
DNV serving the energy industry

Go strong.

dnV energy Main oFFices:

Onshore pipelines

DNV provides world-class expertise in technology, opera-tions, management and risk. We combine our know-how into a professional service concept designed to safely improve the performance of your business. So you can go strong on all dimensions.

| THIS IS DNV | DNV is a global provider of services for managing risk. established in 1864, DNV is an independent foundation with the purpose of safeguarding life, property and the environment. DNV comprises 300 offices in 100 countries, with 7,000 employees. DNV energy is one of four business areas in DNV, alongside DNV Maritime, DNV industry and DNV iT Global services. Our vision is global impact for a safe and sustainable future.


SERVICES OVERVIEWuXConfidence in a secure and reliable operation 6

TESTING, RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENTuXscience: the foundation of practical engineering solutions 7

CORROSION AND MATERIALS TECHNOLOGYuXstaying ahead of the problem 8

INTEGRITY SOLUTIONSuXexpertise to meet today’s challenges 9


u Enterprise Risk Managementu SHE Risk Managementu Technology Qualificationu Verificationu Offshore Classificationu Asset Risk Managementu Trainingu IT Risk Managementu Certification


Through these services, our teams of highly qualified professionals deliver cutting-edge solutions to customers across the industry:u Deep and ultra-deepwater field developmentu Floatersu Fixed structuresu Offshore and onshore pipelinesu Natural Gas/LNGu Refining and petrochemicalsu Power generation and transmissionu Wind, wave and tidal energyu Arctic operations and technologyu Operations excellenceu Carbon capture and storage

| onshore pipelines |

Going safer

DNV works closely with operators and regulatory authorities to deliver comprehensive pipeline integrity strategies that manage risk and meet challenges in every phase of the pipeline life cycle. With our subsidiary, CC Technologies, we combine science and engineering to bring the best technology to the industry. Our innovative solutions help you maximise business performance, and keep pace with developments.

| ONshOre pipeliNes |

and lasting longer

Worldwide energy demand is projected to increase more than 50% by the year 2030. Onshore pipelines are crucial in meeting this demand. The pipeline infrastructure is expected to grow at 7% per year through 2020, with 231,900 km of oil and gas pipelines already planned or under construction. Meanwhile, the world’s 3.5 million km of existing oil and gas transmission pipelines must continue to operate, often beyond their original design lives. To meet expectations, the industry must ensure safer operations, extended asset life and a reliable energy supply.

pAGe 4 | DNV eNerGy | services Overview | Testing, research and Development | Corrosion and Materials

Technology | integrity solutions |

prOjeCT phAses:

DNV eNerGy DeliVeries:

Feasibility & concept selection

strategy design

The BUsiNess liFe CyCle

DNV – assisting companies in the energy industry along the entire life cycle to safeguard and improve business performance

project, technical and she risk ManageMent

technology QualiFication / VeriFication / certiFication

corrosion Mitigation

soFtware solutions

Maintenance/welding/ repair

design/speciFications/codes/regulatory support

research/testing/root cause Failure analysis

operability reView

reliability assessMent and security oF supply

pipeline integrity ManageMent systeM deVelopMent and support

| ONshOre pipeliNes |

construction installation & coMMissioning

operation & liFe extension


Fitness-For-serVices / return-to-serVice prograMMes

technology QualiFication / VeriFication / certiFication

soFtware solutions

Maintenance/welding/ repair

design/speciFications/codes/regulatory support

research/testing/root cause Failure analysis

operability reView

saFety, hazard, and enVironMent reViews and audits

pipeline integrity ManageMent systeM deVelopMent and support

Monitoring / inspections / condition assessMent / reassessMent interVals

pAGe 6 | DNV eNerGy | services Overview | Testing, research and Development | Corrosion and Materials

Technology | integrity solutions |

DNV Energy and CC Technologies, Inc. have combined to become a world leader in the onshore pipeline service market. As a com-prehensive service provider and technology partner for our customers, we are committed to excellence. Our services combine software solutions with our unique approach to sci-ence and engineering.

operator’s challenge

In a competitive market with increasing regu-latory and public attention toward safety, environmental issues and security of supply, being a best-in-class operator has become increasingly important. Yet pipeline opera-tors also need to balance performance requirements, cost effective solutions and contractual obligations, while managing an aging asset.

DNV provides a full suite of services, including pipeline integrity management, operation risk management, regulatory compliance, operabil-

ity review and Safety, Health and Environment (SHE) risk management.

assessing operability

DNV has developed the ‘Pipeline Systems Operability Review’ (PLOR), to assist opera-tors in maximising pipeline performance. This tool evaluates technical and manage-ment systems, with respect to industry best practices and international technical stand-ards. PLOR focuses on safety, environment and production availability, from design to decommissioning and goes beyond code compliance. It uses risk assessment to high-light issues that really matter and to identify appropriate mitigating measures. PLOR is unique in that it is built from the bottom up, beginning with detailed technical tasks and ending with management control systems.

risk ManageMent

DNV provides a full range of risk related services including:

SHE Risk Management

Management systems & performance Xu

standardsTechnical risk & consequence assessmentXu

Emergency planning, response Xu

Human factors and occupational healthXu

Environmental impact risk assessmentXu

Asset Risk Management (ARM)

Asset investment risk assessmentXu

Asset lifecycle economicsXu

Asset appraisalXu

Asset optimisationXu

Asset safety system reliabilityXu

Specific application areas include hazard identification, frequency analysis, consequence analysis, quantitative risk analysis, risk based inspection, and inspection planning.

Confidence in a secure and reliable operationsecurity of supply and operating reliability are integrally linked with safe operation and environmental challenges. DNV takes a risk management approach to both she demands and technical operating requirements, which sets us apart from our competition.

serViCes OVerVieW

dnV assists in every aspect of pipeline management.

Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) decided to improve its risk assessment and hazard man-agement systems, given that more than 50% of its pipeline network was over 30 years old, with many lines traversing residential and cor-rosive terrains. The project objective was to increase the integrity, reliability and safety of KOC’s crude, gas, fuel, condensate and brack-ish water pipeline networks.

DNV performed process oriented qualitative and quantitative risk assessments. We also identified all significant hazards that contrib-uted to the likelihood of a failure and the potential impacts of those events. A further study was completed to identify possible

areas for streamlining KOC’s pipeline net-works to meet current and future produc-tion demands.

The broad scope required for this project could only be accomplished by a service pro-vider with multidisciplinary expertise, span-ning all aspects of risk management and pipeline operations. This included Quantitative risk Assessment (QrA), she risk manage-ment, consequence analysis, risk Based inspection (rBi), pipeline operations issues, pipeline recommended practices, failure fre-quencies, threat identification, degradation mechanisms, direct assessment methodolo-gies and software solutions.


KUWAiT Oil COMpANypipeline risk ManageMent

| |

| ONshOre pipeliNes |

DNV maintains four primary laboratory facili-ties throughout the world to serve the needs of our customers. These are located in:

Høvik, NorwayXu

Bergen, NorwayXu

Dublin, Ohio, USAXu

Singapore Xu

Our researchers at these facilities work closely with the DNV engineering support staff to provide our customers with both engineering solutions based on fundamental science, as well as research solutions balanced by sound engineering practice.

Forensic engineering

Our expert staff is ready to respond when emergencies happen. Our advanced laboratory testing and root cause failure investigations explain how and why components fail. Our investigators have access to cutting edge micro-scopy and modeling tools for solving metallur-gical, mechanical, structural, thermal, electro-chemical, and multiphase flow problems.

research and deVelopMent

We offer full-scale multiphase flow testing at our Dublin, Ohio and Bergen facilities. The multiphase flow system can be customised to study flow patterns, evaluate the effect of flow on corrosion and inhibitors, and drag reducing agents. We also offer facilities for pipe burst testing.

DNV’s subsidiary CC Technologies has histori-cally been a pioneer in research on monitoring buried pipelines. We are currently leading sen-sor development for monitoring internal cor-rosion threats. In the past, we have pioneered the direct assessment methodology for prioritis-ing maintenance digs. We were also instrumen-tal in writing the NACE standards and validat-ing the direct assessment methodologies for external, internal, and SCC threats.

DNV leads the industry in research regarding the effects of alternative fuels on pipelines. Currently, we are determining the require-ments for transporting ethanol via existing pipeline, tank and terminal systems.

testing serVices

Our renowned scientists have extensive experience in designing laboratory tests and selecting critical variables that permit accurate simulation of field conditions. We stay on the cutting edge of the latest practices and technologies, through ongoing testing and research programmes.

We provide state-of-the-art testing services to assist our clients in solving a wide range of practical problems, such as:

Technology qualificationXu

Full scale testing of componentsXu

Process development and changesXu

Materials selectionXu

Chemical treatment needsXu

Corrosion mitigation and monitoringXu

Coating specifications and selectionXu

Coating disbondment Xu

Elastomer selectionXu

Anode Performance Xu

Fracture mechanics and fatigueXu

Science: the foundation of practical engineering solutionsDNV is one of the few firms to combine engineering with state-of-the-art research and testing. As one of the largest corrosion and materials science groups, we offer our clients innovative, cost effective solutions.

TesTiNG, reseArCh AND DeVelOpMeNT

dnV’s researchers

and engineers provide

innovative solutions.

critical issue: Creating a risk assessment and systems based management of hazards.

solution: Assembled a multidisciplinary team of professionals from DNV’s global system to complete the project.

key deliVerables: A comprehensive risk assessment and simulation for KOC’s entire pipeline system including hAZOp and hAZiD report, QrA, cost benefit analysis and pipeline network simulation model.

Value to client: DNV provided a one-stop solution with all the neces-sary disciplines needed to be their technology partner.


pAGe 8 | DNV eNerGy | services Overview | Testing, research and Development | Corrosion and Materials

Technology | integrity solutions |

Staying ahead of the problemThere are 3.5 million kilometers of oil and gas transmission pipelines. With this infrastructure aging and the demand for oil increasing, it is important to stay ahead of corrosion and material degradation problems. DNV’s experts help you accomplish this.


aging pipelines require proactive corrosion


The TransCanada pipeline is a 14,500 km sys-tem that was installed in phases, beginning in the late 1950s. state-of-the-art coating sys-tems were used to protect the pipeline at each stage of construction. however, aging and deterioration, along with a variance in soil types and coating protection methods required increased cathodic protection and different cathodic protection methods. This increased the cost of the corrosion remediation programme and created a risk of damage to newer, better quality coatings on parallel lines.

CC Technologies, a DNV company, helped TransCanada evaluate the integrity of the sys-tem, prioritise areas for recoating and initiate

a new corrosion remediation programme. CCT/DNV provided an advanced in-line inspection programme, cathodic protection data and corrosion feature data. We also completed an economic analysis that priori-tised piping sections.

After laboratory evaluation and testing, the recoating programme was applied to more than 42 km of piping at a cost of $600,000 UsD per mile, substantially less than the $1.1 million UsD cost of replacement. The recoating programme also created a more cost-effective and reliable integrity management programme while preserving the assets of the TransCanada pipeline.


TrANsCANADA pipeliNerecoating prograMMe

| |

With over 300 corrosion and materials special ists at 40 locations worldwide, DNV stands ready to serve as your technology part-ner for corrosion control, materials selection, verification and integrity assessment.

corrosion Mitigation & assessMent

DNV has established itself as an independent supplier of engineering services, supporting pipeline operators’ technical needs for:

Special project managementXu

Cathodic protectionXu

Chemical treatmentXu


AC mitigation/AC corrosionXu


Design and specificationsXu

Software solutionsXu

We assist our customers at all stages of their Direct Assessment (DA) programme develop-ment and implementation, including:

Pre-assessment (DA feasibility)Xu

Indirect inspections and surveysXu

Direct examinationXu

Post assessmentXu

VeriFication & QualiFication

Confidence in your supply chain is critical, particularly with the increase in demand for pipelines and the utilisation of new or rela-tively unknown suppliers. In our experience, the most crucial qualification areas for onshore pipelines are:

Steel millsXu

Pipe millsXu

Coating millsXu

Pipeline and CP designsXu

Construction practicesXu

inspections and surVeys

Pipeline monitoring provides the data used to evaluate the susceptibility of a system to integrity threats from external and internal corrosion, third party damage, SCC and construction

defects. It can also be used to determine the efficacy of your corrosion mitigation methods. There are many inspection and survey tech-niques that are used alone or in combination. Our expert staff provides the following:

Coating performance: DCVG (direct Xu

current voltage gradient), Pearson, Coating conductancePipe potential (CP): CIS (close interval Xu

surveys), Test point, On-potential/off-potentialNDE (non-destructive evaluation/Xu

inspections)Trouble shooting: Bond currents, Side Xu

drain potentialSoil surveysXu

Interference currents: AC stray currents, Xu

DC stray currentsCoupon/probe monitoring: Internal Xu

(corrosion rate), External (corrosion rate/CP), ER probes, PR probesMIC (microbial influenced corrosion)Xu

| ONshOre pipeliNes |

Expertise to meet today’s challengesDNV’s expertise goes well beyond a written piMs programme. We provide the data interpretation, project management, software solutions and assessment know-how to overcome today’s technology challenges.

iNTeGriTy sOlUTiONs

dnV’s software solutions help maintain pipeline integrity.

DNV creates comprehensive and customised Pipeline Integrity Management Programmes (PIMs) for each client, using the following components:




Life ExtensionXu

regulatory coMpliance

DNV has extensive operator and regulatory compliance experience. We offer a full spectrum of regulatory support services including:

Assessments and response to regulatory Xu

actionsProject compliance reviews Xu



Regulatory and code compliance auditsXu

We also provide programme development, including integrity management, emergency response, pipeline security and incident investigation.

ili analysis

In-line inspection (ILI) is one of three com-monly accepted condition assessment meth-odologies. We provide expertise in all condi-tion assessment methods and have pioneered both direct assessment methodologies and multiple statistical approaches to ILI data analysis.

ILI produces a tremendous amount of data, which if analysed improperly, can overstate the integrity of the pipeline or result in unnecessary dig programmes. Using state-of-the-art tools, DNVs staff experts create a complete and accurate analysis that provides you with vital information on the risks and remaining life of your system.

DNV has expertise in all corrosion and mate-rial integrity threats, including internal and external corrosion, SCC, fatigue, hydrogen embrittlement, seam weld crack defects, mechanical damage and hard spots.

soFtware solutions

DNV has recently released Orbit + Onshore Pipeline and Corr MD, our innovative soft-ware solutions for managing onshore pipe-line integrity.

Orbit + Onshore is a complete software tool for pipeline integrity management, including:

Recording and documentingXu

Assessing conditionXu

Defining inspection programmeXu

Satisfying regulatory requirementsXu

Corr MD integrates and manages data from pipeline corrosion monitoring and testing results, allowing operators to analyze the data and prevent corrosion problems.

Other key service areas include:


Reliability AssessmentXu

Fitness-For-Service/Return to ServiceXu

Materials Selection and SpecificationXu

critical issue: Aging and degradation of the TransCanada pipe-line with a costly cathodic protection programme.

solution: recoating programme.

key deliVerables: Technical analysis, prioritisation and recoating programme.

Value to client: ensured pipeline integrity, reduced maintenance costs and improved effectiveness of protection systems.


pAGe 10 | DNV eNerGy | services Overview | Testing, research and Development | Corrosion and Materials

Technology | integrity solutions |

Bergen Oslo

CopenhagenEsbjerg Moscow

Stavanger Sandefjord



London AntwerpManchester


Singapore Kuala Lumpur



Abu Dhabi




Vung TauHo Chi Minh City







DNV serves the energy industry from more than 40 primary locations worldwide. in addition, we draw on DNV’s entire worldwide network of 300 offices in 100 countries.

DNV locations

| ONshOre pipeliNes |




Rio de Janeiro Macaé

São Paulo

Buenos Aires


St. John’s


Porto Alegre


DNVVeritasveien 1 NO-1322 Høvik, NorwayTel: +47 67 57 99 00Fax: +47 67 57 99 11

aberdeenCromarty house67-72 regent Quay AberdeenAB11 5ArUnited KingdomTel: +44 1224 335000

antwerpDuboisstraat 39 b1 2060 AntwerpBelgiumTel: +32 3 206 65 40 abu dhabiThe TowersAbu Dhabi Trade CentreNear Beach rotana hoteleast Wing – e 108Abu DhabiUnited Arab emiratesTel: +971 2 6457580

bergenjohan Berentsensvei 109-111NO-5020 laksevåg, BergenNorwayTel: +47 55 94 36 00

calgary Bay 123 2340 pegasus Way Ne CalgaryAB Canada T2e 8M5 Tel: +403 250 9041

columbus5777 Frantz roadDublin, Ohio 43017-1386UsATel: +1 614 761 1214

copenhagenTuborg parkvej 8, 2nd Floor DK2900 hellerup Copenhagen Denmark Tel: +45 39 45 48 00

houston16340 park Ten placesuite 100houston, TX 77084, UsATel: +1 281 721 6600

kuala lumpur 24th Floor, Menara Weld 76, jalan raja Chulan 50200 Kuala lumpurMalaysia Tel: +603 2050 2888

london palace house 3 Cathedral street londonse1 9De United Kingdom Tel: +44 207 357 6080 luanda edificio Monumental rua Major Kanhangulo, nº 2902º Andar luanda AngolaTel: +244 222 391 631

osloVeritasveien 1 NO-1322 høvikNorwayTel: +47 67 57 99 00

parisCentre BFi, Tour AreVA, 92084 paris la Defense CedexparisFranceTel: +33 1 47 96 46 36

MoscowBusiness-Center “Country park”3rd Floor, panfilova 19141407 Moscow regionKhimki, Moscowrussian FederationTel: +7 495 739 4833

Mumbaiemgeen Chambers, 10, C.s.T. road, Vidyanagari, Kalina santacruz eastMumbai 400098indiaTel: +91 22 26650909

rio de janeirorua sete de setembro, 111 – 12o andar Cep 20050-006rio de janeiro, r.jBrazilTel: +55 21 3722 7232

shanghaihouse No. 9, 1591 hong Qiao roadshanghai 200336ChinaTel: +86 21 3208 4518

singaporeDNV Technology Centre10 science park Drivesingapore 118224singaporeTel: +65 6779 1266

stavanger Bjergstedveien 1 NO-4007 stavanger Norway Tel: +47 51 50 60 00

dnV energy Main oFFices:

Concept and design: C




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