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(Certified)2013 – 2014


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• Personnel Policy Manuals are available electronically on the WCPS website under “Departments” & “HR” OR “Staff Resources” & “HR”

• Hard copies can be obtained from Personnel

• Each employee must sign and return an “acknowledgement” form for the policy manual stating that it has been made available to them

• Employees shall be held accountable for knowing and adhering to the District’s personnel policies. Failure to follow Board policies will be considered insubordination

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• The specific purpose of the evaluation is to:

• Improve Instruction• Provide a measure of performance accountability• Foster professional growth and give assistance to

employees• Support individual personnel decisions

• All evaluators shall be trained, tested and certified IAW 704 KAR 3:345, section 6, Article 2-3

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• All Administrators, certified support staff (i.e. counselors, curriculum coordinators, library media specialists, psychologists, etc.) and non-tenured teachers shall be evaluated annually

• All certified staff being evaluated shall annually develop a professional growth plan

• All tenured teachers shall be evaluated at least every three (3) years

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EVALUATIONS CONT’D• Itinerant teachers are evaluated by the principal of

their base school. The principal of all schools in which they serve may evaluate itinerant teachers

• Each evaluation cycle of certified staff shall include a minimum of two (2) formative and one (1) summative evaluation• Formative evaluation shall include a conference to be held

within one (1) workweek following each scheduled observation

• Multiple observations shall be conducted for a tenured employee whose observation results are unsatisfactory

• Completed and signed copy of the evaluation will be provided to each person evaluated following the evaluation conference

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EVALUATIONS CONT’D• A scheduled observation shall be no less than

thirty (30) minutes

• An unannounced or unscheduled observation may be less than thirty (30) minutes• If requested by the teacher, third party observations

by another teacher trained in the content area, or a curriculum content specialist shall be provided • Request must be submitted in writing no later than

February 15 of the academic year in which the summative evaluation occurs

• Third party observer is determined by mutual agreement• If unable to agree within five (5) working days, evaluator

shall select third party observer

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• A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) MAY be written if evaluatee receives a “Not Progressing” on the formative form

• A Corrective Action Plan (CAP) SHALL be written if evaluatee receives a “Not Progressing” on the summative form

• All personnel evaluated shall have an opportunity to respond in writing to the evaluation

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• All employees shall be entitled to an appeal process.• Guidelines for appeal can be found in the

Certified Personnel Policy Manual

• Electronic version of the Evaluation Manual can be found on the WCPS website under “Departments”; “Instruction” and “Additional Information”

• Hard copies of the Evaluation Manual will be made available upon request

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• Family Educational Rights & Privacy Act (FERPA)

• Federal law that protects the privacy of student education records

• The law applies to all schools that receive funds under an applicable program of the U.S. Department of Education

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What is Confidentiality?

• Confidentiality means protecting all personally identifiable data, information, and records collected, used, or kept by the school district about a student.

• Confidentiality requirements also apply to discussions about a student and the student’s record.

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• Personally identifiable data or information includes:

• Student or family names and addresses• Student social security number or student

number• Descriptions that would make easy to identify

the student• Anything else that would make it easy to

identify the student

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What Is an Educational Record?

• Sometimes referred to as “school record” or “permanent record”, an educational record is anything that the district collects, uses or maintains relating to individual students. Includes grades, health information, attendance reports, work papers, school photos, test results, etc.

• Data or information may be handwritten, drawn or typed. It may also be a photograph, an audio or video tape, or on computer disk

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• Shall be made available to the parent of a dependent student OR eligible student on request

• Eligible Students are:• 18 years of age or older, OR• Duly enrolled in a post-secondary school program

• Parent (for FERPA purposes) is:• A natural parent whose parental rights have not been

terminated by a court order or by operation of state law

• Copies of records shall be provided in a manner that protects the confidentiality of other students

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• Student records may also be shared with:

• School staff listed on the district’s current list of persons allowed access to student information• Student teachers; classroom aides; teacher assistants

• Staff from US and state department of education on official business

• Another school district’s staff when the student transfers

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• Guardians/persons appointed to act as a surrogate parent

• Foster parents of a child with a disability

• Employees of special education cooperatives providing services to students with disabilities

• Department of Social Services (DSS) in cases of suspected child abuse

• Professionals under contract with the District who work with a student may have access same as a school employee

• If records are subpoenaed, a reasonable effort to notify the parent must be made before complying with a lawful subpoena or court order

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• Personal and family information

• Testing information

• Medical, psychological and anecdotal reports

• Achievement and progress reports

• Records of conferences with a student or parent

• Copies of correspondence about the student

• A parent may request that incorrect information in a student record be changed. The District shall then have 14 days to decide what to do and notify the parent of its decision.

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• Teacher or counselor personal notes

• School security police records

• Personnel records of school employees

• Originals of the student records

• A record must be maintained of anyone that accesses a student’s school record or when records are sent to another place

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Special Education

• WCPS ensures students are provided with appropriate instruction and intervention prior to referral

• The referral system shall be conducted in a manner as to prevent inappropriate over identification or disproportionate representation by race and ethnicity of children in special education

• Building Principal or designee shall assist in understanding and completing the referral process when appropriate

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• District employees are obligated to report any reasonable belief that a child is dependent, neglected, or abused to:• Local law enforcement or State Police• Cabinet for Families & Children• Commonwealth’s Attorney or County Attorney• Principal

• A written report must be completed (can be completed on-line). Prior to submitting the report, notify: • Building Principal, OR• Todd Hazel, Student Assistance Coordinator

• Only agencies designated by law shall conduct investigations

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• If “emergency” care is required, report to nearest emergency room • Notify supervisor within 24 hrs of initial

emergency treatment

• If “non-emergency” care is required, OR for follow-up care, your School Administrator can provide a list of recommended medical providers

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• Any complaint of discrimination on the basis of race, marital status, color, national origin, age, religion, sex or disability

• Shall be reported to the Superintendent in writing• include the basis of the complaint• sign and date

• Superintendent and/or his designee (s) shall investigate• written report will be provided within 30 days of

receipt of the complaint

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• No employee shall manufacture, distribute, possess or consume any illegal drug and/or alcohol in District facilities, or any other facility or vehicle provided for conduct of District business

• No employee shall report for work on any District project, whether on-site or in the field, while under the influence of an illegal drug and/or alcohol

• Any employee reasonably believed to be impaired by, or in possession of an illegal drug and/or alcohol, may be subject to search of his/her workplace and/or drug testing

• The Superintendent shall take appropriate personnel action against any employee found in violation

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• Use purchased electronic materials in accordance with license agreements

• Question use of electronic materials supplied from sources other than District purchasing process

• Do NOT make unauthorized copies of electronic materials - - legitimate electronic materials will be provided

• Do NOT duplicate any electronic materials for personal use

• Notify immediate supervisor or District Technology Coordinator of any misuse of electronic materials

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• There is NO reasonable expectation of privacy

• KDE and/or the District reserves the right to monitor and read any communication on District owned / provided electronic devices

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Each full-time teacher shall be provided with a duty-free lunch period each day during the regularly scheduled student lunch period. The duty-free lunch period shall not be less than the length of the lunch period specified in the school calendar approved by the chief state school officer. (KRS 158.060)

• Approved lunch periods range from 20 – 25 minutes – school specific

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• Each full-time, classified staff member shall be provided with a duty-free lunch, away from their work station and free from performing assigned duties

• Each full-time, classified staff member shall be provided with a ten (10) minute break for each four (4) hours worked • Breaks shall be scheduled by the Principal

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03.113 – EEO (Reasonable Accommodations)Employees who have a long-term permanent disability may request the District supervisor to provide reasonable accommodations necessary for them to perform the essential duties of the position. Medical information obtained as part of an employee request shall be confidential.

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03.121 – Salaries (Single Salary Basis)

All salaries for certified personnel shall be based on a single-salary schedule providing, at minimum, for the number of working days required by law.

Although a school may submit a request for an increment for an extended employment position, extra service, or related adjustments, the Board must set increments in pay for positions requiring services beyond those normally expected of other position if the duties rendered extend beyond the regular school day or require extended days.

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03.121 – Salaries (Extended Employment)

. . .Extended employment positions shall be established in a position job description, funded in the District budget, and specified in an addendum to the employee’s contract

Addition of days to be worked beyond the original contract or additional days of extended employment for a position require prior Board approval before the change goes into effect

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03.12322 - FMLA

4. To address a qualifying exigency (need) defined by federal regulation arising out of the covered active duty or call to active duty involving deployment to a foreign country of the employee’s spouse, son, daughter, or parent, who serves in a reserve component or as an active or retired member ….

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03.12322- FMLA

5. To care for a service family member (spouse, son, daughter, parent or next of kin) who has incurred or aggravated a serious injury in the line of duty while on active duty in the Armed Forces that has rendered or may render the family member medically unfit to perform his/her duties or to care for a covered veteran with a serious injury or illness as defined by federal regulations.

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03.12322 – FMLA (Notices & Deadlines)

NOTE: Only the District’s human resources professional, leave administrator, or personnel director may contact an employee’s health care provider to clarify or authenticate an FML certification in support of an FML request about which there are questions. The employee’s direct supervisor shall not contact the provider.

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03.1233 – Maternity / Paternity Leave

Paid Sick Leave

An employee shall receive six (6) weeks of maternity/paternity leave immediately following the birth or adoption. . . in which they may use up to thirty (30) days of sick leave

• Additional sick days may be used when the need is verified by a physician’s statement

• Such Leave shall be considered leave under FMLA

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03.125 – Expense Reimbursement

Reimbursement Form

Out of District travel vouchers shall be submitted within two (2) weeks of the travel.

Without proper documentation, individuals shall not receive reimbursement, and if it is determined that reimbursement was made based on incomplete or improper documentation, the individual may be required to reimburse the district.

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03.1321 – Use of School Property

All individuals shall be responsible for school equipment, supplies, books, furniture, and apparatus under their care and use. Any damaged, lost, stolen or vandalized property shall be reported to the employee’s immediate supervisor, who shall then report it to the Superintendent/designee once it is confirmed that the item cannot be recovered.

In addition, employees shall not perform personal services for themselves or for others for pay or profit during work time and/or using District property or facilities. District property being used for unauthorized purposes shall be reported to that employee’s immediate supervisor.

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• Full-time certified / classified employees shall be entitled to two (2) Personal leave days each school year

• Personal leave shall not be taken the day before or after a holiday, OR scheduled school break, unless approved by the Superintendent

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• Full-time certified / classified employees shall be entitled to one (1) day of emergency leave with pay each school year

• Emergency leave shall be granted for the following reasons:• Death of a relative or personal friend• Personal disaster (tornadoes, fire, floods, etc.),

which are not covered by sick leave• Appearances in court when required by

subpoena (does not include actions in which the employee is a party and the subpoena is obtained by or on their behalf)

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03.1232 - SICK LEAVE

• Employees earn ten (10) sick days per school year.

• For qualifying events, FMLA will start and run concurrently with any paid sick leave, for eligible employees.• Supervisors will need to notify Personnel

immediately upon learning that an employee will be out for an extended period of time for:• A serious health condition

• To care for a family member with a serious health condition

• For the birth or adoption of a child

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03.1237 / 03.2237 – JURY DUTY

• Employees required to report to jury duty more than two (2) hours AFTER the school begins, shall report for their regular workday

• Employees are required to return to their work locations immediately following release from jury duty, if within two (2) hours BEFORE the end of the workday

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03.13251 – 03.23251 – DRUG-FREE / ALCOHOL-FREE SCHOOLS

• Refusal to test shall be considered a “positive” test and appropriate personnel action shall be taken, up to and including termination

• Each employee shall notify the Superintendent in writing of any criminal drug statute conviction within five (5) calendar days of the conviction

• Prohibited substances include prescribed and over-the counter drugs, prohibited volatile substances as defined in KRS 217.900, or synthetic compounds/substances that are used, or intended for use, for an abusive and or intoxicating purpose

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• IAW 16 KAR 2:030, substitute teachers selected for “long-term” assignments, must be selected in the following order:

• Fully certified in the area of study• Fully certified in any area• Holds an SOE (Statement of Eligibility)• Emergency Substitute

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• DO NOT text with students

• DO NOT put anything on social media (ie: Facebook) that will be a negative reflection on yourself, your profession, or WCPS

• DO NOT engage in inappropriate communications (jokes, phone calls), or inappropriate relationships with students

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• Any questions pertaining to these, or other policies shall be directed to:

• Your immediate supervisor, OR• Personnel

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