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  • 8/18/2019 Paa Taraq Notes



    Updates DD Sept 14th



    I and Nubtethutiptet visited on Saturday. He didn’t have any restraints. It was a

    better visit. He did say his Angio Edema is coming more frequent and

    unpredictable. Don’t be comfortable; continue to fight to free the master

    Teacher. Last week’s as well as this week updates will be given.

    Menstruation: In our culture a woman is never unclean, that’s contrary to nature.

    He compared it to having mucus in your nose. When a man has mucus in his nose

    he’s not unclean. When a woman has mucus in her nose she is not unclean. The

    same with menstruation.

    Sexual practices: No Vaginal intercourse when menstruating. after the birth we

    have no sexual intercourse or intaking of any male fluids until the breast feeding

    is completed so as not to mix in his body fluids with the natural chemicals that

    nature has prepared in the mother’s mammary that is the breast fluids of the

    mothers mammary gland. He said for men not to push women away during post


    The 7 days abstinence in childbirth, menstruation and circumcision that is to

    protect their Gods. That has to do with them not us.

    Birth: There’s nothing in nature to say a woman is unclean after birth. That’s their

    Biblical and Quraanic laws.

    Having that male counterpart is actually a protection for her when she has


    He made a point in the Bible. What does Eve mean? Life. What does Adam

    mean? Blood. So he said there’s no life without blood. So Eve had to be before

    Adam. He said what are the procedures after the baby leave the womb? Cut the

    umbilical cord, and the cord is connected to the navel. So if the umbilical cord is

    connected to the navel and eve gave birth to Cain where did Eve get her navel

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    from if she was taken out of the rib of Adam? And where did Adam get his navel

    from. If you have a navel right now it had to be encoded in your DNA. Adam and

    Eve have a navel since they came from a mother. And, if you say he is God son

    that means that God had a navel as well. Things that confirm his existence. They

    say he takes things from others, but you never hear of anyone speak of the

    concept of the navel.

    He spoke about people putting their foot down in the middle of the track and

    getting hit by a train. Straddling the fence. You cannot be an Ansaar and

    Nuwaupian at the same time.

    The holy Tablets have been revised 7 times, but people still keep going back to

    the old doctrine.

    The fastest growing doctrine in the world is Wu-Nuwaupu.

    Sugar is not really white, sugar is processed. You should not eat it.

    Black leaders want to appear to be pro black for the black people in the struggle,

    but when it gets to people who want to help African people like Paa Munzul they

    back away. When people come to them wanting to help Africa how black are they

    really? If they are on TV and being pushed they are working for the Heka Khasut

    not us. Make them show and prove.

    Racism: It is not racism it’s a choice. I don’t hate them, they hate me. All I do is

    speak love of our people. So he chose not to deal with them. It’s a choice. I don’t

    hate lions, but I’m not going to get in a cage with them. Like the Heka Khasut we

    know the nature is to hang and kill us, so we stay away from them.

    Paa Munzul says “The  longer they hold me in prison, the more powerful I


    White supremacy is gone. How are you going to have an African American

    President? So white supremacy is an illusion. Timothy McVeigh- Irish, are all Irish

    bad? Jim Jones- A Christian, are all Christians bad? Just because someone is a

    Muslim it doesn’t mean all Muslims are bad. David Koresh in Waco. Do they group

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    all Christians or only group him? It’s always a double standard when a black man

    commits a crime you know he’s black. But when white does something they don’t

    say white.

    Baa Baa says everyone wants a most high. Paa Nazduru opens the gateway to all

    of them; they want the most high but not the fact.

    Don’t sit back, get back at them. Don’t let them just put a charge on you. Fight


    America has no more value in Africa. It’s over because of racism. 

    The women put the nation in order.

    The subconscious mind responds to what you are really saying. Example, I love

    Beyonce (said flat, clearly does not love Beyonce), my words are saying but my

    mind is saying something else, as indicated by my tone.

    When you are talking the subconscious reads what’s really in your heart and in

    your tones that will free the Master Teacher.

    He said every place you find a war they are hiding something. Like the Gaza strip.

    Mt. Sinai was not really where Abraham was. Mt Sinai means Mountain of Sin.

    The voices of your genes: Everything about your aura and voices are read by a

    code. Everything eaten, seen etc. All taints your genes and are being read by a


    Noah’s Ark: They had test tubes to extract the DNA and extract feline genes,

    Bovine or foul or human gene no particular animal.

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    How easy it is to taint your genes through oral sex (intake of semen) like drinking

    milk. The tongue has taste buds like file cabinets. It takes what it needs and

    encodes it in your DNA. If you ever had semen orally it gets into your saliva and

    gets encoded into your DNA. It disrupts the order of things. It starts taking over

    her DNA and takes over all the men she has been with. They are waring against

    each other, they are not thinking. That’s what you call being in love. You go to the

    man for any advice. When you are reading The Actual Facts you are getting his

    opinion even though you are reading. How do we fix this? The Master Teacher

    says, in the past we were groomed to getting a male and female groomed for us,

    so it didn’t cause conflict. How do we fix it now? He said what do you think; you

    want to know the purpose of a man? Man comes from above and females are

    from here. That’s why they need you to get back to where they are from. Basically

    men provide us with our soul and they become our soul provider. Men are really

    depending on the female for survival. Women are more nature he doesn’t 

    understand. The conquering is what disrupts the nature, because we are not

    working together.

    He spoke about when a female is a little girl. Most times that can’t stand the boy,but as she grows older then she falls in love with him and can’t get away. We get

    trapped in a relationship like the Titanic. The ship of relations. What changes? He

    put his DNA inside her, she starts to think, and walk, talk and look like him. So

    again we get to the point of how do we fix this and get back on the natural order

    of things? He said “When I saw the pictures of Paa Taraq, I saw on the female 

    face like OH!!!!!! They have their mouths open. Why do you think?’ 

    Mursultet Bastet responded: Because they are intaking the the Elixir of The Actual

    Facts that will go into their DNA. The Master Teacher responded

    that’s why you are The Messenger. Thus you are swallowing the Elixir of the Paa

    Taraq that the master is giving us.

    Steven Hawking was on the Larry King Show saying there is no such thing a

    God.Baa Baa says he’s taking my doctrine and confirming it to the Heka Khasut. 

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    You can only determine existence from the point of existence. He said how do you

    know you exist if you are in the process of existing? Because you are not a

    complete being. You are still growing. At the visit he said to one of the sisters,

    touch this glass and she touched it, he said do you know this glass exists? She said

    yes, because she touched it. He said this apple do you know it exists? She said if I

    touched it I would know. Another example. For instance you were pregnant, she’s

    with child do you know that the baby exist in your womb? Yes. Now she asked

    him. He said no I don’t know, it could be a tumor. I don’t know, only the female

    carrying the baby would know the existence of the child.

    Where do you think belief was created? The man. It originated with the man.

    That’s where religion was created, because he never knew. He never experienced

    childbirth, never carried a child.

    The woman is the first to know about life.

    If you are a Muslim do you believe in Allah? Of course. Have you ever met Jesus or

    Allah? It all stems from belief. To make you believe in something.

    Supreme math: math is a trick, take the # 9. If you say 9+9=18, or 2+9=18. Any

    multiple of 9=9. That’s how we were supposed to learn math. 9+9=18+9=27.

    2+7=9. We know the magic power of the # 9.Because you can take

    10,20,30,40,50,60,70,80,90 and come up with the #9. See how quickly it comes.

    That’s how it is supposed to come. They teach our children and they taught us in

    reverse order.

    Here we are. Are we here? NO, only you are here.

    Religion you can’t confirm 

    We should stop reacting and just act. Reacting lowers our vibration. If we act on

    our own and be originators. That’s what we need to do.  

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    Homosexuality: two types (1) Born that way. (2) Those who are converted to it.

    We do accept born that way. Not particularly converted that is for lust. When you

    are born that way you take a life partner. Women in a male body and male in a

    female body. Through conversion you may have been tainted through cohersion.

    Even the word itself is a trick word. Homo it means male sexuality. We don’t

     judge, as Nuwaupians that’s your choice.

    Letters: rumors if he sends us letters. If you are given a passkey seal and he draws

    it on your letter or he will send it to us so it can get to you faster. If you have

    doctrine questions he may send it to us to add in The Actual Facts. But he doesn’t

    send us his personal letters/information. Only seals and doctrine questions.

    The real terrorist is the gangs and they are not scared of killing cops.

    Everything you watch on TV from the time you turn it on until you turn it off is

    staged. Please know that. It’s something they want you to see. 

    We are listening to our doctrine about the importance of the female. The males

    are important too. So females don’t do that, we know we are dealing with PaaNazdur who can take Genesis ch. 3 and explain it in many ways. We have to

    remain feminine with quiet, dignity and grace. Don’t become godless. To buck

    your consort you are with now. Let’s keep it real. 

    No drinking of male fluids from the first day of the 7th

     month of pregnancy until

    the womb is back in place. Also, NO intercourse.


    Q: If the men are not from here, then where are they from?

    A: I will ask.

    Q: Do dematerialization have anything to do with him getting free?

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    Comment: The men came from the spiritual plane so they are spiritual beings.

    Q: How long does it take for the womb to get back in place?

    A: I will ask.

    Q: It says men are from above. Where we (men) up there by ourselves or were

    women there also?

    A: Will ask

    The Nazduru they rule everything.

    Q: can you explain trapped in a relationship again?

    A: Trapped in a relationship is like trapped in a boat in the middle of the ocean.

    Your soul encompasses it and you don’t even think anymore. It’s the DNA you

    have taken in over the years that has taken over and if you don’t wait the proper

    amount of time between relationships you have a war going on in your body.

    Q: Was it staged; there were 3 different UFO sightings last night (Monday Sept13th, 2010)?

    A: No. They are coming for their food. He says they are going to be a lot more


    Q: When you have a virgin getting married and they start having sexual relations,

    does she become him?

    A: The Actual Facts, Paa Taraq and if he’s not having other sexual relations with

    other women. So if she has only been with one man she is fine. That’s how it is

    supposed to be.

    Q: If the male is supposed to be more years older than the woman

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    A: If it’s done correctly, he has to be 25years old and she is 21 years old. They

    should be righteous, but as adults it’s not realistic. It would not be any fault on

    her or him for what he or she did not know. Also, all the answers are in PAA

    TARAQ. If you come on Thursdays they can be answered.

    Q: In some of the books Re Har Akhet is in the womb, and he has the head of a

    Falcon. If it is him, is the baby in an egg?

    A: It’s inside a sack; it can be considered an egg. 

    Q: In the reading it says Re Har Akhet is in a crystal, is that like an egg?

    A: I will ask.


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