
8/7/2019 Our Town March 12, 1921 1/4

S en d In Fireside

I tems

Boost Narber th

And Knock No One






Evening,8 P.M.

March 15th

227 Forest Avenue

.\Iakl' a ,'on'l",sill, I,il'lllrl' of thl ' tal,

, 'uts an d I'nl'rg,\' of Ilal id 13,'laseo alld

Ul'ol'gl' .\1. ('"hllil :lu,l till' I 'l'sull lI 'i l l be

:I .Ii ll ' POllu"II,\ ' . " \t l ea st , that 's what

;,Oll I'rullaldy thought allll naturally,

:,1't,'1" \\'itlll,:..;:-:jUg . I i l l l · ~ l a te s t p l' uduc

lillll, 41TlIt' :-:;UlIl,('1I Oli \ t ' t l a r d e l l : i ~ ",\"hil'h liik<l EIJII lIall I:",t Thursday

,,:I,: l - ' riday lIights .

II IS 10 I", r eg re t te d t h at th o hall

i,," 't IlIl'ger or thnt Illore than tw o

1"'rfol'I'lIl,,ees were no t given so that

the m:lIlY II'ho 11"'1'1' IUI'III'd a \I'ay by th e

~ H. O. sign shouldn' t h av e b ee n dis


'1'0 \ l'1' il e a pia, \' , alld th " words f9 r

lIille s ongs , t u select se\ 'eral addi t ional

Iyri"s all<l lit thelll i" t o s ui t t h" action

of th e pi,'"I', to \rall: I:lll\ IIhip into

"hape tweuty ,t 11'0 ellibryo ac to rs , s ing

I'I'S, llauel'r". h:llufaltl'r", et"., an d to

ll'OWII al l -s t age t h" 11'1'11 rOUllded all<.1

fillished n'''1I1t ou t \1'0 ""lOl'e""i 1"(' lIights,

to the I'xt )'l'lIle deli ght o f capa" i ty audi

l ' l l c e ~ , i:-; SOllie :Iehit'\'l'IIIl't1t you'll say ,

I ' s p c e i a l ] ~ ' ',\,],(,11 t he miracle is worked

iu th" "hort spa,·., IIf a I'ollple of


E ,' e ll U"l ' ar lIalllllll 'r"tl 'ill , whu COIll'

I'used ai' o11 I 'l l in t . l I'enty-four hours,

ha<l 1I0thillg Oil 0111 Jim!

\\'hii<' 11'1' "Illlllot h01l1l1' ,Iilll too IllU"h,

11'1' IIll1st ]", "url' to Illelltioll the rest of

t h l' ga llg , 100, all<l p ut t he ir names in

the l ' al ' l' r . o r 11', shall hal'e a hellp of

i I'ollble 011 our hands.

Teacher of the


Mr. A. V. PENT

(Continued on Page -!.)








Ok Boy! Oh Boy! ButIt Was Some Show


Twenty-two Scint i llat ing Stars.

B ll t t hl ' tIH'lIt ." '1\10 I',dllll"", al l t eu

lIis players, alld al l goud one s at that,

I",'rhaps, h:1\1' wurked so faithfully to

I Ilakl ' t .he afrail' a success that we do

1I0t IIl'gl'uelg" thelll :lIIy o f t he t reme n

'[lill" :1111'"'111 III praisl' au d 1'I'l'dit that

is thei r dUt'.

Th,' 11'1:1111' 1'1'1'\1 IIIU"t I :a' : ,' l ahl l l' l 'd

IOllg alld ,'al'lll'stly to l'llt th e "holl' o\'er

a" "1I101lt h 1,1 a" th,'." did. I-:a,.h kllew

his part I'l'rl'l'I'll,\' alld tlwru wasn' t a

I:it"h 1111111 slal't to lillish, anless you

wan I tu 1I1l'IltioJl tht' t l l 1 ( ' Hill BOI')'er

louk i ll t 1l t' :-i1l:' \jll' III.(" ' ;; Id ' hi:-- t ' \ 'elling

g'owlI \\hl ' lI till',\" t h J ' l ~ : t t t ' l l l ' d ti l ; o ; l i d ( ~ ofl'

!lill 's 1I::I"todoui" t rame all<l seck other


1·l'l'lailll.\' ThOI'll." (,rllg':III', l 'ol 'lmyal

01' Ihl' 111'],1'1'11' I: lit "I k""l"'1 ' \\ 'a' a dl ' l 'cr

pit'l·t' tIl ('har:l('tl'1' :\{,t i r q . ~ . II i:-: Ilafldlillg

III' tl", dial(,,.1 "ollldll'l I", illlj)I'II"ed

"1'011. I I Thul'lIy's hllsilless ,,,"er peters

II l1t. hI' l I' il i a lways h a \' e an anchor to

lI'illdll'ar<l 011 the ,'au<leville stage.

Therl' \\,:1:-; : - 'ot l l l ' l l l i l lg ' I l l l t ' ; I J I I I , ' " about

,\ 11"'l't ~ t I ' P ] , I ' I I S 0 1 1 's pla,\'illg of tho J.

11ul'us Wallillgl'old 1,1';" of 1,,1111101.11.

,\II"'l't lo ok to it "0 lIat II rally that no

0111 ,'oul,1 1>"li"I'" h,' lI'a" aeling at all.

, \1'1,,1' "I ' ,' i l lg I:ill l as B. K. ~ I : a l l e r o s s ,you :ln' illdilJl'd to ~ ; l ; :;>1"(1 i l l : l : 111 ('an

fl'11 Ylln :l lot ahollt i : l , ' t Il ": ' , : I I '

,1"llS, uil II'l'lis. et"., if you have an y

I I I O I ' I ' ~ ' to illl"'St. He'" dangerous III \I'a" ullly fitlillg' Ih::1 I':d .\Iusehamp

"hullid hal'l ' i "' l' lI " ::.,1 I 'ur Ihl' part of

t lll ' tl i l l l ·Halll ~ Y l l l o g i : - : t . 111'111', ! l: lrn!f lg.....

Likl' Albl'rt ~ t l ' l ' h l ' l " ' O I l . I':d was right

:d ],111111' ill hi" 1'1Irt. H I ~ ' " ill t h c adver

j isi II g gallH', yO ll k l1 o\ \' , and when he

Sll a],l,\' 111,,1 dralllati"lIl1.,- d"""l'i1,,'d tl".

lll 'ig:ill :111(1 1I1(.,!'it:-; flf t11(' oli \1 ' lid l i t,' an d


IANS OF '.I.'HE r ~ k U D E N ~ S OF



BOARD O F D IH Ec' rO R f' : ": \Jl,

fmWI' l I SCHOOl, V 1 ~ ' I ' l n C ' J ' .

t iI" COIII]'ulsory At tendance Law,

('II\'l'riltg' th b f l ' a t l 1 n ~ , :Iud tlw

1"1',,1 ,,"'Iwol "lit lIoritie' Ilre I'e

'Iuil'l'd to ob"I ' I' \ '' ' a l ld ell 10 1'1'1' it.

F" ilu l' l ' t o CIIIII!,ly lI'ith the law

slll>.il'l'ls pal 'l 'l It s a l ld gllal'di"ns

to a 1"'lIalty whi,.]1 IIlay h" " l i l l i '

01 IIla.\' Ill' illlprislJllment.

Th e "g " lilllit fo r t-Olll I' II Iso 1."

s"hool a It I ' n d a n C l ~ is f rom eight

t o s ix t" ,' n ~ ' e l l 1 ' ' ' , .hllt the ~ t a t l 'Bllreau ha s d"l'id"d that , I' As

h'lIg a:-; a ('hild":-; J1:uue b 011 1hl'sl 'hoo l ro il , 1'l'g'ar,I1"ss of the agl'

of the "hilrI, ]11 01' she IlIlIst be

gOI'{,nled 'hy thl' I'ro\'isiolls uf th "

I:t\L' ,

Ollieial 1'01'111"; ha"o been 1'1'0

\ 'id"d fo r the nse o f t he s eh oo l'

Huthoritil'S, these fUl'IllS lwillg

not i t e ~ tu p a r t ~ n t : - ; or guardialls

uf the ahsl'lI"e uf thei r ehildn'u.

A fler II child llliS heen ahseut

from schoo] three days lI'ithollt

la 11'1'111 "sense ([wr"onal i l ll l"ss b,,

illg' "ollsidel'ed the o n l ~ ' lal\'1'1I1

l'xeus,' h y t he ~ t a t e ) , olle of tht'''L'

noti"es IIIU"t hI' issn"d to th,' 1''' 1

t"lt or gl lanl i"n h,\' th e " "hool au

thorities. This lIotice i:-\ }l1':L('.

tieally a SIlIIlIlIOII" t o r et nr u Ih "

c hi ld t o the sl'hool lI'ithout d,day

o r "nhmit . a l al l' fu l r ea so n f or t he

"IIild's ahsell"".

I f a "b ild shou ld Ill' a"""111 for

,,,'eu Olle day, thl' Prill, 'il 'al or

hi s Sel'Teta I'y "lIollld h,' i1I1111"lli

" t el y ad\ 'i s" d, e i th e r b y tel"pholle

ur Jloip, t11l' n':\:'\oll fo r H h : - i I . . ' I H ' I ! ~:-;0 1ha1 :I 1'l 't ' lIrd 1I1a,\ ' Ill' III:lll(1 ill

:II'"ol'd:III{,(' lI'ith tIll' rule of thl'

:-;I"tl' Attl'llIlaol'" Blln'all. I f a

.. hild "holl]d h e i ll o r d i s"h le , l an d

th,'\'(' is a likl'1illood of h" 01'

:-;h(""l lw il lg ahsPl lt for thrt1p <1a,\·:"

01' Inol' l' . i t shonld he "0 stated.

iu ol'ller to obvi at e t he nel'l'ssit."

"I' issning- t he f or ma l notice 1'''

1'1.'lTed t o a bo ,- e•



~ - - - - _ . _ .. _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~

T h" Board o f Diredors of the

:\"l'b"l'th Scl1ll01 Dist .. il't IIrgellt,

Iy n ~ l j l l e s t s th e ('o-operalioa of

th" parellts al ld g l lal 'di" l Is 01' (·hil

drell al l.t'lIt1illg the 10e:t1 s('hool,

ill thl' watter of r egul ari t y o f at-

tl.. 'lIdaJll'c.

TJ/ l ' l ' l ' j I I . " -i tn I L' l:1w ]O}O\\ '" :I,"

Paoli in League

At a "I'",.ial meeting of the illaill

Lille B"s "h al l L ea gu l' , helll at tiI,'

\;"Il,)'llI' ~ I I ' I I ' s C ln h 'Oil . \ fonday en' l li l l l !

1:1:-;1, j)allii \\':1:'\ :lg:aill graJlh·d H fntlll,j,i:-:,·

iu the' I , 'ag ll" . \ \ 'h l 'l I t h,' 1"a;. ;'uI ' I l\ 'ld

1I'I'il' iuiti:d lIleetillg' of the year on

10',1.1'11:11',1" :!l, t he P aol i d el eg at io n wa s

ll11t ill :l pu:'\itiull tt) :--tnt(' d('Hllitt·l,\"

,,'IIl'lhl'l' or II lit they lI'ould he represent

I'd Oil II", di:,uII,u,1 t hi s y ea r, dUl' to

1:I .. k 01' p layi ug ma te r ia l, an d wero

; :. in 'u \ Iu ti l l as t ~ l o u d : l , " lIight to eoule

to a c1(-,<,h;ioll.

..\1 r. Wilsoll spoke 011 behalf of the

I':loli ~ ' I \ l h alld a ssu re l ! a l l present that

Ihl' railroad"l's 1I'0uid m ak e t he going

tOl1gh fill' thl' )'I'st 01' Ih,' t l 'alllS. 1'1't 'SI

<Il'llt .\. ,\ . 1':lllizal'l'" "tall 'd that h,'

W:lS tlllahle to :-,C('Url\ U l l l p i 1 ' l . . ~ serviees

for tIi" salar,)' pre\"iously paid an d that

III' ill, 'n'asc \\"ollltl be l I e l ' e ~ s a r y in order

10 i ll "l Il 'I ' a t il ' st -e1a"" stair 01' ofli";a]".

'I'h.' .. luI. Illauag,'r" agTee,1 that an in

I 'I' l 'asl' lI 'as jusl. ifiel!. 'l'he lIlonthly dues

a : - ; ~ l \ : - ; : - , p d ( ' : II , l I t l ' : l1l1 ha \'1..' 11('(\11 illcrl\:lscd

10 tll'elll."-Ii,,1' dollars, or a totnl o f

'1I11 hm;dl'{'ll <Iollar" 101 th,' "III iI' ,' I ' la.I-'

j l l ~ seasoll . Gene Da\'is, o f Nar ,lH' rt h.

au d 'ViJ1ialll ] l\ . 'I ', ! ! I I ;";OIl. or \\r ay l "" \\ ' , 'I' l '

al'l'oill1l'tl Oil tlw 8ehe<lull' COlll\llittee

allll ",ill suhlllit sallll fo r I Ipp ro , 'a l at

t Il l' I II 'xt meoting.

l \ l I I o n ~ tho:-;p p l ' e ~ ( , l I t \"(IJ'P: ..\. lIaIH'k,

W a ~ ' l l e 1\[l'Il'S Clllh; Eo Wilson, Paoli;

G. D:n'is• . '\arhl'rfll; "T. Hogers, BrYII

H:l\\'I'j .r. Lanahan. HI.. I)l'lIi"j P. p.,·ott,



ADAMS, Iatl' of 1l01'0ul!h of :"al 'b"r lh .

), lol l tgol l l t ' l 'y( 'ol l IJ1, '" , )ll'IlJlsy},"ania, de·

'"l':l:,\("I.-Ll'1 t l ' r ~ '1'(:-;1 n l l J ( ~ l I t : l l ' Y 011 the

ahovl' Est:dl' ha\"jllg 1 H ~ l ' l I g 'r an tc d t o

'1'1,,' ~ I , ' r i l l u Till" :llId Trust (:onll'an,Y

ot' .\rdulol'I', :III I"'rsllns illdebt"d 10 ~ a i < lE s t a 1 t ~ an i r c q l l P s ~ ( ' d to 1I1:tke illlll1l'diato

!1:1.'"IIIl'nl, an d thoSl' llil\'illg' leg-al t',IaiIllH,

II I pr,'sl'nt thI' sallie wi thout de lay at

tI ll' o iii",. ot' said 'Company, No. GEns t

L: lI I I ' ; l : - : . t t ' I ' : l \ 'P l I l I l1 , .:\ l 't lI l lOl'l· ; } la .


( ~ j ' - , , ) '1'I'ust oml'l ' I'.


Two c en ts p er wor d It casb accompanies advertlspmellt; otberwlse, live

cents per word,



FO R SALE--Child's White Ellclosed

Bl'd an d .\[attl'l''''', excellent eoudi-

t il ln . Pho ll l' : '\ar],erth :\li7·'V. ( ~ ~ - p )

Tho,,1' o f "o u who att , 'nlkd th,' ,"in"

"1'1'] s!lows of tIll" Bo.,- f'l'ont" th e 1:I"t

tw o ~ " ( ' : J r s p l c n ~ ( ' J l a ~ ~ your opinioll "t'

the pl'rfOrlllalll'" 10 ~ ' o u r frien,1s and


(Continued on Page 4.)

Sa \'e Fr il l ay n igh t , April 1st, fo r th e

:\arbertll Boy Sc ou t m i ns tr l' l a ll d d an ec

to hl' gi\'ell at E lm Ha ll .

I ~ O l J N D - A mink lIeek p il ', 'e . Ca ll at

Post OIlice.

.htllll'S H. ('oil'. Williall1 .\Ianll . . '\01"

11I:l1l 1)01'''1','" alld ('IInsta],]" . Jo hn A .

~ I i l l " r <lrO\"e to \ \ ' :I"hingtl ln i ll : Il l : li lt 0

Illohi](' to he pl'(';";l'lIt at till ' ill:lug'ura-

IiOIl l · ( ~ t ' C I l l O J l i e H .

.\[is's Helen SlItlIl'l'l:l1Id, of H- ! Woo,l

I,ill" :l\'('lIue, h a" a s lIel' guest Miss Ke il ,

III' Pro\'i,lellee, Hhorle Island.

.\Irs. ,r. I':. Bnrn']] aw l .\11'''. G,,"rgl' B.

. I U ] l l l ~ I J I I . of ~ r t ' l ' i ( ) J l a \ ' t ' I 1 t 1 C ~ \ U ~ J ' C ill

\ra"hingtoll on J<'ri.Jay f o r t he i naug ur a·


Pll'ase don' t forgl'l to S:l\'e }<'ri ,lay

e,'ening', April 1, for the Bo.,· tlcont

.\[instr"ls allll Dauce at Elm Hall.

Hl'llr'y "\l!1'1l \\"a:· tal"'1l ill while iul'hil:ule1l'hia last. wel'k. an d it was

1I""l'ssal'y to l'l'UHl\'e lIi1ll to 111l '\[odil'o

l ' hi Hn" l' i ta l , wh,'I'I' he W:l" olH'rated 011.

Mrs. Kizwintl 'r, of .\ l lento\\ 'n. is

spcndillg' scycral \ \ ' e l ' k ~ :l:-- 1he gUt'st of

he r ,laughter, ~ I r s . Will. All I' Il , \rood,

]'illl' a I'enue.

..\Irs. C. " \ . Fa l' l ll er , o f \Voo,lhille a, 'e

I IUl ' , ha s rl'llll'l\ed 10 he r hllille after

"IJI'uding se\ 'eral I[ays at New Yor k.

Do no t f or ge t t he ~ t Patr iek's Xo,'

I'It" DIIIIC" on Priday en"lillg, .\fareh

]Sth. E\'eryholly \l'cleOllle.

:lUss Hllth Ely lIall' ' ' WIIS in Wash

iugtoll, V.C., o\'er the \\ 'eek e nd a nd

\ \ ' i t l l l ' ~ : - ; ( l l l 1he iJlHug'lIl'atioll o f 1he new


FO R RENT-I-Iouseke{ll 'ing apartllll'nt.,

~ O ( i Sonth . ' \arberth a\'('nue. P i r ~ t an d

third flo·ors. Phono NU1'herth 1611-1\1.

( 2 ~ - p )

FO R SALE-White l ~ n a l l 1 e l e , 1 Bed, in

I'"rf('"t l'OIlIIitioll, in"hltling' hai r mat

11'l'"", and hox spring. Xarlwl 'th 1:!18.

( ~ : ! " . )


(Continued on Page 4.)

.....Pi d y ou h ea l' that hamlony h\ll'sting

frol\l th,' Y. .\1. t imhers " l unday 1'. .\1. i

WIiIl t l I' a" i t i Hl'ad on, fair rea,ler, an d

/illd thy allSlH'r in you eonulldnllll:

\I'hat might a lIlushrooll\ be l

YOII d"II'1. kuo\\'? Hully Ge<'!

'Tis , ' a s ~ ' ! Narberth Choral Societee,

Silllplo definit.ion-dollt"hasee?

An d that 's jllst what. it i s -mush

room. I t sprung' u l' u \' (' r l Ii gh t, a ll d

UOII' i t 's going full hlast ant! "o n

high" \\'ith 65 good "ingl'rs (and \'el'Y

few on the outside) .1 l'0nllllillg it uut,"

\\'Ideh fo re t el l s , ' olnmiuous results ill

t hl ' \ I'a y of all ea rl y s p ri ng cuneert,

\\'hieh \\'ill be gi\ 'en, it is nllllol'ed, sOllle

time in April~ e t h o " .\Iall \\'ith t he B ig Bti"k"

at the top uf thiS-l,r- tl:l '"is! Hl' 's

t l I \rering o\,er the conl.rall.os, to lIis left

(:tnd lIlay,he those eont raltos "an ' t

si 'lg! ( \ \' it h the hass e s way



III the d<'l'tl:s o f t he r oa ri ng ""as, an d

I'att,\. .\Irs. H. nothal 'd, .\Irs. C. P.

1"011']"1', .\ll's. H. Hartley, .\11'''. II ..".

.11I,·ollS . .\11'''. .1. W.. Io.,·"e. .\lr". \Y . ,I .

Kil'kl'llt rid;, .\11'''. C. 1>• .\Ioody, Mrs. ,I.

1\- . .\Iulhollalld. ~ I I ' ' ' . :" .( ' . Ho\\,i<'y, . \ I r ~ .

\-. L. 8'llIdl'r,,01l, .\Irs. :". ~ o l l t h w o r l h ,~ 1''', n. F. :-;t,"\'l'IIS. '\[rs. E. 'I'nylor,

.\11'''. ('. V<'I'lIIl Ilild ~ I r " . C. L. \\ 'andek.

"There's Musie inthe Air"

in th,' dhere:d,


! th e ~ O P l ' H l I O R :-;oaring

wllil<, 110 f1ntliest of the l1ul1'y dOlyny

whitl' e1ol\(b "a n 11 1 pUI'''UC lIur lofty

tl'1I01'''! We must admit that t h" "gell ic

"j ' t hl' w:llld" is a '"lIite" llIug'iciall

who ,1111 gd j u st a hont II'hat III' lI'allt",

\\'ilh a look h l' )' I' , a li t! a gl ll l ll ' e th ,'n .' ,

he ('all 1I1ake a ll I he ~ l l I r l ' l : y - ~ I " ( ' : l I l ' r i t y ,JII"t il','-'I'l'ott cr. et aI., t"uorlille hold

a topping high 11,\" II'hiil' tli,' 11I'adl"y

j Jo fl'llI a JloT:lY1111'·J'oot I. sllng':'\t (' r-;..;opra 1IOS

tl'il l ip t Il l' ""al" alld down, s l ,' , , ,l i t'd h ~ a r i" h, f ul l t 1I111d 'I'I'II w h r i d g ' , , - ~ t a 1'1l'''

Ill'nillall-('utid,, 'ri ,·outraHo-],alla"t. alld

:11 tli(1 " , } , a ~ ( ' " llltilldl'r;..; Oil 1b. '

I ' : a " h ~ ' - . \ I it chl'lI-du ..\111rais,Hayward-Van

: \""" bUll lhan ilu l' l It s! ' rh us t ho magic

\\'an,1 ",ill eontilllll ' to wield lIutil with

i n a "h o1 'l sp a,· 1' of tillll' a re al , worth

while' l ll u" i" al t rea t: " al l h" oIIer",l to

Ih,' lllli,ie-lo\'l'l's of Narberth

Name of Organization an d Event .ate.

\ \ \ ' l1:-,pd til :';:I,\" •• ~ , 1 . J'a tr itk's ] )ay

ill 1he IIlOl'lli l '1~ · . " hut tlli:-- yl 'ar Wt' say

, , ~ t . I'alri"k's Day ill th o evening,"

h n l ' : L 1 I ~ l ' OJ! IIt 'x t Thul':",day t ~ Y e l l i l J g , 011

•1 a 1'1,1, 17th. thl' "'OIllan's COllllllllllity

Clui! i:-; ~ ~ ( J i l l g ' to gi\'1' thpil' j,ig ~ t J l ; j ~1';"1;',, 11'1.;111 , 'ard I'art.". Th, ' a lrai l ' Inil

l,e ill the COllllllUllity HOOIll of th e Y.

~ I r . C.. \. Building', alld' lI'i!1 "tar t at S

o '"Io"k.

:'\"xt i'hul'",la.'· ' s " ar d p ar ty pl'olllise;;

1l) fa r out:-;hilll ' a s im i la r a f fa ir ~ ' i \ " . ! 1 11,,1' t h " \ \'o ll lan ' s COllllllllllity Cluh Oil

~ t "alr ick's n ig ht l as t y ea r, b ut only

th",,' II'ho atteuded last ~ ' , ' a r ' " jlarty

(-an form :IIIY idpa of 1he gtHl(l t i l l l l '

pl:llllled fo r UI'xt 'I'hur"day en'llill;!, .\ s

f ur d ,o "e II'ho lIIiss"d last. year 's "ele

],ratir,J', lI'e "a n ollly "autioll tlll'm 1I0t

tIl ;ilal\c the ~ : l I u e IlIiHtake t hi s y e ar :

Thl' \\'Ollt:lll'" C o n l n l u n i t ~ , CIIII> of

:'\arhl'l'l h ha s iliadI' Il )'('lllltation fo r it

self lIot only here ill 0111 o wn h om e

tIJ\\"Jl, bu t Hll long all 'YOlllClI ';;; orgun·

lzatiou" ill :lIId arol l nd Ph il ade l ph i a.

It is 0110 o f th e li "e st , most en, ' rgdie

alld most eapal>ll' cluhs ill th,' ~ t a ! l ' ,all'! erel 'ything it gin' ' ' . \\'hetl,,'1' it ill'

a l\HZaar or a :-inp!' ''}' 01' all l ' l I t l ' l ' la i l l ·

m cn t, i s dOlle in SO thoroughly "ati,,

factory a IIlUlluer that e,'uryolle IIho at

t en ds f ee ls that he gets abollt tlli, . "

thc pricc of admission-and tlll1 t 's sOllie

feelillg these days!

Then there is auother r ea so n w hy

folks who like to pllly eanls an d \\'ho

\\'11 II t to .ioill with a li\ 'e organizatioll

in celel>ratillg thl'h i l ' t h d a ~ "

of Ireland'"pat rOll "aillt shollld attend t he p ur ty

next T h u r s d a ~ ' (',"cllillg. Th e proceed:"'i

w ill hc giYclI eutirely to th e I>uil,lillg

fUlld of the \ \ 'o il lau 's COllllllllllity CIII]"

'l'his org:lIlizatiou ha s not oll ly pro\' idl' l l

m a l l ~ ' illterestillg :1I111 yery worth-whill'

llIeetillgs fo r t he 1I'0lllell of NarlH'rth.

but it ha s a ls o he lped yery mat eri a ll y

to gi"o . '\:Irhl'rth a stal\lliug \\',,11 up in

th" tOI','frollt of Phil:"ll 'lphia's sllhurhs.

This l·llIl> shol l ld ha\"e a c1uh house

of it s U\\ ' I I , Hnd it is guing 10 ha\'p ~ l h ' ha hOIl\( ' . #\11(1 whell tht' house b l ' l ' ( ) l I l l ~ Ha l'I'a 1;1 y-"-allll that will he at no fa r

.list alit day - i t will heeumc t he c en te r

arouud which 1I0t only till' \\"Ulllell of

: ' \ :Lrherth lIil! g a th e r, h u t to Irhidl 11'0

wen who an ' pnnuil lPII1 : l l l t l :ll 't i,'(' il l

I'hila'kll'hia's affair" alld ill th,' af

fairs of ot her lIear-l>y ,.itil'''. will ,'IIUII'

al-i g l w s t ~ of thl' C O l l J l l l l 1 l 1 i l ~ ' Cluh.

:\rany of these 11i:-,tiJlg'lIi:--h{·d \\'lltlll'tlI:a\-e already \ 'i"ited :\"l1l'lll'l'th :111,1 th e

,'IIIl< "h"uld I: a\'(' a 1I01l11' of' it s o \\ 'n i n

\ Y h i ~ , h it ,":Ill l'1I1l'rtnill j t g - t 1 l ' : , , 1 ~ ill a

1111111111'1' h"l'oulillg' t ho s ll e ec s sfu l char

1Ie11'1' of' the organizat ion.

~ l ' X l T h l l r ~ d : l Y t ' \ ' ~ ' " i J l g 's (":lrd p;lrt,\ '

lI' il l hal"" /irl.Y t: '\d,'". I', hil,1I 1111'1111" tliat

~ 1 I 1 1 1"'01'1,' "1111 1,,' 1I'·"Olllllll"latel!. Ti,·];

et s an ' 7G c en ts e ae h, an(l ma y b l' o h

tllilled 110111 an.l· IUI'IIlI"'I' or the ( ~ O l l l IIIUllity ('Iuh, aul !'lIrti,'u!:tI'I.Y fl'OII1 au y

I I lenlhel ' lJf thp followill;l' t 'O l l l l l l i t tec ,

lI'hidl i ii, ,.hnl'g"1' o f 1h, ' ,':ll'd party:

~ ' I ' ' ' . ~ ! I,'. AI,'xIlII'i<'I', ~ l l ' ' ' ..1. I,;. l 'hap-

Big Card Party on

51. Patrick's Night

Fixed Meeting Dates.Borough Council Monthly-Second MOnday COlUlCil Chamber

Na .rbel th B ldg . an d Loan Ass 'n MontWy-F ir s t Thursday COlUlCil Chamber

American Legion Bldg. & L 'n Ass 'n Monthly-F ir s t Tue sd ay L eg io n B ui ld in g

Narberth Civic As soc ia t ion MontWY-Third Thursday Council Chamber

Narberth Fire Company Monthly-Las t Tuesday Fire House

Jun io r Mi ll i nery Classes Weekly-Monday, Tucsday 1 03 S . Narberth av

}\:ing's Daughters ' Circle Month ly-F i r s t WednesdayBaptis t Church

~ l l I r . 12 . . • •Childn'II's Dancing' Class Collllllllllit)' HoolII ~ . O \ l P . ..\1.

'\[ar. 14 \\ '. C. ,C. Literature Cia"" I:! A\-ou Hoad 10.30 A. M.

.\Iar. 14 . .•• :\:II'hl'rth Choral Soeiety Y. ..\f. C. A , 8.00 I' . .\1.

.\far. 17 . . • • W. C. C. :Milli l lerr Class 107 Elmwoo,l AI'I\ !J..!fi A. .\L

. .\ Iar. 17 •••• \\ '. C. C. ChoraL . . . . . . . . . . . . :\ Ellllwoud A '' c ~ . \ l 0 P . . \L

'\[ar. 17 ••.• \\ '. C. C. Orehestrn ..•........ :'12 Essex A"e , 3,431'. ..\f.

.\far. Ii C. C. Bllilding Fund-Cards .• Commulli ty Room , . " S.OO P . ..\r.

Ullr. 18 •.•• Adul t Dancing Class . . • • • • • • • COllllllunitr Room iAG P . .\f.

.\1ar. 19 .• • J 'hihlren's Dancing Class . • . . . COllllllunity Room. " ~ . O O P. 1\1.

8/7/2019 Our Town March 12, 1921 2/4


Last Month -Wha t

.---------_.._-------_.._--.._---------_._--. ------- .-----

Bank ing hours : 8 A . M. to 3 P. M.Satu rdays un t il 12 o'clock noon.

Friday even ings 7 to 9.

Of cOllrse, ••

deliver - aDJp l a c e - au ,



J. R. AIKE l\T

4 Narbrook Road


New Designs and Colors

On Sale at th e Residence of

..,A New and Attractive Line I


Narberth, Pa., Feb. 19, 1921.


c. P. COOKWood




Ratts CheerfullY Fu,...nisllt'don APP/icatiO>l

~ I r . C. P. Cook:

I ha\'e usod the ton o f coke \I'hieh you Ileli\'ered to lI1e on Fehruary2. It JURI. Insted sixteen llayS. I used no othel ' fuel in my heater duringth e period, as I wanted 1'0 cam parI' it " ' i th 1he p ea c oa l \l'hieh I ha\'ebeennsing all 'Yinter. A ton'of th e lat ter lasts, as a rule, just 1.\1'0 \\·eeks.

I haYe an Ideal Water Hellter No. 'W Ifl-5. :lIJcl sinee a ton of cokeat $8.75 lasts 16 d ay s a s ( 'omparc ll \ l ' ith a ton af I )( 'a ( 'o al at $12,50conslJllled in t\l'O weeks, I conclude th c saYing' is decic ledly \\'orth \I'hile,

inasmuch as I ha ye found the coke makes as hot . a fire a ' th e coal andthere seems to be less nshes.

I ha d no trouhle keeping- th e fire in -d id IIOt ha\ 'e t o makc up a newfire dur ing t he six teen-clay period . '\\'ouW lil", a ll ot he r t on o f colic atonce.



(Signed) EDWARD R. HAWS.

This coke conta ins 83.45% carbon. Twen ty yea rs agopoor Anth raci te Coal conta ined 77.84% carbon, and goodAnthracite Coal (the kind we handle today) contained 82'.10%-and carbon is about the only thing you want for domesticfuel requirements.


$9,500.00 New two story hollow tile bungalow, three bedrooms, tile

ba th , l a rge living room (stone open fire p la ce ), d in ing room, kitchen,f ro nt a nd ba ck c emen t po rches . Unusual b asemcnt . Lo t 50 x 117. Bestlocation.

SI2,000.00 Nearing completion, corner residence, colonial plan. 1m·mediate v i ci n it y o f p rop er ti es up to $30,000.

$15,000.00 Colonial farm house, rl'lIIotleled in to d elightful eig htroom residence, ho t water heat, electric l i gh t, e tc . Large lot, fineo ld shade, attractive setting. A property impossihle to dupl ica te , g a rage.

Have you some fr iends that you want to bring to Narberth7 Thisoffice will gladly give you complete details of a ny o f ou r p rop er ti es thatyou t h in k m ight i n te r es t them.

The Merion Title and Trust Company


We have been receivingmuch favorable comment in regardto the coke, as the following- example wil l demonstrate. Webelieve that t he trentleman in quest ion knows how to fire aboiler, and we know that he knows how to be Postmaster.

was paid for gas, groceries or meat? Wom en who have ahOllsehold checking account here neE d not l oo k ove r o ld bil ls

for bills may be destroyed when paid, as every check is a proven

receipt, an d the stub carries a place for needed in form;, t ion.

This institution solicits th e ~ a v i n g s and household accounts

of wo:nen, offering many conveniences that m ak e it pleasing

and p r o f i t a b l ~ to have an account here.

ROBERT J . NASHB.ea11 i< :> r

1001 CHESTNUT STREET , PH ILADELPHIABr "nch Of f ic e a t Sta t ion . ~ a r b e r t h . Pa. Telepbone, ..rb .nh ) 7 J 0

The Brightest Spot in Narberth

A Drug Store in theMost Modern Sense of the Term



FRANK D. CAMPBELL4 Stuart Ave. 'Phone, 395-R

Le t me insure your car agains t th evarious hazards, in ant' o f AmHica's o l d ~ s t "n d best cumpaniep.





~ - ..__..__ ... . ._. '. ._... .. .. .. ...___1

Ellligratill l l Ollil ' (' I '- " Anel I I' ha t ar e

,1'011 goillg' to do 'I"

Etnigrullt-" 'r:ll{c u p l uu d, s ir ."

Emigratioll Omeer-" :Much?"

Emigrll l l t -" Oh, ahout a sIHl\ 'el at a

time, sir!"



'I 'he lIIon1hl)" mePiillg of the llarold

D. 8J1eakmall Post, :\ o. ;;;:;0, l I ' i l l ~ ) eh"IL! ill E lm H all 011 l"riday ('I'l'lIillg',

1Ilal'l'h :?J, at oS 0 'l'loek.



C O ~ D I . \ : " J ) I ' ; l t,TUIIIIS "' , Follin" , . , . ' , , ; n ~ ( ; I ' u ~ ' l i n g A\'l',

Y I C E - C O ~ I ~ I A : " D m t SI rl 'i ll T, Ward

"'alt,,1' ~ 1 Burkhardt

POST FIXA:"CF. OFFICI,mIIoruel' X, Complon1'os'l' AIl.I l'TAN'l'

II:lI'l'r A. Simpson . . . . PIIOI1l'. Xnl'lwl'th (}3ti

I'OS'1' I 1 0 ~ I ECorlll ' r Elmwood nlHl Esspx Avps.

~ I e e t l n g s , (oll r lh Fl 'i l la r or "I'"rr lIlonth,


,\Iall '1'. Kirk was home fo r a few

days last' week d ' i t ing his parents.

,\ lall is "'orki IIg' d01l'1I ill Berll'illd,

\ \ ' "st \ ' i rgi l l ia .

:---:l'\"pl'al day:-\ ngo Wl' n' l 'pi\ 'pd a let

t,,1' from K('II I1 l'1h 1I: ll Il il tOIl , I I'ho is

I\'orkillg' d01l'1I ill \\'llL'elillg', "T. Va.

\\'L'rl'gTL't 1'l'I'," lI:i"'1I that th,' a"tio",

or ,'('rt:lill ~ ' ( l I l l 1 g IIIl'lI of tliL' 1011'11 Ilot1IlL'lIlh,'rs of the Ll'gion Po st h av e eaus

, 'd t il (' Properl ." l 'ol l l lJ l it tee and th e

EX(,l 'ut i \ 'p C'Ollllllittt. ' l ' to p a : - ; ~ H I"uli l lg

that th " lI('I"lqual'll'I'S is for the ex,

,·lll,h',' USl' of t1ll' Illl'IIII'L'I'S of the I'ost.



A St. Patl' i, 'k's : \o\ ' l! l t, \ ' Dan( 'e will

he h"ld in E1Ju Hall Oil Friday el'L'lIillg,

:'Ira n·h IS. V,'" lI'ekome all ",ho carl'

to :'Jll'lId a plt l: l :--:ant c\,('nillg.


Fo r God aud Counto' , we associate oUrselves togetlJer for thc following pUl'poses:To uphold aud def('n(1 thl' Coustltution Ofthe Lulled ~ t u t L ' S of AmCl 'ku ; to maintainlaw u ud order; to (oster and pcrpetuahonc hundred per l'ent, Americanism; I"preserve th e Incmories :Ind incidents of OUIassoeiat ion iu the Gr",1l 'Va l' ; t o IUl'ulcat•n s en s, ' o( Inlllvltluul obligation to th,community, State anti Natlou; t o combmthe a u t o c l ' a c ~ ' o f b ot h the classes and th,musses; 10 makc righ t the master ofI I llgh t; to promote Ileace and good wil l 01,I'arth; to safeguurd al ld t rl1nsmt' t to pOst l ' r l t ~ ' t hc p rinc ip le s of justice, freed on,untI dp1I1oerncy; to COJlHeeratc and s n n c t l f ~0111' comradeship b ~ our devotion to mutnalheipfulness,-l'reumble to the ConstitntlOl'o(

the AlIlel'lcall Legion,

The "I1OI'US "hoil' of the :'I[eth')llist

( 'h ll l' l' h \ \' il l p r( 's l' nt II l'alltatn Palm

~ l I l 1 d a ~ - . 'I 'I 'h" ('1'1I1'ifixion." h ~ Rt ainpr.

\ \' at "h f or fUl'thl'r 1l1l1l0nnCell!ent.

preaching with good results at a num

hor of P hi la de lp hi a a nd ,uhul'han

('hurches. On th e way t o L ogn n that

n ight t he talk o f th e p as to r a ad these

others tnrned to th e place an d influ

ence o f t he modern sel'mon, a II II it wa s

asked if proachers ollght to lIlodel their

,enIlOI" after Pdc'r and Paul. Rin

gularly enough, Dr. Bisl10p lll'( 'al 'hed II

l'l'gnlar apos tol i l' I dnd of sel'luon that

night, s imp le, e lea r , and lIIuch of it a

rnnning narrati\'e o f t h" l if e a nd death

o f e ll ri st a nd i ts I'(\snlts fo r mankind .

f'o if you want to hear good aposto lic

prenching, come Ollt to hl'ar Dr. Bishop,

fo r you nrc indt e<l , whethel ' you helong

to a ny o r no ('hun'h.

There wCl'e 41 a t t he " ho ir rehearsal

lod hy Mr . P l' te l' R tam l as t Tue sd ay

e\'cnillg"-a pledgl' o f th e ~ p l c l \ ( l i l l sing

ing that will 'he a f ea tul ' l' o f th e meet

ings. ' fhe Sllllg' spl'd( 'es will hegin at

jA5 cal'h night.

AGospel VoiceFrom the West

(B y th e Committee,)

You kuoll ' what Jille, II'ho!<",ou!ed folks

l l l l l : - : t ~ \ r l 'st t ' I ' I11 ' l ' : ' HI 'C-g l ' I I t l i I lC , brL'ezy,

fl'allk, aUll t I ' l l" as ,tl'l'1. Oil" 01' thelll

i s ( 'olu il lg to :\al 'berth to ho! ,! a t\l 'O

l\'l'"ks' IlIl'L'tillg' ill t h" J ' rl 'shyt l' r ian

('hllI"('h, 11L';.!illlliug Ttll'st lay, ~ l a r t ' h 13,

111101 I'llnllillg thl'ough East ,,1 ' 8ulLday .

Th(' I1l 'l' , _\I 't hul' \Y. Bishop, D. D., is

a \\ ' ('st "I'll pl 'l 'al 'hL'I'-fl 'OIll 1 'Ol'tIaIlll,


'I'll(' p l"as il lg personu l ity of Dr.

Bi: 'ho}l h e l p ~ III Illnkc h i l l i l ' s ~ i 1 g o e very

a('('opta"h', ]] " I' J't'al' Ii '" Ihl' old-rash

iOIl"d Gosl'l '!-fait!J ill 1h" Bih!l' as

(111t1's 1I11l'ITillg' \rol 'd-whi('h Ill('ll l ike

~ " t l i Loll' alld 8anl Blythe an ' tellillg

11' is ILl'e,led' today to k l' I' p t h l' lIa t iOIl

:'t"ady as th e lI 'al'", of Bolshl'l'ik law

I,'"""{,,,,, :lIJd of thl' pu rsu it o f pleusure

:JI1l1 1Il01ll'y an ' hontiug upon it. ~ [ r .\' an X "ss, pastor of th e church, with

se\'l'J'nl memhe l 's . \ \' l' nt to h l' ll r D r.

Bishop preal'h at Logan. He h a been

The Juniors' Dance

fro :-oar that it waS a H U ( · t : e S ~ is to

pu t it l ui ld ly . B ut it lI'a' u"(', ' ' 'al'y toI" , thl 'l ' l' -dau('ill;'; to th,' tinll' of thal

I'l'l'l'l'('t orehestra, t l l ' i r l i l ' i , ~ ' ('ollf,'tti aile[

:-,('rpl'1l1 ille:-, a1l1ollg' lallg·h i I Ig f ri end: .; ,

lH'arill;":· t h l ~ 11l\Tly ~ o J l g :-;pel'ially illtl'o

dIu'('d, :Iud l'1l.i".,·illg 1hl' ('uJlllillg' 1I0YtJ·

t.l- fa 1'(1)"'--1 II , !l or i, t o I ,, ' Oil" 01' that

j : l l 'gL :tIld l'lIthll:-;ia:-;ti(' ;,!:ttherillg- at th e

,Iuniors' ,1.all('e t o r ea li ze just holl' at

t I 'adil l ' su( 'h a ll alfail' "a u be lIIadl'.

T!ll' ('Ollllllitt(,,,, alld 1I1l'lllh"rs oj' th"

, 'l lI i, I I'ho 1Il '! I' ('d to I'llt th" dallel'

"0'"1' ' ' t'1'1t wl'!1 I'l'jlaid 1 , ~ ' th,' 1'llIlIl'li·

III1'IItal',\'lul'll out ol"'C\al'l, l '1hit(, ,"alld

,. lIoll-1'(,:-;idt·nt:.;" \\·ho "t'l'. ," IIpa r l ~ · fill('dEhll lIali to it s dall('iug' ,·apa('ity.

EIIII lIall, ill fad, II'IIS ( ' o l l l l ' l " t e l ~ ' 1' ' ' '

jUI'<'lIafl"1. Th,' lights lI'('J'e artisti('ail,l'

:-,11:111(111, window;.; ( ' h a r r l l i l l g l ~ · dl ' : lp (l l i

Hl l d tlil ' { ' t ) l ' l l t ' l 'S ('Hlllolitlagopll illto !'l'al

t'Oll:'t1!"\'atorr l'()I'I11'l'S with p a ] l l l s ~ f loor

lallll" 111111 ",i"b'l' furlliture as thl'


art. Au,1so,

sllrrounde,ll t ~ · I1lll('11 ('harm, lllw·de an d a gt'lll'ral

:-'l'irit of' l·ollirudit.' an d " pep" : I 1 I 1 ( ) J l ~ '1hl ' dal l( ' (' l' s , lhl' .!t,,!iors' first party

"(':11111' thl'ough" lI'ith lallrels. \\'e

dOIl ' t 1 I( '( 'd to aeld " 'Va1eh for the

! I l 'xt! "

Alhn B. .Jllhu'OIl, President of the

CJ"l:IlIIhl'r of COIUUJ('I'''I', all : ' Ila reh 2nd

appoillt'''d a s t hl ' Industrial COllllllittee

of thl' Ch:lIl1h(']' of Comml'l'ee David S.

LUlllum, l'1wil'uJau, t he A ut oe ar COIII

p a u ~ ' ; Ell lI 'a l' d G . Bud,l, Edward G.

Blldcl : 'Ilauufa"tlll 'ill;' : CompallY; \V. ] ~ D. Ball. I'hil:1I11'!phia :\atiou:d BallI,;

1·:llIu)()(1 lI 'illS, Elilu)()d j\ ' in, 'I 'u 'be Co.;

.Johu E. LloY'l. Williaul : 'II. Lloycl Co,;

II. Lilll'(dll :'I!(';\eil. Holll'rt :McNeil, and

. IIIIIIl'S \\'. Hawk, .1. G. Brill Co.




guard till II on their own premises fo r

100 days.

At the salllC t im e orl le rs of Chiof

DOimghy, of the J ~ l l \ \ ' e r Merion Town

ship police, to shoot and ki l l" 011 s ight"

an y dogs rUllniug at large al'e ell'ecti\ 'e.

'J'hp quarantine is tho re su lt o f s ix

kno \\ 'n cases o f r ah ie s in ,Vynnewood,

an d t he f ea r that other nllimals, bitten

or in c on ta ct w it h dogs which ha\'e

gone mad , w il l he l ikew ise a f fl i ctcd.

Iu \V,\,nll()I\'()()(! :\11'. an d l \ [ r ~ . George

Bla ir a 1'e unde r t rea tmc l lt to pre\'ent

p o ~ , i hie c le\ 'c lopml'ut of hydrophobia.

A I' d ,log llwued hy thelll was bitten

by a "Hfray" dog SCHlle days ago; it

l ' l \ ~ e u t e d th(' pe t ti ngs of it s o w u e l ' ~ and

Ilit thl'1I1.

Thl' animal wa' kiIll'd a nd th e head

exalllinl'd, I ' a , h i e ~ h e i l l g ' showlI. :\[1'. and

:'III'S. Blair Wl're immediately placed un

111'1' t l ' l ' ~ l t l l l ( , l I t . Th e hearls of six other

d og s, a ll k il le ,l ill the "'Yllnewooll sec

t iou, aud eX:t1uincd fo r rabies, like,

wise ,hol l 'l ' ll thcse dogs t o h a\ 'e bean

a ffli<'1ed.

Advi " 'l l o f thl'SI' 1'('llllitioIlS, thl' State

olli"ials hll\'e onlen'(l th e ljuarantine.

:'Ilusiea irs on :-iatul'da,\' af'tl'I'UOOIIS, at

4 0 '"Io('k. at th e 1I[l'riou C'rieket Cluh,

\\ill he ('outillued dmillg this month. At

th e ('OUl'('l't this af"'1'1I0011 t h, ' a rt i ,t ,

will Ill' Lugi B,oc7.eIli, bar it on e, a nd

:'Iliss ~ ' I I l ~ ' Ca,bu, pianist, 10 years old,


Fire, 350

Police, 1250






dend all advertising and n ew s i tem s t o

P, O. Box 966.

O ur T ow n is on sale at t he d ep ot

llewsstand, and at the s to re o f H. E.


Entered as second·class matter

October 15, 1914, a t t he P os t Office r.t

Narbe rth , Pennsy lvan ia , unde r t he a ct

of ]larch, 1879.

OUR TOWN will g la dl y p r in t

lIoIly news ih m about an y subject

that is o f i nt er es t t o Na.rberth

folks, bu t in order to meet th e

printing schedule, aU "copy"

-ma.nuscripts-must th e

editor by 6 P. M, Wednesday each


To t he Edi to r o f O ur ']'0\\,11:

1 helipl'p I hut ('"ho till' 'ellt illH'lILi

of the IIllljol'it,\' 01' al'bpl't h' , cit iZI'II'

whl'1I 1 gh'(' l'xpl't\:-,:- 'itlll to t h l ~ wish that

P o s t l l l a ~ t e r l J a \ \ " ~ hp I ' l i t i l i l l l ~ d il l OJlil 'l l

iUz.l1t'ad of I I l ' i J q . ~ · t 1lI'JlI't1 ullt hy 'h e Ill'\\'

, \dlllini' t ration.

If ( ' \"1'1' : l l lyClI I l ' ha:.; :oitri'''(lll It) illl·

)11'01'0 alld Illodel'nize till' 10(111 Illail ,en '

i('(' an d de:-'l'l"\"t.'s l't':Ippoilit I l l t ' I J 1 ~ i t ' s OUI'

JII',',,'nt 1'0'tllla,tl'l'. _" a I '( ', ul t of hi,;

illtellig('lIt :llId par"(,,t ('Iforb, :\ar '

bel'th llOIl' I'lijoys thl' 1I10,t slltisl'al'lOl',l'

I,o,tal , 'ollditilln,.; in her hi,tol'y.

.A 1110\ 1'1I1('1It" :l i III i 1 1 . ~ · :11 Iht' r('Il'1I t ion

of :'III'. ]/IIII'S 'hould he l aundH' ,1 at

0111'(1, :ll1d J 1 t l l i t i t ' ~ iglJl.Il't' r tilt'


i nt (' l' ps l' o f t he 1"'01'11' 01' t'l1L' ") 'pal '

HOlllld 110111" '1'011"11,"


Owned an d Published every Saturday

D1 the Narberth Civil: A s s ~ e i a t i o n .Subscrip tion p rice one do lla r and fifty

cents per year ill ad \"Ilnce.. _ - - - - -

To th e E di to r o f 0111' '!'Oll'll.

Is OUI ]Joli""ll1l1l1 p ai d t o do his ,llIty

hy rhp IOll"n 01' lllll,\' to 1001, plpasa II t.

11 is ahout tillle the Ilog lall" was l'lI

fOI'(,pd, as it is 11011' thr('1 ' mOllths past

du". Why hal'o la ws only all paped

g \" l l l ' y eit i ZPI I O W ll i Ilg' a dog' :-;hOllld eel'

tainly tl'.I' to kpl'p t lt (, law, it' only for

thp eOIll1'Ol't an d sa f('I',\' of h is neighhoI'.


Si x Cases of Dogs Repor ted and Hea lth

Authorities Act.

State a u t h o r i t i , , ~ h:L\'e established a

,quarautilll' a/-:ain't dog'S ill the l 'ennsyl

\'auin "fain Line section.

Not ic es a rc p os te d i n A rdmo re , H av

erford and \ " ~ ' l I u l ' w o o d , a,ll'isillg dog

.owners to IwcI' their animals undor


AI: Exp'!riment in (P-operativeJournalism-No Paid Workers.

_____ .___L__



'J'O t he E di to r o f OUI' 'l'OIl'lI.

How ahout thl' Illl'llIorial f or 1 he hoys

of t I l e" !lOlllp 'I'oll'II"? l Ia ' t h" id"a

<lied a l Ia tul 'al ( leath lik(' othl'l' pl'Ojl'e!S

ha\'c ill the past? To thi l lk t h, ' lI"ar i,

ever :-;0 IOllg an d st ill t h l ' r l ~ is llothillg

to sholl' for tl\(, '1\('l'iJil'l' th l'y made!

" : 'I [AYOL.\."



March 26, 1920.

President, Robert J. Edgar.Vice-Pr esid en t , Jo seph H . Nash .

Vice-President, Augustus J. Loos.Vice-President, Mrs. C. P. Fowler.Treasurer, Miss Maizie J. Simpson.Secretary, Mis s Huth E. Prescott.

Directors 1 92 3, Mrs . A . B. Ross, Mrs.D. D. Stickney, J. Garfield Atherholt,

L A. Miller, C. Lawrence Wanv;ck, A.E. Wahle r t; D i rec to r s 1922, J. J. Ca

brey, Walter A. Fox, H. R. Hillegas,

Charles H. A. Chain, W. R. D. Hall,Harry A. Jacobs; Directors 1921, F. A.Lanahan, D an ie l Leitch, George T.Knutzen, .J. B. l \ esper, Fletcher \V.


8/7/2019 Our Town March 12, 1921 3/4


Two Lines, IDe per issue; 5e for each additional line

Narberth Register

Walzer, Fred.117 Wlneor ave. Pboue, 1247-J.


Telephone Narberth 1633

In order to handle an increased volume of MAIN


to add to OUR SERVICE,



joined forces wi th -




Philadelphia, Pa .

" P h o " ~ Spruce 749/ f or R ea l

Estate Ser'bice that brin9s results"

HOWARD C. FRITSCHJustice of the Peace


Fire Insurance-Best CompaniesPhon e 1 7 49W-215 Hav er f or d Ave.

Phi l a . . P a .

"The Gilded Lily"


AS P08S18LE TO 10.00 A. JlI .. 12.00, 1.00,

a . ~ 6 , 6.46, 7 .46. 9.80 P. U.


Mae Murray


WEEK of MARCH 14th

~ s ~ u r ~ . ~ !Ainest Pho to p l av T h e - 'a t re oll is S i z e I n Ih e

Ent i reWorld.

Pb. 'oplay ..-Cont inuous 10 A . M . 1 0 1I.31t


i t i A a ! ~ ~ ~ J e ~ .. ~ ~ ! . ~ ~ EI GASOLINE, OIL, SUPPLIESI EXPERT REPAIRING



O'P'PORTUNITY!S a ti sf ac ti on M od er at e P ri ce s



MUSIC FURNISHED. . Fo r AIl Occasions ••

Wri te t o Q. UB,ERTJ3 ' 5 Iiarnpdeu Ave., Narberlh, P•.



For Permanent



The NarberthElectrical Shop !


ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS!W e r ep ai r, s el l an d i ns ta ll anything ,

Electrical. Old house wiring 11 spocailty. I

A sk a bo ut o ur th rg e p ay me nt p la n in- i

cluding fixtures.

Phone 1633 or 395W.

- - - - - - - - - - ' - - _ . - -


Phone, Narberth 1687



Smedley Built "orne

~ [ o n d a y ,


March 15th,

this rare opportunity careful and thoughtful co rdi all y inv it ed to all the meetings.


gIveAl l Narberth

"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness"

for meditation and prayer, every evening except Saturdays.These meetings will beg in a t 7.45 P. M., and will be conducted by


Special musical program arranged by volunteer chorus, under the

direction of MR. PETER J. STAM, JR.

A fifteen minute prayer serVIce pnor to each meeting.


Jobbing promptly attended to

Under the auspices of the Presbytery of Philadelphia North, there

will be held in the

during the two weeks commencing Tuesday,

ending on Eas te r S u n d ~ y , March 27th, .








Church Notes.

Otlicial BoaI'Ll ~ [ " e t i u g.\Iareh 14, at ti 1'. :\1.

Epwort h League Busilloss am i HOl'ial

!';\'l'nillg, March 15.

Prayer :'.lectiu;..:- "\'('r,\' Wed,"'s,:"." at

:, 1'. M.



:-;uuuay, " larch 13:

D.•Ii ) A. ~ l . - ~ u n d a y l:ichool. Al l


11 A. : \ L - ~ c " l I t l l l a s l e r l 'at t l'U an, 1

th e local t-:cout Troop \"ill attl 'ud UlOrll'

in g w or sh ip . T he jJ:lslor will preach a

special serlllUII lot he ::;ellutS. Thellle,

•• The l Iuus"s ot' Lit'".

6.-!5 P. :\1.-E!'\\lIrth Loague.

7A5 P. :\l.-::-:el'luon, ,. Th .. \'all,'.I' 01'

Dr)' BOlles."

Gospel :-;ollg Hen'in'. : \ Iak ( ~ u a r l e lnnd Chorus.

Rev. Arthur S. Walls, A. M., B. D.,


: : ;uuday School aI Iell<lau"e last ~ U I I 'da,v again hrokl1 all r c r o r t l ~ .

TOll lorrow is lh " last S u n , l a ~ ' hel'ore

tho lIIeeting of t 1 1 l ~ A uuual COIlt't'relll'('.

I w hi eh w il l he h,'],1 :\Iarch J(j,22 at

Whartoll : ' .IClllllrial Chu!'<·h. F i f t ~ , fourth l I l l l I Catharine sl!'L'l'ts. I'hila,kI


011 Palm SUllday e\'('lIillg, :\Ian·h ~ I I ,o ur ( 'h oi r will r.'nder " ' I 'he CrlH'itix

ion ." h.\· .Ioh" Slai".,]'. It' you h t ~ Y Ol Ien' r hp;Lr<l this IlIat<'1l1,'ss S:l,·!'<'<1 ,·Ias

si,·, Spl'k til(' iuspil':ltion 01' this n'lllli

lion a.' a , It tin; .! .' pn'paratioll roll' ,\'our

E a ~ t ('1' 1 l 1 l ~ t 1 i t a t i O l l ~ .

PHOTO PLAYS"Arcadia ," 16th a n d Ch es tn u t IIt." PhU.

1;ee display advertleement 10 tble I•• ue,


Culd\\'ell. J. A. Pboue. lllS7See dloplay adverUeement In t bl e I•• u.,

]<'rasch. n. C. Phone, 252-W.See dleplay advertls.ment In tbls I•• ue

I f ~ ' b e r g , Bent T . S pr uc e 7491.See display advertisement In this Issue.

Nash, Roben J. Pbone. 605.Money t o r F i rs t and Second Mortgage.

SI011,son, James C. 232 Eesex, 636. or 1420 Chestnut ot.

ltOOFlNG,,. Co. Pbone, 1258-W.

See dleplay advertleement In tble leoue.lillieI', John A. 248 Ion .. ave. Phone, 881-J

Shop, 246 H ..vertord ,ave. Phone. 1215-J

The above department s ho uld be or tb.createet u.e to the communtty. tbe lIet con,t al ne t he n ame ot every prote...loo&1 ma ntradesman. mechanic , shopkeeper . e tc. , wb .doee or ca n In any W&y eerve hi . tellaw·townsman. ..nd wb o Is progree.lve enouetto ad d nam e to lI.t ot Regloter.

As It I. d tmaul t t o r thoee cootrlhutln.t he i r t ime and e rr or t. t o t he produatloo or"O ur T own" t o peroonally e i th er koow 0'

Interview all OUCh. It wou ld b e moo t belp·tul It tbo.e not now tound 10 tbe print"lI.t would .eod In a memo at tbelr nam .. .add re .e . p hone numbera and buoloe_o orprote.olono tor I"'tlne. Thlo wil l aoot &I tollawo: 10 cento eacb luue tor I 110.0: i neDt.t or e ac b a dd it io na l liD •.


Cool< Bros. 1'1.Ione 302-J.See display ad \'ertlsement In tills Issue.

Wall. H. B. 1'1.Ione. Narberth lll02-J.See dleptay advertleement In thle I.ou.,

PHYSICIANS.Dani el E . S t ed cm, ~ l J) . ,

~ 1 Forrest Ave. Phoue. Narberth G01.Ofllce Hours: j-9 P. :II., 'Vcdnes'ya excepted.


Good Wear Shoe RepaIr Shop,

Constant ine. B. G. 252 Havertord ave.Phone. Narbertb 1700-W.

Narherth Shoe Store. 20:1 Hll\'erford ave.See display advertisement In this ISlue.

I'AI'Elt IL\XOIXG.B o ~ ' d . ][orn('e S. :n3 ~ I " e t l n g House Lanf'.

Phoue 3:ill.

NU'rAln' l ' l ;BLIC.

"ell'eries. d. H. II I .. rbertb ave.Phone. 666-M.

Siml,"On, Harry A. 232 Essex Ave.Phonf'. Narberth 630.

TYstJIl. "·urrt·JI H. :!OO \ \ ·oollhiI lC AYP.

·I'hont'. :\nrb"l'lh 1 ~ 1 J ~ - \ \ ' .O I " I ' I C I A ~ S

" ~ ( ' n t C ) n , Car) F. 606 Essex ave. Phone, 6IS ..WPhl la. address , 1031 Chestuu t st . Spruce 914

Zentmayer. Joo.I,h. 228 S. 15th st .. Phlla.




Rev. Avery S. Denuny, Pastor.

Church' Notes.

D ur in g t he last two \ \ ' , ~ e k s of Lent

this Church an d eongregation will tarry

each o\'ening in t he s anc tu a ry of God

f or H is hlessing allll till' d('eping of th e

spi r i tual life. Thes e sp ," ' ia l Illedillgs

will hegill next Tueselay e \' en in g. A ll

a r e cor di al ly invite(1 to al tend. Se e

further annoUlleelnellls ill t h is e d it io n

of Ou r T own .

SOI'\'iees SUlldar, :\[arch 1 : ~ , 1921:

9.:\0 A. ~ L - P r a y e r Sen·ice.

9.-1;) A. :\I .-Sunday School.

11 A. "L-: \Ioruil lg' Worship. The

"hoir will sing •• : \ Ir ~ o u l Doth :'IIaf-!:

nify," b ~ Bhlllll'nseh"im. ~ l r . La \1'

rellee Houston will g'i \ ' ( ~ a four-minute

~ I i s s i o n a r y Talk. Sermon h y t he p as to r

1{) both chihlren llllU adults.

7 P. : \L-Young l'e{)ple's :\[e/'tlng.

Topic, ., \Vhat is H,'al Heligion."

.Iamps 1: J !l -2 7; . Jo hn 1 7: a. L,'tu1er.

: \ [ iss . I /'un Houston.

7 ~ - t - 5 P. : \ L - I ~ Y e n i n g \ V o r ~ h i p . Rong

sprvice d l lr ing t he first fifteen minutes.

..\ h r i ~ h t ;.!lad hOll t ' o f 8ong, S l 'r ip tu r. ' !

:-:ermlJll anll l ' rarer i n G od 's house at

eventide. SIl'hjeel o f s ermo n, ,. \Vhat

Lad, I Y"I ," :\[al1. 1!1: 20.

The , \nnual :\Ieetillg" of th e \Voman 's

:\Iission Circle will hp held at th e

Chllreh on '1'I1l'sday. :\Iareh ]5th.

]il.:W .\. : \L-Wlli te Cross \Vorlc

2.:W P . " L -B u si ll cs s Meetillg an d

elel'tion of o fl ieer s. : \I rs . C ha rl es W .

lIan'pr . wh{) was in China t w e n t ~ · - t l \ ' oveal 's . w i ll 1"I1 o f t h., lI'{)r1, there. c\

; ' ' ' 'hite Cross Sho\\l'I'" lI'ill he hl'I,1 in

e{)llJH'c!ion with this 1I11,,,ting an d all

:In' Ul'gl'<l to hl'inh a package fo r th e


Cot1agl' praypl' 1l1PPt i Ilg:-: are i IIl'reas·

illg" in inlerl 'st anll atlen,lanee and will

•.onlinue all n ext \1'('"1,, Seo Church

C:dendar tllill Bullet ill Boan1 f or s eh e d'


Slran;!prs an,1 vlsilors welcome to all

1h(\ : . ; ( \ sC"l'vi('(ls.

This is the f ina l s e rmon in th e series 011 I" ' rho Pass io n o f Our Lord."


CAItPI<:NTEItS AND BUILDERS"enklno , Chas . L.

103 Dudley ave. Phone. 1084.


Ca,;e, n,. G. Phone. 395- ,Y. ,See d l s p l a ~ ' advel·tisernent In this Issue.

Fug1.l. Veri 225 lana ave.Nar. Phone, 650-W. Ard, Pbone. 161-J.


Bowman, Samuel P . (Li te .)116 Elmwood ave. Phone, S53-W.

!froUer Bros. (Fi re . e tc .)209 Woodelde ave. Pbone. 1262-R.

Wimer, "·m. Wood. 106 Forest Avenue.Phone. 326 R.

I'runk n. Cuml'bell. Phone 395-R.4 Sluurt uveuue.See display lHlvertlsement In this Issue.


Gilroy, John 211 E.eex ave. Pbone, 1345-R.Pblla. addrese. .LIncoln Bldg.

Bllte., F le lc he r W . 413 Havertard ave.Pbone. 372-W Phlla. &ddreee, CrazeI' Bld&'.

DRUGGISTSHoward's. Phone, 1267.

See display advertleement In tble leeue.

LIGHTING FIXTURES"cDonald John. Narberth phone, 1118.

1538 Cbeet.• t .. Phlla. Phone . Spruce 1118.

ACCOUNTANT8Gottshall, If . U. PUblic Accouutaut. 303

Conway Avenuc. Narberth. l 'a.KeIm, H. O. Certllled Public Acaountant.

201 Dudley &_. Pbone. Narber tb 101-W.

tiUTO)IOBILES.~ Gara&'e-Repalrlng. Etc. Phone. 1815.Narberth Garag e. Phoue Narberth 1633.

See display advertisemeut In this Issue.

AUTO)IOBIl.E SI<;ltnCE.Donahue, I ' at r ick I ' . Phone lll33.

See display adl'l'rtiseu'f'nt in th is issue.Sable Cen"ore. Phonl '. ! \ ' arherth llj2.

See d l s p l a ~ ' advertiseull'ut in this tssue.

BANKSMerion 'I'ltle &: Tru"t Co. Phone, Nllrb'th 3(lS

See dlspla)" advertisement In tbtB Issue.

BUILUERSShanel. Alex. C•• Jr . Pbone. No. 1710.

Narbert1.l Station.S m e d l e ~ ' . Wm. D. &: H. T. Pbon<,. llOO.Bee rll!1pla}' advertisement t n t bl ll t ss ue .


Davis, 11. E. Phone. I264-W.See dleplay advertleement In tblo teone.

MEATS. ETC.Cotter, Honard F . Pbone . 1281.

Bee dleplay advertieement In thlo looue.

l\IUSICJack son , Anne. Vio li n Instruction.

Telephone. Narberth 316-.1.Loos, Fanny H. Plano tl'acher.

StUdio. Arcade Bldg. Phone . 316-.1.

CONTltACTOIt 01" PLASTERINGI<'ratantonl, James, & Sons.

239 Hampden ave. Phone, 1697-W.

DENTISTSOrr, Dr. A. L.I01 Elmwood aVo Pbone, IU-W.

Pbll a . Phone , Filbert 42U. Keltb Bid&,.Schembs, Dr. John . PboneNarber th 316-W.

Cor. Grayling and Windsor aves.Office Hours until 9 P. ~ 1 daily.

Early Mass on Sundays at 7 A. M.

Late Mass, 10 A. M.

Masses on h ol y d ay s, 6.30 an d 8.30

A. M. Weekdays at 8. Evening devo·

tions an d other se rdees at regular





Rev. J oh n V an Ness, Minister.


Rev. R. F. Cowley, Rector.

Rev. Gibson Be ll , Rector.

Rev. Malbone H. B i rchhead , Associate.

:\Iel'lillg"s fo r nexl Sl1llllu.\':

!lA;) c\. : \ L - H l l n d u ~ ' Selltlol.

11 , \ . : \ L- : \I o rn i ng \\ 'orship. Hpr-

111011 thpnl(': " ,\purt " 'i th Ih,' :\Iaslor."

-1 p, : \L-J l l l l ior C, E. :\Ieetlng.

;) 1'. :\L-COlllllllllli, 'allts ' Class.

7 1'. : \L-Spll ior ('. E. :\[eptillg.

7,-1;) P. :\L-!':\ 'I 'lIing Worship, :\[1'.

Yan ;\CSS will pr,'al'h on " C a h ' a r ~ ' . "

8.15 A. M.-Holy Comlllunion.

9.45 A. l \L-Chu'rch School.

n.oo A. "r. -: ' . [oming Prayer an d




l\lontgolllery Pike, Narherth , wa s esttLh·

l i sh e l[ 1 682. Here Wil li al ll 1 'o nn wor ·

shipcd, as well as llJany other not cd

Fricnds. Onc of' t h e h i st o ri cal spots of

Am crica is 01'on fo r worshi!' every

First ·day (SI1lHlay) 1lI0rnillg at 11

o'l'1oek. First·dn.y Hehool hegin" at 10

A. ,,1. Yisi tors eonl ially i l ldted.

The First·,luy Hl·hool is held every

First 'l luy lIIorllillg" at t" n 0 'clock. '1'hero

i u class fo r lHlu!ts as well as fo r

ehihln'll, alld we ar e \ 'ery glud to ha\'e

a ny ol le w ho is i nt er es te d i n k no wi ng

1l10rC ahout ou r ~ o ( ' i e t y of PricJ l l ls an d

th e Friendly i d (' a s \ 'i s it with us.

8/7/2019 Our Town March 12, 1921 4/4



Cleveland and Ford Sales and Service. Quick deliveries onall cars. All k.inds of Auto Repairing

Work. Guaranteed Oils, G a ~ , Supplies

Narbe r th 1805 L. C. SHAHAN, Pro

Kill That Cold With+ \ { , L ( : ~


Colds, Coughs ......OM\V La Grippe

Neglected Colds are Dangerous

Take no chances. Keep this s tandard remedy l:ancy for th e first Sneeze.

Breaks up D. cold i:1 24 hours - RelievesGrippe in 3 days-Excel lent fol' Headache

Quinine in this fcrr.l doe s n ot affect the head-Cascara is best Tonic

Laxative-No Opiate in Hill's.

" O \ J E Q . i l ~ \ N · IS i t I ' <'rt>.SOLINE

IN 1',",' l l . u ' T O " " O ~ I \ . E 0 " ~ V S I 'NESS 'N " { " " \ ~ ~ j : > , , ~ ~ ~ IS " ( ~ .

SE\.i ' -S'TllItlo"t'ER.~ - ' - -

Narberth ShoeStore209 Hav.erford Avenue


r a r a - M ~ G i n l e y ' OU 123 South 17!1!S!. P h i l a d e l ~ ~ '

Better come in and lookthem over

SPECIALon School Shoes

A Quality For

People Who

Want The Best

GARAnteed Roofs

fo r Children

Cotter's Meats

Kreider Shoes




Plumbing, Gas Fittingand Heating


Phone, Narberth 1602-J

Washinglon's Birthday Novelties



Pasteurized Milk


Br y nc l ov l s Ce r tl t le d WEST PHILA.Milk

(Pedr ln llc Society ) OVERBROOK

Spec ia l .. Guern ..ey " MERION


(Roberts'&: Sharpie", , ' BI\LA-CYNWY


Cream Bu t te rmi lk ARDMORE

T a bl e o nd Wb lp pl ng WYNNEWOOnICream.

Grocer ies and Provisions

45th aud Parrish Sts.




FRANK GIONICement an d Stone


319 Woodbine Ave. ,Narberth,Pa.


Good Things to Eatat the

Narberth Delicatessen StoreHome-madeSalads , Burk's Cold

Meat s a nd Bolognas, Heinz's an d

Rohner ' s Bes t Delicacies.

R r ~ a d , Rolls an d BunB.

Store open to 11 P. M.Store open Sundaysfrom 5 to 7 P. M.


Phone Narberth 1749M

Narhe rth Taxi ServicePa tr ick F. r o n a h u e

Authorized Taxi Service, by Cfrtifi

cate from Public ~ e , v i c e Commis

s ion, dated November 16, 1920.Taxi mfets all trains.

Store orders p r o m ~ t 1 y called for anddelivered, Bal1l!age c a l l ~ d for aDddelivered. Freight delivered.

Open Day and Night Phone 1633

Wm. G. CUIIII1Ier bk w into .:o.:arl,,'rth

on Tuesday l1Iol'lling 110111 : ;al l l · 'ral l

lOisco, Cal. He had l ef t Xa rb " lt h S(',"

eral mon ths ago. An improll lptu reeep

t io u was held i n t he c en tr e o f th e tOWIl.

When he was "accused" o f l oo ki ng

v er y r oh us t a n, l h e: ll 't y h e replied thathe hadn' t spent all th e time he wa s

away in "d ry" 1 e r r i t O l · ~ ' . j'\arbert.h

will :--el'JIl lllllCh lI1on' Hat ural :-;illce l l ( ~ha s returned.

'['he Bullock Sanderson Post , No. 136 ,

AIIIl'ri"an Leg ion , A rd mo re , P a. , w il l

hold :J. dall"e 011 Thursday evening,

"farch Ii O";t. l 'a tl ' id, '" Night), at the

\\ 'omaH's Club Eu ildi IIg, ,\ rdmon', l 'a.

Prizes will be awarded. Admiss ion,

$1.50 lH'1' eouple.

THE FIRESIDE(Continued from Page 1.)

~ [ i s s Sa ra P arker , who passed some

time a s t he gllest o f } [r . and ~ I r s . ~ l a n ·"hester at their homo in Narberth, ha s

rl'turne<l to hl'r hom" ill MechaJlics·


/{ar 'raylor, illrs. Robort \Vood, Mrs.

Garf ie l J Atherhol t Ilnd Mrs. ~ I i l t . o nAlexander.

Fleteher W. St ites, who is n ot o nl y

ono o f t he N ar be rth citizens, bu t was

ono of Peunsyhania 's "a8" during th e

l as t e le ct io n, ga \ " l l a talk on "The

Pat.riotism of PeJ lnsyhania . ' ,

And last bu t 1I0t l ens t " ,ns t he s ig n·

illg o f th e club eharter.

'I'he Boy Scou ts o f Narher th " ' il l pro·

sent thei,: thirll :lJlJIual minstrel show

au d ,lauel' ou P r i d a ~ ' e\'eniJlg, April 1,

at. Elm Hall. P ro ce ed s t o defray ex·

pellses f or t he S .. outs f or o ne week at.

the ;';;"out trainiug quarters.

M r. E , lw in Wip f, who h as b een a resi

dent o f N ar he rt h f or e ig ht een years

and is well kuown , has opened an auto·

1II0hile repair and sup pl y shop at 1:l5

Ha"erford avenu,'. 1111'. Wip f h as hecn

e ou ne ct ed w it h t he \ 'arberth Gal'llg"

since hl' was Illustl'red Ollt of the s,,)'\'·


'J'he \\ 'omell's Auxi liary of t he Harold

D. Speakm:lII Post .. ;;; j(j. of the .\ IlIl'ri":1I1

LegioJI of Xarherth, will hold t h ei r next

l1Ieeting on ~ [ O I l l l a y "'""lIillg, ~ L a r e h 14,

at 8 o'elock sharp, at the IIlJllI" of Mrs.

.John Smith, 211 Blm Terraee. I t is

hop l' d t .h at a ll the 1I1l'llIhers will tr y to

be there.

The r t ~ g u I H l ' I l l o l l t h I : , ~ 1 l 1 l \ c t i n ~ of the

King's Daught"rs was hel,] ~ r a r , · h ::.

The ]a,Jips wl're husy se\\'ing in the

11I0rning. At noon a delicious lunell

was sel'\"e,l b., ' ~ r l ' s . ,\. L..Jacohy an,]

~ I r s . ,\ . N ",',Iham, hos tesses fo r t he day.

.Utor l un "h t he l ' J' ( 's i ,]cnt . Mrs. P. C.

] ) l ' r h ~ ' , olll'ned th " Illl"illl''''' s l ' s ~ i o n with

~ l ' 1 ' i p t u r e r , ' a , l i l l ~ alld p ra ye r. T he In

dil's I l re lookillg forward to a ) '( ', ·i ta] 10

hI' givcn at the ~ r l ' t r o p o l i t a n Opera

] [ouse Apri l 4. Th,'n' will he a harp

trio, a :..;illg'pJ' alld : t i l illll ' I ' l ' l ' ( ' tati\Oll

,lancer. TIll' 'Pl'o,·,·"d" of this I'lit ert a i II

l1Ient to be nS"d toward th " I'II,]OWIII"lIt

of t.hp H o ] i d a ~ ' 1I01Isl'.

Fo r a hnnch o f a \ 'e r age voices ( d ar e we

say" helow th e average?") th e chorus

wor k was s imp ly great.

J"ust. why , lim p icked o nt t he h omel i·

pst men he could find and made chorus

girls o f t hem is difficult to oxplain. An J

when they came ont i n t ig ht s, gee

whiz! of a ll t he IUl o" k· kn l' l' ,] -! ln t

ne"er mind. Of e on rs e, t h( 'r e wer n a

f ow hea ut .s aJuollg them, t.hese being

.J esse Harris, Haro1,] P,'nllO (Oh, Hal"

ol,]! we thought yonI ' nall le was Di"k),

Ro;r \\ 'i l liams, who looked like" Cutie"

uII ,hut hi s ,mist l in e, B il l B or ye r,

Qupeu of the Amu7.0ns; Chick Evans

a nd U ns or Fretz. Alllong t.he chorns

' ' ' b o ~ ' s ' ' stood rp"pale,1 to till' :lIll11ir·i ng gaze of the sl ls"el' t ih le young m:Ii,]·

ens of t .he to\ \'U s lj (' h hal ,, 1:"ol ll " und

yonthful matinee i do ls a s Kid Justice,

who was all pep; Big Chief Kirkpat

I'iek, HnlH1 Sharp antl. Oscar Surt.('"s.

Perhaps you noticed Doc Howard's

ac.l 011 till ' program", inyiting e \ ' e r y h o , ] ~ 'to "a 11 at th e Brightest Spot after th e

sho\\'. Hope you "'ere 1I0t. one o f t ho se

\\'ho neceph'd nn'] f oun d tho p]nee



Repairs-all kindsSuppl ies -a l l ki f ds

EDWIN WIPFPhones-Narberth 1726W or 67 2

•_________ a_ • • -- J

F RE D W AL ZE R3JUl1litt of t ~ JtaU

Insurance o f 011 kind$

Auto L i c e n ~ e H Rents Collected

Marriage Lict-mes

Af fadav it s f o r I ncome Tax

Workmen's Compensation


Phone, Narberth-1247.J


Main Line GarageTaxi S er vi ce H au li ng of.l I kinds

Packard Limousine to Hire

SABlE CENSOREP h o n e . Narbe , th 6 7 2

Community Club Notes

'rhe lIulLltiug on Tupsday was of p a r ~t.ienlar illterest to Pennsylvunians, as

the "ession w as d e, "o te d t o t he m an y

good things whi ..h ha\'o , 'Ollie out of

th e Keystone ~ t a t l ' . B,'side" the patri·

otic L l c c o r a t i o l l ~ , t h ( ' l ' l ~ was a eo!'y of

the ~ t u t e ~ " a l hallging 011 th e wall,

displaying th e mott.o, "Virtue, Liberty,

]ndepcnden,·"." :-;e"entl of the meIll

bel'S of the dllb had fOllnd Pennsyl.

\ 'all ia to be noted for more \\ 'oalth than

olle Jare hope froJJl anyone Stato. Mrs.

l ~ r a l l k 1'. ] ) l l lJ !0lJ ga \"C al l :ll'couut of

th" "Historie Shriues" of t he S ta te ,

~ [ r s . Wil li am W imer t oM o f t he man y

, ,Hesollrces," and Mrs. G. Merri t t

Da yis of it s nUlIlerollS "I lldustr i , 's . · '

The edu('atiollal adnl n ta ges o f 1"'1111'

syh"allia w"re b rought f o rt h by Mrs.

\\'. L. Owen; th(' IIIUS"IJlIIS w ,' re d .."nib·

"u hy ~ l r s . .0. • • \ lo"'r"on, :1I111 the I I l l 1 n ~ 'Literary Lig'hts o f wh id l tll,' ~ t a t < ' "a n

well b e proud were re\'iewed by Mrs.

\Y. Eo modgett . ~ l o s t appropriate wa s

it to ~ l r s , Eo C. Bat"IIl'lor to lalk on

ar t ad\'nntages, nlld n o l es s opportune

to h ea r ~ l r s ..\. B. Ho"" " J 1 t h u s i a s t i c a l l ~ 'tell of the :-;tat .. 1II1I"i", whiell eal l ll '

down to Phi1:Idl'l!,hia's faillous 1IJ'l·h"s·

t ra . A n appropriate r ead i ng f rom Al iee

Hepl'lil'r was gi""11 b.,- :\[rs. ].;,lwlJ.J'l1

~ l u ~ e h a m p , a \'oeal solo by Miss Ruth

Blldlllraw, Plltith'" "The Ktorlll.v \\"an's

]kat High," was , , " j o ~ · " ' 1 . alld ~ l r ' ".Ioseph Ban·lay rell,lered "Wit.h a Deli

('ate Air," alld "lkJil""" ~ ( of All

' n ) ( ) ~ ( l EJllll':ll'ing Y O l 1 l 1 ~ ( ' h H r J l I ~ , " il l

1",1' IIsuaI , 'hanning mannoI'.

' ) l r ~ . HolH'rt \Vood :l1'1':lllg'Pt! a 1111111

b.. r of l i " i l l ~ l'i,·tIIrp", 11IO] as ~ [ r s .Chnrles F. Shaw r ead a s ke tch o f their

lin's th,· li\ 'illg' !,i"!IIrpS al'l,,'an',] of

L a d ~ ' F .. rgu",,,,, :-ia Il y W i" t"I'. I) .. llOrah

LOi !aJl, . Ia ll " ! ·' ai rJ i, 'l d. : -; "I 'ah I I:d, '.

Elisa LI'"li ... au d Ali,·p \ '"al. In I'"alit.'·

th".\' \\'PI'(' ~ r r s ..loscph Nash , Mrs . Rob

..r! \ 'a"h. ~ I r s . Horaee Huell, i\Irs. Ed ·

f N ~ : ~ : i h ~ t ; t o125 Haverford Ave.,Narberth

Oh Boy! Oh Boy! ButIt Was Some Show

(Cont inued from Page 1.)

. Ii is utterly illl1'u"sible no t to eIl'

I hu s" i u disells"iug this choral i:loeiety,

its s1'lelldid "illg'ers, an d t l l l ~ n' luarka'

I>le ,\ork ael'lJnll'li"hed ill sU"h a short

"I'a('(' of lillie. Wi th s uch a competent

JJirel'lor as J 'n , ,· . j '\ ic e a l ld ,udl all ae

(·olllJ.allist. as ~ I r . Earle C. BeaUy, of

I'hilalielphia, WhOlli the orgal lizatioll i.,

,'x("'l'diugly fortullat" to secure-well,

it j us t a ll IlIelillS that there is at least

ill .:o.:arl>"rth n lIlusical organization, th e

se01'" of whil 'h ( 'a ll hardly he surJllised

at this wri ti ll g' , I . ut s ul l ic e it tu s ay,

that. from all !'resellt. indications there

" all he f ew productious such an organ'izatioll cannot. stage. And such is th e

iuteusiiied iudivi<lual interest of the

1Il","hers o f t he C ho ra l that s eve ra l o f

the lIl:de.lIlourhers have postponed busi·

ness t.rips in m<lor that they lIIay not

u li ss a single rehearsal.

\ '11 til further notice all rehearsals

will I>e held at the Y. M. C. A. every

~ [ l J l l d a y u ig ht a t S o "'lock sl1:l.rp.

A s f or th e Chorus, Well -- I'I'he singing throng-hollt. was \'ery

goo,]. There wprp no Carnso; ; or 111"

COl'llli('ks on t1\[\ stugp, .hnt e \ 'e ry song

l't1 'Ch'C'll a h c a l ' t ~ r : lIHl s incere enco re .

whieh Illpunt that t h,'.\· wpre en.ioyp,l.

the fabulous weal th that lay under the

.Fire House, you wer e t ,'mp t, 'd t o I>egill

(lxcavating u p L l r a t i o l l ~ at 011 I. l'.

. Hub Pattison, t.ho travelillg salesman

with a m:l II ia fo r home I>rew I'r"s"ri1'

IiOIlS, \\'as in h is p ro pe r p lace , too, as

a JlleIllh"r of th e cnst.

8eveml of th e auJiellee \\,ere ohsen'"

" u t ak iu g do\\ 'u sOlue of the rl' .. il"' ' ' ,

a ll d we an ' afraill that bod,'s trouble.

.\lthough etl"'e1ually , ii sgui se" ou t'

wardly, uo ol le f ai le d t o r "eog ni ze t he

1'lJ1'ular ::>ehool Director , ' l 'erpischorean

[';x1','rt. aud Dudor of TI'IIUis, W. \'oullg'

'1'irits ::>haw, ill the e hame l" r o r E,"·

"ret t, the lOapit alis!. Iu auy "apaeity

YlJU Jilld Walter, he is all 0\'1'1' the lot

at IJIll' tilll", lIlaking a Jreadful noise

a 11I1 workillg' h i" h ea d oIL 11 n J : I ~ ' uot

he iJiUplUl'Ul" to r l' lI lark right hl'J't' lhat

a:-; a : - - i l l g t . ' J ' ~ ""al ter i:-; a t iUl l Iiddh l J'.

.!Joe Hartle'y look"" a 101 l ik l' a "LI l' I'

alld wore "h e r " go wn ve ry becom

illgl.\". While there is uothing of the

f"IIIillille ill Doe'S ...oiee, it possesses a("'I'laiu soothing qunlity which reminds

.'"011 of th" way h,' say".. ,] \\" 111'1 hurt

y ou" \\h" II ' I", is al>oul tlJ Id:l"t alld

ha,·k a ,\ ay a t a diseai ied !IIolar.

\ \ ' a ~ ' I I " Harris mad" a hig hi t as

usual \lith l<is daJ,,·ill;'::. 'I'hi" lilll" I , , ~s !lowl 'd .us an Egypt i ll l i something or

ot her, a sort o f s himmy o r t od dl e, a sin

11"11" r at he r t ha n sinfnl performance.

Thp t '\'<I Bills, Eyans anel Wimer,

fnJ'Jlish,'d thp rom:lJlce f or t he p la y an d

did t h,'ir dllt.y heautifully, excepting

that t h e ~ ' betrayed a lack of familiarity

II" i t h i Ill' osculatory process, something

in \\'hi"h IIHIlIY a . ' · ' l l I n ~ " l ad y i u t he a n'

di,,!)('p \\"11111<1 han' "lIadl"d tlll'lIl gla,.Il,}'.

! ' :n' ryoll l ' was "1,:<I'!I)('d wi th George

HOl"e's singill;.! of " ~ I H I ' g ' i c . " It is "cry

pyidpllt that ("'"1'1'" i" f:lIniliar with

"la""i,'aJ IIIIISi". 111' pradices , t h e ~ ' say,

h . \ ~ :-;illgillg' hi:-: h : l h ~ ' to sleep.



"There's MusicIn the Air"

}'l'l 'ddi, '-"Pathl'l ' , I hall Illy fOl'tllll1'

told today, alld it was jll'ojlhcsieu that

I ~ h o u l , l have a new bieyele."

Fath, 'r-" 'J 'here you a re , that ouh'

1 1 I ' o n ' ~ \ \"hat 1 toM you-these fortune,

tellers lIe"er toll th e truth."

\Villip-" C:llI yOIl t ak,' e ig ht f ro m

one 1"

' l 'pachel'-"l\o, \Villie, , ~ , ' r t a i l l l . vnot. ' ,

\Villie-"Wpll, fathor ~ a i < 1 you can

- e i gh t q u a r t ~ of milk from on e cow."


(Cont inued from Page 1,)

111 uddit.ion to the musieul abi li ty o i

th is orgauization, it i s r un b y u nu su al ly

c U J l l p e t ~ l l t uiliccr:-; allU cOllllllittCl\S un

very lJusilless·like jlrilleiples. The first

m'ollthly weeting of th e BoarJ of Di·

roetol's an d uf th e entire urgunization

was held p r io r to an J dur in g an inter·

wissiou o f th e r ehe ars :d la st ~ l o l l d a yeYeniug, an J sen 'l ' al peud ing watters

aUended to ill eouei"e nlllline 1'. .\11'.

Hubert .Protz \\'as appointed Pinancial

~ " e r e t a r . r ; 1.11'. Justice, chairman of

the Board of Diredors; ~ l r s . ~ ' EJick,

,\ssistant Hecordiug ~ , ' c r e t a r y . "\. :Social was also appoinleJ, eOlllpOs'

ed of ~ l r s . Eas!>y, Chail'lllan; .\

Claghol'll, ~ l r s . .:o.:iee, ~ l r s , BraJley, ~ l r s .~ l i l l e r , iu eoujuncti ou wi th an·

lailllneut. Committ"", of which ~ l r . ~ l e 'Garrity was apJloilltl'd chail'lll:LlI, as

s is te d h y .\11'. l<'ellllo, .\lr. tlu 1I1arais,

~ l r . ~ l u r p h y , ~ f r s . Downes, Mrs . Foot e ,

~ [ j s s Pres,·ott. These 1'011I11I it leI 'S \ \' il l

:-itart rUllct iolliug' hy arranging an illter

estiug ",,<cial all'air 1'1'011I II IIntil 11 IW:lo:(

~ l , , " d a y ,,,euiu;; at the Y, ~ l U. A.

after th,' I ' l 'gular rcheal'"aJ , at whieh

tillle the J.louorary Vice·Presidents,

B oa rd o f Dir",·tol''', "t ..., \I ill 1I1l"'1 1h ..

!!'ellluurs of the Choral and part i cipate

iJl t h ( ~ Jirst :-icH'ial 'lgl't·tugl,tlll 'r" \)1 ' till'


Ju rl 'eogll i tiou of th e s l ' il 'udid assis t

au ..e I 'l 'ude red !>y ~ [ r . \VIII. ::>. lloruer

iu the prolillliuary o rgan iza ti o ll o f t he

.:o.::lI'J,,'rth Choral :-;; ... i " ly , t h, ' lilJaI'd 0"lJiI'l'{'luJ':-i h a ( ' t l l l l " ' I ' I ' ( 'd till' llllil.'(' of

Houomry \ ' i , ' e · J ' n ' s i d ' ~ l I t 111"111 ~ l r ,Homer, alld ~ r. l Ior l"'! ' ha" a""IIJ'('d !he

Choral :-:;o .. i,,!,'· of his "Olltilllll'd illter·

est an d ,'o,ol'l'rat iOIl.

~ l r . Hapl"ard, th,' l'r,'sidl'lIt, al'l'lJiut

ed ~ [ e s s r s . H. K,'illl alld ]n"iug Trott,,1'

as h e a d ~ of t \ \"0 C ~ O l l l l l l i t t p e s eOlllposillg

the .\s",,· iat I' ~ [ " I I I !Jership Committee,

whit'h ( 'ol lJ l l l iUnp i:.; HO\\, 1al{illg' :-illll

seriptious for assol ' ia t l ' ulI'llIhership ill

t l ) ( ~ ol'gn!lizatioll. AllY i l l t e l ' l ' ~ h ~ d l I l u ~ , ; i c ·]o\-illg readpl' wi:-:hillg- to join thiH

Choral ~ o ( ' i ( l l . \ ~ a:-i :t II H:-i:-iOtin t l' I I l t1 Jl\"

1,,'1', , 'all se",ure illfoJ'Jllation relative to

~ a m e fr o III au," nll'IIJlwr of the folio\\'·

jug ,'olllillitt"e: ~ f r . l f a ~ · w I l J ' ( l . ~ f r . ]1'\'.

'frotler, ~ l r . n. l ~ " i l l l , ~ i .. Justin', Mr.

G"Ol'go Ho"sl', ~ f r . ,\. WhitJII;,", ~ l r . Ed ·

gar, ~ I r s , lll'WIIl'S, ~ r r ' " PllO!<', ~ l r s .Brad"'.v, ~ I i s s Pr"s,'ot t. ~ f J · s . n,'umnn,

~ f r ~ . Butler.

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