
Overview of the week:

Year 3 EnglishCVPS Home Learning WC 06.07.20

Lesson 1Lesson 2Lesson 3Lesson 4

Click on the lesson you would like to complete today

This week you will have 4 days of English Activities. You will have one Live Lesson with MrBlack and the other days you will be asked to

complete other activities.

You should also be reading daily and trying to use Bug Club as well.

This week’s spellings.

Click the Bug to take you to Bug Club.

Day 1 Group A – MondayGroup B - Tuesday

Today is your LIVE LESSON!

See you at 10am, 11am or 1pm!

Welcome to your live lesson!Please make sure you mute the

microphone when told to do so and have your pen/pencil, ruler, rubber

and English CGP Book ready!

• Today in our Live lesson we will be looking at ‘Personification’. Make sure you print the following slide before today’s lesson!

• If you are unable to join us in our live lesson. Click the link below for a video clip to help you with your learning.

Day 1 Group A – MondayGroup B - Tuesday

Click here for video

Don’t print this slide.

A Glimpse of the Morning

The rays of sun creep through the curtains. The birds chirp happily in the waving trees. My friendly blanket cuddles up over my gloomy feet. I can hear the rice crispies whispering and the toaster is jumping for joy. My clothes lie patiently waiting for their big day out while the smell of cooking breakfast sneaks up the stairs. My alarm starts to scream in my face and finally I drag myself out of bed. I trudge over the stubborn carpet. My clothes are uncooperative and they struggle over my head. Eventually I’m dressed and the stairs are running away to the kitchen where I can gulp down my toast and juice.

Please Print me.

Day 1

❖Don’t forget to visit Bug Club today to complete the spelling and grammar activities and Bug Club or read for 30 minutes

Group A – MondayGroup B - Tuesday

Follow up activity!

Lesson 2Today we are looking at Poetry.

To start off with, follow the link below and watch the videos all about the different types of poems.

Once you have done this, complete pages 34 and 35 in your English Activity Book all about different forms of poetry .


Group A – TuesdayGroup B - Wednesday

Click here for video links

On the next slide is an example of another personification poem.

Kelly Roper– The Adventures of Timothy’s Bike

Think of an inanimate object and bring it to life. Write your own Poem in your Home Learning booklet.

Here are some ideas that you could possibly use in your poem:

Coffee cup




Computer keyboard

Lesson 3 Home

Group A –Wednesday

Group B - Thursday

Lesson 4

Today we have a continued focus on Poetry.

First click the link below to hear the poem ‘Nobody Knows’ by Rachel Rooney.

Then, walk in your garden or in a park and look for things to bring to life using personification. Write a poem about your journey and the things you saw. Try to bring some of the things you saw to life using personification.

Visit Bug Club for additional grammar activities and books.


Click here to here the poem

Group A – ThursdayGroup B - Friday

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