
Operation Protective Edge: The IDF's fallen.docx

My Olive Tree continues to stand with Israel and her right to exist and prosper. We are mourning with Israel and her people during this time of loss, and we are grateful to the soldiers who have given their lives for peace and protection. My Olive Tree is asking our friends and sponsors to join with us and sponsor an olive tree in our Peace Grove for each of the fallen soldiers below. Each tree will live as a lasting legacy in their memory and in honor of their sacrifice.

During this time as we pray for peace let us unite together as the Body of Messiah and give a gift to Israel of friendship and solidarity.

May their memories flourish and remain...

But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God;I trust in Gods unfailing love for ever and ever.Psalm 52:8

Rank, Name, Age, OriginPhotoBiography

Staff Sgt. Eitan Barak, 20, of HerzliyaEitan Barak, from Herzliya, a combat soldier in the Nahal Brigade, was killed in the northern Gaza Strip on Friday, evidently by gunfire. Mortally wounded, he was taken to Barzilai Medical Center in Ashkelon, where he was pronounced dead. Army officials are investigating whether he was killed by friendly fire.

Maj. (Res.) Amotz Greenberg, 45, of Hod Hasharon

Amotz Greenberg, born on Kibbutz Yotvata and a resident of Hod Hasharon, was the father of three children aged 15, 12 and seven. Trained as an attorney, he worked as an investigator in the Israel Securities Authority. He was an amazing person, the salt of the earth, and this is the most painful thing that has ever happened to me, said Yossi Keret, Greenbergs closest friend. He went voluntarily, out of a feeling of mission. When we sat in a pub on Thursday, I asked him why he was doing it if he didnt have to. But he just wanted to. He said, If my soldiers are there, I dont want to stay here.

Sgt. Adar Barsano, 20, of NahariyaAdar Barsano enlisted in the Armored Corps as a combat soldier two years ago. He was a good boy, said Bar Schaps, a childhood friend of Barsano. He took care of his friends before himself. He cheered everyone around him and made them laugh. Schaps added, Adar told me there was nothing to worry about, that it would all be over soon and we would meet at my house. He was a hero and he died as a hero. His family is crushed his mother and father, grandfather and grandmother, must bury a son and grandson. Our hearts are broken.

Second Lieutenant Bar Rahav, 21, of Ramat Yishai

Bar Rahav was killed on Saturday afternoon when he was struck by an anti-tank rocket fired at a Puma APC near the refugee camp in the central Gaza Strip. Mortally wounded, he was evacuated from the battlefield, but died of his wounds. Rahav is survived by his parents, Effi and Naama, and three siblings: his brothers Nir, 18, and Rotem, 11, and his sister Ron, 14. A recent graduate of the officers course, Rahav was to have begun supplementary army studies. His uncle, Moran Binyamin, said that Rahav played water polo for Hapoel Kiryat Tivon. Although he could have been an outstanding athlete, he chose combat service in the army, he said. We spoke on Thursday, and he said he was in good spirits. I was worried about him and asked whether he was protected, and he said he was all right. Then I realized that he had gone in. I was afraid for him because he always did whatever was required. I prayed that loss would not come to us. He was an amazing brother a wonderful example for his siblings.

Sgt. Bnaya Rubel, 20, of HolonSt. Sgt. Bnaya Rubel, from Holon, served in the Paratroopers 101st Battalion. He was shot dead by a terrorist in Gaza who emerged from a tunnel shaft and opened fire at soldiers.

Capt. Zvika Kaplan, 28, of HaifaZvika Kaplan, 28, of Haifa, was operations officer of the Golani Brigades reconnaissance platoon. He attended the Yavne yeshiva high school in Haifa and spent a year at the Bnei David premilitary academy in Eli. He began his army service in a Golani reconnaissance unit and rose through the ranks. He earned his bachelors degree from Bar-Ilan University last year in a program that included command studies. Kaplan and his wife, Adi, joined Kibbutz Merav on Mount Gilboa two years ago, and had integrated successfully into the community. Kaplan also leaves two sons, Elkana, 5, and Nadav, 3.

Staff Sgt. Oz Mendelovich, 21, of Talmon

Oz Mendelovich, 21, of Talmon, was a combat soldier in the Golani Brigade's reconnaissance platoon, and had been promoted to staff sergeant a few days ago. His father, Ofer, a former company commander in the Golani Brigade, said he had a bad feeling last week and decided to travel south last Sunday to find his son, hitchhiking part of the way. I combed the area until I found his company. We were together an hour. That was the last time I saw him. Mendelovich also leaves his mother, Osnat, a sister, 16, and a brother, 13.

Major Zafrir Bar-Or, 32, of RehovotTsafrir Bar-Or, 32, of Rehovot, was a commanding officer of the Golani Brigade. "He wanted this so much, passed the tryouts for the special forces Orev unit with flying colors, and fell in love with the army, the atmosphere and Golani", said one of his friends, Ben, who yesterday visited Bar-Or's parents in Holon. The death of Bar-Or "left such a hole. I don't know how and when it can be filled. I hope he did not go in vain, I wish something will transpire from all of this." The funeral will be held on Monday at 13:00 in the military section of the Holon cemetery. Bar-Or leaves a wife, Sivan, 8-months pregnant, a one-year-old daughter, parents and a sister.

Sergeant Gilad Yaakobi, 21, of Kiryat OnoGilad Yaakobi, 21, of Kiryat Ono, was a combat soldier in the Golani Brigade. He studied physics and computers in the Ben-Zvi High School. Before joining the army on March, 2012, he participated in an intensive physical training program toward his military service. His friend, Sivan, told of his passion for the climbing wall in Kiryat Ono. He left behind his parents, Michal and Avi, and two sisters Rotem and Inbar. The funeral will be held on Monday at 10:00 in the Kiryat Shaul cemetery in Tel-Aviv. Yaakobi will posthumously receive the rank of Master Sergeant.

Sergeant Sean Carmeli, 21, of Ra'ananaSean Carmeli, 21, of Ra'anana, was a combat soldier in the Golani Brigade. He was born and raised in Texas, U.S., where his parents still live. He made Aliyah in 2009 and completed his high school education at Ostrovski High School in Ra'anana. In 2012, after Hebrew School, he joined Golani. His parents received the grave news in the U.S. and immediately left for Israel. His two older sisters live in Israel. Carmeli will posthumously receive the rank of Master Sergeant.

Staff Sgt. Moshe Malko, 20, of JerusalemSt. Sgt. Moshe Malko, of Jerusalem was a Golani combat soldier killed during IDF operations in the Shejaia neighborhood in Gaza on Sunday morning.

Malko was named Monday as the sixth of the thirteen casualties, killed in operation in the Gaza Strip. He will be laid to rest at 8 P.M. in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl.

Staff Sgt. Max Steinberg, 24, of Los Angeles, CAMax Steinberg, an American immigrant and sharpshooter in the Israel Defense Forces' Golani Brigade, was the seventh soldier named as killed in action overnight Saturday during Israeli military activities in the Gaza Strip, on a night in which 13 Israeli soldiers died. Originally from the upscale L.A. neighborhood of Woodland Hills, Steinberg moved to Israel in 2012. Steinberg was a Hayal Boded, or Lone Soldier the term used for soldiers who moved to Israel without any family residing in the country. According to Evie Steinberg, Max's mother, His last words when I spoke to him at 4 A.M. a couple days ago were 'Mom Im not scared at all for me, Im scared for you. Im fine, Im going back in.' Steinberg added that her son will be buried in Israel.

Sergeant Nadav Goldmacher, 23, of Be'er ShevaSgt. Nadav Goldmacher was killed on Monday in a clash with militants who crossed into Israeli territory. He studied at Mevoot Negev High School and at Kay College in Be'er Sheva. "I remember that he loved his family, especially his little sister," a friend told the NRG news website. "He was a very, very good person."

Staff Sergeant Yuval Dagan, 22, of Kfar SabaYuval Dagan, a sergeant with the Golani Brigade, was killed on Monday in a clash in Gaza. He is survived by his parents and a brother. He was promoted to the rank of staff sergeant posthumously. "Yuval dreamt of enlisting with [Golani] since he was a teenager," his uncle, Yossi Dagan, said. "He insisted on staying with his unit even though he was injured during training. He was supposed to be discharged soon. "Our entire family served with Golani," the uncle added. He noted that Dagan completed a year of civil service in a program for at-risk youth.

Lt. Col. Dolev Keidar, 38, of Modi'inDolev Keidar was born and raised in Kfar Saba and served most of his time in the army in the Givati Brigade. He was a company commander, a position held within the Combat Engineering Corps during Second Intifada and during battles in the security zone on the Lebanese border. He later served as a commander of the Givati Brigade's Rotem Battalion and as an officer for the Operations Branch of the General HQ in its division on the Egyptian border. He was appointed about a month ago into a new position, commanding a cadet course and infantry corps officers. He told the commanders serving underneath him: "These young cadets are the people of Israel."

Keidar's wife, Michal Kasten-Keidar, released a film five years ago called "Waiting for Him," about the life of a military man serving in combat in his middle age. Keidar's brother-in-law Oz, who also serves in the standing army, told Haaretz: "I feel like I have lost a brother. What made Dolev stand out was that everything he did, he invested in and committed 100 percent. He was a very pleasant man, but also knew how to be a commander when needed. He gave his maximum in every task and treated his soldiers like a father treats his children."

In one of his roles, Keidar served as the bureau chief for then Deputy Chief of Staff Maj. Gen. (res.) Dan Harel. Harel said following Keidar's death that he was "an outstanding among the outstandings."

A special mention from My Olive Tree with respect to Lt. Col. Dolev Keidar: This outstanding brave Israeli officer was very instrumental in helping establish the My Olive Tree grove located on the Bahd Army base in the Negev. We pray special tribute to Lt. Col. Keidar May his memory flourish and remain. But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in Gods unfailing love for ever and ever.

Sgt. Major Baynesain Kasahun, 39, of NetivotSergeant Baynesian Kasahun, of Netivot served in the Northern Brigade of the Gaza Division. He was one of four soldiers killed when his military jeep was hit with an anti-tank missile fired by a Gazan terrorist squad, which used a cross-border tunnel to infiltrate southern Israel on Monday morning.

His wife was in her ninth month of pregnancy. The couple has three other children. Upon learning of his death, dozens of friends and relatives came to his parents' home in Netivot to pay their condolences. Ksahun's neighbors described him as a man who loved to help everyone: "He was a very modest man, and pleasant, with an inner quiet and a smile on his face, who never did anything bad," they said. "His family does not deserve this. Netivot Mayor Yehiel Zohar said following Ksahun's death: "The whole city bows its head and is mourning with the family for the loss of a son, a husband and a father."

1st Lt. Yuval Heiman, 21, of Efrat1st Lt. Yuval Heiman, of Efrat, was a soldier from the Bahad 1 officer training base. He was killed Monday morning when his military jeep was hit with an anti-tank missile fired by a Gazan terrorist squad.

Heiman studied at the Derech Avot High School in Efrat, a fourth generation resident of the area: On his mother's side his great-grandfather and great-grandmother, both alive and over 100, and on his father's side a great-grandfather who was killed in the Independence Day War. Efrat Regional Council chairman Oded Raviv, who sat with the family after Heiman was killed, described the family as one "with roots, whose entire history passed through the building of the people of this land and set the foundations for the security of the state."

Staff Sergeant Jordan Bensemhoun, 22, of AshkelonStaff Sergeant Jordan Bensemhoun, 22, of Ashkelon, was killed when the military vehicle he was travelling in was hit by an anti-tank missile. Bensemhoun moved to Ashkelon from Lyon, France in 2008. He enlisted two years ago, and was keen to serve in a combat unit. Nissim Slama, who immigrated to Israel from Paris 10 years ago, met Bensemhoun several times through the Lone Soldier Center, which supports soldiers who come to Israel from abroad. We are like a big family, especially those of us from France, Slama said. The lone soldiers [soldiers without family in the country, usually immigrants] are paying a high price in Gaza for their motivation and dedication. They come from abroad and want to defend Israel and ensure the states survival, and they do their best. Its always harder for them, being here without the usual level of family support.

Bensemhoun leaves behind his parents, two sisters, and a girlfriend.

Staff Sgt. Tal Ifrach, 21, of Rishon LeZionTal Ifrach, with the Golani Brigade, was killed on Monday in a clash in the Gaza City neighborhood of Shujaiyeh. Ifrach was an avid athlete and took part in national track and cross country competitions. He enlisted with Golani and was placed in the Egoz Reconnaissance Unit, where he excelled. He later served as a sniper. He was set to complete his military service in three months. "He was the shyest, most modest and pleasant guy that I know," Roee, a friend and classmate, said. "He stood out in class mostly due to his kind heart and his laughter. Tal would take his guitar everywhere. It's difficult to internalize that he has been killed."

Staff Sgt. Oren Simcha Noach, 22, of HoshayaOren Simcha Noach, a Golani fighter, is survived by his parents, a sister, 24, and two brothers, 28 and 13. Noach was born in Ma'ale Gilboa, grew up in Sde Ilan and moved with his family to Hoshaya when he was 13. He graduated from a yeshiva high school in Tiberias and attended a military prep program. He enlisted with Golani in 2012 and completed squad commander training.

Sgt. Ben Itzhak Oanounou, 19, of AshdodBen Itzhak Oanounou, who fought with the Golani Brigade, is survived by his parents, a sister, 17, and two brothers, 14 and 8. Oanounou studied in Mekif Yud High School in Ashdod. Oanounou lost 40 kilograms in order to serve in the military. He was only a few months into his service but was an exceptional soldier and therefore was deployed in Gaza alongside another soldier and their commander, while the rest of their company remained in Israel's north. He was promoted from the rank of corporal to the rank of sergeant posthumously.

Staff Sgt. Daniel Pomerantz, 20, of Kfar AzarStf.-Sgt. Daniel Pomerantz, of Kfar Azar, served in the Golani Brigade and was killed when Hamas terrorists targeted his APC in Gaza.

Daniel Pomerantz, a Golani Brigade sergeant, was promoted to the rank of staff sergeant posthumously.

Staff Sgt. Shachar Tase, 20, of PardesiyaShachar Tase enlisted with the Golani Brigade a year and a half ago. He was promoted to the rank of a staff sergeant posthumously. "This is simply heartbreaking," Yishai Kerem, a friend and a fellow Golani soldier, wrote on Facebook. "Shachar, my dear brother, you were an inseparable part of my life and I will never forget you."

Sgt. Shon Mondshine, 19, of Tel AvivSgt. Shon Mondshine, of Tel Aviv, served in the Golani Brigade and was killed when Hamas terrorists targeted his APC in Gaza.

Shon Mondshine, a Golani Brigade corporal, was promoted to the rank of sergeant posthumously.

Master Sgt. Ohad Shemesh, 27, of Beit ElazariOhad Shemesh, 27, of Beit Elazari, was a reserve soldier in the Givati Brigade. He married his wife Hadar five months ago, and they lived in Moshav Beit Elazari in the coastal plain. He attended high school in Ashdod, and was currently active in a non-profit organization fostering young leaders, through which he volunteered for community work. He enlisted in the reconnaissance unit of the Givati Brigade in 2005, in which he was an outstanding soldier, receiving a citation from the President. Following the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, Shemesh joined a volunteer group which went there to rebuild a damaged. In the course of his community volunteering, he received the Ilan Ramon Prize. Even after leaving the army, he continued to contribute to Israels security in several roles. He completed a bachelors degree in Middle East studies and a graduate degree in strategic studies at Tel Aviv University. Its impossible to recall all that he did for citizens of this country and for the state, says Eli Surin, a childhood friend. He always helped others, a real fighter. I cant even imagine eulogizing him. This was a person who came into this world only to do good deeds. Once he went to adopt a dog and returned with the ugliest one imaginable. Everyone laughed at him but he was pleased that he had taken a dog no one else would have wanted thats what he was like. Shemesh was promoted to the rank of master sergeant posthumously.

Sgt. 1st Class Oded Ben Sira, 22, of Nir EtzionOded Ben Sira is survived by his parents, a twin sister and four older siblings. He was set to complete his military service days after the operation in Gaza began.

"He entered Gaza as a regular conscript and was killed as a reserve soldier," his uncle, Meir Ben Sira said.

Staff-Sgt. Evyatar (Aviatar) Turgeman (Torjamin), 20, of Beit She'anTorjamin was killed on Tuesday July 22, when an anti-tank missile was fired at his patrol from a building in Khan Yunis. He was posthumously promoted to Staff Sgt. after his death. Torjamin enlisted in the Paratroopers Brigade after concluding his studies at Yeshivat Hakotel in Jerusalem, and served as a battalion signaler for the Brigade, on a track with other yeshiva students. He was released from service to weeks ago, but returned to serve in the south as the army raised its alert. He is survived by his parents, Meir and Ora, and three siblings: Yanon, Avia, and Itai. After Torjamin's father and two of his brothers Avia and Itai - were injured in a serious car accident last year, Avitar was their main caretaker. His eldest brother Yanon, who was also called up to the Gaza front for reserve duty, described Avitar as "an amazing kid, loved life. He was also there to help and assist everyone. He had been planning to travel to Spain with his cousin, now everything is over." Aviatar's brother Avia called him "an angel kid, special, good, tranquil, always wanted to please everyone. He loved his army service, he was even thinking about going into an officer's course, but after the car accident, that plan was shelved. We wrote to each other on Whatsapp the day before he went into Gaza. I told him to take care of himself and be careful. That's it; now there's nothing left to be careful about."

Captain Dmitri Levitas, 26, of JerusalemCapt. Dmitri Levitas, 26, was survived by his parents - Marina and Alexander - and two siblings a sister Hannah (30) and a brother Daniel (20), who is currently serving in the IDF. About 11 years ago, Levitas moved from Kibbutz Geshur in the Golan Heights to Jerusalem with his mother and siblings, but according to Hanan Borovski, who runs the community in the kibbutz "Over the years Dmitri kept in close touch with the friends he grew up with in the kibbutz. A few months ago he returned to Geshur and rented an apartment in the kibbutz.

Borovski said he met with Dmitri several times since he returned. "He was very busy and we didn't see him much. Three weeks ago I met him and he told me graduated from the IDF Command and Staff College and that we was returning to his battalion. He really loved the army and was considering continuing with his military career.According to Borovski, Levitas is the first IDF casualty since Kibbutz Geshur was founded in 1978.

Captain Natan Cohen, 23, of ModiinNatan Cohen of Modi'in, captain of an armored platoon, celebrated his 23rd birthday just last week. He and his fiance Tal got engaged last January, and were meaning to marry soon. "Last Sunday, we made a deal," a friend of his wrote on his Facebook wall when the news broke: "that you keep our homes safe, and I'll protect Tal. You kept your promise, and now it's my turn. I promise to protect her all the time, all the time." The mayor of Modi'in, Haim Bibas, called the news of Cohen's death was a harsh blow to the city, which has already buried two of its sons since the start of the operation. "In the names of the residents of Modi'in Maccabim Reut, we send our condolences and a large embrace to the Cohen family, and pray that this will be the IDF's last casualty."

Lieutenant Paz Elyahu, 22, of Kibbutz EvronLt. Eliyahu was born and raised on Kibbutz Evron, the eldest child of Rochel and Uri. His brother Matan, 19, is a cadet in Officers Training School on Base 1. His younger brother Yotam is a ninth grader.

"We saw him for the last time five weeks ago," his father said. He came to the kibbutz and watched a game in the pub with his friends. That was the day that the three boys were kidnapped. He came and asked his mother, Wheres my uniform? We said, Sweetheart, its one oclock in the morning. He said, I got a call, and Im reporting to the Haifa railway station tomorrow morning, recalled Uri Eliyahu. That was Paz. When Paz did something, he did it as well as possible. He could have waited, but he chose to go."

Staff Sergeant Li Mat, 19, of EilatLi Mat was born in Eilat as the youngest of four children, to Smadar, a civics teacher, and Dani, a taxi driver. Li was drafted into the Paratroopers two years ago. He was a wild, crazy kid, with two big dimples. Liush was smart, and witty, and always surrounded by friends. He was his mothers heart and soul, said a friend of the family.Lis brother Gal was badly injured during a terrorist attack on Route 12 in August 2011 during his military service, and has undergone a long rehabilitation process.Li leaves behind two sisters, Tal and Si, and his brother Gal.

Staff Sergeant Shahar Dauber, 20, of Kibbutz GinegarShahar Dauber was born on February 4, 1994, to Orly and Boris who moved to Israel from the Soviet Union in 1991, and became members of Kibbutz Ginegar. Shahars older brother Guy is 24-years-old. Duaber studied at the Emek Yizrael elementary school, on his kibbutz, and later at the Emek Maaravi high school, located on Kibbutz Yifat. Duabers kibbutz hasnt taken the news well"Shahar was a boy full of joy of life and love for life. From a young age he was mature and took on tasks and responsibilities like an adult. In Ginegar addressed everyone who needed help. He had friend throughout the [Jezreel] valley. A social boy, loving, handsome and an exceptional basketball player," Michal Wolf, a counselor and coordinator for youth on Dauber's kibbutz, told Ma'ariv Online. Tabuer is survived by his parents, Orly and Boris, and his 24-year-old brother, Guy.

Before Shahar went to fight, he left this letter for his family:

My name is Shachar Dauber and I would like to tell you a few things.

First of all, I am very excited, I feel like I am doing something for my country.

The pressure that rises in me is not only fear, it is the excitement of getting in there.

I want to tell you that I left something behind, something that will help people remember me as I was.

I miss my family, mom and dad and my older brother, and of course, my cat Kizi.

I love you all, I am sorry for the hard times I put you through and hope you remember me as I am.

I have one thing to ask and that is for you to remember me.


Shachar Dauber

NCO Master Sgt. (res.) Yair Ashkenazy, 36, of Rehovot

NCO Master Sgt. (res.) Yair Ashkenazy, from Rehovot, a reserve soldier serving in the reserves brigade of the Bahad 1 officer training base, was killed in battle in the north Gaza Strip early on the morning of July 25, 2014 in what appears to have been friendly fire. An IDF tank unit identified what it thought to be an infiltration of armed militants into a facility where the soldiers were and opened fire; the incident is under investigation. Ashkenazy was a private lawyer, who gave legal representation to the city of Mod'in. He leaves behind his wife and three children. Upon receiving news of his death, his wife wrote on Facebook: "My dear husband! My hero! The love of my life is no longer with us he fell in holy death! I want to wake up from this dream.

Sgt. Oron Shaul, 21, of PoriyaSt.-Sgt. Oron Shaul, from Poriyah served in the Golani Brigade and was in the infantry APC targeted by Hamas in an attack in Gaza on Sunday, July 20, 2014.

Hamas claimed to have kidnapped his body, leaving his status unclear for nearly a week. Six days after the attack, the Military Rabbinate declared his death, changing his status to "soldier whose burial place is unknown."

St.-Sgt. Guy Levy, 21, of Kfar VradimSt.-Sgt. Guy Levy, from Kfar Vradim in northern Israel was killed in action Friday afternoon, July 25, in central Gaza while serving the Armored Corps.

Levy played saxophone for the Kfar Vradim Youth Orchestra. Conductor Reuven Malach eulogized him with these words: "Guy was a very talented kid with a very developed musical ear. He was always smiling and playful, and you could always count on him. He was one of the special ones and I will always remember him." Levy leaves behind his parents, Galia and Ran, and a younger sister Orinne. His sister said it was hard to wake up to a world in which you are not here. Its hard to describe the pain. You are everyones hero and my personal hero. I love you my brother, guard us from above.

St. Sgt. Amit Yeori, 20, of JerusalemAmit Ye'ori was killed during combat on Friday evening July 25, in the southern Gaza Strip. Ye'ori was a graduate of the Hebrew Gymnasium in Jerusalem and served in Combat Engineering Corps Battalion 603. His father Shahar said that Amir was "first at everything, always the best. He was an excellent athlete, invested himself in the army, and always wanted to be the best at everything. He was not afraid of anything. All of his commanders always appreciated him and gave him the most important tasks. His company commander said that through the week before his death, he was the first to attack in the operation in which he was killed, too." Ye'ori's family came to visit him at the Tze'elim Base before he entered Gaza this was the last time they saw him. "He called to tell us that they were taking them out for a refresher and said everything was normal, that they were working hard but that everything was fine, everything was fine," his father said. "In retrospect, we learned they were actually in hell. His friends said it was a nightmare." Ye'ori leaves behind his parents, a sister and a brother.

St.-Sgt. Guy Boyland, 21, of Kibbutz Ginosar

Guy Boyland, a combat engineer, was killed during fighting in Gaza on Friday, July 26. Boyland was born in New Zealand and came to Israel with his family at the age of two. He is survived by his parents, a sister and a half-brother. He played the guitar and was in a band called Silent Sin. "Guy was a wonderful kid," said Rotem Gofer, Boyland's aunt. "He was brave, a fighter, and he loved the army. There are no words to describe the sorrow over the loss not just his but all of those killed."

Its shocking, Guy was very gentle and sweet, a neighbor of the family said.

Staff Sergeant Gal Bason, 21, of HolonStaff Sergeant Gal Bason,combat soldier in the Combat Engineers Corps from Holon, was killed in the northern Gaza Strip on Saturday.

Bason majored in athletics at the Kiryat Sharet High School in Holon, and graduated with outstanding mention. Before he enlisted in the army, he took part in a delegation of Israelis and Palestinians who met in Germany to try to promote co-existence and dialogue between the two peoples. He enlisted in Sayeret Yahalom, an elite Combat Engineer unit. He is survived by his parents, a brother, a sister, and his girlfriend.

We always joked about who was more perfect, his brother said. Today I can say without a doubt it was you, You will always be more beautiful than me, wiser than me, funnier than me, and will remain forever 20 years old.

First Lieutenant Roy Peles, 21, of Tel Aviv Roy Peles was killed overnight Saturday July 26 when an anti-tank missile hit the armored vehicle he was in. Peles was an infantry officer, who finished his course just a month before entering into battle, charged with commanding a mixed Nahal Brigade team. His family last heard from him early last week, when the IDF released the name of 13 soldiers killed in combat. The army called his family then to assure them that he was not among the fallen. Peles studied at the Ironi Hey High School in Tel Aviv and enlisted in Nahal in 2012, after a year of pre-military preparation on in the Golan Heights.

Staff Sergeant Avraham Grintzvaig, 21, of Petah TikvaAvraham Grintzvaig was killed in combat overnight Saturday, July 26 in the same exchange of fire in Beit Hanoun which killed his comrade, Staff Sgt. Gal Bason. Grintzvaig was a talented musician who continued to play guitar when on leave from the army. His basic training commander Mark Goldman told Haaretz: "Avi was a mature guy and responsible for everything around him. He never made a big deal about serving as a combat soldier but understood that his task was one of responsibility and he acted accordingly." Grintzvaig is survived by his parents and a twin sister.

Captain Liav Lavi, 22, of Telmi Yossef Liad Lavi, an Infantry Corps officer, died Sunday July 27, three days after he was seriously wounded in a Paratroopers Brigade operation in Khan Yunis. "During the days he was hospitalized, his father asked all of us to pray for his recovery, but apparently it was stronger than him," said a family friend. "He was a fighter in his life, and in the last minutes too, he never stopped fighting. A real hero." Childhood friends said that Lavi saw the Gaza operation as a "war over our home," his own town a part of the Eshkol Regional Council right on the border. "Liad knew that the goal was to get us out of the situation we've been soaking in for so many years, it hurt him. He protected our homes and us with his body," they said. "He was a beautiful and special kid who helped his parents. This is a huge loss for all of us."

His brother described him as an ambitious person who never gave up. He had goals and he always believed and always achieved them. Hes a hero of Israel.

Sergeant Major Rami Chalon, 39, of Hadera Rami Chalon died on Saturday July 26, four days after he was wounded on the Gaza border. "I believed that my dad was strong and a hero and that he would come out of this," his 15-year-old daughter Moriah said. "I was optimistic and I waited for a miracle, for us to go back to being a regular family, but there's nothing we can do. Heaven has its own accounts to settle, and you never known when it is going to happen. God takes the most righteous. My father has a good place in heaven, and he is watching over us, so I am not worried, he is here with us. I was strong for him." Chalon's widow Penina said: "If Rami would have seen all of these wounded, he wouldn't have handled it." The couple spoke the day Chalon was wounded: "He was deeply moved by the way that the whole nation of Israel was throwing its support to the home front. I warned him to take care of himself. I knew they were going to call, I had a bad feeling. On Tuesday, my daughter heard the knock on the door. She saw through the peephole who was standing there and told me: Get up, be a hero and be strong, and open the door."

Chief Sgt. Barak Refael Degorker, 27, of Gan Yavne

Degorker recently finished law school with outstanding recognition and was just beginning his internship when he died early Sunday July 27, succumbing to serious wounds from a mortar shell fired at a town in the Sdot Negev Regional Council. "He had his whole life ahead of him," a good friend of his said. "He had a lot of plans, and we always said he would go far. He was the guy everyone followed, the advice-giver, the kind of guy who did the maximum to help others. There aren't many people like him left in the world." Dekorger is survived by his parents and two siblings. One of his brothers said that he would volunteer in all situations and that he would do whatever was required of him.

Staff Sgt. Moshe Davino, 20, of JerusalemSt.-Sgt. Moshe Davino, of Jerusalem was killed in action inside Gaza on July 29.

Davino, who was serving in the Combat Engineers, was killed by an anti-tank missile which struck the bulldozer he was operating. He was laid to rest at the Mount Herzl Military Cemetery in Jerusalem.A good friend of Davino said he had been a joyful person. The best guy in Jerusalem. We did everything together. We were together in school, we were drafted into the IDF together, and we did basic training together. He loved to enjoy life and to laugh.

Staff Sgt. Eliav Eliyahu Haim Kahlon, 22 of SafedStaff Sgt. Eliav Eliyahu Haim Kahlon of Safed. Served in the 7th Armor Brigade, killed by a mortar attack on Eshkol, on July 28.

Kahlons parents had wanted to visit him in recent days, but he asked them not to come, as he said to them he did not think he could stand parting from them. His sister went into early labor upon hearing the news.

Corporal Meidan Maymon Biton, 20 of NetivotCorporal Meidan Maymon Biton, of Netivot. Served in the 7th Armored Brigade, killed by a mortar attack on Eshkol, on July 28.

A friend of Meidan said he was always full of life, with an exceptionally good sense of humor. No one could sit next to him and not smile."The heart refuses to believe how you have been taken so young," said a friend of Meidan Maymon Biton, adding: "Just a few days ago you promised that you were taking care of yourself and of us." Another friend said Meidan was "full of joy" and "always optimistic."Biton, who was one of four soldiers killed Monday by a mortar shell fired at a Negev staging ground and buried in Netivot the next day, was the second resident of the Gaza border town to be killed during Operation Protective Edge. "In our war for our home, the city of Netivot has paid the unbearably high price of two of its finest sons," said Netivot Mayor Yehiel Zohar. Biton is survived by his parents, Menachem and Etti, and three younger siblings.

Corporal Niran Cohen, 20 of TiberiasCorporal Niran Cohen, of Tiberias. Served in the 7th Armor Brigade, killed by a mortar attack on Eshkol, on July 28.

His sister Mor described him as a good kid whom everyone loved. He died a hero.A close friend of Niran said he had loved to volunteer his time and was always helping others in his unit.I cant accept it. We did everything together. I have no answer as to how I move on from here. He was an inseparable part of me.Cohen's friend Ofer met up with him two days before his death. "Niran said he was not afraid and that he wants to contribute to the country," he recalled. Cohen was buried at the Tiberias military cemetery and is survived by his parents, Navah and Ofer, and three siblings.

Staff Sgt. Adi Briga, 23 of Beit ShikmaStaff Sgt. Adi Briga, who served in the 7th Armored Brigade, and was killed by a mortar attack on Eshkol, on July 28.

Adi is survived by his parents, David and Pnina, a sister, Michal, and a brother Rafael.

His mother, Pnina Briga tried for years to give birth to a son, only to lose him, a short 23 years later, when a mortar exploded near him on the Gaza border on Monday night.The wait heightened the excitement of your arrival, you were loved by everyone, Pnina said.Briga had begun working as a cook in Ashkelon and reassured his friend before heading toward the Gaza border that there was nothing to worry about because he didn't think he would be going into the Strip. "It's hard for me to believe that it's you," another friend said. "I'm waiting for you to come in and wake me up from this nightmare at any moment." Adis sister, Michal said, You were the light of our lives you will be in my heart for eternity.Adi was described as a young man, dedicated to his family and friends, who loved horses and who wanted to become a chef.

Sergeant Daniel Kedmi, 18, of TzofimSergeant Daniel Kedmi, of Tzofim, was killed in an attempted infiltration into Israel on Monday via a cross-border tunnel from Gaza, on July 28.

Kedmi is survived by his parents and three siblings.

Our Daniel. Our hero. I have no idea how to say goodbye to you. How do you say goodbye to an 18-year-old boy? Natalie Kedmi tearfully eulogized as her brother, Daniel, was laid to rest in the Kiryat Shaul Military Cemetery in northern Tel Aviv on Tuesday.

You were our light, the glue that held the family together. You were born with charisma and the ability to lead... We were always so proud of you. I hope you are in a good place, take care of yourself. We miss you, Natalie said, her voice quivering as she remembered her younger brother, who served a mere eight months in the IDF and was training to become a squad leader.Daniel my best friend and my second brother. I cant believe Im speaking to you like this, just last Friday we were cracking jokes together, childhood friend Or Ben-Sasson cried, also overwhelmed by Kedmis death.After his father, Boaz, tearfully said Kaddish and blessed his memory, Kedmis commander, Sec.-Lt. Or Tzarfati, commended Kedmi for his natural leadership and bravery.Daniel. My warrior, my friend, my son. We went through a long journey together. In every step we took, every assignment, field patrol, every training exercise, you were by my side. You were my right hand, I knew I could trust you blindly.

Sergeant Barkai Yishai Shor, 21, of JerusalemSergeant Barkai Yishai Shor, of Jerusalem, killed in an attempted infiltration into Israel on Monday via a cross-border tunnel from Gaza, on July 28.

Barkai was praised by family, friends and acquaintances as being an exceptionally giving young man who always sought to help others. When he got leave from the army, he would volunteer with Magen David Adom.Our Barkai, a child beloved above everything, a volunteer who was all heart, his father said.

Sergeant Sagi Erez, 19, of Kiryat AtaSergeant Sagi Erez, of Kiryat Ata, killed in an attempted infiltration into Israel on Monday via a cross-border tunnel from Gaza, on July 28.

Sagis cousin Yaniv Haran said: We dont know what happened exactly in the incident, but its clear that he paid with his life to prevent terrorists from getting into the kibbutz and murdering the residents.

Sergeant Dor Deri, 19, of JerusalemDeri, was killed by terrorists in an attempted infiltration into Israel on Monday via a cross-border tunnel from Gaza. During the infiltration, a terrorist cell came out of a tunnel near Nahal Oz and fired an anti-tank missile at the base of an IDF watch tower, killing five soldiers, including Deri and Sergeant Barkai Yishai Shori.

Deri was remembered as an ambitious soldier who excelled in the commander's course he had just begun and in the basic training that he started in November. He was memorialized as a good student, an entertainer, a loving son to his parents David and Ronit, and a good friend to his brothers Shimon, Avichai, and Zohar.

"They say that God only takes the best, and you are proof," Shimon said. "I wish you could give us a sign you weren't in pain, that you didn't suffer, that you were a real hero." Lieutenant Colonel David Shapira, who eulogized Deri on behalf of the IDF, said he was a model soldier in the Shimshon Batallion who was full of energy and joy of life.

Shapira promised Deri's family to continue fighting the enemy "as Dor would have wanted." Jerusalem mayor Nir Barkat offered his condolences to David, a veteran employee of the city who raised his family in the capital's Gilo neighborhood. Barkat recalled that when Dor was preparing for the army, he ran the Jerusalem marathon. A picture from the event of Deri and Barkat was on Deri's Facebook timeline.

"Our heart is crying for the tall, smiley kid who everyone loved," Barkat said. "We have seen the special spirit of unity in the nation. Our spirit will not fall."

Sergeant Nadav Raimond, 19, from Shadmot DvoraSgt. Nadav Raimond, from Shadmot Dvora, was killed in an attempted infiltration into Israel on Monday via a cross-border tunnel from Gaza, on July 28.

His uncle Ziv Sar said that Nadav was always surrounded by friends and had a very deep relationship with his family.

Staff Sgt. Matan Gotlib, 21, from Rishon LezionStaff Sgt. Gotlib was killed Wednesday by an explosion that took place as his unit was inspecting a tunnel entry shaft discovered in an UNRWA clinic in the southern Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis.

Before Gotlib went into Gaza, he wrote a letter to his family. I just wanted to say that all is fine and Im thinking about you, he wrote to his family. I miss the scene of the dining room table with all sides full on Friday. Its hard for me to write anything deep because I choke with tears when I think about you. I miss you a great deal, lots of love Matan.

Gotlibs brother Omer spoke of his admiration for his younger brother and his dedication to his country.

Matan smiled a lot, always loved to help, loved the country and loved to travel through it in his jeep, his brother told Ynet. He was an active person, he was in the Scouts, and always wanted to be in a combat unit. He said he was ready to die for the country and he knew it was very dangerous.

Other friends and family also mourned the loss of Matan.

Parents and friends are sitting here since yesterday, shocked that they have lost their handsome son, Matans uncle told Channel 2 news. He was my sisters youngest son. A boy who loved to hike and and go on outings. Hed go north in his jeep and go hiking with his friends. We still cannot accept this news, he said.

The girlfriend of one of Gotlibs two other brothers said that the family had spoken with him two days ago and he had talked of how the morale in the army was very high despite the difficult operational circumstance.

His parents received the news when they were at work. Their world is destroyed. He wasnt at home for the whole of the last month and they were very anxious. Every phone call would frighten them.

She said that Gotlib had been looking forward to being released from the army in three months and that he had said he was looking forward to life without a gun.

Gotlib is survived by his parents and two brothers.

Staff Sgt.Omer Hay, 21, from SavyonStaff Sg. Hay was killed Wednesday by an explosion that took place as his unit was inspecting a tunnel entry shaft discovered in an UNRWA clinic in the southern Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis.

"This is a devastating loss," Ronit Amram, one of Hay's high-school teachers, said. "He was a true Zionist. He always said he would join a combat unit, an elite unit. He was an extraordinary boy. This is a tremendous loss not just for us, but for the State of Israel."

Hay is survived by his parents and three brothers.

Staff Sgt. Guy Algranati, 20, from Tel AvivStaff Sgt. Algranati was killed Wednesday by an explosion that took place as his unit was inspecting a tunnel entry shaft discovered in an UNRWA clinic in the southern Gaza Strip town of Khan Younis.

Prior to his untimely death, St.-Sgt. Guy Algranati from Tel Aviv sent a picture of a small wound on his leg to one of his best friends and captioned the photo, Let this be my only souvenir from Gaza.

Algranatis friend, also named Guy, told the story on Thursday as he eulogized his best friend in the military section of Kiryat Shaul cemetery in Tel Aviv. We spoke two days ago and you said you were fine, he said barely holding back tears.

We said we would be friends forever and would raise our kids together, he said. Now your life has stopped and so did ours.

Col. Guy Levy spoke on behalf of the IDF and eulogized the fallen soldier and said you always radiated security, strength and faith, and always pushed forward and lead your friends. Levy commended Algranati and his unit for their service and for protecting our home.

Algranatis grandfather, who was barely able to stand on his own from grief, gave a long eulogy commemorating his firstborn grandson. He praised his service and spoke of the Holocaust that Hamas was planning on unleashing on Rosh Hashana through the tunnels his grandson died to uncover and destroy.

Thanks to heroes like you, Israel will never be defeated, he said unable to hold back tears.

Algranati is survived by his parents and five sisters.

Staff Sgt. Liel Gidoni, 20, of JerusalemSt.-Sgt. Liel Gidoni, 20, from Jerusalem served in Givati.

An amazing and incredibly boy just a boy. He was always smiling. That was the biggest word. Simply smiling, Zion, Gidonis brother, told Channel 2. This entire situation, this entire condition, if he were here he would probably be smiling.

Gidonis father, Eli, said before his son left he saw him and gave him such big hug that I said: Nothing could hurt him. I didnt believe that anything could hurt this kid.

He is survived by his parents and three siblings.

Major Benaya Sarel, 26, of Kiryat ArbaMaj. Benaya Sarel, 26, from Kiryat Arba served as an officer in the Givati Brigade. He was to be married in less than a months time.

Earlier this week embedded journalists from Yediot Aharonot/YNET interviewed Sarel during his mission.

I am even shocked. These are not fighters. He who dares abandon his weapon and his vest behind and run, hes not a fighter, Sarel said in a video describing his experiences fighting Hamas in Gaza and showing a weapons cache his unit had confiscated.

Sarel said his wedding was in a few weeks but he hadnt bought a suit yet.

My wife is making all the arrangements. She ran the office of a Givati Brigade commander, so she supports and understands the importance of the mission, he said.

Cpt. (res.) Liran Adir (Edry), 31, of EzuzCapt. (res.) Liran Adir (Edry), 31, from Ezuz in the Negev, served as a squad commander for reconnaissance fighters in 2004-2005. He had just gotten married one month ago to his longtime girlfriend, Slayit.

A local Netanya based newspaper reported Friday a final exchange between Adir and his mother, Rachel.

Hi, whats going on? I havent heard from you, wrote his mother via SMS.

Adir replied, everything is okay, will call tonight. Shortly afterwards he was killed in action.

Upon hearing the news, friends and family paid tribute to the fallen soldier celebrating his life and mourning his death.

How can we say goodbye to you like this, after all our long conversations and the help you have given me. I am so proud of you because you are a hero and will always be a hero, Adirs cousin wrote on his Facebook page.

Staff Sgt. Noam Rosenthal, 20, of MeitarThe people of Israel and the family of Meitar bow their heads to the memory of one of the best among us that fell in protecting the people and the country, Meitar Mayor Avner Ben Gera eulogized. You were born and educated in our community, you absorbed the values that today you bequeath to us and to your friends that after this ceremony will return equipped with them to the fighting.

Ben Gera noted with incredulity that Rosenthal was the second soldier to have fallen and been laid to rest in Meitar this week.

Rosenthal is survived by his parents and older brother and a twin brother who is serving in the IDF.

Sgt. 1st Class (Res.) Daniel Marash, 22, of Rishon LeZionSergeant First Class (res.) Daniel Marash, 22, from Rishon Lezion was discharged from the IDF earlier this year but was called for reserve duty.

Just two days ago he and his fellow soldiers were hosted by a family in the South prior to entering Gaza. Marash left them a parting thank you note which the family released on their Facebook page on Friday.

"Thank you for the warm and relaxing hospitality," Marash wrote. "I was very happy to meet you and see that there are good people like you in the country - you are turning our country into such a special and beautiful place."

He left his phone number in the note and told them not to hesitate to call should they need anything.

He is survived by his parents and three siblings.

Cpt. Omri Tal, 22, of YehudYoram Tal, the father of fallen soldier Capt. Omri Tal, 22, from Yehud told Channel 2 on Friday that My son was a beautiful boy; he was like a movie star."

He knew from the North to the South every hiking trail in this country and every free day that he had he would go out hiking, he said.

His father added that he had been worried and had called Tal every few hours to see what his status was, but on Thursday his son no longer answered and he knew that he had gone into Gaza, he said.

"I lost my dear son and I loved him with all my soul but life will go on and I choose life and we will go on as a family, as a society, and as a nation," his father said choking on tears.

Staff Sgt. Shay Kushnir, 20, of Kiryat MotzkinSt.-Sgt. Shay Kushnir, 20, of Kiryat Motzkin in the outskirts of Haifa dreamed of serving in a combat position in the armed forces despite having gone to school at the Technological School of the Air Force in Haifa.

A day before his death, Kushnir's father wrote a message on his son's Facebook page, "I really, really, really miss you," he wrote.

"I am living with a feeling that I haven't seen you in years. How are you responding to every situation that you encountered, you and all the youth that have befallen this difficult task?

The role of human shields for our tiny country in Operation Protective Edge that with every day that passes turns from an operation to a war in every sense of this horrible word, but I know and believe that you and you friends are strong, determined and full of motivation to complete this difficult task which has fallen to you," his father wrote.

Lt. Hadar Goldin,23, of Kfar Saba Early Saturday, Lt. Hadar Goldin's family saw the news that the IDF was beginning to withdraw from Gaza without Hadar, who they discovered was reportedly captured by Hamas just before Shabbat began.

For Hadars father, Simcha Goldin, the news sounded like a rumor, fantasy, something unthinkable that could not come to pass.

Hadar, an officer in Palsar Givati, an elite reconnaissance unit of the infantry brigade, got engaged a few months ago to his girlfriend, Edna. His family said he made the decision to get engaged shortly after the kidnapping of the three teens in Gush Etzion, and that they were working on some of the preparations for his wedding when they received the news he was missing in action and feared kidnapped.

His brother Chemi, an IDF officer, just like the rest of the men in his family, addressed the foreign press in English, and in a British accent said his [Hadar] voice cannot be heard. My brother is a beautiful child, he is a beautiful painter and artist and he just proposed a few months ago and is due to be married soon.

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