
the Oxford UnionTrinity 2012The perfect resource for prepping for your interviews, includingcompany culture, applicationdetails, interview essentialsand up to the minute news.Tips to get hired on the gowith our new Android appJoin us at How to get hired byleading employersUnique to TARGETjobs, ourEmployer Insights offer youindependent reviews of topgraduate employers. 3ContentsPresidents WelcomeDebatesSpeakersSocial EventsInformationWhos Who?page 2page 5page 25page 45page 53page 724Presidents WelcomeDear Members, I hope you have all had a very enjoyable Easter holiday and are looking forward to an exciting term packed with debates, speaker meetings and socials that my committee and I have put together over the vacation. For all the criticism it receives, the Oxford Union is a Society like no other. As one of the most important centres of debate in the Western world, it provides a platform for students to go head to head with speakers who are leaders in their respective felds. It is a forum for topical debate which doesnt shy away from controversial issues, a venue to question and challenge the work of an unashamed mix of political, literary, artistic, and scientifc speakers. The Union is truly at its best when it serves as a focal point of discussion and captures the diversity, passion, and exhilaration associated with political discourse in Oxford. Ihavetriedtocapitaliseonthisstrengthbychoosinganexcitingvarietyofdebate topics,includingtheArabSpring,socialmedia,prostitution,andObamasbidfor re-election.SpeakersincludingformerForeignSecretarySirMalcolmRifkind,the famed academic Professor Tariq Ramadan, US Senator David Vitter, Al Gores former SeniorPolicyAdvisor,AmericanpimpDennisHof,andformerHealthSecretary Stephen Dorrell MP will all spark animated discussion and help to keep the Union at the forefront of controversial and relevant issues. In addition to the Thursday debates, the speaker line-up this term has something to offer all our Members with speakers asvariedasthePresidentofSierraLeone,BillNighy, AustraliasformerPMJohn Howard, Geri Halliwell, Teddy Sheringham, Nelly Furtado, and the former President of Samsung, the largest technology company in the world. The Union has seen an amazing year in terms of access, innovation, and transparency. I feel incredibly honoured to be third in the longest line of female Presidents the Union has ever seen, and to be the Unions frst ever German President. We have come a long way to ensure that the Union is both increasingly progressive and that its core values are upheld. Our long-term digital strategy is shaping up, our Access Scheme has been sponsored for the frst time ever, and we have implemented greater transparency in the application process to meet guest speakers and attend drinks receptions. 5Onalighternote,wehavealargenumberofgreatvaluesocialeventsinstoretoget you in the mood for summer and really make the most of this Trinity term. Our eagerly anticipated Alice in Wonderland Summer Ball will undoubtedly be one of the highlights ofthesocialcalendar,andthereareplentyofotherfantasticweeklyeventsincluding pubquizzesintheBar,an AsianFoodFestival,andaPokerNightwithgreatprizes. Moreover, in this year of celebration of the Queens Diamond Jubilee, we are hosting a street party in the Union gardens in Her Majestys honour. Lastly, our Bar has numerous new summer offerings including Pimms and cocktail afternoons in the Gardens. The Easter vacation was incredibly short this year, meaning that we are still in negotiation with several speakers about dates and exact timings. I encourage you to watch out for updates on our website, Facebook, and emails to ensure you dont miss out on last minute additions. IrecognisethattheUnionisnotperfect.Likeanyotherinstitution,ithasfawsand, whilst we may not be able to fx these in a term, my committee and I have worked hard to ensure that you get the most of your membership and the Union remains a society to be proud of. The Union really is only as good as those who choose to be involved and it is up to you to help us effect change and retain the democratic ethos on which we were founded: a Society run by the Members, for the Members. Whether you wish to email me with comments and suggestions, or you are interested in standing for election yourself, I truly believe that this is a very exciting term to get involved and make the Society your own. It is a tremendous privilege to serve as your President and I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible over the coming weeks. Wherever this term takes you, I wish you all the best of luck. Yours faithfully, Isabel ErnstSt Catherines CollegePresidentAlfaBankisverygenerouslysponsoringthe Unions2012-2013AccessScheme,which ofershalfpricememberships.Thisisthe frst time the Scheme has ever beensponsored. For further details, contact MariaRioumine on [email protected]. 6The Democratisation of Sound Creation - Has Technology Gone Too Far?May 2nd 2012, 2.30pm - Union ChamberThis event is organised by the Red Bull Music Academy: a world-travelling series of music workshops and festivals and a unique, forward-thinking platform for those who make a difference in todays musical landscape. We bring some of the most infuential and innovative players in the industry.And, as no day with the Red Bull Music Academy is complete without a late-night demonstration, the days talk will be put to task at the Backdoor at The Bullingdon the same evening. With a stellar line-up of Academy alumni and Funktion 1 through-out the 500-capacity space, expect intimate vibes with serious sounds.For more info check out Unions2012-2013AccessScheme,which ofershalfpricememberships.Thisisthe frst time the Scheme has ever beensponsored. For further details, contact MariaRioumine on [email protected]. 7DebatesObamaArab SpringComedyProstitutionHuman Rights Social MediaWho You KnowThe Farewellpage 6page 8page 10page 12page 14page 16page 18page 20Id rather be a good one-term president than a mediocre two-term leader. Barack ObamaObama DebateElaine KarmackMs Karmack was a founder of the New Democrat movement that helped elect Bill Clinton and was the Senior Policy Advisor to the Gore campaign. Elaine is now a lecturer in Public Policy.Christopher Lockwood US Editor of The Economist, Mr Lockwood read PPE at Magdalen. He has worked worldwide as a journalist at the Daily Telegraph, specialising in foreign affairs.Emma Reynolds MPShadow Europe Minister,MP for Wolverhampton N.E,andformerWadhamite,MsReynoldshas sat on the Foreign Affairs Select Committee and served as a Shadow Foreign Offce Minister.PROPOSITION8This house Believes oBamaThursday 1st Week, 8.30pmAndrew Rosindell MPAVice-ChairmanoftheConservativeParty,Mr Rosindell now sits on the Foreign Affairs Select Committee.HeisalsoChairmanoftheBritish-Canadian All Party Parliamentary Group.Mark LittlewoodMrLittlewoodistheDirectorGeneralofthe Institute of Economic Affairs. He has also served aschiefpressspokesmanfortheLibDemsand the Pro Euro Conservative Party.Kathleen McFarlandKathleenMcFarlandwastheDeputyAssistant Secretary of Defence under President Reagan and akeymemberofKissingersNationalSecurity Council Staff. She also contributes to Fox News.OPPOSITION9Deserves a seconD Term in office10This house Believes The araB springArab Spring DebateThe muslim WorlDDr Benny MorrisDrMorrisisaprofessorofHistoryinMiddle East Studies at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. He once refused to serve in the IDF when called up for duty during the First Intifada.Con CoughlinMrCoughlinistheTelegraphsExecutive Foreign Editor and an expert on the Middle East andIslamicterrorism.Heisalsoacelebrated author and regularly broadcasts on TV and radio.Lieutenant General (retired) Keith W. DaytonLieutenantGeneralDaytonhasservedasa U.S.SecurityCoordinatorinTel Aviv,asenior memberoftheJointStaff,andasU.S.Defense Attache to the U.S. Embassy in Moscow.PROPOSITIONThe Arab World is writing a new future; the pen is in our own hands. King Abdullah IIProfessor Tariq RamadanAs one of the most infuential intellectuals in the world (Prospect), Prof. Ramadan is a prominent commentatoronIslamsrelationshipwiththe West, and has recently published on the subject.Dr Norman FinkelsteinA self-described forensic-scholar, Dr Finkelstein isapoliticalscientist,activistandauthor.His researchfocusesontheIsrael-Palestineconfict and the politics of the Holocaust.11has DeepeneD The DiviDe BeTWeenanD The WesTThursday 2nd Week, 8.30pmSir Malcolm Rifkind MPSirMalcolmisaformerDefenceSecretaryand Foreign Secretary. He is currently the Member of ParliamentforKensingtonandChairmanofthe Intelligence and Security Committee.OPPOSITIONMehdi HasanMr Hasan is the senior political editor at the New StatesmanandacontributortotheGuardian. Headvocatesdiplomacyandthesofteningof American rhetoric. Marwan BisharaMr Bishara is Al Jazeeras senior political analyst andtheEditorandhostofthenetworkshow Empire.HeistheauthorofTheInvisible Arab: The Promise and Peril of the Arab Revolutions.12Comedy DebateThis house WoulD raTherThe Oxford RevueAfter 60 years of fostering some of Britains bestcomedictalents,theOxfordRevue experiencedasuddenandsharpdecline in2011withthepresidentialascension ofroguephilanthropistNickVanDaviesandhispuppet stooge Imogen West-Knights, who asked to remain nameless. The Revue is commonly greeted with choruses of booo! in commemoration of its substantial ghost following .... I just... words cannot... whats that [oily discharge]? Oxford lives at home with her wife and dog, Max.PROPOSITIONFor this Debate you will be voting with your wallets; donations willbe collected on the door, and the side raising the most money will be declared the winner. Tere will also be an exclusive RAG cocktail available in the Bar during and afer the Debate.All proceeds will go to RAGs designated charities.13Thursday 3rd Week, 8.30pmBe maD Than meDiocreThe Oxford ImpsSince 2003 The Oxford Imps have gained a reputation as one of the countrys foremost improvisedcomedygroups.Inadditionto theirlegendaryregular Wheatsheaf shows, theyplayfrequentlyatOxbridgeCollegeBalls,musicand comedy festivals, and previously have sold out the full run of the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, at which they play every year. They have also toured the USA, France, and Holland. Every Impsshowiscreatedentirelyspontaneouslyfromaudience suggestions. OPPOSITIONImperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring. Marilyn MonroeFor this Debate you will be voting with your wallets; donations willbe collected on the door, and the side raising the most money will be declared the winner. Tere will also be an exclusive RAG cocktail available in the Bar during and afer the Debate.All proceeds will go to RAGs designated charities.In association with 14Prostitution DebateThis house WoulD recogniseDennis HofMr Hof is an American pimp and owner of The BunnyRanchinNevada.Hehasbeeninvolved in two HBO documentaries about the ranch and hasrevealed that he only dates working girls.Kat BanyardMsBanyardisaformerGuardiansmost infuentialyoungfeministinthecountryand founderofUKFeminista,anorganisationthat supports grassroots feminist activism. Dr Fiona GodleeDr Godlee has written on the subject of prostitution for the BMJ, of which she is Editor-in-Chief, and argued publicly in 2006 for increased government intervention to make sex work safe.PROPOSITIONJohnny AnglaisMrAnglaisisasexuallibertarianwhobecame anadultentertainer,havingformerlyworkedas a teacher. He frequently defends the existence of pornography and freedom of sexual expression.15Thursday 4th Week, 8.30pmprosTiTuTion as a legiTimaTe BusinessJulie BindelMs Bindel is the co-founder of Justice for Women and authored a report on brothels commissioned by the POPPY project, an organisation which helps those traffcked into any form of exploitation.Dr Julia LongDr Long is a board member of OBJECT andan activist with the London Feminist Network. She also has a PhD in feminist anti-porn activism and will soon publish a book on the subject.Ellie LevensonMs Levenson is the author of The Noughtie Girls GuidetoFeminism.Shehascampaignedfor greateravailabilityofthemorningafterpilland was named a feminist icon by The Times.OPPOSITIONSlavery still exists, but now it applies only to women and its name is prostitution. Victor Hugo16This house Believes force can BeDr Denis MacShane MPDrMacShaneisanMP,formerMinisterfor Europe, and a Policy Council member for Labour FriendsofIsrael,whichpromotessupportfora strong relationship between Britain and Israel.Edward McMillan-Scott MEPMrMcMillan-ScottisaVice-Presidentofthe EuropeanParliament;hisportfoliodealswith Democracy and Human Rights. He is also a vocal campaigner against Chinas human rights record.Elfyn Llywd MPAsPlaidCymrusWestminsterparliamentary group leader, he attempted to impeach Tony Blair overIraq,claimingBlairhadreachedasecret agreement with President Bush to go to war.PROPOSITIONHuman Rights Debate17JusTifieD in DefenDing human righTsJim DugganMr Duggan stood as the Peace Party parliamentary candidateforHorshamatthe2010general election.Hestronglybelievesinpromotinga conscious change towards a society of peace.Patrick CockburnMrCockburnistheMiddleEastCorrespondent fortheIndependent.Hehascoveredthe Libyanintervention,theIraqwars,andwonthe prestigious Orwell Prize for Journalism in 2009.Geraldine Van BuerenA leading international human rights lawyer, Ms Van Bueren was one of the original drafters of the UnitedNationsConventionontheRightsofthe Child and is a respected academic in this feld.OPPOSITIONThursday 5th Week, 8.30pmSometimes, a war saves people. Jos Ramos-Horta18Benjamin CohenMrCohenistheC4technologycorrespondent and founder of He is also known forhisdot.comenterprises,especiallyfora dispute over the domain PfeifeVice President of S4 Inc, Mr Pfeife is a former US NationalSecurityAdvisor.Hegainednotoriety in 2009 for his suggestion that Twitters creators were worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize.Senator David VitterA former lawyer, Mr Vitter is now the Senator for Louisiana,elected to the House of Representatives in 1999 and to the Senate in 2004 and 2010. He is a prominent member of the Republican Party.PROPOSITIONSocial Media DebateThis house Believes ThaT socialsocialFacebook activism succeeds not by motivating people to make a real sacrifce but by motivating them to do the things that people do when they are not motivated enough to make a real sacrifce. Malcolm Gladwell19Mark KerstenMr Kersten is the author and creator of the Justice inConfictblog.Hehasworkedasaresearch assistantforJusticeAfricaandhasalsoheld various positions in the Green Party of Canada.Dr Christopher CarpenterDr Carpenter is a Professor of Communications at the University of Western Illinois specialising in the infuence of social media and how relationships change with advances in technology.Matt Warman Mr Warman is the Consumer Technology Editor attheTelegraph.Hecoversallaspectsofnew technologyincludingbroadband,mobiles, computing, television, and copyright.Robert SharpMrSharpistheHeadofCampaignand CommunicationsatEnglishPEN.Heisalsoa bloggerandaformermemberofEdMilibands web team during his Labour leadership campaign.OPPOSITIONThursday 6th Week, 8.30pmmeDia has successfully reinvenTeDacTivism20Peter YorkMr York is the co-author of The Offcial Sloane RangerHandbookandacolumnistforThe IndependentonSundayandGQ.Heisalsoan associate of Editorial Intelligence.Stephen Dorrell MPMrDorrellMPhaspreviouslyheldtheposition of Secretary of State for Health. He is a Patron of the ToryReformGroupandcurrentlyholdsthe constituency of Charnwood.Carole StoneMsStone,ofRadio4sAnyQuestions?has beenvotedtheBestConnectedWomanin British Business. She has also recently authored Networking- the Art of Making Friends.PROPOSITIONThis house Believes ThaT in BriTain,imporTanT Than WhaTWho You Know Debate21Dr Madsen PirieDrPirieisthefounderandcurrentPresident oftheAdamSmithInstitute,athinktankthat champions the ideas of free market policy. He is also the author of several successful books.Dr George Martin StephenDrStephenhasservedastheHighMasterof StPaulsSchoolandManchesterGrammar School. He also sat as chairman of the prestigious Headmasters and Headmistresses Conference.Lord ButlerLord Butler is a former Private Secretary to fve PrimeMinisters.HavingalsoservedasHeadof theCivilService,LordButlerhaslongbeena heavyweight in British politics.OPPOSITIONWho you KnoW is sTill moreyou KnoWThursday 7th Week, 8.30pmMore business decisions occur over lunch and dinner than at any other time, yet no MBA courses are given on the subject. Peter Drucker22Izzy ErnstThecrazyCatzgirlisback!Ohwait,shesjustaboutto leave.WithprovenGermaneffciency,thiscommitted feminist has proven she will never tire of saying hallo... or stroking the lower forearms of Oxfords BNOCs.Luke EatonHemightbeaproudEnglishmanthroughandthrough, but in the end he couldnt resist the charm of our German Princessa. Standing by her side until the bitter end, he has replaced Bieber with techno and learnt to locate Germany on a world map.Maria RioumineRussian blood in her veins, Maria fell in love with a German man (or maybe his sister? who knows). Out of necessity, she has had to learn to value German traditions and is now waiting for the man of her dreams to come and say Hallo. Nina FischerStranded on an island, surrounded by banter and BNOCs, Nina has often asked herself where her fellow compatriots are hiding. Giving up on searching, she decided to infltrate thesystem.Eversince,Ninahasrisentothetopofthe OUCA elite. Oops, we meant OCA.PROPOSITIONThe FarewellThis house JusT came23Jack SennettIt might have taken some persuasion but the best Treasurer inhistoryhasfnallyrealisedthatstudyingisawasteof timesohesditchinghisdegreetodefendEnglishpride against the German invasion. Lauren PringleAScotatheart,forthelongesttimeshethoughtshehad beensuccessfulinherplantotakeovertheUnionfor Scotland.SeeingherbelovedSocietybeingconqueredby the bloody Germans is not something she can just stand by and watch. So shes back, to fnish this once and for all.James LesterJameshasneverreallyunderstoodfemales,letalonethe Germanspecies.Apparently,theyalleatsauerkrautand wear Lederhosen. In any case, they are too intimidating to deal with and just this once, James has come to stand frm to fght for his rights as an Englishman.Rishi PatelTheUnionsinfamouskeeperoflashandall-time favourite Ex-Treasurer has decided to come back and go all out one last time and fght what exactly? Oh well, tchin tchin! OPPOSITIONThursday, 8th WeekTo say halloOh, hallo... Isabel Ernst24OXDOX 2012The Four HorsemenFilm Screening and Panel Discussionon the Worlds Banking Crisisat the Oxford UnionFriday 27th April7.00pm to 8.30pm - Premiere Screening of Four Horsemen8.30pm to 9.30pm - Live Panel DiscussionThe modern day horsemen continue to ride roughshod over the people who canleastaffordit.Twentythreeinternationalthinkerscometogetherand break their silence about how the world really works and why there is still some hope in re-establishing a moral and just society.The flm ignites the debate about how we usher a new economic paradigm into the world which would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions.There will be a Panel Discussion with Megan Murphy (Investment Banking CorrespondentattheFinancialTimes);ProfessorDavidVines(Professor of Economics and Fellow of Balliol College, Oxford);Dr. Ha-Joon Chang (authorofthebest-sellingbook23ThingsTheyDontTellYouAbout Capitalism) and Tarek El Diwany (former trader and head of Islamic Finance Department at Prebon Yamane).Directed by Ross Ashcroft, this flm will be shown in seven cinemas across the UK, including The Frontline Club in London.2526Want to have your say?The Oxford Union is Oxfords most prominent debating society. As such, weactivelyencourageallourMemberstoparticipateinourDebates. InputfromMembersiswelcomed,andifyouarelookingtohaveyour say then please do put up your hand and volunteer to give a foor speech, when asked by the President. These last two minutes, and are the perfect opportunity to put your point across. Prizes to be wonMakesureyouhaveyoursayduringtheDebatetobeinwith achanceofwinningamonthsfreemembershipatLAFitness, dinnerfortwoatShezanRestaurant,afreehaircutatMatthew Clulee, afternoon tea at the Randolph, or a Lush gift set. You will be contacted if you have won.27SpeakersSteve RiderNelly FurtadoTeddy SheringhamBilly NighyTarja HalonenJohn HowardGeri HalliwellPresident KoromaAndy Gray &Richard Keys28Steve RiderSteve Rider has been a household name in sports broadcastingforthelastthirtyyears.After joiningBBCSportin1985,hecoveredevery OlympicGamesuntil2004.Healsobecame thefamiliarfaceofGrandstandandpresented BBCSportsPersonalityoftheYear.In2006, hemovedtoITVwherehepresentedthe2011 RugbyWorldCup.HehaswontheRoyal Television Societys Sports Presenter of the Year AwardtwiceaswellastwoBAFTAAwards.Tuesday, 2nd Week, 1st May, 7.30pmJohn Barnes MBEJohn Barnes began his career at Watford FC. In 1984hescoredthatgoalforEnglandagainst BrazilattheMaracanaStadium,markinghis arrival on the world stage. In 1987 Barnes moved toLiverpoolwherehewontheleagueandFA Cup twice each. He played for England a total of seventy nine times during his career.Friday, 2nd Week, 4th May, 5.00pm29Sir Mark Lyall GrantSir Mark Lyall Grant is the British permanent representative totheUnitedNationsandthemostrecentPresidentof theUnitedNationsSecurityCouncil.Hehasspenttime asHeadoftheEuropeanUnionDepartment,Director oftheAfricaDivision,andDirectorGeneralfor PoliticalAffairsattheFCO,andas High Commissioner for Pakistan.Weds, 2nd Week, 2nd May, 7.00pmin association with OXCIPBill BrowderBillBrowderistheCEOandco-founderof HermitageCapital.Heandthosecloseto himhavebeenthevictimsofmultiplecrimes, culminating in the murder of one of his lawyers. He will be speaking about his unique and brutal experiencesofstatesanctionedviolenceand corruption in Russia.Wednesday, 1st Week, 25th April, 5.00pmWednesday, 3rd Week, 9th May, 7.30pmRichard FarleighRichardFarleighisaninvestor,andoneofthe wealthiestandmostsuccessfulbusinessmenin Australia.In2006hewasonthepanelforthe highly popular programme Dragons Den and was noted for his calm and constructive approach. Heisalsoauthoroftheacclaimed Taming The Lion.30Dr. Chang Gyu HwangDr.ChangGyuHwangistheformerSenior PresidentofSamsungandiscurrentlythe nationalChiefTechnologyOffcerofSouth Korea.Underhispresidency,Samsungbecame oneofonlytencompaniesinthe$10Billion-Net-Proft-Club,andnowhasalargerrevenue thanIBM,Microsoft,andApple.Hewillbe speakingabouthisexperiencesandsharing dramaticstoriesofhiscloserelationshipswith Andy Grove and Steve Jobs.Thursday, 3rd Week, 10th May, 4.00pmDennis WiseDennisWiseisaformermanagerofLeeds UnitedandExecutiveDirectorofNewcastle United.Dennispreviouslyhadgreatsuccess asacentralmidfelder.Heearned21capsfor England during his career. The six clubs that he hasplayedforincludeWimbledon,Millwall, and most notably Chelsea, where he won two FA Cups,aLeagueCup,andaCup WinnersCup. Intheprocess,WisebecameoneofChelseas most successful captains.Wednesday, 4th Week, 16th May 8.00pm31Nelly FurtadoNelly Furtado is a Canadian singer-songwriter and record producer. Nelly frst gained fame with her debut album, Whoa, Nelly! and its singleImLike ABird,whichwona2002Grammy Award. After anotherinternationalalbumshereleasedherthirdstudioalbum, Loose in summer 2006, which was her biggest worldwide success. It produced the number one hits Promiscuous and Maneater. Known for her musical variety, she released her frst full-lengthSpanishalbumMiPlaninSeptember2009and will release her fourth English studio album, The Spirit Indestructible, on 19th June 2012.4th Week, date and time to be announced32Brendan ColeBrendanColeisoneofthemostrecognisable ballroom dancers across the globe. He has been dancingsincetheageofsix,andcametothe UKwhenhewasnineteen.Brendanismost famousasaprofessionaldancerfromalleight seriesoftheBBCsStrictlyComeDancing. Before becoming a professional dancer, Brendan worked as a builder and roof-layer. He has also been a guest judge on Britains Next Top Model.Monday, 5th Week, 21st May, 7.00pmAndrew Mitchell MPAndrewMitchellistheSecretaryofStatefor InternationalDevelopmentandaConservative MP.He has formerly worked as a UN peacekeeper and founded Project Umubano in 2007, a project forsocialactioninRwandaandSierraLeone. He is a keen advocate of transparency and value formoneyinBritishaidcontributions,andis committed by 2013 to reaching the UN target of spending 0.7% of UK gross national income on aid to the developing world.Thursday, 4th Week, 17th May, 5.30pmin association with OCA33PerouRalphJohnPerou,known professionallyasPerou,isaBritish fashion,portraitandmusicphotographer who has also appeared as a judge on Make Me a Supermodel UK and on season 2 of the American equivalent.HewaspartoftheTVseriesDirty Sexy Things, which aired in 2011 on E4.Friday, 5th Week, 25th May, 7.30pmTeddy Sheringham MBETeddySheringhamMBEisaretiredEnglish footballer who had an extremely successful career atclublevel.Hewonalmosteverydomestic honouravailablewithManchesterUnited, includingthe Trebleinthe1998-99season. The pinnacleofhiscareercamewhenhescoredthe equaliserandprovidedtheassistforUniteds winninggoalinthe1999ChampionsLeague Final against Bayern Munich in Barcelona.Monday, 6th Week, 28th May, 7.30pm34Bill NighyBill Nighy is an English actor and comedian. He worked in theatre andtelevisionbeforehisfrstcinemarolein1981,andmadehis nameintelevisionwithTheMensRoomin1991,inwhichhe playedthewomanisingProfessorMarkCarleton.Heiswell known for his performances in blockbusters such as Love Actually, Valkyrie, Pirates of the Caribbean and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.ThisyearhecanbeseeninWrathoftheTitansaswell asTotalRecall.Heisalsoaphilanthropist,beingapatronofthe Disabled Childrens Club, the Ann Craft Trust, and one of theHonoraryPatronsoftheLondonchildrenscharity Scene & Heard.Wednesday, 5th Week, 23rd May, time to be announced35Tarja HalonenTarjaHalonenwasthe11thPresidentofFinland,serving from2000toMarchofthisyear. AmemberoftheSocial Democratic Party, the former lawyer had an extensive career intradeunionsandNGOs,andservedinParliamentfrom 1979beforewinningthepresidencyin2000.Strongly committed to issues such as womens and LGBT rights, she is one of the most popular political personalities in Finland andhasbeenrankedasoneofForbes100Most PowerfulWomenintheWorldin2008and2009. Sheisnowco-ChairoftheUnitedNationsHigh Level Panel on Global Sustainability.Wednesday, 5th Week, 23rd May, 5.00pm36Bernard HillBernard Hill is known for his astounding acting careerthathasspannednearlyfourdecadeson bothsidesofthe Atlantic.Heisacknowledged as one of the most prominent British actors of all time. Hill came to prominence through his role as Yosser Hughes in Alan Bleasdales The Black Stuff.Throughouthiscareerhehasplayeda number of iconic roles in blockbuster flms such as Titanic and The Lord of the Rings. His theatre credits are just as impressive, including playing the role of Macbeth. Tuesday, 6th Week, 29th May, 8.00pmJohn HowardJohnHowardwasPrimeMinisterofAustralia from1996to2007.Howardsgovernment pursued broadly free market economic policies, achieving an average of 3.6% growth per annum andeliminatingAustraliasdefcit.Howard wasalsoacloseallyoftheUS,andsupported theinvasionofIraqin2003.Hisgovernment developedclosertieswithChina,whichis nowAustraliasbiggestexportmarket.His autobiographyhasbecomethebestselling political memoir in Australian history.Tuesday, 6th Week, 29th May, 5.00pm37Lord AdonisLordAdonisisanauthor,academic,and journalistaswellasaLabourLifePeer.Heis perhapsbestknownforservingasSecretary ofStateforTransportbetween2009and2010. Adonisiswidelycreditedwiththepolicyof introducingacademiesinEngland,having workedinthePrimeMinisterspolicyunitand the Department for Education and Skills during the New Labour years. He is promoting his new book Education, Education, Education.Tuesday, 7th Week, 5th June, 5.00pmNewton FaulknerNewton Faulkner is an English musician known for his unique guitar style, and is a fan favourite atmusicfestivals.HisdebutalbumRebuiltby Humans was named after Newton had slipped on some ice and badly injured his wrist, into which doctors had to ft a metal plate. Newton said that, effectively, he had been put back together again by humans. Friday, 6th Week, 1st June, 7.30pm0th Week1st Week2nd Week3rd Week4th Week5th Week6th Week7th WeekSunday Monday Tuesday8th Weekthe OxfOrd UniOn15 16 1722 23 2429 30 16 7 813 14 1520 21 2227 28 293 4 510 11 1238Pub QuizPub QuizTeddy SheringhamPub QuizLexisNexis Legal Forum Taste of AsiaHow to Get Involved Session Steve RiderBall Launch PartyBrendan ColePresident KoromaJohn HowardBernard Hill Lord Adonis DebatingWorkshopDebatingWorkshopDebatingWorkshopDebatingWorkshopDebatingWorkshopDebatingWorkshopDebatingWorkshopGeri HalliwellWednesday Thursday Friday Saturday18 19 20 2125 26 27 282 3 4 59 10 11 1216 17 18 1923 24 25 2630 31 1 26 7 8 913 14 15 1639ObamaDebateRed Bull DebateMark Lyall GrantDennis Wise Poker NightOXDOX Panel DiscussionArab SpringDebateFA CupSocialBill BrowderAlice in Wonderland Summer BallTibet Film Screening John BarnesHuman RightsDebateNewton FaulknerDr Chang Gyu Hwang ComedyDebateTarja HalonenBill NighyWho You KnowDebateAndrew MitchellProstiutionDebateRichard FarleighSocial NetworksDebatePerouDiamond Jubilee Street PartyElectionsSam SparroFarewellDebate40Geri Halliwell shot to fame in the late 1990s as a member of the Spice Girls, the best selling female groupofalltime.Shewentontohaveavery successfulsolocareer,selling12millionrecords worldwide and with four singles reaching number one. More recently she has been a guest judge on t he X Factor, released a successful clothing range forNext,andworkedextensivelyforthe UNs charity program in Africa.Monday, 8th Week, 11th June, 7.30pmGeri Halliwell41Sam SparroGrammynominatedartistSamSparrossmashhit BlackandGoldintroducedhisspecifcbrandof polishedpopstarmeetssoulcroonerbrilliancetothe world, hitting the top 20 in over 14 countries. 2012 will fnd Sam back in familiar chart topping territory with the release of his highly anticipated new album Return to Paradise out on EMI/Virgin. Thursday, 8th Week, 14th June, 3.00pmDavid GandyDavid Gandy is an English model, who has worked for Dolce&Gabbanaandhasappearedonthecoversof Harpers Bazaar and Glamour. In 2009, Forbes Magazine rankedhimastheworldsthirdmostsuccessfulmale model.HehasalsoworkedwithsupermodelsGemma Ward and Naomi Campbell, and currently writes a blog for Vogue where he discusses his modelling and extra-curricular work.Date and time to be announcedAnnabel CroftAnnabelCroftisaformerprofessionaltennisplayer, currentlyworkingasatelevisionpresenterand commentatorforSkySports.Asajuniorshewonthe WimbledonandAustralianOpentournamentsand representedGBintheFedCupandtheWightmanCup. Despite achieving a highest ranking of 21 she then retired fromprofessionaltennis,notingthestressofthetouras one of the factors in her decision. Date and time to be announced42President KoromaErnest Koroma is the fourth and current President of Sierra Leone.LeaderoftheAllPeoplesCongress,Koromahas sought to rebuild the country after the devastating Civil War whichlastedfrom1991until2002.Hisgovernmenthas attemptedtoimplementfreemarketsolutionstothe problemsofcorruption,poorhealthcare,andan infrastructure devastated by the confict. He is also notable for being one of the few African leaders to havecondemnedZimbabweanPresidentRobert Mugabe.Heishopingtobere-electedtoa second and fnal term in November.Tuesday, 6th Week, 29th May, 2.00pm43Andy Gray & Richard KeysAndy Gray and Richard Keys work as football commentators forTalkSporthavingbeendismissedfromSkySportslast January. Andy Gray had an illustrious playing career at a range ofclubsincluding Aston Villa, Wolverhampton Wanderers, Everton,andRangers,andalsoplayedtwentytimesfor Scotland.KeyspresentedSkySportscoverageof Premier League football from the leagues inception in1992untilhisdismissal.Thetwonowpresent the 10am-1pm slot on TalkSport.Dateandtimetobe announced44Russell ToveyRussellToveyisanEnglishactor who is best known for playing the role of George Sands in the BBCs supernatural drama Being Human. He also has numerous television, flm and stage credits, including playing the part of Rudge in The History Boys. More recently, Tovey has written three plays as well as a short flm, Victor.Date and time to be announcedAmbassador SandisHisExcellencyAristidisSandisistheGreek AmbassadortotheUK.Sandishasservedas adiplomatincountriesasvariedastheSoviet Union,SouthAfrica,andJordan;hehasalso workedfortheOrganisationforSecurityand Cooperation in Europe. Date and timeto be announced45Date and timeto be announcedGeorge LambGeorge Lamb is an English radio and TV presenter whocurrentlypresentsTheBankJob.His successfulradiocareerinvolvedhimpresenting his own daytime BBC show for two years. George will speak about youth today, and what we can do tohelpimprovetheprospectsofunemployed young people.Date and time to be announcedLibrarians negotiationsDonatella VersacePete DohertyJackie ChanRay MearsMark RonsonWhilst these speakers are currently in negotiation, we will let you know if they prove fruitful. Please keep checking our website for more updates.Want to meet the speakers face to face?For your chance to meet this terms speakers over a drinks reception wherepossibleaftertheirtalk,[email protected] with the name of the speaker (in the subject line) and 50 words on why you would like to meet them. The ballot will be open from one week until two days before the speaker event takes place, after which those who have been successful will be informed.Presidents drinksEach Thursday after our Debate the President hosts a drinks reception in the Gladstone Room for guest speakers and Union Members. For your chance to come, enter the weekly ballot by [email protected] Tuesday before the Debate. You will be informed by 11.00am on the day of the Debate.4647Social EventsAlice in Wonderland Summer BallFA Cup SocialPub QuizPoker NightTaste of AsiaDiamond Jubilee Street PartyPimms PartyUndercover in Tibetpage 46page 48page 48page 49page 49page 50page 51page 5150Taste of AsiaDelicious Asian Food, including chinese from KOIUnlimited Thai iced teaalcohol at the barOXCAR a cappella groupmagic show by kened hoTuesday22nd May7.30pm9 (Oxford Union + OUAPS members)12 (Guests)in association with Oxford University asian-Pacifc societycontact [email protected] for more information51Poker Night Social- Trained Croupiers- Fantastic Prizes- Promotional Cocktails - Chocolate FountainMembers 10Guests 13Wednesday 4th Week (16th May) 8.00pm - lateGladstone [email protected] Indian & Balti Cuisine is kindly providing the Union with debate floor prizes and catering for the Diamond Jubilee Street Party this term1st Floor 135 High Street Oxford OX1 4DN Tel: 01865251600 53Undercover in TibetMay 19th - 7.30pm Oxford Union Goodman LibraryIn 2008 a young Tibetan man went back to Tibet, from whence he had escaped over the Himalayas ten years previously, and he made a flm with Channel 4 depicting the terrible state of aairs for the Tibetans in Tibet. 7.30pm - Introductory Speech by Mr Tubten Samdup7.45pm - Film Screening 8.35pm - Q&A (by Mr Tash Despa, maker of the flm)9.00pm - FinishMr Tubten Samdup has been the Representative of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the UK and Northern Europe since August 2009.5455InformationFacilitiesThe Union BarThe LibrariesThe Treasury (including Treasurers Treats)Competitive DebatingHow the Union WorksHow to Get InvolvedCommittee, Staff and Appointed OffcialsPresidents Thanks Whos Whopage 54page 55page 56page 58page 60page 62page 64page 66page 70page 72Facilities56MembersBarRedecorated and revived, the Bar is one of the most central, atmospheric and best-value bars in Oxford. Serving both food and drink, it is an excellent alternative to your College Bar. Snooker RoomThe Union has two full-sized snooker tables (the only ones in central Oxford) which are available exclusively for use by Members. Book for just 2.50 per hour in the General Offce or at the Bar outside offce hours.Internet & PhotocopyingFree wireless internet is available throughout the buildings - just register in the General Offce to obtain the log-in details. Photocopying is available in the Old Library - some of Oxfords cheapest at just 5p per copy.Television RoomThere is a 50-inch plasma screen in the television room with terrestrial and digital television, as well as a DVD player. Room HireThe Unions rooms are available for private hire by Members at discounted rates. Please contact [email protected] for more details.Libraries & Reading RoomsTheOldLibrary,PoetryRoom,GoodmanLibraryandGladstone Room all house an extensive catalogue of academic texts from a range of disciplines, as well as works of fction and political journals. Read a book or relax in the splendour of these wonderful Victorian rooms. Purple Turtle NightclubLocated in the cellars of the Union, the Purple Turtle is the most central student club in Oxford. When Michael Heseltine was President in 1954, he had the coal cellars converted into a bar and music venue. Entry is freetoallUnionMembersandthePTisopeneveryday,providing Members with the cheapest late-night venue in town. The Union Bar57Open all week Members 25% DiscountDrinks DealsCocktail MenuShootersSnacks, Sandwiches, Panini, Salads, Hot Mains, Pizza & more...Look out for our Pimms & Jazz and Cocktail events this term!Open late until 2.00am on Thurs, Fri & SatThe Libraries58The Main CollectionTheUnionLibraryremainsoneofOxfordslargestlending libraries.Itisuniqueinbeingtheonlystudent-runlibraryin Oxfordwhereyou,theMembers,decidewhattopurchase. As such the Library is a valuable resource. Our up-to-date collections andbeautifulsurroundingsmakeitoneofthefnestplacesto work in Oxford. The Union Library is distinctive in having a large collection of travelbooks,includingmanyvolumesofLonelyPlanetand RoughGuides. Thereisalsoanextensivefctionsectionthat youcanborrowfromduringtermtimeortotakewithyouon holiday.DVDsThe DVD collection (found in the Library Reception) offers the widestselectionofanylibraryintheUniversity. Anyofthese DVDs can be borrowed at a cost of 1.50 for 3 days. We have a broad range of DVDs chosen by the Members, ranging from the latest The Inbetweeners flm to classics such as The Shawshank Redemption and TV series like The West Wing.Adopt a BookMany of the historic books which the Union has been collecting sincethe19thcenturyarenowindesperateneedofrepairand conservation.Ifyouareinterestedinhelping,pleasefeelfree to speak to the incredibly friendly library staff about adopting a book or visit By securing the future of our collections you will become part of the great unfolding history of a world famous institution. 59From the LibrarianOur committed library staff work tirelessly to ensure that your Library is as relevant, useful and easy to use as possible. LibraryCommitteeisthedrivingforce oftheLibraryanditdoesitsutmostto ensurethattheLibraryfunctionsasbest as possible. Library Committee meets once a week to discuss, amongst other things, bookandDVDrequests.ThisallowstheLibrarytocontinuetomeet the changing demands of students and we are always looking for new peopletogetinvolved.Itisyourchancetohaveyoursayinhowthe Library functions!If you would like to get involved and sit on Library Committee please email me on [email protected] individual speakers, my team and I have worked hard to bring you a diverse line-up of fantastic speakers including Nelly Furtado, Bill Nighy,GeriHalliwell, TeddySherringhamandmanymore.However, youwillnoticethatafewofthespeakerstimingsarestilltobe confrmed. As soon as I am certain of these timings I will let you know via our mailing list.I hope you enjoy Trinity term and encourage you all to ballot and meet the speakers. Dean PalmerJesus CollegeLibrarianThe TreasuryMaria Rioumine Christ ChurchTreasurer60Dear Members,Ihopeyouarelookingforwardtowhatpromisestobeafantastic Trinityterm! The TreasuryteamandIhaveworkedhardoverthevacationtoputtogethernewand improvedMembersoffers,excitingdebatefoorprizes,anengagingLawdiscussion forum and major sponsorship agreements to ensure you get the best value from your membership. My team and I have brought you seven new exclusive Members-only deals at a wide varietyofbusinessesacrossOxford.WehavemadesuretheseTreasurersTreats,in addition to our many existing deals, are above and beyond normal student offers. Please see the adjacent page or the website for further details.This term our foor prizes, awarded to those in the audience who make the best speeches during our weekly Debates, include generous prizes from LA Fitness, Lush, Matthew Clulee Salon, Shezan Restaurant and The Randolph.Ihaveaimedtofocusonlong-termsustainabilityandall-rounddevelopmentforthe Union. This term, we have brought you the former President of Samsung, established an AlumniNetworkand,forthefrsttimeintheUnionshistory,securedsubstantial sponsorshipfortheAccessScheme,whichprovidesstudentswithdiscounted memberships.Thisunprecedentedachievementmeanswewillbeabletogiveyou better events and even more for your money. AsTreasurer,Iamresponsibleforthemaintenanceofthebuildings,facilitiesand theSocietysfnances.TheUnionisafantasticplace,butthereisalwaysroomfor improvement. The best way for this to happen is for you, theMembers,togetinvolved.Ifyouhaveanyfeedback, suggestionsorareinterestedingettinginvolved,please email me at [email protected]. I wish you all a great Trinity!Yours,Treasurers Treatsthe OxfOrd UniOnTreasurers TreatsDiscount for Members here 61Oxford Sandwich Co.10% offQueens Lane Coffee House and QL Deli & Sandwich BarAsk 20% offCowleyVerde20% offIndulge Dessert Parlour 10% offBar MilanoFree hire for privateparties & any housecocktails for 2.95Tick Tock Cafe 10% off Park EndDuke of CambridgeHappy Hour pricesSun-ThursQue Pasa20% off food2-for-1 cocktailsbefore 9PMThe Living Room40% off before5PM Mon-FriJerichoManos Caf10% off foodPhoenix Cinema2-for-1 tickets onUnion TuesdaysRaouls30% off between 4PM and 8PMBelowyoucanfndalistofbusinessesaround Oxford in which your Union card will save you money. From Pieminister to the Phoenix Cinema, theDukeofCambridgetoG&Ds,justfash your card to make the most of your membership. Lookoutfortheadjacentsigninparticipating businesses. Enjoy! Covered MarketAlpha Bar10% offMichels Crperie10% offPieministerFree peas with astudent mealBolitasBuy bag of 6 & getBrazilian Guaranacan freeSof de France10% off (15% off ifyou spend more than10)Oxford Souvenirs15% offRicardosFree hot drink withevery baguettepurchased City CentreEATFree coffee whenyou spend 5Fudge KitchenDouble StampsArt Cafe 10% offHeroes CafeFree cake with anysandwichThe HouseHappy Hour pricesbefore 11PMLa Croissanterie20% offMr Simms10% offKebab Kid15% offVaults & Garden Caf20% off Shakespeares Oxford15% offG&Ds10% offTimson15% offLa Baguette10% offCoconut Espresso Bar15% off 15% off (5 minimum spend)Competitive Debating62TheOxfordUnionalwayshasbeen,andremains, oneofthemostsuccessfuldebatingsocietiesinthe world.OutsideoftheconfnesoftheUnionChamber ourcompetitivedebatersarethecurrentEnglishand EuropeanchampionsandsofarthisyearUnionteams havereachedthefnalofalmosteverycompetitionwe have entered, including the World Championships.External Tournaments The Union pays to send teams and judges to competitions all over Britain and Europe almost every single week. This means that there are always opportunities to debate for Oxford and, with a novice quota for every single squad, never having tried debating before should defnitely not beabarriertotakingpart!Inaddition,OxfordUnion debatersarefrequentlygiventheopportunitytotravel the world. Already this year debaters have been invited to speak in places such as China, Malaysia and India and later this year we will be sending people to Serbia for the European Championships. Internal TournamentsIn addition to all the amazing external opportunities, the Union runs several competitions a year some of them for its members, and some of them to help raise money for debating. This term we will be holding our open pairs competition. This gives you the opportunity to speak with whomever youwantandcompeteagainstotherpairs!This competitiontakesplaceeveryweekat7.30pmafter workshops. 63ICYDIn May the Union will host the fnal of the International Competitionfor YoungDebaters. Thisisacompetition aimed at under 15s, run by a number of universities and organised centrally through Oxford. OxstralsThis Summer we plan to hold Oxstrals organised by our very own Australian Tom Hosking! This is a competition held in the Australian style of debating, with three people in a team and just one team on each side of the debate. Oxstrals will bring university debaters from all over the country. Sunday Night WorkshopsEverySundaynightduringterm,at6.30pminthe Goodmanlibraryweruncoachingworkshops.Thisis anopportunityfordebatersofalllevelstohonetheir debating and public speaking skills, with the opportunity to be trained by some of the best debaters in the world! All are welcome so just show up and join in! To be updated on anything to do with competitive debating sign up to our Debate Announce Mailing List, by sending [email protected], or email the Chairman of the Debates Selection Committee,GeorgieBarker,[email protected] CommitteeliBrary Committeefinance CommitteesTanDing Committee64Mondays, 1.15pm, Gladstone RoomEvery Member is automatically part of this committee. Its your chance to ask the offcers about their work, hear updates on whats going on and vote on the weeks Emergency Debate motion. Chaired by Samuel Lin, New College, CCCMondays, 2.30 pm, Morris RoomAllnewlibrarybooksandDVDsare chosen by this committee. Any Member can applytositonthecommitteebyemailing [email protected]. Chaired by Dean Palmer, Jesus College, LibrarianMondays, 4.00pm, Presidents OffceResponsible for scrutinising termly, annual and event budgets and reporting its fndingstoStandingCommittee.ThreeMembersareelectedbyConsultative Committee on Monday 2nd Week. To apply, email [email protected] by Isabel Ernst, St Catherines College, PresidentHow the Union WorksWe encourage all Members to attend orget involved in any of these committees and welcome questionsconcerning their work.Mondays, 5.00pm, Presidents OffceThe Unions governing body. StandingCommittee makes all major decisions about the running of the Society and over sees the work of all the other committees.Chaired by Isabel Ernst, St Catherines College, PresidentsTanDing CommitteeDeBaTes selecTion CommitteeWines anD spiriTs Committeeaccess Committee65We encourage all Members to attend orget involved in any of these committees and welcome questionsconcerning their work.Mondays, 5.00pm, Presidents OffceThe Unions governing body. StandingCommittee makes all major decisions about the running of the Society and over sees the work of all the other committees.Chaired by Isabel Ernst, St Catherines College, PresidentAd Hoc (twice termly)Ifalcoholandfnancialmanagementareyourpassions,WinesandSpirits Committee is for you. The committee determines what alcohol the bar stocks and how much it will cost. To apply email [email protected] by Jocelyn Poon, University College, SecretaryAd Hoc (twice termly)Meetingsaretwiceatermanddiscuss Access for Members to events and elections.Chaired by Angus Barry, Worcester College&YaraRodriguesFowler,Wadham College, Co-Access OffcersSundays, 5.00pm, Gladstone RoomMadeupofOxfordsbestdebaters,thiscommitteesprimarydutyistoselect MemberstorepresenttheUnionatdebatingcompetitions.Italsoorganises internal competitions and promotes debating in Oxford. Chaired by Georgie Barker, St Hughs College, CDSCHow to Get Involved66Run for a PositionMostoftheUnionspositionsare allocated by election each term, held on Friday7th Week. Thistermtherewill be elections for the following positions: PresidentHT13,LibrarianHT13, TreasurerHT13,SecretaryMT12, fveelectedmembersoftheStanding Committee MT12 and eleven members of the Secretarys Committee MT12. All help with the running of the Union but involve different responsibilities.Ifyouareinterestedinrunningforoneoftheabovepositions, follow these 4 stages:1) QualifyTo run for any position you must have spoken in the Chamber during one of the stages of the weekly Debate. For Secretarys Committee you must have madeTWOspeeches,foranyotherpositionyoumusthavemadeFOUR speeches. Speeches must be made on different nights and can be made in any of the Main Debates, preceding Emergency Debates or After Debates. 2) Nominate Nominationsopenat9.30amonFriday5thWeekandcloseat3.00pmon Friday6thWeek.NominationpackscanbepickedupfromtheGeneral Offce once nominations open and explain everything you need to do to put forward your application. 3) Help outBefore the election the candidates must help the Returning Offcer by distrib-uting manifesto booklets and putting up posters.4) Vote Dont forget to vote in the elections this term.Join a CommitteeIfyouwanttogetinvolvedwithoutrunningforelectionyoucanapplyto become a member of any of the Unions other committees: Library Committee, WinesandSpiritsCommittee,FinanceCommitteeand AccessCommittee. Toapply,getincontactwiththerespectivecommitteeschairperson.Ifa vacancy opens up your nomination will then be proposed to the Committee. See the How the Union Works section (pages 62-63) for more information.How to Get Involved Session (Tuesday 15th May, 4th Week, 5.00pm)Come along to have all of your questions answered by the Access Offcers and some of the committee over drinks and nibbles.Apply for an Appointed PositionApply to the President-Elect by the end of 7th Week. Interviews will then be held with the President-Elect and the successful appointments will be ratifed by the Standing Committee.Become a Deputy Returning Offcer (DRO)TheReturningOffcer(RO)needsplentyofhelptomakesureeverything runs smoothly for the Societys elections on Friday 7th Week. You can apply to become a DRO by emailing the President ([email protected]) before 3.00pm on Monday 2nd Week. The RO is elected by the DROs.Any Questions?Ifyouhaveanyquestionsabouthowtogetinvolved,thePresident ([email protected]), the President-Elect ([email protected]) and the Returning Offcer ([email protected]) will be happy to talk to you. There are copies of the Unions election rules available in the Old Library and the General Offce, or you can fnd them on the Union website.6768Committee and StaffPRES I DENT LI BRARI ANTREAS URERSECRETARYPRES I DENT- ELECTLI BRARI AN- ELECTTREAS URER- ELECTEX- PRES I DENTS EX- LI BRARI ANEX- TREAS URERS EX- SECRETARI ESELECTEDMEMBERSIsabel Ernst, St Catherines CollegeDean Palmer, Jesus CollegeMaria Rioumine, Christ ChurchJocelyn Poon, University CollegeJohn Lee, Hertford CollegeRajiv Dattani, St Annes CollegeJoseph DUrso, New CollegeLaura Winwood, Hertford CollegeJames Kingston, Christ ChurchJames Langman, University CollegeAshvir Sangha, The Queens College Izzy Westbury, Hertford CollegeLauren Pringle, Wadham CollegeLuke Eaton, Jesus CollegeCyrus Nasseri, Exeter CollegeJames Freeland, Brasenose CollegeHannah Tryl, Christ Church Miles Coates, Worcester CollegeJames Bradford, Jesus CollegeParit Wacharasindhu, St Johns CollegeHelen Elmer, St Hildas College Nico Hobhouse, Trinity College Chris Starkey, St Catherines CollegesTanDing commiTTee69secreTarys commiTTeeAndrew Rogers, Jesus CollegePolina Ivanova, University CollegeLiz Culliford, St Hildas CollegeMonish Kulkarni, Lincoln College Charlie Cockburn, New CollegeChris Frost, Oriel CollegeWilliam Round, Brasenose CollegeRichard Foord, Hertford CollegePlato So, St Hughs College Varun Sivaram, St Johns College Nick Mutch, Christ ChurchmemBers of sTaffLindsey WarneBridget GaughanSu LockleyMelissa BlakeNatacha BryanMelanie RobertsJeremy Worth, Keble CollegeGraeme Hall, OILPCeri MatthewsBURS ARHOUS EMANAGERLI BRARI AN- I N- CHARGEEVENTS MANAGERACCOUNTS MANAGEROF F I CESECRETARYI TOF F I CERARCHI VI S THEADBARP ERS ONAll photos of the Oxford Union buildings Barker Evans.All speaker photographs Eddie Gallacher or Jessica Goodman.CHAI RMANOF CCCHAI RMANOF DSCRETURNI NGOF F I CERSENI ORLI BRARI AN SENI ORTREAS URERSamuel Lin, New CollegeGeorgie Barker, St Hughs CollegeYotam Levy, St Cross CollegeRev Dr Robert Tobin, Oriel CollegeMr Stephen Dixon, Downing College (Cambridge)70Appointed OffcialsPRES S OF F I CERS PUBLI CI TYOF F I CERMEDI AOF F I CERACCES S OF F I CERSGRADUATEOF F I CERSBROOKES REP RES ENTATI VECHI EF OF STAF FGUES TLI AI S ONOF F I CERSCHI EF LI NECROS S ERSELF - PROCLAI MEDQUEENOF LAS HHI GHPRI ES TES SGURU GLI DE AMBAS S ADORPRES I DENT S 1S TCHEF Zoya Rous, Wadham CollegeAbrar Nurani, Hertford CollegeAnnette Chau, Lady Margaret HallJonathan Dunbar Yara Rodrigues Fowler, Wadham College Angus Barry, Worcester CollegeTimothy Kenny, Green Templeton CollegeRakhi Voria, Linacre CollegeRobert Sargeant, Oxford BrookesWilliam Arthur, Worcester CollegeMark Greaves, Jesus College Neslihan Yildirim, St Edmund Hall Suhan Rajkumar, Hertford College Samir Pasha, Wolfson College Luke Eaton, Ex-Librarian, Jesus CollegeLauren Pringle, Ex-President, Wadham CollegeMolly Scott, University CollegeSarah Dicker, University CollegeZoe Lang, Universtiy CollegeBeth McDonald, University College71Allmembersofcommitteehavesignedthiscodeofconduct.Ifyouknow ofabreachbyanycommitteemember, whichcommitteemembersvolunteeredwhentheysubmittedtheirnominationforelection. There are many benefts of being on committee and so its members have a duty to fulfl the responsibilities to the Union that come with those benefts. Therefore: commiTTee memBers shoulD alWays:1. Attend the committees of which they are a member or send apologies in theexceptional circumstances where they cannot attend.2. Do their utmost to honour the pledges they made in their manifestos.3. Act with integrity and professionalism in their roles, so as not to endanger thereputation of the Union.4. Support the Unions core activities by attending its Debates and as many otherevents as they are able to.5. Promote the interests and reputation of the Union by encouraging others to join andattend committees and events.6. Work to ensure the Members get value for money from their membership.7. Uphold the aims and values of the Oxford Union (as defned by Rule 2a) in all theirwork on committee.8. Be polite to their colleagues on committee, to the staff, to any Guests of the Societyand to Members of the Society.9. Be mindful of the Societys history and do their best to live up to that history.commiTTee memBers shoulD never:1. Advertise an event without believing in good faith that the event will go ahead.2. Place an unwarranted workload on another member of committee.3. Exploit their membership of committee for personal gain at the expense of theMembers.4. Place electoral interest ahead of the interest of the Society and its Members.5. Take credit for the work of others on committee.6. Spread misinformation about the work of others on committee.7. Knowingly mislead any committee, the Chamber, or distort or, exaggerate the truthin any form for any reason.They agree To:1. Complete at least the minimum number of vacation days required for their position,and work hard for eight hours during each of those days.2. Familiarise themselves with the rules of the Society and always work within theirboundaries.3. Always act as an ambassador for the Society, never behaving in a way which couldbring the Society into disrepute. Code of Conduct72Presidents ThanksEventhoughIalwaysknewwritingthiswouldbeincrediblydiffcult(andrathercringe),IguessInever expected to actually get so sentimental. There really are too many people to thank to ft on these two pages. I feel so lucky and grateful for all the support I had over the last two years and I can only apologisefor not thanking people enough and for missing those who undoubtedly deserve to be mentioned. My Committee: Thank you so much for putting up with me over the holidays. I know it cannot have been easy to deal with my mood swings. You were all absolutely incredible and I am so proud of what we have achieved. Dean: Thank you for all the long hours. Im sorry for pushing you so hard but Im glad it paid off. Maria: It took you long enough but thank you for giving me and this intimate relationship a chance. Im really grateful for your trust and all your incredible help- our love truly is everlasting! I cant wait for you to marry into my family and many more dates at Ginos to come. Jocelyn: Thank you for bringing cupcakes and rainbows into my life. And Im sorry about mean Thai celebrities on committee. John: Good luck for next term, Im sure it will be great! Rajiv: What can I say. Dude, you need to learn how to chill! I am so gladit all worked out and youdontregrettrustingme. Anddontforget:Itllallbefne.:)Joey:Schni,Schna,Schnappi...Thanksfor giving the vac a theme by constantly putting this in my ear and for the amazing chilli meals. Bradders: My little Grumpy Bear; so happy the dreamteam got reunited- what would Trinity be without Lashford being all laddish? Parit: Thank you for all the new treats. Sorry for crossing the line between banter and harassment. Though you had it coming.;) Helen: Thank you for all the amazing blurbs. Nico: At some point you will get your date..maybe... Starkey: My baby, youre a star! Seriously thank you for all the long hours. Mind the gin nextterm!;)Andrew:ThankyouforallyourhardworkintheLibsoffce.Polina: Anyonewhocallsyou teachers pet is just jealous. Im so impressed! Seriously, I didnt realise German effciency could also be found in Russia.Liz: Sorry about the boys. Theyre all just secretly in love with you (one in particular...). Charlie: Team Chuckles all the way! Will: Seriously, no more pranks this term! My heart cant take it. Chris: Happy 18th! Monish, Richard, Plato: Thank you for your hard work boys. Hope youll enjoy the term. Varun: Thank you for the proofreading. Mutch: in is in; Ill make sure there will be plenty of chillies at pressie drinks this term. Union: Lauren: Quite simply, I couldnt have done it without you. Literally. You effectively won the presidency twice and I will never be able to thank you enough for being my rock through everything. I really couldnt have asked for a better friend to guide me through this madness. Hamburg is still waiting for us abes! Luke: My dearest babyhack. You know Im eternally grateful for everything youve done for me and sticking by my side all the way. Never forget how amazing you are. Youll even learn where the line is eventually. Jack: How did you ever manage to put up with me last Hilary? I would have never made it through without your unshakeable optimism. Thank you for being such a great friend. Lester: I should have stolen you from Beth whilst I still could (damn you Cradick;)). Thank you for putting up with my Union chat for so long. Chambers: Thank you for getting me excited about the Union when I was still clueless. And my debates will totally be packed! Rishi: Mon amour. Thank you for always making me laugh. Ash S.: My Union-Dad. Thank you for taking me out for coffee for the very frst time. Miles and Freeland: Im glad I never had to go up against the hydra. Who could have ever beaten this overwhelming electoral mandate? Izzy W.: It really was all in the name, wasnt it. Thanks for being a brilliant President (despite the endless Stornoway playlists) and leaving big shoes to fll. Ash T.: Not gonna lie, you scare me sometimes. Thank you for just being you and for giving me a home last summer. Cyrus: Mate, committee is showing a serious lack of velvet jackets, banter and outrageous firtation these days. Looks like you need to teach the little champignons a lesson. Langman: Thank you for all your support. I guess I didnt hate you after all, just your chat. Ella: Thank you for your help during the vac babe. Sorry about me 73being generally freaked-out and panicked. Nina: Wie haben wir es nur bis hierher geschafft? Prost! Rahul: Did we ever get round to fnishing our series of crapulousness? Towers, Colin: You guys would have deserved to go further in this place. Thank you for always giving it your all. Hannah: Thank you for all the girl power last HT! Bassett: Thank you for all your help. The Staff & Senior Offcers: Needless to say that this place would fall apart without you. I have no idea how you put up with us every day but thank you for all your patience and the endless support. I know we dont appreciate it enough. Bursar: I will try to survive the end of the day. Team Ernst: Im so sorry for abandoning you half-way through. Believe me, it really wasnt my plan. Becky: TheUnionhaslostsomerealcompetencewithyou.Ihopeyouhavenoregrets,Icertainlyamgladtohave had the chance to get to know you. Ali: xxxxxxx Rob N.: I still havent forgiven you for choosing OUSU over me- who would ever do that? Tom, Henry, Viraj, Mairie, Madeleine, Ollie: Thank you for giving it a go and believing in our team. Molly, Zoe, Beth, Sarah- Thank you for taking me in girls, I couldnt have asked for better housemates! Its only been three months but I feel like Im already part of the gang and totally up to date with Univs juiciest fnalist gossip (wait, yeeeah, this annoying guy in the library) Sorry in advance about the many late nights to come, Ill try not to eat too much of your ham. My life is just too adventurous. Catz: Sorry for being a pain in the ass on Friday of 7th again and again and again. Needless to say that I couldnt have done it without you guys. Thank you for putting up with me and giving me the feeling I could be proud of what I have achieved in this place- even though it meant neglecting you. Ali- Thank you for always taking care of me, I know Im a bit of a nutcase. Camilla- Thank you for being such an amazing friend. Dont get too stressed this term! Emma- Im sorry I couldnt alwayskeep up with your raving party lifestyle. Ill be on it next year, promise! Izzy P.D.- so good to have you back my dear. Next year Ill be all yours. Rob: Im sorry Ive deserted you for fnals but lets be honest, its not like I would have been a big help with revision anyways. ThankyouforteachingmeproperEnglishandsavingmetimeaftertimeinpainfultutorials.Tom:Mydear husband, thank you for listening to my endless drama last year. Its time for you to come back! Margherita: TausendDankfrdiezahlreichenMahlzeiten,MassagenundaufbauendenWorte!Caroline:MeineKleine. Vergiss nicht, das Leben ist wunderbar. Nathalie, Annelise, Ellie, Vicky: Thank you for all your support ladies. It really meant a lot to me. Home: Es tut mir wahnsinnig Leid, dass ich euch so schrecklich vernachlssigt habe in den letzten zwei Jahren. Ich wrde gerne sagen, es kommt nie wieder vor, aber wir wissen alle, das wre gelogen. Shari: My Loof. Egal, ob alles andere in sich zusammenfllt, du bist immer fr mich da. Ich kann mir ein Leben ohne dich wahrlich nichtvorstellen,auchwennwirunsereDatesmeistzweiMonatevorherplanenmssen.UnserRamazotti-Plansteht!Maarielein: Waswrdeichnurohnedichtun,meineliebsteGeburstagsschwester.Dankefrdie unzhligen Therapiestunden und dass du mich gelehrt hast, wieder an mich zu glauben. Cyrie: Danke, dass du immer ehrlich bist. Auch wenn ich es nicht hren will. Care to join Shari und mich auf unserer Weltreise? Hella, Samy: Ihr verrckten Hhner. Ohne euch wre mein Leben um einiges langweiliger. Basti: Bruderherz! Ohne dich wr ich gar nicht erst nach Ox gekommen. Ganz geil sag ich nur. High Five an die Palazze. Mami & Papi: Diese paar Zeilen reichen bei weitem nicht aus, um zu beschreiben, wie dankbar ich fr eure stndige, bedingungslose Untersttzung bin. Egal, wie verrckt meine Ideen auch sein mgen, ihr steht immer hinter mir. Ich hoffe, ihr seid stolz auf mich. Right, enough with the sentiment. Or I might even fnd a tear in my eye.74Whos Who?Isabel ErnstPresidentMaria RioumineTreasurerJocelyn PoonSecretaryDean PalmerLibrarianRajiv DattaniLibrarian-ElectJoseph DUrsoTreasurer-ElectJohn LeePresident-ElectSTANDI NGCOMMI TTEEJames Bradford Parit Wacharasindhu Helen Elmer Nico Hobhouse Chris StarkeyWilliam Round Richard Foord Plato So Varun Sivaram Nick MutchAndrew Rogers Polina Ivanova Monish Kulkarni Charlie Cockburn Chris FrostLiz CullifordSECRETARY S COMMI TTEE

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