


Ricardian ContractsDigital Content



Step 1: Vendor makes a listing



Step 1: Vendor makes a listing

Metadata1. OBCV

• OpenBazaar contract version• Contract schemas may evolve over time and it may be

necessary to track what version of the contract is being used

2. Expiry• The date until the contract is a valid listing

3. Category• Category of Ricardian Contract• Current categories: physical goods, digital goods, services• More categories will appear with time

4. Sub-category• At the moment, sub-category refers to the type of

payment model• Future sub-categories: auction, barter etc


Step 1: Vendor makes a listing

ID (Vendor details)1. GUID

• OpenBazaar network ID2. Pubkeys

• Bitcoin: multisig signing key• PGP: transportable identity if the vendor has >1 node

3. Passcard• Onename’s Passcard username• Used to establish broader ID of the Vendor


Step 1: Vendor makes a listing

Digital Content1. Title

• Name of the item2. Description

• Character limited description of the item3. Price

• Bitcoin: shipping fee in bitcoin• Fiat: shipping fee in fiat that the bitcoin price floats to

4. Images• Image hash: SHA256 hash of the image to lock in identity of the

image• Image URLs: if not locally hosted by the Vendor’s node

5. Keywords• Used for reverse-lookup on the distributed hash table (i.e.

search)6. Process Time

• The maximum predicted time it will take a Vendor to ship the item after receiving an order

7. Ephemeral• Defines how long the content is available for (time, downloads)

if applicable


Step 1: Vendor makes a listing

Moderator1. GUID

• OpenBazaar network ID2. Pubkeys

• PGP: transportable identity if the Moderator has >1 node

• Escrow Pubkey: public key combined with the buyer’s 32 byte chain code to generate Moderator’s multisignature signing key

3. Passcard• Onename’s Passcard username• Used to establish broader ID of the Vendor

4. Service• Service fee: percentage or flat fee per transaction• Service description: activities and terms of service


Vendor cryptographic keys shown in ‘01_listing’ are used to digitally sign all of

the ‘01_listing’ data, which proves that the owner of the keys created this data

Step 1: Vendor makes a listing

{"01_metadata":{"01_obcv":"","02_expiry":"","03_category":"physical good","04_category_sub":"fixed price"},"02_id":{"01_guid":"","02_pubkeys":{"bitcoin":"","pgp":""},"03_passcard":""},"03_item":{"01_title":"","02_description":"","03_condition":"","04_price":{"bitcoin":"","fiat":{"01_price":"","02_currency_code":""}},"05_images":{"image_hashes":[""],"image_urls":[""]},"06_keywords":[""],"07_process_time":""},"04_shipping":{"01_free":false,"02_flat_fee":{"01_bitcoin":{"01_domestic":"","02_international":""},"02_fiat":{"01_price":{"01_domestic":"","02_international":""},"02_currency_code":""}},"03_est_delivery":{"01_domestic":"","02_international":""},"04_api":{"01_api_src":"Shippo","02_carriers":["FedEx","UPS"],"03_package":{"01_length":"","02_width":"","03_height":"","04_distance_unit":"","05_weight":"","06_mass_unit":""},"04_shipping_origin":{"01_country":"","02_zip":""}}},"05_moderator":{"01_guid":"","02_pubkeys":{"pgp":"","pgp_sig":"sig(selfsig_pubkey)","pubkey":"xxx"},"03_passcard":"","04_service":{"01_service_fee":"","02_service_desc":""}}}

What it looks like in JSON



Stage 2: Buyer places an order

2. Buyer places an order, funds multisig address (funds are now in escrow)

Buyer generates a 32 byte chain code, combines with Moderator public key to generate a pubkey for the Moderator. The Moderator can generate the private key in the event of a dispute after the 32

byte chain code is disclosed. Multisignature escrow address can now be generated from the Vendor, Buyer and Moderator’s pubkeys.


Stage 2: Buyer places an order

2. Buyer places an order, funds multisig address (funds are now in escrow)

Buyer generates a 32 byte chain code, combines with Moderator public key to generate a pubkey for the Moderator. The Moderator can generate the private key in the event of a dispute after the 32

byte chain code is disclosed. Multisignature escrow address can now be generated from the Vendor, Buyer and Moderator’s pubkeys.

Reference Hash1. Reference

• Contract ID (listing) that the order applies to• Example:

• RIPEMD-160(01_vendor): cca4b4bf91a16ee76e1944624c4f7c0f8729a6f1• Base58(RIPEMD-160[01_vendor]): 3rMrSZ2VDgb63ZvgEsdVjiscXurg• Final: OB3rMrSZ2VDgb63ZvgEsdVjiscXurg


Stage 2: Buyer places an order

2. Buyer places an order, funds multisig address (funds are now in escrow)

Buyer generates a 32 byte chain code, combines with Moderator public key to generate a pubkey for the Moderator. The Moderator can generate the private key in the event of a dispute after the 32

byte chain code is disclosed. Multisignature escrow address can now be generated from the Vendor, Buyer and Moderator’s pubkeys.

ID (Buyer)1. Pubkeys

• Unlike the Vendor, the Buyer is only identified in the contract by their bitcoin signing key

• Bitcoin: multisig signing key


Stage 2: Buyer places an order

2. Buyer places an order, funds multisig address (funds are now in escrow), and send shipping address

Buyer generates a 32 byte chain code, combines with Moderator public key to generate a pubkey for the Moderator. The Moderator can generate the private key in the event of a dispute after the 32

byte chain code is disclosed. Multisignature escrow address can now be generated from the Vendor, Buyer and Moderator’s pubkeys.

Digital Content1. Semantics

• Any data the buyer needs to give to the Vendor to make a purchase• E.g. Quality


Stage 2: Buyer places an order

2. Buyer places an order, funds multisig address (funds are now in escrow), and send shipping address

Buyer generates a 32 byte chain code, combines with Moderator public key to generate a pubkey for the Moderator. The Moderator can generate the private key in the event of a dispute after the 32

byte chain code is disclosed. Multisignature escrow address can now be generated from the Vendor, Buyer and Moderator’s pubkeys.

Multisignature Details1. Chain code

• 32 bytes of random data used to generate the Moderator’s multisig signing public key

2. Multisignature address• Multisig address generated from the Vendor,

Buyer and Moderator’s bitcoin pubkeys3. Redemption script

• To verify that the multisig address is comprised of the pubkeys listed in the contract

4. Transaction ID (txid)• Evidence that the Buyer has funded the

multisignature address with the purchase amount in the listing

• Optional, in the sense that if the payment is made from the Bitcoin purse, the TXID can be automatically filled in


Stage 2: Buyer places an order

2. Buyer places an order, funds multisig address (funds are now in escrow), and send shipping address

Buyer generates a 32 byte chain code, combines with Moderator public key to generate a pubkey for the Moderator. The Moderator can generate the private key in the event of a dispute after the 32

byte chain code is disclosed. Multisignature escrow address can now be generated from the Vendor, Buyer and Moderator’s pubkeys.

Signatures• Bitcoin

• Multisig signing key of the Buyer is used to sign JSON data from ‘02_buyer.01_order’



Step 3: Vendor ships the item

3. Vendor indicates that the order is processed and a URL to the digital content is sent; sends a signed transaction releasing funds from escrow to their payout address (signature required from Buyer or Moderator to release funds after item delivered)Alice

The Vendor


Step 3: Vendor ships the item

3. Vendor indicates that the order is processed and a URL to the digital content is sent; sends a signed transaction releasing funds from escrow to their payout address (signature required from Buyer or Moderator to release funds after item delivered)Alice

The Vendor

Reference Hash1. Reference

• Contract ID (order) that the data applies to


Step 3: Vendor ships the item

3. Vendor indicates that the order is processed and a URL to the digital content is sent; sends a signed transaction releasing funds from escrow to their payout address (signature required from Buyer or Moderator to release funds after item delivered)Alice

The Vendor

Source1. Content Source

• Encrypted URL: link for the Buyer to download, stream, or access the digital content; XOR’d with a nonce encrypted with the Buyer and Moderator’s public key

• Encrypted Password: password to the content, if any; XOR’d with a nonce and encrypted with the Buyer and Moderator’s public key

• SHA256 nonce: necessary to determine the URL and password; used to verify against

• Encrypted nonce: nonce encrypted to the Buyer’s public key

2. Payout• Payout address: Vendor’s bitcoin address where

the multisig funds will be released to after the item is delivered

• Signed transaction: signed transaction releasing funds from multisig to the payout address; requires only 1 more signature from Buyer or Moderator to be accepted


Step 3: Vendor ships the item

3. Vendor indicates that the order is processed and a URL to the digital content is sent; sends a signed transaction releasing funds from escrow to their payout address (signature required from Buyer or Moderator to release funds after item delivered)Alice

The Vendor

Signatures• Bitcoin

• Multisig signing key of the Vendor is used to sign JSON data from ‘03_vendor.01_invoice’

• PGP• PGP key of the Vendor is used to sign JSON data from




Step 4: Buyer confirms item received

BobThe Buyer

4. Buyer indicates that the content was accessible; signs transaction and release funds from multisig to

the Vendor. Attaches rating/review.


Reference Hash1. Reference

• Contract ID (shipping notice) that the data applies to

Step 4: Buyer confirms item received

BobThe Buyer

4. Buyer indicates that the content was accessible; signs transaction and release funds from multisig to

the Vendor. Attaches rating/review.


Digital Content1. Received

• Was the digital content accessible (Boolean)?

Step 4: Buyer confirms item received

BobThe Buyer

4. Buyer indicates that the content was accessible; signs transaction and release funds from multisig to

the Vendor. Attaches rating/review.


Payout1. Signed transaction

• The Buyer-signed transaction from the Vendor (in `03_vendor`) that releases funds from multisig to the Vendor’s payout address

2. Transaction ID (txid)• Reference to the bitcoin transaction

releasing funds from multisig• Automatically done if there is a

Bitcoin Purse

Step 4: Buyer confirms item received

BobThe Buyer

4. Buyer indicates that the content was accessible; signs transaction and release funds from multisig to

the Vendor. Attaches rating/review.


Rating1. Transaction rating

• Select from choices:• Positive• Neutral• Negative

2. Content quality• Rate out of 5 stars

3. Content description• Rate out of 5 stars

4. Customer service• Rate out of 5 stars

5. Feedback• Character limited text reviewing the


Step 4: Buyer confirms item received

BobThe Buyer

4. Buyer indicates that the content was accessible; signs transaction and release funds from multisig to

the Vendor. Attaches rating/review.


Step 4: Buyer confirms item received

BobThe Buyer

4. Buyer indicates that the content was accessible; signs transaction and release funds from multisig to

the Vendor. Attaches rating/review.

Dispute1. Dispute

1. Does the Buyer flag a dispute? (boolean)2. Claim

• If there is a dispute, what does the Buyer claim as the grievance?


Signatures• Bitcoin

• Multisig signing key of the Vendor is used to sign JSON data from ‘04_buyer.01_receipt’

Step 4: Buyer confirms item received

BobThe Buyer

4. Buyer indicates that the content was accessible; signs transaction and release funds from multisig to

the Vendor. Attaches rating/review.

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