

cai; ma \. oa a sm- b r masok aptcAB at

Pl \ M AMI MU li' vt !*\V1I) I»\VI«

MINOR Noll**.

i arv. Ala., ]betas bj bm ina ol

vu d that 8 a e bj 7*5,000in-ij uv.. he violence ".tn.

utitl in <no loatan I ;* companj ol Mute

tsoopa, witb 100 anued volonteere, wealto a al abbe tn poll, to W tbten

tl,,. R> ballot-bos a ii

stated Galosh i A Quia and 8. R. Mason, Hislatter ecce pian National party, spoker.t Pi .- irdav Dight, to a irge andieoi ofpaaple, on tue inn! i 11 ths oampDavis, of Illinois, baa ii ned ant ivor olUiin. och. Tbe ni .in* li ¦¦-, ullin*.ni

jiu; nf i'm* stu- makes stead} progress. TheDemocrats ben prol * ;u bellen that their partywill carry Ohio,

lii'W ALABAMA GO! HER MAJORITY.oi" i ii m.i 'i s rnai ns rna si nmtivi;¦

AH'*- nor **" badi.i raionTExan at rna u>navi nw. nm- ll iii i i.i.- KOW.TWO n.-N-

dhi i> rn miana at oke plaiii.v ii.i '.'. ii ii to ru ran .

V\st;i\iii...N. Ang. 8, rhe Bepu ilican Con-gasaawoal Committee begins tone rolettenfromAlabama ia regard to Ibe lats election there. Thefoliowins an extracts Iron nos ol them datedMom-.'(iineiy. Antills. :.. tbeeorreapoudunt being a

unit! in v. baal Kr. :it cotilil.'i.e*- is npimin '. iv* v.i, hsorelaetaal te beitei iv rotam.*-

Ooma t il -ii -i* ii- proof of the purp pta 'ices olin nus o mnij m.. bare ah mi

4.000 Republican m i**r: ... ind vt*-'*rlu themi't'i a .eui a laat effort t« tare tbair1iImi.iI*-. 1' <. iieimii )-,.: v i. nm t*iK*t waa a v*°ri h.

pupil-ai me, niul linn:. Deuiucnte re

lm | to imt*, wi r tin- ii depenileiilticket made up ol li inorrati uu.l R*pobliean*. In ap*poloilna '¦'.¦ " ) "'Tut ¦.¦ in.i . i itv ot theboar*! -¦ h« .1 tor tue 1:. i*uh lea li groi'Svin ea ve rnt* wolttj,-ii ie. in .. appointing au .-:. '"t thi Demo¬crat li ius]mk-tola v.i'ii' pli 'ittVa.I k. ld IIKJJ .i.l\ il. ll ll VOA 'lulu ll Well, II"Ul Hie re

port« tu ¦* mol.Tie |. *n-- wen opel itv rv late sad closed aeearlr

ihiii.*, e at 500 colored Republican fall I to vote. Atoa... tb -.. waa ¦ hen tbe

Democrat* w.-n* admittod tn vote, whlli it tbe a indu -

-* I,. \ : .-,;._ i ol . hean eas! i lons Hi" olruli it-,! \oiis were kept % mc-. Wli«-n a colored Be-pub! ii ii :.-¦! bia ual.ot it took trout ttve to Alleeniiilnti,cs ii lin In-* l-iit.e on li.e r.nisiry list, and allmai, .i foolish questions wen icu tabla tu killtune. On ...i .''!". d u .;. i. **ii -:v y v.a.'s u. age,vii kaown tu ula moult tor, was asked if bs wastwenty- me, na bow h. I le.

Tli>* lieut, crail.* (er ul - ... i il e. it ought lo l>e, fortn.*, .ur *. alave aristocracy wiih slim*!.-il .ut Sheriff .ititi" fol Tux ColInt.: bea .ui ol i colored man moat nam relfnlty witha eui:., eu mo iirt-u-xt that bc waa Intcrferine witn a

Il n e. rat ic n- _.'t(i.A»'ou ". .*'.\i til- <.i\.r;i"r ordered u ml iltan

ron,',' nv i>. M. i'll'* '-. [otie ol tl"- )K>ll'nR-pIoce#, tncause oi an " i ipeeted tUstarbaae *." < in a t ur c sml thei. *. .il*. V. i.It'll ll.Ve al-"III I'! I Voil ". ililli llle JJ. pilliIlea i,. bOOatthntb ¦_. Ol oourae thia waa to prcrent ii tar ...un1.. This lu a mee *.men! "ti GeneralHansrmk 'ii letter ol acc. ptanee. In whleh s aava: "Tbsbayon i ia ian a Bl luau ami ut tor cu. *-, iiiu- Um vote, olhwan-i," rhere n I be no ii-oubh' rn petting an appro-prut ...i ti* tue i. ps itur to i iy tbs expenses ot matcompany ol mil)Tba eomspoadeot saye that it is the poi peas in

Al.ii.,1mi rn bave a landed aristocracy there andmake tba in-i'U) imam :* s.-iviint hy BOBM lorin nf

legislation, if be eau onlj ie* ji rented Iron emt-grating

ii [ollowing is a portion of a letter dated Mont¬gomery, Angusi i.iit" yd bj ii oorrespondeal of'lui Iiuii'. ni: from ;i ponoual aoquaintanoe in

Alatasaa. u waa of iBtoiligeni and bonor. Hegives tins otber account of ;in events daseribedli tnt Ve :

Tin- D'iiioei tue battli cry ls now " Bayoaeta at tbanalia." pi muled ihij sm li uiocratic bayouets. Thais-ii.n un ru., ihej ri ..* i ti 'it-ction lock place tbe daylu*.or* ¦' received fr. tn r.'--liuii -*i n wo had eta! po ls. abow ti we

bare carried ereia.. om ¦ . 1,750. Tbi t.iii.i ii Demo¬cratic n ni ,ii in* county,bat Ho y iio aol si' ind lt ia tefl

Willi 1 . .i Billi el 2 UU:

ot _.i ll.fl. .lilt.*IV l l!:". ll 1* ll" l.l.ile Ililli! 1,0001) in.-* ,t i..-. eal

I eive v. u one int ,.-

tei. -1. tt .a. theil .*. .iuii ; andy.tu... ii .i.

c. id a: form ol" Itel iud mi hoi catAi M ritehpi - county, oro%. t |.*w e..*- a

linly by i i intel en! I. v he D -iiiiieruls

aaw t ' by rn b le*. \. 11Dom Ihe .siii.-1 leal

\ ..U ..f IL' lt . 1 IOU, telI uv. the

; ... re, l> a ndtam. lu UnTb "i Ueuya. with Iciyoi la tm Iheir mus-

bel*, niu.on loo armed cltiaen* who wmi

doa i uni - oi-ial ira-n tntm* i ii ... i,..ti :n ijorili.

p. ¦. ioi,-.: ii.iIi.ih an ivod v t.i itie Iii* pt ol

. ii n ..... oai ii e tab! in ll e room, llirew all the Repub*. i Bool tm ii... Ui ui

all- ll .. I' H. iii* lui.i.lie.Tin., was done witlnu an*, ii i.e.*. ii,ii,nie-, wheo thclamp m -1.1 (tated.

IjI|]| Ut .. .Il ll*' a *.* ia '. Uti, lian-. .! IO.lull iii :. I* le... ... .-t Il'.lli Iii, \

iiii. ..ibe ni 1 I., ..ut-i le. ii lemun* unfalnii «-." I

forge! to .nun' u di ii*-1 .i.i Uuy l led their best topen-iui huner m nfl il* *i.i nu i leave ti,,.f. i n io .in. aa I wen (put* nu... .- about

.. lilli. Nt n. ii in* ii¬

iin. in e ,.: ,i.i

lu-1 e 'I t. Oliver, mid t_i il ol the l» aioeratlc In-JP Ur.te* .: dil u. tie-e i:iii« yeeteitluy beforeI ii :. .1 v.. um tn -- .| t. u .ei. ..i t ii in ci a.The. iii.- ni i. h. ., _.-v s m iii ,t ii, \ g

tapir ij <.' i iu uti ue bon the Dei

ia Ibal pl n in li ui.: ii oil ku" .*. n.

i0. ii" ... v. il thosaui* titi I,- tu.*

gol .:. Bu pei -.

the j. .-...',. .'..onI Ulled >!a;.

and -ia euee for a tal. i

D.W il) , ES.lill IND I

l-l il IXl "

\\.\siii uroN, Ana. 8..Sens of Illinois,has writ! vi let tor to Jam Harvey, ol thincit..tile !

Jill !'.tKill '..

pint.[lu.- In!


,:lil- -ii..ti i ol

I/mi -:. ir, inulti


BUtiio:U I ut t ni,.lail- rtriit, fu



¦¦¦ pl. .*..

tpun t

l md tin-

li; Iii. _.* i '. 'i.i-'

te...'.. ailll 'I -1 e 111 tn



£tiei twenty intra ol I.tfleeI oinolI'


.1. .*...¦

DEM< '»\!\l|| i I.K Ni.WS.SINAI KX.II) Al...

lill. STAIN n'lMi r rO li,. Ai 111

s ll

Bi ¦, -.! tbe I

Katu .

I Imt :¦¦ illi s ii. theDemo* rata Gem ii ¦¦*. made bia di il call ;ii

tba Democratic in idquart rsouiis urday, aod was

Will ll. |, V 111.'Ih.* Democa I imitt*<. li

*,. i- h .il*; liter** tu tho 1 '

Notbiiiii definite buniniumi'i

ot on. Iii iv ,. v

ct .1 ,, , . rt ttre11-* no -' i... lari ielum at m. Ji

"*i ..iii .nu ...1,,-,-


Al**. V, VIV" iv..!, bo i\ lui Ito gat a iiiiio lost today,'

said ona ol Ibe clarks al the rooina of thaHatlonalBepnblieaa Coanaittes yester lay. " Iks pest weekluis baan so basf tbal wa an sll Und ont. We havel.ceii i. p i .11 ly rind out lit.*-if aigbti nu.I n rte.itdeni ot MirK ms :i'-co:nl''i lied m ii idiot 1 luit*.'I lu- dams Mire ciese.I ye tec-day, and aol s vi tor

sppeand. Manhall Jewell, il"' chairman, had letnt* city fun lieut, incl Colom il iliroiu* to his home, li la expected, bowel i. th.itmi iidcrablc work will b done alweek. Those \\ lin .ut ,,,* v, ., ,*i iheBtate finunit'ee in tu Fifth Avenue Hotol wioin of tew i. rhe hotel looked deseited.

fi I I.E.- il i A. a now is PITTSBCRO.


mr paicaiDBimii ..¦ lAic.N.

I'i itm :?«.. Penn., A ti tr. m..Thc 1," »p iblican cain-

paian ben lui- been fairly lu gav bj ;i hmo meetingheld lu t iiiuii.. Til" speak, is were Galusbs s.(.rowii:ul s. u. Mason, Mr. Oro ip .'; as foll .was

Fin i o.v-Cin-.r.N-i: Each recurring lY.-.-i-deatlal eleetloa brinn witb it renewed -ii aeaionn

Sate! 'ie mm* uni! tenlenclei of polltl ;- irllea Such

ocoasloas an iii anal periods "f e inc ulan la sll tbalpertains to G ivenmsat sad tai admlaiatration. Whiletbs swfjrnta nf lagislatloa arti lemewbal aaaeroaa lu

.: ti', v.t they iviiaii be groaped aader two Beads.owe, tba rights of ama: tbs otber, iii" devalopmeai elth material tcn'tiree*, nf thc conuliv. To se, ur** und

¦ii iii.**: is tin. primary and paramount obi.ul !i,.mit *i iu A tr. i government.

Trom iii iieeoad oom ia lbs we ilth -if ti itt ia, i 11 "i

tlmately aaao -ute l nnd Men led with n llilon..I ibelabonagClasses. Upon thew two points polittealorganisational, ibat istedwheaasbiDgtobeeatiwilli administrative power.

.iiu^ .mi lendeooiea ol th.* Republicen p.irtyeafell] teitad la psaee n wei! us war. Ba-

trust i ai.i.*i-' in us Infancy with admtalstntlvep ... r, it found Itself eonfnated at tin- nry ala ia in* ,ii, eanseleaa la ennui, wicked ri design andorari in execution, wbieh dually i ilmiaatedla . "i

th.'im* t gigantic wan in iu tory. Por t*>.ir yean allrici of this partj were taxed in prosecuting tbls

war to a triamphan olose, aud In sarina ibe life of theRepublic so aa te preserre the Ari; unit tin- Coronanl ofl.U.i ty to i> milt llttii..

H.** n cori iii civil adialatatrattoo, like Us rceurd tn

war, wbetbor teated by ita fidelity tu public frosts, itaBnaasial wisdom, oe bai ¦. oapaotty, i-. aol ex.wiled iu- that of uny piny ever eatraatedwith tin* powers of goverameat. of tbsthirty t:i nu i'll ro ha id id and Blnetjr Bi m.ii."ii*alx hundred and elfhty-three thousand nine hundredaad -iii iii. .* '¦.; > vu. 893.9631 dollars of reeelpts und.**.;* ii'Iit'.Ues of pilhli.: ni. int*;. sin,** 'un formation ,,,

lim ii irena int, tbe .¦>¦*¦*» mid defaleationa oa,mi t-eveti bandied ami nineteen million*foarimii Ire and eighty-one thooaand om hundred and flfiy-s. '..*u 11.71U. 181.157) do;ii*ix, pr-'vitm- o ciirlite m hunl.-e.l aad sixtyulic. Were linn tWO dollars anil l-.veli rv

oeal on a tb .* anddollari to elenn dollars sad nv-ie nats) while on tbe twenty-fire thoneaad fire

bnndnd aad nveaty-six millions two bnadnd sad twoHmus.m i l.'iiieeii tiuu Ind and Ore(25.576._I02._W ¦¦ dolia:, since eight baadred aad sixty-one, tbs losses anddofaloattoos bave beea on ¦ tboaaaad dollars bowtun ty four lo o'-venty -Ix seats, nnd for tbe lust fournar SBdlag .lune SO, 1880, 'our lilin.1re,l mid ni viv

paton mlllioas olgBty iBeasaad ead elgbt bandied aadeight) five (#467,080385) tin uar-* of lutana! Reveaasta.xt.s Bare beea collected aad paid into the XnaaurjWltbOUt til" I'.-s of a cent.

A SPU-SDID nsw. IXI 111 CtUlU.

Tor tiii.-i-.ciai wladom its record is In tbe fae! tbal -ixhundred um! ninety-two millions twa hundred and Hftjr*lix thousand three hnudroi an 1 run four (892,256 i-w

ii- of pa-it-r circular in In olghteon bundi-." nm. i- worth In ema value term hundred and

ii th maand oas aad sixty* me (718,161)dollars mon in.-.n nine aumin* j aud blrty-eigbl nu il luisii, hundred and eighteen thoaland si\ baadred and

Bvo (938,318,0851 liars of id uv. iilrtbeaaaulinn! of paper olrculauoa .mu a uria ia eighteen lum iredind lat] -ilvc.

erldence of tts nen *.r.*i s e-i hundred and fi r-six ......

fe ur lr, n tir. d and thirty-one thousind fire hundrseventj one (2,756 131,571) dolla

ut tim (.lo-.* of il.e ;, -Cition, el_.lil HUH.':¦ lil

tis i millions sixteen tboasand sis hundred and uxtr*six (960/116,6661 dollan bave be* paid,

rd ei ie atlee d .>: p.u-i in I

of peace And during the earne Uni. ibe annual inter-: i un tbe debi lias bc* n rodin: ,i from o

du il .um iitty millions ainu hundred andaerentj sereu

t ,.ii>.,* ..i-l ninety sereu (150,877,097ree millions one hundred and twenty-

nine tu*..i- Hui e lt uii-iilr Iil nu annual i pring lu

nlone of slxty-wven milHoaa slab! baadred andseven thOOtand el; lil I.Hil' 1 ii 1 li... .,". 17.-I ".li

,1 .is

\s in ita fi leiiij t public trust . and Its Bnaaedil wiid..rn wbal ii ideae o mid be required

!..'.. .-! lit* lillsllle-' i,

tested and proreu by tbe apanure condition ol tl."in lustri lof th .. .u v *. n ,- ,i ,. - iator Wal*

*. |gl '.'ie: * li. -te In 1 li ||ibllean parti

*'..;. easton In bo n an l for ti*. 11ai ditton ol ali Indnati les. ir tbs! was so, then 11 rtainly

t.** Bepabliean p rt] entitled to eredtl for Imploredbuslaesi ind ri rived Industries,Yet tin i ,ii .* les t r- now ann Ih it lha pr- - mt prov

petit] ls the result ot i channin Uirln Pm aunahine and ahowera and abundaui lifor iiiat, they -u,. loni ot uni ldHes, as tbe n alt ol Republican policy¦ would bs

li ii ii true tua' tn predict ona of thesepropbi "'il i..\. be in fndence, then tbat ts lae heal il all n ison rb]

wladom of Divine Providence abould be-longtosuch sparty. Ii san aaec ed, f"i ..n-*

SI brlitlit,tba showers ss refn bins, and fhe harveata aa bn ntun uh rnmenl paper dollar wis worth tn

vi par.I be Democratic reaaoa nu on thia mbj -. t

i.uni ii- ll^ platform uf _ :

ib doclai od th it

foritapayin ni ;it mob tm-, la a hindrance lo_ paid.

ll VIV \>. np in-

Polio) '

For, minito .me ¦¦: k f db the luflntiuuihe normal ooadlttona ol

.-.* li ive p and thesame il ] power dur! is tbi

i*' in :¦ :¦ be

good.foll Of I *>l Ile'

iifiire ],to.lii. (ion In theiu:: :. raaoi

1874 1*7!!

PtjtlroiKalin, ii

¦t ,. 'I ('.lu iI.ol7.l-ti j

in eight -en

ii v»- thou ..t'i'1 un I illroad.ii oj *t i tv nu i mr


.a., ii tt lian la' -

- ..

i, ul lever]

p lolAt.-i ll, *. .1 ..lui I!.

- Mm* i. muli, miii i.i ;-> l bon hundrednml fi ...i.'j |H) dol

*i .ut.t

., lodi HI


I ie i inpoiia

I m.- over our . \,...i i-.. I,.Ul, .li,.*

ii .i .! aeveui...

* i......,.livia

..Illulia.* l -..

.... (1464.661.6061 dOllaCB, ibe ii.ii.ii.

favor in eighteen bandrad aad '¦¦¦, wsa ,,:"

Utile hs., und in eighteen Inindia d un 1 a venty sevenit wus ovi r >'ii hundred an I nu v million**.Wuh ooh u record f..r boaestj lu ii imliilatrntlon.

ncaa caps iv. why sb* uld lbsl: im Hean party bs discarded bj tbe people I !.* lt m-t

Hie part of wladom lo let wi i alon** t But abovsdd the Democratic party, with Its deatrne-

t,\ and revolutionary tendencies, be sntrasted wltbp uv!ros causes or Pam rixARCist coxvotsto-R* ¦"

kim; 1:1: i

"-¦ blebberetofonta mir Motors pndoeeda mi bsakraptey la bashiess

do longer exist, Tbe system of slavs labor salstlagle. the old81 it.* banka ¦ all, wen tbs

obie!oaaae of widespread financial ruin at regular pe-rloda, provld I no distarbtni wariater-rened Poll! eal ei in la tbs habit of nfeiiiiu. to! of ifffl 'tt oat '-''.

o'. ]n-',7,,u,i -,t;i. aod of 18S7 '58 ie l '".B, sad atlrlb-¦. ni-,* iii. . lbj tba

i h eia-ii ol 1-17 'I-* and 'ii e. sttrlboted lo tbeVt ii-of Idl'i as iii -er i-ii of is;;: (vi, eh,wi; h.-ut speelsl uud an exoepttonal currency, woaid have

....-uriel earlier) to IBS War of the'il.'U'Without \Mir tome Ilks tfiatarbtag Infaenoe, saei was

oar system of labor aad pnper onrrenoy tbat tl would al

ty, al loogeror aborter rlode, brina* .aanetalni rm upon tm- <-t, ry. Blare labor aever

arning, snd then waa no possible way io

mane it sn. wiieie p m.u .vu of iboeommaoitj barabo bnalaeaa employment, aad pn luce nothing, bal rt lyon th.- Ishorol ii minority to mpportall, lt la only a

nu. i-l, tn of lime w.ieii nun and hiuiki upi. V

wi fall upon -in-h ti ooasmaalty. Tben aever wai nm!novel will i*<- '.ut nae roan In the end ol an individualtu- Ballon attending for any length of urns inextnvs-»'iiu ni '.'lum' Himi Hie .¦.nu ga for that time of Ibenain*..... tm- nation, rai ifare-labor lyatem badfinancially a doubie evil. Thc laborer, aa well as tbs

in- I..ii ir, was onnted ss tix.-.i cspil il.Wnatcver Increased the value ..f Ihe products ol ni" r

,| tu enhance tbe veli.I thu apll iloperate.! tbe sm.i- on buaineaa aa an l A it lou. ftti. pit.. l tne market rniue of I *.**.. pnduia ii im ipi tal linell hy a abrmkiit - Then| e; ition ot am ii m waa aiinpij tini* i Atrunning In debt, >i*t bj 11. ..i ci¦. il¬

la us.*. conatau I Ij Inflating \.lusa, till after i. -i i .i **¦ .. i¦. itu* ulion! capitali- e.iusaiiieii, and general bankruptcy, ot cure, lallalip.n ti.e ii tv i-,. which isca ofinti ttl ui. by a sin Itloua value. '1 hia;¦ m *.!..i in no,', waya by il.ld State bank.-v-t**-ii el .u renoy. fl od Um ¦ atimulul d greater

tad time* compelled oontracti n. And wheotue erasa finaUi oe. al tbs paper ourreuej u.k

greatly dcpi elated, ind moat of il became wmn i tu.u the man ol prudence an i economy loal most, -i

bia - rugs aa bis part ol tho con iri butioutaken rrom thrift a it icu omy to pay the losses ol *..

oe si .1 i" udig i Ity oi nf a pei lem ofla,.or and currency. Slave-labor in hall Hie lu um, uml

¦"is ieii aggrai ilng beother, of tbe great bankruptcies thai periodically i plpr r lbs oounlpur the iinure ii lg .nf,, from these two fruitful

of nus.ia failures nod flnaneisl ruin. H-u.ortb tbelabor of tue whola country will bs Mlt-saatalalng, ornearly so. lt.. will be wltb wise legislation anda settled poller ol admlnta ration in harmony with u*

laltiir and lin iu ¦( iiiii mi.T. ni. lur the .ic.uiiiiiilutltnm oftu no *u_- r bi lo.: ny a worthless paper our*

le*iev.Wltb all our Industriea prosperous, boring paaaed be

tiiiiiltin* disturbing influencea created hy '.viruiil allthe abnormal conditions ol ilave-labor, with a bankingsystem folly est ibliahed, mon perfect completelain any heretofore existing j \*.tii a paper circulation

n- uniform in value, aad pi rfe ly-if.- und -.cure io tbe holder againai io-., ind ti d< il onan.l wei icttled policy in Icgudation by the partyIn power, when la ibs wisdom, In a business punt ofview, ot iiiuii* .lng tb* Oorenment oat imo tbe abanleas sea "t Detnosrstic experiment I

itu* ;len ... i..!I. candidate ;.u Vice-Presides! la tu*lotter of ai.ptanoo seems to think tbat tbe gnat needof tin- country is u. turo out all Republioaa ollloeholders and pul in Democrat*. He sai>: "Peipel tiatine th.- power of chnule Federal omoe-bolrter*ii.iir years longei will not benefl! thu millionsof men and woiuou wbo hold no illi.-e." that 1* Hue.But b><wabout tho country Itself 1 Be seen., t., bareforgotten toe eondilieu of tbe loi in Uh bramble, nor

Itu a awarui ol Insect*, and when ibe owl offeredto drive them iway, the fox aaid, 'No, lol Ibeui alone,

i gorged with ny blood, and If yonur...! them away, auotbei Unugrlir than lb.were, will corni and devour m." The application of

ivloua when ii la remi mbend b -w long tbeli in ..-r ii- bare boen "Ut ni ^ >wer.

lill l.-'ll N.liY .-.Al g IVMlKIt UKI-llil KAN I.'IIK,

iii oar m-t ni iii government it t» a general!] ad-mitted maxim tbal "tbal government h best winch

governs least." But within tbe legitimate Mope ol its*.. i:ni.. In addition to il* ordinary aad Indispensable

in, i- tbe :.¦¦ v sud il eel lon o Inti nai taxi .

in ii e ni it., madato aid and foster our min- rn*- or cripple snd dee troyih ni; la tbe contml ..fa linn klug aystom wuh un pap* r

currency vs ii i.. *i affects the meei minute business ti ins*

action of individuals, sad ail tbs ooauierdal rel

b at borne and abroad; ta lae managemei*iblte debt In wbteb ia Involved the honor and

- well a- the rita! inp n il ol

iron c nz* ti. i ¦¦-. in.-ii ol tbei p little ii i

would it be lafeot to ootna! these rrave sub|ecathe pmiy tbal baa for twentybi ei and n* -. r .* et beti sjred

i pub!l<! i: nat or tc thi p u tv that ba i ninani.i ie ii baa political control, npa*

Hat* Wholly or in part uni. lui dmai- by Its rot s ,i Congi tau hi to repodlal

i'-.ii by pri len, i* - in promise* an

-yunantli i ied taxation, tbat baa a ipportcd allacbexeibe conntrj worth*

' Iliticalpower i : .

ii ont y ¦. "i:h makes a untrj ad

i.f the Uorernment, it questions i

directly tbe ic.:- s Ubi >ei les of the oltisen and guarai.s ol et laenablp l

mil Ai o :s I... pat

ti- mg apo tin- rigbta a ¦! tie

if t I" jj III

eratic ¦ I by its eb teen lead raii-. 1 *.* i-l o.iv c.italogu

in Am.-rh-,ni

¦i -t v.* d by tbe Ku-Klux K ina ol ibeBoin li, b ia be. I. -.. nilen i thi gi uerai on ni

the I) i (Villi ll pirti ot... ,i ul ]

grandi -t temple ot Ihuman hm v.. thcbum u. accnu

ii ul i ii d. -i-u- ...i Ib< bali! fl

ii he scala ., ,

COI -i'i ai..'li il. lien* UllUl-i-l 1- a 1. Ma: td malu- .ny .i|

Ol llle WU li llof wltb i for

iii* ii (Jovernin ir |) cul ai* !:,.¦ *i I. ._..*, ii.


nf in net t.i iii ike

f..r in ttie <

on tbe-i iiuii

linville i .,_.

.1 Ih* !

he conntrj ivcd 1ito I

fl rn

vi ..¦ ur- ii ,.

hased oil IJ

rna i n.-. np m. i .!.!. i*-.

In eighteen 1 I:->it ut New \..ii; declared rn

v.iau.I**i n Intel ti il r.-. ernie lan s. .,,

ru inc 'I. ulai protection lo * omeattc manufacmi ty, in oomn *.,

'I 'l a it le rei ure Ol itu bi li ; r of aci pta ti-ce, i iri . bli i tea i

' V" : mu the ludua-mg words, wi ire tbe only

is ever e rpi eased. .*

i, i og encourage thi hannon] nnd gonerou* iii i;'ii rte '.. ii ii *a ii u\ : ni- ian.

w uhoreign nations, Isl om mei.;-. mann larenind producers to >'. \.p our vaal aatura

ui pi opie."dell ut .1 op

... .. ll lin

lUg i..o*li iii ,*,, _,

.ell I llIle alli 'I'

.1.1 *l

-. *¦ 111' 1'. "1,1 ,11,

ii. liv tu build ll Hitel tl*

ibalHu* pt..

ton vi

.¦! VII t lip..lie iipiin..ii ii

' HUI i.i. ..h. ,i

lal pronand

il,i -iu c tm .'.

" pim. I,. |i-I.ti.i m- .-.i.

.* repa

II ia niIeV11. p


i.-i BftapteB io di

io tn ti..Va. BIS SI ......

wean as would eoahfs tbs laborer to moke bis bomscomfortable, and nar ina fan.Hy educsted, respectablemembera of society. ,

A nain-ii Ia constantly becoming Impoverished In nil

thar e -isiuiue. national grestoeaa snd power if i'*>

wesltfa lucroaa.n, nv me tmpoverlsbmenl ol Itslabor. Tbe cbespnesa of produotloo bi Incrcaaedor by tbe aid of improved .ebaniesl contrlrancea, Islill a tl Mill'a ce IO Sall. BOI tbS le-H.-ttll'L't.1 fl '¦ 0*1

sriirleslmi-ly by reducing tbe pay of the laboiproduction I- rn the el't a pul.In1 !

ne: If the otu te of tocletj la inch that lt require*-1 a ii ti t ibeni praetia uk pnp* r non >iny to -w,,p.I*i i,11ti.i ., and family in reasonable comfort, and tho

vu. for a d iy '.* work la li -- than that,tm ii, aooiier or later, thal state of things will bring (II*-aster upon all indnatriea Tbe most baneful of all loM.,.net - inu lead to national demur ia a policy that tm*poretialiea or degrades labor. It la the greal tactnamped upon all the ruins that stnw tba pathway olempires.Ii un article or con'iiniptlon or trude e*m li- furnished

tit comtuaet ebesply nun- by reduotng tbs wages oflabor t*i Hu same nte paid to bis competitors In otherla is, a len is ls compelled to Un In poverty, sndwaiu mil penury rorrountl bis deathbed,iiun cl i,nun -I is l'.u ti desirable object. Henceil>< im'. -.iii if what ls called incidental protecfion Iniiji. tli *_¦ ih. -. a .., ii*.."., n ton ii.ii Importations,

Titi! ttl' I-tP.I KAN I 1MIU Us.

Th.* BepabUeae party may well eoagratalale Itsellnml the coiiutry upon thu work of it' National Ooarealum. it looted ss Ita rtaadard-beanr .limes a <;.u-

iieiii. Fatherless gad slmosl bomelesa la lafaaey.bewas forced la early neal.d tooan bis duly bread br

iv tod at iiiuiuiul lulu r In the workshop or thu

ll.ltl. an.l Iiiur In life io* :i teacher iii the .-. bools. With¬out the mi of wraith or family Influence be baa carved

¦¦* to honorable distmctlon among bia fellow-men iand unaided ami nloiie, bj li** 0W0 Inherent forMof rbaracter, hus climbed t.> tbe topmost roundin tbs ladder tbat leans agalost tba ilWhether as earpenl r boy, day laborer on thee'In the Held, so.diei nt tbs front or itatestaan m tue

oounells of tbe Nation, bs baa n faithful toiiiu tty, to country sad rigbt His aasoelale "ti tbeticket tor v..¦. Pnsid -. ter A Arthur, '.

m ee a ... ipa iii tn ai rh* bar, by invoking thespirit of lib rtj indtbemaji dy of tbe law to strike tbemsnaek ol bam in hood ig rna tbe limits ..t de«

irsogenlnthe ainota of New-York,committed oo crime and ware gullly-of no nee nve ::..- hue ol then sblns, painted at theilHon in the rn ih** universe, By tb voluntary aiduml unpaid len ices or Ibis mi uk attorney thc L nurnoo

sis ea go rree.With tiles,. iniseii _it.imi.itMien, ra,eminent oltlzena

of tba Itel.Ut.lie anil fliting I'.¦**l.*si Q| ,t.\,-., ,.f th

party ta which they have devoted long yeera of faith¬ful senriM, tbs Kepoblloaa part] ls ss lin to meet in tbs

political arena urn! nt th" pniii tbe part] that has intbia generation pnven reonani to tbe rltul prbof ire.* elective government and fain to liberty and tberights of in;in.

lt appealed from tbs decision of tbs ballot-boi laun eui von eoBdaeted in strict conformity\iith ni tbs fuiiii-i and requirements ot tbeCeasSitation, to tbe cartridge-boi io nullity tl il

mni oveftiiin Hid (,ov.-r tm til fruin d bythe Wisdom "f "ll*' tailors nut e iii. Died J I til lr I l""'t.

rbia party, tn onler, If possible, to abroad usa.

veti it* fut ii ro designs, solsota as in atandard-beman who li knowu to the ei-intry only forht* tarara deeda oo ibe battledeld io contronlitur a'int. of his prennl political leader*,ls lt ,i -'iiii, a**t reason why thi greal "Hi *.- >.f idminlntmr on ui giivernmi nt, requiring lill Ing kunu li il

U tn dial hui gi t ' r.¦-;... '. .- .lull, s

well, should be coulerred fm n.deni ii- in be sleeted almply for berolmu or »elf iiicriticeIn tbe cause of tbi.uniry, then rertatnlr the pernotiought lo i.e s lenti it wbo eal iblta the mest of herorifle, ni ali Ibe luu. .I-m a ml -.-it sieii il. e developed bywar, there ta none equal to thal oftbeyonna mother,st ii it in tbe doorway ol h r bumble cottagoa witb herInfant in rn- ui m* and ipon Itahalf conn dod face, ind ibeu, like the spartan mother olold, aha turns with a smile, and her aa forthto tin- |,;il ,, -tie,tis of hil llllp'M llll-'l cunnii*.receding form paeaea out of aigl t.m io thelong pei i ii it tear, ami alpka down al the lonelywhore I brough wean yearn ii mu-'wm sudaalternate hope and fear, whe her ber earthly protectorwill return with biaahieldor upon r. leal lug her i.ic-

leaa and that rbltrt fatberl ia, to groins theild's pl ti image. Bi ava the ll ll u s

.ei un u,. iii.'ii ...-..!-. iiiiii where will you dodu gn au

tOoea ni idmliitstration In fi- n elei riv.* gi roramenl

gi ti n .!*. h.h! r.u [.., i.. ,, :.., i h. lu their ie ii i.

ire k'.irn ii"I thc ru!it'*- ana llbertienof the llof the present md the cou ns m.tlioua nf ibe future.\\'!u e the p upli 'ut* ei

il. net Upon Ivis \t j,.i li .! ;,i | letorjtn e.i,-ii i,| tlc* great war* of I et IPi es;,|, i,i*. ni pm mil ta * ducat.r.u h. lor and vi. iran*. \. ihiugto i, ti.*, reiMutative of tbe R roliillt of tho Wur of IHX2,nnd ll nu ¦¦.ii of I ie Indian Wara of tu Jfl .;. pei Vuirv. wei-.* eaeii eiv ians of large exp nc:,ei' In Oillaira, and iny Iin ortraining In camp except in lime ..' war.

n iand Iel "i he «ar In a li u he

ii* lu .1*


i . ol iter per'oti, did I leneralMel lltll' ol

it nee tl ¦* -, in>.

ens , w li re in. * lt

to ovei . .

the chi te to

hey decide u, on pi .. p* i

-mia. ll la's- v.' i be eali'lin ibe 'ii ¦..: h. in*.i of .viii/.uM in and tbe develop-


u rltt p. io it- iii- lu--.riiii.¦ of lu, .-I bondage. Th

blooded murder aa an piemcni of par in eacce»** toll .lui

hlxly, over a Holid Month in h itali ">. *dav**ry uudsn ie, ni,* I .li,, rim-m ol Si nie KlVU the U.-pUblieUII pul: t

marched to viciorj under tiie banner t.i i¦... s..u, irecii e. ii i,nd free mi n. in *v and

fofl lu -1 i*l **t of nulli-ll* iflon i'ii*! ten 0, ai...' mni

brute toroa aa an elemeu u paniaau -*. ea*, tueKc-pub-11.\ wtli march under ie

"f tn.- Iiinln natde 11...' ..' all men, iheiii.- ... siuiition and the iii. -r. eau nt ni lin*

1,1 vt -.


OP '.¦ ns.sMA vM i TWO ll Mis AUOOIVRS MOM!PLAIN -S,' ¦-¦ i.i \., ,,. Ju - |1 i'p,,|.; (

lil' Iii: Kfl'l-III.IC VS l< Kl I

'lin* meeting wm ni-H uddrcsaed by 5, I.'.b r. Penn., a ho ¦¦

not ol Pennavlvanla ts i tbe Nationalvu ul a 11: ,, ip* chi . duri t

!. .1 ilebat Un i mimili se :.. i*, m ,i. i be a new il

ire foi he bad c .n>.*l ired the m titern - -it' nature

...iri. tia.iiiu i-.' iv tua ."«' .i. iii il pa;!'. ll!' ll! ,'l s- ,.t'| 1,1 ,1,, j.

.tate. In thal irgec ¦.*.: .in Phil* Iel-.¦. a to go be¬

low the oeoplifor* them.thi

ii.-,; in* bell red resu

Iltl'lSl! Ls ,if lilt. Cell.Illy ril.ll III -1_ lu* ll nt fal.* I't. Il ld ..,-, 111 ll.ll',

gavi biarlcwa tully aad fearleaaly in tbe presence ol all otherpolitic il parties. The vent it tbisra** against tbe lasns thea tn by tbs N..-i.uihI party, although shoal ona b

nd v .tera belli r< n 1 .*. led with it.,s tin* speaker was p >raon illy (

'I Ul" pl'itlt'lnlesihe p ir! .1 inp or! h hu receive ag it mil

h wei ,i p irtl *.

gratefnl. 0 u tblug lie folI, -h it h .ih ibe aud li.-ut c .iv

. ii lies a I ,. I his ,¦ -ts .ni

in of rightn ..

lu a repomi o' governasent suth aa oura tbe maiorit) mn t

md ..f righi ought t" rule, and I ,*

eu tu-1 . ,*¦ . .j .,; the pe ipie,ballot ii >__ ;

| moa ur thc cur-lei banks, baa

Life ia ri for ua ittemnt t**'.'. inn*: tn

liie people ol Bga.illio .ie*.. SI Hatton. IIl*_* lins high dlliV lao llllllll e ,.. I Vial'

ll *. -I. 1.1 ll I.I.I ll, \,

ll Hie,/..* oi una i... i> .*;

le -t.DO iii

..illili p iri e II «1 . I,

ti imbi I betwe. ii lb. te

¦¦¦¦¦¦. tt nrali 'int-

. 1 I

I.I-Ith el '.'tit !l. ben

O'.I lia*ni.' -. Pl ..¦¦ ii Hal Ij ii h.

ia been

mtly proves I'o discern th erlI..e.1> ll -! - gilli

'tt lalll UM IO .-. In U" J. ll, .nt* HIM rt tt.i ie \ i, ,.

he p .Ilev ol Hie Denni, Ile |UM*t) ..

i_aoaing at their ntl ru ... wad by ti... paru

ITTIMT- d In coiivilitloti**. and taking »be*S BS B whole,u nailer would ha at a lons to discover wbe.i

t ul either principle, or polloy. lu differ-ni Mute*,and even in different seettoiM of 'I"' 9aatoBtato,tbe « rn* poller «lul not prevail, one Statedeclared for

hurd money, while another waa In farer ol tb*, legal-t* ndei money to be m-u d by tht Government alon.- aa

the money for tbe people, fir thia rai Hating j.r*u*they lout nol only tbe confidence ortho people but meir

i.ii isa party. They are nol before thewith any flzud principles hitherto Bdvocated.or

.mv i.r nev oroposs to adopt in tbe future, hutdimply naklng that they may ne pla.i In power, with s

leader Inexiierlenced lu tbe management of rtl Baaliaand whose whole Hr.- bas been that of an educatedn idler. To say the least, the experiment lu ajttremelyhasardoua Bxperii as Integrity laaary in the roan wbo stands at tbe bead of a Govern*ment like ours. Tnat experience tbe Demoeratle partyiln nm i vim claim their candidate possessedMr. Manon concluded his remaru by ssrlng that In

bin public utter 'i'1 s ne had always discussed prin¬ciples, !i"f tn n. '1 h U ih where he! to .la* ipoak-

m inti.i .tin..I voter,and believing tbat lbs Re¬publican partv hss Ht"! prineinlaa ands policy well.tiiiipit.i to ths varied Interests or tue whole people, bssn un rote sn labor fol lhc aucccaaof Ita candidates attb* on.liiK election.

VOTES OF THE C IS PASS.Letters from the Interior, received at Mic rooms of tho

Bcpnblli an Bl ii" Committee, sbow tbal the work or er-

tloa ls being steadily prosecuted. Gsrfleld aadtrfhur i'lulu* arc being formed dally, nnd the organls i-

tioua in cull Aasembly District ate rapidly bstag pbwedii. sdmlrsbla oondltten,

i... BeaabUess - of Janey City ira oraaaisiag hi illparla of tte city. Tbls evening a meeting <>f i

.uiieis alli bo held In the rooms of tbs HudsonCounty Republican En utive Committee, Mos. S3 and

25 Newark-are., to organize a * trtiar vet*i-ran ( itm. Tuess.evening tbs Yent . Mea*s Bepab¬liean Clnb of tte tvt'i ii,strict will raise a haadsome!.*un*' ai Pa laadt ai and Congress it. on tbe

- .-.ul rn* delivered bj Conanbrigham, M-tJoi L. K. Paagbera, Oapteta A. __.. Olokaand iiiuei'-.

i ,i,i* i:,-p., patgn eluba bava beeaoraaa*i/ d ui ths town ol Basl Cbeeteri Tbe Garfield and

.vu:,u: < i.-u ' inl* of 1 .', with ihe follow¬ing Steen i huh ii. '.'¦ io prealdi nt, Rearj Ba

,. eretary, end George E bead*quarters at Mount Vernon i the Toaag Men's sVpub-Hean Club ol tbeTown ol Baal Cbeeter, Blljaft B. Wil¬ma president; baas M Milts, Henry Bates, William H.iiiu-itt. ntui Mai Bass, nee-presidents; t,-irgn P.ii.* Bevoiae, oorrespcadlng secretary; .FranklinDavis, ir. .i-iuet | tbe West Mount Vernon Garneld aodArthur flub, wi fi tht tollowu !'. ra Pn*-t li it, John

toni i rice-prealdenia, J. L. Morgan, A Wheaton,iln- Bev. J. Kl miler, V. Melin, aud il. kudolph record

liing se I

tary, H. Hcbniidt; treasurer, B. c'anpi idqnsr-tera donut Veinon-ave. tn Election District No.I of ti. town tue v ung Bepua club, tn be known aa tue Garfield Guards, wltb * >cr.»Hui. I.imi a presidentA Garfield Club baa been organised at Olen Cove, L.I.,

wltb John Blrdsall president, Blwood Valentine treas¬on r ml il. K. ll iben * tut r.u ny.The Greenback Coureutlon for tbe i*x Congressional

I) -tr ci, comprising tue Counties af (\ meas, BuBolk ami

Blcbmond, was heh! ut Denning li ill, Lang is md City,i.-i iai.iv iu ii-riiooii. Tba Convention wns called Ior2:30 p.m. A: tnat hour "lily thirteen of the futhfuiwert* pr teat, and the number bad not increased abanlin Convention was called to order an honr biter byJ'iioiicis Csroll. Tne following delegates wore i ected,

rer to appoint th ir .inmate- i l*t Aseemol)l>t*tnct, Queens County, Daniel Henley, ol mi u Cove;II liutnei,.!. J. O'Connor, ol Long I iland cit* ; Bleb-noni! lu inti .Jan.en Clark, of Castleton. As '.ut:.. \\oii!ii\ wm not repreaentedla the Convention, ll wasmi ewe e. t'l ll Cl IIB OU II C_e .'-'.tte illili Ul tel ll tte.

ssc vi it, Congretemaa of the [st Congreedonal Dlatriet, la .* candid u r..r r. sledtaa. rho friends>i Perry Belmont, wbo i* also ,v candidate, baringtarted tbe report that Mr. ('overt would accept t.'.e

). lie.craiie iiiiuiii.itiou for District-Attorney ..f Quci as

'onnty, Mr. Covert and bis friends noa make a denial,dr. Cover aura that under no circumainuoea would beie a i mdidate for Di-ur et Mtornej His frlenda de¬llare ren loudlj tbal Mr. belmoai ibatlaetbe nomi-luted, .nei tbe .at;.*!'- ni ndi aaj thal If be it not tueIiatrict wUI be rt-preaentod by a Republican.

lu.- Hod. Jamel W. Dnwc., chairman ofin- Nebraska Republican btate Committee, writes, under

ul 5, tu ii ni. it i' Manlcrrc, obalrman ofbe Campaign C tnmlttce, <'o.c ii.i:if_l_. u-.-, New-York!

il hud Arthur clubs are ta ted through!ut the -vu:.-; shall make an active and vigorous cam

.*:!."i ,i i> \ I**,chairman oftheB State Com*

writes: ' iVe are trytn to .(..*. i oom-enta opnoaeil 1

ney, wbteb.lf a aucceed, will ihake the bold ol thatlal i lu '.ii'« Sa!"

iu h i-1--" .i i icria al tractsrbicb un neatly printed, rho ciub baa also hired

No. 'il Madia n-ov< f.u- tho tinging:. '¦ ub. i ibis

will in* n M..ti.ia>, \v...h. - t._y u'i t friday_


'o the editor »f fhe ;i political di-tcTumon ;i gentleman

few yean nae ¦. 'i uk,..i;im. sen! oas or us-inti' (Mr.Basile, perhapsbmugh I e Houtb to Inveal Igati ...- istooui

ere, and tbat Ins reports ss published sflrmed¦ ot lu* charges matte Mj

on is il faull I've" -'.ro in yom- paperHoi ::p.'.f'-iily,v.

Torre linnie. Ind., Aug. 2. l --u.

[lin*: 1 iii.u ni baa mi inure than one oe*int coin ipoudents smith t" investigate reports ofCu-Klux outrages and other forms ol violooee. Intune mst uiees our correspondents, whose onlyml'*!* wore '" i the ic .-. f and the reportsintuit*; in others they fonnd them genuine andlomble. A uv person making such statements sshose mentioned in the above letter eoold hardlylave read in Thu I'iuium: Mr. E.T.8malley'sicconnt of the Kn-Klnx reign of terror in the naper..unties of Sooth Carolina ia 1871, or his Iruin the scene of tin* Cbisolm massacre iq

lippi, or hi** description of tba Tanaaa maana*n Louisiana w lich oecnrred aa recently aa 1878.¦'ilse s:i.rie*s were nodonbl started In some in-a nee-* for political effect, ur real oeeurrenees ex*

naking all allowances for snebtories amt i ins, only a small purr of tho

trul I-. about the violence and murder per-totrated in t be Sooth to break np the Republicanvi .. has ever !» en told to ti..- p* pit of tbe Noi th.


HORSE lilli.} Es j \i, ai RQLARS

i.'t iv. 11 ii' - >.; rWO lil Kill.Us us BOTH 81 [>___. OPi. isa i-i * .i) soi'md.

I young iiiuii calling himself variously CharlesIiII.t. ( [lurch and William Colton Holmes,ut whose name is Wallace labor, ia noa in themi..Ik f.'ounty Jail al i*. verbead for a burglar*Diti-.tiiri.-il ni the ni "¦ -i ire of John I'. J'..b, aiIreenport, on the night i. II.- hadt one of tbe hotels for throe weeks, )>ut had been¦I red to leavi on Monday because of non-paymentf board and of certain transactions in bogushecks. He .n al lie hotel, wh<

New-York, to net money, sdaj orwo before. T >i >s i- tn ing on Monday, and acrew-driver belonging to tbe hotel wus fonnd inlie grocery store, aud it waa cone lu. led thal be mis

burglui . , r had I'cu iii On Mon lay theacht Northern Light, owned bjr Mr.

ol' New-York, wa-* found ashoren Justina bar, a row-boat belonging t>. HenryVella was missing, and ii comtntm uud lantern

u,i -. eb! I'- che Late init Hu in in uttiill, ol Ks Marion, re-

t"v, cd ni ali from i yoong man abo wa.** rathercigars, and v. Iio i"'il contra otorv

','i .: i

i- -ii .picii.ns t.t tbe young man w I. ann..¦iii :.. Oroenport Beveral oflic. restarted

u pm-eu. Meantime tba aliasing row boatad h.*.*n I'..un on th,. *,!,,,.,.. *,,, ] ,,

.ntched in tbe vicinity, Mo t ot thei-'leii are awl tbe oom Found

-. bi tuesday afternoon labori Captain Mull's, al Eaal Marion, for n driuk ..!rater. Moll coiniuu u ile with the (tweiip ut.

J -ii- .. li na n iasu -.* a -.. si rai t. andMind ile- man ittill *:i a| un

ii '. euded 1,'iuli i..-I ikon to '.SUS Ul .; lin [,,

i au*- tb ... bed

from Pt ivi ¦! th-a luau ho " HrSUtill "

ml ell ..

li riv in bn lobers in N , and HuiikIiiI nap be ao-

il alion ci a *.., .*..

n.i "*¦ ¦'¦ .' I' I w ,i

v* t

icket. to a hotel

i uv.* Niual), v. nu;, .ut.ii I-,i io ii.

lt is i ll

.... vd u horse i.. :."ll llIB Wat"*

.. niul ,*,

_ _

ti i.vTioK. Mama t-I .

KUI 'And ls un. **-i't.vii l ii'uiu a.

BUMMER LEI8UB&LIVELY EVENTS IV VIEW AT REWlMtNiv..-.,i{t, K.I., Aag. 8.Tl.o lawn tenn

U'liriiaiiii-ut ea theOaatao git*v__I?row inirniiif. A feaadssaae gold kn » ...**''up, t".iii ai I',,. *.*.i: ts "i 9200, alli be g ¦..., t,, tllr\r"sad gentteauM leapeetlrely making toe


le-. OOOgleS SSS Bat! rel I ir tin- tu a', li. r''

Int tot ('iu >,' ..e i_e«*-nn o' 1890 Wttoiimriow aftcrti'ioti. Il will .. I gre *B

WeiBamber of ladies will follow tl : . *,,.',.,, w",, *

'I" ''' :l Ilv' ¦*,''-« fir..arru*.to fuhoW llle llllllt.

;..,,(.. t.eral W. II. Ku.cry. 0 9, A., I. t«tSBM__M J.wO.B. A.,filsateuaat James a. Buebeaaa, r. h *

Al ''tiuit-l'.iyiiiait.'i C. PL liny, t ¦* h.. Dr. g. »''**of *:u,i'ini.uti. Jadge Abbott, (or**millaa KcHee, "f Loi koort,! A m***of Paterson* H. J., ead Coioael H. J 'iisslitheBhode Isiaad Heans o' B iIi(,


Kev. I>. Plttai .on.'.; I'n'.* * irrsf»a^IPier.Tho weather to-«lay has 'wen Sbanalag; and tb,

sbarehes wees well atteaded. iii t', a bandsotiOhUTi InMr. un.! Mm. J. P. Keri,... Inri, of Vi Tort, *Ttpp_,

lnganaageaMnts ta give agrandi ttbak___apart of tun* month at ili.u SfsriaegaMJahn P. Hanna, ol Ifsebtaatoe, ii .,. .r*,.

llllsll .|.H. 1.1 ls*. I, s, \[

j. ii. r. :*! iyac ¦. ri .'.,* ken -

.?'.il l**

' *ea Y..rillM'W A. Clarke, f Moot i .a, i, v.- '!h.o-_mBanes

-.» tn^ur.* ni to-., ti, th* gu.Baldwla, V. fi N.

' '

ThsI: " 1*v Dr\\ ".ul, a prollilllellt lelxl'..

are In toa a.Ilaiiriorn flin ai vt pOpUll rat IA *

founded wltli tin-ol the lesli

A-1 I ii-i in N


Y ik. V v

ladies, n pt lentat l'tue lan.1.

riu Untti .ituru here. .. .- ior N w-L ,.

alter 11 woekI, ii, bot! rr v

Ocean Bemm SH .

Ul.l tt Ile, < ¦

Mi- Pomeroy, Providence; lt I. ..-..,'fcand Ure. lm" e,M --.... Mr . H.Ua%\.nus. IJ. A. Aid" Ii III.,'

B. I* il* t\> i. MISS ( J rn

f,i inplln, Conni etti ut; lt W. '.. nK MeCiud. n

" ',-

Wife, Mr J. K. ..' ¦¦! ''.'., HjaBess e '.-¦¦¦¦, D. lawar*-; Ms. SI '--sStrJohn I! Dal and witt Ni-w-Yoiii I |trott; Bdwsrd M. Knott, M s* .. ..i..

l ms: -I a ui rife, ll te lovi..i-i; Mr-, f. K i'm ii-r. Chicago ..1. kJ. c **.. C un. Kni

li'.'el Squidneel II. BartRo k ; .!. Iv ' iianiberi lin, II. liW. H. -!ui ge ii mil wife, lin ninon *

iii, Phi lad. uii.u A. ll. WealN. .1 -. Mi .1 v.. Ho [ge, li..

ford; i». I- n m. Noa-Vim .V A tn; ji. V.ult.United state* Hotel I B ml, f

A. Livingston, W. (. reamer, .1 .1 Ml ll LClark, K 9. Phillips, gea To u lt pi-h-mg, W. V.i.; Prank Everett. i. i,, and wile. lTor*aen«*i Mrs a. v. t .i|i--ntrr,f,it. Vernon. Brooklyn ; L. -M. i . ;-i«,

A PLEASANT SUNDAY AT LON'fi lil'VNCH.Loxa Ui.avh, Aug, 8..Anothei

duy bore. >i"iu ¦_. a ti. v. liv until .", p, m.,tbi antw .s itironir.-il wi; 'i bathers, lbs bathing rn i«tw of titOcean Hotel report* tbal MW runs v..r_ tai. n >u Kits

Hie nomi Lo*' bronsbt about i i .* lunoon train by tbe it iy roul

Qeneral Ai bur irrlved at tbeWeM Etd ll-gel hired ca :it*r d

prominent Republicans.Tbe r"ll¦-.¦ t arrli *

Oeean Motet.- J.J Min Sal .¦"It.Woodward and life,.".!. N .*. l »i«*r. M i-t-*!

r, X.i'a.iv; I. II. J .* 1,i. E. '.*. I! .'!': .li.e,.

Kn;, i I; ti netal A. ; Dr. tj -.. »*».mer, Waahinat n. I). ' '.; K n. Welch, i:*.-..liniu *s M'nii. 1'. .lol. In: J. I), litiiitue .( |. ruklip-, i'. ( -iiirague. W- M. il: Uti*ne , S 1

I/,m....,, House-tr, ll*bani Hal vi | Q-n 1. lt. A il. <_¦!.-

I Ml|J HU - -.'. ,- N i h il 1'Virginia: r. 'iv. u-., I*. it; li. 1*. Qui Hf.

; I.... Oawtr. .1 l-ui, R \.<iet-

.on, II. A Byrne, .1. iivrn-, ir. 1). 1. I.. , Ur. salMr .Si . g .-¦

, i Motel ii \'uV- *. a. Bro*) ... J ll _;¦:¦. :* g, T

WM *, i ri, jr,I ..ak

in,J M. Uv lum N '¦ *.rk.;. v.. j., i*

Il .ui.i.l .fe. ltLouis; H. Kerr and lamily.Pi Innl Ihits,New Brum J I .'(ill liu.'i ti. i i iiii.l.u.-t.ili, Pit!''*lXu_SiKew Orleau**; Max Develin, H. M. Collen. \ Mjnaril,li. Wiri, Dav KUrtaun. New ,,,:.

.itituitir Motel -Davies i;. I" muer, '¦' - tn aadVt nnsrlvan 'll KnuiaK .<.¦

ii "orge ark, |r. J !> rnrner, J .-

r ,t,. ,,. V . . f, MxrviliI. tin, '¦ I

HELPINU POOR BICK CHU I'I'iic Sum mt: Homo .it Bath, 1- ,¦ Wand,

tor poor children from l .-:i, o_a

ince iii" middle or June OverMttfAbeea accommodated thaa far, md thi :> alth bes

1...11 greatlj Improved hy t ir. TW» lui I »;. .

number nf children Micas week until tbi i.-.ddkd."Uer.

Th.* Fl ailng M..-. ll i. .- 91held Its lomt*', nih .*\i¦ irs e. f i t .. i-r tl*

ebarge ot tbe U- r. J.iim W. Kramer, M iv * awass*dui ntbi r p.. rTOS

i. liieii on board, wira 1boat *; i lent far I('rca, .-t tbe PenniI'liiU'-' \ ir.ab*'Uirilu s-_..... Aio...._ lari ''

i'ii- fm u m. the fol uwitikJi nepll lu." .pi. C. >. ..




tal ri peiTbe

iii.nm mst m k *¦ t* > mer- di -iv (HMJ

I'lllli'l ¦¦". to li u

rib av... ..r -.. iiii'.i Wi -t

board, *lflO througb " H-.1. K rbn A -:¦ .-


NOT \ll.K I'S. r OCEAN K >\ I-

tn Gbovk, N. J., kag. - I ***notab] ,v ***

.- *"

ni tn u ii . .rn bom .;

murki d by toms Bervbdevotion; ii tbe promotion nf b lu._is.-Se>

by tbs Bi ut Blisse, Dr. aa I M .* Pi.. ic pc ipie's meeting, » uti lenBoa by the R r. H. N'

:-mi 11». ol it* n.i. -,i i i-i '.. wk, I gr***o of ia ly 9,000

..*¦ more acboiara; 1 '


4i. \

lilatle lip i .'. v '-

I|oin d 'ii ii.i* ,.


niauimotb ll *.*.. d .> Pron . n *<

.\<Hll'V PARK Nit Pam, N. J., Auf

at iii I'oli-uiiti Iloilj tot u

Partwi.,* I

..U« IS

Mra. B. K. Carter aad M J ill >0*'

.li's.Ibm t* n >w ;'

lr., tin* lina ian < ''*"

,i. sad raj -Din run N '.

/. LU -Ul N H BS A \i>


Sm: 1 obaerre il..ii nu o .'Uc*in UeairalPa !


us in !.re\ I *


i. h. '¦ '-'T

Tm .*.'< ii inu rail "i i> Kki

ut n Hera il ve

lt niue t Krid lOOO-.o .....

, i ,1'uiion.

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