  • 8/17/2019 Ophelis Furniture Brochure Docks


    ophelis docks

  • 8/17/2019 Ophelis Furniture Brochure Docks


    Linked, mobile, informal: The working environment

    is in the midst of a radical transformation process.

    As part of the New Work Order study for ophelis,

    the Trendbüro consultancy in Hamburg has com-

    piled the main trends that will influence tomorrow‘s

    working world. This change in the working envi-

    ronment is already noticeable and will continue to

    increase, as it impacts all kinds of areas including

    our forms of communication, leadership styles

    and new working models adapted to the various

    life stages.

    “The current transition from an industrial to a net-

    work economy requires nothing less from

    businesses than a full reorganisation,” says Birgit

    Gebhardt, trend expert.

    ophelis has intensively examined this transforma-

    tion process and sought for answers to the spatial

    challenges by exploring new working structures.

    One answer is ophelis docks. docks stands for

    the new office generation. Designed as a modular

    furniture system, it creates new zones in the office

    which provide a common space for work, com-

    munication and quiet contemplation and give the

    working environment a more attractive design.

    04 – 05 docks makes way for the future

    06 – 11 docks in the workplace

    12 – 25 docks as islands in the office

    26 – 37 docks in other zones

    38 – 41 System modules

    42 – 43 Details

    Welcometo the newofficegeneration

  • 8/17/2019 Ophelis Furniture Brochure Docks


      creates connections and transitions

      provides an interface and a meeting point

      offers a place for quiet concentration and relaxation

      is a shared piece of furniture

    creates islands in the office

    ophelis docks

    makes wayfor the future

    ophelis docks stands

    for a new method

    of attractive interior

    design which provides

    a common space for

    working and living.

    The system offers a

    wide variety of options,

    is freely configurable,

    supports electrical con-nections and features

    an integral product

    approach due to its

    self-contained design.

    With docks ophelis

    has reacted to the

    transformation of the

    classic office work

    place into a multi-

    functional communal

    space which is used

    flexibly by cross-

    disciplinary teams.

    „The quality and the

    variety of this exchange

    are the key to effective

    work. We believe that

    office furniture should

    enable flexible, decen- 

    tralised communica- 

    tions. It should supportinformal office chats

     just as much as spon- 

    taneous work meetings

    in a small group,“ say

    Till Grosch and Björn

    Meier, designers.

    ophelis docks is designed as a modular system

    which can be combined in various ways to create

    different office islands. It is communal furniture

    which optimally supports teamwork and can also

    be designed as a personal reference point in open

    spaces. The modules can be put together in such

    a way as to provide acoustic and visual privacy or

    open-plan meeting areas.

    Designers Till Grosch and Björn Meier believeophelis docks is the answer not only to the func-

    tional but also the emotional changes which the

    office is currently undergoing – increasingly, the

    office is not just a place of work but also a living

    environment. ophelis docks is designed to support

    well-being in the office. docks is a modular system

    which creates connections and transitions. docks

    is a place for quiet contemplation as well as a

    meeting point; it supports the office community

    and provides space for individuals.

    The single docks elements are designed to match

    the dimensions of ophelis furniture ranges, so that

    storage space and all the other components from

    classic work station zones can be seamlessly con-

    nected and integrated. Used as a transition and

    connection element between various zones in the

    office, ophelis docks allows for a change of scene,

    produces synergy effects, promotes internal

    communications and enhances the feeling of well-

    being in the workplace.

    Thanks to its modularity, ophelis docks offers a

    great deal of scope for individual, customer-

    specific designs. The basic form is a 90 cm x

    90 cm square. ophelis docks can be integrated in

    all spaces as an office island in a width dimension

    of 15 centimetres with various options for a linear,

    L-, T- or cross links design. The ophelis docks

    portfolio covers a variety of upholstered modules

    with or without screen, storage space and tables

    in lounge, sitting or standing height, which can

    be put together to create various scenes. The

    „bricks“ system components also supply additional

    benefits. Matching add-ons such as lights or side

    tables, which are joined to the system using add-

    on panels, finish off ophelis docks.






  • 8/17/2019 Ophelis Furniture Brochure Docks


    7docks in the workplace

    Checking email,

    phoning, discussing,

    contemplating – a desk

    is not necessarily requi-

    red for these activities.

    With the correspondingophelis docks modules,

    separate areas for

    inspiring work, for dis-

    cussions or reading can

    be connected directly

    to the workplace.

    Six basic upholstered modules form the basis for

    all sitting configurations. A superior level of comfort

    when seated, a selection of high-quality covering

    materials and the variable arrangement offer

    practically endless design options. “Bricks” are

    an additional component that complete the systemand offer further benefits as an e-box for cabling

    for plug-and-work, plant container, containers or

    lap tables to ensure convenient working at lounge

    level. Storage space and add-on panels complete

    the system.

    ophelis docks deliberately sets itself apart from

    the classic desk-based office workplace due to its

    unique style and materials. Its design and

    dimensional compatibility also make it ideal for


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  • 8/17/2019 Ophelis Furniture Brochure Docks


    13Islands in the office

    Office work is increasingly taking place in open

    spaces or groups. There is a growing need

    for communication within increasingly cross-

    disciplinary teams. Creative teamwork, other ap-

    proaches to work, space for quiet contemplation,

    short discussions and promotion of informalcommunication are requirements which must be

    met through modern spatial designs. With ophelis

    docks it is possible to create islands in the office

    which organise open spaces and can be used

    variably. ophelis docks is a haven of peace, a place

    for quiet contemplation, a meeting place and a

    multi-media communications point all rolled into

    one. The modules can be configured to create

    various scenes. Sofas and single chairs complete

    the system. Partitions provide visual and acoustic

    privacy. At the same time, this protected space

    provides enough room for relaxed discussions.

    docks supports electrical connections – making it

    a tucked away place to work, which can always be

    equipped with the right technology.

    With opposite facing

    sofa elements, storage

    space and integrated

    lighting in add-on

    panels, docks becomes

    the main meeting pointin the office. Tables

    with e-box create

    meeting islands or

    additional temporary


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  • 8/17/2019 Ophelis Furniture Brochure Docks



  • 8/17/2019 Ophelis Furniture Brochure Docks



  • 8/17/2019 Ophelis Furniture Brochure Docks


    27Other zones

    Reception, lounge, meeting point or quiet place for contemplation. ophelis

    docks gives complete scope for designing all kinds of places. The upholstered

    modules can be put together to create almost any configuration, partitions

    provide privacy and the wide selection of covering materials offers many

    options for individual design.

    The leg frames and add-on panels are available in black or in white. Veneers

    and different lacquer colours on the wooden materials emphasise the high

    quality of the entire range. Thus ophelis docks provides maximum scope for

    business-specific designs.

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  • 8/17/2019 Ophelis Furniture Brochure Docks



  • 8/17/2019 Ophelis Furniture Brochure Docks




    As functional components, the bricks modules complete the system and offer

    further benefits as a container with or without a plant holder, as an e-box

    for cable routing at user level, or combined with the lap table, they ensure

    convenient working at lounge height.

    Storage, add-on panel and add-ons

    The docks modular system is completed by storage and the add-on panel

    which enables connection of matching add-ons such as lights and side tables

    to the system.

    Upholstered sections

    Six upholstered modules form the basis for all sitting and lounge configurations.A superior level of comfort when seated, a selection of high-quality covering

    materials and the variable arrangement offer practically endless design options.


    Tables at both standing and sitting height form part of the docks system.

    The box provides additional storage space, can be used to decorate the office

    with indoor plants in plant container, supplies power and data to the table or

    enables integration of (foldaway) media technology.


    U-shaped and L-shaped partitions, which can be added to the upholstered

    modules, provide privacy and a space for quiet contemplation.

    docks is a true modular system with a wide variety of options for individual

    design. The basic form is a 90 cm x 90 cm square. ophelis docks can be

    integrated in all spaces in a width dimension of 15 centimetres with various

    options for a linear, L-, T- or cross links design. The ophelis docks modular

    system covers a variety of upholstered modules with or without screen,

    storage space and tables in lounge, sitting or standing height, which can

    be put together to create various scenes. The „bricks“ system components

    also supply additional benefits.

    As a supporting structure, the leg frames accommodate the various docksmodules. The continuous beam enables standard integration of cable routing;

    power and data are supplied through different modules to the user level.




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    41Continued: The docks modules

     U ph  o l   s  t   e r  e  d  s  e  c  t  i   o n s 

    P  a r  t  i   t  i   o n s 

    T  a  b l   e  s  a n d  e - b  o x 

    B r i   c k  s 

     S  t   o r  a  g  e  , a  d  d - o n p a n e l   ,l  i  nk i  n g  e l   e m

     e n t  wi   t  h  t   a  b l   e 

  • 8/17/2019 Ophelis Furniture Brochure Docks



    Fig. 01

    Fig. 06 

    Fig. 02 

    Fig. 08 

    Fig. 07 

    Fig. 04 

    Fig. 09 

    Fig. 03 Fig. 05  

    Fig. 10 

    Fig. 01 Linking element with table 

    Fig. 02  Bricks 9 0 e-box lap table / container / container 

    Fig. 03  Bricks 30 lap table 

    Fig. 04  Storage 45 and add-on panel 

    Fig. 05  E-box sitting


    Fig. 06  L partition left 

    Fig. 07  Side view of frame 

    Fig. 08  Frame transition

    U partition 

    Fig. 09  Bricks E-box 

    Fig. 10  Upholstered

    section 135 

  • 8/17/2019 Ophelis Furniture Brochure Docks


    ophelis GmbH 

    Dr.-Alfred-Weckesser-Str. 1

    D-76669 Bad SchönbornTel.: +49(0)72 53.83-0

    Fax: +49(0)72 53.83-338

    [email protected]

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