Page 1: Opening to the Usual Suspects Analysis. (Singer1995)

Opening to Usual Suspects

Arthur Polley

Page 2: Opening to the Usual Suspects Analysis. (Singer1995)
Page 3: Opening to the Usual Suspects Analysis. (Singer1995)

The opening shot is of all the matches in a pack igniting at the same time. Starts with a bang and ends with a bang. Just on different scales.

The packet of matches we find out is used to ignite a trail of fire. We see an injured man on the floor, trying to get rid of evidence and destroy forensic evidence?

A tracking shot follows the trail of fire, until out of no where a line of wee trail strops the flame trail in its tracks, this is slightly humorous but also ominous at the same time, which creates a tense and thrilling atmosphere.

There is a tilt from the trail of pee to the blackened figure on the balcony weeing. This is his entrance, what’s his exit going to be like?!

Page 4: Opening to the Usual Suspects Analysis. (Singer1995)

If you look in the rule of thirds then the lighter is right in the middle, this signifies the lighter and makes it a significant prop.

The figure then pulls out a gun after he lights his cigarette and holds the gun side ways and holds it sideways like a gangster, pulls the trigger twice, why?

The blackened figure drops his lit cigarette onto the floor with attitude, from his black leather gloves which we can tell he wants to keep his identity anonymous. Which create tension and enigma.

The cigarette lands perfectly onto a secondary trail of fuel, which then combusts and the trail begins again. Where again is to destroy evidence of bodies and any criminal activity.

Page 5: Opening to the Usual Suspects Analysis. (Singer1995)

The camera then reveals the explosion of the ship yard from a low angle shot to show how big the explosion is and make us feel threatened by the explosion.

There are no credits during the opening scene, I believe this is adding to the enigma. You don’t know who the characters are, no names barley any faces and not even the names of the cast or crew members! This is so constricted that no names are even spoken.

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