

March 6, 2016

Dr. Tim S. Smith

Our Need For Contentment

Scripture Passage: John 6:26-27, 35-40

The Point: Jesus is the Bread of life who gives us true satisfaction.

I. Introduction

A. Six-week study entitled More Than Enough: How Jesus Meets Our Deepest Needs by

Dr. Jeff Iorg. He is the president at Gateway Seminary in California.

1. Through our relationship with Christ we experience contentment.

2. Our daily walk with Christ should be an encouragement for other believers to do

the same.

3. Our contentment in Christ points others to something the world cannot offer.

B. People want more but it is never enough.

C. Jesus had just fed the 5,000 and the crowds were still looking for Him.

II. John 6:26-27

A. The people were looking for Jesus because they wanted physical satisfaction but Jesus

wanted them to have much more. (see v. 25)

B. They were also looking for Him because they wanted to make Him king. (see v. 15)

C. Signs = the true spiritual reality that Jesus desired for the people to gain from the

experience of the feeding of 5,000.

D. Work = this is not saying we must earn our salvation but rather “giving ourselves or

dedicating efforts.”

E. Jesus stated that God has authorized, approved and authenticated Him as the Messiah.

III. John 6:35

A. The people were still confused (v. 28) and were demanding another sign (v. 30) even

after the feeding of 5,000.

B. One of the famous “I am” statements… the bread of life.

C. Jesus and Jesus alone is the provider of life. They wanted bread but Jesus is the

bread/sustainer of life.

D. “come to and believes in Me” = to trust Him, to surrender to Him, to place our faith in


E. Everything else will only provide a temporary satisfaction but Jesus gives contentment

and fulfillment that will last for all eternity.

IV. John 6:36-40

A. The crowd had witnessed the miracles but still didn’t believe, trust or surrender. They

wanted Jesus on their terms.

B. Those who place their trust/faith in Christ will never be cast out.

C. The real miracle/sign is that God took on human form and came to earth!

D. If we know Jesus as our savior we will have an eternal home in heaven.

V. Teaching Application

A. Creating Interest Idea(s)

1. Ask the group to respond the to the following question, “What is your favorite

snack?” After the group has had time to respond that today’s study will focus on

how Jesus completely satisfies.

2. Bring in several magazines and provide a copy for each member or two. Instruct

them to find an advertisement that attempts to make the point that we are

missing out if we don’t have their product. After several in the group have

shared state that today’s study will explore the claims of Jesus of how He

completely satisfies.

B. Important Points to Communicate from Scripture

1. People seek satisfaction through things that will not endure.

2. Only in Jesus do we discover complete contentment for all eternity.

3. We must put our faith in Christ to experience true contentment.

C. Living the Lesson in Daily Life

1. There may be some in your class or group that have never truly trusted Christ as

their Savior and Lord. Offer an invitation and lead the group in a prayer time to

surrender to Christ as Savior.

2. Challenge the class to identify something that they have been pursuing in an

attempt to find contentment. Give that up to the Lord and commit to make

Christ the top priority in your life.

Dr. Smith serves as a state missionary with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board and is the Specialist for Groups and Faith

Development. Visit their websites at or for more information and other resources to aid

your Sunday School or small group. You can also connect with Dr. Smith at, or Dr. Smith’s email address is [email protected].


March 13, 2016

Dr. Tim S. Smith

Our Need For Direction

Scripture Passage: John 8:12-19

The Point: Jesus is the Light who reveals the way we should go.

I. Introduction

A. Jesus had been preaching and teaching but now the truth of His teachings were leading

the people to ask how they were to live or obey.

B. They didn’t know which way to go, they needed direction.

II. John 8:12

A. Jesus had instructed His disciples to return to Jerusalem for The Feast of Tabernacles.


B. The significance of the four large golden candlesticks.

C. Darkness = evil, light = good or even God.

D. Light provides guidance.

E. World = the people.

III. John 8:13-15

A. The Pharisees were those that had led Judaism away from sacrifice and to a religion of

observance of the Law.

B. They questioned what Jesus was saying because He had no one present to backup His


C. Jesus responded with legal terms. There was no fault in His words but only their

unwillingness to accept Jesus as the Messiah.

D. There was no faith expressed by the Pharisees.

IV. John 8:16-19

A. Did Jesus contradict Himself in v. 15? No. He was stating His primary purpose in

coming was to bring salvation.

B. Judgment of God is based on an individual’s belief or non-belief in Christ.

C. The Old Testament required two witnesses and Jesus says His word and His Father

validate His testimony.

D. Jesus told the Pharisees that they did not know God even though they claimed to very


V. Teaching Application

A. Creating Interest Idea(s)

1. Turn the lights off in the room. It’s not necessary for the room to be completely

dark. Ask the group why they want the lights on in the room? After they have

shared state that today’s lesson will focus on how Jesus is our light and how He

provides direction for our lives.

2. Invite the group to turn on whatever lights they have with them. They may use

their smartphones or even have a small light on their keychain or in the

pocketbook. Ask them why they have this light. After the group has shared

state that todays study will examine how Jesus is our light and how He

provides direction for our lives.

B. Important Points to Communicate from Scripture

1. Jesus provides for us direction so that we may walk the pathway of faith and not


2. Jesus’ testimony about Himself is true and trustworthy.

3. Jesus is the light that reveals God the Father.

C. Living the Lesson in Daily Life

1. Challenge the group to identify other things that they are using to provide

direction for their lives. These would be those things that are substitutes for

Jesus. Encourage them to allow Jesus to be their source for direction.

2. Give each person a post-it-note and ask them to write the name a person that

doesn’t know Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. Commit to pray for that

person that they would come to know the Light of the World.

Dr. Smith serves as a state missionary with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board and is the Specialist for Groups and Faith

Development. Visit their websites at or for more information and other resources to aid

your Sunday School or small group. You can also connect with Dr. Smith at, or Dr. Smith’s email address is [email protected].


March 20, 2016

Dr. Tim S. Smith

Our Need For Protection

Scripture Passage: John 10:7-15, 27-30

The Point: Jesus is the only One who offers us ultimate protection.

I. Introduction

A. Safety and security are important issues for all of us.

B. The Jewish people understood sheep, shepherds and shepherding.

C. Background = Jesus had healed a blind man in 9:1-12 and the Pharisees were mad

because it occurred on a Sabbath.

II. John 10:7-10

A. Jesus was making a very strong emphasis with His statements.

B. Shepherds would construct a temporary sheepfold with only one opening and then

they would place themselves at the access point.

1. They controlled the sheep coming in.

2. They provided protection by keeping the enemies out.

3. They made sure that the sheep stayed in.

C. “All who have come before me...” = is a reference to the Pharisees. Jesus called them

thieves and robbers.

D. It is only through Jesus that we experience all that life has to offer.

III. John 10:11-13

A. Jesus said that He was willing to die in providing protection for His sheep.

B. Jesus said that there are two types of bad shepherds.

1. The hired helped that runs away when troubles comes.

2. The wolf that causes the damage to the sheep.

C. The shepherd that was doing it for a paycheck will run away because he really does

not care for the sheep.

IV. John 10:14 -15, 27-30

A. Again Jesus says He is the good shepherd and again we hear the theme of laying down

a life.

B. When we allow Jesus to be the shepherd of our life, He knows us and we will

recognize His direction in our lives.

C. At the moment of our salvation Jesus gives us eternal life that can never be taken


D. Both the Father and the Son work together to protect our salvation and us.

V. Teaching Application

A. Creating Interest Idea(s)

1. Ask the group to write on the board their answer(s) to the question: “What are

the things that people are afraid of losing and seek protection for?” After

allowing a few minutes for people to respond state that today’s study will help

us better understand that Jesus is the only one that offers real protection.

2. Many of those in your group have a security system for their home or business.

Ask them to think about a “false alarm” situation and to share a brief summary

of their experience. After allowing a couple to share their stories say that our

session today will demonstrate that only Jesus offers us real protection.

B. Important Points to Communicate from Scripture

1. Jesus is the only way for us to enter into a full life.

2. Jesus is the one who gave His life because He cares for us.

3. Jesus is the one that keeps us secure.

C. Living the Lesson in Daily Life

1. Ask the group to identify any fears that may be keeping them from experiencing

true security in their faith. Allow time for personal reflection and encourage

them to turn that fear over to God. Close in Prayer.

2. There may be some in your class/group that struggles with assurance of

salvation. Spend so time explaining eternal security (see the Baptist Faith and

Message, article V) and read Romans 8:38-39. Close in prayer.

Dr. Smith serves as a state missionary with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board and is the Specialist for Groups and Faith

Development. Visit their websites at or for more information and other resources to aid

your Sunday School or small group. You can also connect with Dr. Smith at, or Dr. Smith’s email address is [email protected].


March 27, 2016 - EASTER

Dr. Tim S. Smith

Our Need For Hope

Scripture Passage: John 11:17-27

The Point: Jesus is the resurrection who gives us life now and forever.

I. Introduction

A. We are all going to die and it will occur no matter what we eat, whether we exercise or

even make wise life style decisions. This body will come to a put when it can no

longer function. That is very hopeless.

B. Jesus tells us that we can live forever and that death can have no power over us.

C. Background = Lazarus was dying so his sister sent for Jesus. He makes the most

powerful “I am” statement and then brings Lazarus back to life. His claim and the

resurrection of Lazarus is what cause the religious leaders to determine to kill Jesus.

II. John 11:17-24

A. Jesus probably got the message of Lazarus’ sickness on the same day that he died.

B. The Jews bury their dead on the same day of their death. Their Rabbis also taught that

the soul lingered for three days hoping to reunite with the body but it departs after

seeing the beginning of decay.

C. Many had gathered since it was so near to Jerusalem.

D. Martha was more active and Mary was more reflective.

E. Martha’s response is very similar to the popular opinion of today; everything will

work out in the end.

III. John 11:25-26a

A. Jesus said He was the resurrection, not that He could raise someone from the dead.

1. Eternal life begins now.

2. Death has no power over Jesus.

3. Real living only comes through Jesus.

B. Believe = to have faith in, to commit to one’s trust, be committed to, to entrust.”

C. Jesus is not contradicting Himself. He is speaking of the physical death first and then

He speaks of the spiritual death.

IV. John 11:26b-27

A. Jesus offered Martha the opportunity to respond. Do you believe this?

B. The Jewish people had been looking for the Messiah for generations and now Martha

says that Jesus is the one that has been sent into the world from God.

C. This profession of faith and later proclamation of faith in Christ was preparing her for

what was ahead.

D. Tell the rest of the story 28-44.

V. Teaching Application

A. Creating Interest Idea(s)

1. Ask everyone to find two others and share the answer to this question, “I hope

that ____________?” After allowing a few minutes for everyone to share bring

the group back together and state that in today’s study we discover our source

for real hope.

2. Ask the group, “When you blow out the candles on your birthday cake, what do

you hope for, what do you wish for?” After allowing some discussion state that

today’s study will help us see that Jesus is our only hope.

B. Important Points to Communicate from Scripture

1. We can have assurance of the resurrection and life after death.

2. We can have eternal life right now through Christ.

3. We can have the hope of a new life when we receive Him as savior and lord.

C. Living the Lesson in Daily Life

1. This is an evangelistic lesson. Use Jesus’ question to Martha to ask the entire

group if they believe. Ask for a response and then lead the group through the

following pray…

“Dear God, I know I am a sinner and have rebelled against You. I believe Jesus died for my sin

and only through faith in His death and resurrection can I be forgiven. I now turn from my sin

and ask Jesus to come into my life as my Savior and Lord. From this day forward, I will choose

to follow Jesus. Thank You, lord, for loving me and forgiving me. In Jesus’ name I pray,


Dr. Smith serves as a state missionary with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board and is the Specialist for Groups and Faith

Development. Visit their websites at or for more information and other resources to aid

your Sunday School or small group. You can also connect with Dr. Smith at, or Dr. Smith’s email address is [email protected].


April 3, 2016

Dr. Tim S. Smith

Our Need For Peace

Scripture Passage: John 14:1-7

The Point: Jesus is the way to the Father; therefore, we can live in peace.

I. Introduction

A. We live in very troubling times. The newspaper headlines and TV news reports are

full of stories that cause us to be fearful. Apart from Christ, any one of these issues

could cause anxiety.

B. In John 14 we are approaching the last few days of Jesus’ life on earth.

II. John 14:1

A. Jesus did not say He would remove us from the troubles.

B. The heart was representative of all that was within a person, their deepest inner life.

C. Jesus had just told them that one of them would betray Him. Troubled = a storm on

the sea.

D. Jesus affirmed their strong faith in God the Father. That same trust in Jesus would be

called on in the coming days.

III. John 14:2-4

A. This was a difficult conversation for the disciples to grasp. Their first thought was not

of heaven. The point is not an opulent mansion but rather the dwelling place of God.

B. Jesus had just told them that they would betray Him but now He is healing their hurts

by saying they would live with Him.

C. He would be leaving them and the purpose for His departure was to prepare their place

in heaven.

D. Since He had prepared a place them then it makes sense that He would bring them to


IV. John 14:5-7

A. Thomas was asking for a specific route to a destination but Jesus said that the journey

of faith in Him was the way.

B. Jesus said that He is truth = 100% integrity.

C. Not just another option for living but the only life.

D. Jesus says that He is the exclusive and only pathway to God and heaven.

V. Teaching Application

A. Creating Interest Idea(s)

1. Ask the group to respond to the following question, “Where do you feel at

peace the most?” After all owing a few minutes for responses state that today’s

study will show us that Jesus is the source for real peace.

2. Write on the board “I’m troubled the most about _____________?” Invite the

group to record their answers on the board as everyone is arriving. At the

beginning of your session state that there is a lot in this world that causes us

anxiety but in our Bible study today we will discover that Jesus is our only way

to know real peace.

B. Important Points to Communicate from Scripture

1. Faith in Jesus keeps us from being troubled.

2. We can trust that Jesus is preparing a permanent place for us in heaven.

3.The only way to enjoy that home in heaven is through faith in Jesus.

C. Living the Lesson in Daily Life

1. Challenge your class/group to spend time everyday this week thanking God for

the permanent home in heaven they have waiting for them when they die. Also

challenge them to tell someone this week what that peace means to them.

2. Print John 14:6 on index cards and give to each group member. Challenge them

to memorize this verse during the next week. Also challenge them to share that

verse with a friend this week.

Dr. Smith serves as a state missionary with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board and is the Specialist for Groups and Faith

Development. Visit their websites at or for more information and other resources to aid

your Sunday School or small group. You can also connect with Dr. Smith at, or Dr. Smith’s email address is [email protected].


April 10, 2016

Dr. Tim S. Smith

Our Need For Purpose

Scripture Passage: John 15:1-8

The Point: Jesus is the vine who empowers us to live productive lives for God.

I. Introduction

A. We live in a very busy time. We fill-up our calendars with activities such as work,

church, sports, community events, school, family, etc. Some people take pride in how

busy they are and even brag about it.

B. It was the evening of the last supper in the upper room. Judas had left the group to

betray Jesus and now He was teaching His disciples.

II. John 15:1-3

A. The people were very familiar with the gardening terms and practices.

B. Jesus said He was the “true vine” so we understand that there are some “vines” that are


C. The branch has no existence apart from the vine. Jesus is our source for life.

D. Dead branches are removed for the good of the entire plant.

E. Jesus told the disciples that they had already been “pruned” through the words He had

shared with them. They didn’t fully understand everything yet.

III. John 15:4-7

A. Remain in me and I in him = maintaining our relationship with Him.

B. In order for us to be productive we must be connected to Christ. If we are being

unproductive then we need to access our relationship with Christ.

C. “… thrown into the fire and burned…” does not refer to salvation but to an

unproductive disciple.

D. The closer we get to God the more our desires become like His desires.

IV. John 15:8

A. This verse is our mission, our purpose and our focus!

1. We do all to point others to God and glorify Him, not ourselves.

2. We are to grow. The plant must grow to bear fruit and the same is true of us.

We must grow spiritually and we must be increasing in the results of our

spiritual growth. There should be more followers of Christ as the result of my

spiritual growth.

3. We must be public in profession of faith and proclamation of Christ. This is not

a private matter because Jesus tells us to go public. There is action required.

V. Teaching Application

A. Creating Interest Idea(s)

1. Ask the group to call out their activities from the previous week. Record their

responses on the board. After making the list remind the group of our purpose

in life. Now ask the group to check off the activities that helped us to achieve

that purpose. Share with the group the point for this study.

2. Divide the group into two teams. The contest is to see which group has the most

items with them that aid them in being more productive. Allow 60 seconds for

them to identify their items and count. Call for a number and declare the

winner. State that in today’s study we will see that Jesus is who helps us be the

most effective.

B. Important Points to Communicate from Scripture

1. God prunes us so that we can be more productive for Him.

2. We will only be productive when we are connected to Christ.

3. When we grow spiritually God is glorified.

C. Living the Lesson in Daily Life

1. Print the following statement on cards and provide for each member. “Even on

our busiest days, remember that Jesus alone is our Source for purpose in our

lives. We must choose to remain in Him and allow His power to produce fruit

for His glory.”

2. Challenge your group to identify those activities that are conducted in personal

abilities and seek to replace them with those that demonstrate a dependence on


Dr. Smith serves as a state missionary with the Georgia Baptist Mission Board and is the Specialist for Groups and Faith

Development. Visit their websites at or for more information and other resources to aid

your Sunday School or small group. You can also connect with Dr. Smith at, or Dr. Smith’s email address is [email protected].

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