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132 S. Fifth Street, Easton, PA 18042 Parish Center hours 8:30 AM – 3:30 PM daily Monday thru Thursday (except Holidays) Closed Friday

Phone: (610) 252-7381 • Fax: (610) 252-6757 E-mail: [email protected] • Website:

Through Fellowship, Evangelization, Worship & Stewardship ~ Reaching Out With Love

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Los padres deben ser miembros registrados de la parroquia

Marriage/Matrimonio: 9������(/���������������������*++����������(���������,


Sacrament of Reconciliation: 9��������2���������;�5<0;�=</�


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Diocesan Safe Environment Coordinator: &� ��,%���!& & " !� & !� � - -���/�����#;56$44@06==@':� @65C

Mass Intentions For the Week

Saturday, Lenten Weekday, March 16 4:30 pm Clara Templeton [Templeton Family] Second Sunday of Lent, March 17 8:00 am Dolores Cortright [Cortright & Evans Family] 10:30 am Charles P. Oehler, Jr. [Jacqueline Oehler] 12:00 pm Rebeca Guadalupe Pineda [Familia Pineda] Monday, Lenten Weekday, March 18 8:00 am Jim Seksinsky [Mike Seksinsky] 12:10 pm Dec’d members of the Marie Strunk Family Tuesday, St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, March 19 8:00 am Eva Stem [Steve & Kathy Wallo] Wednesday, Lenten Weekday, March 20 8:00 am Manuel & France Espinoza 27th Anniversary 12:10 pm Canceled 7:00 pm Maximino Ramos 10th Anniversary [Family] Thursday, Lenten Weekday, March 21 8:00 am Eva Stem [Marge Niski] 12:10 pm Eva Stem [Women’s Guild] Friday, Lenten Weekday, March 22 8:00 am John R. & Catherine Fagan 12:10 pm Edith & Dominic Russo [Ann Russo] Saturday, Lenten Weekday, March 23 4:30 pm Mary Miller [Shirley Templeton] Third Sunday of Lent, March 24 8:00 am Elaine Larkin [Rick Larkin] 10:30 am Fred Caccese [Bernie & Cindy Fey] 12:00 pm Henry Hidalgo [Alimada Hidalgo]

It is the mission of Our Lady of Mercy Parish to love and serve God and our neighbors by being

a warm and welcoming multi-cultural Roman Catholic Community, showing mercy to all

through every stage of life, and building the Kingdom of God through

fellowship, evangelization, worship and stewardship.

¡Nuevos Feligreses Bienvenidos!

Por favor de ver al Sacerdote después de Misa Please see the Priest after Mass

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Upcoming Ministry Schedule for:

Mar 23th & Mar 24th

4:30 pm Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Skip Fairchild Eucharistic Minister: Betsy Kennedy Altar Server: Anna DiFelice Greeter: Betsy Kennedy

8:00 am Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Thomas Hess Eucharistic Minister: Janet Robertson Altar Server: Cecillia Curto Greeter: Rosanne Ramunni

10:30 am Celebrant: Fr. Elias Lector: Bernard Dugan Eucharistic Minister: Karen Corpora Altar Servers: Faith Johnson & Tailyn Faulkner Greeter: Val Lutz Counters: Barbara Evans, Mariann Stevens & Irene Werner

12:00 pm Celebrante: Fr. Keith Lectores: Yessica Castillo & Margarita Palacios Ministros de Eucaristía: Carlos Orellana Monaguillos: Lupitta Mendez & Amy Pineda Contadores: Evodio Mendez, Roger & Ana Cruz

RESPONSORIAL PSALM: The Lord is my light and my salvation.


SALMO RESPONSORIAL: El señor es mi luz y mi salvación.

Budgeted Sunday Offering for: March - $7,020.00

Actual: Mar 9 & Mar 10 - $5,873.65 _________________________________________________________________

Ofrenda Dominical presupuesto de Marzo - $7,020.00

Actual: Mar 9 & Mar 10 - $5,873.65



17 – Sunday 9:00 am – Sunday Morning Book Study

10:30 - Spanish RCIA & Bible Study 1:00 pm – Ultreya de Cursillo

5:00-7:30 pm – Spanish Choir Practice 18 – Monday

7:00 pm – English Conversation Groups 19 – Tuesday

9:00 am & 7:00 pm – Book Club 10:15 am – Rosary Group

1:00 pm – Knitting Ministry 7:30 pm – Pro-Life Meeting

20 – Wednesday 10:00 am – Contemplative Prayer

7:30 pm – Juan XXIII 21 – Thursday

1:00 pm – Women’s Guild Meeting 7:00 pm – English Conversation Group

7:00 pm – Contemplative Prayer 22 – Friday

7:00 pm – Stations of the Cross 23 – Saturday

3:30 pm – Legion de Maria 5:00 pm – Spanish Charismatic


24 – Sunday 9:00 am – Sunday Morning Book Study

10:30 - Spanish RCIA & Bible Study 1:00 pm – Ultreya de Cursillo

5:00-7:30 pm – Spanish Choir Practice 25 – Monday

7:00 pm – English Conversation Groups 7:00 pm – Divine Mercy Cenacle

26 – Tuesday 9:00 am & 7:00 pm – Book Club

1:00 pm – Knitting Ministry 27 – Wednesday

10:00 am – Contemplative Prayer 7:30 pm – Juan XXIII

28 – Thursday 7:00 pm – Parish Council Meeting

7:00 pm – English Conversation Group 7:00 pm – Contemplative Prayer

29 – Friday 7:00 pm – Stations of the Cross

30 – Saturday 3:30 pm – Legion de Maria

5:00 pm – Spanish Charismatic

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2nd Sunday of Lent

Did you follow the story of Norma from Guatemala? Our CRS Rice Bowl offered many rich reflections this week. Following the daily reflections, we are invited to share a journey with our neighbors - in particular the world’s most vulnerable people: migrants and refugees fleeing war, poverty and persecution, people who seek nothing more than the basic needs and a path forward. Through CRS Rice Bowl sacrifice, we can assist young mothers like Norma to grow nutritious food and provide a healthy lifestyle for their families.

This week we are reminded of a foundational Catholic Principle: Human life is sacred, and that the dignity of the human person is the foundation of a moral vision for society. Every human being from the moment of their conception to their last breath is sacred and has an intrinsic value.

Every human being is created in the image and likeness of God. This causes us to reflect on how we treat one another. Do our hearts become indifferent or numb to the plight of others? Our nation recently has passed legislation which continues to attack the innocent human life at the moment of their birth into the world. We read about the mistreatment of immigrants on our borders. We live in a country where we have an abundance and others barely have the essentials to live. God loves every human being. They are our brothers and sisters.

In the Gospel, we hear the voice of the Father speaking about Jesus. “This is my chosen Son, listen to him.” I hear Jesus saying, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers (and sisters) of mine, you did for me.' If you have not participated, I encourage you to participate in

As we continue our Lenten journey, we must take time to listen to Jesus. We do this by a committed prayer life. Are we giving time for prayer? Do we take time to read the word of God and really listen? How does the Word of God speak to your heart? By listening to the Word of God, the Holy Spirit stirs us into action. How do I concretely show respect for the dignity of every human life?

Have a wonderful week!

Fr. Keith

Notas del Pastor 2do domingo de Cuaresma ¿Seguiste la historia de Norma de Guatemala? Nuestro CRS Rice Bowl ofreció muchas reflexiones ricas esta semana. Después de las reflexiones diarias, se nos invita a compartir un viaje con nuestros vecinos, en particular las personas más vulnerables del mundo: migrantes y refugiados que huyen de la guerra, la pobreza y la persecución, personas que no buscan más que las necesidades básicas y un camino a seguir. A través del sacrificio de CRS Rice Bowl, podemos ayudar a las madres jóvenes como Norma a cultivar alimentos nutritivos y proporcionar un estilo de vida saludable para sus familias. Esta semana se nos recuerda un principio católico fundamental: la vida humana es sagrada, y que la dignidad de la persona humana es la base de una visión moral para la sociedad. Todo ser humano desde el momento de su concepción hasta su último aliento es sagrado y tiene un valor intrínseco. Cada ser humano es creado a imagen y semejanza de Dios. Esto nos hace reflexionar sobre cómo nos tratamos unos a otros. ¿Nuestros corazones se vuelven indiferentes o entumecidos ante la difícil situación de los demás? Nuestra nación recientemente aprobó una legislación que continúa atacando a la vida humana inocente en el momento de su nacimiento en el mundo. Leemos sobre el maltrato a los inmigrantes en nuestras fronteras. Vivimos en un país donde tenemos abundancia y otros apenas tienen lo esencial para vivir. Dios ama a cada ser humano. Son nuestros hermanos y hermanas. En el Evangelio, escuchamos la voz del Padre hablando de Jesús. "Este es mi Hijo elegido, escúchalo". Escucho a Jesús decir: 'Amén, te digo, todo lo que hiciste por uno de estos hermanos (y hermanas) míos, lo hiciste por mí'. Si no ha participado, lo invito a participar en Mientras continuamos nuestro viaje de Cuaresma, debemos tomarnos el tiempo de escuchar a Jesús. Hacemos esto por una vida de oración comprometida. ¿Estamos dando tiempo para la oración? ¿Nos tomamos el tiempo para leer la Palabra de Dios y realmente escuchar? ¿Cómo le habla a tu corazón la Palabra de Dios? Al escuchar la Palabra de Dios, el Espíritu Santo nos impulsa a la acción. ¿Cómo muestro concretamente el respeto por la dignidad de cada vida humana? ¡Que tengan una buena semana! P. Keith

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Every child is taught the Our Father, the Hail Mary and the Glory Be when they are young. But the

Church has a treasury of prayers from her tradition. Each month we would like to highlight a specific prayer and invite you to pray it each day or even to memorize it where it will be secure within

your memory.

Prayer For the month of March

Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

Living one day at a time;

enjoying one moment at a time; accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;

trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;

that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him

forever in the next. Amen.

Monday: Dn 9:4b-10; Ps 79:8, 9, 11 and 13; Lk 6:36-38

Tuesday: 2 Sm 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16; Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27 and 29; Rm 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21,

24a or Lk 2:41-51a Wednesday: Jer 18:18-20; Ps 31:5-6, 14, 15-16;

Mt 20:17-28 Thursday: Jer 17:5-10; Ps 1:1-2, 3, 4 and 6;

Lk 16:19-31 Friday: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13a; 17b-28a; Ps 105:16-

17, 18-19, 20-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46 Saturday: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Ps 103:1-2, 3-4,

9-10, 11-12; Lk 15:1-3, 11-32 Sunday: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Ps 103:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8,

11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lk 13:1-9

A cada niño se le enseña el Padrenuestro, el Avemaría y la Gloria cuando son pequeños. Pero la Iglesia tiene

un tesoro de oraciones de su tradición. Cada mes quisiéramos resaltar una oración específica e invitarlo a orarla todos los días o incluso a memorizarla en un

lugar seguro dentro de su memoria.

Oración para el mes de marzo

Oración de serenidad

Dios, concédeme la serenidad para aceptar cosas que se puedo cambiar;

valor para cambiar cosas que puedo; y sabiduría para conocer la diferencia.

Viviendo un día a la vez;

disfrutando un momento a la vez; aceptando dificultades como camino a la paz;

tomando, como lo hizo, este mundo pecaminoso como es, no como yo quisiera;

confiando en que Él hará las cosas bien sí me rindo a su voluntad;

que pueda ser razonablemente feliz en esta vida y supremamente feliz con él para siempre

en el próximo. Amen.

Lunes: Dn 9:4-10; Sal 78:8, 9, 11 y 13; Lc 6:36-38 Martes: 2 Sm 7:4-5, 12-14, 16; Sal 88:2-3, 4-5, 27

y 29; Rm 4:13, 16-18, 22; Mt 1:16, 18-21, 24 o Lc 2:41-51

Miércoles: Jer 18:18-20; Sal 30:5-6, 14-16; Mt 20:17-28

Jueves: Jer 17:5-10; Sal 1:1, 1-2, 3, 4 y 6; Lc 16:19-31

Viernes: Gn 37:3-4, 12-13; 17-28; Sal 104:16-17, 18-19, 20-21; Mt 21:33-43, 45-46

Sábado: Mi 7:14-15, 18-20; Sal 102:1-2, 3-4, 9-10, 11-12; Lc 15:1-3, 11-32

Domingo: Ex 3:1-8a, 13-15; Sal 102:1-2, 3-4, 6-7, 8 y 11; 1 Cor 10:1-6, 10-12; Lc 13:1-9

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Easton Area Catholic Youth Group News & Upcoming Events

Sunday, March 24th – Stations of the Cross Practice 7:00 in Our Lady of Mercy

March 30th - 31st - Palm Cross Orders Due - Help at all Masses

Sunday, March 31tst – Stations of the Cross Practice 7:00 in Our Lady of Mercy

Confirmation Service Hours are available if you help with

Stations of the Cross ****

Follow the Youth Group on Facebook Easton Area Catholic Youth Group

for updated details **********************************************

Cemetery Palm Crosses for Sale The Youth Group will be selling

Cemetery Palm Cross Cost $10

March 23rd & 24th – Order Flyer in the bulletin March 30th & 31st – Orders will be Due

April 6th & 7th – Palm Cross Pick-up after all masses

*********************************************** PREP NEWS

PREP Report Cards The Diocese of Allentown Requires that report cards be issued to the students who attend PREP classes.

This year the PREP report cards will be issued in the Month of March


11st Holy Communion

Parent's Meeting March

24th – 1st Comm. Parent’s Meeting (English) 9:10 in St. Anthony of Padua School Hall

This is a MANDATORY Meeting At least one parent MUST attend.

Grupo de Jóvenes Católicos del Área de Easton

Para detalles actualizados ver en Facebook Grupo de Jóvenes Católicos del Área de

Easton Domingo, 24 de marzo - Práctica de las estaciones de la cruz

7:00 en Nuestra Señora de la Misericordia 30 al 31 de marzo: Ordenes de palmas pagadas:

ayuda en todas las misas

Domingo, 31 de marzo - Práctica de las estaciones de la cruz 7:00 en Nuestra Señora de la Misericordia

Horas de servicio de confirmación

están disponibles si ayudas con Estaciones de la Cruz

Palmeras de Cementerio en venta

El Grupo Juvenil venderá Palmas de cruz para el Cementerio

Costo $ 10 marzo 23 y 24 – Llene el folleto de

orden en el boletín. marzo 30 y 31 - Las órdenes serán entregadas.

abril 6 y 7 – Las Palmas serán Recogidos después de todas las misas


Proyecto PREP domingo

Tarjetas de informe de PREP La Diócesis de Allentown requiere que las calificaciones se envíen a los estudiantes

que asisten a las clases de PREP.

Este año las boletas de calificaciones de PREP se emitirán en el mes de marzo.

1st Primera Santa Comunión

Reunión de Padres

Marzo 17o - 1er. Com. Reunión de padres (español)

9:10 en el Colegio San Antonio de Padua 24 al 1er. Com. Reunión de padres (inglés)

9:10 en el Colegio San Antonio de Padua

Esta es una reunión obligatoria Al menos un padre DEBE asistir.

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Stations of the Cross English – Every Friday during Lent at

7:00 PM Español - Los miércoles durante Cuaresma

a las 6:00 PM Youth Group Living Stations of the Cross

Friday April 12 – 7:00 PM

__________________________________________________________________ OLOM Parish is

participating in the Priority Staples Program to donate

cereal. There is also a monthly Wish

List posted on the bulletin board located in the rear of

the church. If you are able, please donate. We will collect on the first Sunday of every month.

Thank you in advance for your kindness and generosity!

YYear-End Tax Statements will be provided upon

request. Please call the Parish Center Office.

Join us for a Lenten Morning of Reflection

The theme this year is PRAYING THROUGH MUSIC

Learning to listen to the Lord speaking to us through music and song

Sunday, March 23 from 9:00 to 12:00 pm Reflection by Fr. Keith


Rehearsal (7:30 pm): March 21 Mass: March 24 (10:30 am) Lenten Morning of Reflection: March 23 (10:00 am)

________________________________________________ Food

donations will be

collected the First Sunday of every month. We appreciate your help!

__________________________________________________________________ If you would like to schedule a Mass or

Masses for 2019 can do so! All Masses are $10.00 and are announced in the bulletin. Office hours – 8:30 am-3:30 pm Mon. -

Thurs. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________

¡Si desea obtener una Misa para 2019 ya puede hacerlo! Todas las Misas son $10.00.

Son anunciadas en el boletín. Horas de oficina – 8:30am-3:30 pm

Lunes – Jueves

Encounter Lent through Operation Rice Bowl, which are in the back of the church.

Please return cash, checks or make online gifts. Please DO NOT return change to the Parish

office. Thank you for your support and cooperation!

Lighthouse News New arrivals in the Lighthouse

displays! Books and CDs to enrich your Lenten spiritual journey.

Be sure to check it out! ________________________________________________


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Post Abortion Healing Retreat Hurting from a past abortion? Plan to attend the

Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat Weekend, March 22-24, 2019 through Catholic Charities. Within a safe,

confidential, non-judgmental environment, experience God’s healing love, and forgiveness. For more

information or to register call Sr. Meg at 610-332-0442 Ext. 2019, toll free at 1-866-3 Rachel, or

[email protected]


The Commission for Women invite all women to “Breakfast with the Bishop” event on Saturday,

April 6, 2019 beginning with daily Mass at 8 AM at the Cathedral of St. Catharine of Siena, Allentown

followed by Recitation of the Rosary, Breakfast and a Lenten Reflection by Bishop

Schlert. Please join us as we gather together during this season of Lent for Prayer and

Fellowship. To register, visit

. Questions, email [email protected] or call Susan Teaford at 610-207-5763.


Knight's Korner Council #345 Easton, PA

2019 Lenten Fish Dinners -- Fridays 3/8, 3/15, 3/29, 4/5

Severe weather date 3/22/19, if needed

Serving from 4:00 PM--7:00 PM; St Jane's Father Farrell Hall

Tickets sold only at the door _____________________________________

Cost -- Adults $11; Seniors $10; Children 5-12 $6.

Meals include Baked & Fried Fish, French Fries, Mac-n-Cheese, Vegetables, Rolls,

Beverages & Dessert. Soups available for $3 a bowl


Retiro de sanación después del aborto ¿A causa de un aborto en el pasado? Planee asistir el

fin de semana a un retiro de Rachel's Vineyard, marzo de 22 al 24 de 2019 (en español) por medio de

Catholic Charities. En un ambiente seguro, confidencial y sin prejuicios, experimente el amor de

sanación y el perdón de Dios. Para más información o para registrarse, llame al 610-207-8612 sin cargo

al 1-866-3 Rachel o [email protected]


All are welcome to attend celebration of St. Joseph Feast Day “Polka” Mass at 10:30 am on

Saturday, March 23rd at St. Joseph’s Slovenian/Windish (105-year-old Romanesque)

Church located at 417 East 5th Street in Bethlehem. In 2008, several of our European churches in South Side

Bethlehem closed. We invite all Catholics especially those past parishioners of closed South

Side Bethlehem churches an opportunity to re-unite in attending this 11th Anniversary Mass.


SAVE THE DATE!! MAY 19, 2019


Daughters of the Americas Court

Easton #358 WILL BE 100

YEARS OLD!! Look for more information as it

becomes available. ____________________________________________

Nuestros grupos nocturnos de conversación en inglés están discutiendo temas interesantes como

comida, viajes, salud y nuestra religión. ¡Por favor únete a nosotros!

Lunes y/o jueves de 7 pm a 8:30 pm. Pase por la entrada lateral del estacionamiento al centro de la

parroquia. Para información, por favor llame a la oficina

parroquial al 610-252-7381

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Legión de María Les invitamos a participar en el grupo de la Legión de María. Nos reunimos todos los sábados a las 3:30 a 5:00pm, en el cuarto Santos de América. Están cordialmente invitados a participar y cooperar con la expansión del Reinado de Nuestro Señor. ¡Les esperamos!

OLOM Lenten Crib, to benefit Mary's Shelter of the Lehigh Valley is in the Vestibule now thru Easter Sunday. Please check the tags on the clothesline for some of the most

needed items. Also please take a copy of the wish list. Every donation is greatly appreciated! ____________________________________________ Babies Lives are being saved during the Spring Campaign of 40Days for Life. Daily updates and devotional can be found at For local campaign information call Theresa at 610-704-6935 or [email protected] ____________________________________________OLOM Pro-Life Group will be meeting on Tuesday, March 19th at 7:30 PM. in the Saints of the Americas Room. All are welcome.

Holy Family School's Tricky Tray Weekend in the brand-new Holy Family Parish Center

508 W. Center Street, Nazareth, Pa Tricky Tray all 3 Days plus these unique events: Friday, March 22 from 5 to 8 p.m. - Kids' Candy

Bingo Saturday, March 23 from 4-8 p.m. - International

Food Celebration Sunday, March 24 from 8-1 p.m. - Continental

Breakfast with the Easter Bunny For more info, visit:


St. Francis Center for Renewal

395 Bridle Path Road Bethlehem, PA 18017


March 20 Lenten Taize 6:45 — 9:00PM (Retreat Center Chapel) Freewill Offering is welcomed. Join us for an evening of prayer that will include Taize music, scripture readings and periods of tranquil silence led by Sr. Barbara DeStefano and Sr. Anita Kuchera ________________________________________________________________________________________


If you have received an adverse Prenatal Diagnosis …You are not alone. There is help.

The Diocese of Allentown has a network of concerned parents and professionals who have experienced or

worked closely with issues surrounding adverse prenatal diagnosis. For support, contact: Sr. Janice Marie Johnson, [email protected] or 610-289-8900 x 2280


“God’s Remedy for Our Sins” A Lenten Reflection by Sr. Gaudia Skass, OLM

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SCRIP Check out the website below & see what gift cards are

available! Let the Scrip Team know & we can special order.

¡Mire el sitio de Internet para ver que tarjetas están disponibles!


________________________________________________ WEEK 3/23 – 3/24

Sat. 4:30 – Sharon DiFelice Sun. 8:00 – Marge Niski Sun. 10:30 – Maurine Cianci Sun. 12:00 – Alit Ramírez & Margarita Palacios g

Women’s Guild Save the Date: April 27 – 28 p

Basket Raffle/Tricky Tray yMay 17 – 19 y

Spring Clothing Drive

The Scrip Team is looking for volunteers to help sell gift cards especially at the 8:00 and 10:30

Masses. The obligation is usually only one Mass a month for 15-20 minutes before and after Mass.

Please call Sally Lerch at 610-252-0202 or the church office.


Spaghetti Dinner

TThank You to all those who helped to make the Spaghetti Dinner such a success:

Paul Rinaldi, the Our Lady of Mercy Women’s Guild, and all those who donated.

Because of all their efforts, we were able to serve over 150 people

and raise $1,684.00

_Gift Cards_

AMAZON.COM $ 25.00 APPLEBEES $ 25.00

ARBY’S $ 10.00 BARNES & NOBLE $ 25.00


BED BATH & BEYOND $ 25.00 BEST BUY $ 25.00 BOSCOV'S $ 25.00

BURGER KING $ 10.00 CABELA’S $ 25.00

CRACKER BARREL $ 25.00 CVS $ 25.00

DOMINO’S PIZZA $ 10.00 DUNKIN DONUTS $ 10.00 / $ 25.00

GIANT $25.00/ $50.00 /$100.00 HOME DEPOT $ 25.00 / $ 100.00

iTunes $ 15.00 / $ 25.00 KOHLS $ 25.00

LL BEAN $ 25.00 LOWE'S $ 25.00 / $ 100.00


PANERA'S $10.00 / $25.00 PETSMART $ 25.00 RED ROBIN $ 25.00 REDNER'S $25.00/ $50.00

REGAL CINEMAS $ 10.50 / $ 25.00 SHOPRITE $ 25.00 / $ 100.00

STARBUCKS $ 10.00 SUBWAY $ 10.00 TARGET $ 25.00



HOME GOODS $ 25.00 WALMART/SAM’S $ 25.00 / $ 100.00

WAWA $ 25.00 WEGMAN’S $25.00/ $50.00

WEIS $ 25.00 / $ 100.00 WENDY’S $ 10.00

Page 11: OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH · OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH March 17, 2019 3 204 Upcoming Ministry Schedule for: 17 – Sunday Mar 23th & Mar 24th 4:30 pm Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Skip


11 204

Seeking new singers! Our parish Music Ministry is blessed

with two choirs for our English Masses. But during the last year or so, several of

our choir members have moved out of the area and are no longer with us. So, we are looking for new singers. The ability to read music is not required. Several of our choir members have no

formal music training. So please consider joining one or both of our choirs to keep our Music Ministry alive and thriving! Just leave your

contact information with our parish office and I will be happy to discuss with you when our choirs

sing, how often we rehearse, etc.

De Sales University Accounting Students to Provide Free Tax Preparation Assistance

Center Valley, PA Beginning Monday January 21 through

Friday March 29. To schedule an appointment call at 610-282-1100 ext.1868

DeSales University 2755 Station Avenue

Center Valley, PA 18034 __________________________________________________________________

ICF 101 – Christian Anthropology. What does it mean to be human? This course will examine who God is as the One who seeks to share Himself with His creation. A brief survey of Salvation History will be traced to Jesus Christ, the Redeemer who saves humanity, and teaches us what it means to

be a human person. This course will be presented by Rev. Eric Gruber and is scheduled from 7:00PM-9:00PM, on Thursdays, March 14, 21, 28 & April 4, 2019 at St. Francis Center for

Renewal, Bethlehem. Cost: $30. Register at *ICF Courses are meant for any adult Catholic

looking to grow deeper and learn more about the Faith. There are no prerequisites for these


Career Expos

WORK IN OUR SCHOOLS! Join the Diocese of Allentown Catholic Schools at a Regional Career Fair on Sunday, March 24, 2019 to learn about how you can work

in our schools! Come to either the Berks/Schuylkill County Career Expo at Berks Catholic High School 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.

or the Lehigh/Northampton/Carbon Career Expo at Bethlehem Catholic High School 2 p.m. to 4 p.m.


ICF 104 — The Sacraments. The Sacraments are intimate, personal encounters between God and His people. This

course will present an overview of these signs of God's love for us, by which He makes a personal connection with us

and conveys grace - His very life within us. This course will be presented by Heather Maigur and is scheduled from

7:00PM-9:00 PM, on Wednesdays, March 20, 27, April 3 & 10, 2019, at St. Francis Center for Renewal, Bethlehem.

Cost: $30. Register at *ICF Courses are meant for any adult Catholic looking to grow deeper and learn more about the Faith. There are no

prerequisites for these courses.*

Page 12: OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH · OUR LADY OF MERCY PARISH March 17, 2019 3 204 Upcoming Ministry Schedule for: 17 – Sunday Mar 23th & Mar 24th 4:30 pm Celebrant: Fr. Keith Lector: Skip

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