Page 1: Our World and Other Worlds

Marvin B. Purugganan


Eng 11 WFX 1

What is this all about?

– comparative analysis of “Hell Is The Absence of God by Ted Chiang”, “Demon Lord Dante

by Go Nagai” and “Devilman by Go Nagai” and its possible impacts on people

– speculate about reality and offer fictional possibilities

What is the point/merit/benefit of this?

– to instill an alternative belief of what if the world we live in today isn't what you think

– make people realize that religion is very important and not take it for granted

– help keep an open mind about things and to see the world as something else

– give more appreciation to the kind of world we have right now

How will it be done?

– give a brief summary and descriptions of what happened in each works

– recall and explain briefly our religions

– compare reality and fiction

– give facts on how life would proceed on the different worlds

Most people these days are usually just passive when it comes to God or any other religion.

They do have faith and pray but it is done as simply to fulfill the requirement needed of them

by their religion. This paper shows people of a different kind of world to live in and things to

consider if what they think they know was actually not what it seems or what they considered

as darkness and evil was actually the one thing that was on their side. Even though there's

science, there are still many things we don't know and fail to understand. There are many

things to that needs light to be shed upon to in order to get a grasp of what real and not.

Page 2: Our World and Other Worlds

“Our World and Other Worlds”

We need something that would define the world for us. We need something that we can base

our assumptions on and make them as our standards on how we should and would see the

world. However, the place where we live and exist in cannot be viewed simply as this or that.

Today, things are not as simple as the choices you would find in a multiple choice test where

you would choose from a set of letters for the correct answer. Our world is not as plain as black

and white. One does not simply say 'A' or 'B' because there is and will always be 'C' and 'D' as

well. There is also 'none of the above' and 'all of the above'. Some situations also call for

something like 'B' if not 'C' or 'both D and F if and only if G but only sometimes for E'. It really

does sound complicated but that is how life works. If it only were easy like that then, this paper

would have no meaning and purpose. There would be no need to guess or take chances. We

need something that we can view the world with. We need something like a pattern or a way of

understanding things and that is where world views come in.

Source: World Views.

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What is a World View? According to Jerry Solomon, it is a variety of definitions have been

offered by numerous authors. For example, James Sire asserts that "A world view is a set of

presuppositions (or assumptions) which we hold (consciously or subconsciously) about the basic

makeup of our world." Phillips and Brown state that "A worldview is, first of all, an explanation

and interpretation of the world and second, an application of this view to life. In simpler terms,

our worldview is a view of the world and a view for the world." Walsh and Middleton provide

what we think is the most succinct and understandable explanation: "A world view provides a

model of the world which guides its adherents in the world." With the realization that many

subtleties can be added, this will be our working definition.

Source: World Views.

Many people have adapted different kinds of world views and some others have made up their

own world view/s depending on the situation/s they are in and what they experience. Just like

how morals determine the kind of person someone is, a world view is something that would

emerge from you as well based on how you see the world with your own eyes. Surely, each

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person would have their own world view because no two person are alike and our way of

thinking differs although we can compromise and work together so that we could share ideas

and aim for the same goals in life. That is why it is important to consider others' views aside

from our own.

Source: World Views.

One of the important things that concerns world views is about our beliefs (faith) and how do

you know what you know as. There are many other things to consider as well when dealing

with world views such as the person him/herself, death, history of the world factors to consider

for a person to act and many more but we shall focus more on about our knowledge of the

world and the Genesis Theory of how the world was made because it will lead to our

understanding of other kinds of possible worlds that would differ from us if we were not to

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follow the current world creation theories we have. To find the truth could very well shake the

foundations of the very world you believe in and see things in a different light.

Source: King Jesus.

In our Genesis Theory, everything began when God decided to create something out of nothing.

The whole creation process took six days and the last day was God's day to rest and witness His

great creation. Skipping some details along, Adam and Eve was God's greatest creation for they

were created upon His image and brought to life from earth. A snake animal tempted Eve to eat

a certain fruit that God forbid to eat and later gave to Adam as well. It was the first act of

disobedience and God exiled them away from the Garden of Eden to live on their own and work

to survive. However, God was merciful and loving so He did not totally abondon His creations.

He watched them from afar and sent Jesus Christ, His only Son to be the Savior of the world.

Jesus performed miracles and spread the Good News of the Lord. People kept swaying away

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from the path of goodness and so Jesus was there to bring them back to the Lord's Grace. In

the end, Jesus made the ultimate sacrifice which was to die on the cross to save all the people

from their sins and for God to forgive them. The big question now is where did Jesus go even

though He resurrected? We are now many years after the death of Christ and technology have

progressed very much. Many things that were unexplained and mysterious were solved and

given a way to be understood and studied upon. Miracles and blessings of God are still very

much needed and would really be appreciated but man found a way to solve some of the

problems without much help from God. We do not know now if God even exists or if the biblical

stories were true. All we have now is our faith and the Holy Bible which was written by Jesus'

disciples and apostles but many still debate over it and those who side with science and non-

belief of supernatural stuff disregard it and seek to answer with concrete evidences and proofs.

This is our belief, our religion. There are many other prominent religions but the fact is that

there is a god whom we worship that we believe in and is somewhere above our heads that

watches over us and someone with supernatural powers that we fear. We obey His will. We

acknowledge Him as a greater being than us and creator of us all.

Source: Disaster.

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Leaving the spiritual world and venturing now towards the physical world, let us take a look at

our society down on Earth. Just like God, there are some amongst us who desire for power and

supremacy. It even started back during the biblical times when there were kings who ruled over

their subjects. This kind of system is needed because there is the need for someone to take

over and oversee things. Without them, there would be chaos and disorder but those who ruled

were not always kind and just. There were those who oppressed people and and made them

suffer. Thanks to a certain someone who decided that being and having slaves is unnaceptable

and untollerable, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was born after many years of

struggle and almost destroyed along the way. Unfortunately, it is only words on a paper

because it is not enforced by the law and so, many people are still oppressed today and we

have not acquired true peace and order yet. In fact, the government itself which was given the

authority by the people themselves is not exactly doing its job. There are many secrets and the

world would not be the same if the people knew the truth of this world. Sometimes, even media

is controlled so that the correct information that should get across to the mass is manipulated.

Things may seem better now than before since we have laws and regulations. There is security

and we have our rights but why is it that many people continue to suffer upto this day? Justice

is blind and it is not the same as equality. Equality is also different from equity. There are still

many loopholes with the system that humans created for themselves and our hope lies in the


Source: Nuclear Explosion.

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What has science and technology done for us? It certainly has helped our lives become a lot

easier than what it used to. Manual labor back then was really manual and exhausting but now

we have machines who do the work for us and enable us to accomplish tasks that would be

humanly impossible. People have tested and experimented on new things in the name of

science and for the benefit of mankind but we have probably become too dependent on them.

Remember our great great ancestors from Darwin's Theory? There different kinds of

Australopithecus and Homo species but what they all had in common were strong bodies

because they moved a lot and hunted for their food. Compared to them, we have become weak

and fragile. We are not healthy anymore and have gotten fat. Instead of us adapting to our

surroundings, we have made the surroundings adapt to our needs and therefore, making life

more complicated than it should be. Also, science does not always provide benefits. Sometimes,

it brings harm to us and everything around us like when nuclear weapons were created. Even

now, we continue to invent objects that could be of potential hazard and danger if it fell to the

wrong hands and usually the cause of war because of the desire to attain that object or even

just knowledge of it. Science has given us ideas as well of becoming like a god. We have

discovered ways of how to clone ourselves and manipulate life at a cellular and even genetic

level. Changes are happening and it happening fast. Let us just hope that we really know what

we are doing because it might be too late for us to stop or do something when we get to that

certain dire event.

It is not in this paper's intention to give and point out the negative things about our world right

now and currently occuring. There are many good things as well aside from the bad but good

cannot coincide in this world without any action and reaction or perhaps it can. It is about time

to see the reality that we have right now for those who are still living in a world of lie that they

themselves create and on the other hand be a reminder for those who are lost in reality and

seek refuge in fantasy to avoid worldy problems. In connection with how we view the world, we

need to consider our beliefs and knowledge about it as well and so having seen some of reality

and experiencing it in our day to day lives, we now turn to a completely different kind of world.

A kind of world that very much farfetched and opposite of the one that you have read above. It

is far from normal if we were to base it on the standards that we know.

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Source: screenshot taken from the anime Arpeggio of Blue Steel

What if everything you knew from when you started to think for yourself up to this point on in

your life was a lie? What if the stories about the past and how the world came to be right now

was just a cover-up for the truth? What do you really know about something you don't know?

What if the world isn't what you thought it really was? Nothing is ever certain in this world.

Even science cannot prove and answer everything. There are still many things that we don't

know and even though humans have been around for many many hundreds of years, we are

still quite a young race who lacks understanding and continues on to seek answers towards the

unknown. We believe in something because we know deep down they are true. We convince

ourselves about the validity of something just satisfy our need for it to be true and to reassure

ourselves as well of our notion. Only the unbiased and existing truth shall set us free and until

we can find that for ourselves, the possibilities are limitless. Nothing will be permanent, only


There are three literary works that I would like to compare with the reality of our world and

these works are “Hell Is The Absence of God by Ted Chiang”, “Demon Lord Dante by Go Nagai”

and “Devilman” by the same person which was a film and anime. Another kind of anime was

made from it as well titled as “Devil Lady/Woman/Girl” but we will focus on the “Devilman” film.

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These works are that of fiction and totally different from the world we know. They contain

impossible feats and supernatural occurances. If they were to exist in reality, they would

probably be like in some parallel universe to us or perhaps a different timeline. However, a

parallel world to us would not have much significant difference from ours because as the name

suggests it is 'parallel' which means it still stems from the same past event. Whatever happens

in our world will also happen in parallel worlds and vice versa only the difference is perhaps

time of occurance or little discrepancies but the main thing is what will occur or is occuring will

be the same to another parallel world. The only way to change this fate is to cross something

what is called the “divergence zone” which means you go from Alpha world to Beta world in

which the two are compeletely different and what is fantasy in our Alpha world may completely

be real in Beta world. As have been said earlier, we are free to speculate for there are still many

uncertainties and unknown variables to consider. In any case, they seem to be totally impossible

as science would have no way of explaining them and also no proof as of yet because we don't

hold all the answers as well and we are still discovering many things like how a child learns by

touching and feeling. There is no way to tell that if a different world from ours does or does not

exist nor if our world may already be somehow simillar to these three literary works. We just

have not experience clearly the manifestations yet or reject them.

Source: Ted Chiang Quote.

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Story Summary (recommended to be read):

The story takes place in a world wherein angels descends from the heavens to perform

miracles, the spirit or soul of a dying person can be seen going up to the heavens or down to

hell, the clouds open and heaven's light shine down on the world, fallen angels exists, hell can

be seen just by looking down and many other of supernatural origin that defies logic and reality.

Source: Hell Is The Absence Of God.

To cut the story short, Neil's wife was killed during a visitation of an angel because an angel's

visitation is nothing short of a natural disaster despite the blessings, healings and miracles it

brings with it. Neil attends seminar groups that deals with people who lost something or

someone precious during the supernatural events. Neil has a hard time of coping with the lost

of his wife because she loved him even though Neil had a disability with his leg. Those with

diability are treated like sinners or person's who committed something bad because what other

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reason would they get a not normal body. Still, Neil's wife loved him despite this and so, her

death was a big loss on Neil. He went on a journey to reexamine his relationship with God since

He was partly to blame for the death of his wife and loving someone who caused your loved

one/s demise is unthinkable.

Source: Hell Is Not The Absence of God.

Neil was able to meet different kinds of people with their own kind of stories. He tried to avoid

blaming God but was never able to love Him as well. Suicide usually came up during group

meetings and doing so would easily end Neil's problems. Neil's journey changed and it went to

searching for heaven's light. In the end, Neil was able to experience that light although at the

cost of his life but he was enlightened and began to know all the reasons why he should love

God. He died minutes later and was truly worthy of salvation but God sent him to hell anyways

and we could assume that he never got to be together with his wife for his wife went to


Maybe there is a reason why we live in reality and not something like from the story above. I

am pretty sure you have an idea why somethng like this is just a story and not of real

experience. Having visitations of angels from heaven to perform miracles and blessings is truly

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wonderful and amazing but very painful and tragic at the expense of other people suffering for

it. In exchange for getting healed or having your problems solved by a powerful being, would

you disregard the damage and horrible disaster it brings with it as well? It is like the good is

negated by something bad and everything is back to square one or possibly much worse than

before. Also, seeking heaven's light as it would seemingly give light to your life and get to love

God only brings massive and deep burns for the light is to bright for mortals. Most of the time,

it would also lead to death as it is really too much. It makes you think in the story that with

goodness comes darkness and that there's truly no paradise on earth for it only exists in

heaven. It really is ironic that you are finally able to love God and realize His greatness but then

get sent to Hell where life is much better but the absence of God is apparent and you will never

be satisfied because you now long for God. Hell is the absence of God but life is same there as

in the mortal plane but the difference is that the conditions are perfect. There are no more

illnesses. There are no chaos and war. Everyone looks healthy. Its peaceful and calm but the

only downside is that iyou have come to know God's presence and hell is void of any of His

manifestations but to others it would seem like having a perfect life after living in the mortall

plane. Does that kind of mean you should not get hit by heaven's light before going to hell?

Would that result to a good life even without God? Science and technology don't have much of

any say for it is no par with something of supernatural origin.

Aside of a world from “Hell is the Absence of God”, another kind of world is possible that comes

to place wherein humans themselves can obtain powers not exatly the same but somehow

similar to that of God. Rather than having the power of creation, it is more fitting to say that

people in this world acquire powers of destruction and to be able to commit inhumane feats. It

is in this world that whom we label as devils and demons may not exatly be correct to their

corresponding meaning and what we percieve to be as evil is very much questionable. In

reality, we have God and a Demon Lord, either Satan or Lucifer but the latter is a fallen angel

and still was a part of God's Kingdom so something like the opposite of goodness. There can be

no good if there is no evil. We would not know light if there was no darkness. In Devilman and

Demon Lord Dante, we see that not only are there angels and demons but once again, God

doesn't make much of an appearance except for a being of light and only in Demon Lord Dante

that God shouldn't be associated with goodness at all. There is a much higher and stronger

being than lowly devils/demons and this being is a Demon Lord rivaling that of God's powers.

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Source: screenshot taken from the film Devilman

Story Summary (from Wikipedia but recommended to watch [film/anime]):

Devilman is about a teenager named Akira Fudo. At first, Akira is very shy, modest and gentle,

trying to avoid conflict. When his parents are lost on a business trip in the Arctic, Akira goes to

stay with his childhood friend Miki Makimura and her family (mother, father, and bratty kid

brother Tare). Both soon form a close relationship. Miki, a tough, smart, self-sufficient girl, loves

Akira but wishes that he would stand up for himself when he gets pushed around, and is

frustrated by his lack of backbone. She often has to defend herself from bullies even when Akira

is with her. In the first OVA, she saves Akira from a gang of bullies who are threatening him.

One day, Akira's best friend, Ryo Asuka, asks a favor and completely changes Akira's life. Ryo's

father had discovered the existence of demons when he found a mask during an excavation of

the ruins of an ancient Mayan temple. This mask turns out to be a fossilized demon skull, which

shows whomever wore it what the world was like when demons ruled over it. Ryo shows Akira

this and informs him about the demons' revival. Akira then sees Ryo's plan: "To fight a demon,

one must become a demon."

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Demons have the ability to possess and control humans. However, Ryo believes that people like

Akira may be able to harness a demon's powers when possessed, due to the fact that Akira has

a pure heart. Ryo takes his friend to a nightclub and picks a fight to draw demonic attention to

the club. Demons possess the clubbers and threaten Ryo and Akira, until a demon known as

Amon the Lord of War, also called the Beast of Hell and one of the strongest demons, attempts

to possess Akira. However, Akira manages to gain the upper hand of the possession process

with Amon and transforms into Devilman. Devilman contains the strength and power of the

demon Amon, as well as the heart and soul of Akira, giving Akira complete control.

After he becomes Devilman, Akira is no longer timid and shy. He becomes very aggressive and

no longer lets anyone push him around. This change pleases Miki, although she is unaware of

Akira's newfound powers.

Source: screenshot taken from the film Devilman

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Throughout the series, Devilman has many battles with the demon hordes. He encounters many

foes such as Sirène the demon bird, the water demon Geruma, and a large turtle-like demon

called Jinmen.

In the manga, the story ends with Ryo revealing Akira to be Devilman via a TV broadcast, yet

the Makimuras still accept Akira as their friend. Akira then confronts Ryo and discovers that his

friend Ryo is really Satan in a dormant state. Satan reveals to Akira that he convinced Akira to

become Devilman in order to survive in the world he was planning to create. Miki's parents are

arrested by government human devil-hunters and tortured and killed, due to their association

with Akira. After Miki and the rest of her family are brutally slain by a paranoid human horde (in

a particularly famous scene, Akira retrieves Miki's dismembered body from her burned house

and later is seen holding her head in his arms), Akira states that he has no one left to protect,

thus has no reason to exist except to have his final fight with Satan. Satan reveals that he has

fallen in love with Akira and is a hermaphrodite. 20 years later, humanity is now extinct, the

demons and devilmen being the only beings left. The final battle between Devilman and Satan

and his armies ensues. At the war's end, Satan reveals to Akira the truth behind his reason for

defying God: even though God unintentionally created demons, he wished to destroy them.

Satan was appalled at this, believing that even though demons were a violent, bloodthirsty

race, they still had a right to live. He joined the demons, then convinced them to enter a state

of hibernation in the ice, in order to save strength for the final battle with God. Upon

awakening, Satan discovered the beautiful planet they fought for have been ruined by the

human race. Enraged at the damage this new race had done, Satan led the demons in a war to

exterminate humanity. While Satan explains this to Akira, Satan realized that in the end, he and

the demons were no better than God. He begs Akira to forgive him. At this point, the audience

is shown and realizes that the Akira that Satan was addressing was Akira's corpse; Satan had

won the final battle against Akira/Devilman and killed him. The series ends with all of humanity

(including Akira/Devilman) dead and destroyed in the apocalypse, and with Satan and the

demons triumphant, though with Satan however looking sad and forlorn.

The 1972 anime TV series has no such apocalyptic conclusion and the ending is happier for

Akira and Miki than in the manga. Devilman's identity as a real demon is exposed to Miki in the

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final episode, but she accepts that she is in love with Devilman, even if he is not human.

Source: “Devilman.” Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 22 Mar. 2014. Web. 28 Mar.

2014. (this summary from wikipedia is accurate, well-detailed and true to the story as have been

watched from the film/anime)

Source: screenshot taken from the film Devilman

It is in this story that humans were the ones who defiled the earth and abused its beauty.

Demons were treated badly and not given any importance as a living race and God wanted to

destroy them after creating them and thus, the cause for their actions. It does not seem right

to destroy something you created just because you did not like it afterwards or have second

thoughts about it but such is the capability of God and He is Almighty. Maybe the ones we label

as devils and demons aren't as bad as we thought of them in the first place but only became

like that because we as humans could not accept them and treat them harshly. We all have our

demons inside of us but they only respond to the state of our heart and Akira from the story is

a good example of a human that became a good demon that fights to protect although humans

would not possibly believe them and hence, it was shown in the film that the soldiers/police

who caught Akira tied him up and shot him in the back many times knowing or not knowing

that he would not die but still feel the pain. It would seem in stories like this that it is not the

supernatural and powerful demons/devils who are bad but the humans the prosecute them for

what they are and their existence.

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The last story is almost the same kind of world from Devilman except things are more

complicated and the ones we know as a Demon Lord and God Himself have quite different

positions in the end. Also, many unexpected events occur and science & magic are one and the


Source: screenshot taken from the anime Maou Dante

Story Summary (from Wikipedia but recommended to watch):

A Satan cult, whose leaders are demons in human form, begin to hold a series of Black Masses

in hopes of reviving an ancient demon known as Dante with a virgin sacrifice. Ryō Utsugi, a

high school student, begins experiencing strange nightmares and premonitions. Soon after,

Ryō's sister, Saori, is kidnapped by these cultists for use in one of their sacrificial ceremonies.

Ryō's premonitions guide him to the ritual and he saves her right before it is disrupted by a

group of militant Christians. Believing that Ryō's new-found powers could ultimately awaken

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Dante, the cultists orchestrate a chain of events and end up luring Ryō high into the mountains,

where he discovers a portal that takes him into the deepest parts of the Himalayas, the heart of

Dante's prison.

Source: screenshot taken from the anime Maou Dante

Using telekinetic powers, Dante uses Ryō to free himself from his ice prison before eating him

alive as the cultists use a princess to again perform the black mass used to summon Dante, this

time with success. However, due to unexplained reasons, Dante's consciousness has been taken

over by Ryō who, upon seeing his new form, is blinded by rage and rampages through Nagoya.

His frenzy ends upon encountering Zenon, an old friend of Dante, who, becoming enslaved by

God, was forced to fight and thereby be killed by Dante. Eventually, Ryō encounters the leader

of the cultists, who tells him that his birth family was killed in a car accident and his adopted

father, who is both a doctor and the leader of a rival cult dedicated to God's Will, was the one

who saved him, revealing Saori to be unrelated by blood. In retaliation to Dante's release, the

followers of God unleash four demon lords, who wreak havoc on the city by draining the life

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force of its inhabitants, causing train wrecks, and so on, in order to gain Dante's attention. Ryō

also meets the demon Medusa, who assumes the form of a supermodel named Saeko Kodai.

Source: screenshot taken from the anime Maou Dante

As the story progresses, it is finally revealed that Ryo is actually an incarnation of Dante when

he was human. It turned out that Sodom and Gomorrah were a futuristic utopia under the rule

of Satan. However, God, an energy-based being came to Earth and demanded to use the people

of Sodom as hosts for its power. When Satan and the people refuse to comply, God proceeds to

use animals as vessels to destroy Sodom, an action that resulted in many of its occupants

turned into their current demonic forms from being exposed to the residual energies. The

survivors of Gomorrah, the last actual humans in existence, became the Satanists who allied

themselves with the Demons to fight God who took residence in apes and jump-started their

evolution into the current human race. Near the end of the conflict that followed, as Satan both

sealed himself within another dimension, Dante transferred his human body and soul to Judas

Iscariot and Ryo Utsugi respectively to keep fighting after he was sealed. With Ryo finally

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regaining his memories as Dante while in Sodom and Gomorrah, he teams up with the cultists

and plans to finally take vengeance upon God for his sins while releasing Satan.

Source: screenshot taken from the anime Maou Dante

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However, God decides to jumpstart the apocalypse, gathering the pieces of itself within humans

to reform, as the humans ultimately destroy themselves, while taking Saori to make her the

ultimate weapon under his control to smite all the demons. After Dante/Ryo succeed in

destroying the first form which was a large serpent featuring twisted parodies of Adam and Eve,

she transforms into an angelic knight with Saori's body placed in its forehead. She battles Ryo

fiercely before managing to break God's hold over her. But ultimately, along with the demons'

creation, this was all part of God's design as they were collectively his trump Adam and Eve,

their embrace destroying the world and scattering God back into space to find another world to

repeat the cycle of conflict among its native lifeforms. The final scene of the show shows them

holding hands and walking in what seems to be a prehistoric version of the Garden of Eden.

Source: “Demon Lord Dante” Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., 17 Mar. 2014. Web.

28 Mar. 2014. (this summary from wikipedia is accurate, well-detailed and true to the story as have

been watched from the anime series)

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Source: screenshot taken from the anime Maou Dante

It is in this last story that the very foundations of our beliefs and knowledge of the world as we

know is shaken to the point that everything we know would really be a lie and if we were to

follow the story, we are the humans created by God whom someday will be recalled and go

back to him when the end is near. This story does somehow have similarities with our world

because in the end of time, God will judge us and those who die are returned to dust or in

other words go back to God. If this is true just like in the story then, perhaps it will be God who

will bring about our destruction as well. God is an almighty being that came from space who

invaded earth and made people obey His will. The original people of earth disagreed with God's

will and was therefore casted as evil. God created another humans that will inhabit the earth

who would follow His will and thus the original people who fought God became the devils and

demons. Dante wanted to avoid destruction of any more cities and fought to protect his people

and reclaim earth so he became something of a Demon Lord but in actuality is someone like a

savior. Comparing this with our reality results in complete opposite of God being an invader or

alien and Demon Lord Dante who was once a normal human. He acquired the power after

being hit with God's power in combination with science and technology. His body is made up of

a fighter plane equipped with weapons and arsenals for fighting God but was attacked by a

prehistoric dinosaur and bird. It was in that world that the past, present and future did not

matter for there were still prehistoric animals and their technological level was already

advanced. He was then hit with God's flame and the result was his transformation into a Demon

Lord, combining the fighter plane which became his head, dinosaur as his body and bird feet,

where he acquired the power to protect the ones he loved and fight against God for many

centuries to come as he was resurrected again and again.

Neither will nor strength alone is ever enough to end conflicts. Both is needed and even though

power will only cause destruction, it is still needed if there is a desire for change and for the

right reasons. Those that have the heart and ideas that could make the world a better place fail

for they are powerless and those with power abuse it. The world is constantly changing and

many things are coming into light. The stories above are not meant to dissuade any real beliefs

or damage religion but it only serves as something to keep our minds open and instill ideas that

Page 24: Our World and Other Worlds

we could very well soon find ourselves in the same world as the above depending on what the

turth could possibly be so for now, we should be steadfast and stay strong to our beliefs and

appreciate the life we are living in. Compared to the stories mentioned above, our lives are

much easier and taken for granted. Imagine if there were really demons and angels who are at

war. Chaos would ensure and many lives wouldn't be spared. Living in those kind of worlds

would surely break any balance and living wouldn't be possible at all. There is no way of

knowing what might happen and the next thing you know, you might be lying flat on the

ground or worse, knowing that the world maybe destroyed in just moments. It might even be

that the world is at a standstill right now between the realms of heaven and hell. And we

humans at the mortal plane are the determining point. We do not see much of supernatural

entities because they are hidden and there is no real need for them to appear unless we cross

that point someday when we tip the balance of this world. We do not know what the future

holds nor what lies in store for us but the current way of lives is not really that favorable as we

are concerned as well with how to preserve resources and take care of Mother Earth. We might

be heading for a world not like the ones above but something different and new that we have

never imagined before. It is time to start asking the right questions so that we can get the right

answers and it is always a good idea to consider all “what if's?” just to be certain.

Source: screenshot taken from the anime Macademi Wasshoi

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➢ Solomon, Jerry. “World Views.” Probe Ministries., 1994. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.

➢ Stedman, Ray. “The Shaking of the Earth.”, Ray Stedman Ministries, 16

Sept. 1973. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.

➢ Valia, Tinkoo. “Hell is the Absence of God.”, Variety SF. 8 Jun.

2008. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.

➢ Devilman. Dir. Hiroyuki Nasu. Prod. Rioko Tominaga, Toshiyuki Matsui and Hiromi

Kitasaki. Toei Company., 2004. DVD.

➢ Maou Dante. Dir. Kenichi Maejima. AT-X, Animax., 2002.

➢ “Human Rights.” United Nations., 2014. Web. 28 Mar. 2014.

➢ O'Neil, Dennis. “Early Transitional Humans.” 1999-2012. Web. 28

Mar. 2014.

➢ Chiang, Ted. “Hell is the Absence of God.” 28 Mar. 2014

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