
Our Little Hydroponic Garden!

Our Hydroponic Garden! By: Devyn, Lupita, Andy, Andrew, & Drew

Putting The Greenhouse TogetherBefore we could start building our hydroponic system we had to finish the greenhouse. We put the caps on the sides & roof. We had to tighten up the cords. We adjusted the braces of the green house.

Researching The Hydroponic System We looked up systems we could buy instead of building it from scratch. We researched on ways to build it. We researched what we would need. Then we looked up prices for the materials needed.

Getting our materials First we searched for a good website to buy our materials,& found a great website. Their prices were good, but the shipping & handling was a rip off. We went back to looking up websites, and we decided to buy our materials from We got free shipping.

Building The SystemWhen we received our materials we started working on our system. We started to plant our veggies. Then we started to drill holes in the pipes. We started filling up our 3 inch net pots with hydroton pebbles. We smoothed our the holes. After that we put the little pots in the holes of the pipes. Next we filled up our big bucket that held up about 25 gal. half-way with water.

Pictures Of Us Building It

Our Completed Hydroponic SystemWhen we were done building it up we went ahead & started to turn it on. It works great. We are all excited to provide veggies to our school.

hydroponic melodyKidsKids's Album2010110605.43eng - iTunNORM 00000494 00000025 0000266A 0000065F 0000A378 0000A187 00007BA6 000085DB 00000C58 00000C58eng - iTunSMPB 00000000 00000210 00000B0D 00000000004A5FE3 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000

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