Page 1: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak



Warren David Horak

Father’s Heart International Ministries

Page 2: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak


Page 3: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak


This teaching is to make you aware of the schemes of the devil and to look at how

we can overcome this evil force, called Jezebel. “lest Satan should take

advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices” 2 Corinthians 2:11

This principality is after your authority and wants to completely destroy your life,

family, ministry and business. this teaching will show you how to identify and

overcome this stronghold.

Our focus should always remain on Jesus. We are in a war and we need wisdom to

fight. We now need to understand the plans and strategies of satan so we can

recognise them and overcome Him through the plans and strategies of our Father in


Unfortunately many perish because of a lack of knowledge, this certainly has been

the case in my life. For the last fifteen years I have fought vicious battles with the

spirit of Jezebel. I have lost much because of my lack of knowledge and

disobedience. I really was fighting all the time, yet I did not really know how to fight

in order to win. I lost much ground to the enemy. Yet my calling is to recover all I

have lost and even more. For the last six years God has slowly step by step been

teaching me how to overcome satan and his forces. This road has been difficult and

fraught with danger and pain. One of satan’s main forces is the spirit of Jezebel.

I have been used, abused and nearly completely destroyed by this most vile and

vicious spirit. I have sat in the seat of Ahab, Jezebel, Elijah and Jehu. I have made

more mistakes than anyone I know. Through these battles I have lost my family,

many friends and millions of rands. This was my school fees in this great war. I

praise God today for everything He has taught me over these years. Through much

pain, sorrow and suffering He has helped me overcome and will continue to do so as

I yield to His word and love.

I have seen this spirit destroy marriages, friendships, ministries, businesses, and

even kill people around me. My hearts cry, is that I can help many others overcome

this most evil spirit. I pray our Father will give you wisdom and understanding as

you read this document. If certain things in this document upset you, then you know

Jezebel is near, submit to God and resist her and she will flee from you.


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One of the basic purposes of man is to have dominion over all this earth. This

purpose is given to all man, both male and female. There are just two choices in this

battle. To retreat like Ahab leading Gods people into harlotry, or to advance and

overcome it like king Jehu fulfilling your destiny. You cannot fulfil your destiny while

being subject to this spirit. There is simply no neutral ground in this war. We are

called to fight until we win. We are called to never surrender. Now arise and fight for

your families, businesses, ministries and cities. Take back what satan has stolen.

She will target any God ordained relationship, marriage, partnership, ministry,

business from the time it starts. Jezebel starts by building her vile nest in the middle

of the camp. When you start this fight you need to fight until the death, to obtain

the victory. If you back off; you are history. What this means, is that either the spirit

of Jezebel leaves the camp or the person leaves the camp/organisation or

relationship with Jezebel. Our war is not against people, but against principalities

and powers. Our goal simply is to help people get set free from this evil spirit. If we

leave this spirit it will contaminate the entire organisation like the sin of Ai did, and

brought Gods judgement on the Israel so allowing this spirit in our homes,

businesses etc will bring Gods judgement on the whole camp. Are you prepared to

pay the price? You might loose the relationship for the sake of His kingdom. This

can cause you major pain and even bring serious damage to the organisation.

However, it is worth it in the end; as a lettuce leaf is better where there is peace

than a feast with strife. Whether the person gets delivered or not, depends on the

person whether they want deliverance, and if you are equipped to get them

delivered. You cannot help them if you are still in the same bondage yourself. Many

do not want deliverance from Jezebel, they treat her like a pet and cuddle up to her

and draw strength from her daily. To be delivered from Jezebel can only be done

through the power of the cross which she hates; as it marks her total defeat. Once

you are dead to self, there is now no place for her to hold on to any more. Unless of

coarse you remove your self from the altar.

Jezebel seeks to destroy your family, relationships, ministry, business and your

entire destiny. If you allow her to operate in your life and ministry she will rob and

destroy your life from you. Like a giant spider sucking the life out of its prey.

Allowing Jezebel in the camp will cause God to not release His blessings on your life,

as Jezebel knows that God only blesses unity.


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Much has been written on this spirit and I believe much still needs to written, as this

spirit is unmasked we will be empowered to overcome it.

The name Jezebel means, “Baal exalts” or “Baal is husband to” or “unchaste”.

Jezebel the woman, led baal worship in Israel and was empowered by the spirit we

call the Jezebel spirit. She serviced baal and he serviced her. Baal is the god of

nature and fertility. Therefore Baal’s worshipper’s believed, that this god gave them

prosperity. Many today, are serving Baal as they are worshiping prosperity and

money. Ahab the king of Israel married Jezebel and served baal. Jezebel taught him

how to do this. As He did this, he effectively handed the kingdom Israel over to the

spirit of Jezebel. This is the spirit that ruled Jezebel. She employed 450 fulltime

prophets of baal who ate at her table. 1Kings18:19.

She also employed 400 prophets of the goddess of Asherah. The Westminster

Dictionary of the Bible article "... She was the goddess of sexual love, maternity

and fertility. Prostitution as a religious rite in the service of this goddess under

various names is widely attested. The identification of 'Ashtart with Aphrodite is

evidence of her sexual character."

So quite simply the Jezebel spirit is one of prosperity, fertility, sexual and other lust

and perversion.

Elijah rose up and destroyed all of her 850 prophets, and then ran away from one

woman. It might seem that Elijah was running from one woman, but actually it was

the principality and ruler, the spirit of Jezebel that was intimidating him. You see

Elijah was able to destroy the false prophets this spirit used, but could not kill the

mother, Jezebel. Today we have been given mighty weapons in God for pulling down

strongholds. These strongholds have no right in the Lords house. Our families,

businesses, churches must be cleaned up.

Jezebel is a not a demon it’s a world principality, power and ruler. It is not a person

but a demonic force, commissioned and anointed by satan to destroy godly

government any other government on this earth. This spirit is not just one single

demon or principality, it is more like and entire division in satan’s army under the

specific Jezebel mandate. These principalities and powers work together in an

unholy alliance to do the work of Jezebel. When the spirit of jezebel hits a church or


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business, it is like satan’s special forces that hits. I don’t believe it is just one demon

that is doing all the damage; but an evil group of united demons. United by the pact

and strategy of the Jezebel clan. Like a warship with multiple warheads.

She has many weapons and when these weapons are used together, the effects are

devastating. You could call her the mother of rebellion and witchcraft. It doesn’t just

attack Christian organisations but attacks secular organisations and even

governments. As all government and authority is God ordained, “Let every soul

be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except

from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.” Romans


The bigger picture, is that satan wants to control the planet. He is after power and

has organised himself a powerful army to do just that. Take over and destroy


This principalities primary attribute is spiritual harlotry. We see in Revelation 17:5

That Babylon is the mother of harlots. Jezebel is the daughter of Babylon. Who and

what is Babylon? The word Babylon means confusion by mixing, it originates from

the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Quite simply Babylon is the bride of

satan. As Jesus has a bride, so satan has one too. The enemy can only copy what

God does. Jesus has a true and faithful bride, satan’s bride is false and unfaithful

and leads people into spiritual harlotry. As Jesus bride focuses on establishing His

kingdom on earth, so satan’s harlot bride, focuses on establishing satan’s kingdom

on earth. Babylon is the manifested through every false religion on earth. Basically

Babylon is the false church. The false religious system. His Word says we need to

come out of Babylon lest we partake of her sins and plagues. Revelation 18:4.

The false church is any religion including Christians, who do not follow Jesus. Those

who are of the true Church will obey Jesus, the false Church will only pretend to

follow Him. They might hear His words, but they will love the lies and hate the truth.

They do this when they hate their brothers and don’t practice the truth. They will

seek to save their lives and loose them instead. The great separation is here,

between the true and false Church.

Which Church do you belong to? It is time to choose life and lay our lives down and

follow Jesus. It will cost you everything, but it will be worth it in the end.


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To understand Jezebel we will need to have basic understanding of her mother,

Babylon. Although I use the Jezebel in the feminine, it is only because of the role of

this principality as the harlot spirit belonging to satan’s harem controlled by the

mother of all harlots. Like father like son, well, like mother like daughter. Jezebel

has been designed by lucifer to topple godly government all over the world. The

spirit uses and attacks both men and woman and even children.


Jezebel is a harlot from her mother Babylon. Spiritual harlotry is where we place

anything above God in our lives. Once we do this we are now playing the harlot. His

word says, You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you

may spend it on your pleasures. Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not

know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever

therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of

God. Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, “The Spirit who

dwells in us yearns jealously”? But He gives more grace. Therefore He

says: “God resists the proud, But gives grace to the humble.” James 4:3-6

Once we enter spiritual harlotry, we are having intimacy with Gods enemy. Once we

do this, God now is our enemy and He starts to resist us. Once we have put

anything above God, this includes our careers, spouses, children, businesses,

ministries, money etc. We are now under the government of satan. Gods,

government cannot come into a place, home, ministry, business where harlotry

flourishes. This is a place where people are allowed to serve themselves and satan.

A person who is self serving and selfish is an enemy of Love. Love, who is God, is

not selfish. Self is the very root of the tree of knowledge of good and evil.


Where do we see this spirits first activity? Babylon was formed in satan’s wicked

mind as so has his very nature. As satan’s nature is sin and rebellion he is the father

of rebellion and lies. He tried to overthrow God and takeover heaven to receive His

glory, power and dominion. The whole battle between God and satan is about

power. Satan tricked and deceived man out of his authority in the garden of

Eden(Pleasure). Jesus Got it back in the Garden of Gethsemane (an oil press). In


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order for satan to give birth to children he needed a wife. The whore of Babylon is

satan’s wife and bride. Jezebel is one of satan’s children, conceived with the whore

of Babylon.

From the time God gave Adam and Eve the godly authority over the planet, satan

plotted to overthrow this government and take the planet from man.

Adam and Eve were created to be the bride of Christ. God first gave Adam a bride

to give him this great revelation of how awesome it is to have a beautiful spotless

bride. This divine marriage was a type of Christ and His Bride, His queen, which the

Father desired for His Son. A soul mate for eternity and equal in every way, what

unity, what love and what power. This is the Devine romance that was born in our

Fathers heart before we were created. However no matter how much Jesus loves His

Bride , He will always love the Father more. He always seek to please the Father.

Adam loved Eve so much, God made her from his own flesh and bone. She was His

soul mate and joy. They walked with God in the garden and had sweet fellowship

with each other. Eve was Adams God given helper to tame and develop this wild

planet. This is how marriage is supposed to be. Yet our enemy is always lurking and

plotting to destroy godly government and authority. Marriage is Gods government

on earth. Now satan had a plan, such a wicked plan. He realised he could not

deceive the man, so went for the weaker vessel the woman. Yet he has the plan to

get both the woman and the man to fall. How will do it? As he seduced a third of the

angels, now he was moving towards our Fathers most precocious creation, man. His

sons Bride to be.

The stage is set, satan makes his move and appeals to Eve’s inner self, he says to

her God is not enough you need something more, she is deceived and eats that

line. Her beloved husband is standing and watching as his wife is being seduced by


Adam was supposed cover his wife, he was supposed to take dominion over the

serpent. All over the world we still see Adam not taking spiritual authority in their

families and situations.

First mistake, Adam(man) never covered and protected woman.

This is where man lost it, we abdicated and gave our authority Eve??/to satan.

Instead of fighting for His wife. Adam just stood and watched passively, as she was

deceived. Once she was deceived and had eaten the fruit, she was lost to Adam 8

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forever. Now as He stands there between God His creator and Friend and Eve His

wife and soul mate.

Second mistake for man, choosing woman over God.

He has to choose between God and his wife. What a painful decision to make.

Because he never covered his wife, he lost her to satan and now he was placed in

this terrible dilemma. He chooses his wife over God. Why did Adam do such a thing?

He did it because he loved his wife more than he love God. He made Eve an idol and

lost her to satan, now he had to join her in her sin to still be with her. He must have

had great pain, as he walked away from God towards his lost wife. This was the

tearing between man and God. Women left God and man, for the fruit of the tree of

knowledge of good and evil. Man left God for a woman. The trinity were standing

and watching feeling great anguish and loss, as they saw billions of their children

suffering because of this one sin. Idolatry. The root of this sin was the fear of man

and not fearing God.

Then to Adam He said, “Because you have heeded the voice of your wife,

and have eaten from the tree of which I commanded you, saying, ‘You

shall not eat of it’: “Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall

eat of it All the days of your life. Genesis 3:17

Man chose woman over God. Today it is still happening, as man is in search of the

ideal “golden” woman. The ideal romance and the “in love” feeling. He is actually

looking for God, but seeks woman as a god. This is all based on lust and what man

can get out of woman. Once this woman is above God, you have crossed the line

into idolatry. When Adam did this, he was submitted to his wife and lost his God

given authority and garden God had given him. Instead, he got a field of thorns and

sweat, this represents stress and cares of this life. Today God commands all men to

enter His rest. Hebrews 3 and 4. If we don’t enter this rest we will chase idols for the

rest of our days. Unfortunately men are still submitting to their wives and not

listening to God today. Who is your woman/idol? Is it your job, your wife, your

children, you bank balance, your parents, your friends? An idol is anyone or thing

that we seek to please above pleasing our Father in heaven. Fear of man is where

we seek to please man above god, this is the root of idolatry. This is all based on

lust as we seek idols in order to fulfil our own lusts and please self. When we seek to

please God we are set free form the lust of pleasing our selves.


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What was Adam supposed to do? The rest of the study will look at what Adam was

supposed to do. We can ask the same question about Saul, David, Elijah, Ahab,

Samson, these all fell the same way as Adam, choosing man above God.


There are two primary roles in this real life drama and script written by Jezebel for

your organisation. The one is King Ahab the spiritually weak passive and fleshly

leader and the queen Jezebel, his team. All those under authority will be the target

of this spirit. However in God script there are four roles. Ahab, Jezebel , Elijah and

Jehu. The Lord raised up Elijah to prepare the way of the Lord. To expose and

prophecy against baal’s, Ahab and Jezebel. He took out the false prophets but could

not take down Jezebel. Jehu was raised up specifically to kill Jezebel. The fight can

only be completely won by the king or leader of the organisation. Other can help

but only the King can rule with Gods power and grace. As we saw with Adam so

Ahab gave his authority away to this spirit.


It is important to understand this spirits main motive. She is after power and

control. She wants your garden. Therefore she will go for those who have been

given authority. The more authority the more she will attack. Every born again child

of God has been give authority as a child of God. She comes to usurp your

authority. You have been give the keys of the Kingdom she is after these Keys.

Jezebel will try to use you as her host whether you are a man or a woman. Even

children and youth are a target for this ruler. This spirit is not gender specific. It

after one thing and that is power and control. Therefore it will use those that are

under authority against those with power and authority. It will convert legitimate

godly government to illegitimate satanic power and control. God has given us

dominion on the earth our basic mandate is to take dominion. Geneses 1:26-28.

Now, there are two ways to take dominion, Gods way and satan’s. Spirit, versus

flesh. Unfortunately many Christians know they must take dominion and end up

doing using a combination of spiritual methods and fleshly methods. This brings

confusion and comes from our Babylon mind sets. We need to come out of Babylon

and have our mind renewed. Babylon is all about, pleasing me, myself and I. Gods


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Kingdom is all about pleasing Him. Once we operate under the banner of Babylon

we are subject to Jezebel and all her destructive forces.


Ahab is looking for support in his self-seeking lifestyle, ministry, business etc.

Basically to qualify as an Ahab you need to seek to please yourself and not God.

Ahab used his kingly authority to serve the idol of self pleasing. This is the ideal

breeding ground for the forces of Jezebel. You will always find Jezebel and Ahab

working together. Basically you cant have Jezebel operating without Ahab. There is

an unholy alliance between Ahab and Jezebel, this alliance means they both get

their power from baal. The god of prosperity. Ahab is looking for prosperity and

popularity. Enter Jezebel, she is only too willing to help Ahab get ahead, as long as

she calls the shots and controls the king, she is happy. He now supplies her with all

the money she wants to service the alters of baal. See 1 Kings 21:1-16. Jezebel

helps Ahab and uses Ahab’s authority to get what was to scared to take. A vineyard

that belonged to someone else. She got Naboth killed, so Ahab could get his

vineyard. This spirit always goes to steal what belongs to others from authority it

will steal others inheritances. She does this buy using Ahab’s to agree with their


She determines what he does and when. Ahab got the beauty of Jezebel and the

prosperity of baal all in one neat package. She ran the Baal school of prophets at his

expense. As long he stays in power and has money she is happy. Ahab’s are even

willing to go to church as it serves to fulfil their political and success motive.

Jezebel kills the prophets

The prophets are Gods voice on the earth and bring forth His word and government

by releasing His voice. Jezebel wants to silence the prophets so the people will have

no vision. For with out the vision His people will perish. The prophet is also there to

identify the works of satan in the camp and outside the camp. Prophets are sent to

expose the works of Jezebel. She likes to hide and cannot hide if God exposes her

sins through the prophets. So she must kill the prophets. The prophets however are

not called to kill her only to expose her. That is the kings job. Ahab was supposed

kill Jezebel, God had to raise up another king who would be willing to kill her.

And Ahab had called Obadiah, who was in charge of his house. (Now

Obadiah feared the Lord greatly. For so it was, while Jezebel massacred


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the prophets of the Lord, that Obadiah had taken one hundred prophets

and hidden them, fifty to a cave, and had fed them with bread and water.)

1Kings 18:2-4


We now understand she is after your God given authority. She primarily targets

leaders. So weather you are a husband, mother, managers, pastor you are a leader

and will be targeted by this spirit. As you can see with Ahab and Jezebel. Jezebel

only got in to her power position because the King of Israel was spiritually weak. He

was spiritually weak because of lust, he wanted to please himself and not God. This

spirit targets all leaders. As most leaders happen to be men at this time its primary

target is men. It uses both men and women and even children as hosts. It attacks

the leadership because that authority is the legitimate authority given by God to the

leader of the organisation or family unit. It always operates from inside the camp.

The enemy inside is the most dangerous of all. Its aim is to control the whole

organisation. This spirits plan is to wear you out sucking the life blood out of you

slowly over weeks, months and years. Always trying to get you to lay down your

God given authority in order to please self and others above pleasing God. This

spirit will try and separate Jehu and Elijah from the anointing like Delilah did to

Samson. Delilah was another woman under the influence of Jezebel. Samson was

attracted to her beauty and married her even though she was not a believer. The

spirit of jezebel was now able to separate Samson from his strength, God was his

strength. The moment he married her and slept with her he lost his strength.

Beware of making covenants with the enemies people. Beware of sleeping with the

enemy. She will always take more than she gives and when she is finished she will

discard you like trash.

Lets look at the characteristics of Jezebel. Although I am referring to a persons

characteristics these are the traits for the actual principality, that rules them this

principality is anti Christ. When she comes in, she will use a combination of these

weapons the more established she is the more of these weapons will be released by

her. As soon as you see at least three or more of these operating you know for sure,

Jezebel is attacking and needs to be destroyed.


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Seduction, sucking up to the leadership to gain control. Many time

they are the most gifted and best workers. The enemy likes you to

think you will never be able to do this with out this person. Ahab spirit

lusts after the gifts and talents and refuses to discipline this person.

Flattery, Jezebel really know how to pamper your flesh. Beware the

one who flatters is under the influence. I ask the question why is this

person flattering me? That they may keep you from the immoral

woman, From the seductress who flatters with her words.

Proverbs 7:5 With her enticing speech she caused him to

yield, With her flattering lips she seduced him. Proverbs 7:21

Religious pretending, especially in front of the king. Will always

pretend to be very spiritual, and even submissive. Yet when

challenged, will manifest in various ways. With aggression, slanders,

lies, excuses, blame shifting; never taking responsibility for there

actions. Manipulation and witchcraft 101, comes out. Threatening.

Sulking, abusing those under its authority. Can’t repent and is always

right everyone else is wrong. Remember the spiritual mask is only

that, they don’t really have an intimate relationship with Jesus. They

will cover their rebellion in one area with sacrifice in another area.

They might pray and minister a lot and always be at church yet they

won’t submit at home or at work. God delights in obedience and not

sacrifice. Basically this like practising witchcraft while ministering and

now this person will release evil instead of good. They are a channel

for rebellion and will sow seeds of rebellion and sin where ever they


o Prophetic gifts now used by Jezebel. Because the

prophetic and callings are without repentance, God will not

take these gifts away when the person goes off track in any

way. Because the person doesn’t have the character to hold

the gifts the enemy now defiles the gifts and uses them to

spread lies and deception. The prophetic gift is like a antennae

that picks up signals. As soon as you go off track and focus on

the devil and his ways. You will start to pick up signals former

the devil and think God is speaking through you. This is

extremely dangerous. That is why we cannot just allow anyone

to speak or minister to the sheep God has give us to nurture.


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Those who are allowed to minister need to be in submission to

other believers and walking in love and truth.

Rebellion. A person under this spirit really battles to submit to

natural and spiritual authority. They hate the word submit and treat it

like a swear word. They will accuse everyone except themselves of

control. They feel they will only submit if the person who is the leader

matches their standard. The Jezebel tells them you must only submit

if they do this and that. So they always have many reasons not

submit. They will tend to break and cross lines of authority both in

Gods army and in an organisation.

Manipulation. A person under the control of this spirit will use

manipulation to get their own way. Manipulation is witchcraft. They

will sulk, shout, threaten to leave or worse if you don’t let them have

their way.

Intimidation. Jezebel will always use intimidation directly or

indirectly to those in leadership. So we get intimidated by those we

lead. We become afraid to challenge and correct them as they always

resist correction.

Child of pride. Jezebel is set on self exaltation and will go to any

length to do it. She will always try and promote her own image, self

promotion and selfish ambition are her trade marks. The standard

corporate ladder climber.

Accusation, slander and strife. She will always seek to blame

others for her issues. Where she operates there will always be strife

and slander. There is no peace as long as we allow this spirit to

operate in the camp. This is dead give away they just cant help

themselves. They will always argue over certain issues. Now it

happened, when Joram saw Jehu, that he said, “Is it peace,

Jehu?” So he answered, “What peace, as long as the

harlotries of your mother Jezebel and her witchcraft are so

many?” 2Kings 9:22. For true lasting peace we must be prepared to

fight, this spirit will manifest and threaten all kinds of retaliation just

ignore these threats and press ahead.

Lying and deceit. To cover their mistakes lying will common and

they wont even know they are lying.

Lust, sexual and spiritual. These are strong traits of this whore. It

will use everything at its disposal to overcome its victim. Sexual sins

are very common amongst those oppressed by this demon. Spiritual


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lust occurs when we are in spiritual activities purely for our own


Attention, Continual issues and sickness. Because they are

playing with Gods mercy and grace, soon God judgements fall on

them and they will continually be sick. Gods judgements will cast her

into sick bed. Revelation 2:19-24. Also hypochondriacs, those who

like the attention they get from being sick.

False birthing and Children. These false fires and plans are from

the satan himself. As Jezebel is a spirit of fertility it is always seeking

a moist fleshly place to lay her eggs. These eggs hatch and bring

forth vipers from the pit of hell. This conception and birthing many

times is all done under the religious mask of ministry. These are her

children, even ministries that start like this will be killed. Revelation 2:


No sustained move of the Holy Spirit: Because Jezebel is allowed

in the camp. Gods power cannot stay in the camp. God might move

some times for the sake of his dear children that He loves but

because of Jezebel He cannot in habit the house. The Holy Spirit is

grieved when we allow Jezebel to stay in our churches, camps ,

business etc. We have to cast her out so that the Holy Spirit can

move. Strife, rebellion the works of Jezebel stop the Holy Spirit

moving like he wants. If we really want revival we need to cast

Jezebel down. Jesus now stand out side the Church waiting for us to

clean the house so He can abide in the House of peace.

She will make you weak. Her aim is to weaken you through sin.

Once you sin she will condemn you and vomit shame all over your

head. Now you will not feel like praying. This is where most men have

lost the battle, they don’t like to pray and have not overcome their

flesh, when it comes to prayer. Jezebel says prayer is for woman, that

is a lie from the pit of hell. Only those who have a vital prayer life will

ever be able to overcome this spirit. Once she has stopped the

individual prayer life then the corporate prayer life will soon follow.

No power.

The final weapons of rejection, divorce and betrayal. If all else

fails, she will reject you and try to destroy you through betrayal and

or divorce as this is the last resort. Once she has used these two

weapons she has no more weapons, as she has left the camp.

Although she will still try and cause you damage from outside it is not

nearly as dangerous than when she is inside the camp. If the betrayal 15

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doesn’t destroy you, and you can love your Judas, you have overcome

Jezebel and survived. Unfortunately the person never got delivered

from Jezebel but left the camp with Jezebel. Now the camp is safe

from that spirit. The word says, a little leaven, leavens the whole

lump. We must therefore purge out any form of this spirit in the


Open doors for the spirit of Jezebel to operate through us:

Self seeking agenda.

Operates in unforgiveness and offence this is the open door for this


Refusing to submit to gods authority in your life. Your boss at work,

your husband, your pastor or spiritual leader, any form of leadership.


Ahab is called and appointed by God in a leadership, this is legitimate authority

from God. Yet Ahab’s even though called as kings, are unable to operate with their

mantle of authority because of some major spiritual weaknesses. They abdicate

there authority and give it to someone else. They like authority, but don’t really like

the responsibility that comes with it. They are ready for Jezebel to rule. Totally

confused leaders.

Self seeking. Pleasure seeker is the door to all hell breaking loose.

But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do

not boast and lie against the truth. This wisdom does not

descend from above, but is earthly, sensual, demonic. For

where envy and self-seeking exist, confusion and every evil

thing are there . James 3:14-16

Fear of man not fearing God. They always seek to please people.

What will the people say? They never focus on what does the Lord

think about this. They now are people ruled Saul fell into this

category. They fear the people because they want what the people

have got, natural power.


Page 17: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak

Unbelief: Faithlessness and perversity: Matthew 17:14-22.

Because Ahab’s don’t completely trust in God, this unbelief makes

them go astray and become perverse. They do the exact opposite of

what God wants them to do. Because they don’t trust in God to keep

them. Ahab look to Jezebels witchcraft to keep him in power. This is

why he tolerated her as his queen. He trusted in flesh and not in God

Jeremiah 17:5.It is written, Thus says the Lord: “Cursed is the

man who trusts in man And makes flesh his strength, Whose

heart departs from the Lord. Unbelief therefore provides a

vacuum in leadership for the spirit of Jezebel to operate in.

Double mindedness leads to Compromise. 1 Kings 18:20-21.

What you compromise to keep you will eventually loose. Ahab had a

true servant and prophet of God ruling his house, yet he still tolerated

Jezebel in his house. Surely this prophet who was of God must have

warned Ahab many times of his sin and Jezebels sin. Yet this

spiritually weak leader refused to confront Jezebel. Instead Obadiah

had to hide , For so it was, while Jezebel massacred the

prophets of the Lord, that Obadiah had taken one hundred

prophets and hidden them, fifty to a cave, and had fed them

with bread and water. 1Kings 18:4. There are many in Church

today who consult both true and false prophets. They have those who

help them worship their idols as they too are idol worshippers and

then they have true prophets around as well this will cause a

tremendous clash in the spirit in the midst of Ahabs house and over

Israel. A mixed message of compromise goes out to all those in the

camp. This confusion by mixing is what is called Babylon the mother

of harlots. The difference between Elijah and the in house prophet is

power. Elijah had the ability to release God blessings and bring God

judgement. This is why Ahab was on a man hunt to find and kill Elijah.

Elijah was a threat to Ahabs status-quo. He made Ahab extremely

uncomfortable, the Jezebel spirit behind Ahab was after Elijah.

No godly discipline and order: Jesus said to the Church in Thyatira

“you allow that woman Jezebel ” Revelation 2:20. What we allow, God

allows even though He isn’t in agreement with it. Yet if we allow

Jezebel to rule in the Church we will never have the pure move of God

and God will judge the people use by her and the whole congregation.

V22, Indeed I will cast her into a sickbed, and those who

commit adultery with her into great tribulation, unless they 17

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repent of their deeds. Because Ahab’s operate in fear of man and

unbelief and have their own selfish agenda’s they will not discipline

those who break God laws. Because of this evil continues in the camp

unabated. Another example of this why Eli, who never disciplined his

sons who sinned in the temple. Evil flourished and the word of God

was not common in those days. Eventually God had to discipline Eli’s

sons and they were killed. Elis also lost his life. Many leaders falter

when it comes to disciplining someone with in the camp. This causes

major rebellion further down and pollutes the water. In proverbs

25:26 it is written, A righteous man who falters before the

wicked Is like a murky spring and a polluted well.

Unequal yoking with Jezebel. Unbeliever. Why did he do this?

She was married to Ahab, to ratify an alliance between

Tyre and Israel, by which Omri, Ahab’s father, sought to offset the

hostility of Damascus towards Israel (c. 880 bc). Provision was made

for her to continue to worship her native god Baal in Samaria, her

new home (1 Ki. 16:31-33). (New bible dictionary) He

married the daughter of king Ethbaal which means, ‘with baal’ to

make a strategic alignment with Israel and Gods enemies. Sidon the

capital city of the Sidonians was a major fortress and trade city. Like

New York today. This looked like a prosperous move to make.

Solomon also had Sidonian wives ad he needed their trees to build

the temple. These wives caused Solomon to sin against God with their

idolatry. Again man goes after a woman who is not serving God.

We can see that Ahab aligned with Gods enemies and worshipped

Idols because he looked to idols, money and baal, to give him

strength and support for his newly acquired kingdom and power. He

never saw that will cost him his blessings and authority given to him

by God.

Today many in the Church don’t see anything wrong with being

unequally yoked with unbelievers. They get married to them, partner

in business with them all for the sake of lust. Lust for things and


He built baal a temple in Samaria the land of compromise.

Abdication of his role as leader: He gave his power over to Jezebel

instead of using his God given authority to rule and reign in


Always looking for some unequal yoking.


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o Yoking with the enemy for my own personal gain.

Lust of the flesh and the eyes.

To keep you from the evil woman, From the flattering tongue

of a seductress. Do not lust after her beauty in your heart,

Nor let her allure you with her eyelids. For by means of a

harlot A man is reduced to a crust of bread; And an

adulteress will prey upon his precious life. Proverbs 6:24-26

Pride of life. Lust for power and riches. Ahab wants to rule and

have power and great riches, but they don’t want to pay the price to

rule Gods way. Gods ways to keep order and discipline in the house.

God chastises those He loves.

Love of idols: Money, fame, success, stability, security.

How does God deal with Ahab leaders?

o He sends Elijah the prophet to warn them

o He releases His judgements. He then sends drought on the

land. The drought was most severe in Samaria the very place

where Ahab built an altar to baal. God will send a drought to

the very altar of idol worship. The whole camp will suffer when

this happens this is to get Ahab in a position to repent so God

can have mercy on Israel. Please note that all those under

Ahab’s authority also suffered drought this included Elijah.

This battle is for all in the camp, therefore if you under an

Ahab you will need to really pray for them to turn around and

repent and get rid of Jezebel. Many in the Body of Christ are

now in this form of judgement not knowing why. God haste

idols and is very jealous, because he loves us he will send

drought on our idols. If your god is prosperity/ baal then Gods

judgement will come on that altar and dry up this very thing

you are chasing. Ahab god was baal /prosperity, the drought

was sent to crush his idol. Matthew 5:27-30. This could mean

bankruptcy, separation, divorce, sickness, death etc.

1Corinthians 11:27-32. Wherever your idol is that where

Gods judgement will be.

o Baal prophets confronted and destroyed: Now He sends

Elijah to destroy the false priesthood by publicly

demonstrating that they don’t have the power of God. Then he

kills them single handed.


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o At the same time he repairs the altar of God. He restores

the original pattern for true worship of Yahweh. Righteosness

and jusctice. 1 Kings 18:30-36. God know sends the witness of

His power and consumes the sacrifice and the altar.

o Elijah flees the spirit of Jezebel.

o God now raises up a king Jehu who will now kill the mother or

host of the spirit of Jezebel. Yet he never killed her daughter

Athaliah. That would be done by Jehoiada the High priest, who

saved Jehoash who would become king after Jehoiada killed

Athaliah. So all the people of the land rejoiced; and the

city was quiet, for they had slain Athaliah with the

sword in the king’s house. 2 Kings 11:20. True liberty in

our cities will come when the church has destroyed the spirit

for Jezebel in her borders. From this seed that was saved Gods

the temple was repaired.


The true prophets will always seek the total destruction of Jezebel and the prophets

of Baal. The true prophets will always be in confrontation with the false prophets. To

bring forth Gods will and prepare the way of the Lord. To prepare the way for the

kings to arise and rule. To bring forth Gods government on earth. The prophets are

now preparing the way for the apostles to rule and reign in the Lords house. The

last will be first and the first will be last. So it is with the apostles at the end of the

age. The Lion of Judah will arise and crush satan under our feet. The manifestation

of the true apostolic anointing is the manifestation of Christ in demonstration and



Take away the wicked from before the king, And his throne will be

established in righteousness. Proverbs 25:5. This is your job if you are a Jehu.

Your authority will increase to the degree that Jesus rules and reigns in your life and

your camp. If you don’t tolerate unrighteousness then your throne/ authority will be

established. This is your calling to rule and reign in Christ. No one else, not even


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Elijah can remove the wickedness from your camp. If you do this thing God will be

pleased with you and bless you and your house. If you don’t you will be judged like

Eli and Ahab for not cleansing your house from evil.

Now lets look at king Jehu. This is part of Gods script. We need to have the anointing

of Jehu. His mandate was given to him through the word of the prophet Elisha.

Elisha had a double portion of the spirit of Elijah. This same anointing is what it will

take to destroy Jezebel. “Then he arose and went into the house. And he

poured the oil on his head, and said to him, “Thus says the Lord God of

Israel: ‘I have anointed you king over the people of the Lord, over Israel.

You shall strike down the house of Ahab your master, that I may avenge

the blood of My servants the prophets, and the blood of all the servants of

the Lord, at the hand of Jezebel. For the whole house of Ahab shall perish;

and I will cut off from Ahab all the males in Israel, both bond and free. So I

will make the house of Ahab like the house of Jeroboam the son of Nebat,

and like the house of Baasha the son of Ahijah. The dogs shall eat Jezebel

on the plot of ground at Jezreel, and there shall be none to bury her.’ ”

And he opened the door and fled.” 2 Kings 9:6-10

Over and above the spirit of Elijah, Jehu had the authority and anointing as a king to

rule. Jehu the king represents the apostolic. Jehu is the type of Jesus who is the

King. The apostolic is there to rule and take dominion. It is very interesting to note

that the great prophet Elijah could not take Jezebel out by himself. Only the king

can do that. The prophet can point to and expose Jezebel but does not have the

spiritual authority of the king and leader. Many prophets are running from Jezebel

waiting for the Jehu’s to arise and destroy Jezebel and destroy the house of Ahab.

The apostles and prophets need to operate under the full anointing of Jesus to break

the yoke of Jezebel in the Church. This is the combined anointing of Elijah and Jehu

that ultimately defeated Jezebel in the house. Once the Church is set free from this

false illegitimate government of satan, then the we can take our cities and nations

through the true legitimate government of God.

Nevertheless I have a few things against you, because you allow that

woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, Revelation 2:20

How can He bless your home, ministry, business if you have allowed Jezebel to

operate in its midst. If we allow Jezebel to operate we are in sin. Once we overcome

Jezebel then the morning star will arise over our house. This is a sign we are


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overcoming. Jesus will reward us by giving us even more authority to rule over

nations with a rod of Iron. See Revelation 2:22-29.

The Characteristics of Jehu:

Fear for God which is the beginning of wisdom. Because of this, he

sought how he may please God. 2Kings 9:24-26

Spirit of Elijah

o Hearts of the father to children dealing authority in the home.

Mal 4:5-6

o Spirit of repentance, preparing the way of the Lord. Matthew


o Love for God a true worshipper. Obeys Jesus. Matthew 3:13-


o Spirit of intimacy: Love for the Bride groom.

o Fasted life: eating locusts like John the Baptist. Eating locusts

speaks of eating the devourer.

Love of the truth. The degree you love truth you love Jesus. The

sword of the Lord; knowing His word and proclaiming it. 2Kings 9:22.

Faith and fearless courage. This is how you will quench every fiery

dart of Jezebel.

Set free from lust of the eyes and the flesh. Don’t trade your key for

the TV remote!!! Make sure you are filled with His love and you have

overcome lust. If not, you might just fall for the outward appearance

and be taken in by Jezebel. Beware of flattery, it is a sure sign Jezebel

is near. She will try to seduce you when you come to throw her down.

2Kings 9:30; 1John2:16. We will only be free form lust if we deny

pleasing our selves and seek to please God in everyway.

No mercy on this evil spirit. Throw her down!!! This will take the Lion

of Judah. 2Kings9:30-37.

A Jehu company/team to destroy Jezebel and her covering. These are

made up of teams of disciples not just Christians. 2 Kings 9:17,20-37.

The word company used here means abundance. There are three

things majestic in pace….a king whose troops are with him.

Proverbs 30:29a,31b. Working in teams under authority. King Jehu

had a team of soldiers who with him to destroy the son of Jezebel.

Jesus overcame Jezebel completely: How did Jesus deal with Jezebel

when confronted by this spirit?


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o Matthew 16:21-23. From that time Jesus began to show to

His disciples that He must go to Jerusalem, and suffer

many things from the elders and chief priests and

scribes, and be killed, and be raised the third day.

Then Peter took Him aside and began to rebuke Him,

saying, “Far be it from You, Lord; this shall not happen

to You!” But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind

Me, Satan! You are an offense to Me, for you are not

mindful of the things of God, but the things of men.”

We see that Jesus recognized the enemy and rebuked Peter

for being concerned about his own personal agenda and not

pleasing the Father. At this point Peter was Jesus enemy. Jesus

rebukes rebellion in the camp.

o In John 6 we see Jesus ministering a very powerful word on His

flesh and blood which the disciples choked on. Let us see what

Jesus does when his disciples leave Him. Therefore many of

His disciples, when they heard this, said, “This is a

hard saying; who can understand it?” When Jesus knew

in Himself that His disciples complained about this, He

said to them, “Does this offend you?.....But there are

some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus knew from

the beginning who they were who did not believe, and

who would betray Him. 65 And He said, “Therefore I

have said to you that no one can come to Me unless it

has been granted to him by My Father.” From that time

many of His disciples went back and walked with Him

no more. John6:60,63-66. Jesus did nothing in fact he now

approaches the twelve with the question going through their

minds. Then Jesus said to the twelve, “Do you also

want to go away?” John6:67. Jesus never begged anyone to

stay. Peter said where else can we go? They were obviously

considering leaving because Jesus had offended them. Many

times leaders will offend you but you need to submit

regardless and ask God for understanding and love them

whether they are right or wrong. Learn to pray for your

leaders. Jesus the ultimate overcome and victor overcame

Jezebel every time. Can you imagine loosing over 80% of your

congregation of staff in one day. The real followers stayed


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behind and even then Judas the betrayer was still left in the

team. Jesus only left him in the team so he could fulfill

scripture. He counsel of weeded Jezebel out long ago, but left

her for a reason. We are not called to leave Jezebel in the

camp but to root her out so the Holy Spirit can fill the house

with his peace and glory and power.

Weapons against Jezebel:

Gods government

Make sure you choose your weapons carefully, as these weapons are to

completely overcome this force of hell. Ultimately the battle against

Jezebel is all about government. Who will rule. Satan will try and rule

through the spirit of Jezebel and God will rule through the spirit of Elijah

and Jehu.

Worship in Spirit and truth: Intimacy with Father, Son and

Holy Spirit. Only those who know their God will be able to overcome

this spirit. His manifest presence and His word are our key weapons.

E.g. David dancing and Michal was offended. We need lead leaders

who are like David who will be leading in extravagant worship of the

Lord. David was a man after Gods heart. An extravagant joyful

worshipper. This causes havoc in the demonic real and shuts the

devils mouth Ps 8:2. This is true spiritual warfare. He fights for us.

Psalm 149. No more entertainment in the Church, this is for jezebel

and all who follow her. We must repent for trying to entertain people

in Church our worship is for God pleasure not the peoples.

Humility, submission and unity. Those who have willingness to be

accountable and submit will stay free of Jezebel. An independent

spirit is an open target for Jezebel. Beware of those who say they will

not submit to man as they only submit to God. This is person married

to Jezebel and will bring destruction in your camp.

To walk in agreement is our aim. What happens when we are not in

agreement with the one who is in authority over us? Do you rebel and

open the door to Jezebel? No, you submit. Submission is when you

don’t agree, but you choose to humble yourself and submit to the

God given authority in your life. You only have to submit when you

not in agreement. Jesus submitted to His Father will, over His own, in


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the Garden of Gethsemane. This submission broke satan’s back.

Submission is the highest level of warfare as it is obedience.

Obedience to our Father by submitting to imperfect man

releases heaven on earth. When we submit we need to do it

cheerfully and not grudgingly or under compulsion as the Lord loves a

cheerful giver. This will really please the Lord and set you free from

Jezebel. Once we are in cheerful submission then there will be unity,

now God can bless this unity. This very unity is a very important

weapon against Jezebel. That is why she comes in with strife and

slander, to break any unity amongst Gods people.

Gods government established. Know what godly authority is

and how it works. Let every soul be subject to the governing

authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and

the authorities that exist are appointed by God. 2 Therefore

whoever resists the authority resists the ordinance of God,

and those who resist will bring judgment on themselves. 3 For

rulers are not a terror to good works, but to evil. Do you want

to be unafraid of the authority? Do what is good, and you will

have praise from the same. 4 For he is God’s minister to you

for good. But if you do evil, be afraid; for he does not bear

the sword in vain; for he is God’s minister, an avenger to

execute wrath on him who practices evil. Romans 13:1-4.

Honour Gods authority in your life. Both those over you and

those under your authority. You only have authority in the garden

that God has given you. Your home, church, team etc. Jehu knew God

and knew his authority was from God. He was bold and had know fear

of the retaliation. The Lion of Judah will arise. And Jesus came and

spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in

heaven and on earth. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all

the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of

the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all

things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you

always, even to the end of the age.” Amen. Matthew 28:18-20

o Know your authority in Christ and use it. Bind and


o Lines of authority

Faithfulness and obedience to instructions. Those who are

faithful with little will also be trusted with much. If you can obey and

be faithful to do a small thing like get to a meeting on time then how 25

Page 26: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak

will you be trusted with nations. We need to have integrity and do

what we say. We should not have to asked ten times to do one thing.

These little foxes spoil the vine and open the door to Jezebel. In the

army of God there is a chain of command. What happens if God

decides to issue an instruction to a general in His army and someone

down the line decides they don’t feel like doing it of it isn’t really

important. This can cause major confusion and open the door to

Jezebel. Jezebel comes to control through rebellion and manipulation,

God controls through humility and obedience.

The cross.

o Deny self and take up cross. Then He said to them all,

“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny

himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me. 24

For whoever desires to save his life will lose it, but

whoever loses his life for My sake will save it. 25 For

what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world,

and is himself destroyed or lost? Luke 9:23-25

Walking in the Spirit:

o Once we walk in the Spirit we are free from Jezebels control.

Romans 8:5-6, Galatians 5:16-18.

Love for God and people:

o For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this:

“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” 15 But if you

bite and devour one another, beware lest you be

consumed by one another! Galatians 5:14-15

Love for truth:

o Love truth more than your own life. Stand for the truth even if

it kills you.

o 2Thes 2:5-12. Overcoming the lawless spirit through the word

and His presence.

Speak the truth in love:

o If we are to have victory over this spirit, we will need to learn

how to walk in love towards all people. One of the areas of

weaknesses is when someone comes against me with pride

and arrogance. As they attack me, I have an option either to

humble myself and seek Jesus or exalt myself and seek my

own way. If we choose to humble ourselves, we will defeat this


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spirit and disarm her. If we get angry and rise up in pride we

will be defeated.

I especially get upset when people around me under my

authority, are trying to take chances with me by lying and

abusing the situation and even being aggressive towards me.

When all the time they are wrong. As soon as I rise up to the

pride I get nowhere and damage the light that is shining. What

I should do is humble myself, and say nothing unless the Lord

shows me what to say. I need to guard my heart at all times.

If we truly love the person we will share the truth in love or

even keep quite. As a soft answer turns away anger. Jezebel

will always try and draw us into this trap of anger. When I use

the sword of His word with anger, instead of setting people

free it will wound and destroy the person. This weapon is

extremely powerful and should only be used with love,

otherwise not at all. Only when we truly love the person can

we help them with the word of God. As soon as we are angry

we are in danger of destroying that which we have built in His

love and humility. This does not mean we compromise the

truth and listen to their slander and backbiting. We will need t

tell them firmly in love that we are not gong to listen to

slander about our brethren.

Once we sense resistance against our authority as a leader,

which comes from the spirit of Jezebel. We are now tempted to

get angry and attack the person in the flesh and help Jezebel,

to get an even bigger stronghold in the person whom she is

using. So when I walk in the flesh, I am actually helping

Jezebel to destroy and capture the person. Or we can now

obey the truth and do what Jesus says, and turn the other

cheek. When we absorb the abuse, even though what the

other person is doing is wrong, we now disarm the enemy

through love and humility. One we are in obedience to God, He

moves on our behalf sending in His Holy angels to destroy the


The enemy will always seek to draw us into the flesh. Once we

are in the flesh we are easily overcome by Jezebel. 27

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Love and humility will always conquer pride and rebellion. We

must speak the truth in love. God is not asking us just to do

whatever people want us to do, as we are not puppets. We

must not allow Jezebel to pull our strings. In fact we need to

detach any strong the any has attached to our flesh. We are

set free by the cross of Jesus. The main areas Jezebel will try

to attach in us is anger and pride.

Therefore our number one focus as leaders is to love the Lord

by loving the people who rebel and abuse us continually. He

will lead us in the combat zone to win the fight through love,

truth and humility.

Love for righteousness and justice:

o As Righteousness and justice are the foundation of His throne

Psalm 89:14. Heaven cannot be released on earth, in your

home, business or city unless His throne is established. Once

He starts to release righteousness and justice in a city,

business or home everything that is not in alignment will

shake. Psalm 29:8 The voice of the Lord shakes the

wilderness; The Lord shakes the Wilderness of Kadesh.

Kadesh is the place where Israel got the evil report from the

unbelieving spies and were all doomed to die except for

Joshua and Caleb and all those 20 and under. When His

righteousness comes forth it exposes unbelief. Our

righteousness comes through faith when we are in unbelief we

are in sin. We must believe the promises of God, for this will

be accounted as righteousness to us as it was to Abraham our


Prayer and Fasting: Some demons will only come out through

prayer and fasting. This is one of them. Prayer and fasting prepares

our hearts for war. As we go war we need to know that our battle is

not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers.

Apostolic and prophetic anointing: This is the plumb line in the

hand of Zerubbabel. Zechariah 4:10 For who has despised the

day of small things? For these seven rejoice to see The plumb

line in the hand of Zerubbabel. They are the eyes of the Lord,


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Which scan to and fro throughout the whole earth.”

Zerubbabel who laid the foundation of righteousness and justice

represents the apostolic and prophetic. Those who lay foundations.

The plumb line is the builders tool to measure the accuracy of the

lines of the building. The plumb line is the word of God in the hand of

Gods prophets and apostles across the earth. The Lord rejoices to see

this measuring being done. The wise master builders are the true

apostles. These are those who supervise the erection of buildings.

These buildings are the churches and works of the Lord. For your

ministry or business to be set free from Jezebel you will need to the

help and guidance of a true apostle of the Lord. ( See notes on Gods



o Self discipline: Before we can effectively discipline others we

need to be a disciplined disciple of Jesus. Whoever has no

rule over his own spirit Is like a city broken down,

without walls. Proverbs 25:28. We need to lead by example.

How can we take cities if we don’t have any self-control and


o Discipline of those under your authority: If we love

righteousness and justice we will oppose anything that is in

our homes, business, ministries that is not righteous and just.

If you want your authority to be established in your garden

then you will need to discipline those under your authority and

even remove them from their positions if you want Gods

authority to flow through you. Proverbs 25:5 says, Take away

the wicked from before the king, And his throne will be

established in righteousness.

If we love our children and anyone else whom we have

authority over then we will discipline them as the word says.

He who spares his rod hates his son, But he who loves

him disciplines him promptly. Proverbs 13:24. In order to

throw down Jezebel we need to be totally dedicated to the

Lord and have no other lovers. A false witness will not go

unpunished, And he who speaks lies will not escape…

Chasten your son while there is hope, And do not set

your heart on his destruction. Proverbs 19:5, 1829

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Those who threw Jezebel under Jehu’s instructions were the

eunuchs whom she could not seduce. Only those who cannot

be seduced by Jezebel will be able to throw her down from the

window. You will need strength to discipline people because

their flesh and that spirit of Jezebel will fight it. If you are wise

you will do it consistently with an even temper. A king who

sits on the throne of judgment Scatters all evil with his

eyes….A wise king sifts out the wicked, And brings the

threshing wheel over them. Proverbs 20:8,26.


The battle begins. We now know who our enemy is, how she operates and what

she’s after.

How do we comprehensively throw down this spirit?

Jezebel can only come in through a host/ person/s. Her assignment is to take your

authority and make you an Ahab. Your job is to cast her down and destroy her. This

confrontation is a very serious battle in the spirit realm. Count the cost and don’t

underestimate the battle. This battle will cost your very life as only those who die

completely to self will be able destroy the strongholds of Jezebel in their midst. “If

anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and

children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My

disciple. And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot

be My disciple. For which of you, intending to build a tower, does not sit

down first and count the cost, whether he has enough to finish it. Luke


1. Prepare yourself.

a. This is a spiritual battle and you will need to really seek the Lord and

get His power to throw this spirit down.

b. Get cleaned up go through the list and see what in you makes you

and Ahab. See if there is any strong hold that Jezebel has in you.


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c. I suggest you start to fast and pray, when you take on this spirit as

some demons will only come out with prayer and fasting. If it is your

ministry or organisation then a corporate fast will release some

serious power to expose this spirit. Once she is exposed you need

power to face her and cast her down.

d. First bind the strongman: We need to bind the Spirit of Jezebel only

once we have fully repented for allowing her in our house. Matthew

12:29 Or how can one enter a strong man’s house and plunder

his goods, unless he first binds the strong man? And then he

will plunder his house.

e. Go to the garden of Gethsemane where you will die to self and be

crushed so that the anointing of God will flow destroying satan’s hold

over your life the very area of your dominion.

2. Set a goal: What is your goal?

a. First goal will be to occupy the land, the vision God has given you. For

your home ministry etc.

b. To prepare a dwelling place for God

i. God is looking for place of peace and love then He will come

and rest.

3. Identify your enemy:

a. Go through the list of Jezebels characteristic and weapons and see

what is happening in your field of authority. Once you have identified

these weakness and threats. Now put a plan together to drive Jezebel

out and build the walls and close the doors to Jezebel permanently.

b. Confusion and lack of clarity: If there is confusion in the ranks you will

end up having huge problems identify why the confusion exists.

Check both the spiritual areas and the practical organisational areas.

Example, is there plan for the ministry, are their policies in place etc.

Do you as Family have God plan for your lives? What is you home

code of conduct?

c. Satan is the author of confusion, chaos and disorder. When the earth

was without form and void, God spoke and brought order from chaos.

God loves to restore and redeem things. He loves to bring order and

life where there is chaos and death.

4. What type of leader are you?

We are currently sitting with a leadership crisis in many areas. The question

is; what is the right way to lead? To learn this we need to look at the lives of

the most successful leaders in the scriptures. The ultimate leader is Jesus.31

Page 32: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak

a. Four types of leaders:

i. Autocratic:

1. Authoritarian self pleasing person. They want

worship. Who doesn’t take others input in decisions and

only seeks to please them selves in every decision.

They love to make slaves like Pharaoh did with Israel.

To serve their own grandiose plans. They normally are

born into position of kill or stand on people to get into

power. Extremely power hungry and aggressive. There

authority comes from their own selfish ambition and

aggressive efforts.

2. Pride and arrogance: They know best and they think

it as well. They always want to be in control of

everything. They cant delegate as they are the only

one who can do it properly.

3. These leaders are the prime authority abusers

and exercise authority primarily for there own

benefit. They usually surround themselves with people

who will not speak the truth and follow Jesus. Jesus said

we must be the greatest servants to be the greatest

leaders. These leaders like a lots of people around

them serving them. This makes them feel secure and

proud of their exalted position.

ii. Democratic:

1. This is the politician man pleaser. Who always

plays for the crowd. They go what ever way the people

want them to go. Their authority comes primarily

through the approval of man. Ahab was this type. They

are not real leaders as the people tell them what to say

and do. They are normally spineless when the heat is

on they will melt. Say they love God, and put people

first. Their reputation is everything. They play to the

crowd as their authority comes through pleasing man.

2. False humility. They abdicate their duties and give

them to someone else.

3. This is the best man can do with

iii. Autodemocratic:


Page 33: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak

1. This leader is combo. Going between herod and

Jezebel. He doesn’t quite know what he is. Sometimes

he autocratic sometimes he is democratic. Yet he is

always pleasing himself. Saul was this type.

2. These are authority abusers if they don’t get there

own way and if they feel threatened in any way.

iv. Theocratic:

1. The humble God pleaser. Who will always walk in

the fear of the Lord and do only what they see the

Father doing. Their authority comes directly from the

Father in heaven. Moses, Samuel, David, Daniel and

Jesus were this type of leader. They get the vision from

the Father and share it with the people who follow the

Fathers heart. They Love God first and put people

second. Jesus chose God over His own mother and

brothers. Matthew 12:46-50. Gods glory and honour is

the most important thing to them.

2. They also work in teams or council. Proverbs 11:14

Where there is no counsel, the people fall;

But in the multitude of counselors there is

safety. They are accountable to other people. They

wait for the corporate leading before just making major

decisions for the ministry of business. Those who just

make decisions and do not take wise godly council will

end up falling into many traps. They are loners who will

be easy prey for spiritual pride.

3. True humility: They take the mandate God has given

them and run with it. They will be teachable.

v. Actions to take:

1. What areas do you have to change to be a Jesus

type leader?

a. Make a list of areas you have to change.

2. Strengths:

a. What areas are you like Jesus?

3. Weaknesses:


Page 34: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak

a. Write down your leadership style and highlight

the weakness and ask the Lord to help you

become more like Jesus.

b. Repent to the Lord and those under your

authority for anything that is not in line with

Jesus. When we humble our selves we take the

enemies weapons.

4. Threats:

a. What areas in your leadership style is a threat

to you and your camp.

b. Who in your camp threatens your leadership

and authority?

5. Planning and knowing your role

a. Some misconceptions in the Body of Christ today:

i. Planning is not spiritual and not godly. The more spiritual you

are the less you plan.

1. These and other similar beliefs has stopped the Body of

Christ from advancing for many years. We need to

know the planning was Gods idea. He planned the

universe and everything in it.

ii. Plans are restrictive.

1. Only if you are not listening to the Lord. His plans are

very focused and through this focus release

tremendous liberty as you now don’t get taken by

every wind that blows through town.

b. The role of King versus role of a prophet: Prophets like to fly,

kings like to plan and build. It is vital that prophets learn to work with

apostles as they both work differently. Yet the apostle/ king needs to

arise, for the prophet to have safe place to stay. Have a look at David.

David had a kingly apostolic calling on his life. He built the kingdom

and set in order the tabernacle with all the order for the Levites. The

Nathan lived freely within David’s house. Although David submitted to

the word of the Lord given by Nathan, David still ruled. This is how

the true apostolic needs to operate. The true apostolic will always

submit to the word of the Lord given by the prophet, be they a

woman or even a child.34

Page 35: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak

The false apostolic: When Saul ruled he organised the kingdom for

himself and eventually killed the Lords own priests. There is a fleshly

government and organisation, and there is a spiritual organisation.

Organisation is not good or evil, it is tool even God uses. It can be

used by satan and it can be used by God to build His kingdom.

Heaven is very ordered and organised you can see by the

tremendous detail around the throne room. There are not things just

laying around in heaven everything is in place, so too should we be in

place. God is a God of order. Wherever we go we should bring godly

order both spiritual and practical. As the endtime battle is against the

spirit of lawlessness, we need to make sure we bring order wherever

we go. This includes obeying the rules set down in our countries and


c. Disorganisation is an open door to Jezebel

I went through a time when I thought any form of organisation was

from the flesh and the enemy. The Lord opened my eyes to see that

He is highly organised and structured. There is perfect order and

harmony in heaven the angels are in structured within a hierarchy. If

organisation is from the devil then Moses, David and Solomon were

missing it when they organised the Tabernacle. Moses structured all

the tribes into thousands, hundreds and tens. David structured teams

of singers and priests who were designated certain responsibilities at

certain times.

We are after all a body of believers. Your body is highly organised

and efficient with a complete built in management system; given to

your body, by God. Who tells your heart to pump you lungs to

breathe? Your body is pre-programmed before you are even born.

I have had teams both disorganised and organised, the more

organised and clearer people are about their roles and functions the

more effective the team is. Can you imagine a Symphony Orchestra

that never had a conductor and a music sheet, to play from? It would

be chaos with no harmony. The team leader plays the role of the

conductor, and the music sheet is the agreed plan and system they

work with. Once this is in place the harmony can now be developed. If

you stay disorganised authority will always be questioned leaving the

door wide open to Jezebel. Discipline will be very difficult to apply 35

Page 36: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak

when there is rebellion. You need to implement a godly planning and

management system in any organisation, if you don’t it will be torn

apart by Jezebels hordes of hell. Remember as you start to implement

this order those under Jezebels spell will be the first to kick against it.

They will need ti be disciplined.

6. Leaders strategy:

a. Spiritual strategy:

Leaders need to overcome the spirit of Ahab in them and the spirit of

Jezebel operating through others under their authority.

i. Start with serious prayer, fasting and faith. You cant play with

this spirit. You must get violent to take your place and your

inheritance that God has given you.

ii. Identify all the areas in your life where you are operating

under the Ahab spirit.

iii. Repent and ask the Lord to help you overcome these

weaknesses. Develop and write down the plan as the Lord

gives it to you, review the strategy on a regular basis.

iv. Once you have done this ask the Lord for plan of how to

overcome Jezebel.

v. Get your keys back.

1. Take your authority back from those you have given it

to. You will need to confront these people in love and

repent to them for giving them your keys.

2. Get your garden back!!! Then the earth…

b. Practical strategy: Gods government

i. Draw up plans and strategies for your personal life, family,

business and ministry. If you need help I can send you a basic

outline for business / ministry plans and your personal eternal

plan. ( Contact the office for the eternal plan and business

plan document) These are the bones of the body or

organisation, You still need the people/ flesh and the breathe/

Holy Spirit come into your home, business can start to walk

and take dominion.

ii. Draw up policies and procedures set the rules for the

organisation, home etc.


Page 37: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak

1. Remember any one who doesn’t want to operate under

rules is operating under lawlessness.

2. Don’t draw up too many rules keep it very simple. So

that children will understand.

3. Draw up disciplinary procedures and policies.

iii. Basic set of Documents: For personal, home, ministry or

business use.

1. You need to have a basic set of corporate governance


a. Strategic plan or Personal Eternal plan

b. Core values

c. Policies and procedures(for ministries &


d. Disciplinary code

e. Personnel files for each staff member.

f. Induction process for new staff

g. Performance reviews

c. Know your metron:

i. Is your area of authority.

ii. You need to know exactly where your metron starts and ends.

iii. Don’t overstep your bounds.

iv. Beware of authority abuse: You can’t force people to do

anything. Although in an organisation you can discipline them.

However in a discipler to disciple relationship you can only

discipline if they are in sin. They cannot be order to do things

unless they are working for you with in some type of


7. Subordinate’s strategy: Those under authority.

a. As a subordinate you will need to overcome the spiritual leadership

vacuum where satan sends his forces to occupy.

b. You will need to resist the spirit of Jezebel in your own life.

c. You will need to submit to the leaders God puts in your life even

though they are not perfect.

d. Wives to submit to their own husbands, subordinates to there

managers, disciples to those who disciple them.

8. Implement the strategy: Throw her down!!!37

Page 38: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak

a. Start to disciple those under your authority:

i. Implement weekly discipleship meetings with each family or

staff member under your authority.

1. If you don’t train your family or staff then they will be

an open target for Jezebel. God says, “ My people

perish because of a lack of knowledge”

ii. Weekly accountability meetings.

1. This keep the disciples clean and on track with the


iii. To get more details contact the office for the Disciples of Jesus

manual and the discipler’s manual.

iv. Confronting the person:

When dealing with the person under Jezebels control: Beware

of the traps:

1. Don’t call the person a Jezebel as they can’t be; Jezebel

is a demonic power and principality. No person is

capable of such power. The power released is a

spiritual force and can only addressed spiritually. The

person is oppressed by the spirit. We must see the two

as separate in order to minister to them.

2. Arguing to prove our point. Fighting fire with fire

doesn’t work. You need to fight spirit through the

power of the Holy Spirit.

3. Love them continually in truth.

b. Measure and manage.

You need to set down a clear job description with measurement

criteria. Remember you cannot manage or steward what you do not

measure. Know the state of your flock.

c. Apply discipline

i. Why discipline? The motive.

1. To please the Lord. If we don’t discipline we are placing

people above God which is idolatry. We must not be

Like Eli who failed to discipline His sons. He to was

ruled by Jezebel. 1 Samuel 2:22-36.

2. Because you love the people and want to see them set

free from this spirit. Hebrews 12: 6

3. To bring godly order and peace in your garden.


Page 39: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak

4. To save the rest of the team from contamination.

1Corinthians 5:6-7 Your glorying is not good. Do

you not know that a little leaven leavens the

whole lump? 7 Therefore purge out the old

leaven, that you may be a new lump, since you

truly are unleavened. For indeed Christ, our

Passover, was sacrificed for us. Sin is like leaven it

spreads through the people like a disease.

ii. How do you discipline?

1. Discipline your own house first: Many have become

disqualified to lead in Gods house because they are

unable to rule in their own houses. 1Timothy 3:4-5.

Love begins at home and so does discipline, as God

disciplines those He loves. He even starts in His own

house first. For the time has come for judgment to

begin at the house of God; and if it begins with

us first, what will be the end of those who do not

obey the gospel of God? 1Peter 4:17

2. Discipline needs to be applied consistently. Proverbs


3. Don’t delay discipline: Many times you will want to

delay discipline, this is a fatal mistake, as evil will

multiply the longer you wait to discipline. Because the

sentence against an evil work is not executed

speedily, therefore the heart of the sons of men

is fully set in them to do evil. Ecclesiastes 8:11

Discipline needs to be applied speedily. Proverbs 13:24

He who spares his rod hates his son, But

he who loves him disciplines him promptly .

4. Discipline with love: Make sure you always discipline

the person in love. If you do this your throne will be

established. Mercy and truth preserve the king,

And by lovingkindness he upholds his throne.

Proverbs 20:28. The trap here is for people to only

discipline when they have lost their temper, somehow

feeling justified now to shout at and discipline the

person because of there anger. This is not God love and

you have just been caught in Jezebels trap. You are


Page 40: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak

weakened as soon as you sin in front of Jezebel. You

need to love the person and discipline them in a spirit

of gentleness. Ephesians 4:15 but, speaking the

truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him

who is the head—Christ.

5. Watch out for bouncing. This spirit will bounce

around from person to person who ever is open for

attack. This can happen especially when you start to

discipline a person that is under the influence of

Jezebel. This spirit will start to jump onto other staff

looking for a host. Jezebel will only be thrown down

once everyone has been delivered from this spirit. If

they don’t want deliverance then they will either resign

end up being dismissed. Those with who are open for

Jezebel either to use them or abuse their God given

authority need to watch their own hearts. For example,

You can be attacked by Jezebel through someone under

you authority and then be used by Jezebel when you

are under someone else’s authority. Remember we get

authority through submission, as the wise and faith

filled centurion pointed out to Jesus. “ For I also am a

man under authority, having soldiers under me.

And I say to this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and to

another, ‘Come,’ and he comes; and to my

servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.” When Jesus

heard it, He marveled, and said to those who

followed, “Assuredly, I say to you, I have not

found such great faith, not even in Israel! Mathew


9. Don’t give in, don’t give up

a. No matter how many times you fall you need to say to your self, I will

never give up. If I don’t give up I will eventually overcome. Just keep

getting up and going back to your King. We fight the good fight. This

is a fight we will win if we don’t give up.

b. Remember this is full scale combat. You need to set your mind to

fight until you win.


Page 41: Overcoming Jezebel  by Warren David Horak


a. You will be pleasing God

b. Peace in your house

c. Fulfilling your destiny

d. God will now dwell in your house.

e. God’s provision and blessings will be on you and your team.

f. People can now be saved and discipled. Kingdom of God will keep


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