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Optimal Haptic Communications overNanonetworks for E-Health Systems

Li Feng, Amjad Ali, Muddesar Iqbal, Ali Kashif Bashir, Syed Asad Hussain, and Sangheon Pack

Abstract—Tactile Internet-based nanonetwork is an emergingfield that promises a new range of e-health applications, in whichhuman operators can efficiently operate and control devicesat the nanoscale for remote-patient treatment. Haptic feedbackis inevitable for establishing a link between the operator andunknown in-body environment. However, haptic communicationsover the terahertz band may incur significant path loss due tomolecular absorption. In this paper, we propose an optimizationframework for haptic communications over nanonetworks, inwhich in-body nano-devices transmit haptic information to anoperator via the terahertz band. By considering the propertiesof the terahertz band, we employ Brownian motion to describethe mobility of the nano-devices and develop a time-variantterahertz channel model. Furthermore, based on the developedchannel model, we construct a stochastic optimization problemfor improving haptic communications under the constraints ofsystem stability, energy consumption, and latency. To solve theformulated non-convex stochastic problem, an improved time-varying particle swarm optimization algorithm is presented,which can deal with the constraints of the problem efficientlyby reducing the convergence time significantly. The simulationresults validate the theoretical analysis of the proposed system.

Key words: Tactile Internet, 5G, haptic communication, stochasticoptimization, energy harvesting, nanonetwork, e-health


Year 2020 is envisioned as the “golden age” of wirelesstechnology, in which daily life tasks are expected to beincreasingly performed remotely [1]. For example, humancan interact with a machine intuitively and naturally if thefeedback from the machine is adapted according to the humanreaction time, e.g., about 100 ms, 10 ms, and 1ms are requiredfor the auditory, visual, and manual interaction, respectively[10]. Realizing these reaction times can enable human-to-machine interaction, in which human beings not only can

This research was supported by the National Research Foundation(NRF) of Korea Grant funded by the Korean Government (MSIP) (No.2017R1E1A1A01073742).

Corresponding author Sangheon Pack. E-mail: [email protected];L. Feng is with the School of Computer Science and Communication

Engineering, Jiangsu University, China. E-mail: [email protected]. Ali and S. Pack are with the Mobile Network and Communications Lab,

School of Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 02841, South Koreaand A. Ali is also with the Department of Computer Science, COMSATSUniversity Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Lahore 54000, Pakistan. E-mail:{amjadali, shpack};

M. Iqbal is with the Division of Computer Science and Informatics, Schoolof Engineering at London South Bank University, London, UK. E-mail:[email protected]

A. K. Bashir is with the School of Computing, Mathematics, and DigitalTechnology, Manchester Metropolitan University, United Kingdom. E-mail:[email protected].

S. A. Hussain is with the Department of Computer Science, COMSATSUniversity Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Lahore 54000, Pakistan. E-mail:[email protected].

see and hear things far away, but also can touch and feel.Hence, transmitting accurately equivalent to human touch vianetworks is the vision to close the data cycle, which is aimedto be realized by the Tactile Internet. The Tactile Internet willenable haptic communications and provide the medium fortransporting touch and actuation in real-time, i.e., the abilityto exert the haptic control through the Internet. It is expectedthat the Tactile Internet has tremendous potential for creatinga new range of applications and opportunities that can changehuman life and economy. M. Dohler and G. Fettweis revealedin their preliminary market survey that the Tactile Internethas the potential for extending the worldwide market up toUS$ 20 trillion, and this increase is approximately 20% of theworldwide gross domestic product today [2].Haptic communications will be the prime application runningon the Tactile Internet [3], [4]. Moreover, the relationshipbetween the haptic communications and Tactile Internet willbe that of service and medium, respectively (e.g., the rela-tionship between VoIP and the Internet) [3]. Typically, hapticcommunication is composed of two distinct types of feed-backs: kinesthetic feedback (providing information of force,torque, position, velocity, etc.), and tactile feedback (providinginformation about surface texture, friction, etc.). The nano-technology has emerged as a new frontier in science &technology that can extend the haptic communications over theTactile Internet into e-health systems at the nano-scale. Nano-technology can enable the human operator to extend theireyes and hands into the nano-world. Particularly, the nano-technology can manipulate the devices in the nano-world,transfer information from the nano-word to the micro-word,and travel in the nano-environment. Thus, in nanonetwork-based haptic communications, a human operator can controlsthe nano-machines inside a body for disease treatment, suchas providing drugs for some cancerous cells or operatingmicrosurgery. However, the design efforts for both the TactileInternet and haptic communications are at their beginningstages. Therefore, investigating the potential of nanonetworksfor haptic communications would be a significant step towardrealizing the concept of the Tactile Internet.Due to the fact that the component behavior in a nano-systemis very complex; therefore, the in-body operational environ-ment is hostile for humans. Moreover, some force/biofeedbackis required to detect and transfer the haptic feedback from thein-body nano-system toward the operator. With this eventually,the operator can touch, feel, and manipulate the in-body nano-devices immersively and interactively [6]. However, to providereal-time human-to-machine (H2M) interaction remotely, thesystem must have a very low transmission latency; otherwise,

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the operator will experience cyber-sickness. Therefore, in thispaper, we mainly focus on sustainable and efficient hapticcommunications over nanonetworks to satisfy the high capac-ity and low latency requirements. The terahertz (THz) band isvital for supporting haptic communications in nano-devices.The THz band that ranges from 0.1 THz to 10 THz is capableof supporting extremely high-bandwidth communications withextremely low latency [5]. However, because of molecularabsorption, the THz band may incur a significant path loss,which may further lead to fluctuations in the channel capacity[7]. Moreover, the mobility of the nano-devices can signifi-cantly affect the communication paths. In addition, the nano-devices implanted in the human body typically have a limitedbattery power owing to their physical dimensions. Therefore,a resource allocation scheme that ensures timely and stablecommunications for real-time haptic feedback and controldelivery is highly required. To this end, the distinguishingcontribution of this study is the investigation of the problemof radio resource allocation for haptic communications in ananonetwork under the constraints of the system stability,energy consumption, and latency.In the proposed scheme, first, we employ a Brownian motionmodel to describe the mobility of the nano-device and developa time-variant channel model by exploiting the properties ofthe THz band. Then, by considering the dynamic channel andenergy resources of the nano-devices, we propose a stochasticoptimization framework for improving the haptic commu-nications. To solve the non-convex stochastic problem, weconvert the proposed optimization into three sub-optimizationproblems, namely, 1) energy harvesting, 2) packet-dropping,and 3) resource allocation. These optimization problems areformulated via linear programming and mixed integer non-linear programming (MINLP). To solve the formulated non-convex stochastic problem, an improved time-varying particleswarm optimization (iPSO) algorithm is presented, which candeal with the constraints of the problem efficiently by reducingthe convergence time significantly.The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Section IIpresents the related works. The system model and problemformulation are described in Sections III and IV, respectively.Section V, discusses the proposed stochastic optimizationframework, whereas Section VI describes the proposed iPSOalgorithms. Section VII shows the simulation results for eval-uating the performance of the proposed scheme. Finally, theconclusions are drawn in Section VIII.


Resource allocation, frequency selection, and power allocationare some of the key research interests for ensuring timely andreliable information transmission [8], [9]. A resource manage-ment scheme was introduced for 5G-based Tactile Internet-enabled haptic communication in [10]. To meet the stringentlatency requirement for Tactile Internet-enabled networks, apredictive resource allocation algorithm including the dynamicwavelength and bandwidth allocation was proposed in [11].To optimize the overall network transmission rate, frequencyselection strategies for the nanoscale devices were introduced

in the nanonetworks in the THz band [12]. To improve thechannel capacity, an optimal power allocation scheme wasproposed in [13]. However, in this scheme, the propertiesof the channel (e.g., the time-varying chemical compositionand change in the distance over the communication path)were ignored, which significantly affect the achievable datarate. By considering the variant channel in the THz band,a frequency-hopping scheme was proposed in [14] for time-varying chemical compositions. However, in this scheme, themotion of nano-devices was not considered.To address the energy bottlenecks in wireless networks, energyharvesting techniques are considered as promising solutionsfor providing wireless power to network devices with a limitedbattery life [15]. Nevertheless, conventional energy harvestingmechanisms, (e.g., solar energy, wind power, and underwaterturbulence) cannot be directly applied in nanonetworks be-cause of the technological limitations [16]. Therefore, newenergy harvesting schemes are required for nano-devices. Amodel for energy harvesting was introduced in [17] for ana-lyzing the network capacity of electromagnetic nanonetworksin the THz band. Recently, performance maximization hasbeen typically formulated and solved as a convex optimiza-tion problem [18]. However, a practical data transmissionsystem is typically a non-convex utility function. Prior tosuch non-convex optimization problems, a continuous convexapproximation method was introduced in [19] for energyefficient resource optimization. Concurrently, the branch-and-bound technique was adopted in [20] to deal with the powerminimization problem for wireless networks. A discrete partialswarm optimization algorithm was introduced in [27] to dealwith the optimal deployment problem in a non-convex region.Edge or fog computing could be promising techniques forreducing transmission time during computational offloadingin latency-sensitive applications for 5G [22]. However, a lotsof research issues (i.e., resource sharing, access with legacydevices, network coexistence among different radio accesstechnologies, propagation and environmental issues, cost andpower issues, and network coexistence among different radioaccess technologies) need to be addressed [21], [23], [24],[25].To the best of our knowledge, none of the presented schemesdeal with the resource allocation for efficient haptic com-munications in a nanonetwork under the constraints of thesystem stability, energy consumption, and latency. Owingto the complexity of the system, it is difficult to find aconvex problem for approximating the proposed non-convexproblem. Our proposed iPSO algorithm belongs to the range ofevolutionary solutions based on the imitation of the foragingbehavior of a flock of birds learning and grouping the bestexperiences [26].


A. Network Model

The functional architecture for the haptic communicationover nanonetworks for e-health system adopted in this paperis mainly divided into three parts: master domain, networkdomain, and control domain, as shown in Fig. 1. The master

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Master domain Network domain Control domain

Command signals

Haptic feedback

Health care

Action and reaction

Human operator

Fig. 1: Remote manipulation at nanoscale for e-health appli-cations.

domain includes the human operator and the haptic device,which enables the human operator to touch, feel, and controlobjects in remote environment. The network domain pro-vides the communication medium between the master andthe slave domains. The control/slave domain is the in-bodynano-devices, that are controlled by the main haptic devicevia a command signals transferred via a network. Moreover,the devices in the control domain provide the haptic feedbackto the master domain via a network domain for the humanoperator to learn about the remote environment.In our network model, we consider total N biofeedback nano-devices and a single micro-device in a specific tissue of the in-body environment. Note that the control and haptic feedbackare exchanged in the form of information/haptic packets. Weassume that the nano-devices (in the control domain) detectand transfer the haptic packets about the in-body environmentto the micro-device over a single hop. The micro-device is alsoplaced in-body and capable of performing complex tasks. Itfurther forwards the received haptic packets to a higher layer(e.g., nano-interface). Then, the nano-devices can access thewireless network (in the network domain) via a nano-interface,and the haptic information can be transmitted from the in-body nanonetwork to the operator (in the master domain).Accordingly, an operator can touch, feel, and manipulate thein-body nano-machines with an immersive and interactiveenvironment, this phenomenon is shown in Fig. 1.To execute the haptic communications, each nano-device iscomposed of a power block and communication block alongwith the relevant transmission process and storage units. Ow-ing to the size limitation of the nano-devices, both the powerand communication blocks are finite [28]. In order to ensuresmooth system operation, each nano-device can harvest energyto power itself. Moreover, due to small form factors, thesenano-devices operate in the THz band, and the transmissionbandwidth for the each THz band is further divided into Mnarrow frequencies of equal width, ∆f . Furthermore, differentnano-devices can operate over different sub-frequency bands.Hence, there is no interference between the in-body nano-devices. Let M be a set of frequencies and nano-device ntransmit its radio signal at any discrete frequency fm, m ∈M.The energy resources of the nano-devices will change duringtheir energy harvesting and haptic transmission processes;meanwhile, the channel characteristics for nano-devices-basedhaptic transmission may vary with their motions. We assumethat the time axis is divided into discrete time intervals ofequal duration indexed by, t, t = {0, 1, 2, · · · }. In each time

slot t, a nano-device harvests energy first, and then performsensing and transmit or/and receive haptic packets by usingthe harvested energy.

B. Mobility Model

In our study, ~dI,tn represents the haptic distance between amicro-device and nano-device n over a time slot t. Similar to[36], [37], we assume an unbounded fluid environment withconstant viscosity and temperature, in which a nano-devicetravels via a Brownian motion with the drift in the in-bodyenvironment; therefore, we employ the Langevin equationfor describing the mobility of a nano-device. The dynamictransmission distance of nano-device n is calculated as



d ~Wn(t)

dt, (1)

where d is a differential operator. αLn,I, and βLn,I are thepositive constants describing the resistance of the nano-deviceto the motion and noise, respectively. ~Wn(t) denotes the vectorWiener process. The dynamic data communication distancebetween nano-device n and the micro-device over a discretetime slot t is given by

~dI,t+1n = ~dI,tn +


~G(τ). (2)

Where τ is the duration of a time slot and ~G(τ) = ~W (t+1)−~W (t) is a random Gaussian process.

C. THz Channel Model

Haptic communications over the THz band may incur signif-icant path loss due to molecular absorption. Motivated by theliterature [36], [37], [38], we assume that the in-body temper-ature and pressure are constants. The binary variable, xtn,m, isan indicator function describing the operating frequency bandof nano-device n. Specifically, xtn,m = 1 shows that nano-device n can transmit its radio signal to frequency band fmin time slot t. Ignoring the time selectivity of THz band, thepath loss in decibels for nano-device n in frequency band fm,PLt(xtn,m,

~dI,tn ), is given by [29]

PLt(xtn,m,~dI,tn )[dB] = 20log(

4π~dI,tn xtn,mfm





where Kmt,xt


= 4πKm~dI,tn x

tn,mfm is the molecular

absorption coefficient, which is a function of extinction Km,c is the speed of light, and xtn,mfm is the operating frequencyof nano-device n. The first term in Eq. (3) is the data spreadpath loss, and the second term denotes molecular absorptionloss of nano-device n in decibels. The noise for nano-devicen in the THz band primarily due to the molecular absorptionnoise can be obtained from

Nnabs(t, x


~dI,tn ) = kBT0(1− e−Kn


I,tn ), (4)

where kB is the Boltzmann constant and T0 is the referencefluid temperature, 311 K, for the human body. Stn,m denotes

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the power spectral density of the transmitted radio signal attime slot t. Then, the signal to noise ratio (SNR) of nano-device n on frequency band fm over distance ~dI,tn is calculatedas

SNRmn (t, xtn,m,~dI,tn ) =


PLt(xtn,m,~dI,tn )Nn

abs(t, xtn,m,

~dI,tn )


Ψ(t, ~dI,tn , xtn,m), (5)

where Ψ(t, ~dI,tn , xtn,m) = (

4π~dI,tn xtn,mfmc )2kBT0(e4πKt

n~dI,tn xt

n,mfm−1). As discussed above, each nano-device operates over anorthogonal frequency, and therefore, frequency overlapping isnot allowed. Then, we have the following constraint:


xtn,m ≤ 1, xtn,m ∈ {0, 1},∀m ∈M. (6)

Without the loss of generality, by using the Shannon formula,the transmission rate of a nano-device n to the micro-deviceover time slot t is given by

rmn (t) = 4f log(

1 + SNRmn (t, xtn,m, ~d

I,tn )), ∀t>0, n∈N , (7)

where 4f is the width of each frequency band and N isthe set of in-body nano-devices that perform temperature-dependent movements by a Brownian motion using a drift. Toachieve a real-time haptic feedback, the transmission latencyshould not exceed the given threshold in terms of the upperbound, Bmax. We denote the packet-dropping rate of nano-device n at time slot t as Dt

n. The packet-dropping rate ofnano-device n shall satisfy the following constraint:

0 ≤ Dtn ≤ Dn, (8)

where Dn is the maximal rate for packet dropping. Thedynamics of the data queue backlog of the communicationblock of nano-device n (∀t > 0, n ∈ N ) over different timeslots can be described as

Qt+1n =max[Qtn−


rmn (t)−Dtn, 0]+ζtn. (9)

Owing to the time-varying variables (i.e., nano-device mo-bility, ~dIn, dropping rate Dt

n, and flow rate ζtn), the dataqueue backlogs change over time. In haptic information trans-missions, the command and feedback signals are exchangedbetween different domains, which may lead to a close-loopcontrol system involving the human operator, the communica-tion network, and the remote environment. Therefore, in suchglobal control systems, the system stability is considered as anatural constraint. Note ζtn is a stochastic process that indicatesthe number of sensed haptic packets by nano-device n attime slot t. As, the system stability is considered as a naturalconstraint in our system. Therefore, to ensure the systemstability and further to limit the average transmission latencyfor haptic communications, the average length of informationblock for nano-device n is bounded in the long term [39],which given as below





Qtn ≤ 0,∀n ∈ N. (10)

D. Energy Consumption and Supply Model

Generally, nano-devices possess processing and communica-tion capabilities; therefore, the availability of the informationon the energy requirements and energy harvesting mechanismsjointly at the nanoscale is highly important for designingoptimized architectures [16]. Let EnTr(t) and Enr (t) be theenergy required by nano-device n to transmit and receive thehaptic packets during time slot t, respectively. We assume thatthe energy required to deal with the haptic communication ofnano-device n is EnTr(t) = κτ

∑m x


tn,m, where κ is

the transmission factor, if it is allocated the frequency bandand power. The energy consumption for nano-device n forreceiving packets is Enr (t) = Rtpτ where Rtpτ = εζtn and εis the power consumption for the unit data packet, which isassume to be constant over the time slot t. Then, the totalenergy consumption PTotal,ti of nano-device n during timeslot t is given by

PTotal,tn =Enr (t)+EnTr(t)=κτ∑m

xtn,mStn,m+Rtpτ. (11)

By denoting the amount of harvesting energy for nano-devicen as Htcapn , the available energy resource to a nano-device nat time slot t+ 1 can be expressed as

En(t+ 1) = En(t) +Htcapn − PTotal,tn (12)

= Ei(t) +Htcapn − κτ∑m

xtn,mStn,m −Rtpτ.

In practice, the maximum harvesting power for nano-device nis given as follows:

0 ≤ Htcapn ≤ on. (13)

where on denotes the maximum power that nano-device ncan harvest. Moreover, the transmit power available at eachnano-device is limited; therefore, the total transmit power atnano-device n should satisfy the following constraint:∑



xtn,mStn,m ≤ Pmax. (14)

In addition, nano-device n is assumed to be equipped with apower block having limited capacity Emaxn . In time slot t, thetotal energy volume stored in the power block is limited bythe battery capacity. Thus, the following inequality must besatisfied:

Etn +Htcapn ≤ Emaxn ,∀n ∈ N. (15)

To ensure appropriate operation of nano-device n, the averageenergy in the power block should not be less than a certainthreshold given as





Etn ≥ ϕn,∀n ∈ N , (16)

where ϕn is the predefined energy threshold. A higher ϕnimplies a more long-term average energy in the power block.

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In this section, we discuss our optimization problem and itsformulation. The THz channel capacities can be expressed asa summation of the capacities of all the narrow sub-channels.Then, the THz channel capacity in time slot t is given asfollows:

CnTHz(Ht,xt,St) =


4f log2(1+Stn,m

Ψ(t, ~dI,tn , xtn,m)), (17)

where Ht = {Htcapn}n∈N , xt = {xtn,m}n∈N ,m∈M, St ={Stn,m}n∈N ,m∈M and log2 is the binary logarithm.In our study, for efficient remote manipulation, we improve thehaptic communication performance to obtain a high capacityand low packet-dropping rates for transmitting more detectedhaptic feedback in the long term. Therefore, we adopt a qualityof information (QoI) metric to quantify the efficiency of thehaptic communication at the nano-scale, which is a multi-dimensional parameter that can be defined for an application togive more meaningful measures about the value of information[41]. The information in QoI is defined by a collection of mul-tiple quality descriptors (i.e., accuracy, reliability, relevancy,timeliness, and usability). In this paper, QoI is particularlyevaluated by virtue of the average data rates including thechannel capacity and packet-dropping rates. Then, the averageQoI of a nanonetwork can be expressed as

QoI(Ht,Dt,xt,St) =∑n

ωnF(CnTHz − Dn

)= limT→∞






Where E[·] is the average and ωn is the weight. CnTHz and Dn

are the average channel capacity and packet-dropping rate forany nano-device n, respectively. The objective is to performthe energy harvesting, packet-dropping, frequency selection,and power control of the nano-devices to maximize the averageQoI value of the system under the time-variant channels andconstraints of system stability, nano-devices communicationlatency, and limited power blocks. Consequently, the averageQoI maximization problem is formulated as

P1: maxxt,Dt,St,Ht

QoI(Ht,Dt,xt,St) = (19)






s.t. Eqs. (6), (8), (10), (13), (14), (15), and (16),Bounded latency of each packet isBmax. (C1)

In the optimization problem P1, the constraint (C1) is thelatency constraint indicating that each haptic packet must betransmitted or dropped within latency Bmax. Problem P1 canbe viewed as a stochastic programming problem. The solutionis to propose a dynamic haptic communication optimizationalgorithm, such that all the constraints are satisfied and averageQoI is maximized.


The optimization problem, such as problem P1, involves thelong-term averaging of both the objective function and con-

straints, which cannot be directly solved by the traditional op-timization techniques. Therefore, we convert it into potentiallysolvable problems with the help of Lyapunov optimizationtheory [31]. To apply the Lyapunov optimization theory, wefirst transform the long-term energy constraint described inEq. (16) in problem P1 into a virtual energy queue, which isgiven as

Y t+1n =max{Y tn − Et+1

n + ϕn, 0}. (20)

The virtual energy queue is an indicator to determine how wella constraint is satisfied in the previous slots.

Definition 1. A discrete queue is the mean rate stable as givenin [30] based on the satisfaction of the following constraint:



tE[Qtn] ≤ 0, (21)

where Qtn denotes the discrete queue.

Then, we can easily prove that if virtual energy queueY tn is rate stable, such as limT→∞


∑T−1t=0 Y tn ≤ 0,


∑T−1t=0 Etn ≥ ϕn. In addition, to deal with the

constraint (C1) in problem P1, we introduce another virtualqueue for the latency requirement of the system, called ς-persistent queue. It ensures worst-case latency Bmax for eachhaptic packet, as given in [32]. Specifically, we define virtualqueue Ztn for nano-device n with an updated equation asfollows:

Zt+1n = max{Ztn −Dt

n − 1{Qtn>0}r

maxn , 0}

+1{Qtn>0}(ςn −


rmn (t)). (22)

where ςn is a predefined constant whose range is 0 < ςn ≤min{Dn, rmax

n }. rmaxn denotes the maximum transmit rate

of nano-device n, and 1{Qtn>0} is an indicator function.

According to [33], any algorithm that ensures the mean ratestable of Qtn and Ztn also esnures worst-case latency Bmax

for each packet, and the relationship between them can beexpressed as

Bmax ≤ d(Qmax

n + Zmaxn )

ςne, (23)

where dle denotes the smallest integer that is greater than orequal to l, and Qmax

n and Zmaxn are the maximal values of

Qtn and Ztn, respectively. Hence, by controlling the arrivaland departure processes of the queues appropriately via theLyapunov drift-plus-penalty method, we can maximize theaverage QoI of the network as well ensure that the queuesincluding Y tn , Qtn, and Etn are mean rate stable. Let Θt

denote the matrix containing queues {Qtn}n∈N , {Y tn}n∈N ,and {Ztn}n∈N . We define the quadratic Lyapunov functionin time slot t as below:

L(Θt) =1



[Qtn]2 +


[Y tn]2 +



). (24)

A small value of L(Θt) implies low latency for haptic com-munication and low spare capacity in nano-device batteries.

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∑m ωn4f log2(1 +


Ψ(t,~dI,tn ,xtn,m)

)− V∑n ωnD

tn +

∑n(Qtn + Ztn1{Qt

n>0})∑m r

mn (t)

−∑n τ(Y tn + ϕn − Etn)

∑m x


tn,m + (Qtn + Ztn)Dt

n +∑n(Etn − Y tn−ϕn)Htcapn

}s.t. Eqs. (6), (8), (13), (14) and (15). (28)

Based on Lyapunov function L(Θt), the conditional expectedLyapunov drift in time slot t is defined as:

∆(Θt) :, E[L(Θt+1)|Θt]− E[L(Θt)]. (25)

In Eq. (25), ∆(Θt) measures the increase in L(Θt) in eachtime slot t. Following from the Lyapunov optimization frame-work, we can add penalty term −V E[QoIt(Ht,Dt,xt,St)]into Eq. (25) to obtain the following drift-plus-penalty term:

∆V (Θt) = ∆(Θt)− V E[QoIt(Ht,Dt,xt,St)|Θt]. (26)

Here, V > 0 is a control parameter. As can be seen from Eq.(26), by minimizing ∆V (Θt), we can jointly minimize Lya-punov drift ∆(Θt) and maximize utility QoIt(Ht,Dt,xt,St).To simplify the optimization problem, we first derive the upperbound of ∆V (Θt) in Theorem 1, and then minimize the upperbound to solve problem P1.

Theorem 1. For any feasible decision that can be implementedin time slot t, we have,

∆V(Θt)≤ Ξ−V E[QoIt(Ht,Dtxt,St)|Θt]



n−Y tn−ϕn)Ht

capn −(Qtn+Zt


∑m rmn (t)

+(Y tn + ϕn − Et


m xtn,mStn,m − (Qt

n + Ztn)Dt



where∑n =



∑m =


∑Mm=1 and

ϑtn = ptrτ + PSn + PCn. Ξ is the upper bound on theterms Qtn(Ztn1{Qt

n>0} − Dtn) + 1

2 (Ztn1{Qtn>0} − Dt

n)2 +12 (∑m r

mn (t))2+Dt


∑m r

mn (t)+Y tn[ϕn+ϑtn−Etn]+(ϕn)2+

(Etn)2 + (Htcapn)2 + (τ∑m x


tn,m)2 + (ϑtn)2 + ϕnϑ

tn −



∑m x



∑m x



Our dynamic capacity optimization policy is designed toobserve the energy queue Et = {Etn, n ∈ N}, ~dt = {~dI,tn , n ∈N}, and then to make the decision variables to minimize theright-hand-side (RHS) of Eq. (27) for the current time slot,which is shown in Eq. (28).From Eq. (28), the first part and the constraints Eqs. (6) and(14) just depend on the resource allocation variables xt,St

whereas the second part is dependent of the packet-droppingvariable Dt. Similarly, the third part and the constraintsEqs. (13) and (15) depend on the energy harvesting variableHt. Therefore, the energy harvesting decision (Ht), packet-dropping decision (Dt), and resource allocation decision(xt,St) are independent of each other at any time slot t.Thus, the above optimization problem can divided into threeindependent sub-problems: 1) energy harvesting problem, 2)packet dropping problem, and 3) resource allocation problem.

A. Energy Harvesting Problem

To obtain the optimal energy harvesting for nano-device n intime slot t, we optimize the following function:



(Y tn+ϕn − Etn)Htcapn (29)

s.t. Eqs. (13) and (15).

Since Eq. (29) is a linear equation, if (Y tn+ϕn−Etn) ≥ 0, nano-device n can harvest maximal energy to recharge its battery foroptimizing Eq. (29). Otherwise, the residual energy of nano-device n is sufficient, and it does not need to harvest energy.Therefore, we get,

Htcapn =

{min[on, Emax

n − Etn] if Etn ≤ Y tn + ϕn,0 otherwise. (30)

B. Packet Dropping Problem

To obtain the optimal packet dropping rate for nano-device nin time slot t, we have the following optimization problem:



(Qtn + Ztn − V ωn)Dtn (31)

s.t. Eq. (8).

Since Eq. (31) is also a linear equation, So, we get,

Dtn =

{Dn if Qtn + Ztn ≥ V ωn,0 otherwise. (32)

C. Resource Allocation Problem

From Eq. (28), the resource allocation problem for nano-devices in time slot t can be rewritten as



{(V ωn+Qt



m4f log2(1+Stn,m

Ψ(t,~dI,tn ,xt


−τ(Y tn + ϕn − Et


m xtn,mStn,m)

}s.t. Eqs. (6) and (14), (33)

Eq. (33) is dependent of variables xt and St. Hence, Eq. (33)is a mixed-integer non-linear programming (MINLP) problem,which is typically difficult to solve. Two approximate methodswere proposed for the sub-optimal solution of MINLP, namely,1) the continuous convex approximation [17] and 2) thebranch-and-bound method [18]. In this study, because of thecomplexity of the system, it is difficult to convert Eq. (33) intoa convex optimization problem. Therefore, a heuristic methodis proposed to derive a sub-optimal solution of Eq. (33) withan acceptable complexity.

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The employed heuristic algorithm is based on the swarmintelligence technique, which is suitable for solving complexoptimization problems. However, there are some drawbacksfor directly employing the traditional particle swarm optimiza-tion (PSO) algorithm (TPA) in Eq. (33). For example, first, in aTPA algorithm, a penalty function is employed to deal with theconstraints of the problem. Thus, the algorithm performance issignificantly affected by the value of the penalty parameters.Moreover, the dimensionality of the variable for a particle is(2N) × M . Thus, a swarm may lose its diversity in somedimensions, and the TPA may suffer from the issue of dimen-sionality, which majorly deteriorates its performance. Detaileddescription on the TPA can be found in [44] which may helpthe interested readers to better understand its working in detail.To overcome these drawbacks, we first exploit the relationshipbetween power control Stn,m and frequency selection xtn,mbased on the property of the objective function in Eq. (33).Subsequently, we construct a new optimization problem onlyfor variables xt and propose an iPSO algorithm for problemP1.

A. Frequency Selection vs. Power Control

By using the primal-dual decomposition method given in[34], we first relax, xtn,m in Eq. (33) in continuous interval[0, 1], which is denoted by xtn,m. We further introduce a newvariable, Stn,m = xtn,mS

tn,m. Then, we can rewrite Eq. (33)




(V ωn+Ztn1{Qt


4f log2(1+Stn,m/x


Ψ(t, ~dI,tn , xtn,m))

− τ∑n


(Y tn−ϕn−Etn)Stn,m


xtn,m ≤ 1, 0 ≤ xtn,m ≤ 1, (C2)∑m

Stn,m ≤ Pnmax,∀t ≥ 0. (C3) (34)

Since the feasible set of constraints in Eq. (34) is a convexset and Eq. (34) is a convex optimization problem for variableStn,m. Thus, based on the gradient descent (GD) method [35],we can derive the relationship between variables Stn,m andxtn,m by solving Eq. (34), which is given below.

Stn,m =

((V ωn+Z



u+ τ(Y tn+ϕn − Etn)−Ψ(xtn,m)

)xtn,m, (35)

where u is the Lagrange multiplier.Substituting Eq. (35) into Eq. (34), we obtain Eq. (36) forbinary variable xmn,k. This is a typical nonlinear 0–1 integerprogramming problem. Note that in Eq. (36), the overlappingof frequencies is avoided (i.e.,

∑Nn=1 x

tn,m ≤ 1, ∀m ∈ M).

Thus, a frequency band can by allocated to only one nano-device. Therefore, we rewrite frequency allocation xt as anew variable, at = [{atm}m∈M ]. Element atm takes a valuefrom set [0, N ], and it denotes that frequency fm is allocatedto the nano-device. The notation, at, naturally prevents theoverlapping of the frequencies. Accordingly, we can convent

Eq. (36) into an unconstrained optimization problem, and em-ploy an iPSO method to determine the sub-optimal frequencyallocation. In the proposed iPSO algorithm, J denotes thenumber of particles in a swarm. The solution to the problemis represented by the position of each particle Oj , j ∈ J . Withthe increase in the iterations, all the particles gradually movetoward the optimal position. Fitness is used to evaluate thequality of the position of a particle. Specifically, in the ithiteration, the position and velocity of the jth particle in theswarm can be denoted as follows:

aj,it =[{atm

j,i}m∈M], and Vj,i

t =[{V j,im }m∈M


The previous best positions for the jth particle and all theparticles in the ith iteration, respectively, are as below:

paj,it =[{patm

j,i}m∈M], and gait=



The new velocity of each particle can be found as follows:

Vj,i+1t =$j,iV

j,i+1t +c1r1(paj,it −aj,it )+c2r2(gait−aj,it ). (37)

where c1 and c2 are the constants called acceleration coeffi-cients, and r1 and r2 are two independent random numbersuniformly distributed in range [0, 1]. $j,i is the inertia factorgiven as below:

$j,i = $max −i($max −$min)

intermax , (38)

where $max is the maximum inertia weight, $min is the min-imum inertia weight, and inter

maxis the maximum number

of iterations. Then, position xj,it for particle Oj in the ithiteration is updated as follows:



{bxj,it +Vj,i+1

m c if mod(xj,it +Vj,i+1n ) > randj,im ,

bxj,it +Vj,i+1m c+ 1 otherwise,

(39)where blc is the maximal integer, which is less than l. Thefitness function is constructed in Eq. (40). With the help ofoptimal variable gat, optimal frequency allocation xt can beachieved. Then, by exploiting the relationship between thevariables in Eq. (35), we can further obtain optimal powercontrol Stn,m for the ith iteration, which is as follows:

Stn,m =

{0 if xtn,m = 0,

(V ωn+Ztn1{Qt


u+τ(Etn−Y t

n−ϕn) −Ψ(xtn,m) otherwise.(41)

In terms of dynamic network state, the detailed implementationprocess of iPSO algorithm is shown in Algorithm 1, whichcan obtain the sub-solution of problem P1. In Algorithm 1,the optimal energy harvesting and dropping rate are obtainedbased on Eq. (30) and Eq. (32), respectively. Next, the initialposition for each particle for time slot t in the swarm isgenerated. Subsequently, the relevant velocities and positionsof the particles are updated until the iteration number reachesinter

max. For the case, in which the position of a particle is

out of range, we employ homomorphous mapping to correctthe invalid position at each iteration, which is more efficientthan the general algorithm that simply drops the invalidpositions. Power control variable is achieved using Eq. (41).

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(V ωn+Ztn1{Qtn>0}+Q


4f log2((V ωn+Ztn1{Qt


(u+ τ(Etn − Y tn−ϕn))Ψ(t, ~dI,tn , xtn,m))



(Etn − Y tn−ϕn)

((V ωn+Ztn1{Qt


u+ τ(Etn − Y tn−ϕn)−Ψ(xtn,m)




xtn,m ≤ 1, xtn,m ∈ {0, 1}. (36)

Fitness(aj,im ) =∑m

(V ωn+Ztn1{Qt

n>0}+Qtn)4f log2(

(V ωn+Ztn1{Qt


(un+τ(Etn−Y t

n−ϕn))Ψ(t,~dI,tn ,atmj,i)


−τ(Etn − Y tn−ϕn)

((V ωn+Zt



u+τ(Etn−Y t

n−ϕn) −Ψ(atmj,i


) . (40)

Algorithm 1 : iPSO Algorithm

Input: Network state in time slot t.Output: Decisions on energy harvesting Ht, dropping rateDt, frequency selection xt, and power control St.Compute Ht and Dt based on Eqs. (30) and (32);Select 20% of the particles that have the worst fitness valueto restart their positions, and then denote the position ofparticle Oj as initialposition(aj,0t );for Each particle Oj dopaj,0t = initialposition(aj,0t );

end forfor paj,0t of each particle Oj do

ga0t = arg max[{ ˜Fitness(pa


t )}j∈J ];end forfor i = 1 : inter


for Each particle Oj doUpdate Vj,i

t and aj,it via Eqs. (37) and (39);if Position aj,it is feasible then


Correct aj,it by using homomorphous mapping;end ifCalculate fitness Fitnessi; update paj,it and gait;

end forend forUpdate Stn,m based on Eq. (41);

Remark 1. In the proposed iPSO algorithm, instead ofusing plenty function, variable substitution is employed totranslate Eq. (36) as an unconstrained optimization problembased on the constraint property. Moreover, iPSO reduces thedimensionality of the variables from (2N) × M for mixedvariables to M for integer variables, which greatly decreasesthe computational complexity of the system and avoids thethe issue of dimensionality. Hence, compared with TPA, iPSOcan handle the constraints quite well and greatly reduces thelength of the convergence time.


This section presents the extensive simulation results forperformance analysis of the proposed iPSO algorithm. Thesimulations are carried out by using the Matlab. In our simu-lation study, we first present the channel property of the THzband and then, we discuss the performance of iPSO. Moreover,to verify the effectiveness of iPSO, we compare it with thenormal genetic algorithm (GA) and the TPA algorithm. Theduration of a time slot t is 6.25s, i.e., τ = 6.25s, and thebuffer size for information block of a nano-device is 70MB.In each time slot t, each nano-device undergoes a randomwalk, and its new position is obtained by sampling the Gaus-sian random variables with mean %τ and standard deviation√D%τ . We also set the following parameters: frequency width

∆f = 0.1 THz, maximum transmit power Pmax = 80 pJ ,receive power Rtp = 1 pJ , and capacity of the power blockEmaxn = 200 pJ .Table I lists the performance analysis of iPSO over differentnetwork sizes (nano-devices densities), which demonstratesthat the proposed scheme achieves better QoI value in lesstime as compared to the normal GA and the TPA schemes.Moreover, from Table I, we can see that the convergence timeof iPSO increases with the increase in network sizes (nano-devices densities). This is because, that the large network sizewill lead to the requirements of more radio resources (powerand frequency), which further increases the computationalcomplexity and the convergence time of iPSO.Figure 2 sequentially plots the total path loss and noise of theterahertz channel model versus the communication distanceand frequency. From Figure 2(a)-2(b), it can be observed thatthe Z-axis values increase with the increase in the distanceand/or transmission, particularly for the path loss.Figures 3(a)-3(b) exhibit the dynamic communication blockprocesses and power block processes for the nano-devices,respectively. It can be seen that the lengths of the blocks tendto be stable and stay around the positive values.Figure 4(a) presents the updates of the transmission powerstrategies of the nano-devices for one time slot by using iPSO.It indicates the convergence of iPSO and shows the effects ofthe network state on the power controls of the nano-devices.Figure 4(b) depicts the average network utilities versus control

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ss (














(a) Path loss













Frequency (THz)













(b) Noise

Fig. 2: Channel property of the terahertz band.

20 40 60 80 10010






Time slot, t






n b

lock (











(a) Communication block process

20 40 60 80 100






Time slot,t



r b

lock (










(b) Power block process

Fig. 3: Dynamic blocks.

parameter V for different initial positions of the nano-devices.It can be found that the average QoI value increases with V ,and that smaller initial positions of the nano-devices result inlarger utility.Figure 5(a)-(b) present the average communication blocks andthe average power block over control parameter V , respec-tively. The average communication block length can be used

TABLE I: QoI and convergence time.Approach Network Size QoI (bits/s) Con. time (s)GA 6.441E+6 0.778TPA (N=6, M=6) 6.447E+6 2.731iPSO 6.452E+6 0.585GA 6.782E+6 2.213TPA (N=12, M=12) 6.796E+6 10.48iPSO 6.817E+6 1.557GA 8.283E+6 4.345TPA (N=18, M=18) 8.302E+6 26.23iPSO 8.326E+6 2.420GA 1.132E+7 7.022TPA (N=24, M=24) 1.159E+7 51.35iPSO 1.175E+7 4.178

to depict the average transmission delay. Thus, it is clear fromFigure 5(a) that the average information transmission delayunder iPSO increases as the value of system parameter Vincreases. Meanwhile, in Figure 5(b), it can be observed thatthe average power block under iPSO decreases with the valueof system parameter V , and the larger value of V contributemore in energy balancing. This is because a larger value ofparameter V represents that the system pays more attentiontowards the average QoI value. Consequently, the advantagesof adaptive system policies including energy balancing becomemore obvious.


In this paper, we investigated the problem of radio resourceallocation for haptic communications in a nanonetwork underthe constraints of system stability, energy consumption, andlatency. We introduced the Brownian motion to describe themobility of the nano-devices and developed a time-variantterahertz channel model for the haptic transmission. With thehelp of the developed channel model, we proposed a stochasticoptimization framework to maximize the average network QoIunder the constraints of system stability, energy consumption,and latency. The optimization problem was further divided into

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20 40 60 80 100










ol (p










(a) Power control

5 10 150



15x 10


Control parameter, V



e u


y (







(b) Average utility vs. control parameter V

Fig. 4: Power control and utility vs. control parameter V .

5 10 15 200







Control parameter, V



e c





n b

lock (











(a) Average communication block

5 10 15 20







Control parameter, V


ge p




ck (










(b) Average power block

Fig. 5: Average communication/power blocks vs. control parameter V .

three sub-problems, such as energy harvesting problem, packetdropping problem, and resource allocation problem over thetime slots. Finally, by exploiting the special structure of thereformulated problems, an iPSO algorithm was proposed thatoutperformed the other compared schemes and dealt with theconstraints of the optimization problem while reducing theconvergence time significantly. The molecular communicationis considered as a key domain of nanonetworks which hassignificant advantages of energy efficiency and potential bio-compatibility for the communications among cells in the bio-logical environment. Therefore, in future, the proposed workcan be extended for the molecular communications for betterrealization of Tactile-based real-time and e-health applications.Moreover, considering the interference among nano-machinesand biological cells, efficient resource allocation schemes canbe introduced for molecular-based Tactile Communications.


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Li Feng received the B.S. degree in electronicinformation engineering from Zhengzhou Universityof Aeronautics, China, in 2011, the M.E. degrees intelecommunications engineering from Xidian Uni-versity, China, in 2014, the Ph.D. degree in com-munication and information systems from XidianUniversity, in 2017. She is currently a Post-DoctoralFellow with the UWB Wireless CommunicationsResearch Center, Inha University, Korea. Her re-search interests include wireless resource allocation,stochastic network optimization, and node selfish-

ness analysis.

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Amjad Ali received his B.S. and M.S. degreesin Computer Science from COMSATS Institute ofInformation Technology, Pakistan in 2006 and 2008,respectively. He received the Ph.D. from Electronicsand Radio Engineering Department at Kyung HeeUniversity, South Korea in June 2015. Since July2015, he is serving as Assistant Professor at the De-partment of Computer Science, COMSATS Univer-sity Islamabad, Lahore Campus, Pakistan. From Feb.2018 to Feb. 2019, he was a Postdoctoral ResearchScientist with the UWB Wireless Communications

Research Center (formerly Key National IT Research Center) at the Depart-ment of Information and Communication Engineering, Inha university, SouthKorea and with the Mobile Network and Communications Lab in the Schoolof Electrical Engineering, Korea University, Anam-dong, Seoul, South Korea.He published many peer-reviewed International journal and conference papers.He is serving as a Reviewer for the IEEE Communications Magazine, IEEETransactions on Industrial Informatics, IEEE Transactions on Circuits andSystems for Video Technology, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Internet of ThingsJournal, IEEE Access, IET Communications, and Computer Networks. Heis also serving as an Editorial Board Member of IEEE ACCESS. His mainresearch interests include Internet of Things, cognitive radio networks (in-terference modeling, dynamic spectrum access, power and admission control,spectrum management, spectrum trading, MAC protocols, performance model-ing, and optimization), 5G cellular networks (spectrum/resource management,coexistence, distributed wireless access, scheduling, power control, networkselection, mobility/ handover management), hoc social networks multimediacloud computing, smart grid and vehicular networks.

Muddesar Iqbal Muddesar Iqbal is Senior Lecturerin Mobile Computing in the Division of ComputerScience and Informatics, School of Engineering atLondon South Bank University UK. Muddesar wonan EPSRC Doctoral Training Award in 2007 andcompleted his Ph.D. from Kingston University in2010. He has been a principal investigator, co-investigator, project manager, coordinator and fo-cal person of more than 15 internationally teamedresearch and development, capacity building andtraining projects. His research interests include 5G

networking technologies, Blockchain and Artificial Intelligence for context-aware multimedia cloud computing, mobile edge computing, fog computing,Internet of Things, software-defined networking, network function virtualiza-tion, quality of experience, and cloud infrastructures and services.

Ali Kashif Bashir is working as Senior Lecturer atManchester Metropolitan University, United King-dom. He received his Ph.D. in 2012 from computerscience and engineering from Korea University,South Korea. In the past, he held appointments withOsaka University, Japan; Nara National College ofTechnology, Japan; the National Fusion ResearchInstitute, South Korea; Southern Power CompanyLtd., South Korea, and the Seoul Metropolitan Gov-ernment, South Korea. His research interests include:cloud computing, NFV/SDN, network virtualization,

network security, IoT, computer networks, RFID, sensor networks, wirelessnetworks, and distributed computing. He is serving as the Editor-in-chief of theIEEE INTERNET TECHNOLOGY POLICY NEWSLETTER and the IEEEFUTURE DIRECTIONS NEWSLETTER. He is an Editorial Board Memberof journals, such as the IEEE ACCESS, the Journal of Sensor Networks, andthe Data Communications.

Syed Asad Hussain is currently leading com-munications and networks research at COMSATSUniversity Islamabad, Lahore campus Pakistan. Heobtained his master’s degree from Cardiff UniversityUK. He was funded for his PhD by Nortel NetworksUK at Queen’s University Belfast UK. He wasawarded prestigious endeavour research fellowshipfor his post doctorate at the University of SydneyAustralia in 2010, where he conducted researchon VANETs. He has taught at Queen’s UniversityBelfast UK, Lahore University of Management Sci-

ences (LUMS) and University of the Punjab. He is supervising PhD studentsat CUI and split-site PhD students at Lancaster University UK in the fields ofcloud computing and cybersecurity. Professor Hussain is serving as dean offaculty of information sciences and technology since 2015 and has served inthe capacity of head of Computer Science Department COMSATS UniversityIslamabad, Lahore campus from August 2008 to August 2017. He regularlyreviews IEEE, IET and ACM journal papers.

Sangheon Pack received the B.S. and Ph.D. de-grees in computer engineering from Seoul NationalUniversity, Seoul, South Korea, in 2000 and 2005,respectively. From 2005 to 2006, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow with the Broadband Communica-tions Research Group, University of Waterloo, Wa-terloo, ON, Canada. In 2007, he joined the Facultyof Korea University, where he is currently a FullProfessor with the School of Electrical Engineering.His research interests include future Internet, softwarized networking (SDN/NFV), information cen-

tric networking/delay tolerant networking, and vehicular networks. He wasa recipient of the IEEE/Institute of Electronics and Information EngineersJoint Award for IT Young Engineers Award in 2017, the Korean Instituteof Information Scientists and Engineers Young Information Scientist Awardin 2017, the Korean Institute of Communications and Information SciencesHaedong Young Scholar Award in 2013, the LG Yonam Foundation OverseasResearch Professor Program in 2012, and the IEEE ComSoc APB OutstandingYoung Researcher Award in 2009. He served as a TPC Vice Chair forInformation Systems for IEEE WCNC 2020, a TPC Chair for EAI Qshine2016, a Publication Co-Chair for the IEEE INFOCOM 2014 and ACMMobiHoc 2015, a Co-Chair for IEEE VTC 2010-fall transportation track,a Co-Chair for IEEE WCSP 2013 Wireless Networking Symposium, and aPublicity Co-Chair for IEEE SECON 2012. He is an Editor of IEEE IoTJournal, Journal of Communications Networks, IET Communications, and hewas a Guest Editor of IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing.

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