
HORTSCIENCE 47(8):1163–1170. 2012.

Improvement of Salt Tolerancein Kentucky Bluegrass byTrinexapac-ethylMasoud Arghavani, Mohsen Kafi, Mesbah Babalar,and Roohangiz NaderiDepartment of Horticultural Sciences, College of Agriculture and NaturalResources, University of Tehran, Daneshkadeh Street, Karaj, 31587-11167,Iran

Md. Anamul Hoque and Yoshiyoki Murata1

Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology, Okayama University,3-1-1 Tsushima-naka, Okayama, 700-8530, Japan

Additional index words. antioxidant enzymes, chlorophyll, plant growth regulator, Poapratensis, proline, total non-structural carbohydrates

Abstract. Trinexapac-ethyl (TE) is a popular plant growth regulator in the turfgrassindustry that inhibits gibberellic acid (GA) biosynthesis and effectively reduces leafelongation and subsequent clipping production. This greenhouse sand culture experi-ment was conducted to determine effects of TE application on kentucky bluegrass (Poapratensis L.) responses to salinity stress. The five salinity levels (0, 20, 40, 60, and 80 mM

NaCl) were applied in nutrient solutions and TE treatments (0, 1, and 1.7 g/100 m2) wereapplied twice at 4-week intervals. Under non-saline conditions and low level salinityconditions, application of TE at 1 g/100 m2 (TE1) increased turf quality (TQ), leaf totalnon-structural carbohydrates (TNC), and chlorophyll (Chl) content. In high salinity, TE1

alleviated the decline in TQ, antioxidant enzyme activities, leaf TNC, Chl, and K+

content. In addition, treated turf with TE at 1 g/100 m2 had lower proline, Na+, andmalondialdehyde (MDA) contents. However, the adverse effects of high salinities weremore pronounced when turf was treated by TE at 1.7 g/100 m2 (TE1.7), suggesting thateffects of TE on salt tolerance vary with its dosages and salinity levels. We concluded thatmoderate inhibition of GA biosynthesis by TE enhances salt tolerance in kentuckybluegrass and suggest that enhancement is the result of the maintenance of antioxidantactivities, leading to more root growth and greater levels of TNC and Chl content. Chemicalnames used: 4-(cyclopropyl-b-hydroxymethylene)-3, 5-dioxocyclohexanecarboxylic acidethyl ester (trinexapac-ethyl).

Shortage of fresh water is one of the majorenvironmental specters that humanity con-fronts in the 21st century (Montaigne andEssick, 2002). Rapidly expanding populationgrowth is occurring in many arid regions,where soil and water salinity are problems(Marcum, 2006). Fresh water shortage hasresulted in restrictions on the use of potablewater for turfgrass irrigation and secondarywater sources, with high salinity, are increas-ingly being used to irrigate landscape andlarge turf facilities (Gill and Rainville, 1994).NaCl is the principal soil salinity stress (Yokoiet al., 2002). Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensisL.) is a cool-season grass widely used for homelawns, sport fields, and commercial landscapesin temperate climates (Beard, 1973).

Plant growth regulators like TE are usedextensively in the turfgrass industry to reduce

mowing frequency and improve aesthetics(Ervin and Zhang, 2007). TE competitivelyinhibits the 3b-hydroxylase conversion ofgibberellic acid-20 (GA20) to gibberellic acid-1(GA1), resulting in reduced cell elongation(Rademacher, 2000) and effects of TE ongrowth inhibition are well documented invarious turfgrass species (Ervin and Zhang,2007; McCullough et al., 2005). Recentstudies have investigated TE’s influence onimproving environmental stresses such asdrought (Jiang and Fry, 1998), heat (Wanget al., 2006), shade condition (Ervin et al.,2002), and combined drought and heat stress(McCann and Huang, 2007).

Effects of TE on turfgrass responses tosalt stress are less understood. Pessarakliet al. (2006) have shown that reduction ofturf green canopy coverage of kentuckybluegrass by salinity was more pronouncedwhen turf was treated by TE. HoweverBaldwin et al. (2006) reported that applica-tion of TE during exposure of plants tosalinity increased root growth and TQ inbermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L. Pers. ·C. transvaalensis Burtt-Davy). Also, in astudy with seashore paspalum (Paspalumvaginatum Swartz), Sakr (2009) showed

that TE application increased turf coveragepercentage, lawn density, fresh and dry weightof underground parts, leaf Chl, carotenoides,carbohydrates, and K+ content and decreasedleaves’ proline, Na+, and Cl– concentrationsunder salinity stress.

Objectives of the present study were to 1)investigate whether TE application can en-hance salinity tolerance of kentucky blue-grass; and 2) compare morphological andphysiological effects of different rates of TEapplication on kentucky bluegrass across arange of salinity levels.

Materials and Methods

Turfgrass culture and growth condition. ‘Bar-impala’ kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.)was seeded (20 g�m–2) in 15-cm-diameter · 30-cm-deep plastic pots filled with washed sandin September. Plants were grown in a green-house with average 25 day/15 �C night tem-peratures under natural light (average:800 mmol�m–2�s–1 photosynthetically ac-tive radiation, 14-h photoperiod) at OkayamaUniversity. Pots were fertigated daily withhalf-strength Coic and Lesaint nutrient solu-tion (pH 7.0) (Coıc and Lesaint, 1975) untildrainage occurred from the bottom of the con-tainers for 4 months before initiation of treat-ments. Turf was hand-clipped weekly at a 5-cm height.

Treatments, experimental design, anddata analysis. Five salinity treatments (0, 20,40, 60, and 80 mM NaCl) were obtained byadding NaCl gradually (to avoid salinityshock) to nutrient solutions during a 5-dperiod. Trinexapac-ethyl [Primo Maxx; Syn-genta Crop Protection, Inc., Greensboro, NC;active ingredient (a.i.): trinexapac-ethyl =11.3%] was applied with a hand sprayer at 1and 1.7 g/100 m2 a.i., in addition to a non-TE-treated control, on two occasions, at the startof the treatments and 4 weeks after salttreatments were initiated. Grasses were ex-posed to salinity and TE treatments for aperiod of 8 weeks. During this period, allmeasurements except shoot and root growthwere made every 2 weeks. First measure-ments were taken 1 d before initiation oftreatments. The experiment was set out in asplit-plot design with four replications foreach treatment. Salinity levels and TE treat-ments were the main plots and subplots,respectively. This study was conducted at theOkayama University and was repeated at theUniversity of Tehran with the same materialsand methods. Representative data have beenpresented, except for antioxidant enzymesthat only assayed at Okayama University.The data were statistically analyzed usingthe analysis of variance procedure (SAS In-stitute, 2001). Differences between treatmentmeans were separated by Fisher’s protectedleast significance test at the 0.05 P level.

Measurements. During the treatment pe-riod, turf was clipped only one time everyweek at a 5-cm height. Clipping yields wereharvested weekly and dried at 70 �C for 48 hfor dry weight determination. After the finalclipping harvest after 8 weeks of salinity

Received for publication 2 Mar. 2012. Acceptedfor publication 21 May 2012.We are grateful to Kenji Kato (Department ofBotany and Microbiology, Okayama University)for kindly support in greenhouse and its supplies.1To whom reprint requests should be addressed;e-mail [email protected].


treatments, grass swards were harvested anddivided into verdure and roots. Each fractionwas dried at 70 �C for 48 h using a dryingoven (DV41; Yamato Scientific Co., Tokyo,Japan) and then dry mass was measured.Shoot growth was calculated based on cumu-lative clipping and verdure dry weight (Qianet al., 2000).

Turf quality was visually rated on a scaleof 1 to 9 based on color, density, and uni-formity (Turgeon, 2002). Plants rated 1 werecompletely desiccated with a completely ne-crotic turf canopy. A rating of 9 representedhealthy plants with dark green, turgid leafblades and a full turf canopy. A rating of 6was considered the minimal acceptable TQ.

Total non-structural carbohydrates weremeasured according to the method of Lyonset al. (2007) that was a modified method ofTing (1956). Briefly, leaves were dried at80 �C for 72 h. Forty milligrams of groundtissues were transferred to glass tubes con-taining 2.5 mL of 5.0% amylase and in-cubated at 37 �C for 24 h. After a 24-hincubation period, 0.5 mL of 0.6 N HCl wasadded to the solution for an additional 18 h.The solution was then neutralized with 10 N

NaOH and diluted to 50 mL with distilledwater and filtered. Reducing sugars weremeasured by taking 1.0 mL of the solutionand adding 1.5 mL of alkaline ferricyanidesolution. The mixture was heated for 10 minin a 100 �C water bath and quickly cooledunder running water. The pH of the solutionwas partially neutralized with 3.0 mL of 2 N

H2SO4. Finally, 1.2 mL of arsenomollybdatesolution was added and the total volumewas adjusted to 25 mL with distilled water.Absorbance of the solution was measured at515 nm and compared with a standard curveto determine TNC content.

Chlorophyll was extracted by soaking 0.1 gof fresh leaf sample in 20 mL of dimethylsulfoxide in the dark for 72 h (Hiscox andIsraelstam, 1979). Absorbance of the extract at663 and 645 nm was measured with a spectro-photometer and total Chl concentration wascalculated using the formulas described byArnon (1949).

Proline content was measured accordingto the method of Bates et al. (1973). A 0.1-gsample of fresh leaves was homogenized in

1.5 mL of 3% aqueous sulfosalicylic acid andthe residue was removed by centrifugation at15000 gn for 20 min. Then, 1 mL of extract wasmixed with 2 mL of acid ninhydrin (1.25 gninhydrin warmed in 30 mL glacial acetic acidand 20 mL 6 M phosphoric acid until dissolved)and 2 mL of glacial acetic acid and heated at100 �C for 1 h. The reaction was ended in anice bath, then 4 mL of toluene was added to themixture and content of tubes was stirred for 15to 20 s. The chromophore was aspirated fromthe aqueous phase, and the absorbance wasread at 520 nm. The amount of proline wasdetermined from a standard curve.

Lipid peroxidation was measured in termsof MDA content (Dhindsa et al., 1981). A0.1-g sample of fresh leaves was homoge-nized in 1.5 mL of 5% trichloroacetic acidand the residue was removed by centrifugationat 15,000 gn for 20 min. A 0.5-mL aliquot ofsupernatant was mixed with 1 mL of 20%trichloroacetic acid containing 0.5% thiobarbi-turic acid. The mixture was heated at 100 �Cfor 30 min, quickly cooled, and then centri-fuged at 10,000 gn for 10 min. The absorbanceof the supernatant was monitored at 532 and600 nm. After subtracting the non-specificabsorbance (600 nm), the concentration ofMDA was calculated using an extinctioncoefficient of 155 mM

–1�cm–1 (Heath andParker, 1968).

To determine K+ and Na+ contents, leaveswere rinsed thoroughly and dried at 70 �C for2 d. Ground samples were dry-ashed at550 �C for 4 h, mixed with hot 2 M HCl,filtered, and then brought to a final volumeof 50 mL with distilled water. K+ and Na+

contents were determined in these digests us-ing an Eppendorf flame photometer (Chapmanand Pratt, 1982).

For enzyme extracts and assays, 0.1 g ofleaves were frozen in liquid nitrogen and thenground in 3 mL of buffer (for superoxidedismutase, peroxidase, and ascorbate perox-idase: 71.4 mM KH2PO4 buffer pH 7.0; forcatalase: 62.5 mM Tris-base buffer pH 8.0;and for glutathione reductase: 56.8 mM Tris-base buffer pH 7.5). The homogenate wascentrifuged at 15,000 gn for 20 min at 4 �C,and the supernatant was collected for enzymeassays. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) [elec-trical conductivity (EC):] activity

was measured by using an SOD Assay Kit-WST (Dojindo Molecular Technologies, Inc.,Kumamoto, Japan) as described by Hoqueet al. (2007a). Peroxidase (POX) (EC: was assayed by following the in-crease in absorbance at 470 nm for 30 s(Nakano and Asada, 1981). The reaction buffersolution contained 50 mM KH2PO4 buffer(pH 7.0), 0.1 mM EDTA, 0.1 mM H2O2, and10 mM guaiacol. Ascorbate peroxidase (APX)(EC: activity was measured as adecrease in absorbance at 290 nm for 1 min(Nakano and Asada, 1981). The assay mixtureconsisted of 50 mM KH2PO4 buffer (pH 7.0),0.1 mM EDTA, 0.1 mM H2O2, and 0.25 mM

ascorbate. Catalase (CAT) (EC: was calculated from the decrease inabsorbance at 240 nm for 1 min (Aebi, 1984).The reaction mixture contained 50 mM Tris-base buffer (pH 8.0), 0.125 mM EDTA, and 10mM H2O2. Glutathione reductase (GR) (EC: activity was calculated from the de-crease in absorbance at 340 nm for 2 min(Foster and Hess, 1980). The reaction buffersolution contained 50 mM Tris-Cl buffer (pH7.5), 3 mM MgCl2, 0.12 mM NADPH, and 0.5mM oxidized glutathione. One unit POX,APX, and CAT activities were defined asthe mmol (nmol for GR) substrate metabo-lized per minute.


Shoot and root growth. In all salinitytreatments, shoot growth was highest innon-TE-treated plants followed by TE1 andTE1.7 treatments, except for 80 mM NaCl-untreated plants exhibited lower shoot bio-mass than TE1 treatment. TE-treated plants at1 g/100 m2 showed higher root growth thanother treatments in all salinities. Treated turfat 1.7 g/100 m2 had lower root biomass thanboth untreated and TE1 treatments except at20 and 40 mM NaCl in which there was nosignificant difference between untreated andTE1.7 treatments (Fig. 1).

Turf quality. In non-stressed plants, ap-plication of TE at 1.7 g/100 m2 increased TQwithin the first 2 weeks of treatments and thendecreased to below the control level, whereasTE-treated plants at 1 g/100 m2 had higherquality ratings than other treatments after 4

Fig. 1. Effects of trinexapac-ethyl (TE) and salinity on shoot and root growth of ‘Barimpala’ kentucky bluegrass. TE 1, application of TE at 1 g/100 m2; TE 1.7,application of TE at 1.7 g/100 m2. Vertical bars indicate SEs.


weeks of TE application. In 20 mM NaCl, TQin TE1 treatment increased during the first 2weeks and then remained constant. UntreatedTQ increased up to the level of TE1 treatmentat 4 weeks and after 6 weeks dropped to theinitial level. In TE1.7 treatment, TQ decreasedafter 4 weeks and plants had the lowestquality at the end of experiment. In 40 mM

NaCl, TQ in untreated plants and treated turfat 1 g/100 m2 increased during the first 2 weeksand then decreased, whereas TE1.7 treatmentshowed continuous decline in TQ. After 8weeks, TE1 treatment, unlike other treatments,maintained an TQ equivalent to the initiallevel. In higher salinities, TQ declined with

the progression of the salt stress and increas-ing salinity, whereas plants treated with TE at1 g/100 m2 maintained a higher quality andTE-treated plants at 1.7 g/100 m2 showedgreater reduction in TQ compared with un-treated plants (Fig. 2).

Chlorophyll content. Under non-salineconditions, Chl content was not significantlydifferent among TE treatments during thefirst 4 weeks. After 4 weeks, Chl content inuntreated plants remained fairly constant,whereas TE-treated turfs showed a sharp in-crease, and highest Chl content was observedin TE1.7 treatment. Compared with non-stressed plants, in 20 and 40 mM NaCl, a

more rapid and greater increase in Chl contentwas observed in TE-treated turfs, whereas littleincrease was detected in untreated plants withprogression of stress. In 60 mM NaCl, Chlcontent increased in all TE treatments duringthe first 2 weeks. After 2 weeks, a severereduction in Chl content was observed in un-treated plants, whereas TE1.7 treatment re-mained constant. Chl content in TE1 treatmentincreased until 4 weeks and then decreased tobelow the TE1.7 treatment level. In 80 mM

NaCl, a continuous decline in Chl content wasobserved in all TE treatments. However TE1

treatment maintained a significantly higher Chlcontent after 4 weeks (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Effects of trinexapac-ethyl (TE) and salinity on turf quality (TQ), chlorophyll content, and total non-structural carbohydrates (TNC) of ‘Barimpala’kentucky bluegrass. TE 1, application of TE at 1 g/100 m2; TE 1.7, application of TE at 1.7 g/100 m2. TQ was rated 1 to 9 where 1 = poorest quality, 6 = lowestacceptable quality, and 9 = best quality. Vertical bars indicate least significant difference values (P = 0.05) for treatment comparisons at a given week oftreatment.


Total non-structural carbohydrate content.Leaf TNC content of non-TE-treated plantsdecreased with the progression of salt stressin all treatments, whereas TE-treated plantsexhibited a steady increase in TNC contentunder non-saline conditions and 20-mM NaCltreatments. In 40 mM NaCl, a gradual declinein TNC content was observed in untreated turfand TE1.7 treatment, whereas TE1 treatmentmaintained significantly higher TNC content.A steady decline in TNC content in 60 mM

NaCl was observed for all TE treatments.However, TE-treated plants at 1 g/100 m2

slowed the decline in TNC content and thegreatest decline was observed in TE1.7 treat-ment. In 80 mM NaCl, all plants exhibited a

sharp decline in TNC content; however, un-treated plants showed more TNC content at theend of experiment (Fig. 2).

K+ and Na+ contents. In non-stressed plants,the difference among TE treatments in K+

and Na+ contents was not significant. Withincreasing salinity and progression of saltstress, leaf Na+ content increased and K+

content decreased in all plants. In 20 mM

NaCl, leaf Na+ content was not significantlydifferent between TE-treated and untreatedplants. In high salinities, highest Na+ contentwas observed in TE-treated turf at 1.7 g/100 m2

and lowest Na+ content was detected in TE1

treatment. In contrast, TE-treated turf at1 g/100 m2 showed the highest K+ content and

TE1.7 treatment exhibited the lowest leaf K+

content (Fig. 3).Proline content. Under non-saline condi-

tions, proline content increased in TE1.7 treat-ment after 2 weeks, whereas treated plants at1 g/100 m2 exhibited a gradual increase inproline content after 4 weeks. Leaf prolinecontent increased with increasing salinityand progression of stress; however, in 20and 40 mM NaCl, no remarkable differenceexisted in levels of proline among TE treat-ments. In 60 mM NaCl, the highest prolinecontent at the end weeks of treatments wasobserved in TE1.7 treatment followed byuntreated and TE1 treatments. Similarly, in80 mM NaCl, the lowest leaf proline content

Fig. 3. Effects of trinexapac-ethyl (TE) and salinity on Na+, K+, and proline content of ‘Barimpala’ kentucky bluegrass. TE 1, application of TE at 1 g/100 m2; TE1.7, application of TE at 1.7 g/100 m2. Vertical bars indicate least significant difference values (P = 0.05) for treatment comparisons at a given week oftreatment.


was detected in TE1 treatment; however,there was no significant difference betweenTE1.7 treatment and untreated plants (Fig. 3).

Malondialdehyde content. In non-stressedplants, applying TE increased leaf MDAcontent after 4 weeks. With increasing salinityand progression of stress, MDA content in-creased in all plants. However, in high salinitylevels and end weeks of experiment, TE-treated plants at 1 g/100 m2 had lower MDAcontent than other treatments (Fig. 4).

Antioxidant enzyme activities. Under non-saline conditions, the activities of all enzymesexhibited little change among TE treat-ments except for TE1.7 treatment that showed

significantly higher SOD and POX activitythan untreated plants at 8 weeks. In 20 mM

NaCl, SOD activity in all TE treatmentsincreased after 2 weeks and TE1 treatmentshowed lower enzyme activity than othertreatments. Compared with 20 mM NaCl, amore rapid and greater increase in SODactivity was observed in 40 mM NaCl; how-ever, enzyme activity decreased after 6 weeksin untreated turfs and treated plants at 1.7g/100 m2. In higher salinities, a pronouncedrapid and sharp increase occurred in enzymeactivities and then decreased with progressionof the experiment and increasing salinity.Turf treated with 1 g/100 m2 trinexapac-ethyl

significantly maintained higher SOD activityat the end of treatments followed by untreatedplants and TE1.7 treatment. A similar patternwas observed for POX; however, reduction inenzyme activity resulting from salinity wasless than SOD. In 20 mM NaCl, APX, CAT,and GR activities slightly increased in allTE treatments during the entire period ofthe experiment. With progression of stressand increasing salinity, enzyme activitiesremarkably decreased in untreated plants andTE1.7 treatment. Whereas in 40 mM NaCl,treated plants at 1 g/100 m2 still main-tained an increase in enzyme activities and inhigher salinities showed less reduction in all

Fig. 4. Effects of trinexapac-ethyl (TE) and salinity on malondialdehyde (MDA) content, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity, and peroxidase (POX) activity of‘Barimpala’ kentucky bluegrass. TE 1, application of TE at 1 g/100 m2; TE 1.7, application of TE at 1.7 g/100 m2. Vertical bars indicate least significantdifference values (P = 0.05) for treatment comparisons at a given week of treatment.


enzyme activities than other TE treatments(Figs. 4 and 5).


Salinity stress caused significant declinesin grass quality and overall turf performance.Application of TE at 1 g/100 m2 alleviatedsalt injury and had a positive impact onkentucky bluegrass survival of salt stress.However, the adverse effects of high salinitywere more pronounced when turf was treatedby TE at 1.7 g/100 m2, suggesting that effectsof TE on salt tolerance varied with its ap-plication rate and salinity levels.

A relatively high TE application rate mayhave resulted in phytotoxicity, leading to adecrease in overall visual quality (Gardnerand Wherley, 2005). Furthermore, severeinhibition of shoot growth and consequentlylower root mass may have increased plantsensitivity to salt stress. The mechanismsresponsible for enhanced stress tolerance byTE are not well understood. Some studieshave demonstrated that inhibition of GA1

resulting from TE action increases leaf celldensity resulting in more Chl content perunit area and darker green leaves (Ervin andKoski, 2001; Heckman et al., 2005). Ourresults also showed that TE application

increased leaf Chl content and alleviatedthe decline in Chl during the stress period;however, in high salinity levels, Chl contentdecrease may be the result of an increase ofChl degradation or a decrease of Chl synthe-sis (Santos, 2004). In low levels of salinityand initial periods of stress, leaf Chl contentincreases may be the result of inhibition ofgrowth or decrease in leaf water content,because Chl was measured on a fresh weightbasis.

Chlorophyll content is an important factorin determining photosynthetic capacity. It hasbeen shown that TE application increases can-opy photosynthetic rate and photochemical

Fig. 5. Effects of trinexapac-ethyl (TE) and salinity on ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity, catalase (CAT) activity, and glutathione reductase (GR) activity of‘Barimpala’ kentucky bluegrass. TE 1, application of TE at 1 g/100 m2; TE 1.7, application of TE at 1.7 g/100 m2. Vertical bars indicate least significantdifference values (P = 0.05) for treatment comparisons at a given week of treatment.


efficiency (Ervin and Zhang, 2007; McCannand Huang, 2007), whereas maintenance res-piration may be decreased (Heckman et al.,2001). Photosynthate not used for leaf elon-gation must be stored or transported to otherorgans such as crowns, stems, and roots andwould explain increased tillering (Ervin et al.,2002) and rooting (McCullough et al., 2005)that has been reported in previous research.High root:shoot ratio during a stress period isvery important and promotes salinity toleranceby increasing the absorbing surface to take upmore water (O’Toole and Bland, 1987). Baldwinet al. (2006) reported that application ofTE during exposure of plants to salinity in-creased root growth in two cultivars of bermu-dagrass. Parallel to these results we observedthat a decrease in root mass resulting fromsalinity progressed more slowly in TE1-treated plants.

In the present study, application of TEincreased leaf TNC under non-saline condi-tions and slight or moderate salinity stress.Increased TNC content by TE has also beenobserved in different turfgrasss species (Ervinand Zhang, 2007; Wang et al., 2006), unlikesome research showing that TE applicationhad no effects on TNC accumulation or re-duced TNC content (Han et al., 1998; Richieet al., 2001). Total nonstructural carbohydratesin grasses provide a reservoir of energy inplants beyond the immediate requirements forgrowth and maintenance and have been de-scribed as a physiological measure of stresstolerance (Beard, 1973). Soluble sugars, as acomponent of TNC, are one of the majorsolutes contributing to osmotic adjustment inthe leaves of many plants species (Morgan,1984). In addition, TNC is a source of energyfor salt tolerance processes such as activetransport of Na+ and K+. Therefore, higherTNC accumulation may result in lower leafNa+ content and increasing K+ levels.

Proline is one of the most common com-patible solutes or osmoprotectant in that itsaccumulation has been correlated with salin-ity and tissue Na+ concentration for severalturfgrass species (Lu et al., 2007; Razmjooet al., 1995). Similarly, our data showed thatin high salinity levels, treated turf with TE at1 g/100 m2 had lower proline content thatcould be the result of less Na+ accumulation.

Salt stress, like other abiotic stresses, in-duces oxidative stress, resulting from the in-crease in reactive oxygen species (ROS)production such as superoxide (O2

•), hydro-gen peroxide (H2O2) and hydroxyl radicals(OH•) (Mitteler, 2002). To scavenge ROS,plants have developed enzymatic and non-enzymatic systems. Several enzymes areinvolved in the detoxification of ROS. Forexample, SOD catalyzes the dismutation ofsuperoxide to H2O2 and molecular oxygene.H2O2 is scavenged by CAT, APX, and POX.Glutathione reductase also can remove H2O2

through the ascorbate–glutathione cycle tomaintain a high level of reduced ascorbate(Asada, 1999; Mitteler, 2002).

A close correlation between salinity tol-erance and antioxidant capacity has beenreported in several works (Lu et al., 2007;

Sairam and Srivastava, 2002; Seckin et al.,2010). Our data also showed that in non-TE-treated plants, the activity of SOD and POXincreased in low levels of salinity and initialperiods of stress and decreased as stressprolonged. A dramatic increase in MDA con-tent, a product of lipid peroxidation, which isan indicator of free radical damage to cellmembranes under stress conditions (Smirnoff,1995), was parallel to a decrease in antioxidantenzyme activities. Compared with SOD andPOX, the induced levels of enzyme activitieswere lower and the rate of decrease in enzymeactivities resulting from salt stress were higherin APX, CAT, and GR, suggesting that SODand POX can be more important to defendagainst salinity-induced oxidative damagesthan CAT, APX, and GR.

An increase in activities of antioxidantenzymes is a common adaptive response ofplants to salt stress and has been reported fordifferent enzymes (Lu et al., 2007; Seckinet al., 2010; Vaidyanathan et al., 2003). Onthe other hand, several investigations haveshown that exposure of plants to salt stressleads to a decrease in activities of antioxidantenzymes (Hoque et al., 2007a, 2007b; Leeet al., 2001). The reduction in enzyme activ-ities under salinity stress may have been theresult of either reduced synthesis or enhanceddegradation of the enzymes and it has beenshown that salt stress can reduce proteinsynthesis in plants (Fidalgo et al., 2004).

In this study, compared with non-TE-treated plants, application of TE at 1 g/100 m2

decreased SOD and POX activity in plants,which had received 20 mM NaCl. This may bethe result of less ROS production. In contrast,in high salinity levels, TE application allevi-ated the decline in activities of all antioxidantenzymes and increased plant protection fromoxidative damage, which was proven by lessMDA content. Enhanced antioxidant enzymeactivities by TE could have resulted from apositive effect of TE application on TNCcontent that could be beneficial to proteinsynthesis. Ervin and Zhang (2007) reportedthat TE treatment increased leaf cytokinincontent in creeping bentgrass, kentucky blue-grass, and hybrid bermudagrass. Cytokininsare known as antisenenscense agents andprevent oxidation of unsaturated fatty acidsin membranes (Salisbury and Ross, 1992).Also, it has been reported that cytokininsenhanced stress resistance and it may be theresult of protection from oxidative stress bypreventing the formation of free radicals orby the regulation of antioxidant enzyme activ-ities (Liu and Huang, 2002; Wang et al., 2006;Zhang and Schmidt, 2000a). So, in plantstreated with 1 g/100 m2 TE, less MDA contentmight be correlated with a decrease in pro-duction of ROS and an increase in cell mem-brane stability. Increased endogenous SODlevels in TE-treated plants have also beenreported by Zhang and Schmidt (2000b).

In summary, the results reported heresuggest that TE1 treatment was beneficialfor kentucky bluegrass survival of salt stress,as manifested by improved TQ under stressconditions. Increased salt tolerance resulting

from TE application could be related toeffects of TE on the increased TNC contentand consequently decreased in Na+ uptake aswell as enhanced antioxidant enzyme activ-ities. Our data indicate that a high rate of TEapplication might reduce salt tolerance. There-fore, additional studies are required to findproper TE application rates for various turf-grass species and cultivars in different salinitylevels.

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