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BOB - 9

Chris YoungThe Campus

“With a wallet quickly empty-ing, and no jobs around, what is

Bob to do?”

One of the biggest problems facing college students, especially be-ginning college students, is finding a job.

For example, Bob is a fresh-faced young student right out of high school. He likes to spend time with his friends, and is very in-volved in theatre. His girlfriend, Jane, is also attending the same college. This semester Bob decides he wants to take 16 units. He gets along well for the first half of the semester, does well in his classes, participates in a play for Drama, and spends time with his girlfriend. Soon though, he finds that he’s running low on cash, and his parents are refusing to give him more, insisting he gets a job.

Bob thinks this will be an easy task, and tells himself that he’ll head out to pick up applications the next day. But then he starts to discover that get-ting a job isn’t so easy. His homework demands time, he has to practice for his play, his friends and girlfriend want to spend time with him, and he has hardly any time to pick up applications. Eventually he does end up

One of the great benefits of being a stu-dent at COS is access to the Student

Health Center.The Student Health Center, located in the

Sycamore building next to the book store, of-ten goes unnoticed by the majority of COS students. These unaware students are at a great loss.

The Health Center provides many over the counter medications, such as Advil or Ibuprofen, to any COS student for free. All one must do is ask at the main desk then en-ter their Campus ID or Social Security num-ber. Birth control pills and condoms are also freely available through the campus connec-tions with Planned Parenthood.

Most health consultations are free and no appointment is necessary. However, a fee is charged for pregnancy tests and hepatitis B shots.

Although the health center provides many free services to students, it does not provide health insurance. The health center can pro-vide a great deal of information concerning outside available health plans upon request.

Other services can also be discovered through just a simple request. Most students are unaware that massages are available on campus for a discounted student price.

Free counseling services are also avail-able, as well as quick medical checkups. Stu-dents should not hesitate from walking in to the small clinic at any time.

As college students, it is important to take advantage of these services. As a commuter college, many students’ homes are far from school and some are responsible for homes of their own. With such responsibilities added upon ones education, life can easily become stressful

and hectic. It is important to take care of your body, physically and mentally, in order to be successful on or off campus.

Drew ReaganThe Campus

needs a jobpicking up a few applications, but even then, the companies never call back. With a wallet quickly emptying, and no jobs around, what is Bob to do? Well, luckily, COS has the answer. One day, while walking through the Sequoia Building, Bob sees a large panel that he’s never noticed before. The entire length of it is posted with bulletins, descriptions of jobs from businesses that need workers. Secretary positions, tutoring jobs, casino dealers, technician workers, even the guys that stand on street corners waving large signs. All you

have to do is walk into room 106 (the room right next to the panel) and they’ll print out the information you need to contact the busi-ness and get your new job.

In addition, all of the jobs given through COS give recommendations to the student

applying, so you’ve got a good chance of getting the job you apply for.

In a college lifestyle, jobs are difficult to find time for and nearly impossible to be accepted into. If you need help finding a job, the Career Center is a priceless resource.

• Over the counter medication available for free.• Birth control is available.• Obtain free condoms.• Massages at a discounted price for students are also optional.• Quick medical check ups.• Get information about health insurance plans. • No appointment necessary, just walk and give them your id number.

Health Center Check List



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