Page 1: Open Air News from Paul & Carmina

Dear Friends,

Greetings to you, our friends and supporters! Thank you for standing with us in the Gospel by praying for us and sending us out with all your financial gifts. We have seen God’s faithfulness to support us many times through anonymous gifts at just the right time. We are so humbled by your love and support.

STAFF CONFERENCERemember the Snow? In February we had a wonderful time together with fellow staff at our annual staff conference. This year we held the Conference right here in Maryland. Therefore, our staff was responsible for all the logistics for the conference. The conference will not easily be forgotten as we were blessed with the biggest snowstorm in our area in recorded history known as “Snowmeggedden.” We are grateful to all who took part in the conference. We were blessed by the music of Bill and Karen Itzel and enjoyed being challenged from the Word by Way of the Master Ministry’s own Tony Miano.

College ministry is always challenging as the students are indoctrinated by the majority of college professors with a godless naturalistic evolutionary worldview. We have the privilege of going to the campuses and proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ in whom are all the treasure of wisdom and knowledge. At UMBC we have established relationships with students who come and see us on a continuing basis. We look forward to returning in the fall.

Kids Bible ClubsWe just finished running our two fall and spring Kids’ Bible Clubs and were blessed by the privilege of teaching these wonderful kids the Word of God. Your gifts of support made all this possible, and we are thankful for your part in this ministry of the Gospel. We look forward to resuming these weekly Kids’ Clubs, again, in the fall.

We will be back to one of our Bible Club locations in Langley Park, Maryland for a VBS this July 26-30. The kids look forward to this every year as I bring a team of teens with me to play with the kids and teach the kids the Gospel. At the end of the week one boy and one girl who earn the most points through memorizing, Bible verses, bringing family and friends win a prize. Please keep this week in prayer.

OAC * 10345 Whitewasher Way * Columbia, MD 21044 * [email protected] * (301) 928-7179

Spring 2010

News from Paul & Carmiña

Preaching on the Campus of UMBC

Staff Conference 2010

College Ministry

Crofton Woods Elementary School

Page 2: Open Air News from Paul & Carmina

Boardwalk MinistrySummer is right on the doorstep and beginning in June we have four different church youth groups coming to do ministry on the boardwalk in Ocean City, Maryland. This is an excellent time as we have the opportunity to disciple teens with daily devotions, apologetics, and the Gospel. We teach them how to preach the Gospel both in the open air and in one-on-one contexts. We then take the teens out on the boardwalk every evening to share the Gospel with their own peers. This can be very challenging and sometimes friends from school see them out preaching the Gospel. This is an amazing blessing.

Evangelism Training SeminarsIt is time for our annual Open Air Campaigners Evangelism Training Seminars. This year we are holding these week-long practical training events in four different cities. Boston, Kansas City, Los Angeles, and right here in Maryland at Washington Bible College May 31-June 5. Please pray for the attendees and the outreaches we will be conducting in all these cities. It is a real time of faith stretching for the students as many share the Gospel for the first time during these seminars.

Downtown Silver Spring We are very excited about a new place that God has opened up for us right here in our own backyard called Downtown Silver Spring. I remember reading about the revitalization project in Silver Spring years ago and hoping that it would be a new place to preach. Well, it has developed into just that and has surpassed my expectations. It is a great place to preach on Friday and Saturday nights with large crowds that include people from all over the world. Last time I was there I talked to people from Pakistan, Korea, and Ethiopia. After listening to a complete message, the Pakistani couple I spoke to had many questions. I ended up sharing with them for a very long time. When they left I gave them my card and told them that I would love to continue our conversation over lunch sometime. The husband replied, “I just might take you up on that offer.” Please pray that God would work in their hearts and that they would indeed call.

Gifts of support in any amount help keep us on the job and are

tax-deductible when made out to Open Air Campaigners for Paul & Carmiña Adams and sent


PO Box DNazareth, PA 18064

Thanks for your friendship, prayers, and support!

In Christ Love,

Paul, Carmiña, Shauna, Cameron

Preaching on the Boardwalk in OC

The World on our Doorstep in Downtown Silver Spring.

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