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A Message to Business Owners.…………………….…………………………………………………2

Redpoint Marketing Consultants and Duct Tape Marketing………………………………3

What is a Small Business Marketing Coach?........................................................4

The Duct Tape Marketing Story…………………………………………………………………………5

The Story of Redpoint Marketing Consultants…………………………………………………..6

The Unique Benefits of Duct Tape Marketing……………………………………………………7

The Core Principles of Duct Tape Marketing………………………………………………………8

The Duct Tape Marketing Catalyst Program………………………………………………………9

Catalyst Program Pricing and FAQs………………………………………………………………….10

The Total Online Presence Course……………………………………………………………………11

Total Online Presence Course Pricing and FAQs………………………………………………12

Our Process…………………………………………………………………………………………………....13

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Small business owners--Do you agree with any of the

following statements?

1. I have trouble differentiating my business from my competitors.

2. I don’t have a clear, narrowly defined idea of who my ideal or target client is.

3. I’m not sure where to spend my marketing dollars to achieve the best results.

4. I do not do a good job of tracking the return on investment from money I spend on


5. I am not generating as many leads as I’d like for my business.

6. I don’t have a well-defined system for converting leads into customers.

7. I don’t generate as many referrals for my business as I would like.

8. My website does not generate a lot of business for my company (or: I have no idea how

much business my website generates or even how many visits it gets).

9. I don’t really have a strategic marketing plan for my business—I just do whatever

marketing tactic seems like a good idea at the time.

10. Marketing my business well is hard for me, and I often find it frustrating or difficult.

Do any of these sentiments sound familiar to you? If you found yourself nodding in agreement

as you read through the list, you may benefit from one of the marketing training and coaching

programs I offer small business owners through my partnership with Duct Tape Marketing,

creator of the world’s most successful small business marketing system.

In the following pages, I will answer these questions:

What is Duct Tape Marketing, and what is its relationship with Redpoint Marketing


What are the unique benefits of the Duct Tape Marketing System™?

What are the core principles of the Duct Tape Marketing System™?

What is a small business marketing coach, and what are the benefits of working with


What training programs are offered by Redpoint Marketing Consultants, and how much

do they cost?

What types of businesses benefit the most from the Duct Tape Marketing System™?

After you’ve reviewed the information in this kit, if you think that the approach I take to

marketing is something that might benefit you, please give me a call at 540-815-0060 to

schedule a free consultation, or visit

brand-audit/ and fill out the form to get a free signature brand audit.

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Redpoint Marketing Consultants and Duct Tape Marketing

What is Redpoint Marketing Consultants?

My name is Kevin Jordan, and I do business as Redpoint Marketing Consultants. I am a small

business marketing coach and consultant. For more information about my business, see “The

story of Redpoint Marketing Consultants” on page 6.

What is Duct Tape Marketing?

Duct Tape Marketing is a company started by John Jantsch that is widely recognized as the

developer of the world’s most effective small business marketing system. John basically

created a turnkey marketing system that can be installed in any small business regardless of

industry and size. For more information on John Jantsch and Duct Tape Marketing, see “The

Duct Tape Marketing Story” on page 5.

What is the relationship between myself and Duct Tape Marketing?

I am an authorized Duct Tape Marketing consultant. That means that I license the Duct Tape

Marketing System and use it to train and coach my clients. I have been personally trained by

John Jantsch to install the system he created in small businesses.

You can think of the relationship between myself and Duct Tape Marketing as similar to the

relationship between a franchisee and the parent company. When you visit a franchise as a

consumer, you are interacting with a system that has been proven and replicated many times

over, and that delivers predictable results. The franchisee uses that system to deliver a product

to the local market. What you get with Duct Tape Marketing is a proven system delivered by a

local authorized consultant (myself).

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What is a small business marketing coach?

If you have ever played a team sport, taken music lessons, received tutoring of any kind, or

used a personal trainer, then you have some idea of the type of relationship a small business

marketing coach has with his clients. A marketing coach will teach you what you need to know

to effectively market your business, and guide you as you apply what you’ve learned.

In the case of myself and Redpoint Marketing Consultants, I teach my clients the Duct Tape

Marketing System and help them apply it in their own business. I use my marketing experience

and knowledge of the system to help my clients skip a lot of the “trial and error” phase of the

process, so that they can start getting better results faster.

What are some of the benefits of working with a marketing coach?

There are many benefits to working with a coach vs trying to learn and implement a marketing

system on your own. Among them are:

Accountability—sometimes, it’s hard to stay motivated and on-task when you don’t

have anyone holding you accountable. Having a coach solves that problem.

Experience—instead of having to learn from your own mistakes, you can learn from

somebody else’s. Not only do you benefit from my personal marketing knowledge and

experience, you benefit from the marketing knowledge and experience of every

consultant in the Duct Tape Marketing network, who I meet with and collaborate with

on a regular basis.

Encouragement—let’s face it, sometimes we all struggle. Having someone you can turn

to for a few words of encouragement when the going gets tough is important.

Access—When you work with me, you also get access to my network of strategic

partners. So, instead of having to find and research many different vendors to meet all

your marketing needs, you can simply ask me what options are available.

What doesn’t a marketing coach do?

What a marketing coach can’t and won’t do is do all the work for you. I’m not talking about the

technical aspects of marketing like web design or video production—those can certainly be

outsourced. What I can’t do is hand you a marketing strategy for your business on a silver

platter, any more than a personal trainer can hand you the body of your dreams on a silver

platter. The process takes a commitment of time and energy from you, the business owner, in

order to work properly.

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The Duct Tape Marketing Story

The Duct Tape Marketing System was born out of John Jantsch’s initial failure to serve the small business clients that were drawn to his agency over ten years ago.

Shortly after departing college, he went to work for a large advertising agency. It only took him about five years in this job to realize he had to own his own business.

At first, he went to work serving the marketing project needs of very large corporations, but he found that he was always much more interested in working with small business owners.

However, he found it very difficult to help small business owners using the traditional advertising agency model. Small business owners simply couldn’t afford to spend marketing dollars on image advertising, creative briefs, and research teams to form their marketing strategies.

He found the missing ingredient to his puzzle in Michael Gerber’s brilliant small business book titled the E-Myth Revisited. Through the E-Myth, Gerber was one of the first to introduce the idea of a replicable small business system.

While John had found that small business owners had little trouble grasping systems for things like accounting and shipping, no one was talking about marketing as a system.

It became painfully clear to him that the only way to effectively deliver simple, effective, and affordable marketing results for small business owners was through the development and application of a proven set of marketing principles and strategies.

This system had to be duplicatable; produce predictable results; and come with a fixed, almost product-like, price tag.

The Duct Tape Marketing System is the outcome of over 20 years of work in the real-world, small business marketing laboratory.

John’s passion to help small business owners continues unabated, as he continues to do so every day. He derives considerable joy from knowing that thousands of small business owners have now succeeded in growing a business the ‘Duct Tape Marketing way’, with his help and with the help of his Duct Tape Marketing Authorized Consultants.

Copyright Duct Tape Marketing, used with permission

John Jantsch

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The Story of Redpoint Marketing Consultants

Businesses had no system or methodology for following up and selling leads that I

captured for them

Most businesses had no clear way of distinguishing themselves from their competition,

and as a result ended up trying to compete on price alone.

Most businesses were doing a terrible job of tracking their return on investment from

advertising, and thus were wasting significant amounts of money on expensive

advertising that wasn’t really getting them any business.

Business owners had a hard time committing to any one set of marketing tactics, and

would quickly get distracted by the “next thing” that came along.

All of these problems could be summed up by one statement: most of the businesses I

observed had no marketing strategy or plan whatsoever. This was making my job very difficult,

because no matter how well I did helping a business set up a marketing tactic, it wasn’t going to

produce good results for them without a strategy behind it. That’s when I discovered Duct

Tape Marketing.

As soon as I saw the Duct Tape Marketing System, I realized that it was exactly what my clients

needed to help them take full advantage of my services. Not only does it teach a business

owner how to create a marketing strategy that helps them get more of their ideal clients or

customers, it also teaches them the right ways to do advertising, lead generation, and sales. I

began using the system in my own business immediately to great effect, and quickly decided

that I would build my business around it.

I now focus exclusively on training and coaching small business owners using the Duct Tape

Marketing philosophy. You can find more information about my two training programs, the

Marketing Catalyst Program and the Total Online Presence Course, on pages 8-11 of this kit.

Kevin Jordan

I started Redpoint Marketing Consultants in the spring of

2012 with the purpose of using the marketing techniques I

had learned running a successful ecommerce business to

help local business owners. My plan was to help businesses

set up lead capture systems and assist them with web

development, mobile marketing, email marketing, and other

elements of on-line marketing. However, as I started

working with clients, I noticed some big problems. For

example, I noticed:

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Unique Benefits of Duct Tape Marketing

Duct Tape Marketing helps you focus on your Ideal Client.

There is always a market out there that’s just waiting for someone to service it. Not only are they waiting, they are willing to pay a premium to be serviced by someone who operates just like you. They value what you have to offer, they enjoy your relationship approach to customer service, and they readily refer their friends and colleagues as a token of their appreciation. Sound like fairy-tale land? When you intentionally choose a market with a specific need or problem and then show them why you deserve their trust, it’s not only possible - it’s inevitable.

Duct Tape Marketing gets prospects to systematically call you.

By creating advertising and lead-generation promotions that allow the prospect to move gently along the ‘know, like, and trust’ path at their own pace, Duct Tape marketers entice fully-qualified prospects to contact them.

Duct Tape Marketing has the ease of an orchestrated system. By working in the confines of a system, creating fixed steps, documenting and duplicating each step, the Duct Tape Marketer is able to quickly build the essential foundational components. The focus then moves to operating and enhancing the system. That’s where the real magic lies.

Duct Tape Marketing makes your staff more effective and efficient.

Your staff will thank you for including them in the marketing process and giving them tools to become immediately successful in their jobs. The payoff in terms of effectiveness and efficiency is sometimes stunning.

Duct Tape Marketing permits you to charge a premium for your products and services.

When you become the obvious choice for a service, product, or market, your customers are not only willing to pay a premium - they expect to do so. In fact, you will be surprised to learn that the greatest challenge can sometimes be charging enough to align with the perceived value!

Duct Tape Marketing allows you to create predictable sales forecasts.

Because of the systematic approach to lead generation and lead conversion at the core of the Duct Tape Marketing System, business owners can create and test successful promotions and expect predictable results when they increase the scale of such promotions.

Duct Tape Marketing makes your business more valuable.

Nothing makes a business more attractive to a potential buyer than documented systems and predictable marketing results. The primary constraint on most small businesses is the “rainmaking” status of the owner. The Duct Tape Marketing System presents a process to transfer that status to others. A potential buyer must feel confident that the business can operate without the current owner before any serious consideration can be given.

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Core Principles of Duct Tape Marketing

1) Strategy Before Tactics

Determine a marketing strategy and then build your marketing activities around delivering on the strategy. This strategy piece focuses on defining your ideal client and differentiating your business from your competition.

2) The Marketing Hourglass

When one overlays the Duct Tape Marketing System of marketing – “getting someone who has a need to know, like, and trust you” – with the intentional act of turning “know, like, and trust” into “try, buy, repeat, and refer”, the entire logical path for moving someone from initial awareness to advocate becomes a very simple process.

3) Publish Educational Content.

Your content and publishing efforts must be focused on achieving two things: building trust and educating. These two categories of content strategy must be delivered through the creation of very specific forms of content, not simply through sheer volume.

4) Create a Total Web Presence.

Today’s small business must view its marketing strategies and tactics with an eye on growing the online center and radiating beyond with spokes that facilitate most of the offline transactional functions that drive sales and service.

5) Operate the Lead Generation Trio.

Today’s integrated lead generation trio consists of creating education-based approaches that blend the use of advertising, public relations, and referrals.

6) Make Selling a System.

When a selling system is installed, the end result for most businesses is that we dramatically reduce the number of leads they are chasing (decreased expense) while also dramatically increasing the number of leads they are converting to customers (increased revenue).

7) Live by a Marketing Calendar.

When it comes to marketing, we’ve learned that small business owners can move towards making marketing a habit by creating a marketing calendar.

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The Duct Tape Marketing Catalyst Program

The Duct Tape Marketing Catalyst Program is the main coaching program that I offer. It is

through this program that I help a business install a Duct Tape Marketing System. The program

is broken down into ten parts:

Session 1: Strategy Foundation 1 - Identify Your Ideal Client Session 2: Strategy Foundation 2 – Art of Differentiation Session 3: The Marketing Hourglass Session 4: Content Building Plan Session 5: Total Web Presence Session 6: Winning Search and Local Online Session 7: Lead Generation 1 – Advertising Session 8: Lead Generation 2 – Public Relations and Referrals Session 9: Lead Conversion and Selling Session 10: Putting It All Together

The course materials include workbooks, worksheets, video lessons, audio lessons, and links to

on-line resources that go along with each session. Clients can access the program on-line at any

time, even after they have completed the sessions.

At the end of 6-10 months, the client will have a complete marketing system installed in their

business. On average, a client should expect to spend about 2-4 hours a week on the program.

If this program sounds interesting to you, you can try out the self-study version for free—visit

the link below to access the introduction and first lesson:

Then, continue reading the next page for FAQs and pricing info for the program.

The program is completed over the course of 6-10

months (one session per month). Each month, I

will meet with the business owner to introduce

the next topic. After making sure the client

understands the material, I will help them think

about ways to apply it to their specific business.

The client will either then apply the lessons with

my guidance, or I will do the work of applying the

lessons for them.

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Marketing Catalyst FAQs

How much does the program cost?

There are four ways to complete the Marketing Catalyst Program. It can be done as a self-study

course, through a group coaching program, as a one-on-one coaching or consulting

engagement, or as a “Virtual Marketing Department” solution in which most of the work is

done for you.

Self-study option……$300 One-on-one Coaching………………….$1,000/month

Group Coaching……..$399/month Virtual Marketing Department..….$2,000/month

The self-study option, while not recommended, may be appropriate for highly self-disciplined

individuals with a marketing background who are on a tight budget. The group coaching

program is suitable for smaller businesses or solo entrepreneurs that want the benefits of

working with a coach, but can’t afford one-on-one coaching. For businesses that can afford it,

the one-on-one coaching program offers a great deal of individual assistance and flexibility.

Businesses that have a larger marketing budget and want most of the work done for them

might want to consider the Virtual Marketing Department option.

How large are the groups in the group coaching program?

The minimum number of participants required to run a group program is four, and the

maximum is ten.

What types of businesses benefit the most from this program?

The types of businesses that benefit the most from the Marketing Catalyst Program usually

meet the following criteria:

Small businesses with less than 100 employees or solo entrepreneurs who have little or

no in-house marketing staff.

They are profitable, but are struggling to “get to the next level”.

They have a marketing budget and spend money on advertising, but aren’t satisfied with

the return they get from that investment (if they even track it at all).

They understand the value of professional assistance, and have possibly used outside

help with other areas of their business besides marketing (bookkeeping, legal, etc.)

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The Total Online Presence Program

The Total Online Presence program is designed specifically to address a small businesses’ online

marketing plan. This program assumes that a business has a well-developed marketing strategy

in place, but needs help incorporating that strategy into their on-line presence (if this is not the

case a business might want to consider completing the Catalyst Program instead).

The program covers the following topics:

Content Platform Part 1: Keyword research, learning to listen, blogging, planning your

content, setting goals

Content Platform Part 2: Website development, landing pages, intro to lead capture,

basic analytics, and establishing baselines

Organic SEO: On-page & off-page SEO, building links, the long-tail effect, and local


Email Marketing: List-building strategies, best practices, CAN-SPAM compliance, using

autoresponders, and split testing

Social Media: Developing a social media strategy, best practices, and tools for


Video Marketing and Podcasting: Video production and editing, best practices,


Online Advertising: Pay-per-click advertising, Social Media advertising, best practices

Ecommerce: Best practices, security, shopping carts, merchant accounts

Mobile: Optimizing websites for mobile devices, mobile lead capture, using QR codes,

mobile apps

Analytics: Using analytics to track results and make adjustments

Putting it all together: Review and recap, fitting all the pieces together

Like the Marketing Catalyst program, the Total Online Presence course can be accessed by

clients online at any time. If you’d like to get a better idea of what the program is like, you can

try it out for free using the link below. Continue to the next page for FAQs and pricing info.

Free trial link:

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Total Online Presence FAQs

How much does the program cost?

As with the Marketing Catalyst Program, the Total Online Presence course can be completed as

a self-study option, in a group coaching program, or as a one-on-one coaching engagement.

Self-Study option Group Coaching Option One-on-one Coaching

$300 $150/month $1,000/month

Note: the self-study option of the program does NOT include the sections on Video Marketing

and Podcasting, E-commerce, and Mobile marketing.

The self-study option would be a good choice for someone with a high comfort level with the

basics of online marketing, who wants to get up to speed on all the latest tools, tricks and

techniques. The group coaching option is great for those with little knowledge about on-line

marketing who want more instruction and accountability to take action with what they learn.

The one-on-one coaching option is great for someone who wants individual attention and help

installing an online marketing system in their business.

How large are the groups in the group coaching program?

The minimum number of people required for a group class is four, and the maximum is ten.

The group courses are run on-line using “MeetingBurner”, an online collaboration tool. This not

only makes it easier to attend, it also allows all the sessions to be recorded in case you have to

miss one.

What types of businesses would benefit the most from this program?

The Total Online Presence is great for businesses that have a marketing strategy in place, but

haven’t done much to incorporate on-line marketing into that strategy. If your business meets

any of the criteria below, this course would probably benefit you:

You don’t have a website or only have a very basic website, perhaps even one owned by

the Yellow Pages or another marketing company

You don’t have an email list and/or don’t do any email marketing

You don’t do any online advertising

You don’t know what SEO stands for, or only have a vague idea of what it is

You know social media is important, but aren’t really sure how you’re supposed to use it

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Our Process

If what you’ve read in this kit resonates with you and you think a Duct Tape Marketing System

might be a good fit for your business, the next step for you is to visit the link below and

complete a Signature Brand Audit:

After you fill out and submit the form, I will contact you to schedule a consultation to review

the audit and help you think through how you can apply some of the Duct Tape Marketing

principles in your business. We can also discuss which, if any of the training or coaching

programs I offer might be a good fit for you.

For those who purchase a self-study program, you can begin implementing the program at your

own pace immediately. You will always have the option to join a group coaching program or

begin a one-on-one coaching engagement at a later date if you desire.

For those who enroll in a group coaching program, you will get access to the on-line training

materials immediately, but may have to wait up to several months for the next class to start.

Those who decide that a one-on-one coaching engagement is the best fit for them can begin

training right away. We will schedule a kick-off meeting within two weeks of our initial

consultation, and after that we will meet based on a schedule that we agree upon and move

through the lessons at a pace that is comfortable for you.

At the end of all training programs, I conduct a review session to go over what the client has

accomplished, what still needs to be done, and to make sure the client is comfortable operating

their new marketing system. If the client wishes, I can continue to meet with them periodically

after the completion of the training to help keep their marketing on track.

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