Page 1: Our Team Message From Radhika - Belmont Village...1039 E. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Phone 408-720-8498 Fax 408-720-8499 Belmont Village of Sunnyvale January 2016 Our Team

1039 E. El Camino Real • Sunnyvale, CA 94087 • Phone 408-720-8498 • Fax 408-720-8499

Belmont Village of Sunnyvale

January 2016

Our Team

Radhika SinghExecutive [email protected] GetuizaDir. of Residential Care [email protected] SorensenCommunity [email protected] TorresCommunity [email protected] NguyenMemory Programs [email protected] VuActivity Programs [email protected] SembranoMulti-Unit Chef [email protected] ThomasHuman Resources [email protected] BurdanBuilding [email protected]: (408) 720-8498Fax: (408) 720-8499

Message From RadhikaHappy New Year, Residents and

Families!Last year certainly passed us by

in record speed. Every year I reflecton how I can make the new yearbetter than my last. As I have beenworking on spending more timereading books instead of watchingtelevision, I ended my year withthe book 7 Habits of HighlyEffective People by Stephen Covey.In the book he explains a conceptcalled “Sharpening the Saw,”which means working on yourgreatest asset, which is you. Thereare four major areas to help renewyour life, which are: Physical:healthy eating, exercising, andresting. Mental: Learning, reading,writing, and teaching. Spiritual:Spending time in nature,expanding your spiritual selfthrough meditation, music, art,prayer, or service. Social/Emotional: Making social andmeaningful connections withothers. Covey teaches us thatwhen you focus on these areas,you are able to handle challengesaround you and improve your

productivity. It’s all about balance.I encourage all of you to

evaluate these four areas in yourlife and begin the self-reflectionrenewing process. This is acontinuous process that doesn’ttake one year, but a lifetime.

Building UpdatesDuring the month of

December, we welcomed thegrand opening of our SecondFloor Neighborhood. As many ofyou are aware, we took a wing ofour second floor and converted itinto an additional memory careunit. The back elevator hasbecome a secured elevator anddoes not stop on the second floorwithout an access code, but stillcan be utilized to access floorsone, three, and four without acode. Also, construction of anadditional laundry room on thesecond floor began and will soonbe ready for use for the remainingresidents living on the secondfloor who are not residing in thesecond Neighborhood.

Another improvement that wasmade to our community was theinstallation of complimentaryWiFi service for our residents andguests. Please visit the Conciergefor access to the WiFi service andbe on the lookout for additionalimprovements in the new year!

Wishing you a great 2016!Radhika SinghExecutive Director

Page 2: Our Team Message From Radhika - Belmont Village...1039 E. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Phone 408-720-8498 Fax 408-720-8499 Belmont Village of Sunnyvale January 2016 Our Team

January Birthdays

ResidentsJan. 1 Cliff SkinnerJan. 3 Rosebud QuongJan. 5 Kazuyo RobertsonJan. 12 Frank GarciaJan. 13 Joann KerriganJan. 15 Patrick McMahonJan. 17 LA FulghamJan. 20 Carla DukeJan. 24 Bessie WongJan. 27 Kitty Peterson

Blessed are those who can givewithout remembering and take

without forgetting.-Elizabeth Bibesco

EmployeesJan. 6 Francis GarsulaJan. 7 Edna GesslerJan. 9 Omar QawasmiJan. 15 Aleli EspinozaJan. 16 Rosana SobrevillaJan. 18 Delia PilapilJan. 24 Dulce MonjeJan. 27 Shawna ThomasJan. 30 Romeo SembranoJan. 31 Lorry Belviz

Celebration of the Lifeand Work of Dr. Martin

Luther King Jr.Come join us for a special day tocelebrate the life and work of Dr.

Martin Luther King Jr., whochampioned peaceful protests andworked with other leaders to giveall Americans civil rights. On this

day, we’re going to screen adocumentary on his life and work,& have a lunch to commemorate.

Martin Luther King Jr. DayEvents:

Monday, Jan. 18Lunch at 11 am

Documentary & Discussion at2:45 pm

Peterson School’s Glee Club singingholidays wishes to the residents.

Inter-GenerationalHolidays Gatherings

Stephanie, a faithful studentvolunteer, singing carols.

Jamie Azevedo

Employee of the MonthCongratulations to Jamie Azevedo, January’s

Employee of the Month.Jamie has the history-making distinction of

being the first Neighborhood staff nominatedfor Employee of the Month. She is anEnrichment Leader and is well appreciated byall for her super vibrant personality and deepcare for the residents.

Jamie has a degree in journalism, but herpassion is in the arts and photography. Sheenjoys spending time with her husband andoriginally comes from North Carolina.

Page 3: Our Team Message From Radhika - Belmont Village...1039 E. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Phone 408-720-8498 Fax 408-720-8499 Belmont Village of Sunnyvale January 2016 Our Team

Jean delivering a letter to Santa atChristmas in the Park.

Circle of FriendsI strongly believe that whatever

circumstances we find ourselvesin, we can choose to be contentand accepting of the life we have.The Circle of Friends residentshave taught me that we can beexpressive without fear of beingjudged or treated differently. Theresidents here love unabashedly,are adventurous, speak theirminds, and live as if each day isbrand-new. One of our Circle ofFriends residents once said to me,“We are all unique and we shouldbe proud of that fact.” I agreewholeheartedly. Those who acceptus and support us are the ones wewant in our lives. Even though theresidents go through somechallenges, there are moments ofjoviality and harmony. Thechallenges pave the way forpersonal growth and building ofcharacter. What better way to startoff the new year than to have ajoyous, fulfilled, and blissfuldisposition? You really can havethat little piece of heaven nomatter what happens.

Neighborhood NewsWhat does it mean to learn to

live? I ask that question every dayI observe and spend time with theresidents in both Neighborhoods.I look at all the things that peopletend to take for granted: theability to utilize all five senses, tobe ambulatory, to have certainfreedoms and to be independent.We learn to live by accepting whowe are; by continuing to learn andgrow; by being open to otherpossibilities; by having thecourage to hold onto our beliefsand values; by making peace withchange; by being generous andcompassionate. Lastly, we want tolive with purpose. To find thatpurpose is an individual journey.

“We are visitors on this planet.We are here for ninety or onehundred years at the very most.During that period, we must try to dosomething good, something useful,with our lives. If you contribute toother people’s happiness, you will findthe true goal, the true meaning oflife.” –H.H. The 14th Dalai Lama

A sharing moment between Jesusand Gertrude.

Fitness CornerAre You at Risk for Falls

Factors linked to increasinga person’s fall risk include:

• Muscle Weakness (in legs)and Balance Impairments

• Vision Deficits (changes invision, visual sensitivity,and depth perception)

• Foot Problems (bunions,hammertoes, gout, diabeticulcers, toenail problems)

• Impaired Sensation(diabetic neuropathies,sensory issues due to spinalproblems, sensory deficitsdue to past stroke orneurological condition)

• Postural Hypotension(changes in blood pressurefrom standing up or lyingdown)

• Confusion• FOF (Fear of Falling)• Medications (under

medicating, overmedicating, or side effectsof a medication)

• Polypharmacy (using 4medications; simultaneoususe of multiple drugs totreat a single ailment ofcondition)

• Urinary frequency andincontinence

• Vitamin deficiencyQuestions Contact:Naseem Syed, DPT

Program Director – Rehab Care408-481-9711

Page 4: Our Team Message From Radhika - Belmont Village...1039 E. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Phone 408-720-8498 Fax 408-720-8499 Belmont Village of Sunnyvale January 2016 Our Team

January 2016TH Town Hall CY CourtyardJK Josephine's Kitchen MBACL Center for LearningGR Great RoomPT Pool Table

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Please see Daily ActivitySheets as dates & times aresubject to change.

Due to limited calendar space,activities on Sunday 24 & 30 areshared.

New Year's Day 19:30 CY Garden Club9:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:15 TH Beginning Drawing11:00 JK New Year’s Day Lunch12:00 Outing12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity

1:30 TH Balance Training2:00 TH Cultural Explorers5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

29:30 TH Bridge

10:00 GR Donuts & Coffee10:30 Neighborhood Scenic Drive10:30 TH Poker1:00 TH Bingo2:30 COF Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social3:00 TH Special Documentary5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

39:30 Church Trips

10:00 GR Morning Devotion1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Sunday Matinee2:30 Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social3:45 TH Wii6:00 GR Brain Games

49:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:30 TH Coloring for Adults12:30 TH Wii1:30 PT Billiards/Table Tennis Club2:00 TH Balance Training2:45 TH Special Film Screening5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

59:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 CL Computer Drop-In10:30 TH Tai Chi (Seated Session)11:15 TH Tai Chi (Standing Session)1:30 TH Arts & Crafts2:00 JK Chef Chat2:30 TH Bridge3:30 TH Poker5:30 GR Trivia

69:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 TH Catholic Mass10:30 TH Marketplace

1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Balance Training3:00 JK Wine & Cheese w/ Danny Kennedy5:30 TH Bible Study5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

79:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 JK Book Club10:00 TH Dancing Around the World10:30 JK In the News12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity1:30 TH Low Impact Aerobics2:00 CL Computer Drop-In2:00 TH Mahjong3:00 GR Share A Pet w/ Suzie & Kimi3:30 TH Spades5:30 GR Trivia

89:30 CY Garden Club9:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:15 TH Beginning Drawing12:00 Outing12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity12:00 TH New Resident Lunch

1:30 TH Balance Training2:00 TH Cultural Explorers5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

99:30 TH Bridge

10:00 GR Donuts & Coffee10:30 TH Poker10:30 Neighborhood Scenic Drive

1:00 TH Bingo2:30 COF Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

109:30 Church Trips

10:00 GR Morning Devotion1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Sunday Matinee2:30 Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social3:45 TH Wii6:00 GR Brain Games

119:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:30 TH Flower Arranging12:30 TH Wii1:30 PT Billiards/Table Tennis Club2:00 TH Balance Training2:45 TH Special Film Screening5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

129:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 CL Computer Drop-In10:30 TH Tai Chi (Seated Session)11:15 TH Tai Chi (Standing Session)1:30 TH Arts & Crafts2:30 TH Bridge3:30 TH Poker5:30 GR Trivia

139:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 TH Communion for Catholics10:30 TH Investment Club

1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Resident Council2:30 TH Activity Chat3:00 JK Wine & Cheese w/ Madeline Gospel5:30 TH Bible Study5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

149:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 JK Book Club10:30 JK In the News12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity

1:30 TH Low Impact Aerobics2:00 CL Computer Drop-In2:00 TH Mahjong3:00 GR Share A Pet w/ Suzie & Kimi3:30 TH Spades5:30 GR Trivia

159:30 CY Garden Club9:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:15 TH Beginning Drawing12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity12:00 Outing

1:30 TH Balance Training2:00 TH Cultural Explorers3:30 TH Shabbat Services5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

169:30 TH Bridge

10:00 GR Donuts & Coffee10:30 Neighborhood Scenic Drive10:30 TH Poker1:00 TH Bingo2:30 COF Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social3:00 TH Special Documentary5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

179:30 Church Trips

10:00 GR Morning Devotion1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Sunday Matinee2:30 Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social3:45 TH Wii6:00 GR Brain Games

Martin Luther King Jr. Day 189:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:30 TH Coloring for Adults11:00 JK Martin Luther King Jr. Lunch12:30 TH Wii

1:30 PT Billiards/Table Tennis Club2:00 TH Balance Training2:45 TH Special Film Screening5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

199:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 CL Computer Drop-In10:30 GR Furry Friends10:30 TH Tai Chi (Seated Session)11:15 TH Tai Chi (Standing Session)1:30 TH Arts & Crafts2:30 TH Bridge3:30 TH Poker5:30 GR Trivia

209:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 TH Communion for Catholics10:30 TH Marketplace1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Balance Training3:00 JK Wine & Cheese w/ Lee Allen5:30 GR Trivia5:30 TH Bible Study6:00 GR Brain Games

219:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 JK Book Club10:30 JK In the News12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity1:00 TH Chef Demo1:30 TH Low Impact Aerobics2:00 CL Computer Drop-In2:00 TH Mahjong3:00 GR Share A Pet w/ Suzie & Kimi3:30 TH Spades5:30 GR Trivia

229:30 CY Garden Club9:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:15 TH Beginning Drawing12:00 Outing12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity

1:30 TH Balance Training2:00 TH Cultural Explorers5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

239:30 TH Bridge

10:00 GR Donuts & Coffee10:30 TH Poker10:30 Neighborhood Scenic Drive

1:00 TH Bingo2:30 COF Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

249:30 Church Trips

10:00 GR Morning Devotion1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Sunday Matinee2:30 Scenic Drive

313:00 GR Weekly Social3:45 TH Wii6:00 GR Brain Games

259:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:30 TH Flower Arranging12:30 TH Wii1:30 PT Billiards/Table Tennis Club2:00 TH Balance Training2:45 TH Special Film Screening5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

269:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 CL Computer Drop-In10:30 TH Tai Chi (Seated Session)11:15 TH Tai Chi (Standing Session)1:30 TH Arts & Crafts2:30 TH Bridge3:30 TH Poker5:30 GR Trivia

279:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 TH Communion for Catholics10:30 TH Investment Club1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Balance Training3:00 JK Wine & Cheese w/ Gregory Taylor5:30 GR Trivia5:30 TH Bible Study6:00 GR Brain Games

289:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 JK Book Club10:30 JK In the News12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity

1:30 TH Low Impact Aerobics2:00 CL Computer Drop-In2:00 TH Mahjong3:00 GR Share A Pet w/ Suzie & Kimi3:30 TH Spades5:30 GR Trivia

299:30 TH Let’s Get Fit9:30 CY Garden Club

10:15 TH Beginning Drawing11:00 JK Birthday Celebration12:00 Outing12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity

1:30 TH Balance Training2:00 TH Cultural Explorers5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

309:30 TH Bridge

10:00 GR Donuts & Coffee10:30 TH Poker10:30 Neighborhood Scenic Drive

1:00 TH Bingo2:30 COF Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

January 2016TH Town Hall CY CourtyardJK Josephine's Kitchen MBACL Center for LearningGR Great RoomPT Pool Table

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

Please see Daily ActivitySheets as dates & times aresubject to change.

Due to limited calendar space,activities on Sunday 24 & 30 areshared.

New Year's Day 19:30 CY Garden Club9:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:15 TH Beginning Drawing11:00 JK New Year’s Day Lunch12:00 Outing12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity

1:30 TH Balance Training2:00 TH Cultural Explorers5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

29:30 TH Bridge

10:00 GR Donuts & Coffee10:30 Neighborhood Scenic Drive10:30 TH Poker1:00 TH Bingo2:30 COF Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social3:00 TH Special Documentary5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

39:30 Church Trips

10:00 GR Morning Devotion1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Sunday Matinee2:30 Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social3:45 TH Wii6:00 GR Brain Games

49:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:30 TH Coloring for Adults12:30 TH Wii1:30 PT Billiards/Table Tennis Club2:00 TH Balance Training2:45 TH Special Film Screening5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

59:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 CL Computer Drop-In10:30 TH Tai Chi (Seated Session)11:15 TH Tai Chi (Standing Session)1:30 TH Arts & Crafts2:00 JK Chef Chat2:30 TH Bridge3:30 TH Poker5:30 GR Trivia

69:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 TH Catholic Mass10:30 TH Marketplace

1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Balance Training3:00 JK Wine & Cheese w/ Danny Kennedy5:30 TH Bible Study5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

79:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 JK Book Club10:00 TH Dancing Around the World10:30 JK In the News12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity1:30 TH Low Impact Aerobics2:00 CL Computer Drop-In2:00 TH Mahjong3:00 GR Share A Pet w/ Suzie & Kimi3:30 TH Spades5:30 GR Trivia

89:30 CY Garden Club9:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:15 TH Beginning Drawing12:00 Outing12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity12:00 TH New Resident Lunch

1:30 TH Balance Training2:00 TH Cultural Explorers5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

99:30 TH Bridge

10:00 GR Donuts & Coffee10:30 TH Poker10:30 Neighborhood Scenic Drive

1:00 TH Bingo2:30 COF Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

109:30 Church Trips

10:00 GR Morning Devotion1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Sunday Matinee2:30 Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social3:45 TH Wii6:00 GR Brain Games

119:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:30 TH Flower Arranging12:30 TH Wii1:30 PT Billiards/Table Tennis Club2:00 TH Balance Training2:45 TH Special Film Screening5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

129:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 CL Computer Drop-In10:30 TH Tai Chi (Seated Session)11:15 TH Tai Chi (Standing Session)1:30 TH Arts & Crafts2:30 TH Bridge3:30 TH Poker5:30 GR Trivia

139:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 TH Communion for Catholics10:30 TH Investment Club

1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Resident Council2:30 TH Activity Chat3:00 JK Wine & Cheese w/ Madeline Gospel5:30 TH Bible Study5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

149:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 JK Book Club10:30 JK In the News12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity

1:30 TH Low Impact Aerobics2:00 CL Computer Drop-In2:00 TH Mahjong3:00 GR Share A Pet w/ Suzie & Kimi3:30 TH Spades5:30 GR Trivia

159:30 CY Garden Club9:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:15 TH Beginning Drawing12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity12:00 Outing

1:30 TH Balance Training2:00 TH Cultural Explorers3:30 TH Shabbat Services5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

169:30 TH Bridge

10:00 GR Donuts & Coffee10:30 Neighborhood Scenic Drive10:30 TH Poker1:00 TH Bingo2:30 COF Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social3:00 TH Special Documentary5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

179:30 Church Trips

10:00 GR Morning Devotion1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Sunday Matinee2:30 Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social3:45 TH Wii6:00 GR Brain Games

Martin Luther King Jr. Day 189:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:30 TH Coloring for Adults11:00 JK Martin Luther King Jr. Lunch12:30 TH Wii

1:30 PT Billiards/Table Tennis Club2:00 TH Balance Training2:45 TH Special Film Screening5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

199:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 CL Computer Drop-In10:30 GR Furry Friends10:30 TH Tai Chi (Seated Session)11:15 TH Tai Chi (Standing Session)1:30 TH Arts & Crafts2:30 TH Bridge3:30 TH Poker5:30 GR Trivia

209:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 TH Communion for Catholics10:30 TH Marketplace1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Balance Training3:00 JK Wine & Cheese w/ Lee Allen5:30 GR Trivia5:30 TH Bible Study6:00 GR Brain Games

219:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 JK Book Club10:30 JK In the News12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity1:00 TH Chef Demo1:30 TH Low Impact Aerobics2:00 CL Computer Drop-In2:00 TH Mahjong3:00 GR Share A Pet w/ Suzie & Kimi3:30 TH Spades5:30 GR Trivia

229:30 CY Garden Club9:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:15 TH Beginning Drawing12:00 Outing12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity

1:30 TH Balance Training2:00 TH Cultural Explorers5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

239:30 TH Bridge

10:00 GR Donuts & Coffee10:30 TH Poker10:30 Neighborhood Scenic Drive

1:00 TH Bingo2:30 COF Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

249:30 Church Trips

10:00 GR Morning Devotion1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Sunday Matinee2:30 Scenic Drive

313:00 GR Weekly Social3:45 TH Wii6:00 GR Brain Games

259:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:30 TH Flower Arranging12:30 TH Wii1:30 PT Billiards/Table Tennis Club2:00 TH Balance Training2:45 TH Special Film Screening5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

269:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 CL Computer Drop-In10:30 TH Tai Chi (Seated Session)11:15 TH Tai Chi (Standing Session)1:30 TH Arts & Crafts2:30 TH Bridge3:30 TH Poker5:30 GR Trivia

279:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 TH Communion for Catholics10:30 TH Investment Club1:00 TH Bingo2:00 TH Balance Training3:00 JK Wine & Cheese w/ Gregory Taylor5:30 GR Trivia5:30 TH Bible Study6:00 GR Brain Games

289:30 TH Let’s Get Fit

10:00 JK Book Club10:30 JK In the News12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity

1:30 TH Low Impact Aerobics2:00 CL Computer Drop-In2:00 TH Mahjong3:00 GR Share A Pet w/ Suzie & Kimi3:30 TH Spades5:30 GR Trivia

299:30 TH Let’s Get Fit9:30 CY Garden Club

10:15 TH Beginning Drawing11:00 JK Birthday Celebration12:00 Outing12:00 TH Circle of Friends Activity

1:30 TH Balance Training2:00 TH Cultural Explorers5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

309:30 TH Bridge

10:00 GR Donuts & Coffee10:30 TH Poker10:30 Neighborhood Scenic Drive

1:00 TH Bingo2:30 COF Scenic Drive3:00 GR Weekly Social5:30 GR Trivia6:00 GR Brain Games

Page 5: Our Team Message From Radhika - Belmont Village...1039 E. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Phone 408-720-8498 Fax 408-720-8499 Belmont Village of Sunnyvale January 2016 Our Team

Resident Committees

New Resident LunchFriday, Jan. 812 p.m. in Town HallAll new residents are encouragedto attend.

Resident Council MeetingWednesday, Jan. 132 p.m. in Town Hall

All residents are encouragedto attend.

President: Dee FulghamVice President: Open

Welcome CommitteeIf you would like to joinBelmont Village’s WelcomeCommittee to help acclimatenew residents, please contactActivity Programs CoordinatorScott Vu.

New ResidentsCarla Duke

Connie HersheyMiriam Coheley

Upcoming: Happy

Special Film ScreeningAll throughout the month of January, we will

be screening a series of curated films anddocumentaries. The goal is to entertain and

provoke thought and conversations.The movies and documentaries will range from

the personal to the larger forces of social/cultural understanding and span various genres.

Mondays, 2:45 p.m.Town Hall

Shabbat Service

Join Shell and Dianne, volunteerswith the Jewish Family Services ofSilicon Valley, for Shabbat Serviceon the third Friday of each month.

Shabbat ServiceFriday, Jan. 15

3:30 p.m., Town Hall

Eileen, Elaine and Jack: learningfundamentals of drawing faces.

Beginning Drawing Class

In this class, led by fine artsinstructor Shelley Capovilla,

you will learn to draw faces, thehuman figure, natural landscapesand other easy drawing projects.

Fridays, 10:15 a.m.Town Hall

Page 6: Our Team Message From Radhika - Belmont Village...1039 E. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Phone 408-720-8498 Fax 408-720-8499 Belmont Village of Sunnyvale January 2016 Our Team

National BathSafety Month

“A common area where seniorsoften end up having accidents isfalls in the bathroom, and helpingprevent those kinds of accidents iswhat January’s National BathSafety Month is about.” “Over75% of slip-fall deaths happen topeople who are 65 years andabove.” A study points out thatone-third of falls occur at home inthe bathroom. With the smoothsurfaces and moisture of water,this can equal a risky place forfalls. An average of 370 people (allage groups) suffer falls or injuriesin the bathtub or shower eachday. This is the second leadingcause of accidental deaths ordisabilities.

Complications such asmedication side-effects, reducedphysical ability and diminishedvision are contributing factor tofalls in the older person. Here aresome safety tips to help you whilein the bathroom:

• Look out for slippery areas;keep floor clean and dry.

• Look out for areas that aredifficult to move about.

• Identify areas that pose athreat, avoid obstacles, avoidelectrical outlets.

• Utilize grab bars, showerbenches, and non-skidbath mats.

• Utilize a portable, hand-heldshower head.

• Test the water temperaturebefore you get in, makingsure it is not too hot.

• Utilize your call light systemin your bathroom if youneed assistance. YourBelmont Village nursingteam is there to assist you.

Putting into practice the abovesafety tips will help your safetyawareness in the bathroom andhelp prevent falls and injuries,and save a life.

Contact Info

Please contact Ernie Getuiza,Director of Resident CareServices, for further info.

(408) [email protected]

Chef Romeo’s Specials

New Year’s Day LunchFriday, Jan. 1

11 a.m., Josephine’s Kitchen

Chef ChatTuesday, Jan. 5

2 p.m., Josephine’s Kitchen

Martin Luther King, Jr. DayLunch

Monday, Jan. 1811 a.m., Josephine’s Kitchen

Chef DemoThursday, Jan. 211 p.m., Town Hall

Birthday CelebrationFriday, Jan. 29

11 a.m., Josephine’s Kitchen

Page 7: Our Team Message From Radhika - Belmont Village...1039 E. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Phone 408-720-8498 Fax 408-720-8499 Belmont Village of Sunnyvale January 2016 Our Team

Belmont Village Scene

Mt. View Hula Club’s Holiday Hula.

The Zingers: spreading holidaywarmth.

Peterson Leadership Class’s WinterVisit.

Miki enjoying gingerbread house.Gwen: putting on finishing touches inflower arranging class. Holiday-themed Flower Arranging.

1039 E. El Camino RealSunnyvale, CA 94087




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