Page 1: oREGULAR DATES AT ST MARY’S S Sunday 18 September 2016 · oREGULAR DATES AT ST MARY’S Don't forget Parish Prayers on the second Friday of each month. Next date is Friday 14th


Don't forget Parish Prayers on the second Friday of each month. Next date is Friday 14th October 2016 at 10.30am in the Norbury


Please join us each Thursday at 9am for Morning Prayers in the Norbury Chapel.

The next discussion group meeting will take place in October. All welcome.

FOOD AND FELLOWSHIP At ST MARY’S Please join us each month on the third Thursday for our regular Parish lunch.

The next date is Thursday 20th October.

The next WASPS lunch will take place on 11th October at the Running Mare. More details from Vivien Wilkins (01932


Please join us after the 10am

service for coffee served by

Nicki Hepburn

FORTHCOMING CHORAL SERVICES Sunday 2 October Choral Eucharist 10am Missa Brevis : Kenneth Leighton Anthem : If ye love me : Thomas Tallis

Sunday 6 November Choral Eucharist 10am Missa O quam gloriosam : Victoria Motet O quam gloriosam : Victoria

Sunday 27 November Advent Carol Service 6pm Carols, hymns, and readings for Advent by candlelight


St Marys Church Stoke D’Abernon

St Mary’s Church, Stoke D’Abernon

Sunday 18th September 2016 Seventeenth Sunday after Trinity Please take this sheet away for reference

Priest: The Reverend Godfrey Hilliard 01932 868428 [email protected] (Day off on Friday) Parish Administrator : Polly Zabari [email protected] (9.00-1.00 Mon, Wed, Fri) (9.00-10.30am Tues and Thurs) 01932 866005 September/October at St Mary’s

Sun 18 Sept Wed 21 Sept Sun 25 Sept Thur 29 Sept Sun 2 Oct Sun 9 Oct Sun 16 Oct Tues 18 Oct Sun 23 Oct Sun 30 Oct

8am 10am 11.30am 6pm 10.30am 8am 10am 10.30am 8am 10am 6pm 8am 10am 6pm 8am 10am 11.30am 6pm 10.30am 8am 10am 6pm 8am 10am 6pm

Holy Communion Family Service Mattins Evensong Holy Communion Holy Communion Parish Eucharist No Evensong Holy Communion Holy Communion Choral Eucharist Evensong Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Evensong Holy Communion Family Service Mattins Evensong Holy Communion Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Evensong Holy Communion Parish Eucharist Evensong

Page 2: oREGULAR DATES AT ST MARY’S S Sunday 18 September 2016 · oREGULAR DATES AT ST MARY’S Don't forget Parish Prayers on the second Friday of each month. Next date is Friday 14th

Collect for the day Almighty God, you have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless till they find their rest in you: pour your love into our hearts and draw us to yourself, and so bring us at last to your heavenly city where we shall see you face to face; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen

8.00am Holy Communion Preacher Godfrey Hilliard Epistle : 1 Tim 2: 1-7 Gospel : Luke 16 : 1-13

10am Family Service Preacher Godfrey Hilliard Please see separate service booklet

11.30am Mattins Preacher Hugh Bryant Psalm : 131 First Reading: 1 Tim 2 : 1-7 Second Reading: Luke 16 : 1-13 Hymns : 270, 275, 273, 253 Organ voluntary : Sonata in F – Julije Bajamonti

6pm Evensong Preacher Hugh Bryant Lord, we pray thee that thy grace may always prevent and follow us, and make us continually to be given to all good works; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen Psalm : 128 First Reading: Ezra 1 Second Reading: John 7 : 14-36 Hymns : 127, 581, 430

The sign up sheets for Parish Lunches will always be available in Church on Sundays. Names MUST be put on the

list, either by signing up on the list or by ringing the Parish Office

For a number of years St Mary’s have taken part in a fun quiz in aid of the Bible Society. The event takes place on

Sat 22nd October at Church Gate House at 7pm. Tickets £10 to include supper. If you are interested please contact Brenda Brown 01932 868882

There will be a Service of Thanksgiving for Kuki Hahndel on Thursday 22nd September at 2.30pm in St Marys, and

afterwards in the hall.

Macmillan Coffee Morning We are holding a coffee morning on Friday 30 September from 8.30am-12 in our new hall. Please put the date in your diary, join us and

bring your friends. Entrance free. All donations welcome – cakes, biscuits, raffle prizes. Please contact Ann Willmore or Polly in the church office.

There will be a Maiastra Concert on Sunday 2nd October at 7.30pm at St Andrew’s Church, Cobham.

Performers include Ruth Rogers, Leader of the London Mozart Players, Hanna Tracz, Palomo Cueto-felgueroso Mejias and Amy Goodwin. Programme includes : Mozart – Quartet in G Major K.387 Beethoven ; Quartet in G Major Op.18 No.2 Dvorak – Quartet in F Major Op 96 “American” Admission is free of charge, however there will be retiring collection to support the Aidan Woodcock Charitable Trust. For more info please visit

The next Churchyard working party will take place on Saturday 29th October from 9.30 – 12.30. Please

come along and help us keep things tidy – even if you can only spare an hour. Bring your own tools please. Coffee and biscuits will be available.

Thurs 10th November – 4-8pm. St Mary’s Christmas Fair in the hall. We have lots of new and exciting stalls

this year. Entrance £3 to include a glass of prosecco. Please tell your friends and come along and support us.

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