Page 1: oScAr zAriS ki...1 oScAr zAriSki Oscar Zariski was bOrn in the town of kobryn, which lies on the border between Poland and russia. it was a part of russia at the time of Zariski’s

A Biographical Memoir by

dAvid MuMford

© 2013 National Academy of Sciences

Any opinions expressed in this memoir are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Academy of Sciences.

oScAr zAriSki1899-1986

Page 2: oScAr zAriS ki...1 oScAr zAriSki Oscar Zariski was bOrn in the town of kobryn, which lies on the border between Poland and russia. it was a part of russia at the time of Zariski’s


oScAr zAriSki

Oscar Zariski was bOrn in the town of kobryn, which lies on the border

between Poland and russia. it was a part of russia at the time of Zariski’s birth,

a part of Poland between the two world wars, and is now in the republic of

belarus. Zariski was the son of bezalel and chana Zaristky, and was given the

name of asher Zaristky, which he changed to Oscar Zariski when he later came to

italy. kobryn was a small town where his mother ran a general store, his father

having died when he was two. in 1918, Zariski went to the University of kiev in

the midst of the revolutionary struggle. He was seriously wounded in one leg1

1 The bullet migrated to the surface 60 years later, while he was visiting the University of california, Berkeley.

BY dAvid mUmford

April 24, 1899—July 4, 1986

Page 3: oScAr zAriS ki...1 oScAr zAriSki Oscar Zariski was bOrn in the town of kobryn, which lies on the border between Poland and russia. it was a part of russia at the time of Zariski’s




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3i n 1921, zariski went to italy, largely because

of the limited educational opportunities avail-

able to Jews in russia at that time. first he

enrolled at the University of Pisa but after six

months switched to the University of rome, where the

famous italian school of algebraic geometry—led by

Guido castelnuovo, federigo Enriques, and francesco

Severi—was flourishing. The fact that universities in

italy were free to foreign students was an important

consideration, as zariski had no money. He was espe-

cially attracted to castelnuovo, who recognized zariski’s

talent immediately. As zariski told it, castelnuovo took

him on a three-hour walk around rome, after which

zariski realized that he had been given an oral exam

in virtually every area of mathematics. He also worked

closely with the more colorful Enriques who, however,

had a cavalier attitude toward contemporary standards

of mathematical argument; he said, “We aristocrats do

not need proofs; proofs are for you plebians.” castel-

nuovo saw in zariski a man who could not only bring

more rigor to their subject and push it deeper but also

could find fundamentally new approaches to overcoming

its limitations. zariski was fond of quoting castelnuovo

as saying, “oscar, you are here with us but are not one

of us,” referring to zariski’s interest in algebra and to his

doubts even then of the rigor of their proofs.

The student zariski met his wife, Yole cagli, while

in rome and they were exchanging lessons in italian and

russian. They were married in 1924, in kobryn, and he

received his doctorate that same year.

His thesis (Zariski 1926) classified the rational func-

tions y=P(x)/Q(x) of x such that 1) x can be solved for

in terms of radicals starting with y, and 2) given distinct

solutions x1 and x2, all other solutions x are rational func-

tions of x1 and x2. Already in this first work he showed

his ability to combine algebraic ideas (the Galois group),

topological ideas (the fundamental group), and the

“synthetic” ideas of classical geometry. The interplay of

these different tools characterized his life’s work.

zariski pursued his approaches with the support

of a rockefeller fellowship in rome during the years

1925 to 1927. His son raphael was born there in 1925.

Because fascism under mussolini was growing more

invasive in italy at that time, zariski felt it would be

wise to move again. castelnuovo put him in touch with

when caught in a crowd that was fired upon by troops, but he recovered after two

months in the hospital. as a student, he was attracted to algebra and number

theory as well as to the revolutionary political ideas of the day. Zariski supported

himself partly by writing for a local communist paper. This is most surprising for

those of us who only knew him much later, but it calls to mind the quip, “a man

has no heart if he is not radical in his youth and no mind if he is not conservative

in his mature years.”

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iSolomon Lefschetz, who had moved to the United States

and was teaching at Princeton University. Lefschetz

helped Zariski find a position at Johns Hopkins, which

he accepted in 1927. in 1928 his family joined him in

Baltimore, where in 1932 his daughter vera was born.

An important paper early in zariski’s career was

his analysis (zariski 1928) of an incomplete proof by

Severi that the Jacobian of a generic curve of genus 9

has no nontrivial endomorphisms. Severi’s paper read as

though the proof were complete, but zariski discovered

a problem and found an ingenious argument to remedy

it. Neither were well received by Severi, who published

his own correction independently.

This discovery, plus his learning of Lefschetz’s

groundbreaking work in topology, influenced Zariski

deeply, and he began to study the topology of algebraic

varieties, especially their fundamental groups (zariski

1931, 1932). The techniques applied here were rigorous

beyond a doubt, and the tools were clean and new. He

traveled frequently to Princeton to discuss his ideas with

Lefschetz. in this phase of his career, roughly from 1927

to 1935, zariski studied the fundamental group of a

variety through the fundamental group of the comple-

ment of a divisor in projective n-space. This work was

characterized by its spirit of exploration and discovery

and, in spite of much recent interest, it remains largely

uncharted. One result gives the flavor of the new things

he discovered: All plane curves of fixed degree with

a fixed number of nodes belong to a single algebraic

family. (This was the result of another incomplete paper

of Severi, and a correct proof was found only many

years later.) What zariski found was that curves with

a fixed degree and a fixed number of cusps, the next

most complicated type of double point, could belong to

several families. He exhibited curves C1 and C2 of degree

6 with 6 cusps such that the fundamental groups of their

complements were not isomorphic.

in 1935, zariski completed the monograph

Algebraic Surfaces, his monumental review of the central

results of the italian school (zariski 1935). His goal had

been to disseminate more widely the ideas and results

of his teachers, but one result for him was “the loss of

the geometric paradise in which i so happily had been

living.”2 He saw clearly that the lack of rigor he had

previously touched on wasn’t limited to a few isolated

sores but was actually a widespread disease. His goal

now became the restoration of the main body of alge-

braic geometry to proper health. Algebra had been his

early love and algebra was blooming, full of beautiful

new ideas in the hands of Wolfgang krull and Emmy

Noether; and various applications to algebraic geometry

had already been proposed by B. L. van der Waerden.

2 zariski, o. 1972. Collected works of Oscar Zariski, Vol. I, edited by d. mumford and H. Hironaka. cambridge, mA: miT Press, Preface.

He saw clearly

that the lack of

rigor he had previ-

ously touched on

wasn’t limited to a

few isolated sores

but was actually a

widespread disease.

His goal now became

the restoration of

the main body of

algebraic geometry to

proper health.

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izariski said later, “it was a pity that my italian teachers

never told me that there was such a tremendous develop-

ment of the algebra which is connected with algebraic

geometry. i only discovered this much later when i came

to the United States.”3 zariski threw himself into this

newly enriched discipline. He spent the year 1935–1936

at the institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, and

met regularly with Noether, then at Bryn mawr college,

learning the new field through firsthand contact with the


T he 15 years or so that followed, 1938 to

1951—if you take the years between his

paper recasting the theory of plane curve

singularities in terms of valuation theory (zariski 1938)

and his awe-inspiring treatise (zariski 1951) on “holo-

morphic functions” (not the usual use of the term but

here referring to the limits of sequences of functions

that converge in an i-adic topology)—saw an incredible

outpouring by zariski of original and creative ideas; he

took tool after tool from the kit of algebra and applied

them to elucidate basic geometric ideas. Though many

mathematicians in their 40s reap the benefits of their

earlier more-original work, zariski undoubtedly was

at his most daring exactly in this decade. He corre-

sponded extensively at this time with André Weil, who

was also interested in rebuilding algebraic geometry

3 Parikh, c. 2009. The Unreal Life of Oscar Zariski. New York: Springer Science+Business media.

and extending it to characteristic P, with a view to its

number-theoretic applications in this case. one of

the main themes of this period for both of them was

extending algebraic geometry to work over an arbitrary

ground field. At that time, Zariski called this greater

theory “abstract” algebraic geometry, though such an

adjective now seems dated. Although they rarely agreed,

they found each other very stimulating, Weil saying later

that zariski was the only algebraic geometer whose work

he trusted. They managed to be together in 1945 while

both were visiting the University of São Paulo in Brazil.

At the same time, these were years of terrible

personal tragedy. during the war, all of zariski’s relatives

in Poland were killed by the Nazis. only his own family

and the families of two siblings who had moved to israel

escaped the Holocaust. He told the story of how he

and Yole were halfway across the United States, driving

to the East coast, the day Poland was invaded. They

listened each hour to the news broadcasts on their car

radio, their only link to the nightmare half a world away.

There was nothing they could do.

in this period, zariski solved many problems with

algebraic methods that were new at the time, and which

he made his own. He gave a survey talk (zariski 1950a)

on the new perspective to the first postwar International

congress of mathematics, held in cambridge, massa-

chusetts. Three themes in his work were particularly

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beautiful and deep, so we want to describe them here in

some detail.

The first theme was his study of birational maps,

which led him to the famous result universally known

as “Zariski’s Main Theorem.” This was the final result

in a foundational analysis of birational maps between

varieties (zariski 1943). Birational maps are algebraic

correspondences that are bijective at most places but

may “blow up” or “blow down” at special points. zariski

showed that if there are points P and Q in the range and

domain that are isolated corresponding points—i.e.,

the set of points corresponding to P contains Q but no

curve through Q, and vice versa—and if, further, P and

Q satisfy an algebraic restriction (that is, they are normal

points)—then in fact Q is the only point corresponding

to P and the map is biregular between P and Q. zariski’s

proof of this hypothesis was astonishingly subtle, yet


The concept of integral extensions and normality

had proved essential in algebraic number theory, and

it had been extended to noetherian rings in the 1930s.

in zariski’s hands, it became a major tool in algebraic

geometry. The “main Theorem” asserts in a strong sense

that the normalization (the integral closure) of a variety

X is the maximal variety X´ birational over X, such that

the fibres of the map X´→ X are finite. A generalization

of this fact became Alexandre Grothendieck’s concept

of the “Stein factorization” of a map.

zariski’s second major theme of this period was the

resolution of singularities of algebraic varieties (zariski

1939, 1940, 1944), which culminated in his proof that

all varieties of dimension at most 3 (in characteristic

zero) have “nonsingular models”—i.e., these varieties are

birational to nonsingular projective varieties. This was

a problem that had totally eluded the easygoing italian

approach. Even in the case of dimension 2, although

some classical proofs were essentially correct, many of

the published treatments were not. zariski attacked this

problem with a whole battery of techniques, pursuing it

relentlessly over six papers and 200 pages. Perhaps his

most striking new tool was the application of the theory

of general valuations in function fields to give a biration-

ally invariant way to describe the places that must be

desingularized. Here again, though the structure of valu-

ations had been investigated before, they came to life in

zariski’s hands and took their rightful place in algebraic

geometry. Though to some extent shunted to the side-

lines in succeeding years, no doubt they will rise again.

zariski’s results proved to the mathematical world

the power of the new ideas. for many years, this work

was also considered to be technically the most difficult

in all of algebraic geometry. only when the result was

proven for surfaces in characteristic p by S. S. Abhy-

ankar and later for varieties of arbitrary dimension in

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icharacteristic 0 by Heisuke Hironaka4 was this bench-

mark surpassed.

zariski’s third theme was his theory of abstract

“holomorphic functions” (zariski 1948, 1951). The idea

here was to use the notion of formal completion of

rings with respect to powers of an ideal as a substitute

for convergent power series, and to put elements of the

resulting complete rings to some of the same uses as

classical holomorphic functions. Because the theory of

completions was less well developed at the time, zariski

wrote several foundational papers on the subject in

preparation for this work, including the development of

a theory of i-adic completions of noetherian rings with

respect to arbitrary ideals i. His work on holomorphic

functions was immediately recognized as fundamental,

though its most striking application at the time was to a

stronger version of the “main Theorem,” known as the

“Connectedness Theorem,” which states that the fibres

of a birational morphism from a projective variety X to

a normal variety Y are connected. Later, in the hands of

Grothendieck, zariski’s theory became a central tool of

algebraic geometry.5

4 Abhyankar, S. S. 1956. Local uniformization on algebraic

surfaces over ground fields of characteristic p≠0. Annals of Math. 63(3): 491–526; Hironaka, H. 1964. resolution of singularities of an algebraic variety over a field of character-istic 0. Annals of Math. 79(1):109–203.

5 Grothendieck’s style was the opposite of zariski’s. Whereas

i n 1945, zariski moved to a research professor-

ship at the University of illinois. But early in the

’40s, his work had caught the attention of G. d.

Birkhoff, who decided zariski must come to Harvard

University,6 and indeed in 1947 he did so and remained

there for the rest of his life. He had been the first Jew to

join Harvard’s math department, but he fit in well and

enjoyed its still-formal ways.7 moreover, he exerted a

very strong influence on the mathematical environment

there and enjoyed luring the best people he could to the

department and bringing out the best in his students.

While zariski was chairman, dean mcGeorge Bundy

used to refer to him as that “italian pirate,” so clever

was he in getting his way, inside or outside the usual

channels. Whenever Harvard’s baroque appointment

rules, known as the [William] Graustein Plan after the

earlier mathematician who invented them, jibed with his

zariski’s proofs always had a punch line, a subtle twist in the middle, Grothendieck would not rest until every step looked trivial. in the case of holomorphic functions, Grothendieck liked to claim that the result was so deep for zariski because he was proving it for the oth cohomology group. The easy way, he said, was to prove it first for the top cohomology group, then use descending induction!

6 The story, which we have heard from reliable sources, is that Birkhoff approached zariski and said in his magisterial way, “Oscar, you will probably be at Harvard within the next five years.”

7 Even 15 years later, at dinner parties the women would leave the table after dessert while the men smoked cigars.

whenever Harvard’s

baroque appointment

rules, known as the

[william] Graustein

Plan after the earlier

mathematician who

invented them, jibed

with his own plans,

he used them; but

whenever they did

not, he feigned

ignorance of all

that nonsense and

insisted the case be

considered on its own


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iown plans, he used them; but whenever they did not, he

feigned ignorance of all that nonsense and insisted the

case be considered on its own merits.

over some 30 years, zariski made Harvard into

the world center of algebraic geometry. His seminar

welcomed Wei-Liang chow, Grothendieck, W. v. d.

Hodge, Jun-ichi igusa, kunihiko kodaira, masayoshi

Nagata, Jean-Pierre Serre, Weil, and many others. The

stimulating evenings at oscar and Yole’s home and the

warm welcomes they extended are not easily forgotten.

z ariski’s reconstruction of algebraic geometry

began with his writing of the monograph

Algebraic Surfaces, and once zariski felt he had

reliable and powerful general tools, it was natural for

him to see if he could put all the main results of the

theory of surfaces in order. Here is a (necessarily incom-

plete) list of some topics he reworked: (i) the relationship

of geometric nonsingularity with the algebraic concept

of regularity (zariski 1947); (ii) the basics of linear

systems (zariski 1950b, 1962); (iii) vanishing theorems

for cohomology (specifically what he called the “lemma

of Enriques-Severi,” before the topic was taken up by

Serre and Grothendieck) (zariski 1952); (iv) the ques-

tions of the existence of minimal nonsingular models in

each birational equivalence class of algebraic surfaces

(Zariski 1958a); (v) the classification of varieties following

castelnuovo and Enriques (zariski 1958b) (now known

as the classification by Kodaira dimension); and (vi) the

codimension of the branch locus (zariski 1958c). in

each of these areas he spread before his colleagues and

students the vision of many areas to explore and a broad

array of exciting prospects. He wrote a now -classic

textbook, Commutative Algebra, aimed at the geometric

applications that he had pioneered (zariski 1958d, 1960).

in the course of this work, zariski developed a

fully worked-out approach to the foundations of alge-

braic geometry and indeed had written it up in a book

manuscript as a sequel to Commutative Algebra. But in

welcoming the appearance of yet newer definitions

and techniques that were making the subject stronger,

he never published his own version of the foundations.

Thus he embraced the new language of sheaf theory

and cohomology, and he worked through the basic ideas

methodically in the Summer institute in colorado in

1953 (zariski 1956) as was his custom, althogh he never

adopted this language as his own. When Grothendieck

appeared, zariski immediately invited him to Harvard.

Grothendieck, for his part, welcomed the prospect of

working with zariski. Grothendieck’s political beliefs did

not allow him to swear the oaths of loyalty required in

those politicized days; he asked zariski to investigate the

feasibility of continuing his mathematical research from

a cambridge jail cell—e.g., how many books and visitors

would he be allowed!

The final phase of Zariski’s mathematical career

was a return to the study of singularities (zariski 1965,

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1966, 1968, 1971, 1975). He had absolutely no use for

the concept of retirement, and he dedicated his 60s and

70s and as much of his 80s as he could to a broad-based

attack on the problem of “equisingularity.” The goal was

to find a natural decomposition of a variety X into pieces

Y, each one made up of a subvariety of X from which

a finite set of lower-dimensional subvarieties have been

removed, such that along each subvariety Yi the variety X had essentially the same type of singularity at every

point. zariski made major strides toward the achieve-

ment of this goal, but the problem is difficult and work is

still in progress.

Honors flowed to Zariski in well-deserved appre-

ciation of the extraordinary contributions he had made

to the field of algebraic geometry. He was elected to the

national Academy of Sciences in 1944. He received the

cole Prize from the American mathematical Society

in 1944, the National medal of Science in 1965, and

the Wolf Prize in 1982; and he was awarded honorary

degrees from the college of the Holy cross in 1959,

Brandeis University in 1965, Purdue University in 1974,

and Harvard in 1981.

Zariski’s last years were disturbed by his fight with

hearing problems. He had always been very lively and

astute, both in mathematical deliberations and in social

interactions, picking up every nuance; but late in life he

was struck with tinnitus (a steady ringing in the ears), as

well as a greater sensitivity to noise and a gradual loss of

hearing. These disorders forced zariski into himself and

into his research, keeping him close to home. only the

boundless devotion of his family sustained him in those

last years. He died at home on July 4, 1986. zariski’s

colleagues, students, and friends will remember not only

the beautiful theorems he found but also the forcefulness

and warmth of the man they knew and loved.

Oscar Zariski, approximately 1979.

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Sull’impossibilità di risolvere parametricamente per radicali un’equazione algebrica f(x, y)=0 di genere p>6 a moduli generali. Atti Accad. Naz. Lincei rend., Cl. Sci. fis. Mat. Natur., serie vi 3:660–666.


on a theorem of Severi. Amer. J. of Math. 50:87–92.


on the irregularity of cyclic multiple planes. Annals of Math. 32:485–511.


on the topology of algebroid singularities. Amer. J. of Math. 54:453–465.


Algebraic Surfaces. Berlin: Springer-verlag; second supplemented edition, with appendices by S. S. Abhyankar, J. Lipman, and d. mumford, published in 1971 by Springer-verlag.


Polynomial ideals defined by infinitely near base points. Amer. J. of Math. 60:151–204.


The reduction of singularities of an algebraic surface. Annals of Math. 40:639–689.


Local uniformization on algebraic varieties. Annals of Math. 41:852–896.


foundations of a general theory of birational correspondences. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 53:490–542.


reduction of singularities of algebraic three-dimensional varieties. Annals of Math. 45:472–542.


The concept of a simple point of an abstract algebraic variety. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 62:1–52.


Analytical irreducibility of normal varieties. Annals of Math. 49:352–361.


(a) The fundamental ideas of abstract algebraic geometry. Proc. int. Congress Math., cambridge, mA, 77–89.

(b) With H. T. muhly. Hilbert’s characteristic function and the arithmetic genus of an algebraic variety. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 69:78–88.


Theory and applications of holomorphic functions on algebraic varieties over arbitrary ground fields. Mem. Amer. Math. Soc. 5:1–90.


complete linear systems on normal varieties and a generalization of a lemma of Enriques-Severi. Annals of Math. 55:552–592.


Algebraic sheaf theory (Scientific report on the second Summer Institute). Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 62:117–141.


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(a) introduction to the problem of minimal models in the theory of algebraic surfaces. Tokyo: mathematical Society of Japan.

(b) on castelnuovo’s criterion of rationality pa=P2=0 of an algebraic surface. illinois J. of Math. 2:303–315.

(c) on the purity of the branch locus of algebraic functions. Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. u.S.A. 44:791–796.

(d) With P. Samuel. Commutative Algebra, Vol. 1. Princeton, NJ: van Nostrand.


With P. Samuel. Commutative Algebra, Vol. 2. Princeton, NJ: van Nostrand.


The theorem of riemann-roch for high multiples of an effective divisor on an algebraic surface. Annals of Math. 76:560–536.


Studies in equisingularity i: Equivalent singularities of plane algebroid curves. Amer. J. of Math. 87:507–536.

Studies in equisingularity ii: Equisingularity in codimension 1 (and characteristic zero). Amer. J. of Math. 87:972–1006.


Studies in equisingularity iii: Saturation of local rings and equisingularity. Amer. J. of Math. 90:961–1023.


General theory of saturation and of saturated local rings i: Saturation of complete local domains of dimension one having arbitrary coefficient fields (of characteristic zero). Amer. J. of Math. 93:573–648.

General theory of saturation and of saturated local rings ii: Saturated local rings of dimension 1. Amer. J. of Math. 93:872–964.


Published since 1877, Biographical Memoirs are brief biographies of deceased

National Academy of Sciences members, written by those who knew them

or their work. These biographies provide personal and scholarly views of

America’s most distinguished researchers and a biographical history of U.S.

science. Biographical Memoirs are freely available online at



General theory of saturation and of saturated local rings iii: Saturation in arbi-trary dimension and, in particular, saturation of algebroid hypersurfaces. Amer. J. of Math. 97:415–502.


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