Page 1: Outline of International Report on ICCS National Research Coordinators Meeting Madrid, February 2010

Outline of International Report on ICCS

National Research Coordinators Meeting Madrid, February 2010

Page 2: Outline of International Report on ICCS National Research Coordinators Meeting Madrid, February 2010


February 2010

Content of presentation

• Steps in report development• Report structure• Content of report chapters• Appendices

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February 2010

Report development

• First draft outline discussed at ICCS Joint Management Group meeting in Hamburg July 2009

• Discussion with Project Advisory Committee at its meeting in Tallinn October 2009

• Revised and finalised at Joint Management Group meeting in Hamburg December 2009

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February 2010

Report publication

• Authors will be staff working at the three research institutions

• Preliminary title: “Civic Knowledge, Attitudes and Engagement among Lower Secondary School Students in 38 Countries: ICCS 2009 International Report”

• The report will be released end of June 2010

This should be discussed at the JMC meeting in Madrid 12 Feb 10 prior to presentation!!!
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February 2010

Report structure - 1

I. Introduction

II. Contexts for CCE

III. Students’ civic and citizenship knowledge

IV. Students’ civic engagement

V. The roles of schools and communities

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February 2010

Report structure - 2

VI. The influences of family background

VII.Explaining variation in learning outcomes

VIII.Conclusion and Discussion


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February 2010


• Background and aims of study

• Links to CIVED and trends

• Outline of design and methodology

• Rationale and chapter overview

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February 2010

Contexts for civic and citizenship education

• Country background information– Tables not yet available

• Country information on educational system and CCE

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February 2010

Students' Civic and Citizenship knowledge

• Measurement of civic and citizenship knowledge

• Comparison of civic knowledge and understanding across countries

• Gender differences in civic knowledge and understanding

• Trends in civic knowledge

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February 2010

Students' Civic Value Beliefs and Attitudes

• Democratic value beliefs and citizenship concepts

• Students' views on gender rights and rights for ethnic/racial groups and immigrants

• Students' trust in institutions and attitudes toward their country

• Students' engagement with religion

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February 2010

Students' Civic Engagement

• Interest, self-concept and self-efficacy

• Present participation in civic activities (in and out of school)

• Expected civic participation in the future

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February 2010

The Roles of Schools and Communities

• Context of local community

• School context and climate

• Teaching of civic and citizenship education

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February 2010

The Influences of Family Background

• The influence of cultural/ethnic family background on civic knowledge

• The influence of socio-economic family background on civic knowledge

• The influence of parental interest on civic knowledge

• The combined influence of home background on civic outcomes

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February 2010

Explaining Variation in Learning Outcomes

• A model for explaining civic knowledge and engagement

• Results for model explaining civic and citizenship knowledge

• Results for model explaining expected electoral participation as an adult

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February 2010

Conclusion and Discussion

• Summary of outcomes

• Comparison with previous findings

• Possible implications for policy and practice

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February 2010


• Instrument design, samples and participation rates

• ICCS test and questionnaire indices

• Sample items for cognitive test

• Maps describing questionnaire indices

• Organisations and Individuals involved in ICCS

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February 2010

NRC review

• Country representatives should:– Review general outline and chapter

content– Review appropriateness of reporting


• Group discussion at meeting

• Written feedback after meeting (by 5 March 2010)

• Report revision following NRC feedback

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February 2010

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