Page 1: Outline of brief and preliminary ideas

By Tesfah Watkins-Scott

Session 1

Page 2: Outline of brief and preliminary ideas

Session 1 The Production portfolio will consist of a short film, 2

ancillary products (film poster, double page spread), a blog and also an evaluation of the whole project.

Page 3: Outline of brief and preliminary ideas

Requirements of the Production Portfolio, Blog and Evaluation For my Media production I must assemble a Portfolio which includes: a Short

Film, ancillary product 1, ancillary product 2, a blog and then an evaluation. The short film that has to be made will be based on the Fairy-tale “Little Red Riding Hood” and will be as long as five minutes, however me and my partner will convert this into our own unique short film. The two ancillary products consist of a poster for the short film and also a magazine review page for the film that will be made. Both ancillary products must be created individually by each member in the group. As we go through the stages of producing our short film and ancillary products we also must create a blog on and keep updating the blog as we add and change different aspects to our product. The last section which will be completed after we have produced all the other sections would be the Evaluation. The Evaluation will basically consist of feedback, aspects we enjoyed and also areas where we think we struggled and need improvement.

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Who is in your Group and what are you called? My group consist of me Tesfah Watkins-Scott and Marcus Thomas. We have

decided that we would like to work as a pair instead of working in a group of 4 as we know we can rely on each other to reach deadlines and also being around for the majority of the filming and editing.

For the name of our production company we both had to think quite a lot to make sure that the production name actually has a meaning behind it. We came up with the name “2FILM” which is basically a play on words for “to film” however, we have replaced the “to” with the number “2”. This number will represent both members in the group for our film production, but also the name we will be using will portray us as being dedicated towards filming and production.

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Discuss the Roles required for the Production and what your Individual Role is? Producer- Producers could be known as the main role or the team leaders of the Television/Film

industry. Producers oversee and guide the other roles towards completion, and they also may contribute with the marketing and distribution processes. Producers are prone to work with the director quite closely which means that producers need to have directing skills as the producer may have to switch roles or take on both roles if necessary. Producers also take care of the funding for the film production and also sticking to the budget for the film. On the other hand for our short film we have not been allocated an actual budget therefore the producer of our short film will not need to worry about this.

Editor- Editors normally work quite close to the Director before actually shooting the film. This is because they will try and find a way to maximise the potential of the actual film. Editors will normally begin work by looking at yesterday’s rushes which would have been developed overnight. Editors select the best takes and then eventually edit them to create attractive scenes.

Director- Being a director is the most creative role in film production and is a significant link between the production, technical and creative teams. They are responsible for actually converting the script of the film into actual images or animations. The directors main tasks with film production are: casting, script editing, shot composition and editing. Directors need to have tremendous artistic creative skills to be able to actually develop an original film. They must make crucial decisions such as changing the cast and so fourth however, they must also be able to collaborate with others.

Sound/Camera- Camera men/women have a vital role in film production. This is because they must assist the director by carrying out their instructions correctly regarding shot composition and so forth. Camera Operators usually start their work towards the end of pre-production. Once the director has rehearsed the shots the camera operator will decide where to place the camera , and what lenses and what supporting equipment to use to make the shot suit whatever genre the film production will be.

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My Role The role me and my partner Marcus Thomas decided I

should be was mainly the Producer. However, because there is only two of us including myself and there’s 4 different roles we had to decide who would be the others. We came to the conclusion that I would be the Producer and the camera/sound and editor position would be shared by the both of us equally.

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Outline the Preliminary Ideas you have Discussed and are Developing Me and my partner Marcus have decided that we will stick to our

original choice for a fairy tale for our short film which is ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. One reason for choosing this fairy tale is that we feel we can subvert many characters but still keep the same persona’s as the original characters in the fairy tale.

We have also discussed a few genre’s that we may use for our own version of ‘Little Red Riding Hood’. At the moment we are trying to see which genre we can develop the most into being the most effective when watched by the audience. The main genre’s we have thought about have been: horror, comedy and action. However, we are progressing with the comedy genre we will still keep the other two genre’s in mind in case the specific genre begins to suit the actual script and so forth. Once we begin to create our storyboard we will finalise our plans for the genre of our short film.

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