  • 8/12/2019 Oregon Battle of the Books 2013-2014 Summaries


    2013-2014 OBOB Book Summary 6-8th Grades

    Bigger Than A Breadbox by Laurel Snyder

    For anyone who has survived divorce at close range, the opening of Bigger Than a

    Bread Box, an all-too-real story leavened by the appearance of a magical wish-granting

    breadbox, is almost unbearable. One minute, the family seems to be functioning

    normally: Rebecca Shapiro, the 12-year-old narrator, is doing her homework in the

    kitchen while her toddler brother, Lew, is upstairs in his crib at their home in Baltimore.

    The next, the lights go out literally and Mom is screaming about unpaid bills and

    being sick of it all, Dad responding with deflated sarcasm. The children are scared and

    in the dark in every miserable way.

    Family breakups, seem to detonate without warning, and Laurel Snyder spares readers

    none of the shrapnel. Cut to: the frantic mother forcing her children into the car for a

    vague trip to Grans in Atlanta, baby Lew waving Bye, Daddy, the heartbroken father

    on the sidewalk. That was how we left him, through an open car door, Rebecca says.

    Mydadwas yelling in the street for everyone to hear; then he was running behind the

    car. Does anyone ever recover from that?

    Mercifully, once the scene shifts to Atlanta, where Rebecca is deposited at a new school,

    two appearances brighten the narrative: a maternal grandmother and the magic

    breadbox. Every child of divorce needs a Gran,:She listens in the right way. She pushes,


    And what child wouldnt want a magic breadbox? Found in the attic, the box grants any

    wish that can physically fit in its dimensions a thousand bucks, the popular girls one-

    of-a-kind jacket, the perfect birthday present for Rebeccas mother though it cant, of

    course, produce the one thing Rebecca most wants: whatever could possibly reunite her

    parents. Theres also a price: only later does Rebecca realizethe magic is stealing from

    the proper owners, which gets Rebecca in trouble even as it compels her to come to

    terms with the complex relationships in her life.

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    Rebeccas suspended and incomplete connections with old and potential friends make a

    point. Snyder captures the divided households terrible sense of limbo and the helpless

    anguish and self-involved fury of a newly adolescent girl, allowing no ties to form until

    the post-bomb dust has settled to reveal whatever new landscape has been obscured by

    its cloud.

    Alas, the new landscape is not what Rebecca hoped for. Her mother and father are

    splitting, and she cannot wish them back together. But her parents both love her, and

    she them. And while she now knows the breadbox cant solve things, she keeps it

    because, as she learns, certain things are worth treasuring: Some people rip things

    apart, Rebecca observes. But you know what? Some people dont. Which is about as

    miraculous an insight about divorce as anyone could hope to have.

    Magykby Angie SageThe book begins with Silas Heap, father of the eponymous protagonist to the series, returning

    home through the winter snow. As he is walking, he feels a heartbeat in the snow, through

    magical means, and finds that a baby girl with violet eyes has seemingly been abandoned in the

    snow. Since Silas already has seven children, he finds that another will do no harm and that his

    wife, Sarah Heap, will not disagree. He hides the baby in his cloak and continues his trek home.

    However, he is confronted by the apprentice to the ExtraOrdinary Wizard, Marcia Overstrand, whowarns him that he should not tell anyone about the baby he found, and that the child should say

    she was born to him. Silas agrees, and also finds out that Marcia has succeeded her mentor, who

    was killed, and is the new ExtraOrdinary Wizard. Silas continues his walk home, to bring his wife

    the herbs she needs and a new child.

    Upon reaching his home, Silas sees the midwife run out with a bundle of cloth, wailing that his

    newborn Septimus, the seventh son of a seventh son, is dead. Silas and his wife, Sarah, decide to

    raise the baby girl in place of Septimus, as if she was their own daughter. They name their child


    Months later, Sarah learns from a friend that the queen has been assassinated, and the castle is

    under the control of the Supreme Custodian. As well, the queen's newborn daughter had gone

    missing. Her friend also says that the assassination had occurred months before, but had been

    kept a secret. She mentions that it happened around the time Alther Mella, Marcia's mentor, had

    been killed. Sarah realises that Jenna was the missing princess, but decides to keep this a secret

    from everyone, other than Silas.

    Ten years later, Jenna Heap is celebrating her tenth birthday with her parents and six other

    brothers. But Marcia interrupts the party, telling the family that another woman living next doors

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    works as a spy for the Supreme Custodian, and has confirmed with him that Jenna is the queen's

    daughter. Marcia states that she must take Jenna into safekeeping right away, for the assassin is

    on his way. Sarah agrees, and explains to a reluctant Jenna that she is a princess, and that she

    must go with Marcia.

    Marcia whisks Jenna to her apartment in the Wizard Tower, where she can temporarily be kept

    safe. Marcia also finds a boy, part of the Young Army, had been buried in the snow, and had

    almost died. The boy, called Boy 412, is rescued by Marcia, and is taken into her apartment to

    warm up. But the assassin, being a skilled huntsman, manages to locate Jenna's whereabouts,

    and goes after her. Silas, Nicko (the youngest of the six brothers) and their dog Maxie decide to

    pay Jenna a visit. Shortly after they arrive, the ghost of Alther Mella warns Marcia that the

    assassin is outside the tower. Marcia panics and tries to get everyone, including Boy 412, out of

    the tower through the rubbish chute. The group ends up in the dump, with the hunter hot on their

    heels. Marcia clogs the chute to make it look as though they had gotten stuck. But in the night,

    Sally Mullin, who owns a caf near the dump, noticed them. Silas tells her about their

    predicament, and Sally allows them to use her sailboat to escape. Marcia gives Sally a KeepSafe

    Charm in return for her thanks. Silas, Marcia and the children then flee to the Marram Marches,

    with Nicko sailing the boat.

    The hunter reaches the dump, and spends quite a while in unclogging the chute. After sending

    one of his men to make sure they are still not stuck somewhere inside, he looks for anyone who

    may have seen the escapees. He notices Sally and confronts her. She denies knowing anything,

    but her actions prove otherwise. He threatens to burn down her caf, unless she confesses. She

    still refuses, but one of her customers rats out Marcia's group, and the huntsman allows the

    customer and his friends to leave before he burns the caf down. He locks Sally inside and sets

    the building on fire. However, Sally survives because of Marcia's KeepSafe Charm.

    The assassin follows the group, heading for the Marram Marshes. His skilled men manage tocatch up with the small sailboat, but are unable to see them through the thick fog. Boy 412 causes

    a scuffle, for he thinks that the wizards are holding him captive, which is another crazy way for the

    Young Army to assess him. Jenna, just a bit stronger than 412 (much to his dismay) manages to

    keep him quiet, before he kicks the boat, and alerts the hunter where the boat is. Marcia uses a

    Reverse Spell to Project the Muriel, the boat that they're sailing on, and distract the Hunter, upon

    which he loses the group's trail, and has to return to the castle.

    The group reaches the Marshes, and must navigate through perilous bogs, but reach a safe

    cottage, belonging to Aunt Zelda, a white witch. Zelda is Silas's aunt, which would make her

    Jenna's great-aunt. The witch keeps everyone safe and well-fed throughout the winter. The groups

    learns that the Supreme Custodian is doing the bidding of DomDaniel, the ex-ExtraOrdinary

    Wizard. However, he needs to have Jenna killed before he can return to the castle to rule. On the

    island, Boy 412 wanders around the marshes, falls into a pit with a large cavern in it, and finds a

    ring that glows when he places it on his finger. He keeps the ring a secret for sometime. Marcia

    then walks with Boy 412, (who is beginning to like the Heap family) and shows him a charm that

    Alther, gave to her when she was his Apprentice. Marcia sees that Boy 412 has potential, and asks

    him to become her Apprentice, but he refuses.

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    Aunt Zelda also helps Jenna, Nicko, and Boy 412 make shield bugs to protect themselves. Marcia

    then tries to use her Midnight Minutes to protect herself when she goes back to the Wizard Tower

    because of a letter that said that she should go back. But then she gets captured by the Custodian

    Guards because she got her Midnight Minutes wrong. A few more weeks pass until the hunter

    discovers the groups location with Aunt Zelda, in the marshes, and returns to assassinate Jenna.

    Jenna and Boy 412 defend themselves by using shield bugs, and Aunt Zelda uses a Freezing Spellon the Hunter. Soon after the Hunter was frozen, they try to figure out the identity of DomDaniel's

    Apprentice, who claims to be Septimus when they capture him. Nicko firmly denies it after seeing

    what treachery the apprentice could do. Then, the Apprentice escapes and tells DomDaniel of

    their location.

    A bit after that, Aunt Zelda tells Boy 412 that the ring is the legendary Hotep-Ra's dragon ring,

    which gives him control over the Dragon Boat. Aunt Zelda gives Boy 412 a book with the legend of

    Hotep-Ra. The legend says that Hotep-ra, the first ExtraOrdinary Wizard, was being pursued by

    people planning to kill him. Therefore, the dragon became a boat to save her master and before

    Hotep-Ra died he put the boat in his hidden temple. Afterward, Boy 412 soon begins to become

    interested in the art of Magyk, and the mysteries surrounding the ring. Aunt Zelda later tells Boy

    412 that the cave in which he found the ring is connected to a secret cavern containing Hotep-ra's

    temple, and within it, the Dragon Boat.

    The boat is then used by Boy 412, Nicko and Jenna to save Marcia and stop DomDaniel from

    being the ExtraOrdinary Wizard again. The boat somehow talks to Jenna inside her head because

    she the Princess and only Boy 412 can make it fly and steer it. They rescue Marcia, who managed

    to stay alive thanks to Hotep-Ra's ring, and Boy 412 agrees to become Marcia's Apprentice. They

    throw DomDaniel overboard, and he dies in the bog, after creatures attack him. Later, the Heap

    family discover during the apprentice banquet that Boy 412 is really Septimus Heap, the seventh

    son of the seventh son.

    This is because the midwife secretly worked for DomDaniel. DomDaniel needed a powerful

    apprentice and Septimus, who was a seventh son of a seventh son, would be born with such

    abilities. The midwife pretended Septimus was dead, and smuggled him to the Young Army, where

    another one of DomDaniel's workers is supposed to take the baby. But the midwife's own child

    was enlisted in the army, and she places Septimus in a cradle next to her own child. DomDaniel's

    worker accidentally takes the midwife's child, leaving Septimus to be raised in the Young Army as

    Boy 412 instead. Sarah takes off Septimus hat, to reveal a thick bush of golden locks, the

    signature Heap trait, and lovingly accepts Septimus as her long-lost son.

    Middle School: The Worst Years of M y Life by James

    PattersonThe book begins with Silas Heap, father of the eponymous protagonist to the series, returning

    home through the winter snow. As he is walking, he feels a heartbeat in the snow, through

    magical means, and finds that a baby girl with violet eyes has seemingly been abandoned in the

    snow. Since Silas already has seven children, he finds that another will do no harm and that his

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    the building on fire. However, Sally survives because of Marcia's KeepSafe Charm.

    The assassin follows the group, heading for the Marram Marshes. His skilled men manage to

    catch up with the small sailboat, but are unable to see them through the thick fog. Boy 412 causes

    a scuffle, for he thinks that the wizards are holding him captive, which is another crazy way for the

    Young Army to assess him. Jenna, just a bit stronger than 412 (much to his dismay) manages to

    keep him quiet, before he kicks the boat, and alerts the hunter where the boat is. Marcia uses a

    Reverse Spell to Project the Muriel, the boat that they're sailing on, and distract the Hunter, upon

    which he loses the group's trail, and has to return to the castle.

    The group reaches the Marshes, and must navigate through perilous bogs, but reach a safe

    cottage, belonging to Aunt Zelda, a white witch. Zelda is Silas's aunt, which would make her

    Jenna's great-aunt. The witch keeps everyone safe and well-fed throughout the winter. The groups

    learns that the Supreme Custodian is doing the bidding of DomDaniel, the ex-ExtraOrdinary

    Wizard. However, he needs to have Jenna killed before he can return to the castle to rule. On the

    island, Boy 412 wanders around the marshes, falls into a pit with a large cavern in it, and finds a

    ring that glows when he places it on his finger. He keeps the ring a secret for sometime. Marciathen walks with Boy 412, (who is beginning to like the Heap family) and shows him a charm that

    Alther, gave to her when she was his Apprentice. Marcia sees that Boy 412 has potential, and asks

    him to become her Apprentice, but he refuses.

    Aunt Zelda also helps Jenna, Nicko, and Boy 412 make shield bugs to protect themselves. Marcia

    then tries to use her Midnight Minutes to protect herself when she goes back to the Wizard Tower

    because of a letter that said that she should go back. But then she gets captured by the Custodian

    Guards because she got her Midnight Minutes wrong. A few more weeks pass until the hunter

    discovers the groups location with Aunt Zelda, in the marshes, and returns to assassinate Jenna.

    Jenna and Boy 412 defend themselves by using shield bugs, and Aunt Zelda uses a Freezing Spell

    on the Hunter. Soon after the Hunter was frozen, they try to figure out the identity of DomDaniel'sApprentice, who claims to be Septimus when they capture him. Nicko firmly denies it after seeing

    what treachery the apprentice could do. Then, the Apprentice escapes and tells DomDaniel of

    their location.

    A bit after that, Aunt Zelda tells Boy 412 that the ring is the legendary Hotep-Ra's dragon ring,

    which gives him control over the Dragon Boat. Aunt Zelda gives Boy 412 a book with the legend of

    Hotep-Ra. The legend says that Hotep-ra, the first ExtraOrdinary Wizard, was being pursued by

    people planning to kill him. Therefore, the dragon became a boat to save her master and before

    Hotep-Ra died he put the boat in his hidden temple. Afterward, Boy 412 soon begins to become

    interested in the art of Magyk, and the mysteries surrounding the ring. Aunt Zelda later tells Boy

    412 that the cave in which he found the ring is connected to a secret cavern containing Hotep-ra's

    temple, and within it, the Dragon Boat.

    The boat is then used by Boy 412, Nicko and Jenna to save Marcia and stop DomDaniel from

    being the ExtraOrdinary Wizard again. The boat somehow talks to Jenna inside her head because

    she the Princess and only Boy 412 can make it fly and steer it. They rescue Marcia, who managed

    to stay alive thanks to Hotep-Ra's ring, and Boy 412 agrees to become Marcia's Apprentice. They

    throw DomDaniel overboard, and he dies in the bog, after creatures attack him. Later, the Heap

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    family discover during the apprentice banquet that Boy 412 is really Septimus Heap, the seventh

    son of the seventh son.

    This is because the midwife secretly worked for DomDaniel. DomDaniel needed a powerful

    apprentice and Septimus, who was a seventh son of a seventh son, would be born with such

    abilities. The midwife pretended Septimus was dead, and smuggled him to the Young Army, where

    another one of DomDaniel's workers is supposed to take the baby. But the midwife's own child

    was enlisted in the army, and she places Septimus in a cradle next to her own child. DomDaniel's

    worker accidentally takes the midwife's child, leaving Septimus to be raised in the Young Army as

    Boy 412 instead. Sarah takes off Septimus hat, to reveal a thick bush of golden locks, the

    signature Heap trait, and lovingly accepts Septimus as her long-lost son.

    Mil lion Dollar Throw by Mike LupicaWhat would you do with a million dollars, if you were 13?

    Nate Brodie is nicknamed "Brady" not only for his arm, but also because he's the biggest TomBrady fan. He's even saved up to buy an autographed football. And when he does, he wins the

    chance for something he's never dreamed of - to throw a pass through a target at a Patriots game

    for one million dollars.

    Nate should be excited. But things have been tough lately. His dad lost his job and his family is

    losing their home. It's no secret that a million dollars would go a long way. So all Nate feels is

    pressure, and just when he needs it most, his golden arm begins to fail him. Even worse, his best

    friend Abby is going blind, slowly losing her ability to do the one thing she loves most - paint. Yet

    Abby never complains, and she is Nate's inspiration. He knows she'll be there when he makes the

    throw of a lifetime.

    Mike Lupica's latest sports novel is also his most heartwarming.

    Milo: Sticky Notes and Brain Freezeby Alan SilberbergMilo Cruikshank, a 13 year-old boy who struggles since his mother died, moves in a new home

    and meets lots of new people. He also falls in love with a girl named Summer Goodman, and

    befriends Marshall Hickler, Hillary Alpert, and Sylvia Poole.

    Milo Cruikshank is a 13 year-old new kid, who has to find a way to hit the "restart"

    button all over again.

    The truth is, ever since Milo's mother died nothing has felt right. Now, instead of

    the kitchen being filled with music, the whole house is filled with Fog. Nothing's

    the same. Not his Dad. Not his sister. And definitely not him. In love with the girl

    he sneezed on the first day of school and best pals with Marshall, the "One-Eyed

    Jack" of friends, Milo struggles to survive a school year that is filled with

    reminders of what his life "used to be".

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    The Mostly True Story of Jack by Kelly Regan BarnhillStrange things are happening in Jack's life. His distant parents mostly ignore him and have

    even taken his pictures off the walls. When his parents divorce, he is sent to the small town in

    Hazelton, Iowa to live with an aunt and uncle he has never even heard of. They seem to know

    him, however, and even have pictures of Jack on their wall. In fact, the whole town seems to

    know Jack. Kids want to befriend him, a bully beats him up, and someone even wants him dead.

    There is more than meets the eye here in Hazelton, and Jack sets out to solve the mystery of

    this new and odd place, which ends up having quite a magical history of its own. - See more at:

    Night of the Howling Dogsby Graham SalisburySenior patrol leader of his Hilo, Hawaii, scout troop, eighth-grader Dylan looks forward to camping on the

    coast in the shadow of a volcano. But when he hears that Louie, a tough, troubled kid, will be joining the

    scouts on the trip, Dylan remembers when their paths crossed once before, and his anticipation turns to

    dread. Dylan's sense of foreboding is justified tenfold. After a difficult trek to their campsite, an earthquake

    jolts the ground and shakes boulders down from the cliff. Then a tsunami engulfs the area. Even in the midst

    of disaster, Dylan finds that support can come from unexpected directions. A strong sense of place informs

    the plot as well as the setting of this convincing story. In an unusually compelling author's note, Salisbury

    writes of camping on the site of the 1975 natural disaster at Halape with his cousin, who lived through it as a

    Boy Scout. Inspired by that earthquake and tsunami, this vivid adventure soon strips away every vestige of

    normality, leaving characters dependent on their wits, their skills, and the mysterious spirits of land and sea

    for their survival. Salisbury weaves Hawaiian legend into the modern-day narrative to create a haunting,

    unusual novel that will practically booktalk itself. Phelan, Carolyn

    The Notor ious Benedict Arnoldby Steve Sheinkin

    When you hear the name Benedict Arnold what words comes to mind? You probably arent

    thinking war hero or military genius, but according to historian Steve Sheinken, thats just

    what Benedict Arnold was untilWell, youllget the rest of the story when you read this

    marvelous nonfiction book The Notorious Benedict Arnoldabout the early life, high

    adventures, and the tragic end to an infamous icon.

    The Story: The Early Years

    He was a sixth generation Benedict Arnold born into a wealthy New Haven, Connecticut

    family in 1741. His father, Captain Arnold, owned a lucrative shipping business and the

    family enjoyed an elite lifestyle. Benedict, however, was an unruly child and difficult to

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    control. He often got into trouble and refused to follow rules. Hoping he would learn respect

    and some discipline, his parents sent him away to a boarding school when he was eleven,

    but this did little to cure his wild ways.

    Economic hardships turned the Arnolds fortunes to ruin. His fathers shipping business

    suffered greatly and creditors were demanding their money. Arnolds father was jailed for

    not paying his debts and he quickly turned to drinking. No longer able to afford the

    boarding school, Benedicts mother had him return. Now a teenager the rebellious boy was

    humiliated when he had to deal publicly with his drunken father. A grim determination

    settled over Benedict who vowed to never be poor or suffer humiliation again. He focused

    his attention on learning business and become a successful tradesman himself. His

    ambition and reckless drive brought him great success and helped prepare him to become a

    fearless military man when he threw his support in favor of the American Revolution.

    The Story: Military Success and Treason

    Benedict Arnold did not like the British. He did not like the taxes imposed on his business.

    Headstrong and not always waiting for instruction, Arnold would organize his own militia

    and march into battle before Congress or even General Washington could intervene. He

    boldly engaged in what some soldiers called chaotic combat but always managed to come

    out of the battle successful. One British official commented on Arnold saying, I think he

    has shown himself the most enterprising and dangerous man among the rebels." (Roaring

    Book Press, 145). Arnold is credited with turning the tide of the American Revolution with

    his success at the Battle of Saratoga. However, problems started when Arnold felt he wasnt

    getting the recognition he deserved. His pride and inability to get along with other military

    officers branded him a difficult and power hungry individual.

    As Arnold began to feel unappreciated he turned his loyalties to the British and began a

    communication with high ranked British officer named John Andre. The treasonous plot

    between the two, if successful, would have changed the outcome of the American

    Revolution. A series of coincidental and perhaps fateful events resulted in revealing the

    dangerous plot and changing the course of history.

    Okay for Now by Gary D. SchmidtMidwesterner Gary D. Schmidt won Newbery Honor awards forLizzie Bright and

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    the Buckminster Boysand The Wednesday Wars, two coming-of-age novels about

    unlikely friends finding a bond. Okay For Now, his latest novel, explores another

    seemingly improbable alliance, this one between new outsider in town Doug

    Swieteck and Lil Spicer, the savvy spitfire daughter of his deli owner boss. With

    her challenging assistance, Doug discovers new sides of himself. Along the way, he

    also readjusts his relationship with his abusive father, his school peers, and hisolder brother, a newly returned war victim of Vietnam.

    Operation Redwoodby S. Terrell FrenchTwelve-year-old Julian Carter-Li has no idea that adventure will soon find him. All he

    knows is that his mother is on a grant-paid trip to China that should enhance her career as

    a photographer, while shes gone he has to stay with his mean-spirited aunt and uncle

    since no one else is available to take care of him, and he may have to spend his entire

    summer shuttling from one undesirable camp after another.

    He is resigned to his fate until he inadvertently reads an email intended for his uncle thatlaunches a relationship with a girl named Robin who lives on a farm in Californias

    redwood country. Before he knows it, Julian is working against his uncles company to

    save a grove of old-growth redwood trees from the saw, and hes taking extreme-for-him

    measures to get the attention of anyone who may have the power to save the trees. All

    while learning about farm life and personal responsibility.

    Second F iddleby Rosanne ParryWhen 13-year-old Jody and her friends save a badly beaten Russian soldier from

    drowning, they put into motion a chain of events that will take them from Berlin toParis and straight into danger. Jody must quickly learn to trust herself, because in

    the time directly after the fall of the Berlin Wall, the border between friend and

    enemy is not as clear as it once was.

    Stargirlby Jerry SpinelliThe story picks up four years later with the arrival of an eccentric new classmate, Susan Caraway,

    at Leos high school. Susan, who goes by the name Stargirl, has been home-schooled her entire

    life, and her behavior is unusual and provocative. Teens at Mica Area High School prize

    conformity above all else, but Stargirl seems not to care what anyone else thinks of her. She

    comes to school in strange outfitskimonos, Native American buckskin, 1920s flapper clothes,

    and pioneer clothing with no makeup. During each class period she decorates her desk with a

    tablecloth and flowers. She dances in the rain, and strums a ukulele every day during lunch while

    singing "Happy Birthday" to kids she has never met. She attends strangers funerals and cheers

    for both teams during sporting events. Her behavior is so unusual that at first the student body

    does not know what to make of her. Popular student Hillari Kimble declares that Stargirl is a fake,

    and speculation and rumors abound.

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    When Hillari orders Stargirl not to sing to her on her birthday, Stargirl keeps her promise she

    sings Hillaris name, but directs the song to Leo, and mentions that she thinks he is cute. Leo

    gradually becomes intrigued by the mystery of Stargirl, following her after school and passively

    observing her odd actions and the student bodys reactions. Though at first rejected by most of

    the highschoolers, Stargirl gains a measure of popularity by joining the cheer-leading squad.

    Students begin to mimic her behavior, and at lunch she no longer sits alone. Her antics on thesquad spark a boom in audience attendance at sporting events. Leo privately celebrates the

    outburst of individuality taking over the school, even though his own shy demeanor keeps him

    from participating.

    Stargirls popularity is short-lived, however. Thanks in part to her efforts, the basketball season is

    the best in the schools history and school spirit flourishes. Students begin to resent Stargirls

    habit of cheering for both teams. Their anger comes to a head during a filming of the student-run

    television show Hot Seat, run by Leo and his best friend Kevin. During the show a jury of

    students is invited to ask questions of the guest star. This shows guest is Stargirl, and though

    the questions start innocently the session soon turns into an embarrassing attack on Stargirls

    personality and actions. An advising teacher cuts the show short and it is never aired, but the

    damage is already done. Shortly thereafter, Stargirl comforts a hurt player from the opposing team

    during a playoff basketball game, and is blamed for Mica Highs subsequent loss. She is shunned

    by the entire student body, except for her friend Dori Dilson, Leo, and to some extent Kevin.

    Leo admires Stargirl for her kindness, bravery, and nonconformity, and the two begin a tentative

    romance. They spend more and more time together, and Leo experiences her unusual lifestyle

    and starts helping her with various projects, such as leaving cards for people they don't know and

    dropping change on the sidewalk for others to find. For a while he is deliriously happy with their

    relationship, but as reality sets in he realizes that the entire school is shunning both of them. In

    response, Leo convinces Stargirl to act more "normal. She starts go ing by her real name, Susan,

    wears typical teen clothing, and becomes generally obsessed with being accepted and popular.

    These actions fail to produce results.

    Stargirl decides that the best way to become popular is to win the states public speaking

    competition. Where she dreams she will win it and get a victorious party. She wins the finals, and

    her eccentric and creative personality helps her achieve victory. But when she returns to the

    school expecting to receive a heros welcome, Stargirl is bitterly disappointed that only three

    people show up. Realizing that she has achieved nothing by trying to fit in, and has betrayed her

    true self in the process, Stargirl reverts to her former personality. Leo is not able to cope with the

    shunning that comes with being Stargirls boyfriend and breaks off their relationship, confused

    about his feelings and unable to overcome his need to be accepted by the other students. Despite the breakup, Stargirl attends the schools dancethe Ocotillo ballwith her friend Dori.

    Leo watches from a distance as Stargirl arrives at the dance on a bike covered in sunflowers.

    Though initially ignored by the other attendees, something about Stargirl begins to attract

    attention and temporary acceptance. She convinces the DJ to play the "Bunny Hop," and

    gradually the other students come to join her in the dance until eventually the only people not in

    line are Hillari Kimble and her boyfriend Wayne Parr. When the dance ends, Hillari confronts

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    Stargirl, tells her that she always ruins everything, and slaps her. Stargirl returns Hillari's attack

    with a polite kiss on the cheek. No one in the town sees Stargirl again after that night, and Leo

    learns from mutual friend Archie that she and her family have moved away to Pennsylvania.

    TimeRidersby Alex ScarrowIn the book the newly recruited team are thrown into the thick of it before they've had a chance to

    fully train. Paul Kramer, a brilliant physicist from the future, has plans to alter the pastto lead

    Nazi Germanyto victory over theAllied Forcesand to ensure an ordered World Reich under his

    rule. Liam and the teams support unit, Bob, are sent back in time to try and stop Kramers plans,

    whilst in the present, Maddy and Sal witness New York altered by the arrival of a time wave,

    forming a terrifying new realityan apocalyptic landscape of ruins and savage mutated

    descendants of anuclear holocaustcaused by Kramer going insane and detonating some weapon

    of mass destruction. At the end of the novel Liam and Bob go to Obersalzberg,and stop Kramerfrom altering history. Afirefightensues, in which Bob is fatally injured, and Kramer & his cohorts

    die after being killed by the guards stationed outside Obersalzberg. Liam retrieves the AI from

    inside Bob's head, and returns to 2001 with the timeline restored.

    The True Confessions of Charlotte Doyleby AviTold in the form of a recollection, these "confessions" cover 13-year-old

    Charlotte's eventful 1832 transatlantic crossing. She begins her trip a prim

    schoolgirl returning home to her American family from England. From the

    start, there is something wrong with the Seahawk : the families that were to

    serve as Charlotte's chaperones do not arrive, and the unsavory crew

    warns her not to make the trip. When the crew rebels, Charlotte first sides

    with the civilized Captain Jaggerty, but before long she realizes that he is a

    sadist and--the only female aboard--she joins the crew as a seaman.

    Charlotte is charged with murder and sentenced to be hanged before the

    trip is over, but ends up in command of the Seahawk by the time it reaches

    its destination. Charlotte's repressive Puritanical family refuses to believe

    her tale, and the girl returns to the sea. Charlotte's story is a gem of

    nautical adventure, and Avi's control of tone calls to mind William Golding's

    1980s trilogy of historical novels of the sea. Never wavering from its 19th

    century setting, the novel offers suspense and entertainment modern-day

    readers will enjoy.
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    Ugliesby Scott WesterfeldThe super-short plot basically goes like this:

    Tally Youngblood wants to have the surgery that will make her pretty; but then she gets

    caught up in a rebellion against society and comes to appreciate a world where noteveryone is prettyand then (ironyalert) she has to turn herself in to be turned pretty.

    The slightly-longer-but-still-short plot summary breaks down nicely into three parts

    (thanks to the fact that the book has three parts), in a classic three-act structure:

    Part I: The hero is introduced and accepts the adventure

    Tally Youngblood is about to get the pretty surgerywhich will be great, because her

    best friend already lives in the pretty part of the city. But when she almost gets in trouble

    (breaking into New Pretty Town), she meets Shay, an ugly who is a little more rebellious.

    Shay and Tally argue (and argue and argue) about whether the pretty surgery is a good

    thing. Eventually, Shay tells Tally about a hidden town in the wilderness where no one is

    pretty, but Tally doesn't want to go.

    Unfortunately for her, she's been watched by Dr. Cable of the secret police (Special

    Circumstances), and Dr. Cable blackmails Tally into going to find this hidden town: if she

    doesn't help, Cable will never let Tally become a pretty.

    Part II: The hero switches her allegiance, and then

    Tally goes off to find the hidden town, called the Smoke. It takes her a while, but she's

    very glad to find Shay safe and sound. And she's even happier to meet David, a boy who

    was born in the wilderness and so has different ideas about what's pretty. Different

    enough that he kind of falls for Tally.

    Tally considers calling Dr. Cable, but she begins to like the Smoke. David also introduces

    Tally to his parents who tell her that the pretty surgery includes a side order of brain

    damage to make people manageable. So now Tally is definitelynot going to call Dr. Cable

    and she even destroys the tracker that she's supposed to use to call Dr. Cable. But

    Part III: the hero suffers a crushing defeat, but fights back and wins (partly, leaving

    open room for a sequel)

    Now that Tally is happy in the Smoke, Special Circumstances comes and arrests

    everyone. Obviously. (Apparently the tracker that Tally had is activated by the damage of
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    being thrown in the fire, just like your cellphone. Note: Do not throw your cellphone in

    fire.) Tally and David escape and go to the city to rescue the captives there, including

    David's mom and dad.

    But they're too late: David's dad is dead and Shay has already been turned pretty. (The

    horror! The horror!) David's mom has come up with a way to cure the brain damage, but

    she needs a willing volunteer. Tally feels so guilty that she volunteers. The book ends

    with Tally confessing to David how she's responsible and giving herself up to the city


    Living in a future where sixteen-year-olds are surgically transformed from "uglies" to

    "pretties," Tally Youngblood struggles with a choice: to become beautiful and content

    forever living in a high-tech paradise, or to leave the world she knows and keep her own

    identity. Tally's decisions lead her on an incredible journey, which forces her to grow,

    change, and learn. -

    Uglies is set inSeattle, Washington[3]

    three hundred years from now, [4]

    where the government

    provides for everything, including plastic surgery operations. Everyone on their sixteenth birthday

    receive the pretty operation which transforms them into the society's standard of beautiful.[5]

    After the operation, new "Pretties" cross the river that divides the city and lead a new life with no

    responsibilities or obligations. There are actually three operations; the first transforms people

    from uglies (unchanged teenagers), to pretties. Another one transforms pretties to middle -

    pretties (adults with a job), and the third transforms middle-pretties" to "crumblies."

    The term "Rusties" refers to those who lived before the historical apocalypse that ended the old

    society. The Rusties' cities have decayed after bacteria infected the world's petroleum, making it

    unstable. Because society was so dependent on oil, catastrophe ensued. Cars everywhere

    exploded, along with the oil fields nations had been fighting over. Supplies and food could no

    longer be transported, and society fell apart.[6]

    Tally Youngblood is almost sixteen, only 3 more months until her birthday. Like every other

    "Ugly", she awaits the operation with great anticipation. Tallys best friend, Peris, has already had

    the operation and, motivated by her desire to see him, Tally sneaks across the river to New Pretty

    Town, Peris's new home.[7]

    After making a daring escape from a tower after her ticket in, a pig

    mask, is recycled by the carpet of the elevator, she meets Shay, another ugly sneaking around

    New Pretty Town. They quickly become friends and Shay teaches Tally how to ride a hoverboard.

    Shay also mentions rebelling against the operation. At first, Tally ignores all the idea, but is forced

    to deal with it when Shay runs away a few days before their shared sixteenth birthday, leaving

    behind cryptic directions to her destination, a renegade settlement called the Smoke, where city

    runaways go to escape the operation.[7]

    On the day of Tallys operation, she is taken to Special Circumstances, a division that is likened to

    gremlins and [blamed] when anything weird happens. [8]

    However, few people actually knows,_Washington,_Washington,_Washington
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    anything about them, and most even question their very existence. Dr. Cable is a woman who is

    described as a cruel pretty[9]

    with a razor voice,[10]

    sharp teeth,[9]

    and non-reflexive gray eyes.[11]

    She is the head of Special Circumstances. She gives Tally an ultimatum to either help them locate

    Shay and the Smoke, or she may never become a Pretty. After considering the alternatives, Tally

    decides to cooperate with Special Circumstances. Dr. Cable gives her a hoverboard and all the

    needed supplies to survive in the wild, along with a heart locket that contains a tracking device.Once activated, it will show the location of the Smoke to Special Circumstances. Following Shay's

    clues, Tally sets off to find her friend.

    After less than a week of travel, Tally arrives at the Smoke, where she finds Shay, her friend David

    and an entire community of runaway uglies. She is reluctant to activate the pendant and it

    eventually becomes clear that David is in love with her. One night Tally and David share a kiss,

    David takes her to meet his parents, Maddy and Az, who are the original runaways from the city.

    They explain how the operation does more than cosmetic nipping and tucking. [12]

    It also causes

    lesions in the brain to make the people placid, or pretty-minded. Horrified at what her own city

    is doing, Tally decides to keep the Smoke secret and throws the locket into a fire, in an attempt to

    destroy the tracker. Instead the flames' heat causes the tracker to activate, giving away the

    Smokes location.

    The following morning, Special Circumstances arrives at the camp and Tally makes an effort to

    escape, trying to help "Boss", the keeper of Rustie magazines, escape with the magazines. She

    does not succeed, however Boss is able to hide the magazines before being killed by Special

    Circumstances. After Tally is caught, she is taken to the rabbit pen, where other caught Smokies

    are kept, tied up. Croy, another fellow Smokie, jokes with her about her shoes, when Shay is

    caught. She is angry at Tally, saying that Tally was a spy and that she stole David before betraying

    the Smoke. Croy deflects Shay's accusations, while the Special Circumstances people are taking

    eye scans of all the captured Smokies, identifying which city they fled from. When they scan

    Tally's eyes, they take her to Dr. Cable, who explains how they found the Smoke. Dr. Cable,

    thinking Tally never actually meant to destroy the pendant and activated it amongst suspicion

    from the Smokies, when really none of that happened. After being ordered to retrieve the pendant

    from its hiding spot, Tally is able to make her escape using Croy's hoverboard. After a long and

    stressing chase, Tally manages to hide in a cave where they cannot track her heat signature.

    There she finds David also hiding. Together, they begin to plan a rescue.

    After seeing the remains of Boss's library, Tally remembers Boss's attempt to escape with the

    magazines and finds the duffel bag of Rustie magazines. Not far away, Tally finds Boss's body,

    "his head turned at an unnatural angle".[13]

    His fingernails, stained with blood, shows that he

    resisted and lost. Tally takes the magazines with her.Tally and David go back to David's parents' house, where they find it burnt and find evidence that

    Special Circumstances took Maddy and Az. David leads Tally to a secret stash of survival

    equipment, "by Smokey standards, an absolute fortune in survival equipment".[14]

    There they find

    everything they ever need, and load them onto the four hoverboards stashed there.

    Everyone from the Smoke has been taken by Special Circumstances and are being prepped for

    the operation forcing them to become pretties. As Tally and David travel back to the city to free
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    their friends, they fall in love. Arriving at the Special Circumstances complex, they discover that

    Shay has already been turned and is now a pretty.[15]

    After meeting Dr. Cable, David knocks her

    out and takes her work tablet, which contains all the necessary information to reverse the brain

    lesions created by the pretty operation. Tally and David then free all the Smokies held in the

    complex. As they escape the complex, though, Maddy has to tell David that his father, Az, is dead.

    Once everyone is safe, Maddy begins working on a cure using Dr. Cables tablet and materials

    brought by city uglies.[16]

    She figures out a cure and offers it to Shay, who refuses, not wanting

    to become a vegetable.[17]

    Since Tally feels responsible for her betrayal, she decides to become

    a pretty and take the cure as a willing subject .[18]

    To convince David to let her go back to the

    city, she tells him about her involvement with Special Circumstances and searching for the Smoke

    to betray them. While David is absorbing what Tally just admitted, Maddy advises Tally to go back

    with Shay before she changes her mind. Once there, Tally announces to a middle pretty,Im Tally

    Youngblood. Make me pretty, the final phrase of the novel

    Wildwoodby Colin MeloyPrue McKeels life is ordinary. At least until her baby brother is abducted by a murder of

    crows. And then things get really weird.

    You see, on every map of Portland, Oregon, there is a big splotch of green on the edge of

    the city labeled "I.W." This stands for "Impassable Wilderness." No ones ever gone in

    or at least returned to tell of it.

    And this is where the crows take her brother.

    So begins an adventure that will take Prue and her friend Curtis deep into the Impassable

    Wilderness. There they uncover a secret world in the midst of violent upheaval, a world

    full of warring creatures, peaceable mystics, and powerful figures with the darkest

    intentions. And what begins as a rescue mission becomes something much bigger as the

    two friends find themselves entwined in a struggle for the very freedom of this


    A wilderness the locals call Wildwood.

    Wildwoodis a spellbinding tale full of wonder, danger, and magic that juxtaposes the

    thrill of a secret world and modern city life. Original and fresh yet steeped in classic

    fantasy, this is a novel that could have only come from the imagination of Colin Meloy,celebrated for his inventive and fantastic storytelling as the lead singer of the

    Decemberists. With dozens of intricate and beautiful illustrations by award-winning artist

    Carson Ellis, Wildwoodis truly a new classic for the twenty-first century.

    In Wildwood'sbackstory,Alexandra is exiled from South Wood for using "black magic" in an
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    effort to bring back her deceased child Alexie. In revenge, she plots to kill every living thing in The

    Wood. She strikes a deal with Prue's parents, who are desperate to have a child. Alexandra

    promises to use magic to help them conceive, but in return they must give her their second child.

    After Prue is born Alexandra spends the next ten years raising an army of coyotes. She then

    causes Prue's parents to conceive a second child, Mac. Her plan is to make a blood sacrificeof

    Mac to Wildwood's Ivy, a dangerous, supernaturally invasive plant. This will give her control overthe Ivy, allowing her to choke all life in The Wood. When Mac is one year old, Alexandra sends

    crows to kidnap him.

    Part One[edit]

    Prue is in a park with Mac when crows come in and take the baby off. Prue runs after Mac,

    followed by her classmate Curtis. Prue does not want Curtis along, but before she can send him

    back, they are separated while fleeing from coyotes. Curtis is captured and taken to Alexandra,

    while Prue rides a mail truck to South Wood. There, Prue finds a Kafkaesquebureaucracy and

    dysfunctional government. Police state tactics and paranoia over foreign threats are used to keep

    the regime in power. Prue eventually meets the Crown Prince Owl Rex, of the Avian Principality,who shows how Alexandra came to be exiled, and proposes to Prue to cross Wildwood and find

    help from the Mystics of North Wood. Meanwhile, Alexandra is flattering Curtis with a fancy

    uniform and commissions him into the coyote army as an officer. In a battle against bandits Curtis

    breaks ahowitzerby dumb luck, becoming a coyote war hero in the operation. He then finds Mac

    in Alexandra's headquarters and she shows him her plan to forfeit the baby. Alexandra offers to

    share the power with Curtis, but he says no and is locked away with some other captured bandits

    and unfaithful coyotes.

    Part Two[edit]

    Prue flies to North Wood on the back of an eagle sent by Owl Rex, but is shot down by a coyote

    archer. She is found by Brendan, the Bandit King, who offers to help. However, they are captured

    in a coyote attack and Brendan is imprisoned with Curtis while Prue is taken to Alexandra.

    Alexandra promises her that she will find Mac, convincing Prue to leave The Wood. In prison,

    Curtis reveals Alexandra's plan and then leads an escape, gaining the trust of the coyote and

    bandit prisoners. Prue returns home, and learns of her parents' bargain with Alexandra. Realizing

    that she was tricked, she decides to return to rescue Mac.

    Part Three[edit]

    Back in the impassable Wilderness, Prue travels to see the Mystics in charge of North Wood.

    Meanwhile, Curtis and the other escapees rejoin the bandits and set out to stop Alexandra. Prue

    alerts the North Wood Elder Mystic, Iphigenia, to the danger and the citizen militia gather farming

    implements and kitchen utensils for weapons and march south. Prue rides her bicycle ahead and

    convinces the bandits to join forces. Just as the sacrifice is about to occur the armies meet in an

    Ivy filled ruin. Brendan gives a speech to inspire his forces, christening the combined army the

    Wildwood Irregulars.

    A raging battle ensues, and the Wildwood Irregulars are near defeat. As Alexandra prepares to

    carry out the sacrifice, Iphigenia confronts her. Curtis and the remnants of the army make a final
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