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Let’s talk about all of the things that are wrong in the world or in your individualistic life right now.

About how tired you are.

About how you have no more time to cram assignments and find sleep.

Let’s talk about how the world is just filled with crazies. How hilarious the Philippine defense system is under pressure, how hilarious Venus Raj is under pressure, but no humor in the outcome of the totally different context of both events.

Let’s talk about the crises in your life and the things that are going out of hand, like the immeasurable things that are going on with the universe, how it all seems aligned with one another.

Now let’s talk about how you can fix this mess. Dusting off the bad parts.

What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger.

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WHAT’S INSIDE?01 | Execore News

02 | ACLE: Getting Wired

04 | Orgpres: Abaaaacore!!!

06 | AdVenture: AdCore Hits the Right Spot

07 | Feature: There’s no time left to be unhappy, only room for awesomeness

10 | Feature: Major2 Squeeze

13 | Pulpy Goodness

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Kara OrtigaEditor-in-Chief Features Editor Features Editor Layout EditorThe most stressful moment in my life was when I did an interview for a paper on the morning of submission of the paper. My favorite expression when stressed is “you know what? I give up.” Then continue working afterwards. It just feels nice to pretend to give up. My comfort food is wasabi chips, BIGGIE red iced tea and Korean ice creamI have not had any major major, I mean, problems in my life. True or false? Venus only speaks truth.

The most stressful moment in my life was my entire college life! Hahaha! My favorite expression when stressed is “can I just die?” and “FAAAIIILLL!!!” My comfort food is chocolate or anything sweet. I have not had any major major, I mean, problems in my life. True or false? Very FALSE. However, every major major problem surely has a major major solution. So, always believe in yourself and just do your best.

The most stressful moment in my life was last week when I had a major proposal, two Bio exams, and two full-days of interviews to supervise. My favorite expression when stressed is “Meh.” My comfort food is chocolate, froyo, or Cheetos! I have not had any major major, I mean, problems in my life. True or false? Super super false!

The most stressful moment in my life was 2nd Year 1st Sem, when I became a literature major. (Eng 11 and 12 FTW!)My favorite expression when stressed is silence… and the occasional nod and grunt.My comfort food is Blueberry Cheesecake!I have not had any major major, I mean, problems in my life. True or false? True… if you don’t count the time I… never mind.

Betsy Aquino Meggie Monzon James Javier





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EXECORE NEWSa friendly message from your SEAL and Creatives VPs

Hello, AdCore!

Is it just me or is everyone else also counting down the days until freedom?

Yay, we’re only three weeks away from sembreak! But wait, we haven’t gotten to the best parts yet! AdCore still has a lot in store for everyone – and by everyone, I mean, everyone!

There’s ThinkIN’ UP or Check UP if you want to impress the big companies and win big prizes! There’s another TBS coming right up. Not to mention, everyone’s been doing their buddy tasks. Plus, my personal favorite, it’s Revalida time soon enough! Just thinking about all these exciting events makes me giddy! Then again, it looks like we are not stopping anytime soon!

So cheers to everyone who keeps this organization alive and kicking! At the end of the day, we do it for you, guys, and of course, for AdCore.

Now, it’s your turn. Show us your love by gracing us with your presence. The ExeCore can’t wait to have some fun with you guys!

Love, Aimee Bacallan


School year 2010 is really full of surprises for all of us. It’s already the end of the semester but nothing has changed. Everyone is still struggling with their academics & trying to be active in their extra-curricular activities. All the sleepless nights, hectic schedules & deadly days that passed have brought us headaches & stress but despite of the demanding time our life has allotted us, our organization still tried to reach out by means of initiating events for all the applicants and members & tours outside the school.

As the head of the Creatives Department, our target is to maintain & boost the creative side of the organization. It’s the reason why we have organized events such as AdVance & took part in the University’s Alternative Classroom Learning Experience (ACLE).

Our 1st AdVance was a seminar-workshop about Accounts Management & Strategic Planning and we were able to invite Mr. Carlo Tan, an outstanding Account Director from Ogilvy & Mather Philippines. The event happened last July 10 and it took place at the College of Business Administration, 3rd floor Room 301 from 1:00-4:00pm. It was a Saturday & many of us had classes but almost 30 AdCore members were still able to make it. The speaker discussed how he develops accounts and handles clients. We also had a role playing activity which I guess everyone really liked. All I can say is that the event was a success.

Another accomplishment was the Alternative Classroom Learning Experience last August 25 which was entitled “Look.Blog.Com”. Luckily, Mr. James Ryan Jonas, Ms. Diana de Belen, Mr. Anton Diaz & Ms. Tricia Gosingtian were able to be there on that day. They were invited to talk about the Pinoy Blogosphere, which involved finance, fashion, travel & photography. 119 students participated in our event since it was open to all. Surprisingly, even FEU students came by to listen to the talk. Amazing as it was, the opportunity to get insights & personal opinions from these people was really worth the time.

Through these events, our team is hoping that we have inspired every member to plunge themselves in the world of advertising. As expected, we still have something in store left for the apps & mems in the remaining days of the semester. Our assignment is to keep your interest & fervor for creativity living.

David Agoncillo VP for Creatives

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On the 25th of August 2010, at the College of Business Administration, Room 301 had never been as jam-packed. It was filled with restlessly enthusiastic students (some, I gathered, were even from

outside U.P. walls), a few even craning their necks to get a better look at the presentation or the speaker itself. No, this was not a class lecture—the key words “jam-packed” and “restlessly enthusiastic” were probably too much of a dead giveaway. And if you thought that this was AdCore’s very own Alternative Classroom Learning Experience (ACLE), well then you guessed it right!

This semester’s ACLE event was aptly entitled LOOK.BLOG.COM: Branding the Pinoy Blogosphere. These days, blogs hold as much power as regular, big business and mass media websites. The updates on Perez Hilton’s blog are as deliciously scandalous as those found in the trite blind-items of the New York Post. The newsfeeds on Facebook are sometimes as credible (if not more so) than those found in broadsheets. Let’s face it. Either you live under a rock, or you are aware and have accepted the fact that democracy—and hence, power—lie in the wonderful World Wide Web. AdCore, perennially updated and on-the-heels of what is current and new (sucking up unintended), took advantage of this burgeoning trend and launched this ACLE event for one and all.

Welcoming four veteran bloggers into the fold, LOOK.BLOG.COM: Branding the Pinoy Blogosphere was designed to educate and familiarize students with traversing the World Wide Web through the eyes (and voice) of a blog. First up on stage was Anton Diaz of Our Awesome Planet ( Anton’s nonchalant albeit very enlightening discussion on how to find the littlest gems in Manila and beyond—whether they be restaurants, adventure spots, and escapist retreats—was right on the money. The way he approached adventures as if they were his daily routine (and they probably are) was simply inspiring.

Next on stage was our very own Professor James Ryan Jonas with his pioneer web project ( on personal finance and all things business. Comfortable in his usual professorial and erudite self, Sir Jonas gave us the lowdown on where to make windfalls and breed cash cows (so to speak) online. Online advertising was just one of the myriad ways one could make money online. Word to the wise, though, before you can make money, one has to self-brand effectively, and Sir Jonas has done just that.

The third speaker was Diana Jean de Belen, a nineteen-year-old Nursing student-cum-budding fashionista whose passion for fashion has been translated onto a fashion-magazine-type blog ( Started in 2007, the “little blog that could” expanded to a full-blown fashion website, and just last year, her blog became the first blog to secure media credentials to the Philippine Fashion Week Holiday 2009. Diana, still young and effervescent, discussed the myriad opportunities in blogging (from writing, photography, modeling, and even e-commerce), and how one simple post could be “the post” that industry big-Whigs will get to see (just as what she experienced when local legendary fashion house SLIM invited her to their event), and so being strategic and consistent are attributes needed in blogging.

Getting WiredAdCore’s ACLE LOOK.BLOG.COMby Rose Sagun

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Lastly but by no means the least, uber-stylish and uber-cute Tricia Gosingtian ( took to the stage to discuss passion for fashion even further. Dressed in head-to-toe black, Tricia unarguably stole the spotlight. Her journey to fashion began when she delved into the world of Cosplay (read: Costume Play for non-gamers out there). Now that she has admittedly left that behind, what has remained is her sheer sense of style and whimsy. The playful approach she has can be seen through her personal style (read: wigs and different colored contact lenses, among her other eclectic knickknacks). Tricia admitted to using her blog as a platform to express her aesthetic, and it has also proven to be a very effective portfolio at that! Through her blog, she has amassed countless opportunities in modeling, endorsements, and photography.

Before the afternoon drew to a satisfying close, students, in excited chatter, hurried to the photo booth for photo opportunities with Tricia, wherein the perennially prepared model-on-the-go was ever-so-game.

All in all, it was an ACLE event that would be talked about for weeks on end. For U.P. students who go about in a seen-it-all attitude, this was truly the first.

And, without a doubt, not the last.

So, what are you waiting for? Type, and click away!

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Last September 3, cartoon characters came to life at the Lung Center Auditorium as BA-based organizations rocked the night with their creative and fun performances for this year’s Orgpres. The theme was

Toon It Up, a return to childhood memories by revisiting well loved CGI movies. The different teams were AIESEC-CE (Happy Feet and Ice Age), JPIA-IBA (Toy Story and Shrek), ABAM-AdCore (Finding Nemo and Wall-E), and JMA-JFA (Monsters, Inc. and Madagascar).

AdCore and ABAM definitely gave the audience a grand show, as we told them a very interesting story of a mischievous girl named Darla (from Finding Nemo) who rewires Eve (from Wall-E) to get her a clown fish fillet. On Eve’s search for Nemo, with Dora the Explorer as her guide, she bumps into Wall-E who notices that Eve has changed.

When evil Eve captures Nemo, an epic battle between fish and machine unfolds. First, Marlin and Dory call on their friends for help: Po (from Kung Fu Panda), Garfield, and the underwater creatures of Finding Nemo. Then, Wall-E and Eve summon their allies for aid: the Incredibles, and Lolo and Russel (from Disney Pixar’s Up).

The battle ends when Marlin, Dory, Eve and Wall-E go “Face to Face” with Amy Perez, who calls out the real perpetrator, Darla. As infuriated Dory lashes out on Darla, Marlin hits evil Eve with a board, which then resets her. Eve then sets Nemo free, who is reunited with Marlin and Dory.

The preparation for the event was really fun and fulfilling. We not only enjoyed making the props and costumes; we also got to share our talents and spend time to meet new friends from both organizations. Those three nights rehearsing and doing production work were definitely worth it. The audience was really wowed by our beautiful props and costumes and enjoyed our sweet and funny story.

As we waited for our turn backstage during the Orgpres, we no longer cared about winning. What mattered was that we have fun!

Two thumbs up, ABACORE, for being the 1st Runner-up and having the Best Creative Team!


One Fish and One Robot Rule the Universeby James Javier

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Last September 6, 2010, AdCore members and applicants braved the Monday traffic to visit Hit Productions, the Philippines’ top supplier of music, sound and voice talent for advertising. We literally braved through Manila’s mean streets as we got pushed and stepped on, but still miraculously ended

up in the train to Makati. For once, the destination mattered more than the journey itself.

The tour started off with a lecture from the president Mr. Vic Icasas. He walked us through what Hit Productions does and what it has achieved for the 20 years that it has been in the industry. Since 1991, Hit Productions has won two consecutive Araw Production House Awards and are nine-time winners of the 4A’s Audio Production House of the Year Award. After which, Ms. Mae Zayco, a professional voice talent who has done countless of radio commercials gave a talk as well.

Then the fun officially began!

First stop: Studio F. It’s one of their eight production suites where all the magic happens – voice recording, musical scoring and what not. Mr. Reggie Ambas, one of Hit Productions’ sound engineers, showed us the making of Listerine’s radio commercials. Of course, they wouldn’t let us leave the studio without stretching a few of our vocal chords. Two of our AdVenturers recorded their very own versions of Listerine’s Mouthacular radio ad.

Then our next stop: Studio H, the newest addition to their facilities’ portfolio. Designed by American acoustician Rod Gervais, the new room was inspired by the design of New York’s legendary Power Station Studios (birthplace of landmark albums by John Mayer, Norah Jones, Bon Jovi and many others). This high-quality music room is built to record anything from a five-piece rock band to a live string and horn section – but only for advertising music.

It isn’t really about having the latest high-end digital recording facilities and software though that makes Hit Productions as big as they are now. It’s the people they’ve got on board. Hit Productions has the best engineers and technicians (who’ve all become voice talents at one point in their lives) and they’re such a generous bunch too.

After the tour and the fulfilling AdVenture, we ended up where we first started– at the conference room… but this time with pizza and mojos.

AdCore hits the right spot, hmm.

by Aimee Bacallan

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There’s no time leftto be unhappy,only room Kara Ortiga

The last thing that you want to remember about college is all the stress it brought to your life and how you spent weeks trying to manage your academics and the incredible workload.

College is the prime time years of anyone’s youth, and although the right thing to do would be to keep our priorities straight, manage our time and get high grades—sometimes it’s more about the adventure than about getting to the destination.

Before you kill yourself over the never-ending requirements, before you break down and cry because these past few weeks have been intense hell, and before you give up completely feeling hopeless and angry about the world, just think about all the negative vibes you are subconsciously attracting (I’m talking about The Secret’s universal laws here. They’re real.)

Chill. It’s not the end of the world.

Here are some stress-buster tips (from someone who pretends to be able to manage stress well) in order to help you go easy on yourself and cope through these tough times.

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1The weekend is a weekend for a reason. It’s the only time of the week you can spend totally letting go

of anything work related, even for just a few hours.

2Comfort food is your best friend. Forget about your diet, going through

hell week is like being a pregnant woman with cravings. The McDonald’s milkshakes are cheap tricks, 7-eleven (open 24 hours during all nighters) have a variety of choices, and Korean ice cream (available in all Korean supermarkets) will make you giddy and calm and momentarily happy.

3Facebook breaks. Deactivating your Facebook during hell weeks is for the sissies. Perhaps the trick is to really

immerse yourself in the internet until you are absolutely sick of it. It gets boring too, ya know.

4Energy drinks. It isn’t healthy, but if you need the

extra dose of energy, it’s your best friend. Beware of palpitations while typing, and uncontrollable fidgeting.

5Excessive cursing. Be a badass potty mouth if you must. Fuck. The

bad vibes should be released as much as possible.

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Watch this video: (

A8nXMsQ). Listen to the advice well. It’s worth your time, I promise.

6 Read Fuck My Life (

Nothing feels better than feeling comfort in the expense of other peoples suffering. FML.

7Impulse shopping, massages, or nail spas. Relaxation helps improve

performance. It’s true.

9Lists. Also, getting it down on paper or seeing it visually helps keep organize. It especially feels

good when you’re crossing things out from your list.


Good luck! Just a few more weeks until semester break, hang on folks!

8 Rant. Tell the world about your stress. Tell your

parents and all your friends and complain and be annoying about it. Believe it or not, getting out there makes you feel much better.

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Squeezeby Betsy Aquino

Your mistakes do not define you, says Oprah Winfrey and a 3 Doors Down song.

So, our mistakes are insignificant right? But what if those mistakes are the subject of your million-dollar question and would spell the difference between winning or losing something you wanted the most? Wouldn’t they matter in a MAJOR MAJOR way?

We asked some of our members and apps the question: “What is your major mistake in life and what did you do to make it right?” Were they able to give us a Miss Universe answer? Read on to find out.

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Major mistake is not knowing how to weigh my priorities. I corrected it by finishing things early so I can still do others.

Epoy Condat BFA Visual Communication

Creatives Department

My major mistake in life was I fell in love too fast with my first crush that I lost focus in life…I corrected it by talking more to other girls, haha.

Biggest mistake was telling my sister to carry me over a giant wheel when we were in kindergarten. To correct it I wore an arm cast for six weeks.

Donald Onghanseng BS Business Administration

and Accountancy PRP Department

Selena Ortiga BS Business Economics Creatives Department

Mistakes - I’ve got lots and lots of them. But I think that’s why they’re called mistakes so you could do them right the next ‘take’.

I don’t have a single biggest mistake. But I do regret repeatedly my carefree attitude back in 1st year. I try to make up for it by doubling my efforts now.

Edzel Tabing BS Business Administration


Aimee Bacallan BS Business Administration

SEaL Department

When I was around 4, I copied this show where the woman slapped a guy and I did it to my friend. To correct it, I said sorry.

Wendy Hsieh BS Business Administration

PRP Department

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My major mistake was über focusing on the investment part of an exam and to make up for it, I’m struggling hard to make the most out of what’s left.

My MAJOR MAJOR mistake in life is not trusting my gut enough. Not going balls-out when I should. This time around, I listen to my instincts – it’s my MAJOR MAJOR internal megaphone.

I allowed myself to get hurt by the same person too many times. I moved on.

I’ve made a lot of mistakes in my life but a major one that left quite a grave feeling inside me was when I was pushing away someone special in my life out of stress. I tried to push my boyfriend away even though he was trying to help and comfort me. I was being selfish simply thinking of myself, of wanting to get things done on my own. Then I realized I was wrong so I apologized before the next day. Since then, I’ve been more grateful than ever for having someone who sees right through me. Now I’ve learned to appreciate a little, give a little, and love a little more each day.

Princess Bersamina BS Business Administration

PRP Department

Rose Sagun BS Business Administration

PRP Department

Tato Quizon BS Psychology

HR Department

Nina Ycong BA Broadcast Communication

Creatives Department

I fell for this person. I knew it wouldn’t have worked out. And what did I do to make it right? I just watched her walk away.



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This section of Orange Juice hopes to bring you some of our organization’s own fresh serving of

creativity, spunk and passion.

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Nigel Lee Nigel wishes he could say there’s a deeper meaning behind this artwork like love lasts forever-- but he was really just playing around.

Epoy Condat “Monay Lisa”

Who says Mona Lisa didn’t have a little too much carbohydrate?

Epoy’s take on the infamous Mona Lisa, with a Botero-like twist.

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David AgoncilloWhat things blow up at night? Superheroes and the like perhaps- this is David’s own version of pop culture’s comic books.

Marvin Ramos “Birds of Malaysia”

This is Marvin’s first major acrylic work, back when he was still a

painting newbie.

We seriously WANT your personal artworks, literary poems or essays, photographs, online blogs or whatever it is that you want to share.

Please please do not hesitate to email us at [email protected] right now!

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Rose SagunAimee Bacallan

Nigel LeeEpoy Condat

David AgoncilloMarvin Ramos

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Take your shot at winning a whopping P60,000 and impressing one of the

biggest telcos in the country, Globe!

Join ThinkIN UP! Register through Deadline extended until

September 27, 2010.

If you're creative, innovative, and just awesome (aka AdCore),

P60,000 is easy money. Form your teams and sign up now!

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