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9.1 BPR&D was set up in 1970 to identifythe needs and problems of police in the country,undertake appropriate research project andstudies and to suggest modalities to overcomethe same. It was also mandated to keep abreastof latest developments in the fields of scienceand technology, both in India and abroad, witha view to promote the use of appropriatetechnology in police work. Over the years, thisorganization has been entrusted with theresponsibility of monitoring the training needsand quality of training in States and CentralGovernment, assisting States in modernizationof police forces and correctional administration.

9.2 In order to strengthen the functioning ofBPR&D to enable it to discharge itsresponsibilities as per their charter, arestructuring exercise has been undertaken. isexercise includes augmentation of manpower,provision of a separate building, enhancementof its budget for various activities, etc.Additional activities are also entrusted toBPR&D to meet modern day challenges.BPR&D has also been brought, for the first time,under the Plan with an outlay of Rs.150 crore forthe 11th Five Year Plan. ere are fivecomponents for strengthening of BPR&Dnamely:

• Setting up of a Central Academy for PoliceTraining (CAPT) at Bhopal for providingtraining to the Police Trainers across thecountry and to the direct recruit Dy. SPs ofall States and in-service and specialized

training to Dy. SP of the States. e totaloutlay for the Academy is Rs.47.14 crore inthe 11th Five Year Plan.

• Setting up of BPR&D and National PoliceMission Headquarters.

• Setting up of two Central DetectiveTraining Schools(CDTS)

• e third scheme is for TrainingIntervention to identify the gaps betweenneeds & potentials of policing vis-a-vis theactual position and make appropriatetraining interventions for bridging the gapsso that the police personnel are able todischarge their duties more effectively.

• e fourth scheme is for Research &Development Scheme with an outlay ofRs.10 crore provides for projects to beundertaken for Research & Development inthe area of Police and CorrectionalAdministration.

9.3 BPR&D prepared a Country Paper andpresented it in 29th Asian and PacificConference of Correctional Administrators heldat Perth, Australia from November 15-20, 2009.Research studies completed during the year areas under:

• Rising Crimes against elderly people &responsibilities of Police in metros

• Indian Copyright Act-1957- State ofDisposal of Copyright cases in UttarPradesh

• Model Police Manual, volume-I, II & III.• Project Report on induction of Women in

the Central Police forces- their impact onthe Forces and the early retirement scheme.

• Project Report on International Study on





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Crimes against Women and death ofWomen in custody.

Augmentation of the strength ofBPR&D

9.4 BPR&D has launched the first phase ofrestructuring towards rendering multifacetedservices to the society through the betterment ofactivities of police fraternity. A true picture oftheir responsibilities may better be realized inthe context of meeting the training andmodernisation requirement of 28 States, 640police districts, 13,000 police stations and 2.2.million policemen spread across more than 50organisations. To achieve this goal, 72 postshave been created in BPR&D which includes 7DIGs, 7 Pr. Scientific Officers, 6 SPs/AssistantDirectors and 4 Sr. Scientific Officers.

Counter Insurgency and AntiTerrorism (CIAT) Schools

9.5 With a view to provide training to policepersonnel on tackling the menace of le wingextremism /terrorism, the Govt. has decided toset up four Counter Insurgency and AntiTerrorism (CIAT) temporary schools, in eachof the five States of Assam, Bihar, Jharkhand,Chattisgarh and Orissa. Twenty such schoolswould be set up under a centrally sponsoredscheme during the 11th Five Year Plan with anoutlay of Rs.52.40 crore.


9.6 National Crime Records Bureau was setup in 1986 to function as a clearing house ofinformation on crime and criminals includingthose operating at national and internationallevels so as to assist the investigators and othersby linking crime to the perpetrators, collection

and processing of crime statistics and fingerprints, coordinate, guide and assist the StateCrime Record Bureaux and provide training topolice officers. NCRB endeavours to empowerIndian Police with Information Technology andCriminal Intelligence to enable them toeffectively and efficiently enforce the law &improve public service delivery. is isachieved through coordination with Policeforces at national & international levels,upgradation of crime analysis technology anddeveloping IT capability and IT enabledsolutions.


Colour Portrait Building System(CPBS)

9.7 Windows based Black & White PortraitBuilding System was made available up toDistrict level in all States/ UTs for preparingportraits of suspected criminals on the basis ofinformation provided by eyewitnesses. It wasfelt that colour portraits should be prepared forbetter recognition. A project to develop sowarefor drawing colour portraits was awarded toDharmsinh Desai Institute of Technology (nowDharmsinh Desai University), Nadiad, Gujarat.e system is likely to become functional by thisyear.

Counterfeit Currency InformationManagement System (CCIMS)

9.8 Counterfeit Currency InformationManagement System (CCIMS) maintains datarelating to Fake Indian Currency Notes (FICN)on parameters like Denomination, Series andNumber.

9.9 is information is furnished to the CBI(Nodal Agency for FICN), Central EconomicIntelligence Bureau (CEIB), etc. A database of


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5,07,432 (Seized) and 2,89,105 (Recovered)records is available at NCRB as on October 29,2009.


9.10 NCRB has also developed the followingsystems with a view to provide public servicesrelating to the stolen and recovered properties,missing, kidnapped and arrested persons, etc.on the basis of available crime data from theStates:-

(i) Motor Vehicle CoordinationSystem (MVCS)

Motor Vehicle Coordination System(MVCS) is designed for coordination of stolenand recovered motor vehicles It provides thestatus of a used vehicle before entering into anytransaction whether it is stolen or otherwise. 33Counters across the country including one atNCRB, New Delhi provides this information tovarious users. A database of 6,85,724Stolen/Recovered vehicles exists.

Web-based on-line MVCS soware isunder development and will be available toStates/UTs by the end of the year 2009-10 .

(ii) Talash Information System

Talash System has also been designedwith a database of 3,41,282 records at presentfor matching of missing, kidnapped, wanted,traced, arrested, unidentified persons and deadbodies, which is mainly used by police. e datahas also been uploaded on NCRB website.

(iii) Fire Arms Coordination System

e system provides for coordination ofstolen and recovered Fire Arms and is used

mainly by law enforcement agencies. A totalof 94,585 firearms have been reportedStolen/Recovered by the States/UTs Police.


9.11 NCRB is running a number ofspecialized courses on Information Technologyand Fingerprint Science for Indian and ForeignPolice officers. NCRB also assists the StatePolice Computer Training Centres (PCTCs) inan effort to prepare an enabling I.T.environment and computer trained personnelright down to Police Station level. Number ofCourses run and persons trained at NCRB andState PCTCs during 2009 (April, 2009 toOctober, 2009) is as under :

AT NCRB ATPCTCs TotalNo. of Progra- 8 7 15mes conductedNo. of Officers 159 214 373Attended

9.12 NCRB also conducts two prestigioustraining programmes for police officers fromforeign countries namely, ‘InformationTechnology in Law Enforcement’ and‘Advanced Finger-Print Science andComputers’ under the ‘Indian Technical andEconomic Cooperation (ITEC) and ‘SpecialCommonwealth African Assistance Plan’(SCAAP) schemes of Ministry of ExternalAffairs as well as Technical Cooperation schemeof ‘Colombo Plan’ (TCS) every year . NCRB hastrained 551 foreign police officers from 70countries since the inception of foreign trainingprogrammes in the year 1990.


9.13 e CFPB is an apex body in the countrywhich co-ordinates, guides, monitors andprovides technical support to the State Finger


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Print Bureaux, as well as investigating agenciesand international organizations in mattersrelating to the Finger Print Science. e Bureauprovides expert opinion on references receivedfrom various agencies. e CFPB conducted anAll India Conference of Directors of FingerPrint Bureaux on October 5-6 2009 at Jaipur,Rajasthan. e Bureau conducts the All IndiaBoard Examination for Finger Print Expertsannually. is year this was held duringNovember 21-23, 2009.

9.14 CFPB has done pioneering work inautomation of finger prints at national levelusing "Automated Fingerprint IdentificationSystem" (AFIS). It is a computerized system ofmatching fingerprints on the basis of ridge-characteristics. e current version of AFIS atCFPB is FACTS Version 5.0. e AFIS databaseof CFPB contains 6,91,631 records as on date.

9.15 e Bureau conducts one AdvancedCourse in Finger Print Science for ForeignPolice officers, and one Training of Trainerscourse for Finger Print Experts at New Delhi.e Bureau also conducts a Proficiency Coursein Finger Print Science at its Kolkata Unit. iscourse was of one-year duration earlier, now, itis conducted over 6 months. e Bureau bringsout an annual publication entitled `Finger Printin India', which is an in-depth study on theperformance and activities of State Finger PrintBureaux, CFPB, and other allied matters relatedto Finger Print Science.


9.16 Directorate of Forensic Science headedby the Director-cum-Chief Forensic Scientistunder the Ministry of Home Affairs came intoexistence with effect from January 01, 2003.ree Central Forensic Science Laboratories atKolkata, Hyderabad, Chandigarh and threeLaboratories of Government Examiner of

Questioned Documents, Kolkata, Hyderabadand Shimla are functioning under theDirectorate.

Statistics on Crime Case Analysis

9.17 e three Central Forensic ScienceLaboratories had examined 1,716 cases,containing 9,351 exhibits, and 3 GovernmentExaminer of Questioned Documents examined1,254 cases, containing 1,67,036 exhibitsincluding 148 cases of Computer Forensics with32 Tera Bytes, during the period under review.

Training courses conducted by DFSlaboratories

9.18 47 specialized training courses, in thearea of White Collar Crimes, DNAFingerprinting techniques, Forensic Explosives,Crime Scene Management, R & D Management,Questioned Documents, Forensic Auditing,Credit Card Frauds, Forensic Toxicology, NAAtechniques, Detection of metallic poisons infood articles, handling of NBC agents, BallisticsGSR Analysis, Fire Arms Experts TrainingProgramme, Audio Video Examination, Crimeagainst Women and Computer Forensics, havebeen conducted so far, which were attended byabout 622 Forensic Scientists, Police Officers,officers from other Law Enforcement agencies.

Formulation of the R&D schemes ofXITH five year plan

9.19 e outlay under XI plan is Rupees 300crore for two ambitious major plan projects viz(i) composite schemes on Modernisation ofForensic Science applications for DFS and itsoutlying Units and (ii) Composite CentrallySponsored Plan Scheme of ‘Creation of RegionalForensic Science Laboratories and DistrictMobile Forensic Units. 9.20 e first scheme has an outlay of Rupees200 crore which have 26 Plan Schemes covering


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Research and Development Schemes,Developmental schemes, and opening of threenew hi-tech Central Forensic scienceLaboratories and three Government Examinerof Questioned Documents. Under the secondscheme an outlay of Rs. 100 crore is earmarkedfor modernization of forensic facilities at Stateslevel and during this plan period 6 new RegionalForensic Science Laboratories and 52 DistrictMobile Forensic Units will be created atState/UT level. e work relating to the R&DSchemes are under progress.

Accreditation of Forensic Services

9.21 Under the Quality Control/ QualityAssurance Programme, all the laboratories vizCFSLs and GEQDs under the Directorate ofForensic Science are duly accredited throughNational Accreditation Board for Testing andCalibration Laboratories (NABL).

Extra-mural Research andDevelopment Schemes

9.22 e Plan scheme has been approved bythe Ministry of Home Affairs and PlanningCommission with an outlay of Rs.5 crore topromote Forensic science in Academic andResearch Institutions and other R&Dlaboratories. A high powered project evaluationcommittee constituted by this Directorate hasevaluated and approved 7 schemes.

20th All India Forensic ScienceConference

9.23 e 20th All India Forensic ScienceConference was organized by the Directorate ofForensic Science, New Delhi at Jaipur, Rajasthanin collaboration with the Government ofRajasthan during 15-17 November 2009. etheme of the Conference was “Crime Scene toCourt Room”. e Conference was inauguratedby Union Home Minister and presided over bythe Chief Minister of Rajasthan. During theConference, the Excellence Awards for the years2008 and Meritorious Awards for the year 2009were conferred in the Valedictory function.


Inauguration of souvenir of 20th All India Forensic Science Conference 2009 at Jaipur by UnionHome Minister

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About 300 delegates from India and abroadincluding police officers and Judges haveparticipated in the Conference. During thetechnical sessions 175 scientific papers werepresented by the Forensic Scientists.

Junior Research Fellow Scheme

9.24 40 bright students are undergoing Ph.Dprogrammes in six forensic science laboratoriesunder Directorate of Forensic Science.

Modernization of State ForensicScience Laboratories

9.25 e Directorate has given assistance inupgradation of forensic science practices in thecountry and undertook technical evaluation forall the scientific equipments and other itemsrequired for State Forensic Science Laboratoriesunder the Police Modernization Plan for theyear 2009-10.

Acquisition of Land in Kolkata forcreation of ultra modern laboratory

9.26 A piece of land measuring six acres inNew Town, Kolkata at a total cost of Rs.9.46crore has been acquired from the Governmentof West Bengal. A proposal for construction ofa State-of-Art High-Tech Laboratory at the costof Rs. 25 crore under the current five year plan,has already been approved.


9.27 e National Institute of Criminologyand Forensic Science (NICFS), a pioneeringInstitution for advancement of Criminology andForensic Science through training and researchwas set up in 1972. It is renamed as “LoknayakJayaprakash Narayan National Institute of

Criminology and Forensic Science”. It is apremier institution for training of seniorfunctionaries of the Criminal Justice system inthe twin fields of Criminology and ForensicScience, as well as for research related to thesefields.

Teaching programmes

9.28 e Institute offers M.A./M.Sc.programmes in Criminology and ForensicScience. ese courses started with effect fromacademic session 2004-05 under the affiliationfrom Guru Gobind Singh IndraprasthaUniversity, Delhi.

9.29 During the year, 452 officers participatedin 18 different training courses organised by theInstitute. e Institute has also impartedtraining to the foreign nationals of Mauritius,Afghanistan, Sudan, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Bhutan,Fiji, Phillippines, Maldives, etc. from 1972 to tilldate. e Institute in collaboration with CBIorganised a 2 days National seminar on “fightingcrimes related to corruption which was attendedby over 125 delegates from all over India.

9.30 Four projects started during the previous5 years and one new project has been taken upin 11th five year plan. e projects are:

• Studies on identification andcharacterization of drug, fibres, paint andpoisons etc. - database generation with thehelp of UMA-600 Microscope attached withFTIR.

• Creation of Computer Forensic Divisionusing DRAC 2000 and Mini DRAC.

• Creation of Forensic Serology and DNAdivision” in the Institute.

• Upgradation and Modernisation of Library.• Analysis of various poisons in biological

fluids/tissues- up gradation of ForensicToxicology Division”.(new project).


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9.31 CFSL, CBI, New Delhi is a scientificdepartment under the administrative control ofCBI and overall control of the Ministry of HomeAffairs. CFSL undertakes the scientific analysisof crime exhibits referred by CBI, Delhi Police,Judiciary and Vigilance Departments ofMinistries & Undertakings & State/CentralGovt. Departments. e experts of CFSLexamine the exhibits forwarded by theInvestigating Agencies and render expertopinion and substantiate their opinions in theCourt of Law through court testimony andevidence. Services of the scientific experts of thisLaboratory are also utilized at the scene of crimethroughout India by CBI for detection ofphysical clues. Scientists/experts also imparttraining to the CBI Investigating Officers and toother trainees of Forensic Science. elaboratory also undertakes R & D work relatedto art & skill developments in forensic science.

9.32 e Laboratory has a sanctionedstrength of 119 Scientific Staff and was allocatedRs.7.17 crore for the year 2009-2010 (R.E.)

9.33 e Laboratory scientists gave experttestimony in 275 Courts in Delhi and otherparts of India and examined 66 scenes of crimesat Delhi and outside for scientific investigationof crimes. During the year 2008 in addition tothese, regular support service in forensic sciencewas provided to Delhi Police, CBI and JudicialCourts. Forensic assistance was also providedto Directorate of Revenue Intelligence, Banks,Cabinet Secretariat Board and other publicundertakings.

9.34 During the year 2009 CFSL, CBI, NewDelhi carried out scientific examination ofapproximately 3,50,000 crime exhibits referredin 1,512 fresh cases and 433 cases were pendingon December 31, 2009.

9.35 Central Forensic Science Laboratory,CBI, New Delhi is committed to quality workfor all its functional disciplines. e CFSL (CBI),New Delhi has been accredited by NationalAccreditation Board for Test & CalibrationLaboratories (NABL) under Department ofScience & Technology, Govt. of India, NewDelhi as per Quality System conforming to ISOIEC 17025 and National Accreditation Boardfor Test & Calibration Laboratories (NABL)113. e Laboratory has preparedComprehensive Quality Manual and WorkingProcedures Manuals for analytical and scientifictest to be carried out in respect of varieties ofcrime exhibits referred to each of its Division.During the year congruency checks were madein 1,328 cases(approximately).e QualityManual was revised as per the requirement ofNABL. e new standard proforma i.e. ISO IEC17025 – 2005 has been introduced in thelaboratory. e instruments used for analysiswork of the crime exhibits have been calibratedthrough a NABL accredited agencies. Internalauditing was carried out by nominated internalauditors in all the divisions of CFSL to check thequality system, laboratory management as wellas the documentation processes.


9.36 e laboratory is concentrating onupdating the technology and infrastructure bynew state-of- the- art technology. eprocurement of new technology for the divisionnamely (1) Brain Finger printing (2) Toxicology(3) Analog/Digital Audio/Video analysis is inprocess. Initiatives have been taken for Qualitymanagement system, Technical upgradations,calibration systems, etc.

9.37 A proposal under 11th Five Year Planhas been mooted in respect of CFSL (CBI) toestablish Scientific Aids Units (SAUs) in twometropolitan cities i.e. Kolkata and Mumbaiand to strengthen the existing SAU at Chennai.


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Similarly a supplementary plan proposal under11th Five Year Plan has been mooted to redesignthe whole laboratory to meet the futurechallenges. e modernization programme ofCFSL is in progress.


9.38 e Directorate of Coordination PoliceWireless is a nodal agency for coordinatingvarious police communication services in thecountry. DCPW not only acted as a technicaladviser to Ministry of Home Affairs andState/Central Police Organizations in all PoliceCommunication related matters but alsooperates Inter State Police Wireless Networkwith its offices at all State and UT capitals. Apartfrom providing the Police Wireless services forInter State and Inter Organizationalrequirement, a satellite based all India PoliceTelecommunications network namely POLNEThas been established which is being fundedpartly by MPF Scheme. e POLNET providesconnectivity to all District, State Hqrs and theNational Capital.

9.39 is organization also shoulders theresponsibility for modernizing the policetelecommunications, training the police radiofrequency distribution, formulating technicalspecifications for communication equipment,testing/evaluating instruments for induction etc.Directorate of Coordination Police Wireless isthe Central Distributing Authority appointed byMinistry of Home Affairs for the purpose ofCipher Documents/Devices being used by StatePolice Radio Organizations & Inter State Police.Total strength of DCPW is 1,129 including 82Gazetted Officers.

Communication and Maintenance

9.40 e Communication wing of DCPW isresponsible for maintaining network of InterState Police wireless stations. Maintenancesection provides the necessary maintenancecover to all equipments including modern andsophisticated VSAT Equipments installed atheadquarters and 31 Inter-State Police WirelessStations located across the country. ecommunication facilities of Inter-State PoliceWireless Stations network are also utilized forhandling emergency messages during naturalcalamities like floods, earthquakes, disasters etc.Communication facilities are also extended toother organizations like Tata Institute ofFundamental Research, Union Public ServiceCommission, Food Corporation of India,Census Department, flood control agencies cater to their exigencies as per their demands.

Cipher Wing

9.41 e Cipher wing of Directorate ofCoordination Police Wireless provides ciphercover to classified messages of Ministry of HomeAffairs and other Departments. Effective liaisonand association was established with JointCipher Bureau, under the Ministry of Defencefor updating of Cryptographic systems beingused in State Police Radio Organization andInter State Police Wireless Stations. Evaluationof new Cryptosystems to be inducted inDirectorate of Coordination Police Wireless &State Police Crypto network is undertaken incollaboration with SAG (Ministry of Defence).HRD was also achieved by conducting 43Cipher Oriented Courses training 610 personsat Cipher Wing. e Control Cryptocentre hasbeen connected with POLNET VSATs forspeedy clearance of cipher traffic. SECFAXCipher System has also been inducted intoDirectorate of Coordination Police Wireless fortransmitting secure fax messages over channels.


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Training and Human ResourceDevelopment

9.42 e Central Police Radio TrainingInstitutes (CRPTIs) at New Delhi andGhaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) are the two trainingInstutitue of the DCPW wherein varioustraining programmes are conducted for Policepersonnel of various ranks ontelecommunication. A special arrangement offour batches has been arranged at CRPTIs formaintenance of POLNET Course to meet theurgent requirement of technical manpower forPOLNET. Training Institute has been gearedup to cater to train a targeted strength of 520Police personnel through 37 special courses.e Institute also extends its training facilitiesfor the Police Personnel of the neighboringcountries i.e. Nepal, Bhutan, Mauritius,Maldives, Afghanistan, etc.

Central Workshop

9.43 e Central Workshop is entrusted withthe responsibility of evaluation of HighFrequency/Very High Frequency Radiocommunication sets along with their accessoriesfor rate contract for DGS&D. e WorkshopSection has successfully met the requirementsof various State UTs and Central PoliceOrganization’s by testing the Radio setsrequired for election and other emergencies.

Procurement of Equipment

9.44 DCPW also deal with procurement ofdifferent type of equipments and accessories forStates/CPOs requirements during election &natural calamities etc. During the year 2008-09,5,000 Wireless Equipments and accessories havebeen procured through DGS&D rate contract.e said equipment were issued to theStates/CPOs during General Lok Sabha


A practical session in progress at the Central Police Radio Training Institute, New Delhi

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Election, April, 2009 to maintain Law and Orderin their States, which is a special achievementduring the year. Despite the insufficient quantityof wireless equipments, DCPW has fulfilled thedemand raised by the States/CPOs with theexisting stock by rotating sets from one State toother State.


9.45 e Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) isthe national nodal agency created under theNarcotics Drugs and Psychotropic SubstancesAct, 1985 for combating illicit trafficking innarcotic drugs and psychotropic substances.NCB is also responsible for coordination withvarious Ministries, other offices & State/CentralEnforcement Agencies. e NCB is alsoresponsible for implementation of theinternational obligations under various UNConventions 1961, 1971, 1988 (to which Indiais a signatory) against illicit trafficking of

narcotics drugs and psychotropic substances. Italso provides assistance to concerned authoritiesin various countries to facilitate universal actionfor prevention and suppression of illicittrafficking in narcotics drugs and psychotropicsubstances.9.46 NCB has eleven Zonal Units at Delhi,Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata, Lucknow, Jodhpur,Chandigarh, Jammu , Ahmedabad, Guwahati &Indore , one Regional Unit at Imphal and tenIntelligence Cells at iruvananthpuram,Hyderabad, Goa, Mandsaur, Muzaffarpur,Amritsar, Ajmer, Ranchi, International Co-ordination Cell & Precursor Cell at NCB Hqrs.

Enforcement Efforts

9.47 Seizures of various drugs made byvarious agencies in the country and the NCBduring the period 2009-10 (April to December,2009) are mentioned in the table below :-

Name of Drug Drugs seized Drug seized by % of drugs seized by NCB all over NCB (in Kg.) as compared to all

India (in kg) India seizuresNarcotic Drugs

Heroin 561 103 18%Opium 1102 133 12%Morphine 25 01 4%Ganja 135,922 1869 1%Hashish 2321 113 5%Cocaine 11 01 9%Methaqualone 33 33 100%Amphetamines 11 11 100%

Psychotropic SubstancePsychotropic Substance 185471 Tablets 157911 85% tablets +100%+17.264 Kg tablets+17.264 Kg +17.264 Kg

Precursor ChemicalsEphedrine 606 123 20%Acetic Anhydride 478 340 71%(in ltrs.)

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9.48 Some of the major seizures made byNCB during 2009-10 ( April to December,2009) are given below :

(i) On April 6, 2009 officers of NCB Kolkataintercepted a vehicle at Bongaon, 24Parganas (N), West Bengal and seized8.175 kg of heroin. One person wasarrested.

(ii) On April 10, 2009, officers of the NCBMumbai searched a godown at Mumbaiand seized 40 kg of pseudo ephedrine.Four persons were arrested.

(iii) On April 14, 2009, officers of the NCBDelhi searched residential premises atDelhi and seized 7 kg of heroin. Eightpersons (five Nigerian nationals, twoMozambique nationals and one ailandnational) were arrested.

(iv) On June 8, 2009, officers of the NCBMumbai seized 2.8 kg of Heroin from aparcel booked in courier services atMumbai. e destination of the seizeddrug was South Africa.

(v) On July 7, 2009, officers of the NCBKolkata searched residential premises/farm house at Kolkata and seized 39.750kg of acetic anhydride and 3.83 kg ofheroin. ree persons were arrested.

(vi) On July 8, 2009 officers of NCB Delhiapprehended one Nigerian national at IGIAirport, New Delhi and seized 1.86 kg ofheroin from his possession. He wasarrested.

vii) On July 18, 2009, officers of the NCBLucknow/Kolkata searched a residentialpremise at Asansol, West Bengal andseized 100 kg of acetic anhydride and of heroin. One person was arrested.

(viii) On July 23, 2009, officers of the NCB

Chennai apprehended one person atChennai Railway Station and seized 2.15kg of Heroin from his possession. He wasarrested. e destination of the seizeddrug was Sri Lanka.

(ix) On August 18, 2009, officers of the NCBMumbai apprehended one person atMumbai and seized 2 kg of heroin fromhis possession. He was arrested. edestination of the seized drug wasNairobi, Kenya.

(x) On September 15, 2009, officers of theNCB Mumbai , seized 32,700 tablets ofpsychotropic substance (10,000 tablets ofZolab (Zolpidem), 20,000 tablets ofPhentermine, 900 tablets of Diazepamand 1800 tablets of Oxycodone) from aparcel booked in courier services atMumbai.

(xi) During the month of October, 2009officers of the NCB, Lucknow arrested twopersons and seized 120 liters of aceticanhydride from their possession.

(xii) On November 26, 2009, officers of NCB,Mumbai raided the factory premises ofDrug Manufacturing Company at Nasikand seized 82.55 kg of ephedrine(precursor used for manufacture ofMandrax). ree persons were arrested.

(xiii) On December 27-28, 2009, officers ofNCB, Ahmedabad intercepted a truck aSabarkantha District, Gujarat and seized89.447 kg of Charas. Two persons werearrested.

Destruction of Illicit Cultivation ofPoppy and Cannabis

9.49 During the period May 11-15, 2009,NCB Jammu along with State ExciseDepartment, Crime Branch of J&K Police


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detected and destroyed illicit opium poppycultivation in 2,210 Kanals (276 acres) in thedistricts of Pulwama, Anantnag and Budgamof Jammu & Kashmir.

9.50 Besides, NCB coordinated thedestruction of illicit poppy cultivation in thestates of J&K, HP, Arunachal Pradesh, Bihar,Jharkhand and West Bengal. As a result, illicitcultivation in 5,238.87 acres area was destroyedby the States and Central GovernmentAgencies.

Satellite Imagery for Detection OfIllicit Cultivation Of Opium/Poppy :

9.51 It was decided in the Meeting ofEconomic Intelligence Council held onSeptember 7, 2009 under the Chairmanship ofRevenue Secretary that Central EconomicIntelligence Bureau (CEIB) will take up projectof Satellite Imagery for destruction of illicitpoppy crop in ten States, namely Jharkhand,Bihar, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu & Kashmir,Uttarakhand, Manipur, Arunachal Pradesh,Orissa, Karnataka and West Bengal. A meetingof the Nodal Officers of these 10 States was heldin NCB Hqrs on September 8, 2009 . NCBformulated and circulated an Action Plan for theidentification and destruction of illicit poppycultivation in consultation with Central Bureauof Narcotics (CBN) and the nodal officers of the10 affected States.Conviction

9.52 On the basis of complaints filed beforethe designated Court by NCB, 41 persons wereconvicted during the period from April 1-December 31, 2009 .

Drug Disposal

9.53 Heroin 261.21 kg, Opium 426.573 kg,Ganja 5,152.39 kg, Morphine 1.06 kg andHashish 126.99 kg were disposed of during April1- December 31, 2009,

Assistance to States

9.54 e NCB being the national nodalagency for drug law enforcement supports theState Governments by providing CentralAssistance to procure necessary infrastructureand equipments to improve their enforcementcapabilities in combating drug trafficking.During the year 2009-10, Central grant ofRs.1.42 lakh has been sanctioned to 12 StatesDrug Law Enforcement Agencies of MadhyaPradesh, Nagaland, Jammu & Kashmir,Rajasthan, Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh,Jharkhand, Goa, Punjab, Gujarat and Manipur.e Scheme was initially sanctioned for a periodof 5 years i.e. till March 31, 2009. eGovernment of India has decided to extend thisScheme for a further period of 5 years i.e. from2009-10 to 2013-14 with an estimated budget ofRs.15 crore. e existing guidelines on“Assistance to States” have been revised byextending the Scheme to Union Territories alsoand nomenclature of the Scheme has beenchanged as “ Assistance to States and UTs”.


9.55 e NCB provides financial assistance tovarious training Academies and Drug LawEnforcement Agencies for organizing trainingcourses on Drug Law Enforcement. 70 suchcourses were organized in the States of Jammu& Kashmir, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan,Gujarat, Assam, & Tamil Nadu during the year


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2009-10(from April 1 - December 31, 2009)wherein approximately 2,333 personnel of StatePolice & Central Excise were trained.


9.56 NCB is mandated to extend all possibleassistance to the concerned authorities inforeign countries and international organizationfor the prevention and suppression of illicittraffic in narcotics drugs and psychotropicsubstances. To further bilateral cooperation,NCB/Govt of India has entered into bilateralagreements on Narcotics related matters with 22

countries and has signed MOUs with 4countries. India has also established JointWorking Groups on Counter Terrorism with 27countries, wherein bilateral drug issues havingbearing on terrorism are discussed.

9.57 To meet the international obligationsunder the Single Convention on NarcoticsDrugs, 1961 and Convention on PsychotropicSubstances of 1971 & 1988 UN Conventionagainst illicit traffic in Narcotic Drugs andPsychotropic Substances, NCB submits variousreports to International Narcotics Control Board(INCB) Vienna on quarterly, half-yearly andyearly basis.


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