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    1. Conjunctival hyperemia, growth of eyelashes, ocular pruritus, ocular dryness, visual disturbance, ocular burning,

    foreign body sensation, eye pain, pigmentation of the periocular skin, blepharitis, cataract, superficial punctate

    keratitis, eyelid erythema, ocular irritation, eyelash darkening are Adverse Reactions associated with this

    antiglaucoma medication:

    A. Betaxolol C. Pilocarpine

    B. Brinzolamide D. Travoprost

    Travaprost is a synthetic prostaglandin analogue (clue: eyelash darkening).

    2. Which of the following best characterizes primary open angle glaucoma (POAG)?

    A. POAG usually presents with higher eye pressures compared to acute angle closure glaucoma.

    B. POAG is characterized as having nasal step defects on visual field exam

    C. POAG presents with higher eye pressures compared to congenital glaucoma.

    D. POAG is characterized by optic nerve damage, central scotomatas, and eye pressures of 20 mmHg.

    3. One of the following is a risk factor for development for glaucoma:

    A. Prolonged TV viewing C. Intake of anti TB medications

    B. Prolonged exercise D. Intake of oral steroids

    4. A 60 year old Asian female complains of difficulty in driving characterized as inability to see the sidewalk for the

    past 6 months. Past health history is significant for headaches and diabetes of 1 year. She claims to have a cousin who

    is blind. Eye examination showed a visual acuity of 20/20 on both eyes, eye pressure of 20mmHg, open angles on

    gonioscopy on both eyes, cup disk ratios of 0.5 on both eyes, and visual field defects characterized as bitemporal

    hemianopsia. The most likely diagnosis would be:A. Acute angle closure glaucoma C. Glaucoma suspect

    B. Primary open angle glaucoma D. Pituitary tumor

    5. The diagnostic test that would identify functional progression in glaucoma:

    A. Gonioscopy C. Visual field examination

    B. Fundoscopy D. Corneal topography

    6. The most preferred first-line treatment for newly diagnosed mild open angle glaucoma:

    A. Trabeculectomy C. Diode tras-scleral Cyclophotocoagulation

    B. Latanoprost D. Laser Iridotomy

    A is for refractory glaucoma, C is for absolute glaucoma

    7. In the treatment of glaucoma, timolol maleate should not be given to patients with:

    A. Bronchial Asthma C. Hemorrhoids

    B. Systemic hypertension D. Psoriasis

    8. Aqueous fluid exits from which chamber?

    A. Anterior chamber C. Posterior chamber

    B. Vitreous chamber D. Trabecular chamber


    Dr. Reyes September 09, 2013

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    9. The most common mechanism identified in patients with primary angle closure glaucoma is:

    A. Pupillary block C. Angle recession

    B. Plateau iris D. Retinal detachment

    Retinal detachment would cause 3rdspacing, hence hypotony, therefore no glaucoma

    10. A 35 year old male came in for a comprehensive eye examination as part of his annual eye check. The followingwere significant eye findings: Unremarkable family history, past health history of trauma to left eye 20 years ago,

    visual acuity 20/20 on both eyes, suspicious visual field loss on the left eye, nerve cupping on the left eye, eye

    pressure of 15 on the right eye and 23mmHg on the left eye, and asymptomatic. Gonioscopy showed angle recession

    on the left eye. The most likely diagnosis would be:

    A. Glaucoma suspect C. Secondary open angle glaucoma

    B. Acute angle closure glaucoma D. Error of refraction

    11. If left untreated, primary angle closure glaucoma can lead to permanent and total loss of vision due to:

    A. Cataract formation C. Corneal edema

    B. Retinal Nerve fiber layer thinning D. Mid-dilated pupils

    12. In the treatment of acute angle closure glaucoma, this medication has the shortest duration of action and has the

    greatest intraocular pressure lowering effect:

    A. Mannitol C. Timolol

    B. Latanoprost D. Bimatoprost

    13. Laser treatment of mild open angle glaucoma is best achieved with:

    A. Pan retinal photocoagulation C. Laser Iridotomy

    B. Selective laser trabeculoplasty D. Laser Assisted In-Situ Keratomilieusis (LASIK)

    14. Drowsiness, paraesthesia, ataxia, dizziness, thirst, anorexia, headache; confusion, malaise, depression; GI distress,

    metabolic acidosis, polyuria, hyperuricaemia, renal calculi, nephrotoxicity, hepatic dysfunction ,and Potentially

    Fatal skin reactions or blood dyscrasias are Adverse Reactions seen with this anti glaucoma medication:

    A. betaxolol C. acetazolamide

    B. latanoprost D. pilocarpine

    15. A woman presents to you complaining of a sticky red eye for the past two days with stinging and some

    photophobia. Her vision has dropped slightly to 20/30. She has a history of diabetes and taking drops for glaucoma,

    but is otherwise healthy. The most likely cause of her eye redness is:

    A. Acute angle-closure glaucoma C. Diabetic retinopathy

    B. Viral conjunctivitis D. Papilledema

    16. A mother brings in her two-year old child because she is concerned that her baby is cross-eyed. Which of the

    following is an inappropriate statement:

    A. The baby may maintain 20/20 vision

    B. The esotropia could lead to permanent vision loss

    C. The esotropia might be corrected with glasses alone

    D. Surgical treatment should be delayed until adolescence

    17. What antibiotics would you use in a newborn with suspected chlamydial conjunctivitis?

    A. Ciprofloxacin drops

    C. Oral Doxycyline

    B. Erythromycin drops D. Erythromycin drops and oral erythromycin

    18. You are measuring the deviation in a child with strabismus. The corneal light reflex is 2mm temporal to the pupil

    in the right eye. How much deviation would you estimate?

    A. 10 diopters esotropia C. 30 diopters esotropia

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    B. 20 diopters exotropia

    D. 40 diopters exotropia

    2mm x 15 diopters= 30

    19. The pupillary light reflex can be shown to develop at approximately what age?

    A. 20 weeks gestation C. 4 weeks postnatal

    B. 30 weeks gestation D. 8 weeks postnatal

    20. Which of the following tests will always be normal in severe unilateral optic nerve hypoplasia

    A. Visual acuity test C. Electroretinography

    B. Swinging flashlight test D. Visual evoked responses

    21. Which of the following is the most common presentation for retinoblastoma?

    A. Decreased vision C. Strabismus

    B. Orbital cellulitis D. Leukocoria

    22. Which of the following concerning risk factors for development of ROP (retinopathy of prematurity) is true?

    A. Gestational age at birth is inversely proportional to the probability of development of ROP

    B. Incidence and severity of ROP increases directly with average arterial oxygenation

    C. Asians may tend to develop less severe forms of the disorder

    D. Necrotizing enterocolitis is an independent risk factor for development of ROP

    23. Which of the following congenital cataract scenarios mandates the most urgent surgical intervention?

    A. Monocular anterior polar cataract C. Monocular lamellar cataract

    B. Binocular posterior lenticonus D. Monocular nuclear cataract

    24. Symptoms or signs of infantile glaucoma includes:

    A. Tearing C. Photophobia

    B. Enlargement of corneal diameter D. All of the above

    25. The normal growth and development of the human eye includes all of the following except

    A. A 4-mm increase in axial length of the eye during the first 6 months of lifeB. A corneal diameter of 10.5mm at birth, increasing to 12mm by age 2

    C. An increase in corneal power during the first 6 months of life

    D. A dramatic increase in lens power over the first year of life

    26. Which of the following statements regarding the pathophysiology of amblyopia is true?

    A. Changes in the nerve fiber layer of the retina are characteristic of strabismic amblyopia

    B. The visual acuity of an amblyopic eye may be better when measured in the presence of contour interaction


    C. The most significant change in the visual cortex of an amblyopic patient is loss of binocular cells

    D. The sensitive period for the development of deprivation amblyopia begins earlier and lasts longer than that for

    strabismic or anisometropia amblyopia

    27. Which antibiotic should be given for suspected neonatal Neisseria conjunctivitis?A. Intravenous ceftriaxone C. Oral amoxicillin

    B. Topical ciprofloxacin D. Topical gentamicin

    28. The inability to direct both eyes at the same object is called?

    A. Strabismus C. Chalazion

    B. Glaucoma D. Vitreoretinopathy

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    29. A 4-month-old boy presents with leukocoria of the right eye. A B-scan (ocular ultrasound) showed multiple foci

    of hype reflectivity in the posterior pole. The most likely diagnosis is?

    A. Persistent primary vitreous C. Retinal detachment

    B. Retinoblastoma D. Congenital cataract

    30. Screening test used to detect presence of leukocoria

    A. Corneal light reflex test C. Bruckner testB. Hirschberg test D. Cover-uncover test

    31. The visual axis structure with the greatest refractive power is the:

    A. Cornea C. Crystalline lens

    B. Aqueous humor D. Vitreous humor

    32. This visual axis structure is a significant component of the optical system, reducing the amount of light that enters

    the eye and aberrations, and it can increase the depth of focus:

    A. Retina C. Crystalline lens

    B. Vitreous D. Pupil

    33. A condition when parallel light rays from an object are focused at the plane of the retina when the eye is in a

    relaxed state:

    A. Emmetropia C. Myopia

    B. Hyperopia D. Atigmatism

    34. With time, changes occur that decreases the elasticity of the lens fibers or hardening of the lens that results in less

    change in the curvature of the lens when focusing on near objects. This condition is called:

    A. Cataracts C. Far-sightedness

    B. Presbyopia D. Keratoconus

    Questions 35-36:

    A 30y/o male non-diabetic with a type A personality and no history of intraocular surgery complains of sudden

    onset painless BOV OS. VA 20/40 with unremarkable anterior segment findings. ONH findings are WNL but the

    posterior pole shows a shallow round elevation of the sensory retina with loss of foveal reflex.

    35. The primary consideration is:

    A. Central serous chorioretinopathy C. Age-related macular degeneration

    B. Cystoid macular edema D. Central retinal artery occlusion

    36. The above patients BOV is described as:

    A. Central scotoma C. Metamorphopsia

    B. Decreased color vision D. All of the above

    Questions 37-38:

    A 50 y/o hyperopic female experienced right-sided headache and sudden onset painful BOV OD. Generalized eye

    redness with a hazy cornea is noted on the affected eye, shallow anterior chambers and an IOP 40 was measured by

    applanation tonometry.

    37. The primary consideration is:

    A. Acute angle closure glaucoma C. Primary open angle glaucoma

    B. Acute anterior uveitis D. Uncorrected ammetropia

    38. The above patients BOV is described as:

    A. Decreased color vision C. Metamorphopsia

    B. Iridescent vision D. Nyctalopia

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    39. A 25y/o female is diagnosed to have MS by her neurologist, who noted ONH finding of unilateral blurred disc

    margins and mild disc hyperemia.

    These disc findings are consistent with:

    A. Optic disc edema C. Optic neuritis

    B. Papillitis D. All of the above

    40. The above patients BOV is described as:

    A. Acute visual impairment C. Impaired color perception

    B. Cecocentral scotoma D. All of the above

    41. A 55y/o male complaining of chronic headache with on and off BOV of 1year duration, was noted to have an

    intracranial tumor on CT scan. His neurologist noted ONH findings of a swollen disc with obliteration of physiologic

    cup and peripapillary splinter hemorrhages.

    These disc findings are consistent with:

    A. Neuroretinitis C. Papilledema

    B. Papillitis D. Optic nerve drusen

    42. The above patients BOV is described as:

    A. Halo vision C. Metamorphopsia

    B. Transient visual obscurations D. Nyctalopia

    43. A 21y/o female consults at the OPD for painless BOV unresolved by combination antibiotic and steroid eye drops

    given by a GP. Slit-lamp examination and fluorescein staining showed a central dendritic ulcer. Our primary

    consideration is:

    A. Acanthamoeba keratitis C. Keratomycoses

    B. Bacterial keratitis D. Herpes simplex virus keratitis

    44. A 12y/o boy experiences localized tenderness on the lower eyelid due to an external hordeolum. Pain perception

    in this case is from the:

    A. Infraorbital nerve C. Frontal nerve

    B. Lacrimal nerve D. Nasociliary nerve

    45. Posterior synechiae are adhesions between:

    A. Cornea & iris C. Bulbar & palpebral conujunctiva

    B. Anterior lens capsule & iris D. None of the above

    46. The following are symptoms of retinal detachment except:

    A. Flashes of light C. Floaters

    B. Sectoral or diffuse visual field defect D. None of the above

    47. Which of the following is a component for the pathogenesis of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment?

    A. Acute posterior vitreous detachment C. Proliferative diabetic retinopathy

    B. Hypertensive retinopathy D. Non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy

    48. Type of Age-related macular degeneratiosn (AMD) that is also known as exudative AMD:

    A. Atrophic C. Neovascular

    B. Dry D. Non-neovascular

    49. The following statements are true regarding choroidal neovascularization in AMD, except:

    A. It is less common than atrophic AMD but is more serious

    B. Metamorphopsia is an initial symptom

    C. A very early lacy filling pattern may be seen in Optical Coherence Tomography

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    D. Most lesions on the retina are not visible clinically

    50. Treatment for proliferative diabetic retinopathy which aims to diminish the formation of vasoformative


    A. Scleral Buckling C. Posterior Vitrectomy

    B. Laser Panretinal Photocoagulation D. Flourescein Angiography

    51. Which of the following is the most common cause of Central Retinal Artery Occlusion (CRAO)?

    A. Antithrombin III deficiency C. Protein S deficiency

    B. Atherosclerosis D. Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome

    Questions 52-54:

    A 59-year old male came in to the ER with a chief complaint of peripheral visual field defect on the infero-nasal

    quadrant of the right eye. This was preceded by photopsias and floaters a few days prior to the development of his

    visual field defect. He is a known diabetic and hypertensive. Pertinent findings on examination are as follows: visual

    acuity of 20/40, OU, with unremarkable external and anterior eye examination.

    52. Based on the data above, the following may be included in your differential diagnosis, except:

    A. Retinal detachment C. Central Retinal Artery Occlusion

    B. Vitreous Hemorrhage D. Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion

    53. Which of the following findings on fundoscopy may lessen the likelihood of diagnosing rhegmatogenous retinal


    A. Peripheral retinal (lattice) degeneration C. Retinal break(s)

    B. Loss of choroidal pattern D. Neovascularization on the retina

    54. The following are treatment modalities possible for the patient if he was diagnosed with rhegmatogenous retinal

    detachment, except:

    A. Scleral buckling

    B. Intravitreal injection of anti-vasoformative substance (i.e., anti-VEGF)

    C. Posterior vitrectomy

    D. Laser photocoagulation

    Questions 55-57:

    An 80-year old female presents to you with distorted vision, with no other subjective complaints. After thorough

    history taking, and physical and ophthalmologic examination, your initial impression for the patients condition is

    exudative AMD.

    55. Retinal findings for exudative AMD include the following except:

    A. Pinkish-yellow subretinal lesions with fluid

    B. Subretinal blood

    C. Lipid exudation

    D. Retinal arterial narrowing

    56. To confirm your diagnosis, which imaging modality will you request for?A. B-scan ultrasound C. Flourescein Angiography

    B. Perimetry D. Pachymetry

    57. Which of the following is a possible subsequent course for the patients condition if it progresses?

    A. Geographic RPE atrophy C. Disciform scarring of the retina

    B. Drusen formation D. Rhegmatogenous retinal detachment

    Questions 58-60:

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    A 42-year old male comes to you with progressive blurring of vision and floaters of several months duration in both

    eyes. He was recently diagnosed with uncontrolled diabetes and hypertension, and has been uncompliant with all of

    his medications. His visual acuity is CF 5ft OU. On fundoscopy, you see diffuse vitreous hemorrhage, defined disc

    borders, an AVR of 1:3, a CDR of 0.3, tractional retinal detachment along the vascular arcades, multiple

    microaneurysms, dot and blot intraretinal hemorrhages, lipid exudates, macular edema, and neovascularization on

    the disc and elsewhere in both fundi.

    58. What is your diagnosis?

    A. Very severe Non-proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy

    B. Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, high-risk

    C. Grade 4 Hypertensive Retinopathy

    D. Exudative Age-related Macular Degeneration

    59. Photographic documentation of this patients retinal condition may be performed using:

    A. B-scan ultrasonography C. Flourescein Angiography

    B. Perimetry D. Pachymetry

    60. Possible treatment modalities that may be used for the patient?

    A. Panretinal Photocoagulation C. Both a and b

    B. Posterior Vitrectomy D. None of the above

    61. In a patient with an eye that has engorged blood vessels, what physical examination should be done to rule out a

    CC fistula?

    A. Exophthalmometry C. Tonometry

    B. Visual field test D. Auscultation

    62. What pupillary response would one look for in doing a swinging flashlight test in a patient with optic neuritis?

    A. Initial constriction C. No response

    B. Initial dilatation D. Neither

    63. How would you know if the patients eye has a retinal or optic nerve problem?

    A. Check for red color desaturation C. FunduscopyB. Do fluorecein angiography D. Visual field exam

    64. In a patient with hyperthyroidism, what eye sign would make you suspicious of Graves Ophthalmopathy?

    A. Ptosis C. Muscle palsy of recti muscles

    B. Exophthalmos D. Lid lag

    65. What cranial nerve supplies the cornea?

    A. Cilary nerve C. Frontal nerve

    B. Trigeminal nerve D. Maxillary nerve

    66. Chiasmatic compression gives what kind of visual field defect?

    A. Pie in the sky C. Sectoral defects

    B. Pie on the floor D. Junctional scotoma

    A would be due to temporal lobe lesion and B due to parietal lobe lesion

    67. What visual field defect would you expect in a patient with a left temporal lobe lesion?

    A. Right homonymous hemianopsia with scotoma denser superiorly

    B. Right homonymous hemianopsia with scotoma denser inferiorly

    C. Bitemporal hemianopsia

    D. Altitudinal defects

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    68. Where would you find temporal islands of vision in patients with brain lesions?

    A. Frontal lobe lesions C. Parietal lobe lesions

    B. Temporal lobe lesions D. Occipital lobe lesions

    69. What is the reason for complete preservation of central vision in a patient with occipital lobe vascular lesion?

    A. Dual blood supply C. Is not trueB. Triple blood supply D. Unexplained

    70. What is the main difference between an optic nerve type defect and a non optic nerve the defect?

    A. Optic nerve type defects respect vertical meridian

    B. Optic nerve type defects respect horizontal raphe

    C. Optic nerve type defects originate from the normal blindspot

    D. Optic nerve type defects are sometimes unilateral

    71. What innervates the constrictor muscle of the iris?

    A. Ciliary ganglion C. 1st order neuron

    B. Near synkinetic reflex D. 3rd order neuron

    72. The separation of pathways of constriction and dilatation can explain this condition:

    A. Argyll Robertson pupil in Syphilis C. Tonic pupil

    B. Adies pupil D. Pharmacologic pupil

    73. What is the triad of Horners syndrome?

    A. Ptosis, anhydrosis, miosis C. Ptosis, miosis, convergence

    B. Ptosis anhydrosis, dilatation D. Ptosis, miosis, accommodation

    74. A tumor in the apex of the lung can affect what order neuron?

    A. First order C. Third order

    B. Second order D. Does not affect pupil

    75. What test can diagnose Horners syndrome?

    A. Paredrine test C. Cocaine test

    B. Hydroxyamphetamine test D. Marijuana test

    76. Which of the following congenital cataract mandates the MOST urgent surgical intervention?

    A. Monocular anterior polar cataract C. Monocular nuclear cataract

    B. Binocular lenticular cataract D. Monocular zonular or lamellar cataract

    77. Which of the following maternal fetal infection WILL NOT cause congenital cataract?

    A. Rubella C. Cytomegalic inclusion disease

    B. Toxoplasmosis D. Herpes simplex virus infection (HSV)

    78. A 4 year old male presents with leukocoria in the left eye. On eye examination, both eyes are normal in size, onindirect ophthalmoscopy, there is retinal detachment noted.


    Which of the following ocular disease is LEAST LIKELY diagnosis?

    A. Toxocariasis C. Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV)

    B. Coats disease D. Retinoblastoma

    79. Which of the following diagnostic test is MORE sensitive in detecting calcification?

    A. B-scan ultrasonography C. CT-scan

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    B. Fluorescein angiography (FA) D. MRI

    80. Exophytic type of retinoblastoma tumor usually leads to:

    A. Cataract C. Glaucoma

    B. Total retinal detachment D.Central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO)

    81. First pathognomonic sign of active retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)A. Demarcation line C. Fibrovascular proliferation

    B. Ridge D. Subtotal retinal detachment

    82. The MOST common ocular sign of ocular toxocariasis.

    A. Leukocoria C. Ocular infection

    B. Vitritis D. Strabismus

    83. Which of the following ocular disease will lead to exudative retinal detachment?

    A. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) C. Persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV)

    B. Toxocariasis D. Coats disease

    84. What is the suggested management for bilateral retinoblastoma?

    a. Enucleation of both eyes

    b. Bilateral exenteration followed by radiotherapy and chemotherapy

    c. Enucleation of severely affected eye and conservative treatment with less affected eye

    d. No surgical intervention (only radiotherapy and chemotherapy)

    Questions 85 - 87

    A 12 year old male complain of progressive, painless blurring of vision in the right eye, negative history of eye

    trauma, on eye examination, there is white pupillary reflex noted in the right eye, on fundus examination, the right

    eye revealed a typical vascular abnormalities with lipid deposition and subretinal exudates and exudative retinal

    detachment. Patient left eye is normal.

    85. What is the MOST LIKELY diagnosis?

    A. Retinoblastoma C. Coats diseaseB. Toxocariasis D. Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP)

    86. Which of the following diagnostic test is NOT needed in the diagnosis?

    A. A-scan ultrasonography C. Fluorescein Angiography (FA)

    B. B-scan ultrasonography D. CT-scan

    87. The following are treatment modalities for this condition, EXCEPT.

    A. Laser photocoagulation C. Cryotherapy/Diathermy

    B. Enucleation D. Scleral buckling procedure for retinal detachment

    88. Which of the following is NOT a cause of rhegmatogenous retinal detachment?

    A. Eye trauma C. Intraocular surgeryB. High myopia D. Toxocariasis

    89. How you differentiate between an Optic nerve and a retinal pathology?

    A. Do visual fields C. Do tonometry

    B. Do Ishihara color test D. Do refraction

    90. What is the significance of the thickness of the arcuate nerve fiber bundle?

    A. It explains the immediate swelling of the optic nerve head in early disc edema

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    B. Its the thinnest of the 3 nerve fiber bundles

    C. It protects the papillomacular bundle from injury outside the globe

    D. Its where you find the greatest injury in papilledema

    91. Where does the main blood supply of the eye come from?

    A. External carotid artery C. Ophthalmic artery

    B. Internal carotid artery D. Central retinal artery

    92. What is the longest portion of the optic nerve?

    A. Intraocular C. Intraorbital

    B. Intracanalicular D. Intracranial

    93. What blood supply gives Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy when blocked?

    A. Central Retinal Artery C. Short posterior ciliary artery

    B. Long posterior ciliary artery D. Ophthalmic artery

    94. One of the following is not a type of pseudopapilledema.

    A. Papillitis C. Disc at risk

    B. Optic disc drusen D. Myelinated disc

    A is already an optic neuritis

    95. What symptom does not fit with Papilledema?

    A. Diplopia C. Transient visual obscurations

    B. Sudden loss of vision D. Spontaneous venous pulsation

    96. How would you go about treating papilledema?

    A. Give oral steroids immediately

    B. Work up patient by doing CT scan, chest X-ray, CBC with differential count, PPD

    C. Refer to neurologist right away

    D. Confine patient immediately

    97. Using the Frisen scale to stage papilledema, at what stage do you find a complete

    halo around the optic nerve head?

    A. Stage 1 C. Stage 3

    B. Stage 2 D. Stage 4

    98. The following cause typical optic neuritis:

    A. NMO C. Ethambutol

    B. TB infection D. Multiple Sclerosis

    99. What other eye signs would be attributed to an optic nerve vs retina problem?

    A. Blurring of vision C. RAPD

    B. Slight pain on eye movement D. Vomiting

    100. What part of the optic nerve is most susceptible to injuries or nerve compression?

    A. Intraocular C. Intracanalicular

    B. Intraorbital D. Intracranial

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