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WHAT DO YOU THINK THE AVERAGE WOMENS UK DRESS SIZE IS? - I think it’s a 10- Yeah I would agreeNo, its actually a size 12.

- Is it really?- Wow I didn’t expect that

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HOW MUCH MONEY DO YOU SPEND ON MAKE-UP IN 2 MONTHS? - Within 2 months? I’d probably say about £40- Yeah I think I would say about £40 as well

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IF YOU WERE TO GO OUTSIDE AND PEOPLE WERE STARING AT YOU, WHY DO YOU THINK THEY WOULD BE STARING? - You might be wearing something nice- Yeah but you don’t know, they might be staring at you in the wrong way, like they might not be wearing, or parts of your make-up or even your facial features.-Yeah or you might even have something on your face.- Your hair might not be on point.

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WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE TERM PLUS SIZED? - What size 14+?Yeah 14.- Love your curves.- I think it’s a bit harsh to label them as plus size.- Yeah I don’t think that a size 14 is plus size. I don’t think that they should be singled out as having to shop somewhere different.- Yeah if you’re a size 20, then why can’t you get a size 20 in a River Island shop?- I don’t think if you’re a size 14 plus you should be singled out or have to shop somewhere else. I thinks its offensive.

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IF YOU COULD CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOU WHAT WOULD IT BE AND WHY? - Probably my stomach area.- I would want to lose a bit of weight, or quite a lot of weight.- I’d want to grow a better beard.

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DO YOU THINK THAT BEAUTY MAKES YOU SUCCESSFUL? - In certain ways yeah- Yeah look at the Kardashians, they’re successful for beauty.- For some jobs you just need to look presentable- For us lot its not really important, its more important for celebrities.If you think about it, if you were to go in for a job interview and you were what people thought were ugly or you were a big person and you went in against a skinny girl with long hair and what not, do you think it would make your chance of getting that job a bit less likely?

- It shouldn’t happen but yeah, it does.- Over all personal appearance means more than what you’re actually good at.- I agree, if you’re a receptionist or you work on tills you need to look presentable.

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HOW IMPORTANT IS BEAUTY IN YOUR DAILY LIFE? - Really important to me.- Some days I care some days I don’t.- I think its more important on some days more so than others. Maybe at the weekend if I’m going out then I will be more concerned.- Sometimes I just can’t be bothered.

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DO YOU THINK THAT CHILDREN SHOULD BE ENTERED INTO BEAUTY PAGEANTS? - No.- No.- No.- I think that gives them a false perception of life.- Its cruel.- Its not right, that’s not a childhood for any child.- I don’t agree with 7 year olds having a full face of make-up or a spray tan.

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DO YOU THINK SKIN COLOUR AFFECTS BEAUTY? - No I don’t.- No I don’t.- No I don’t.

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WHAT PERSONALITY TRAIT DO YOU THINK IS MOST IMPORTANT TO BE BEAUTIFUL? - Smiling a lot, happy. If you’re a happy person. If you’re quite happy.- Yeah I agree.- That’s a hard question.- You need to be confident and outgoing.- Outgoing and approachable makes people seem attractive.- I think if you’re shy and make people feel uncomfortable then people don’t really want to approach you, where as if you’re confident it’s probably a lot easier.

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DEFINE BEAUTY IN YOUR OWN WORDS - I think being happy and in your own skin.- Being yourself.- Being yourself being happy and being confident with your own body.- Yeah being comfortable.

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SUMMARYSo we have spoken to 2 girls who are deemed as our target audience. We also included a male in our questionnaire to have a varied voice of opinion. We got a varied amount of opinions when asking the questions we did.When we asked our audience whether they thought you needed beauty to be successful, they agreed that you did. They thought that by having knowledge in beauty is important to get a job, however disagreed when asked whether child pageants were right. Essentially pageants are giving young children knowledge on beauty. Certain people may say that by entering them into pageants it is preparing them for the real world, because even as we asked, beauty is important to be successful. In pageants, children win awards and money for being the most beautiful, the most talented, the nicest smile and the nicest dress etc. This is essentially educating them on beauty and how to look the best, so their answers were quite contradictive.On our final question we asked them to define beauty in their own words. Their responses were basically based around being comfortable in your own skin and being confident with your own body. When we asked the girls how much they spent on make-up every 2 months, their response was £40. Additionally, they said if they could change something about them it would be their weight. Kacper’s response was his beard. This shows us a sense of insecurity however they do show a sense of ambition. There was talk about celebrities that are really famous, such as the Kardashians. This again shows us that they may be comparing themselves to people like this. This shows that they may be trying to look like these type of people, again showing that they have some form of ambition. Over all we managed to find out that our target audience are insecure, however ambitious, but they are also quite mainstream. Giving examples of the Kardashians who are well known by everyone shows us this.

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