
Walk In Love. What is Love? A description of love is found in 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. This passage lets us know

that I can speak in tongues, I can operate in many gifts, I can feed the poor, I can risk my life to save someone else life, But if I do not have Love,

I am nothing, I profit nothing.

Love is patient. It shows the act of kindness. Love is not jealously and it doesn't envy. Love is not disrespectful. Love won't curse you out.

Love won't insult you. And as children of God, we should be rooted in love. Love endure all things, believe all things, hope in all things. Love never fails.

Out of faith, hope and love, Love is the greatest.

The Word even tells us that perfect love cast out all fears. I don't know about you, but when God called me for a purpose, I had fear in my heart.

I doubted what God told me by saying what if something goes wrong. What if the people do not accept me. What if, What if, What if. I had very

little to no faith during that time.

God shifted my focus on His love and taught me the importance of being rooted in His love. God brought my attention to Ephesians 3:17 where it

says, “That Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith; that ye, being rooted and grounded in love,”

When I finally got this revelation, I begin experiencing this unbelievable but yet believable peace. I begin to understand what God meant when

He said that He will keep us in His perfect peace.

I begin to walk in love and allowed the Fruits of the Spirit flourish in my life. I recognize how the enemy became weak when I chose to

love by showing kindness, becoming the peacemaker, refusing to argue but instead pray. I kept my eyes on God rather than on my

circumstances. God's love has made me stronger. His love has given me the wisdom and the strength to push forward.


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God Fearing Inspirational Group – This group is for God-fearing women coming together to pray and

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Inspirational Quotes

How do we know when God is calling us for a great purpose? You will feel it deep down inside and things will began to change in your life. You will no longer be the same person you used to be. People will begin to see His light shining all over you. God will place His purpose in your heart as

a strong desire. And God will not leave you alone until you walk into His purpose for your life. Never be afraid to do what God has called you to do. Never feel that you are not qualified to do what God has called you do. He has already equipped you with everything you need. Keep in

mind that it is God working through you and all things are possible with Him. Be Blessed. ~LaShunda N.

From this day forward, your life will never be the same. You will walk into the Abundance of God. You are a chosen generation, a holy nation, a royal priesthood and peculiar people. You belong to the One Almighty God! You have been called to let His light shine through you. Know your place in the

Kingdom of God and watch your life forever change for His good! ~LaShunda N.

Where are all the Soldiers and Warriors For Christ?!!! God has given us His Power and His Strength! We can do all things through Christ who strengthen us! All things are possible with God!!!

God has not given us the spirit of fear! We already have the Victory! So I ask again, where are all the Soldiers and Warriors for Christ? Know who you are in God and walk into your Destiny!

Be Blessed!!! ~LaShunda N.

God has already given you the gifts of Joy and Peace. It is up to you to keep it! You have the power to hold on to these beautiful gifts. Never let anyone nor anything

steal your Joy and Peace. Keep in mind that God is ALWAYS in CONTROL! Have Faith and Believe that Everything will work out for GOOD. GOD loves you unconditionally. Take

a few minutes of your time each day and tell God, "Thank you for everything". Remember to walk by faith and not by sight.

Remember to keep your eyes on God and set your heart on the things above. No matter what is happening in your life, Trust that God is always in control. All things will work

out for your good. I am going to get some rest for the night, so have a blessed night. I pray God's blessings over your life each and everyday. God Bless you~ LaShunda N.




Philippians 4:6-7 - Don’t worry about anything, but pray and ask God for everything you need,

always giving thanks for what you have. And because you belong to Christ Jesus,

God’s peace will stand guard over all your thoughts and feelings. His peace can do

this far better than our human minds.

In essence this Word means, do not be distracted or have anxiety about things. The world provides a multiplicity of things that will distract you from the greatness of God's Word. The enemy's basic goal is to distract a believer's mind away from the promises of God. In Philippians 4:6 above, we are told in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let our needs be known to God. The result is that the

peace of God will keep (guard) your hearts and minds which is the results of your prayers.

Keep In Mind:

Not to worry; No distractions; No anxiety

Pray to God for everything that is going on in your life (Cast your cares on the Lord)

Pray instead of worrying.

Prayer + Thanksgiving = Peace From God.

Give thanks unto God, no matter how your situation looks.

Remember that all things will work out for your good.

God has already overcome the world. You have the victory in Christ Jesus.

We know that Jesus came not to do away with the law but to fulfill the law. Now as you read in the Book of Matthew 5:17 God speaks about how He came to fulfill the law rather than destroy it. If you really pay attention,

the entire law is covered when we walk in Love.

In the Book of Galatians 5:14, it says “For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this; Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.”

Two Of God's Greatest Commandments Which Can Be Found in the Book of Mark 12:30-31 says to Love God with all our heart, and all our soul, and all our mind, and with all our strength for

this is the first commandment. God's second greatest commandment is to love others as we love ourselves.

So the very first thing is to Love God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength. This means that we completely surrender to God and allow God to fill us with His Holy Spirit. This enables us to begin our journey for God.

God's second commandment is to love others as we love ourselves. In order to love others as myself, I must first learn how to love myself. In order to learn how to love myself, I must learn who I am in God.

I begin seeking God diligently everyday of my life. And the more I learned who I am in Christ, the more I begin to see myself the way God sees me. This allowed me to freely love others, support others,

encouraged others and help others from a sincere heart.

I remember skipping the part about loving myself and tried to love others as I love myself. I found it extremely difficult when others was disrespectful, rude, and even tried to stand in the way

of God's blessings for my life.

I remember praying and asking God to give me the strength I need to love others. It wasn't until God gave me the revelation that first I must understand who I am in Him. And I am here to tell you that

once I have learned this, my journey for God has become a peaceful one. It has become a powerful one. And many barriers have been broken in my life.

Let me explain. I still have fights from the enemy. I still go through struggles in life. I still face people who are rude, disrespectful, and trying to stand in the way of my Blessings from God.

That has not changed. What has changed is my ability to love them sincerely from my heart.

God told us to love our enemies and to pray for our enemies. I am now able to discerned that most people who are rude and disrespectful towards me really has nothing to do with me. There

are many people who are fighting their own inner war.

The word says in Ephesians 6:12, “For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

I begin to recognize how the enemy was using people to distract me from reaching my destination for God. I begin to understand that my fight was not against people, but against the enemy.

And most importantly, I begin to understand that God gave me the foundational weapon of His love to fight with.

~Continue On Next Page

This has been a profound freedom for my life. My relationship with God, My prayer life, my ministry, the anointing of God on my life are all based on the foundation of God's love.

I begin to walk in love and allowed the Fruits of the Spirit flourish in my life. I recognize how the enemy became weak when I chose to love by showing kindness, becoming the peacemaker, refusing to argue

but instead pray. I kept my eyes on God rather than on my circumstances. God's love has made me stronger. His love has given me the wisdom and the strength to push forward.

And I am here to tell you that whatever God has called you to do, He has already equipped you with everything you need. Take everything God has given you, everything He has placed within you

and build a foundation of God's love.

Make it your goal to love God with everything inside of you. Make it your goal to truly know WHO YOU ARE in GOD. So when the enemy tries to use your past against you. When he tries to define you according to your mistakes. You can smile with God's perfect peace within you because

you know without a shadow of doubt that you were created for greatness.

You begin to experience freedom in God. With God's love comes freedom. If you read in the Book of Galatians 5:1 it says, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free,

and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.”

You do not have to go back to your past. You do not have to believe the lies that the enemy keeps throwing your way. You can look up to God and say, I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST THAT

STRENGTHENS ME. You can open up your mouth and say that ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD. Regardless of what you may be going through right now, You can say I KNOW THAT


You see the enemy came to steal, kill, and destroy. Living in this world has taught us to fit in, But God has called you to stand out. The enemy wants us to give up, have low self-esteem, doubt

God, and walk around feeling depressed.

This is not the life God prepared for us. You are fearfully and wonderfully made in God. God make no mistakes. God made us to enjoy life and to have the Love of God within us. We are made in His

image and because God is love, He called us to Love.

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