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Herramientas de Mejora de Procesos de Sofware

Overview of CMMI and Software Process Improvement Escuela Politécnica del Litoral

Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja

Page 2: Overview of CMMI and Software Process Improvement
Page 3: Overview of CMMI and Software Process Improvement

Overview of CMMI and Software Process Improvement

Nelson PiedraUniversidad Técnica Particular de Loja Science School - Intelligence Artificial Fundamentals 2007 Course

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Overview of SW CMM and CMMI IDEAL Framework for Continuous Process Improvement Transition to CMMI L2: Several Considerations Evolution of CMMI IDEAL Experiences

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SW CMM and CMMI: KPAs and PAs Mapping

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SW CMM Structure

Maturity Levels

Key Process Areas

Common Features

Key Practices



Implementation orInstitutionalization

Activities orInfrastructure


Organized by






Commitment to PerformAbility to PerformActivities PerformedMeasurement and AnalysisVerifying Implementation

“The Capability Maturity Model: Guidelines for Improvingthe Software Process”, SEI, (1995), Addison-Wesley

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CMMI Model Components

Process Area

PurposeStatement Introductory


Process Areas

Specific Goals Generic Goals



TypicalWork Products Sub-practices Generic

Practice Elaborations




“CMMI: Guidelines for Process Integration and Product Improvement”,Chrissis, M.B., Konrad, M., Shrum, S. (2003), Addison-Wesley

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CMMI Staged and Continuous Representations

“Improving and Integrating”, Phillips, M., SEPG 2003 Conference

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Maturity Levels and Capability Levels

“Improving and Integrating”, Phillips, M., SEPG 2003 Conference

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Cluster of PAs in CMMI Continuous Representation

“Improving and Integrating”, Phillips, M., SEPG 2003 Conference

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Cluster of PAs in CMMI Staged Representation

“Improving and Integrating”, Phillips, M., SEPG 2003 Conference

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IDEAL Framework for Continuous Process Improvement


Evaluation & Diagnosis






Execution (7)

Implementation(8) Commitment




Action Planning (5)Team Deployment




LocalEvaluation &




Evaluation & Diagnosis

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Transition to CMMI: a Process Technology

CMMI is a process technology and needs to be treated as such for introduction purposes

If you have been using the SW CMM as a base model for continuous improvement, many of the norms, beliefs, and values are similar to CMMI

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Transition to CMMI Level 2

As an organization moves towards Level 2 CMMI several issues begin changing in the Mangers/Practitioners world: Understanding who the stakeholders are and reaching common

understanding on project scope and requirements Negotiating changes with relevant stakeholders is based on impact

analysis Managing using a measurement-focused approach and implementing

proactive project controls Using requirements as a fundamental basis for planning and control Using risk management throughout the projects Communicating becomes vital to maintain the process going Identifying relevant stakeholders as the base for communication will

expand the scope of communication activities in the organization

“Are you Prepared for CMMI?” S. Garcia, SEPG 2003 Conference

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. . . Transition to CMMI Level 2

Senior Managers: Focus on product requirements as the basis for planning Ask early for information about risks Make less commitments without adequate impact assessment Discourage firefighting and encourage fire prevention behaviors Have less dissatisfied customers Have more visibility into ability to meet project schedules and budgets

“Are you Prepared for CMMI?” S. Garcia, SEPG 2003 Conference

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. . . Transition to CMMI Level 2

Program Managers: Are more involved in understanding the system and software

requirements and their impact on the product Higher visibility into project progress and risks Less large and unmanageable tasks Less ability to make un-negotiated commitments Less ability of accepting changes in requirements without making

adequate impact analysis

“Are you Prepared for CMMI?” S. Garcia, SEPG 2003 Conference

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. . . Transition to CMMI Level 2

Practitioners: Higher degree of direct requirements-based estimation using historical

data More information available earlier in the project More focus on negotiating changes rather than “blindly” accepting More impact analysis on changes More information on how to get things done consistently Less overtime Less daily corrective action meetings late in the project Less firefighting

“Are you Prepared for CMMI?” S. Garcia, SEPG 2003 Conference

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IDEAL ExperiencesExperiences are provided from the perspective of

being part of a Corporate

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Initiation Experiences

It is important to identify someone in the organization that is genuinely interested in continuous process improvement (CPI)

It is essential to have Senior Management support for establishing a CPI program in the organization

Performing an appraisal is just the beginning It is very important to discuss the business goals that will drive the

CPI program Initial high-level training on CMMI may be required for participants

in CPI program It is essential to establish a contact person or “site coordinator” to

begin planning A readiness analysis of the organization and relevant stakeholders

is very important Initiation is not a “one-time” activity but a continuous activity of

“taking the pulse of the organization Document your experiences

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Diagnostic Experiences (as Lead Appraiser)

Establish good relationship with site coordinator Site coordinator may divide responsibilities Lead Appraiser must be proactive and forward thinking Site coordinator - Appraisal team member and change agent Develop a solid Appraisal Plan ahead of time Be prepared to have at least 12 revisions of the Appraisal Plan Even the most robust final plan will change – be prepared Communicate often with stakeholders (sponsor, site coordinator) Assemble the most competent Appraisal team you can Learn all details of CMMI Model while preparing the interview


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. . . Diagnostic Experiences

The Lead Appraiser is responsible to ensure right timing of activities Do not panic if things seem to be chaotic and out of control Maintain your sense of humor during the appraisal activity Be always positive and maintain the good spirit of the team Enjoy the whole experience Expect to encounter “lagoons of concentration” in team members and yourself Continue to talk with appraisal team to ensure smooth flow Reduce to the minimum reading questions during the interview session Expect to work long hours Make sure you meet with Senior Management to discuss final findings – do not

change them – ask for their support Discuss organization’s business goals Name of change Agent and critical dates for PIP should be established before

final findings presentation to personnel Rehearse final findings presentation and stick to it when presenting Have a wrap-up session with the Appraisal Team and document experiences

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Establishing Experiences

Use organization business goals, final findings and CMMI Model to develop a prioritized process improvement plan (PIP)

Work closely with Change Agent and Senior Management to develop a realistic PIP

Make sure deadlines for approval of PIP are met Involve relevant stakeholders during the creation of the plan to

establish teams Use your Measurement and Analysis Process Area to define metrics

for key processes Set a date for a new appraisal in the PIP Continuously document your experiences

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Acting Experiences

Establish a close relationship with Change Agent to ensure there is a good communication

Coach your Change Agent to act at a higher level of maturity than the organization

Make sure Change Agent feels as owner of PIP Change Agent will become the focal point for the creation of the

EPG Continuously monitor the organization readiness to the CPI program Continuously fine-tune organization dynamics to enhance readiness

for CPI program Bring value to your organization and Change Agent Continuously document events during Acting phase

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Leveraging Experiences

Use your metric program and CPI phases phase documentation to analyze lessons

Set up meeting with relevant stakeholders to analyze the efficiency of CPI approach

Identify changes to enhance process and plan next improvement cycle

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Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja Escuela de Ciencias de la Computación

Nelson Piedra

[email protected] 4 y 5 de octubre del 2007

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