



The Odd Feo!Jow• of New York State. bonor memory or 8n>tMr ...._..... 0. ......, ..... wiMa

thf! Metropolllan Oulkt, p,_nt to Ilia widow • .....,.._,. ae.oa.vuo.. ol ........_

-.PHio lr)' Alb .. ~ fll Oolflu Loolp

Beautiful Things in Life Oy Presley F . Aorn~ Cra.nd Secretary ot Idl.ho

OKLAHOMA LAND RUSII ~llY U. was asked " 'hy h Ia •U tbe

SeautitW Thln&s occur ln Idaho. Of courte that Ia not true, tor beeutJlul things may be found alll\Oit anywhere by anyone \\'hO Is look for the bf:autl· t'ul and nor. the aordJd. U we ore looklntr tor t.he rockJ In the road. we \\·Ill · probAbly Rnd them but lhtre l.a beauty aU about tor thOit! who t!ltk l t. My tt.orlea not been &11 eonflned to fdAhO, and 1

, have Lold of lncldents o«urrlng In both towa and Mluourt month T h.&ve decldod to ao t.o Okhthoma tor my story.

ln OklAhoma, the)' have an organization known u the Oklaboma El&:bty·Nlners' Aaaoelotlon, oom· I)Oied of early set tlers partlc.U»Una In t.ho "'land Nth" of that year. Gotng bac.k to t.hal euly pt'l1od or Lh• • tate'• h.t.tory. It waa In Ju.n~. 1889, th•t • man llled on • claim six miles IOUU'Ieu1 of Cuthr1t, and a monlh later he- waa murdered, pl'flumably by a rival daim.a.nt who Yo"U never 8pp~hf:Ddtld. N' wu known ot the alaln man ex~pt t.b&.t hlJ name wu Martin Cheney, that he had beta a pbylldan, and that ho -mod dl.t.-ttd by Ute ~nt dalh ot hll wtte, and that he had .,.m• children eomewhere !:n Tex&f.

lila body wu broua::tat to Culhrlt and l.urMd ovtr to an undertaker wbo burtecl peupen at \ht t xpenw ot lhe ProvlsionaJ dty pvernm.nt. An Odd Fellow pin waa found upon hJI breut. Tbere wu no lodp ln Cutbrte at lhat Umt, but t.Mre Odd J'•Uowa tn lhe eommun:ll.y and m&ft7 ot t.h.m C.ODC'I"'*Pted to view the body, but Lht three Unka wert tbe onty evJdence ot membership to be looncl. Th- Odd Fetlowa dua down tn Utolr own MebU.. •"* *" Atkenw ary w • C''lr" end


• l'Ttn , .. ., .... ...,., ., .,....... ., ............ - ............................... ., ............ _ ..................................

nt. 0.. ,_.._.. C Se• Y..- ......_ ...._ .. .._ _,. fll ......_ .,.,.._.... D. ~ ..._

t.lle Mel,.....IIMI Wei~ GuiW;, ,.._., &e 11M ......... ...,.._.. ' .. ..._ _, .........

Ia tb --... a -.. ttna ~ wtta. rt!tt"rfttll.''t

tow a .. "'"'"""'-~ to tJM ~ l"'tt..S.,. l".dtla t. BU'"' or~~. • .,..,.. w, WOIIdu u thta &rtk:S.

wUI me~t.n aft)'thlng to your Lod"' Dot. It •waken

tn you the II'IOVJht Ulat pnMibly In your I.Adae.

thf'rt m•)' lMI • pro.~t.h·e dont~or lo th1 Endowment

F\lfld 1 lf Jt, doe; 1101, It 5tW>Uid

lJbw dial\)' Of .a brothtft .,... .u.lft'-. .. A.Qbcm

~ P"- the ~ a l~M~eetlt O..t EdJa L Bak« m.l:cbt malte tM (:n«<d Lod:C't' ltonlle I~ ~ Of a I!U',. pan of tlle reddue o.t hPt •tate! ~ "0 o:n.e. Yet, In )'Cklr community. M maueor wlleN )'0\1. may Uve, there aTe thOle who .,.~ charHably lnoeUned. who IU'f flli.Ji:10~~S. atwr Ulf')' J~eve (OM• pl~ted tht'lr •pan or y~n. to ao pl•ce thelf- mon.ey lll•t a part or It at 1~ •1JI tt.lp to rMJce ot.t~en .. ,.,.

S2.0IX) at 41 '*til NW c.o lit# En6o-r!WOI. FUM ~IJllt)r dollan a f'V and elatlt) ~ wW do m.-. toward bt'tiJ(rtc w1th tile t'"Cpl"l\aft oc ma.~n~tl\llla OUT brolllen 11M lllttf'I'L Yn, h m.ay be tUt'd' to h~lp you llllt1 I fN" ~ ho know. what the future nu)' bring forth,

Why nttt N e-ll lode,. In the Slatt' helM •n eJn.· do-a-men\ "'"1'14 nlaht t'\'t'ry )'Nt This will work #IC&C\IJ' WUil OW GNnd 1duret"• ~ M•ll" U.e doat.liOft • I ~ a •..U P"f" ~~· an arunaal ~~'- Do ..., ••Is. f.Of' lM ..,, Cr'IW:Id X..f'f to Mtabtlsh llult .. hi• projtrt Do U an,rw-a7 "'"'-..

•t you~ a~~n\lal Thaabll~ln1 pany wbotn )'OY toOl· feet tQCelhf>r your P""'"lft. -why 1104 uk on~ ot )'OUr

bHl •peak•"' a l11wyer lf y(l" hA'o-1! c'"e, to rome to your m•"""" 11nd expla.ln •bout w na. ILnd n.­.,,....

It •ill \II# .,, Ut1e~ftl Nb)ad ~en ll you AM ao ooe thai ,.,....,...W year •M wttbta to m.b tAt er-d Lodll' IIOPM- a ~'- But. It '-'b ~ tt~lltl~ ~aftn,..r. not • "b'wtUtiN ~M:m'beniliSt \to tw"'if'lls.ed by IM heal a~ wtlldl th•1 wUl rtotfl\f antult.oualy. but tile~ wtll 1M I(IWn lor lhe Mnpl\t of tlle f"niSO'wment of your Homeo, whlrh .ooner (If' la~er w111 •Prlnl I.IP •nd .,_

P&.-t a dorH e.o-·w M'Matn •Wfl' ti\UIIfi o/ wheat • hkh )'011 ..,., eM aome AO'JI.,.. u. bound to

"'))''Ut and ...... 1'tllftk tlri .. """""· broth~ ..... ... tt' .................... e 1Ml &IIIII " ....... ,...,...._

ENDOWK£.''T nll"-'D rEIJt.S.

_..... .., Al!lhC o.a- ., 01111111. ......



A.liOu\ e""" ~ -.o llwr• ...._ bon &II • DUlot town tn Iowa a r»y wbQM 1cr~et aot~toa wa. ., die­tol"'ll<fd W'ldl \.he kn..,. knt to tiM •Ide ~ ot forward .. a normal knM thOUJd, When U.. Ultle \lo)' lee.mfd to WILIII. It wN wUh dlftkull)' and he ,.,. .. c:ompeUcd to waUr 011 l.he tdda of 1'1111 toot. be-­enae 01 tblt Cktonnf!d llftft. Jle could DO\. n u1 and pa.,. IIU other cN.I4rtn Mel ,.._..c.d a ratbu ,.tbdk ~ TIM bttle bQJor ..,._1a .....,.. ~ and ~ alto •wtllt:a& to M¥9 lbe knee opno.ted on and ao lliOUliJt.r wu ._. aw u.e Of 1,.. w'hen. at\er tile mother'• death. the IUtJe boy w•• left an orphan and a ftne Old Odd reuow or Ole 111114 town uked the boy U 114 would like 1.0 have a k.n" like olhtr chlkil'i'n. Tbe Uu.le tlo)' -.ld be would rather ht. \"e t.h.a I than • nytbin.& eltt ln JU'.. The Od4 f'tl»w went N.t:k to bb kldle _.... ~ lt •"" .oon. li!OM!J' ,. ... rloi.Mf.. 11-bouJ IJOO.OO. 10 ,.,- • ~ bl a ..,.., d\7 f« an eptn.tlon. Ia a ,.., .... ~ta the 11-Wt _,.. ..... back boG'w -~~.lAM .... lth Mel ....., ac\IOn .a:.~ h «<UI(I "'" end pl.a.)' with othet' ehlldru. One of the ftrat U\11111 1'1• ,.}d, on retumln.& home wu: "f'Jobody W111 lAUCh at me now ror my kl\ee 1.t Ju.t llktt other c:hiJdttn ha\·e.,

OddltUowtl'ltp lronwctiateJy ~ the nu::.t PI'OI'IADt"nt GrCUIWIH"Jft '- lllc ~IUt \OWft and ,.._ f'f'• tl7 whta IN loclp nftded ,...,_,. I« .._"

t M.rllPie Mid ~ ptU'1IOIIe .. -- w1ddl -- worth ~ liOO.OO and •Ilk• ... dor:lll-ted 10 lhlll' klcl.&'e ...... IOid to u.e dtllt"' O.f U'le \OW1'I for Jl.2001l0. Tbe cltl~t'nd!Jp of lh•~ t4Wn 1a hll-pp)' lO au.pport Oddtfol~hlp ~\l.te Oddlllloo'w.J'IIp ll a mo.t promi"Mnt taetor In the e:lvlc IUe or tl!At town and today Lhe little lodae 111 lhal Utl.le toWn h .. e.ppro.dmatety _,,. or the poop\IJA'Uoft ~ u Mttebtn ~ the 104~

o- ot the ~ uampa. ot Ou1.d&nlty. •• .,.. ~t. II to llottp Ute bltnd to "" ud 0... la.~W~e tit ...oc

c. A. W'boMler Sovenlln CI'VId M...ur

The •·New•" .,..111come~ lbla ti.M, true •tory b)' ou.t So\'t!l't!IP C.....wi Muter, a.nd will c:onunua to pu..,llh th"" /rom time to ll.m.e.

Beaatifal Thiur• in Life .,_r.-..a---. .. ,...

OKLA,HONA L.Ut0 AUSlf ll.eotalb' ll wu Mll4'd wb,,. It M ttl.& &1J t.M

.S..UUf\d Tll1np «a~t la Idaho. 0t tot.ltM '- IMf tru•. ltw be&uUhll lblllltl ma.t btt found &1_. &e,)'WMN ..,. all)'~ wi'IO t& looklnJ for the bM~o~tJ · IW and not OM IOrdtd l1 '*• U.. )OM\~ tor 1oM rock. Ia U.. r'OI4. •• wt.U probably ANI u.. IMd ~-~da.Mv\llfWU.. ..... IIH4llt. M)' ...,._ ..... _. ...._ .n ~ 1o JciiJto. ..... I ..... '* or lacldeata occw-rt.r • _,. ..._ _. Mt.ow\. nlt "'*""' I Mft dedlrMd to .. to Ofllill'ton:wl for m7 ..,.,

111 Olli!Moma, tht7 have an orculuuon known ... the Oklaboma Elatlt)'•Nill«tl' A ... odAIWin. ('C)m•

poNd or Mt-1)' Mttlnl parUdpat.lnc In ~• "'Lalld nab" or tt.t yev. Ooll'' bed& to ~~ ..,.,)' pa1oc1

Of UN KAte'• ~. 11 ..,.. lft J'un.. 1., ~hat a lllloU aw an • ct.u. .U. ..U.. ~ eC C::111 tJu'tt, .... -~ ...... ..... IDIUdlncl,. ~ b:Y • 11•&1 da!maat •hO .... M"'ft' .,. ,. 1 t N'4Mblftl wu bow• ot the ata!n mq. ••c.pc tMt ftl& ,..,.. was Martin Cbtllty, lhal tie bad been a ~)'tklan. atld tMt h• eetmed b)' \II• N~Ctl'lt death of hla wife, a.nd that ~"~• tt.d .orne f'hUdten ~ller• ln Te~

flY bod7 wu broqbt to cu~e a.r.c~ """*' OWil' &oo U unclerlall.r Wlilo \ltlu1ecl ~VC*'11 Ill tbe

......... Cll toM Pl*' I dq ................. An ON ,....._. pin wu ....., •""" Mit ......._ on.. - - lodet ta 0.~ . , lMt ...... - u.n ...,.. Oltd r.uow. • ,..,. _....-, ... ..., ot U... .......-- to '¥Ww &be bodJ', Wt U.. ...,_ ... .... ~ OftJ)' ~Of ............... , to bot ..--. ,_ Odd hUowl dll.f ~ tn \Mtr own ........., .,.... to At"..._ our Dr • I:Mk .. Uld

llt:f'tlft ct.t.ney ...... """' .... 0411~ wNdt qal.n -..-:ras. that It t. ..,_ more ~ to ...... tM .....,._ ., Odd P\tUowtlhrp ...... .......... (Olii,IIUIII"J' ~ tc a. lO ,.. ..... .....

R.tu:mbt.a' bome troll! .... I'Wwr&l th ... ~ reaua.d that. lMI'r worll: ...,. not done, tt 1'1.-d J-' C'Omm.en('t(l. So the)' pled.nd tll*m.tlv• to ~ ~~ th• rtlht. of the ultknown orphan ehUclNn. TMy ~k cha.rtre o r the ••nd a.nd renltd It to a Mllbbor1a& 10 I\IIU'd aaa!.nJt !ntrualoft 'f'Mre ,.,.,... wvtral ermtest.uttt 1o0 the dal:rft. b\11 au ~ -. 4\Ul wi!U ~ ~ from .:laW dtt4'ftl111Md 06d r.uow Uzat o. ......... ....., lMid r• tJw .,.....,.. ~u;t ~ the ~ t« .... dliWna. aM Orotll<tr J W MUM, aa altOt'O!r7, ~ defetlded the da1m •••loe:t tbe H:m.infn.l C"'ft~t· ....

H .,.,.., six yean betore tht children were ti.1.U)" IGQated In Wa.eo, TeAa&. a .on a nd a <LIUJI:Mtr. The

roUowlq Y'flll-r, ':: ~~,~~ ('tllld:Nitl <"Mt• to CutJute &Qd &cole of lbe ~ bwl It wu IIOt •OJ 189J 1lWH tNt ()dd Jo"di<MI Wffe aW, to Mhvw to \bem the ...., to the Wad t..-- toM CO"· tri'J.ftlenL

'1'1M fwol.ty $till lln on t.M ~ -.lddl ... u~ ttl for the two orph•n tbrou11'1 the un• dfO"- or men who took •riouat)' the ir obU· aauon to ('Ue rot the orphan chUd~n o f a depwt.ed btOO\t:r. My mM ""'¥ 1tow wtt.h J)l111e .. he l'fll4t •'Of')' oa early 411)'1 In Okttl.boma.. and re&lb:e how t~Y thf'Y \l.ndeN.OOd &lid ~ wt tM IM'IadP'el o! Odd Y•U.W.tllp. t.dt m.r. .. tbt t'toflt.., cumn~ ...,. U.... llfty )..n aao.

I ....a. Wit UdA Ill a Aoty ol' .-wthllllif ~ tnNptnd a klq- tlm. &10. aftd yet I llnftty ~ Ueve Wt e'l\':n toc!JI)' moen tllre 10 10 0\U Uo\11

dotna 1oo<1. and &hat Odd J'ell.ow1 of tl'lt p,....nt 111'0\lld .uu ba.n4 mtmM1VII!t ~Uier to ctve dtc'f'l)t burial to a ~foCI brOth~r and huuon to the u­dl.1anc!e of hls ot'PhM «-1'1~

f'l'1laAb t0 Crand ~W7 Bnlft 01 Ok lallomll­tw tJM f.KU oont.atntd lA tW. dOrY t .

CYour EdllOI' ~ ._ ...Ut Oetot -.pta. ,.,. ...... "' tbanb to CnAd a.a..

u.ry Home tw tllla t.r.~Utlll atOI')' of tNt ...,.o .. wtl1tll h•.,. b&IIP* Mel which will 11C*In.



P ublW.ed by tb, Board ot Trua1ee.

Preoldont Edav P. lllod<woll

Arthur G. Adamo Box liOII

301 Savil>p BaDk Bkta. Uruoot. N. Y.

IU..C., N, Y. Roy -

Vl~Pr-'denc tJberf;J, H . Y.

Froclerlclc 0. O.YIJI Iroclero.l Bui.I41D&

E1m1n, N. Y.

Secretary Cedi S. M<Conn~ll

13 Raske! Slffi!t Massena., N . Y.

Tret\Surer Shirland II. Bouton

337 Preu S ltlg. Binghamton. N. Y.

.Frod Jot. Soolo7 160 W illow Ave. Hempot.Nd. N. Y.

Jnmca W ingate RJ'I) No. 1

Du&Delburr. N, Y.

A.MemblJ o= ,.,_ Susie 0 . Murn.y.P. P .

Cll"""-'> 35 E. B&mey St.

Couve.rnour, N. Y. •

l!:mlly Blel, P. P. 1.220 Mllltr St.

Utlcs, N. Y.

Ann~ P. P. 5I.A-.u 114

YoDictn, N. Y.

P lne>. 0. Squlroo. P . P.

F •·ed M. urkf!l' 17" ~ Mu-..~IU'k Ave. 252 St8lC St. ;:J"'V' .~.,...,.,.

Wat~rt.own, N. V.. SL, N. Y.

y.,. tiM beneftt an4 ID!o<matloD al Odd ,._

atnUateod with the Crand LOd.&:e Homt. and maUed

trom the Home at ltbaocat N . Y._ _... ... •upervl&l.On ot G • .Adami, 1'1 'deet



nve yeoen ~v· p&Ued by l1ne. lht ao.nt ot TTu.teH eommenot<l publJcaUon of the Cran4 L.odp Home Newa. 1n Janu.ry 1N2.

With th\a Llavt, we eommenet Vl. MQC.b w•Wt 1\aa aont ovt.r the dam ~~net our Ant ...... .. ...._, ....... _ .... _r_~

c .............. CCW: ............... .....

!:!!D-r -= - - - t


... .


Another Ch.tittm&~ Seuon b1.1 corM and aooe and the Board or ~ take t.hll occaalon to lll.,.k .u lllooe. botll looaiiy ....s U>rouahout tile Statt:. who have he~ to mt.b the Clu1.t.mM ot 11*, .. happy &nd pl-1.

The put y-.r baa bHn a becUe ODe w1t.b a ilbort.aae In food, a thort.aae 1ft equipment, ~ In MJp. Ac. tlmH IL hN ee-emed almoA UMI ... to contlo\lt. Yet. N t.ha worrlea of each 4a)' were ovfrc:ome, a new day new hope and new cour .. e and pot.d...tly tile clarkn.,. bo- to db· api>MJ'.

The year 1946 wltneued many pi'(Jiblema ln our Pt.-.onntl whkh we have been obllc:ild to mHt aa4 IOh·'"e·

Due eo lllDHI, our Matton for rn&a1 ,._,... NtlUt J . Meeclt, ftlt ll n~ to MVtr her eGD•

ntcUon with Home. Our Stcn\alY, B.rotblr Lynton G. Kelley, tJto up hla duUM, due to lU he-.llh. and our Treaaurer, Brotbtr llldor, wu c.Ued to hll llnal HW&nl.

But, u It lo &lwf.1t claztLoot lUIO before CIAWD, oo we were able to tolve OW' perple:x:lQa prob&emw wttb lllo ~ ot a MW doQr.

Bn>lhu ODd Slo&er Charles A. L0na havo lltUcl Into the nJcbt mact. vaunt by the Nl&padoa of our former macron and t.he preVIOus d..ut Of ·~ tenclont, Henry A. MHdl, &nd Ulo &4mlnlltratloD alf&tn at the- Home are ru.nntna amoo\hly aod efll· clenUy.

B'rothen Put. Crt.nd M..&lter Shtrl&Dd H. Bou:toD &n4 Put Grand. MAlter Cedl S. Mc:.eoru..ll bave tal<on ....,. the pooltlol>o of n-re- &nd ~. roopo<Uvoty. Brotber Frocl M. Parkor- appolaWCI to flU &be vacant pa•U.lon Oft ou.r 8oU'd ot Tn..­tHI due to tht rHlanatJon of Brotber KtUe)t. Thua. tho bualn ... aJia!rt of Ule Home a... rollin& --. In hllh CH.r, eaeh now lncwnbont bollll .,...Uculotly tlt.ted tor t.belr new a~nL

So, aa the New YN.r appean ovtr lhe hor1aoD. &be prtee:nt Board of Truteet and *"'CUMD.t u­tnd tMir ., an4 folid- lo tiM -an4 Slotora ot tiM S&ato. &nd U.. -• .._ ,... a Happy Nrfll YM.r to alL



A world &t .,._.., at IIIlo ~ o r Ule Now Year, ahould re.ft~t Vletory, not only ln 4H41. but. In lllouaht.o u woU, lor rleht thouahU briDe aoocl dooclt: oo ag ua hlehly rHOive tbet IIIlo y- lhaii bo tn117 one ol vl<1<>ry.

In MlectlD.c my tlop.n for the yH.r, •Securfty tor our Homes throuah Co-operation.'' I clld eo with the thoqht tn mlnd, thll aU lood work lf'OWI onlY throuah \lntted. el!oru ot all who..-. enppct &here­In, oo, I am aolclnr oae11 Rebekah In our Sl&lo to become more Home CoDidoua l.b.ia yMr and work h....W7 , .. tho project.. ot Ule ~. --bor!Jic llltt an7 aoocl we may 6o. lbould bo dono ._, ,... we pea tb1t w., but on~. We, N tacUYidual Odd Irallowo- Robokaha- aad co. but our a­IIWil 10 on forever. lAt 1&1 lbOw' our tnteT'Ml by -111na lor &nd rtvtna .U wo ..., thlo ,._ lor tho proJo<U.

CollectiODt wiU bo taken at all lUtallotiODt

lor tiM ~tall ot CM&r - To do 10a10Wnc. --r -n. to - - bapplor lo Ule hiP· oot Alllilltloa. the - tlftatinll .._, whldl -lDilptN our Rei»k&M. U ,... .,.. ....,., .. raa.t hold Ule lulp ot our haPP'- oo tbet Ita booml

- loD u- tiM 8- ot our Order. 'l1llo 0Nor wu fOunded 011 tiM prlndpl.. of

halplulnoto. With Ulllo In mind. 11111)1 I ,..... you all to work ror the EndowDMDt Fu.Ddl of our Homes, rtvLac your conlrlbutlonl that tiM futuro a1 tbe ~ta llltre, wUI bo - _..,.. aad Mfo.

I ... ~ to &UeDdl &be • I tt;:n ot ~- A Nlel, IMid &t Cotwai>uo. 0b1o, aad we, tM Aebtkalaa Pftlll"ftt, wen tavlced to atteDd tiM OS>ftlnc Sovoraip Gralld ~ • ....s a11o u.. beaquot rtvon In honor of our Sovotwlp <lnDd M-, D. 0. MoiU'OO, ud tbe opon IMiallatloD ot tht MW ollcmo ot tba• ~. Wo oo OIOIOYocl -

an4 Ule IMQ)' opl-- II - WO .._ privllopd to OIOIOY ~our otq • Oo!1aa._

,.. 0 I I •• ud ....... b'ca N .. York ......

ns'utoc ~- .,.. • ~ ._.. and ______ .__

-~~~ WilD-----IIOUI ..-..­

"'---~~ .. -~-~ .

-.... a. .._ ............... I~ M, Y. --­......... O. Dii..t. -­....,...H. 1'.

__, """&­u ...... _

w......._N. Y. ..._

!PIIrliUotl It, ~­U1 ~ 8klJ. ~-!<o''t ........ _ 160 WlUQW A 'It " ...... K. 1'.

, __ aro .... ,

?? n a •~ 1:. - --­..... D. IIIwn~,J1. P. ......_ .&.........,. .. ~,K Y •

c.Qr' ..... p , • •

ID Ml"IW lh. tJtloa. l'f. y ,

.-.~·· ·· .,_ .. Yo.Jwl, K. 'f.

t.. o. ......... P. P • llt-01 M t.mtoa A ... ...............

*W Stat• St. W~ttff1o&Wil N. Y. I'- Att..ol,. H. Y,

,._ a. .._.., ... ~-- Cil OM ....._

1JIUif.ttd whtl ttl• c.r-d Led.. Hol::noe. Ulll .....

tn:a U.. HolM t.t 1tu.c.. N, Y., .._ ..

~ .. ArC~~• a.. .w..._. ,..,.....,.


nw ,._. .._, .• pa-.c~ w .. ..,. tM ao..nt ot

~ t ... pulbllaUO. .. ..... Crull

l..odat: IIOPM N--. la J&•G&f7 lfG.

Wllh t.hla .. "'"· we (Ommtnc• Vohun• VI. W\ldl

-.-..ur •u aot"' G.-er l.he ct.m ~ CMll' liM ,..

lkaUOit,. &ad •• ...,.,.. ow ..... ... .... '"'"" .,,.....,..,_., to .,... 11M ftllll~UOft atae. - ....,

OU.f "'- IPPfl..~, Dutwwr ~~ a.-. )'8.r., ... lrll.v• elllka V<N'tCI ,.

-.b \lie ...,_ ~&oM W'IU. u.e OrM4 Lclllrp

Hom•, ~ tlonM ~ W• -.,. _....

top!H Ol Mth lMut! to t-c:b aJIU ... ted lloclp, ... ••U

a. 1.0 tbcl Otpw...,._ ati4S MCll OrllJid Looda• onse.t., u.. ....... ~ Jill .. , .. Oeot*=' l)' wntlll••...,.«~

,.... ._,_ ....

bfl!r.·e thAt tht 11\lbll~l.lon IUltd; I miiCA-.....

oldie 111 ow- n ome acUYit.leL AIMIIC 0.. UUdlil ~~ Ia UN Ant lilwt


"M,......,e"" from Crt.nd .MU~oer Sq"t4.

"'ur BIU)' l{fbdtalut" b)' .-..-mllb' ~nt

"-"'AdJ---..,~" ... 0. at. ....

0oM tU. "'Nf'W UlumiJII.l lfJ ROid st~ .. "''N~~ .. "\S- Eledl1( ~­"'MOY\IK. .. "'TttolfiM w )olc.K.n.l&ht &h:mon.J."

"'01~ al 1M JIOIII .... "''v lkl~M ~ -,. Ndbe J. ,._.....

Thlla ,.,.. tbt ~nc car u.. oll'kM1 ,...

U:\kltl of Ott' CI'Uid Hom• NtwL Tod&y, ••

_,.. ~QC our .SAUl ,...., toad. lt ~ OUT wW!

a..s ct.lre I.Mt 1M pe..'*' will aa.... Ia ~

u.tb ) . ..,, Vld tM\ IU ~UO.. l!lOIIIP, 10 ...

n~lW\td tn tht Homt atth1U... wlll t'IUW t\l.tlill'a

tJro.,...e\a 10 t"l Lbl.l It t. a ~ and l.m•

pc111o1m ,.,. « ...... CnM ~ HoaM..



Now IMI\T 01 )'0.. Uv. tlv.a UM ~ ot OW'

a.-... 1Aollfol oec.. .., ""'**" ~ r nRST: n.. er-ct ..... ..-a - • ,....,u. ol

~000 mtmbtln clwrlllc 1\11 \otl'lll, Tbat 1tc 110 pu..

lOMI amblllon M h.b ~ .....S. ttom h .. .....,.

..... ..,. ....... ~CraM ........ 8ul. ............................. _ .. .., ......

Uow Ia that -aof W.U )'OI.Ir IOd.l• IM.1 ha" 100

IU!enbns and lhe c-. IDA)' ba P O Ptr y~ 11.,(0)

a._. r,_ ..... ....,. N .-v,p .,. IUNtw: -.

8itit tiiiii'POW J\OU .... _,. lO ... ..._. dde

1•1, T0U Wou.ld M..,. JlOO ~ lnt'GJN, aol

oatJ' UU. ,...,.. b>ilt ewt7 ,-.,.~ You. would 11.1v1

10 ..,.. .......,. ~ ..._ - tlrtlve pu1 • 1M'

..... ,.. ......... .,. 10 ........... . """'*' 10111' ta~l'\l1mne:•ta a,ftiJ be_, wtu- twr eor.& cot.

1etUon.l; t.he Hoi:'M wOWd tlave mor• tor tta

w--. eo. &be One4 ~. projecl .. tar u.. ......

fll of 10\ll' !Odp; tor tAt benefit Gl "W'f 1oc1p 1.a lite

$&ate. )'ou. ~)' \1114 tO I tt I MW ~·

Mff Yo. M¥ )'OU cannel pt 01A t110q11 b a

........ W'\)' ..... . , ... :.-cw _...... .... )'0'1 wW tlqta W ... "'" OI..D 0M1 c-.. 'back. TrJ

" UlOO."fD: n. ~t of tAt~ Mb

(.fl· ~~·-~ u.. ... 91W. o1 Ulot HomM of t11.t IUt<t. A dlftle, a •'*-rttr,

or wMt Mve you and tad! Home of Lbt SUt. ..01

....... l b)' 1:100 1oO JlOOQ. OM.""' ..... t&l Ill )'OW'

f.'-'t ..... - IM\tr..- tw tM ~ 01T ~

WbO ~ - M)'1 a ,_. ln .... , Dotil t.M

bolpltal nftld n- \1«\•_,d.e t&b~IL 'Tbta t-~•1p, aM

... -mt. arouA4 tOll' 1M ~ ........ 4lmf

.ca ..... .......... ..... t.,• n.. ~' .-. anr Mt.c. '"' ftMmbao

fM U.. Y.IIWklwmtiU J\uu! 01 the Hom• to wl\lch

)'O!It v• a&l..wlt.d. Tor liM l.ul !- ,._,... I JO.OOO .. ,_, illY ...... Na.4 .,. tile ~ .. .....

~~ !Of' tMa Pl&r'PQ~e. At 4A \he ......,_ ..

lllolt I Wft WO\IJdi 1)t MQ0. NOI f400 d\1~ ttlt )'_,.

ol tbt ~ ~ Wbo ewn.. OoiA that

SftJ-l .. MOO a ,_,. lllllll .net ,... aM I IWM

,.....& oa .. ow-,_..,._ U ~ .. ....., ,........

110.000 t.n. ltn fOl' !At Ho~ ot tM Statt, to Z

,_,.. WI J10.000 WW IMive ....-Mel MOlbtt 110,000,

liroc:Mn .......... ......,., wMI u-. ~ ft511111 Uld "" IIIMnJlt.

Ur.t.TII OJ' &D114 L B4U11.


Tho hoUday seuon at the Home wu on• of tht hl'pplea·t In many yeara. Being re.Uevtd from the llrnln ot w1u·, the Trustee ftlt that we well extend our Chrlltmaa faUv1Ues over pttvtous )'eat'a. and appuenUy the• aliUiated w ith the Cram1 Lodge Home felt the tame. Don•tJona wtrt aomowhat. lar·ger thAn utual and It 11 weU that. w .. 10 becauae ot the lncreue o·t prices upon everytb~ pure hued..

B'or aeverll daya prior to Chriltmaa, the Su_perin­tendenl, Matron and Stafl had been workln& \lpon decoration, and when the tUne for the P&rtY a.r­rlved. the m&Jn tsoor ot ~ Ad.rnln1atraUoo build· Ina w .. obtaz. with Ucbta &Dd I!JueL Tbo nunM oncl ho-keeper hod plumed tbe oomo for tho lnftrmary &Dd lhe children k>Oited &tier tho Orpb&n· ace. 10 all tho bullcllnp were propaNe~ lor tho &n· nol vlth from Sl. Nlcholu.

Slnce early Otcembf.r, c.ommlt.t.a from Raw· thorn Rebekah Loda• No. 163 oncl !Adl.. Awdllary No. 10, both ol Ilh&c&. hod been oomblna tho I~ t toru ror au! and UM.ful pr~nts tor aU r .. ldenta, ehlldren and statl. 'I'tl.e m~ dUBeult J)roblcm o r a.U aeemed to be men•a lhlrU. Tbt Prelldent, however, overcame that dlfftculty bY N-­Ina able to pun .bue two dozen trom South Una at on~y twlee the- act\J&J V&lut. wbe"N the locAl price <only t.hey were not av&lla'bte) wu 3001'.

Tbo PfOI'I'&m wu orro.naed by lthoca l..odeo No. 71, lroquoiJ E·ncampment No. 16 and C&nton I~ No. 58, and It ooruJ•ted or tbe tollowtna enwrta!D· mtnt:

Woloomo by tho Mauon-AIIce M. Lon.l ,.,..mbone Solo-Mloo Taber AcU or Mqlo-<Oonlon Wlloon Sovtl"&l Soloo-Ethol Mao Barktr of BIAib&mlon f'ou.rtet:D nu.mben by the 0H.n Scbool Ot Duof.

lnd...W.. -. oolt oole, ballot. walla aDd ._ by younpl«n rrom the ,... or 5 1o Wen _....

VlbraKt.rp-llln. OUvor l tba<a Hllh School AlwnDI Quartet. "'- 011·

vor, 'nlayor, Avery and ComptGII. a..14n \&Mful pre-nte for aU. lbe rtd t rstt ud

clllldHn wore provldod wltb ......,., DllU. !Nit ...S now one doUar bl\10. Turkey with all tile lbdaP Jl'- lhO N¥oni OObloo OD ~ DaJ'.

- were -. by orr-- a1 tile a-N or Trl>lt- 8ldriUid B. -...... 0n1o11 W

_., W1Mb of La--·-Clra4 - · ­WIJ W. • ...._. of Jam nt .....; who alto t 2

td., -- .... __ .__.,_ ._._ --

~ ovary da7 of 1D7 1ta7 a t tile Oru4 ~ Homo Iince I came Ia AquL

Charloo ~ Tbo Crone! Lodao Homo baa - "- 1D7 -

lor 12 y...., oncl ~ al tble - o1 tile year, we •nJO)' our Hom• and tbt 1M eD&II'taia· mtnt. and prftefttJ, 1.1 well &I 1ht vlelt. wb.lcb we receive from our many frl...., In tbo -1'111 lodPL

Many th&nlto ... duo to tbo mom....... -lhe ldnclnooo onc1 love or our -t ~tJ.

- !-so I wto11 to thank all or our - - !Gr IMI&·

tna lllll tho moot pi-t ~ I ..... ...,. Ill ,. ..... ll'raDit Pltllla

Ao & Iormor l'ftldeat of tho - at --t, I fool lhol II Ia oaly t&lr tllat wo a~q o , WDf -dentl recall the m&Q)' edm'"'rtm''"' Oil ow *" there a.od we remember bow the • alii .. ud ... te-n of the Val&U. &Dd Kl 1trboot IMiped to IIYe 1101 a pl-t holiday - I oleo -- to _, that the Chrimnao p&rtJ at tile Orull ....,.. ._ In 1141, whJch wu Dl1 ant a t tbe JloaM, ... 1M moot elaborate I""* I bave ovor -.

The )'OUDJ ledy tram Blnp·=~ wbo __.. talned IIJ wltb IMr bo&U1UW -. will _.. 1-. be a wldoly 1u>own prof- "'-· Uld t1>o -. Ina ·~ botb tho little - - "" ..... onH, were &11 ~.

Wo r.cetved UM!ll1 p-tl, u woll u cull Uld we oro tbank1ul lo tbo IIWIY pvon, •"- - dkl oot ... , uw.U u~ wbo.,......,...

Ala cartooe a-..­I'Z'Dell a ......

To tho !'flwko•• Uld _...,. Odd ,.._. -- It pooolblo fer Ul to ... '*"' • w


ful and ~>Appy~w· - - to - ­- approdatod our ~ llfto ...S tile .,._. t......, - · W- filii to - our tSI I I II !Gr thm JovtDa k 'r t to -.

w ...... -. I ' te altlle~ Lodpa-o tor two ,_. and be - tllet tiJoF - -two vory .......,. ,...... !Gr • Wo ._ _.. _.,. --by-- =.,_ ........ ,.-...s- our w I , .... _.....,- ...... ,,)..., .. IIi*- ...... ,. .._ ... I h ....... __ .,..

_..~--- ... ~1:31 1101 _ .. Allalwltla_ ....

IOC'ow ' IM C I?I =-we .-.., -tile II'IM .. 1lilf ' OIW o1 Odd ~ k =&: -­we - tile Onlod Lolllo w. _.. .a. tll.a IW _. • , , b



.unnanro ~ u Af1f ol' no manY .um 111naL Y r.ova


• ONl!l HO.I!I'D:uD YBAlt8 AGO

Many New York lodael have now ~ tM Century m&l'k 1n thelr exlltence aDd Meta )"MM' IDCIN &nd more an annually at that. cleltSu· tlon.

On December 28, 1366, Cortllq Loctce No. 96 wu Instituted .. the urUm Ocld Fellow orpn!za­tlon in St!!ube.n County. · It w.. therefore JllOI\ tl.ttlng that the pTf'ltlnt me:mbers shoUld pauae ln the onward m&J"ch of the tr.te,rnUy ln Steuben Count;)' a.nd re~ew ita early be~

Aceonllngly on December 28, 1~ the preot~~t memberahlp ot Cornlna Lod&e ptbered at the M.asonJc Cathedral on Walnut Street (the Odd FeUowa Tempi~ Mlng too amalJ), and wtth do&ena of slater lodilet from the IUITOwullnc territory who braved the icy ro.da, thtY celebrated thelr ni.D. ... t.eenlh century birth by f tut. by tont~&Dd mlrth.

About 100 preaent members an.w~ the RoD Oa1l Lnc.luding fl\•e wearen of ·the ~year veterao jewel.

8rSet remarb were made by P-.t G.-.nd Muter, who WN born lD Steuben COwity and by Grand Manhal Wlnch. both of whom COD,Jratula.ted. the JOdie upon thelr Jona hll-to.ry, efter wbidl the ad~:ress of the evenl.n$ wat deUvered by CrUd Master, Harvey M. Parker, ol J&met:town, who polnted o ut to Uloae pruent that the aol4en ~ portunlty for Ocld FeUOWiblp woo In the - of the tratemJty ot today; that aU we need do wu to reach out and aehe ~ opportunity of the pre. ent-the goldea opportunity of todo,y, ·~ urpd ext.ra-ttaterna.l acUvitY, outlide the memberlhlp 1.!1 the Ordor In order that the tretemlly mlcbt lie­come a potent factor 1n the We ol eecb commwalt;J~

It wu a happy and enlhu.atutlc p-oup of ~ who dnall;y lt't out trom the Cry.t&l City lfr lMtr severtJ homn &.hrouahout the entf.rt: .outhera tier. 400 memben had beMftttd by the oae huadreclth annlve.....,.y of eo...un. Loclp,



Sitters Jto.nle Stein aDd. l'lonDce Vaa Cott ... not too well.

- Loomll o.nd - -- --·- tor • lhort - dlldq the lrlll. . ' w. ,...... to report diM ............... .. .... _, ................ ,:;, -····t...,..


W e haq been rather bell1Dd tn. our report ot Do­nauoaa recently duo to Jade of - ·

A cllodc ol P wu - from the P. N. G. -uon ot Sehollule Dlotrlct to b\Q' IlDeat far uoe at the Home.

A chedt of~ WN- from T-ple Rebekab LDdp No. 8011 of Rldunoadv!Uo for jOmo ADd jellloo.

CllpplnD for quUt work reeolved from VubU ~bekall LodP No. 813 of Union Sprlnp.

R«<<ived from GNDd R4p-tatlve W at.m of Yonken, Dine palro of UMd lh- &Del UDderwoar. They wW como In Vll'Y uotfuJ.

A doaaUOa of ~5 wu reeolved from Put GraDd CoDduetor, J-ph BowDWI folr the 'l'l>al1ltlfiiWI Turby J"UDd.

P . P. Kelhe.rlne A. Ttnken Hnt 11 for candy tor the chJ.1dNn..

C2lrUimu ptclalse recolvecJ from Mt. Tol>or'o -·Club of Jomootowll.

A box of ...,.ed fruita, ... etabloo, Jellleo, -p &Del llour .-twd trom N~ Rebekah Loclp No. 588. P'-atvlllo.

Chedt folr $131) ..... -..~ from the Rebeka~! AI­Mmbl,y Homo J'uad for 1111to for the c:llllciHD and raideD to.

D. D. P. She!!el and - K. Smith of Beulah JlebeQh Loclp No. 115 ol BJa&l'•mtoa Wilted tho Home t.Dd .,_ltd an A1pD to the ...adeat.o In behalf of 10 mem"-n of the Put Noble Gnada Club.

Two boxeo of UMd elolldna from Aollda Rebekah LDdp No. 431 of Coblealdll.

A box of olcaDIIed .-from P- Rebekab Loclp No. tU ol 9a)ovU!e. •

A box <>I UMd dolllJDe from G.....S ~­UveWat.mofYOIIInn.

HWI4recla of~ and tr1eDdo made­for the C2lrUimu J'uad t.Dd - wW oli "- n­poetocl In tiM 1967 G. L. H- Jouraol.

HWI4recla ol Locipo ..... ..--- to lbo • IV J'uad o.n11 - will bo .._w4 111 tiM 1967 A bl)rJOW'IIal.

J1u7 Lodpa bava ..--- to the 11:1>­-t l'luld &Del ·--~ wiD bo ..- ID tho D I a moat J'uad 1- tor lM'f. Wo - ,..,.. oiL u- _...._...t

11110&-IDrlllliJdl - ltlla-•blcb .. .. ..... to =;::..·a,~ j do===

J---.. II. .. T:N

-- - -----4


Juat u we were fOIDI to PZ'MI wtlh our Jut - In Octobor, your ~ ..... nry mueh clown In tho ''tlumpo" -- wo bad Juot loot our TNuurer by death aac1 our SeeNtary l>J' _,__ tloa, twa marveloua Brolbmo &Del Ocld reno... But, fortunately, thro...,. U.O lllouJhttul colllld .... Uon of the Grand Muter, excellent tueca101'1 have been provided In the peNOIIAiel ot two brothert who have 10111 been lnttl'Nted Ill tllo Homo, Shlrl&Dd H. Bouton of Blnfhtrnlon, &Del J'rod M. Parltor of Wat.rtowa.

In the eholce of ~ and Traluru we have bNn equally fortwatlt. Put Grand Muter McConnell u Secretary and Put Gralld -Bouton N 'I'r'ealun,r, were the un.anlmous cbolc• of the Board of T1"uatees &nd both of the:te brothen ar. now deeply eQ&I'OIIItd lD the work of t.hel" retpreetlve oftlcet. Fortunate, lndeed, are we ., a Board to have teeUHd men of Utla c--. who are w:lWna to devote 10 much of thelr time to thiiiJ"&Dd work, ln ftUJna Uae ahoet of thelr predeceaora who e&<h dOYOted :Ill yean "toward helpJna the other fellow ...

U 'a.ny or our lodsa a:r~ In nHd oft. apeaker at any of your ptherlnp at whlch you need tntorma· Uoo coDCel"lllna the Rome, I am Jure you can al­~ ftnd one upon an appeal to the Trustee neared. your lodte- They are ..... ,.. ava.llable.



- the Spedal c-mlttoo on H- the work of whld> baa boon - .-here, OnDd - Parker baa appo!Dttd four otiiOJ:. Spodal Commltt.M, u followo. who art oil wwldnl .rneot­I:J tar the -bull4!na ol Ocld FaD-. lD Now fort<:

CommlttH of UD1t7: OlolnDan, P. G. II., Jo.pb W. noehor; P. G. II . .la<ob lA¥1, P. 0. C. Cloo< ... Gulla- llorrla 8. GormaA. J- P. ~. P. 0. II. J- W. llanMII, P. 0. II. H...,. C. ,._., llldor L PoJiodo: aacl J'roak T. -·

CoiDmiUM em Oa "ldetiaa ol Small aDd W.U ~: C' , - - p , 0. II.; .uol 0. ~ .. All. ;, t .,;z&. 2 h' Iaiiie p , --... ~r. p , oQ. G.; ,.... c, ..... ~

• • n a ft a n --·-- !!!



Ia ........ ., ......,. ... ,.,_... .. ~--.....,.~ ... ar..t ......... ~ .. ...........,. ... ,...~ ..... ....... ,........,. ..................... .... ., ......... .,.,.... ......... ., .... ......... - - tt.ptr ...,.... ..... won.- ., """" ....,_u .. eac.. ~WNIU., ~ aN wt U a ._,.. W M .. ~ fMft fit Ul1t ~ WM _,. wtUIItC 1.0 ........ M\ldl Gf t.fMir UIN le thl.e ~ wor'lf_ l.n llUnil lilt lllloee ol th* P11 d i WM ~ J5 y.-n ~ MIPIII!t U1oe oUter I.UOW.'"

U -)' ol OYr IOCint art Ill nMd Ol ll ..-kll' al Ui¥ 01 your ptMt'lllp ., wll~tl )'Oii lloNd mrorma• liOn eooctrftilll Ul.e ltomt, I am ''*" ~ ~ .S• _,.. ftOCICM'.l* Uptlfl a11 aP9flol I tt 1M 'l"r~o~•tM fiMt'W\ ,OW' Wt•• Tll.t)' art alw..,. •"'lib'-.


J'O ... OJ' .-QuaT ~ 111111 tltiOIIIIo ~ ..... . ..

cbe<COI'T"'d.~ .......... - ... _ ta tM ~Han., wm. ............... .... ~...,. "- W\ .. 1'-" ,......,.... ~ "' tat. fOI)ow'lllc !DIU' ......

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