Page 1: OPENING COMMENTS - Performance Review Institute · Web viewJohanna Lisa, Supplier representative for Aerospace Quality Systems (AQS) Task Group The following membership changes were





These minutes are not final until confirmed by the Management Council in writing or by vote at a subsequent meeting. Information herein does not constitute a communication or recommendation from the Council and shall not be considered as such by any agency.



1.1 Call to Order / Quorum Check

The Nadcap Management Council (NMC) Steering Meeting was called to order at 9:00 a.m., 21-Feb-2018 by Chairperson Richard Blyth.

It was noted that only NMC Voting Members and invited guests of the chair were in attendance during the meeting. Invited guests of the Chair include Stan Trull (Honeywell Aerospace).

The Chairperson also noted that Gary White will have Dale Harmon’s proxy for this meeting.

A quorum was established with the following representatives in attendance:

Subscriber Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)


* Tomohiko Ashikaga Mitsubishi Heavy Industries* David Bale Pratt & Whitney Canada* Pascal Blondet Airbus Commercial Aircraft* Richard Blyth Rolls-Royce Chairperson* Craig Bowden BAE Systems – MAI (UK)* Steve Dix Eaton, Aerospace Group* Dave Hansen US Air Force* Michel Jacquaniello Zodiac Aerospace* Wendy Jiang COMAC* Bob Koukol Honeywell Aerospace* Ralph Kropp MTU Aero Engines* Marc-André Lefebvre Héroux-Devtek* Jeff Lott The Boeing Company* Scott Maitland UTC Aerospace (Goodrich)* Robin McGuckin Bombardier Aerospace* Frank McManus Lockheed Martin Corp. Vice Chairperson* Roger Merriman Textron Aviation* Steven Meyer Spirit AeroSystems* Ana Ottani dos Santos Embraer SA* John Pfeiffer GE Aviation* Scott Porterfield Triumph Group, Inc.* Fabrizio Quadrini Leonardo Helicopters* Per Rehndell GKN Aerospace Sweden AB* Norberto Roiz-Lafuente Airbus Defence & Space* Davide Salerno Leonardo Aircraft* Victor Schonberger Israel Aerospace Industries* Lindsey Shaw Raytheon Co.* David Soong Pratt & Whitney

Stanley Trull Honeywell Aerospace

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* Scott Wheatley Rockwell Collins

Supplier Members/Participants Present (* Indicates Voting Member)


* Jim Cummings Metal Finishing Company Chemical Processing* Shelly Lawless Meyer Tool Nonconventional Machining /

Surface Enhancement* Tammi Schubert Helicomb International Measurement & Inspection* Pete Scrimshire Special Metals Wiggin – Incotest Materials Testing Laboratories* Wilfried Weber PFW Aerospace GmbH Heat Treating* Gary White Orbit Industries Nondestructive Testing

PRI Staff Present

Mark AubeleHannah GodfreyMichael GrahamConnie HessScott KlavonJim LewisBob LizewskiKellie O’ConnorGlenn ShultzJon Steffey

1.2 Code of Ethics, Anti-Trust & Conflict of Interest

Richard Blyth reviewed the Code of Ethics, Anti-Trust and Conflict of Interest policy, and the video was viewed by the group.

1.3 Approval of Previous Meeting Minutes

Motion made by Roger Merriman and seconded by Pascal Blondet to accept the minutes. Motion passed, and the October 2017 NMC Steering meeting minutes were approved as written.


The following new NMC members were confirmed at this meeting by the Chairperson Richard Blyth.

Greg Hall, Northrop Grumman (Alternate) Daniel Calderwood, BAE Systems – MAI UK (Alternate) Johanna Lisa, Supplier representative for Aerospace Quality Systems (AQS) Task Group

The following membership changes were announced at the last NMC Teleconference Call in January 2018. There are no new updates since that time.

New Members:o Tommy Howland, Supplier Voting Member for Aero Structures Assembly (ASA)

Task Groupo Peter Scrimshire, Supplier Voting Member for Materials Testing Laboratories

(MTL) Task Groupo Steven Meyer, Spirit AeroSystemso Alex Olmedo, Triumph Group, Inc.o Scott Wheatley, Rockwell Collins

Page 3: OPENING COMMENTS - Performance Review Institute · Web viewJohanna Lisa, Supplier representative for Aerospace Quality Systems (AQS) Task Group The following membership changes were



Resigned Members:o Karen Kim, Sikorsky Lockheed Martino Corwyn Berger, Supplier Voting Member from MTL Task Groupo Troy Grim, Spirit AeroSystemso Frank Mariot, Triumph Group, Inc.o Michael Bess, DCMA (Alternate)o Scott Severson, Rockwell Collins

Other Changeso Héroux-Devtek: Serge Labbé and Marc-André Lefebvre (former Alternate) will be

switching roles. Serge Labbé will move into the Alternate voting member position. Marc-André Lefebvre (former Alternate) will now be the primary voting



The NMC Steering RAIL was reviewed.

To view the full NMC RAIL for all committees and sub-teams, please visit, use the Task Group menu to select Nadcap Management Council, Task Group Work Area, and then click on the “Forum” tab.


4.1 Metrics

Richard Blyth updated the NMC on the current activities of the Metrics Committee. The Nadcap performance metrics are all currently green. The Committee is working on an equitable contribution metric, which includes Subscriber Task Group and NMC letter ballot participation, auditor interview participation, and Observation Audit participation.

The Metrics Committee would like to present the equitable participation metric during the NMC At Large meetings and asked for NMC approval. It was suggested that the slide should note that this is currently a pilot metric for 2018. It was also suggested that perhaps the legend needs to be consolidated or removed to avoid confusion. The information presented would not have specific data, however this information will be made available to the NMC members for further investigation if needed. The NMC agreed that this information could be presented at the NMC At Large meeting.

Changes to membership were made as follows:

New Members:o Ana Ottani dos Santoso Marc-Andre Lefebvreo Victor Schonbergero Steve Meyero Alex Olmedo

4.2 Ethics & Appeals

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Victor Schonberger gave an update on the NMC Ethics & Appeals Committee. The Committee met face-to-face on Monday to discuss the revised OP 1124 to include media reports of unethical behavior, as well as resolve comments from the OP 1113 ballot. There are currently no open appeals. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

The following membership changes to the Committee were announced:

Outgoing Members:o Frank Mariot

Incoming Members:o Alex Olmedoo Steven Meyero Roger Merriman

David Soong also gave an update on the Export Control Sub-Team, which met during the Madrid Nadcap Meeting. The team discussed a proposal from the Welding Task Group of potential changes to the classification of Export Control audits and how auditors are assigned. The sub-team will be conducting some data analysis, and there will be an update at the next meeting.

4.3 Globalization & Strategy

Jeff Lott reviewed the major discussion points from the Committee meeting, which included a proposal from the Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Task Group regarding an Outside Agency Accreditation Program (OAAP), a new procedure for new Task Groups and processes, and updates from the Remote Service Providers, Aero Structures Assembly, and Nadcap Meeting in Beijing teams. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

4.4 Oversight

Bob Lizewski gave an update on the Oversight Committee’s activities this week, which included review of the 2017 Observation audits, and the plan for 2018 Task Group Observations. The Committee also discussed the progress of the 2018 Oversight Audit, and ballot comments for the recent ballot of OP 1118, Auditor Observations. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

Page 5: OPENING COMMENTS - Performance Review Institute · Web viewJohanna Lisa, Supplier representative for Aerospace Quality Systems (AQS) Task Group The following membership changes were



4.5 Standardization

Bob Koukol gave an update on the Standardization Committee’s activities. The Committee discussed the status of the self-audit submittal process, and currently all checklists have been modified except one, which is still in the ballot process. The Merit sub-team gave an update and will be presenting at the Planning & Ops meeting later this week. The Management of Change sub-team has agreed to a set of questions that will be added to core checklists. Also, the No Aerospace Customers sub-team received Committee approval to move forward with a proposed concept, and an update will be given at the next meeting in June 2018. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

4.6 Subscriber Accreditation

The Committee met at the October 2017 meeting, and has not met in Madrid, therefore, there are no updates this meeting.


Scott Klavon gave an update on the planned Nadcap Symposia for 2018. There are 11 planned symposia for this year, between March and November, taking place in each region. For more details on the current status, please see the attached slide. There will be four taking place in North America, including the first one in Mexico. Three will take place in Asia, and three will take place in Europe.

Action item NMC-50 is now closed.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff (Kellie O’Connor) to resend the notification for the Mexico symposium to the NMC Members. (Due Date: 15-Mar-2018, Completed)

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to investigate posting more specific information on the website regarding the Nadcap Symposia (date, location, registration). (Due Date: 31-Aug-2018)

This information will be posted on PRI Website and presented to Steering at every February Nadcap Meeting.


Mark Aubele gave an update on the status of action item #NMC-41, regarding the creation of a process or procedure for New Task Groups. OP 1119, Audit Criteria Development, was used as a basis, since it already addressed much of what was needed regarding the process for a new Task

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Group or process. The title of this document is going to be revised to “Audit Process and Criteria Development”. The revised document is now in review with PRI’s Document Transition team.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff to give a status update on the PRI Document Transition team’s progress and activities. (Due Date: 20-Jun-2018)


Joe Pinto gave an update on the upcoming PRI Board of Directors meeting taking place in Arizona in a couple of weeks. There is some transition of the membership that will be taking place at this time. There are new members who will be attending from Boeing and Airbus. The Board’s focus will be audit effectiveness, the supplier outreach activities, including Supplier Support Committee updates, as well as progress on the newsletters, and the Nadcap Symposia.


Bob Lizewski reviewed a proposal to add withdrawn certificates to OP 1109, Supplier Advisories. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

Current advisory types include: Type P (Potential Product Impact) Type C (Confirmed Product Impact) Type F (Audit Failure)

Proposed changes would include a new document title, “Accreditation Advisories”. The purpose of the document would be modified to add facilities that lose accreditation to the statement. A new advisory type would be created, Type W (Accreditation Withdrawn). There is also a possibility of adding two additional categories, Type S (Accreditation Suspended) and Type L (Accreditation Lapsed).

The NMC agreed with the concept of adding Type W, Type S, and Type L advisories.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff (Bob Lizewski) to revise OP 1109 to add the new advisory types for accreditation withdrawal, suspension, and lapsed and submit to ballot. (Due Date: 30-May-2018)

Per the discussion during the NMC Standardization Committee meeting, the verbiage regarding product impact should be “Confirmed”, not “Actual”.


Mark Aubele gave a presentation on AS9100 transition issues. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

The deadline to transition to 9100 revision D is 15-Sep-2018, and there is a significant number of suppliers who are still working to transition to the new revision. The last time 9100 transitioned (from revision B to revision C), the Aerospace Quality Systems (AQS) Task Group is recommending a grace period again to accept the old revision for a six-month period from 15-

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Sep-2018 to 15-Mar-2019. The Task Group would accept the old revision even if suspended in OASIS. This represents the same 6-month grace period for Nadcap Suppliers as allowed in previous transition. From 15-Mar-2019, the Task Group would monitor those Suppliers and consider the reason for suspension.

It was noted that the communication should be very clear that this is only related to the Nadcap accreditation, and that the Subscribers have their own internal process to deal with the transition and Suppliers who don’t transition by the deadline. This grace period would only affect their Nadcap accreditation and would in no way effect the Suppliers’ Quality System certification or the status of their transition. There should also be a note included for Suppliers to check their customers’ requirements relative to how they would proceed with the transition.

The NMC agreed that the AQS Task Group could proceed with the six-month Nadcap grace period.


Jon Steffey gave a brief update on the latest eAuditNet enhancements, notably the OP 1101 changes to document balloting, auto-updating of Auditor scope qualifications, non-critical process quality systems (AC7005), scope locking, automation of payment handling during suspension/withdrawal, user manager performance improvements, and country updates. Jon also highlighted some of the in-progress and in-queue projects, which include Multiple observers, multiple contacts per audit and contact types per supplier, certificate withheld emails, Supplier-Subscriber identification improvements, email notifications clean-up, observation process improvements & overhaul (OP 1118), and QML / Audit Manager Improvements (“My Watch List” per-user customizable tracking). For more details, please see the attached presentation.

Additionally, as a follow-up to the discussion related to Subscriber participants during the October 2017 meeting, Jon gave a status update on the actions that were assigned. The NMC committed in the October 2017 Steering meeting to review user access rights, to ensure integrity of access to program data. In response to the actions: login pop-ups remind Company Admins if they have not reviewed within 6 months, and bi-annual email reminders are sent; Tutorial/Manuals have been available and were re-broadcast to Subscriber Company Admins; and as of 19-Feb-2018, 11 Subscribers have confirmed with PRI their User Review/Currency.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff (Jon Steffey) to re-send the email request requesting the Subscribers’ Company Administrators to review their users in eAuditNet. (Due Date: 20-Jun-2018)


Dale Harmon gave an update on the SSC activities taking place in Madrid this week. The 2017 Supplier Survey is still in progress, with 1921 responses received to date, and will run until 23-Feb-2018. OP 1123 is currently in PRI staff ballot, with a change to the SSC Task Group representative selection process. For more details, please see the attached presentation.

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In addition, the SSC had an open forum in Pittsburgh and Madrid to ask Suppliers what more Nadcap can do for them. Raw data has been compiled and will be reviewed by the SSC to determine what actions can be derived from the feedback gathered.

There is one membership change: There is a new SSC Task Group representative for Metallic Materials Manufacturing (MMM), Natia Turmanidze of Alcoa. The previous representative for MMM, Jonathan Gonzalez, has stepped down.


12.1 Registration Process for Subscribers

Kellie O’Connor raised an issue with consultant representatives of Subscriber companies and how they register for the Nadcap Meetings. A number of consultant representatives for Subscriber companies registered themselves as “Guests”, likely because they are not employees of the Subscriber company. The “Guest” status gives the representatives a grey badge, which would not give them access to Closed meetings. This issue is being brought to the NMC to determine how they would like to see their consultants register in order to grant them proper access.

It was determined that consultants should register as Subscribers, however it was requested that a checkbox be added to the Nadcap registration form, which would be checked by any consultants to flag them as such. This would also ensure that the consultants are included on the pre-registration Subscriber Verification emails which Kellie sends to the NMC Subscriber representatives.

ACTION ITEM: PRI Staff (Kellie O’Connor) to add a checkbox adjacent to the Subscriber list on Nadcap Meeting registrations, which would allow registrants to indicate whether they are a consultant representative for that Subscriber company. (Due Date: 15-Mar-2018, Completed)

12.2 NMC Audit Effectiveness

Richard Blyth proposed to add a permanent continuous improvement Committee to the NMC organizational structure.

Motion made by Frank McManus and seconded by Roger Merriman to add a permanent Committee for continuous improvement and revise PD 1100. Motion passed (24 approved, 1 disapproved, 4 abstained).

12.3 Bob Koukol noted that following the NMC Standardization Committee meeting in Madrid, there were a number of requests to modify the t-frm-15 (audit criteria template). Getting template changes implemented into the checklists for all Task Groups is a cumbersome process, and a tracking method should be identified. If the NMC is in agreement, a proposal will be developed to create a checklist supplement to capture these changes and include them in audit scopes.

ADJOURNMENT – 21-Feb-2018 – Meeting was adjourned at 1:00 p.m.

Minutes Prepared by: Kellie O’Connor, [email protected]

***** For PRI Staff use only: ******

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(select one)

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*If yes, the following information is required:Documents requiring revision: Who is responsible: Due date:OP 1109 Bob Lizewski 30-May-2018

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