Page 1: Our · cancer benefits. The young shoots of Green tea manifest the vitality of youth and its research-proven benefits

Our Offerings

Churchill’s Chocolate Truffle“Never has so much, been owed by so many to so Few.” This excerpt from one of Winston Spencer Churchill’s most famous speeches echoes our sentiment. The few who can blend Black Tea with the decadence of mouth-watering Chocolate should indeed be recognized. Black Tea is universally recognized as being good for your teeth, aiding digestion, alleviating depression and anxiety whilst boosting energy. Its antioxidants may aid cancer prevention and lessen heart disease while its citrus extract helps promote weight loss. Chocolate was traded as currency by the Aztecs and is known for its aphrodisiac qualities. Whether you’re saving the free world with epic speeches or enjoying a nice cigar and a balloon of brandy, Churchill’s Chocolate Truffle is the perfect accompaniment.

Downtown AbbeyLocation, location, location…our silver tipped leaves of Darjeeling Tea are grown high in the Himalayas and imbued with all the natural qualities of the rich soil there. Renowned for its antioxidant polyphenol properties in preventing cellular damage it may also help to prevent stomach ulcers and obesity. So whether you’re caught up in the heady glitz and glamour of fast-paced Big City life or prefer the demure elegance and poise of High Society, this blend is perfect for those with a prestige accent or friends with a high end address.

Duke of Earl GreyGene Chandler hit #1 in 1962 with ‘Duke of Earl’ and whether you’re a Duke, Earl, Viscount or Baron, our distinctive fusion of the citrus fruits Bergamot and Lemon will Lord it over other recipes you’ve tried. Containing catechin and naturally occurring fluoride, Black Tea is universally acknowledged as being good for your teeth, aiding digestion, alleviating depression and anxiety whilst boosting energy. Its antioxidants may aid cancer prevention and lessen heart disease while its citrus extract helps promote weight loss. Bergamot is great for helping the immune system function optimally, too.

Buckingham Palace Garden PartyOur take on English Breakfast Tea is derived from the original Chinese Camellia Sinensis plant whose leaves accidentally blew into Emperor (& renowned herbalist) Shen Nung’s boiling pot in 2737BC. Our updated knowledge suggests that polyphenols and tannin in Black Tea are effective antioxidants and promote systemic wellness while boosting energy and bolstering the immune system. It tastes great, too! After all, Her Majesty won’t serve just any English blend at her soirees…

Black Teas

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White Teas

Duchess of DolceLa Dolce Vita in Italian means ‘The Sweet Life,’ but living life can’t get much sweeter than our luscious vanilla, fit for a Dowager Duchess or Debutante. The extract of the Vanilla Orchid is renowned for its antioxidant, aphrodisiac, anti-carcinogenic, febrifuge, antidepressant, sedative and beauty properties and is undoubtedly the finest of the flavors. Black Tea is reportedly good for your teeth, aids digestion, alleviates depression and anxiety whilst boosting energy. Its antioxidants may aid cancer prevention and lessen heart disease while its citrus extract helps promote weight loss. Our Duchess of Dolche, our Mistress of Sweetness, will transport you to fabulous evenings hobnobbing with the cream of London’s elite.

Her Ladyship’s LemonIn order for a Lady to look the part, she must carry herself with dignified poise and elegance. To accomplish that, her health and posture must be maintained in pristine condition. White Tea has the same types of antioxidants as Green Tea but in greater abundance. Cardiovascular health, the lowering of cholesterol, a reduction in the risk of cancer and weight loss are but a few of its reported benefits, not to mention improved oral health and anti-aging properties. A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down as Mary Poppins once said, and zesty lemon adding a tangy kick makes for an invigorating tonic while discussing 50 Shades of Pride & Prejudice at Book Club.

Chai Teas

Chai-natownOur aptly named Chai-natown Chai is a Black Tea derived from the original Chinese Camellia Sinensis plant whose leaves accidentally blew into Emperor (& renowned herbalist) Shen Nung’s boiling pot in 2737BC, creating the aromatic infusion that was to become world famous. Modern research has revealed that polyphenols and tannin in Black Tea are effective antioxidants and promote systemic wellness while boosting energy and bolstering the immune system. For centuries, Asian Indians too, have treasured Chai’s powerful blend of black tea, herbs and spices (cinnamon, ginger, clove, cardamom and black pepper) for its ability to preserve health and peace of mind. Trade in London’s Chinatown once included Opium, but we’ve opted for something far better for you with a much nicer aftertaste and zero legal ramifications from Scotland Yard’s Bobbies!

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Green Teas

Her Majesty’s MintAll that rich food at State Banquets can leave one feeling a mite queasy. Mint, or the herb Mentha as it is technically known, is renowned for calming irritable bowels, aiding digestion, freshening breath and by virtue of one of its constituent compounds, peryllyl alcohol, may even produce anti cancer benefits. The young shoots of Green tea manifest the vitality of youth and its research-proven benefits are innumerable. Polyphenols like catechins, flavenoids and epigallocatechin gallate are powerful antioxidants that help reduce the formation of free radicals which break down cells in the body. Brain function, fat burning and physical performance are reportedly improved. Ongoing research suggests it may aid in the prevention of Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Type II Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, obesity, reduce bacteria and improve dental health. It really is hulkishly super powered! These benefits are worth more than all the Pounds Sterling secured in the Royal Mint!

Shakespeare’s PassionWilliam Shakespeare created over 1,700 words for the English language and many of the phrases we take for granted today. His sonnets, soliloquies and plays are the most famous ever written and he is celebrated for the passion he put into his characters. We honor The Bard of Avon by putting some passion of our own (fruit, that is) with our Black Tea. Passion fruit was introduced to Hawaii in 1880 and grown commercially in Kenya since 1933. This lush tropical fruit is laden with phyto-nutrients like carotenes and vitamins A & C. Black Tea has been left to fully oxidize in moisture rich air. It’s rich in caffeine and theophylline and reportedly boosts alertness. Shakespeare died on the same date he was born, April 23rd (1564-1616), following a binge drinking session with colleagues Ben Jonson & Michael Drayton…perhaps if he would have alertly drunk our tea instead, we’d have had more masterpieces to enjoy.

Canterbury JasmineThe delicate scent of Jasmine blossoms being steeped in a brew is soothing to the spirit. Its exotic aroma evokes the romantic medieval chivalry of Geoffrey Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales when floral perfume was much sought after. The young shoots of Green tea manifest the vitality of youth and its research-proven benefits are innumerable. Polyphenols like catechins, flavenoids and epigallocatechin gallate are powerful antioxidants that help reduce the formation of free radicals which break down cells in the body. Brain function, fat burning and physical performance are reportedly improved. Ongoing research suggests it may aid in the prevention of Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Type II Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, obesity, reduce bacteria and improve dental health. As the great Middle English Poet left a legacy in words for our minds, so will Canterbury Jasmine leave an indelible impression on your aroma memory.

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Oolong Teas

Prince’s PomegranateTwo things that are definitely on the tips of everyone’s tongues these days are dashing Princes and Pomegranate. The fruit which originated in areas of Northern India, Pakistan, Iran and the Middle East is celebrated for its amazing array of benefits for skin, hair, lowering cholesterol and blood pressure and dissipating heart blockages (atherosclerosis) speedily. Combine that with Oolong Tea, which is partially fermented, and reportedly sharpens deductive reasoning and mental acuity, prevents osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer and tooth decay and you have one dynamic duo. No Prince Charming on his noble steed could rush to your rescue any better.

The People’s PrincessDiana was a fashion icon who then implanted herself firmly in our hearts with her compassion, relatability and down-to-Earth qualities. The powerful health benefits of Jade Oolong tea infused with Osmanthus citrus flowers helps with digestion, weight loss and lowering cholesterol while providing delicate aromatherapy that soothes the soul just as gently as did our Beloved Lady Di.

Herbal Teas

Restful KnightsAfter a brutal day’s jousting, instead of healing their wounds with a Chamomile salve as in days of yore, or easing their diabetes, our heroic stalwarts prefer to imbibe an intoxicating and relaxing balm that famously alleviates anxiety, cures insomnia, reduces menstrual cramps (if they happen to be a Lady masquerading), seals mouth ulcers and emboldens the gleam of hair and skin…in fact, they awaken looking akin to the daisy-like white petalled, yellow-disc-floreted Chamomile that granted their Restful Knight’s Sleep…

Sherlock’s CiderOnce you’ve eliminated the impossible, what remains, however improbable, must be the truth. Our legendary Detective knows a thing or two about solving riddles and after a damp night traipsing around London with Dr. Watson in pursuit of Professor Moriarty, Sherlock’s solution is a hearty tisane, an infusion of wholesome fruity apple, a decoction of herbs to soothe edgy nerves yet still sharpen the senses with its bountiful medicinal effects. “It’s elementary, my Dear Watson!”

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Big Ben’s BlueberryDid you know that the 13.5 ton Big Ben (or Great Westminster Clock) actually refers to the Bell inside Queen Elizabeth (Clock) Tower, (formerly St. Stephen’s)? Don’t ask For Whom the Bell Tolls, as it tolls for thee if you don’t look after yourself. A great way to do so is a tisane infusion of blueberry, widely renowned as anti-aging and a neuro-protective agent because of its high amount of phenols, particularly gallic acid. Acai has been touted as a weight loss find due to its antioxidant content, fiber and heart-healthy fats. Let the bells chime in celebration of this doubly wondrous beverage!

Chelsea Flower ShowYou’d be hard pressed to find a more vibrant, fragrant display of color than the rare and beautiful blossoms of the Chelsea Flower Show. But if you like to press wild flowers, try Hibiscus for a tisane (or infusion) of crimson, deep magenta with a cranberry-like tartness renowned for its blood pressure lowering qualities. The drink also known as Roselle or Sorrel, is made from the calyces or sepals of the Hibiscus sabdariffa flower. Used traditionally as a mild medicine and served in the Middle East to guests, it contains vitamin C, minerals and tartaric, malic and citric acids. Acidic polysaccharides and flavenoid glycosides cyanidin and delphinidin give it its distinctive deep red coloring. Our Hibiscus Tea has a pleasant bouquet and looks good enough to eat……well, drink anyway! Bloomin’ Lovely!

Harry’s TippleGinger is renowned for settling a rumbly tummy prior to plane flights, and if you’re a jet-setting action man Ginger Prince globetrotting all over the world, what better way to soothe one’s constitution than with a spicy ginger smack to your favorite beverage? Ginger reportedly helps blood circulation, remedies motion sickness or practically anything to do with the stomach or digestion. It is known to reduce pain & inflammation and strengthens immunity so you can fend off all those Tabloid photographers looking to sensationalize your imbibement preferences.

The Britican SignatureThe British Empire once covered a quarter of the Earth. Its expansion was to glorify and make acquisitions for its Regent, Victoria. That Imperial legacy left behind many wonderful discoveries, such as the luscious fig from the Middle Eastern ficus, one of the world’s oldest trees. Renowned for numerous benefits, not least of which helps with stomach ailments, the fig adds an exotic essence to our flagship blend. From the New World, Huckleberry, rich in tannins and flavenoids is supposedly a boon for circulatory disorders, improved eyesight (Spitfire pilots used to take it in WWII) and general wellness. We believe that this unique combination of flavors is the perfect tribute to all the good that came from that ancient Imperial isle to this big continent, this Land of the Free, this Brave New World. Fit for The Queen, and now, for you, too. Huzzah!

Herbal Teas

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Iced Teas

Notting Hill CarnivalOn the August Bank-Holiday of 1964, Afro-Caribbeans from Trinidad began London’s biggest annual street festival to promote local Earl’s Court steel band musicians. Mango introduces the tropical succulence of the West Indies and brings its renowned anti carcinogenic, alkalizing properties to bear with the caffeine and theophylline boost of oxidized Black tea for alertness, in a refreshing, fruity concoction that will have you celebrating the skin you’re in and throwing caution to the wind.

Royal AscotRoyal Ascot horse races in Berkshire are also a UK fashion highlight of the year. Ladies’ Day is especially synonymous with the latest couture, particularly wildly extravagant hats. Adding decadent Black Cherry to Black Tea is the divine inspiration designers pray for. Black Cherry is rich in vitamins, antioxidants and reduces inflammation, according to studies, plus supporting kidney function, joint health, gout and as a sleep aid. Plus, it tastes amazing! Black Tea, allowed to fully oxidize in moisture rich air, contains caffeine, theophylline and may boost mental acuity. In fact, you may feel so refreshed and enlivened that your Day at the Races might see you lining up to compete against all the thoroughbreds!

Piccadilly PineappleIn the middle of London’s Piccadilly Circus, (if you can distract yourself from the neon signs), stands the statue of Eros, the Greek god of sweet Love (re-named Cupid by the Romans). This is no mere Cherub with a toothpick, though. Eros is a master archer and matchmaker. And what could be sweeter than a match made in heaven? Pineapple, originally brought back to Europe by Columbus from South America, then later associated with Hawaii, is a source of numerous vitamins and minerals, but its bromelain enzyme is renowned for reducing inflammation of varying types. The young shoots of Green tea manifest Eros’ youthful vitality and its research-proven benefits are innumerable. Polyphenols like catechins, flavenoids and epigallocatechin gallate are powerful antioxidants that reduce the formation of free radicals which break down cells in the body. Brain function, fat burning and physical performance are reportedly improved. Ongoing research suggests it may aid in the prevention of Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Type II Diabetes, Cardiovascular disease, obesity, reduce bacteria and improve dental health. You don’t need Love’s arrow to point out how good this is for you and how delicious it tastes. Bull’s-eye!

Majestic WindsorAs you stroll through Windsor Great Park which has stood there since the Normans built the imposing Castle in the 11th century, you sip on a fruity summer cocktail consisting of orange and lemon peel, apple pieces, hibiscus, sunflower & rose petals, lavender flowers, black currants and natural grape essence. The antioxidants and citric acids plus the herbal extract benefits notwithstanding, this is a deliciously healthful beverage! In an English Country Garden, an Englishman’s home is his Castle, maybe not Windsor Castle, but you can still fly the Royal Standard to signify that you’re in residence!

DISCLAIMER:The Britican™ Company is referencing universally acknowledged research findings and makes no claim to any health or other

implied benefits that aren’t already public domain knowledge.

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