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PHYSICAL REVIEW B 97, 075436 (2018)

Optical tristability and ultrafast Fano switching in nonlinear magnetoplasmonic nanoparticles

Wenjing Yu,1 Pujuan Ma,1 Hua Sun,1,* Lei Gao,1,2,† and Roman E. Noskov3,4

1College of Physics, Optoelectronics and Energy of Soochow University, Collaborative Innovation Center of Suzhou Nano Scienceand Technology, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China

2Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Thin Films, Soochow University, Suzhou 215006, China3“Dynamics of Nanostructures” Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Tel Aviv University, Ramat Aviv, Tel Aviv 6139001, Israel

4“Nanooptomechanics” Laboratory, ITMO University, St. Petersburg 197101, Russia

(Received 28 May 2017; published 23 February 2018)

We consider light scattering by a coated magnetoplasmonic nanoparticle with a Kerr-type nonlinear plasmonicshell and a magneto-optic core. Such a structure features two plasmon dipole modes, associated with electronicoscillations on the inner and outer surfaces of the shell. Driven in a nonlinear regime, each mode exhibits abistable response. Bistability of an inner plasmon leads to switching between this state and a Fano resonance(Fano switching). Once the external light intensity exceeds a critical value, the bistability zones of both eigenmodesoverlap, yielding optical tristability characterized by three stable steady states for a given wavelength andlight intensity. We develop a dynamic theory of transitions between nonlinear steady states and estimate thecharacteristic switching time to be as short as 0.5 ps. We also show that the magneto-optical effect allows redand blue spectral shifts of the Fano profile for right and left circular polarizations of the external light, renderingFano switching sensitive to light polarization. Specifically, one can reach Fano switching for the right circularpolarization while cancelling it for the left circular polarization. The results point to a class of ultrafast Fanoswitchers tunable by a magnetic field for applications in nanophotonics.

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.97.075436


Magnetoplasmonic architectures, consisting of plasmonicand magneto-optical (MO) elements, have recently becomean active topic of research due to their multifunctional-ity stemming from magnetic tunability and nonreciprocity[1–7]. For instance, in magnetoplasmonic systems containinga metallic film perforated with subwavelength hole arraysand a dielectric film magnetized perpendicular to its plane,extraordinary transverse MO Faraday and Kerr effects werepredicted [1]. Along this line, the giant enhancement of thetransverse MO effect was experimentally found in magne-toplasmonic crystals composed of periodic gold nanowiresstructured on a thin layer of a MO dielectric [8,9]. Furthermore,Belotelov et al. demonstrated MO-induced modulation of thetransparency for magnetoplasmonic crystals [10]. Based onthe Lorentz nonreciprocal model, Floess et al. derived theanalytical expressions for a resonantly enhanced MO responsein hybrid magnetoplasmonics and unraveled the underlyinginterplay between waveguide-plasmon-polariton quasiparti-cles and the Faraday rotation [5]. Beyond that, a great dealof attention has been paid to plasmonic nanorods in a MOmedium [6], magnetoplasmonic dimers [11,12], and magneticnanoparticle arrays [13]. Additionally, a number of interestingeffects has been predicted for core-shell magnetoplasmonicnanoparticles (MPNPs) such as MO spasers [14], tunable plas-monic cloaks [15], enhanced Faraday rotation [16,17], circular

*[email protected][email protected]

dichroism [18], as well as the plasmon-driven Hall photoncurrents [19].

As is known, a coated nanoparticle encompassing a di-electric core and a concentric spherical plasmonic shell pos-sesses two dipole plasmonic eigenmodes related to electronicoscillations localized on the outer and inner shell surfaces[20]. Once they oscillate out of phase, the full particle dipolemoment almost vanishes, resulting in a Fano spectral shapeof the scattering cross section (because of that this mode isalso referred to as dark) [21]. In general, the Fano resonance(FR) features a steep, asymmetric line shape and an inherentlyexcellent sensitivity to the changes in geometry comparedto conventional resonance modes [22,23]. Due to a largeenhancement of the local fields, FR in a core-shell particle canboost the optical nonlinearity residing in a metallic shell and/ora dielectric core, as it has been shown for a variety of structuresdemonstrating a Kerr-type nonlinear response [24–30]. Thelocal field growth was also exploited to reach the strongcontrol over second-harmonic generation via the MO effect[31–33].

In this paper, we investigate the optical bistable/tristablebehavior of coated MPNPs consisting of a MO core and aKerr-type nonlinear plasmonic shell. In Sec. II we present thegeneral theoretical model describing both the nonlinear steadystates and dynamical switching between them. Being in theframework of a quasistatic approximation, we account for theintrinsic nonlinear response of the metal via the self-consistentmean-field approximation [34–36] and find the steady-statesolution. Then we employ the dispersion relation method[37–42] to develop the dynamical theory of switching. InSec. III we show that the bistability of plasmonic modes leads

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to tristability and switching between the bright high-energyplasmon mode and the dark Fano mode. We demonstratethe temporal dynamics of such transitions and estimate thecharacteristic switching time. Finally, we predict MO-inducedtunability of the bistable spectral domains for the particlescattering cross section. Specifically, red and blue spectralshifts of the Fano profile for right and left circular polarizationsof the external light upon applying the external magnetic fieldare presented. Section IV summarizes the main results of thearticle.


Figure 1 illustrates the considered core-shell nanoparticle,a MO (Bi:YIG) core with the permittivity tensor

↔εc and the

radius r coated by a silver shell (the radius R > r) with thenonlinear permittivity εs = εs + χ (3)|Es |2, where εs = ε∞ −ω2

p/(ω2 + iνω) (ε∞ = 4.96, hωp = 9.54 eV) is the linear per-mittivity, χ (3) = 3 × 10−9 esu is the typical cubic susceptibil-ity of silver nanoparticles [43,44], and |Es |2 the local intensityof the electric field inside the shell. The particle size is supposedto be much smaller than the light wavelength. Hereinafter weaccept the harmonic time dependence exp(−iωt). We considerreduced losses hν = 0.0055 eV (which can be achieved viadecreasing the ambient temperature [45]) to get the pronouncedFano profile of the scattering cross section. Similar particleshave been extensively studied both experimentally [16,46]and theoretically [17–19,47]. We assume that the MO coreis magnetized by the external uniform magnetic field H alongthe z axis. Thus, the gyrotropy of the core is described by arelative permittivity tensor,

↔εc =


ε ig 0

−ig ε 0

0 0 ε


FIG. 1. Schematics of the problem: Left and right circularlypolarized (LCP and RCP) light waves incident on a coated magne-toplasmonic nanoparticle (cross section is only shown for clarity).The efficiency of light scattering can be switched between weak- andstrong-scattering regimes by using a bistable response of plasmonslocalized on the inner and the outer shell surface. The static magneticfield H removes the degeneracy in the scattering of LCP and RCP light,rendering nonlinear switching sensitive to the light polarization.

Here, the gyration g = χmH (χm is the magneto-optical sus-ceptibility) is responsible for the “strength” of MO activity. Weaccept that the MO effect is induced by an external magneticfield only. For a typical MO-active material Bi:yttrium irongarnet (YIG), ε = 5.5 + 0.0025i [1], and the value of g istunable in the range of 0–0.3 by adjusting the magnetic field[48,49]. Since its 6-nm-thick films demonstrate χm ≈ 3.8 ×10−5 esu [50], the maximal value of gyration which can bereached in practice corresponds to a magnetic field of ∼7.8 kG(or 0.78 T).

Note that here, for the sake of clarity, we ignore the metallicnonlocality which potentially may lead to a spectral shiftingof the Fano resonance peak and enhancement of the nonlinearresponse [51].

A. Nonlinear steady-state solution

To begin with, we consider the linear problem (i.e., χ (3) =0) within the quasistatic dipole approximation, supposing thatthe size of the nanoparticle is much smaller than the incidentlight wavelength. We look for the local electric field inside thecore, the shell, and outside the nanoparticle in the form [14,52]

Ecore = AEi , (1a)

Eshell = BEi − CEi

ρ3+ 3(CEi · n)n

ρ3, (1b)

Eout = −DEi

ρ3+ 3(DEi · n)n

ρ3+ Ei , (1c)

where Ei is the incident field, A, B, C and D are unknownantisymmetric tensors, and ρ is the distance from the particlegeometric center. Having applied the boundary conditions forEqs. (1a)–(1c) on the inner and outer surfaces, we arrive at thefollowing system of equations,

(εI + G)A = εsB + 2εs



εsB + 2εs


R3= 2


R3+ I ,

A = B − C


B − C

R3= − D

R3+ I ,

where G is the nondiagonal part of the permittivity tensor↔εc.

These relations allow us to write the tensors A, B, C, and D

in the same form,

M =


M11 iM12 0

−iM12 M11 0

0 0 M33

⎞⎟⎠ (M = A,B,C,D), (2)


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A11 = 9R3εs[2r3(εs − 1)(ε − εs) + R3(εs + 2)(ε + 2εs)]


A12 = −9gR3εs[2r3(εs − 1) + R3(εs + 2)]


B11 = 3R3{g2[2r3(1 − εs) − R3(εs + 2)] + (ε + 2εs)[2r3(ε − εs)(−1 + εs) + R3(εs + 2)(ε + 2εs)]}P+P−


B12 = 18gR3r3εs(1 − εs)


C11 = 3R3r3{g2[2r3(1 − εs) − R3(εs + 2)] + (ε − εs)[2r3(ε − εs)(−1 + εs) + R3(εs + 2)(ε + 2εs)]}P+P−


C12 = 9gR6r3εs(2 + εs)


D11 = R3

P+P−{[R3(ε + 2εs)(εs − 1) + r3(ε − εs)(1 + 2εs)][R

3(ε + 2εs)(εs + 2) + 2r3(ε − εs)(εs − 1)]

− g2[R3(εs − 1) + r3(1 + 2εs)][R3(εs + 2) + 2r3(εs − 1)]},

D12 = 27gR6r3ε2s


with P± = −2r3(ε − εs)(1 − εs) + R3(2 + εs)(ε + 2εs) ± g[2r3(1 − εs) − R3(2 + εs)]. When Eiz = 0, there exist two eigen-values for the tensor D, i.e.,

α± = D11 ± iD12 = R3 r3(2εs + 1)(ε ∓ g − εs) + R3(−1 + εs)(ε ∓ g + 2εs)

2r3(−1 + εs)(ε ∓ g − εs) + R3(2 + εs)(ε ∓ g + 2εs), (3)

where −g corresponds to E+ = (1 i 0)T polarization,while +g to E− = (1 −i 0)T , and α± is the particle po-larizability corresponding to left and right circularly polarized(LCP and RCP) light, respectively.

Next, we account for the Kerr-type nonlinearity of themetallic shell. In general, there is no analytical solution for sucha problem as the local field in the shell is inhomogeneous, andone should solve numerically the nonlinear Laplace equation.However, when the nonlinear contribution is weak (i.e., εs �χ (3)|Es |2), it can be considered in the first order of perturbation.This means that one can neglect nonlinearity-driven variancein the field structure and account for the self-action of the

electromagnetic field via the averaged field [34]. Hence, wepresent the shell permittivity as

εs = εs + χ (3)|Es |2 ≈ εs + χ (3)〈|Es |2〉. (4)

Here, the field averaged in the shell volume Vs can beexpressed as

〈|Es |2〉 = 1


∫ R


∫ π


∫ 2π


s ρ2 sin θdρdθdφ, (5)

and the local electric field can be written in accord withEqs. (1b) and (2) as

Es =


B11Eix + B12Eiy

−B12Eix + B11Eiy


⎞⎟⎠ − 1



C11Eix + C12Eiy

−C12Eix + C11Eiy



+ 3



(C11Eix + C12Eiy) sin θ2 cos φ2 + (−C12Eix + C11Eiy) sin θ2 sin φ cos φ + C33Eiz sin θ cos θ cos φ

(C11Eix + C12Eiy) sin θ2 sin φ cos φ + (−C12Eix + C11Eiy) sin θ2 sin φ2 + C33Eiz sin θ cos θ sin φ

(C11Eix + C12Eiy) sin θ cos θ cos φ + (−C12Eix + C11Eiy) sin θ cos θ sin φ + C33Eiz cos θ2


where θ and φ are spherical polar and azimuthal angles.


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When the incident light is LCP or RCP, i.e., Ei =E0e

ikz(1 ±i 0)T , Eq. (5) can be simplified by using thespectral representation method [25,53] and written as follows,

〈|Es |2〉 = 2E20

(2 + ε ± g)2

( |X|2|S − S1|2

+ 2η3 |Y |2|S − S2|2

), (6)

where η = r/R is the aspect ratio between the core and theshell and

S = 1

1 − εs − χ (3)〈|Es |2〉,

X = S[S(ε ± g + 2) − 2]

S − S2,

Y = S[S(ε ± g − 1) + 1]

S − S1.

The poles S1 and S2 are given by

S1 = b −√

b2 − 24(2 + ε ± g)(1 − η3)

6(2 + ε ± g),

S2 = b +√

b2 − 24(2 + ε ± g)(1 − η3)

6(2 + ε ± g),

with b = 8 + ε ± g + 2η3(ε ± g − 1).Now, to obtain the nonlinear particle polarizability, one

should exchange εs with εs + χ (3)〈|Es |2〉 in Eq. (3) so thatEqs. (3) and (6) form the self-consistent nonlinear steady-statesolution.

B. Dynamical model

To characterize the temporal behavior of our system, wederive the dynamical model for the MPNP response to the

external electric field. To this end, we employ the dispersionrelation method [37] adapted for plasmonic nanoparticles[38–41] and graphene flakes [42], and write the Fouriertransforms of the MPNP electric-dipole moment as

α−1± (ω)p± = Ei , (7)

where the subscript “±” corresponds to LCP and RCP. Assum-ing that χ (3)〈|Es |2〉 � 1 and ν/ω0 � 1, we decompose α−1

± (ω)in the vicinity of the mode eigenfrequencies ω1,2, and keep thefirst-order terms involving time derivatives to account for thesmall broadening of the MPNP polarization spectrum,

α−1± = α−1

± (ω1,2) + ∂α−1±



( ω1,2 + i



), (8)

where ω1,2 = ω − ω1,2 is the frequency shift from theresonance value. The nonlinear term in Eq. (8) should beexpressed via the particle dipole moment to reach the self-consistent model. Therefore, we use Eq. (6) at χ (3) = 0 andE0 = α−1

± (ω1,2)p±.Next, we substitute Eq. (8) into Eq. (7) and obtain the gov-

erning dynamical equations for the slowly varying amplitudesof the particle polarization P ±

1,2 corresponding to the plasmonmodes localized in the outer and inner surfaces of the silvershell,

idP ±


dτ+ (

iγ1 + �1 + |P ±1 |2)P ±

1 = E,




dP ±2

dτ+ (

iγ2 + �2 + ς2|P ±2 |2)ςP ±

2 = κE,

where τ = ω1t , �1,2 = ω1,2/ω1,2, and γ1,2 =Im{α−1

± (ω1,2)}/(∂ωα−1± |

ω=ω1,2ω1,2). Here, we use the following


E = Ei(ψ1ξ1)1/2(∂ωα−1




P ±1,2 = p±1,±2






ψ1,2 = [2r3(ε ∓ g + 1 − 2εs) + R3(4 + ε ∓ g + 4εs)]χ (3)

[r3(2εs + 1)(ε ∓ g − εs) + R3(ε ∓ g + 2εs)(εs − 1)]R3



ξ1,2 = 18R3[2r3(ε ∓ g − εs)2 + R3(ε ∓ g + 2εs)2]

([r3(2εs + 1)(ε ∓ g − εs) + R3(−1 + εs)(ε ∓ g + 2εs)]R3)2

∣∣∣∣ω=ω1,2Im{εs }=0Im{ε}=0


The terms

κ =(ψ2ξ2)1/2






ω1)−3/2 ,

ς =(











characterize the system dispersion.

Finally, to get the full system response, one should summa-rize solutions of Eq. (9), i.e., P ± = P ±

1 + P ±2 . For example,

the steady-state solution is given by(iγ1 + �1 + |P ±

1 |2)P ±1 = E,(

iγ2 + �2 + ς2|P ±2 |2)ςP ±

2 = κE. (10)

Being physically identical to the nonlinear solution presentedby Eqs. (3) and (6), Eq. (10) describes the Fano resonance,bistability, multistability, as well as MO tuning of the nonlinearproperties.


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A. Analysis of the nonlinear steady-state solution

To provide a quantitative characterization for the light-MPNP interaction, we introduce the light scattering efficiencywhich is defined as Qsc = 8/3(2πR/λ)4| 1|2, with 1 =α±/R3 [54], where α± can be given by Eqs. (3) and (6) orby α± = (P ±/E)[∂ωα−1

± |ω=ω1

ω1]−1.First, we consider a linear nonmagnetic regime. Figure 2(a)

plots the electric field structure for the different modes ofthe MPNP. There exist two bright dipole resonant modes,associated with electronic oscillations on the surfaces of theshell (outer and inner plasmons), and the dark Fano mode hasarisen as a result of out-of-phase oscillations of these modes.The relative spectral position of the mode resonant wavelengthsdepends on the ratio between permittivities of the core andthe host medium [51]. Since in our case ε > 4εh (εh = 1),the eigenwavelength of the spherelike plasmon localized onthe outer surface is smaller than the one of the cavitylikeplasmon localized on the inner surface (λs < λc) [Figs. 2(b)and 2(c)]. The aspect ratio defines the strength of modecoupling evidenced by the eigenwavelengths splitting. For η �0.1 (the thick shell), the plasmons are almost decoupled and thelines of the Fano mode and the inner plasmon approach eachother, yielding a narrow-band Fano-shape curve [51]. As theshell gets thinner, the mode interaction grows, leading to strongsplitting of the mode wavelengths. It would be instructive tonote that in the case ε < 4εh, the Fano-shape profile appears,

in sharp contrast to our system, in the vicinity of the outerplasmon [21].

Next, we investigate the impact of Kerr-type nonlinearity onthe scattering efficiency still in a nonmagnetic regime. As thelight intensity grows, nonlinearity first gives rise to bistabilityfor the outer plasmon dipole mode along with an almostzero effect on the Fano resonance [see Figs. 2(d) and 2(e)].Importantly, such behavior can be reached for comparativelylow optical fields ∼20 statvolt/cm (6 × 105 V/m) due to thesynergy of the resonance local field enhancement and the highcubic metallic susceptibility.

It is methodologically useful to compare solutions givenby the direct averaging and the dispersion relation method.They are shown in Figs. 2(c)–2(e). Remarkably, since boththese techniques work in the first-order perturbation theory,they yielded almost identical results.

Once E0 exceeds the critical value ∼50 statvolt/cm (1.5 ×106 V/m), both dipole modes demonstrate optical bistableregions (OBRs) [Fig. 3(a)]. Additionally, one can undergo atransition between the bright high-energy dipole mode and thedark Fano mode once the bistability domain is wide enough.For stronger fields, OBRs get overlapped, yielding an opticaltristable region (OTR) or optical tristability characterizedby three stable steady states [see Fig. 3(b)]. These statescorrespond to resonant dipole plasmons and an off-resonanceresponse. The appearance of two separate OBRs and OTRcan also be observed in Figs. 3(c) and 3(d), which show the

FIG. 2. (a) The electric field structure for the eigenmodes and the Fano mode of the core-shell particle when η = 0.1. Mode labels correspondto (b). (b) Linear light scattering efficiency as a function of wavelength and aspect ratio in the logarithmic scale [log10(Qsc)]. (c)–(e) Scatteringefficiency spectra at different external fields for η = 0.1 and R = 30 nm. Continuous blue and dotted red curves correspond to solutions givenby the direct averaging [Eqs. (3) and (6)] and the dispersion relation method [Eq. (10)].


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FIG. 3. (a), (b) Scattering efficiency spectra in the nonlinear regime for different values of the driving electric field. (c), (d) The averageoptical field in the shell as a function of the incident field for different wavelengths indicated in (a) and (b) by dashed lines. Vertical dashedlines indicate the fields for which (a) and (b) were plotted. All other parameters are the same as in Fig. 2.

average field in the shell versus the driving field E0 for differentwavelengths.

Importantly, the resonant enhancement of the local fieldinside the shell may reach a factor of several hundreds relativeto the incident field, which is shown in Fig. 4(a). This allows usto reach OBRs and OTR at a moderate optical field facilitatingthe usage of the proposed core-shell nanoparticles as nonlinearnanoswitchers. We also point out that OTR can be obtainedonly for a wavelength larger than the eigenwavelength of theinner plasmon mode. This stems from the fact that Kerr-typemetallic nonlinearity has a focusing type resulting in a redshiftof the eigenwavelengths as the optical intensity grows, asshown in Fig. 4(a).

Let us now analyze the impact of shell thickness on bista-bility and multistability. To this end, we plot the bifurcation di-agram showing bistable and tristable regions for a fixed wave-length near the Fano resonance, as a function of the volumefraction η and the incident field E0 in Fig. 4(b). When the shell

is significantly thicker than the core (0 < η � 0.137), the plas-mons are weakly interacting and their eigenfrequencies are notshifting as η grows [Fig. 2(b)]. In this situation, one can observea clear Fano resonance and overlapping OBRs of both dipolemodes, leading to tristability. For example, at η = 0.1 [dashedline in Fig. 4(b)], the threshold fields are consistent with theswitching points S1–S4 marked in Fig. 3(d). However, decreas-ing the shell thickness gives rise to strong plasmon hybridiza-tion, which shifts eigenfrequencies from each other [Fig. 2(b)].As a result, one cannot reach OTR at a realistic optical power.

Next, we analyze tuning the scattering efficiency by thegyrotropy of the core. The MO effect exerts pronounced shiftsin the eigenwavelength of the inner plasmon, while havingalmost no impact on its counterpart [Fig. 5(a)]. Hence, theassociated Fano line experiences blueshifts and redshifts forLCP and RCP waves, respectively.

Figures 5(b) and 5(c) illustrate the impact of gyrotropy onoptical bistability and multistability. In absence of H (g = 0),

FIG. 4. (a) The enhancement factor 〈|Es |2〉1/2/E0 vs the wavelength in the linear and nonlinear regimes. (b) Bifurcation diagram showing

bistability and tristability zones as functions of volume fraction η and the incident field E0 for λ = 365 nm. The points S1–S4 correspond tothe bistability thresholds marked in Fig. 3(d).


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FIG. 5. (a) Linear and (b) nonlinear scattering efficiency spectra for right and left circularly polarized light in the presence of the MOeffect. The inset shows the resonance lines for the inner plasmon in detail. (c) Bistability/tristability zones in (E0,λ) axes for nonmagnetic andmagnetic (g = 0.3) regimes. Magnetization just slightly shifts the bistability zone for the outer plasmon (unnoticeable in a logarithmic scale).For all figures, η = 0.1.

LCP and RCP light yield an equal scattering efficiency [thesame as in Fig. 3(a)]. Although the MO effect almost doesnot influence the bistability zone of the outer plasmon, theFano line and the bistability domain of the inner plasmonget considerably blue- and redshifted for the LCP and RCPwave. This, in particular, yields an interesting opportunityfor reaching tristability for LCP while cancelling it for RCPfor a particular band of wavelengths [Fig. 5(b)]. In addition,the bistability field threshold for LCP drops but for RCP itrises [Fig. 5(c)]. Thus, gyrotropy removes the degeneracy ina nonlinear optical response of MPNPs for LCP and RCPdriving, which can be used in polarization-sensitive switchingdiscussed in the next section.

B. Temporal dynamics

In this section we study the temporal nonlinear dynamicsof the MPNP described by Eq. (9). In Fig. 6, we plot thetemporally dependent scattering efficiency for both LCP andRCP waves with a fixed wavelength close to the Fano resonance[see Fig. 5(b)]. The background field starts to grow from zeroat t = 0, reaching a saturation level of E0 = 50 statvolt/cm.

In a while (∼1 ps) the system comes into the steady state.Then, a Gaussian signal pulse centered at 1.46 ps appears.In a nonmagnetic regime and for g = 0.3 in the case of RCPdriving, the system transits from a weak-scattering to a strong-scattering steady state with a characteristic switching time∼ 0.5 ps. Remarkably, similar characteristic switching timeswere obtained for semiconductor microcavities [55,56]. How-ever, for LCP the switching is cancelled and the MPNP comesback to the initial steady state. This happens because for achosen wavelength of 358 nm the peak signal pulse fieldovercomes the bistability thresholds for g = 0 and g = 0.3in the case of RCP, but is not large enough to induce atransition for LCP. Although, for the outer plasmon, the steady-state bistability domain is just slightly affected by gyrotropy[Figs. 5(b) and 5(c)], this effect is pronounced enough to inducea difference in dynamical switching.

Finally, we estimate the maximal driving time to avoidparticle ablation. To this end, we rely on the results of a previousstudy on the ablation thresholds for silver particles providinga value of about 3.96 J/cm2 [57]. Taking into account theamplification of the electric field inside the Ag shell due toplasmonic resonance, we come to the critical illumination


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FIG. 6. Temporal dependencies of the scattering efficiency andthe dimensionless driving field (orange). The signal pulse provokesa transition from a weak-scattering to a strong-scattering state forg = 0 (black) and g = 0.3 in the case of a right circularly polarizedlight (red). For a left circularly polarized light, the system returns tothe initial state (blue). The parameters are E0 = 50 statvolt/cm (thebackground field), Ep = 1265 statvolt/cm (the pulse peak field), andλ = 358 nm.

duration after which the MPNP is expected to be burned, ∼330ps, which is much longer than the characteristic switchingtime. Thus, all predicted phenomena are readily observed inexperiment.


In summary, we have shown that a coated magnetoplas-monic nanosphere with a Kerr-type nonlinear plasmonic shelland a magneto-optic core features optical bistable responsesfor dipole-type plasmons localized on the outer and innersurfaces of the shell. This bistability can be used to induce

switching between the bright outer plasmon and a dark Fanoresonance (Fano switching). Once the intensity of the drivinglight exceeds the critical value, optical tristability arises as aresult of overlapping the bistability zones of both eigenmodes.With the help of the dispersion relation method, we havedeveloped a dynamic theory of transitions between nonlinearsteady states and estimated the characteristic switching timeto be as short as 0.5 ps. The MO effect allowed spectral redand blue tuning of the Fano profile for right and left circularlypolarized light, making Fano switching possible for RCP andcancelling it for LCP.

Our results pave the way for using MO elements fortuning the nonlinear dynamical response of nanostructures.For example, nonlinear magnetoactive switchers sensitive tolight polarization can significantly increase the number ofsimultaneously processing channels for on-chip nanoantennas[58]. In analogy to metallic nanoparticles, arrays of MPNPsare expected to support a variety of nonlinear subwavelengthdynamical modes in the form of kinks, solitons, oscillons, andspatial patterns [40,59–62], and the MO effect will serve as apowerful tool for steering these modes and searching for novelnonlinear dynamical phenomena.


This work was supported by the National Natural ScienceFoundation of China (Grant No. 11374223), the NationalScience of Jiangsu Province (Grant No. BK20161210), theQing Lan project, “333” project (Grant No. BRA2015353),and PAPD of Jiangsu Higher Education Institutions. The calcu-lations of temporal dynamics for particle scattering efficiencyhave been supported by the Russian Science Foundation GrantNo. 16-12-10287. R.E.N. acknowledges support from RussianFoundation for Basic Research (Grant No. 16-02-00547) andthe hospitality of Professor L. Gao and Soochow University.

W.Y. and P.M. contributed equally to this work.

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