economy that provides patients, physicians, hospitals, payers, and • Download Final Rule

employers with innovation and choice

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Page 7: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

The FAST Journey

Page 8: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

FAST Taskforce Antitrust Notice

• The ONC FHIR At Scale Taskforce (FAST) (Hereinafter “Taskforce”) is committed to full compliance with existingfederal and state antitrust laws.

• All members involved in the Taskforce effort, including its advisory groups, will comply withall applicable antitrust laws during the course of their activities. During Taskforce meetings and otherassociated activities, including all informal or social discussions, each member shall refrain from discussing orexchanging competitively sensitive information with any other member. Such information includes, but may not be limited to:

– Price, premiums, or reimbursement charged or paid for products or services – Allocation of customers, enrollees, sales territories, sales of any products or contracts with providers – Any other competitively sensitive information that is proprietary to a member company

• If you have any specific questions or concerns, seek guidance from your own legal counsel.

• Members should not bring confidential information or intellectual property (hereinafter “Intellectual Property”)owned by their respective member companies into Taskforce meetings. To the extent such Intellectual Propertyis shared with the Taskforce that shall not be construed as a waiver of member company’s rights to, or ownershipin, the Intellectual Property.


Page 9: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce


Oct 2017 – Payer + Provider (P2) FHIR Taskforce Established Originally focused on Payer/Provider collaboration

Q1 2018 – Taskforce Charter Created Problem: Ecosystem and infrastructure barriers prevent wide-scale adoption and deployment of FHIR Purpose: Address ecosystem barriers and accelerate adoption of FHIR for production exchange of clinical information between payers and providers Need: Establish a national architecture for standardized exchange of information using FHIR Scope: Establish ONC taskforce that leverages “tiger teams” to focus on near term, practical approaches for the standardized exchange of information using FHIR

Initial Tiger Ecosystem Executive P2 Becomes FAST Technical & 14 Ecosystem Possible 1st FAST 101 Recommendations TLC Virtual SME Sessions & Team Calls Tiger Team Steering Jan 2019 Regulatory Use Cases v1 Solutions to Webinar for Regulatory Webinars Action Plan Commenced Identified & Committee Same mission, new Barriers v1 Published Tech Barriers Sept 12th Barriers Nov-Dec 2019 TBD Q2/Q3 2018 Prioritized 21+ Formed & 1st name to better reflect Published Q2 2019 Q3 2019 10amET Ongoing

Use Cases Meeting work FAST is doing Q2 2019 Q2/Q3 2018 Q4 2018 and broader

stakeholder SK engagement 9

Page 10: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

FAST Organization & Community Engagement




(public-private mix)

TIGER TEAMS IDENTIFY: • Use Cases • Technical/Regulatory Barriers • Core Capabilities • Gap Analysis

COORDINATING Information Sharing COMMITTEE with TLC through: (public-private mix)

• Website • Periodic webinars

SEVEN TIGER TEAMS • Newsletters Ecosystem Use Cases • TLC Meetings Identity • LinkedIn Group TECHNICAL LEARNING Security COMMUNITY (TLC) Directory, Versioning and Scale


Certification and Testing

Pilots SK


Page 11: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce



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Collaborative Efforts Towards FHIR Adoption


SHARED Technical Challenges to


Common Scalability Approaches



Patient & Provider Identity Management

Directory Services

Version Identification


Exchange Process/Metadata

Testing, Conformance & Certification



Payers/ Providers


Provider/ Provider




Other Collaborative Efforts to Develop & Implement FHIR Solutions


Contractual Enforcement

Page 12: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

• A

Lack of Consistent Infrastructure Impacts Flow


Page 13: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

--------- --------- ---

Well-Planned Infrastructure Creates Efficiency


Page 14: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce


Patient/ Member



• •

Patient/ Member


• •


Known Technical Barriers











2 2

1 Directory Services 2 Identity 3 Security

4 Testing, Conformance, & Certification 5 Versioning 6 Scaling 14

Page 15: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

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Recommended Infrastructure Solutions

FAST Solutions Process

FAST Solution Input • Tiger Teams • TLC • SME

ProposedInfrastructure Solutions

Tiger Teams

Standards Process Regulation

Evaluation, Feedback, and Pilots

Ecosystem Use Case


Directory, Version & Scale

Testing & Certification

Exchange Process

Security Pilots

Ecosystem Use Cases

Core Capabilities

Technical Barriers


Page 16: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce



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FHIR Adoption - Technical Challenges & FAST Proposed Solutions


DIRECTORY CHALLENGE: There are multiple places to find endpoints. Is there a place I can go to find all of them?

PROPOSED SOLUTION: A national solution for FHIR Endpoint Discovery

VERSIONS CHALLENGE: A way to communicate and manage multiple versions

PROPOSED SOLUTION: Supporting multiple production versions of FHIR

SCALE CHALLENGE: How can a high volume of FHIR transactions be consistently and predictably exchanged in a hybrid exchange model?

PROPOSED SOLUTION: Requirements for FHIR RESTful exchange intermediaries

ProposedInfrastructure Solutions

IDENTITY CHALLENGE: How can a requestor and receiver uniquely identify the patient/member?

PROPOSED SOLUTIONS: - Mediated Patient Matching - Collaborative Patient Matching - Distributed Identity Management

EXCHANGE PROCESS CHALLENGE: How do we enable consistent and reliable transaction exchange?

PROPOSED SOLUTIONS: - Reliable Routing with Metadata Across Intermediaries - Reliable Routing Across Intermediaries Using Destination Specific Endpoints

TESTING & CERTIFICATION CHALLENGE: A way to measure conformance to the standard

PROPOSED SOLUTION: ONC FHIR Testing and Certification Program

SECURITY CHALLENGE: How do we manage permissions & security across millions of patients/payers/providers?

PROPOSED SOLUTIONS: - Trusted Dynamic Client Registration - Tiered OAuth - UDAP Authentication & Authorization 16

Page 17: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

Technical Barriers to HL7• FHIR• Solutions Scalability

The FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FASn has identi fied a series of tech nical barrier!. that need to be addre order to scale Fast Healthcare Interoperabili ty Resources (FH IR) as a ubiquitous technology that enab scale clinical in formation exchange between providers, payers, and ot her stakeholders. These barriers a lack of a FHIR endpoint locator, lack of common authenl ica!Kln and authorization approaches to en appropriale patient privacy, gaps in t he abi li ty to bridge pat ient identi ty across stakeholders, and a lac i ndustry wide governance and versioning for FHIR Applicatioo Programming lnteffaces {APls) .

The FASTiniliative brings together a h ighly representative. col labofat ive grou p of mot ivated heallhcar, st akeholders and health informat ion technology experts who are wOftl ing to anal)'Ze and synthesize thf

solutions across t he i ndustry. and to further ident ify infrastruct ural and scalabili ty gaps and barriers, 1

object ive to propose a suite of ~ut ions that w ill accelerate f HIR adopt ion at scale.

The fo llowing technica l barriers ident ified by t he FASTteam were found to impede the adopt ion of f l­scale and will be t he basis for FAST-proposed scalability solutions,

1. Directory Services 4_ Testing Conformance & Certification

2. Identity 5. Versionina:

3. Securi~ 6. Scali!Jg

Regulatory/Policy Barriers to HL?" FHIR" Solutions Scalability


The fH IR al Scale Taskforce (FAsn has identi f ied regulatory and policy barriers t hat need lo be addressed in

order to scale f ast Healthcare lnteroperabill ty Resources (FH IR) as a ubiquitous capabili ty t hat enables wide­scale c linica l information exchange between providers, payers. and ot her stakeholders.

These barriers include t he HIPAA m inimum necessary regu lations, t he naming of a standard In a way the l im its inooval ion, the lack of a si ngle patient ident ifier, and t he cost of accessing data via FHIR Application Programming Interfaces (APls).

The industry is i nterested in scaling FHIR use. The most recent Centers for MedlCare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

Notice of ProlX)sed Rulemaking (NPRMJ and t he Office of the National Coordinator for Health IT (ONCJ NPR M (published in t he federal register on March 4 . 20191 call for widespread use of AP ls to enable consumers to access t heir hea lth data and foster industry-wide adopt ion. However. the folkJwing regulatory and policy barriers impede scalable FH IR adopt ion, and t hey are t he focus for which FAST will identi fy potent ial solutions,

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1. HIPAA Minimum Necessm

2. Regulalory Mandate for a Single Named


3. Patient Identifier

4. Data Blockin.2:

5. Use of NPPES as the Repository for


6. HIPAA Transactions Requiring Xl 2

Endpoint Discovery

Int roduction & Background

The- pu,pose of the fHIR at scale Taskforce (FAST} is to augme11t fAfTTechnica1 Barriers and support recent HL7e fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources (FHIRc-) efforts forusecl on ecosvsi:em issues that, if mitigated, Cilnaccelerateadoption.

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Accelerate Use of FHIR

<t1) Why

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en.1)-za -h'Dt,whaddibo;inal staxl.ord, -'--blr!Wldi!fllrllc.-!lon,1,nt1ng.piot .. and~~~

FAST use case model is unique in that it describes ecosystem needs as opposed co specific functional ts. Use cases far FAST ne derived in one of 3 appro..ches as desaibed in the i;raphic below.

Use Case Approaches CH Be UMd £11c:lu1h'ely 0t In Combln•tiOn to Oellne the DlffteMIOtls of ttltc Mo6et

8arrlerUHCaM Allgn-CHn~ IClan.s.nt.EMICI_,.,. wen M rHOWC1 lac:a!cr, MClllt)'..-.drdrenbt).

Healthcare Ecoaystem OM Cas.e ....... ,, ....... dlr.c:ttrlo•~\llb lrd.i•ttyeco-,,Mtm..e ~...tiidilonityand 190Ciigf,'lba,ollef$.

Functioral use C.N UHfli!IClk,na,-cnn,.iiCIIH Dt\l'inctualo,.&o\dlbOl"lioff,ut, fl,STpr!MOffltlcr"'hld'twa)'S"while tht lftdl.dtr)"dortt,. W. OIi Vinet pr41¥1dehWfl.rnKll.lillfldtlv-. Ust!Sth~"Yehidlt."IDhdpdefiM thtGrnefl~ofN~

Proposed Solutions Identity

SUpporting Diagrams & FloW5

Solutio n #1: Real Time Patient Matching

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ID Oes,cnptlon Notes

Patient Sma.tch ~equest Requestor Actor calls a To do: Patient Sma.tch operation pnwided by the Daine minimum and optional ~t of Responder Actor or a truned intermediary of the attributes t(I improve match scores. Responder Actor ..

List use cases where The Sma.tch request wil use Patient resource in onlyCen:ainMatches must be set to the request. The attribute •onlyeen:a.inMatches" true. will be set t(I true for Use cases involving Patient Deivery. Identify recommended limits for

•count"foreicampleusecases AS an optional pre-cuBOr to the Smatc:h, the Requester may verify the Patient's demographics to the best of their ability, ranging from a manual verificationofidentificationsuchasDri~s Licenses to automated checks against non­healthcare databases such -as ere mt bureau records, if warranted.

I FMf .. JU I tity

Published Content and FAST Artifacts

All content is available on the 17

Page 18: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

FHIR at Scale Tasklorce: 2019 End-01-Year Report

~<lfAS,. I 'lll"J fUr..i v.,.- Hcr,,~ I 11,-o.., ,or0o1• I us,c-.;,....,.e.,i1,e,.-... I

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How Does FAST Do It? f.i.h.Jlall-----•~ ------~­oai-l_al_-S<"""1_(,gN11 c:IMu.l_lflt..._~ ....... ,-i.,.1-ota11oo:1.c-,117 _, .. c..-.~-1111 ==-~i:-~~ ..,~-in.,;,;,;,,,, ~Oolll .. ~ID'lll"l­...,_~Tlltl.-,.._ptl --~-~-... --~~·-~~ - ... ~~ .....,.IIOIIMrlil _ _.._ ~wi,-,~­


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FHIR at Scale Taskforce: 2019 End-of-Year Report

Wllnl ·~ fASn I WIIJ FAST .Mld WltJ' How-, 1 How Does FAST 0o II' I fASTC001dtnJ11an &. Coll.1t10,n11c111 I 20)9 Acccu11pl Id m1!!nls

Com� llnlu te, lnro1a1 & Colle-cl I Wo1k Continues in 2020 I Volunteer-Omen Ptoareu I Acl.11C1wlede,emertll-

What is FAST? 1lil fll� ti kal• ,a.r..c, ( fAS1) 1nlU1tne. lautlcl'.ecl WI 2'017,lll'l(llfd!Jl)lcnt0t1.c:•ofttie N.lC~Coofd,l"lftc:t tor Hu41h fl CONC), brlnfP IO!iet.hef D hlpty rtC)l'~lri't ;,oup CII fflOll1~1~ hellthefll't Industry Slaktholdiers MCI ftNll!l in"<lmlaetOn ltch~OPftfi,,, flit IJOIIP, c.omoo5-, OI ind~ry,wideexpert \Cllun1~ 1SM!l lokloen11y r.n1Hut1lttll111 lnt~atihty RfiOul'CesCFHIR"'I ~•1abdl!YCNl~.O pott,nl11l•WOl!Cha.lO~M<:ut'-!l~l,,.1atc,y Of l)Oky batoen, M witU as iden!d)' ffklv.-nl lnCll.l!IIJy g;tli,I. Tht pOt..ij!-IOC~ on lhe $1'11',-astrl11!11.11•neeoecJ lf>SIJPP0rttl11Citnl tlUlll'II lnlDtffllUQl'I rl(IW, ci.twaan multlp,5t •iitNIIP'II ~nn and lCI KCell:!fate l'1fl fH IR ~tllncl.lfd adoplion at ,ca.


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OCI 2017

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Why FASTand Why Now? tlilJI: adoflCIOl"I ,~..sois r•Ptdlro.a U,e ~-~a~ The FHlft-«!l:l!ed tul'IClllOtMII use caSK e.q,IOred lly the lflclUSb'Y u~ lmporlMll ~l.lbdlty~J~, qllil'll: klr

inl~ILR"ill .ll'.IPl'D&ti'lt5 ID1UpP:l'I U'leeu1i1!~loliC•

l t'lfl O!ll(!n let Ml!dlcife af'ld MedoCIIII Sfir,,,ces [C1.151 lf'Ct ONC ~c,p;i$,ld r.(CMS-fU _llJ,l , IIM D9M-AAIIIJ !NI "1111 b IN u51!-DI ~ICiltKll'J P'lttrin'l't lt-.le!:I~ (APti) kJ lllt•ia.t~

~ t,op.atlenl health datll, pronderOlfec.10fiesallClcare '°°'dl!YllCl"I '"'411 '14 rt-1Hw ~ ~ ~ ch~ fllll Ac:~111!. ,,. ... aiear1Wl'S to ll'ltl't.HM f"HUl-bMed !IOMICl"d.adaplJOII_ $pecll1 1i:,,. 111ie accel«at.(111"'1~ Qmt ~tt,er a~ tliJl!I on1urw;tlDNiineea:MS1t71151ijkll•d•t.1111d1ta.-it~ionto lfl\tll'O'II! l)l!ltl&ft!C'JUt«IIMS, J)rtMOfll"WOllljlow, ari!lntlt!aMIIIOn

to\\tluill-baseCIC-lf'@',ln,1J.Ml'feSilfe i.-encrall~ ID(:~ on .itdih$$111j p;!lrt-..,ibr 1uncl•Onll 115PKb.

!I'll fASr lnltlltiwl I!; ror:used an add,:~ lhe lnlrMlr\JCl!l'fl ~ lo~~ FHIR-br;ISNKfYtlOflS., w.eot~ lo wp,poot braaDl!radopl1011rJlhltFll lRst.idatl.


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SEP 2'>19

2019 T~I I.N,rnlf"I:

CQmmun1t1 UtlblrllWd

ltllneheel urlde, Ille h)'ft + PfcMd8t (P2)FHIR T~tcroe n;1me in Otlobtl, 2017, Uw in1tl.at1W contillUCO to llfor;,ticfl

~s~dn- p."tltip,!lln't .-Ki lndll5l,y enwcrr'lfltll, ~ -..ell n lb- locus to~ cOt"ti W'll'ra~ure,1r,d 1e1lablolltr ~lhal~!«IWll~~lf, int)ici 1114U1,trya1 l:tl"1,"l:I .

~iKl;lnc the lndtJWy,w,Cf! IMerM.t ll'td p;art1t:1L',1111M, M

MIi n ltl8 ~bl ityol Thi FAST-1ppw.,;helo to INfll' ill"~

~OSJ !hi, ~r,. mo$l 1mpa-lanlly b;:~rJi on ~1""11$'

outulmi!!lni;:ttM!f-11. lt'leT~Ol!i 1¥Mfebl".!ifl.ied as FAST In Jil~ol 2019. $1no11 l""'1, F.AS(l'liff loilrm ~ ~ Dl9I" 15 .::mpiem 1151 ~. 10enh1-.d mlrastrUL:lura.l c~ c .. bllit~~"to!ICalerHIR.INI ~10h.ltlriMlfl lhefnpK'l;"'lt"«w:sOf"IQc;ui,lc,N(h,;:,41~1111'lfl,u~~ ~ lim lb ertilfli). w,ll'l lht. T«firnc-.11 t..,an,i!"'li Com1111Jn.'1~ CTLC) illnd ctl'let FHIR R'litlill'tllflS toeoollnue to IMOlmon. lhl! t.1tfin4iQll5-1nd1~.




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FAST 2019 End of Year Report

2019 End of Year Report Summarizes progress made in 2019 and provides a sneak-peak of work in 2020


Page 20: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

FAST Focus

Patient & Provider Identity Management

Directory Services

Version Identification


Exchange Process/Metadata

Testing, Conformance & Certification



Join the Technical Learning Community to get updates and provide input on the technical and regulatory barriers, use

cases, and proposed solutions as they are developed.


JOIN THE LINKEDIN GROUP Almost 400 members & growing!



Page 21: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce


Page 22: ONC FHIR at Scale Taskforce (FAST) · 1) ONC is focused on connecting healthcare and health data through a national interoperable Health IT infrastructure. 2) ONC is working to reduce

Thank You – Today's Presenters

Chris Muir Stephen Konya ONC ONC – FAST Lead

[email protected] [email protected]

For more information on the FAST Initiative, visit the FAST Project Page


Have any further questions/suggestions?

Please contact Stephen Konya at [email protected] & Diana Ciricean at [email protected]


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