Page 1: Overqualified But Not Getting a Job Offer?

Overqualified But Not Getting a Job Offer?

“I will not proceed with this candidate. She has potential but not exactly what I’m looking

for.” So goes the feedback from one hiring manager to my headhunter. I understand that

from the hiring manager’s viewpoint, I don’t have the established track record of an

executive they’re looking for. Choosing me among the other viable candidates is risky.

I may be shooting high but aiming lower means I’ll be applying for the same post I’m

currently holding. I have been told numerous times that I’m overqualified for position

lower than management role. One interviewer even commented that my CV appeared to

have been created by a professional resume writer. Up to now, I have not been able to

decrypt this indiscernible assertion.

What’s the point of transferring from Company A to Company B if there’s no upward

mobility? If three years of being in the same position and attending all available trainings

related to my field do not qualify me to a higher position, what will? Perhaps I may not have

fully grasped the reality of today’s market. Though a degree and past experience matter,

they do not guarantee a job offer. The competition has just gotten stiffer. Paul Zane Pilzer;

economist, entrepreneur, professor and New York Times bestselling author, maintained

that “Rising unemployment with increasing GDP, often due to technology, is the first sign of

economic growth. The key is getting the unemployed re-tooled in our new economy so we

can enjoy both their new output and the output of their former job.” Though I am one of the

fortunate many who has a decent job that pays the bills and brings food to the table, having

a second source of income is a welcome idea. But I have to learn the new rules of the game

Page 2: Overqualified But Not Getting a Job Offer?

to keep up. The same influencer writes, “In today’s world, working for yourself is actually

the safer route, and working for a corporation has become the riskier propositions”.  Hence,

I’m diving with one foot, two eyes wide open and building a network of success- minded

people. For first- time entrepreneurs like me who are risk- averse, I suggest learning from

those who have been in the trenches, find trusted people who you can work with and set a

clear and concise vision for you and the team. Failure to execute any of these will invariably

guarantee failure.  Cosmeticure International, Inc. did not require anything from me aside

from belief in the company, in the incorporators, products and compensation plan. I

was hired on the spot. I know this entrepreneurial journey is not without bumps, detours

and accidents but I’m confident that with key people this odyssey will be all worth the

effort and time.

Anyone interested to know more about my adventures and misadventures on this

entrepreneurial initiative, please feel free to shoot an email or drop a line. Or visit our

website I'm excited to hear from you.

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