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LWRDPC Banner Photo by James Di Blasio September 2015


The top news this month is the upcoming Salon Competition on September 17. In lieu of a

regular monthly field trip, 45 members assembled at Town Hall for a feedback session with more

advanced photographers. Each advanced photographer sat at table and was joined by several

(aspiring) photographers for a positive critique of their photos. Members polled, were

overwhelming happy with the end result, so much so, another feedback event is in planning for

the January 2016 timeframe.

Send your best photo for the Salon Competition to Larry George at [email protected]. Please

send your photo as an attachment to the e mail. Include the name of the photo and your name.

All entries must be received by Larry no later than September 11. Larry would appreciate you

sending photos to him as early as possible.

Larry has secured over $3,000 in gifts and prizes. The value of the top prizes are over $400. You

need not be present to enter a photo, and you will be honored if you win, but you MUST be

present to receive a prize.

Our next Field Trip is scheduled for Friday, September 11, 2015. Space is severely limited so

you must have signed up to be able to attend. See the LWRDPC Facebook Members Page. The

Field Trip will be to Artistic Photo Canvas. Please check our Field Trip page of our website by

clicking here.

Disclaimer: Field Trips are for members only, everyone must sign a waiver before participating.

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LWRDPC Banner Photo by James Di Blasio September 2015


Since we did not have an official club-sponsored field trip this month, I am posting

photos taken by members that were shot this month.

Photo by Arthur Okula Photo by Christine Veneruso

Photo by James DiBlasio Photo by Kevin Hanley

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LWRDPC Banner Photo by James Di Blasio September 2015


Photo by Mindy Towns

Photo of Mindy Towns

Photo by Morag Reid Photo by Vincent Veneruso

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LWRDPC Banner Photo by James Di Blasio September 2015


September Meeting – The September meeting will be held on Thursday,

September 17th at the Woodland Community Church. Meeting will begin

promptly at 6:00 P.M. This is our Salon Competition and we have a lot to

accomplish so please be prepared for the meeting to begin precisely at 6 O’clock


Our guest speaker for the August meeting was the noted street portrait

photographer – Bob Dein.

Bob was engaging as he spoke of his experiences getting started and the joys of

continuing his passion.

An article written by Katy Bergen of the Herald-Tribune talks about his activities

in taking photos of strangers. Bob’s web site is and if you are still

reading, check out the 100 Strangers Project on Flickr. By the way you will find at

least two LWRDPC members on the 100 Strangers Project site on Flickr!

This is a photo taken of Bob at the

August meeting by Vincent. I have

done this in B&W in deference to

Bob’s style. I hope I have done him


When you look at Bob’s portfolio of

portraits, you will notice that most of

them are in B & W. I recently came

across a quote from Ted Grant, a

Canadian Photojournalist who said,

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LWRDPC Banner Photo by James Di Blasio September 2015


“When you photograph people in colour, you photograph their clothes. But when

you photograph them in black and white, you photograph their souls.” Bob’s

photos have all captured the soul of his subjects.

Faces of members at the August 20th meeting done in B&W.

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LWRDPC Banner Photo by James Di Blasio September 2015


The theme for August’s Print of the Month was ‘Vacation’, and the winners


1st Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Margo Cook Jean Clark Cass Bruniany

Congratulations to August’s winner, please keep up the great work it is excellent

and an inspiration to us all!

Larry George, LB Blanchard, and Spencer Pullen did the judging honors for the evening.

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LWRDPC Banner Photo by James Di Blasio September 2015


Hospitality – there to welcome

you, as usual will be Frank Kane.

He and his group of Cookie

Monsters will have soda and

water available for $1 each,

cookies for 25¢ and assorted

snack bags for 50¢.

Tickets for our popular

50/50 drawing are $1.00 each or 6 for $5.00 –

remember all proceeds from refreshments and 50/50 go to support club activities.

If you would like to be a Cookie Monster and donate a batch (2 dozen) cookies

or other home baked items for a meeting please click to volunteer.

Our annual Christmas/Holiday Party will be on Friday, December 11. Hold that

date – more details to follow!

50/50 Winner

The 50/50 winner this month was, Sue Sanborn who took home $101!

***Congratulations Sue***

Frank says, "Remember to check for hyperlinks to sign up for Cookie

Monster duty!"

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LWRDPC Banner Photo by James Di Blasio September 2015


Sue was smiling because she won $$$, but

Roxana’s happiness was the result of her

winning a prized LWRDPC hat as 2nd prize

in the 50/50 raffle!

A perennial favorite of our members, is the Share Your Work segment of the

meeting, but because of this month’s Salon Competition, there will be NO Share

Your Work for the September meeting. We will resume this practice in October.

Learning & Individual Development – Fall classes will resume with the

following categories:

Beginning Photography

Intermediate Editing

Advanced Editing

All classes will be offered concurrently at Lakewood Ranch Town Hall from 1:00

P.M. to 5:00 P.M. on October 11th, 24th and 31st!

Classes will provide a total of 12 hours of instruction, practice, interaction with

fellow photographers, and resources for follow-up self-instruction. The primary

goal is to have fun while becoming better photographers in an environment where

we all learn from each other.

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LWRDPC Banner Photo by James Di Blasio September 2015


Courses Cover:

Beginning Photography – camera operations, shooting techniques,

storing files on computer, and an overview of essential accessories

and terminology.

Intermediate Editing will cover the most-used functions of

Lightroom and Photoshop with the goal of producing quality images

ready for display and/or competitions.

Advanced Editing course will build on a basic knowledge of

Photoshop and add specific techniques and dramatic effects that bring

even more artistic expression to your images.

All LWRDPC classes are free to members, but donations are expected to help

defray the cost of developing courses and paying for materials, etc. The generous

donations from last year's participants allowed us to expand our offering to a third

course this fall and we are happy to see so many of our "graduates" winning

ribbons and participating in club functions and posting some amazing images

online. Mark the dates on your calendar and look for the announcement of the

signup and details of each course's lesson plans coming soon.

Membership – If you are bringing a guest who wants to join our group, you can

save them time by having them fill out the membership form, mail it with a check

for the dues or bring it to the next meeting.

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LWRDPC Banner Photo by James Di Blasio September 2015


Competitions – LWRDPC did great in the most recent F2C Digital

Competition , the 2nd Tri-Annual FCCC The second Digital Competition recently

been completed. Go to for competition results, congratulations to all

LWRDPC winners! The fall print competition begins September 1st. All prints

must be mounted on 16 by 20 mat board. The prints themselves can be any size up

to 16 by 20. All prints for this F3C competition must get to Larry George by

October 5 to allow time to transport them all to the competition site.

***** Salon Competition 2015! *****

Don’t forget to send your best photo to Larry George at legdallas Each

photo must be renamed with the name of the photo first and then your name.

Larry must receive your photo by September 11th!!!!

Tips– this section is intended to feature one or two links to photo sites that

may enhance your knowledge, upgrade your skills and/or assist you to produce

better photos.

Tip #1 City Scape Photography by Craftsy

Tip #2 10 Rules of Photo Composition by Digital Camera World

Please have fun with these, and if you have a site you think other members will

enjoy, please share it by sending an E-mail it to [email protected]

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