  • Paladin THE

    Knights of Columbus Arden/Carmichael Council 4970 District 9 – Division 4 Serving St. Ignatius of Loyola and Our Lady of the Assumption Parishes


    Grand Knight's Message: Taming the Grinch and COVID-19 By Grand Knight Michael Dougherty

    In one of the best-known Dr. Seuss children’s tales, and the popular film version we watch with our kids and grandkids every Christmas, a physically and socially odd boy in the town of Who-ville is teased and rejected by his peers, causing him to morph into a hate-filled recluse, known simply as “the Grinch.” Although he launches an elaborate revenge to steal Christmas from the village, stripping it of all presents, decorations, food, and external means of celebrating, his treachery is undermined by a small child in whom the Christmas spirit is strong. She not only revives the deeper meaning of Christmas through songs and holding of hands, but she also convinces the town to include the Grinch, causing his shrunken heart to grow, so he forgives the past, embraces Christmas, and returns all the things he took.

    Omitted from this emotionally uplifting secular tale is any reference to the birth of the Christ Child, the true source and spirit of Christmas. In a strange way, thanks to the COVID-19 shutdown, we are all experiencing a very real Grinch-like theft of our own Christmas and New Year.

    It is hardly a fiction that extended isolation from loved ones can generate Grinch-like anger, resentment, or depression. But so can being too closed-in with the same faces and “sameness” daily, without a break. We must not let these deprivations from family, church, schools, jobs, or an overdose of proximity to our kids or spouse stop us from

    Continued on Page 2

    What is in a name? By Will Friesen

    Have you ever wondered about the names of Christmas? We say Merry Christmas which reflects Christ in the middle of our Celebration.

    The Spanish say Feliz Navidad. Natividad literally translates Nativity. Navidad is a live Natividad. Again, a reflection the birth of our savior in the nativity.

    In France we hear Joyeux (pronounced Joy) Noël. Creche de Noël refers to the nursery of the Nativity. Thus, like the Spanish, the French are wishing us a happy nativity season.

    Continued on Page 3

    Veterans in the 117th

    Congress, 2021 By Dan Aseltine, Lecturer

    A new Congress will be sworn into office on January 3, 2021. The number of Veterans serving in the next Congress, the 117th, will be at its lowest in several decades. As the absolute number of Veterans in the country declines, so does the number of Congressional members who served in the military.

    With the understanding that some elections have not yet been finally determined, it appears 16 new Veterans will be entering the Senate and House of Representatives in January.

    Continued on Page 2

    New Year’s Resolutions By Mark Neuburger

    As we begin the new year it’s a common habit for many of us to reflect on our experiences over the past year as way to generate ideas for a new year’s resolution(s). Of course, the wrinkle with this year’s tradition of self-reflection is that all of us have shared many of the same experiences remotely, virtually or with whatever synonym of upheaval you prefer. The overarching theme of these conversations with friends and family is the behaviors we’ve taken up to adapt to, or more likely cope with, the shared twists and turns of the past year. A friend recently distilled these behaviors into four categories as follows, “during the

    Continued on Page 4


    Continued from Page 1 – Taming the Grinch and COVID-19

    expressing and sharing the real Joy of Christmas—that the Lord is come and remains among us always, even beyond death. Let us grab every opportunity we can to be more patient and loving and caring to our spouse, our family and each other every day. And let us not forget to be kind to ourselves. If we are feeling a touch of the Grinch, maybe we can downsize the secular side of Christmas a bit this year, ease up on those expectations we place on ourselves, and nurture the Spirit instead.

    This COVID-19 crisis shall pass. Brother and Sister Knights and their families are helping lead the way. At both OLA and SI parishes, our Knights and parishioners are joining with our dedicated pastors to help our people stay connected to Mass and the prayer life of the Church: by steadfastly setting up and taking down tables, chairs, and propane heaters for outdoor masses each time they are allowed to occur; by hosting a bi-weekly rosary on Zoom every first and third Tuesday and a Bible Study on Zoom every first and third Wednesday; by keeping the Paladin and parish bulletins going, and by simply keeping our Council zoom meetings alive. One sure way to rekindle the Love and Joy of Christmas in our hearts is to join in some part of this effort--helping with one of the masses or joining the Zoom rosary or Bible study. And if you can’t join any of those, read the bulletins and newsletters aloud, and pray as often as you can at home together. Vivat Jesus.

    Continued from Page 1 – Veterans in the 117th Congress, 2021

    These 16 freshmen will be part of the 91-member cohort of Veterans serving in the new Congress. The House of Representatives will have 74 Veterans among its total membership of 435; the Senate will have 17 Veterans among its total membership of 100. Thus, Veterans will constitute approximately 17% of each house.

    In 1969, at the height of the Vietnam War, approximately three-quarters of Congress had military experience. Since then, the number of Veterans in Congress has been declining for a number of reasons. First, Veterans leaving Congress in recent years outnumber Veterans entering Congress. Second, the absolute number of Veterans in the population is declining because so many from the World War II and Korea eras are passing on. Third, the elimination of the draft in 1973 (near the end of the Vietnam era) has led to a shrinkage in the size of the US military, thereby producing fewer Veterans.

    Here is a snapshot of the steady decline in the number of Veterans serving in Congress over the past five decades:

    Within California’s Congressional representation, five members of the House of Representatives are Veterans. Neither Senator from California is a Veteran. Veterans Campaign is one group addressing this issue. It is a non-partisan, non-ideological, educational non-profit with a mission to encourage, mentor, and prepare Veterans for

    a “second service” in civic leadership. For further information on this organization, see



    Grand Knight Michael Dougherty (916-470-7599)


    Fr. Eduino Silveira (916-481-5115) [email protected]

    Deputy Grand Knight

    Josh Figueroa (707-812-4894)

    Financial Secretary Dcn. Larry Niekamp (916-962-1324)


    Brandon Glass

    Warden Rick Di Regolo (916-966-1654)


    Bill Davis (916-944-1348) Ben Dougherty (916-470-7599)


    Steve Millner (916-502-3162)

    Recorder Tim Spinelli (916-812-0518)


    Todd Wilson (916-961-2761)

    Lecturer Dan Aseltine (510-381-1357)


    Joe Romanazzi (916-965-4633) Peter Kilkenny (916-692-5446) Miguel Sabral (916-397-1728)

    District Deputy - District 9

    Peter Mendenhall (916-616-6941)

    Insurance Field Agent

    Greg Bronson (530-503-7473)[email protected]


    Continued from Page 1 – What is in a Name?

    The Germans wish us fröhliche Weihnachten—Happy holy night. Holy is not quite an exact translation, as the verb weihen means to consecrate, dedicate, or sanctify. Either way it is making the night of the birth of Christ a most special night.

    In Ireland they say Nollaig shona dhuit! (pronounced null-egg hunna qwitch). This means Happy December to you. It is a greeting that predates the birth of Christ, but now is used to mean Merry Christmas.

    In Sweden we hear God Yule. This is very simply Good Yule. The Yule celebration is more about the winter solstice. On the shortest day of the year, it was a tradition to burn a large log in your fireplace to keep you warm through the longest night of the year. Today we know the yule log more by the dessert named for it.

    In Hawaii we hear Mele Kalikimaka. The roots of this are only a couple hundred years old. It is more gibberish that anything. Some who have tried to translate come up with “yellow fish on the beach.” Its true origin is that when the English missionaries brought the tradition of Christmas to the islands, the natives struggled with some English words. The “r” sound was very difficult and often came out as an “l”. Thus merry became Mele. The rest is some how Christmas. This one is truly Merry Christmas as it never meant anything else.

    My Christmas prayer is that Christ always be the center of your celebration.

    The Lord Gave Us a Towering Mountain to Ascend for

    the 2020 ID Drive PGK Joe Romanazzi and ID Drive Chairman

    The Lord gave us a towering mountain composed of COVID-19 to ascend for 2020’s challenging ID “Tootsie Roll” Drive. But with a bounty of blessings from His loving hands and contributions and support from many people, we made it to the summit and finished our lofty climb for the benefit of the special campers of Camp ReCreation. Our Council’s total results for this event were $12,278.31 in donations, plus one new member from OLA Parish, Brother Vince Gigi. Glory to the Father!!

    “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and

    become more, you are a leader.” ― John Quincy Adams ― 6th US President

    “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the

    day you find out why.” ― Mark Twain

    Program Directors

    Sr. Program Director

    Josh Figueroa (707-812-4894)


    FAMILY Shawn Herrick (916-607-0404)


    Loren Wallin(916-878-7777)

    LIFE John Mizerak (916-332-5511)


    Will Friesen (916-225-2440)

    Selected Service Committees

    Parish Liaisons

    SI: Mike Fazio (973-747-6007)

    OLA: Peter Kilkenny (916-692-5446)


    Loren Wallin (916-723-2970)

    Membership Director

    Joe Kievernagel (916-487-7029)

    Membership Committee

    Ken Macdonald (916-631-0774)

    Public Relations

    Gene Gobbo (916-283-5223) [email protected]

    Paladin Content Editor Mike Fazio (973-747-6007)

    [email protected]

    Paladin Layout Editor Will Friesen (916-225-2440)

    [email protected]


    Jerry Marenich(916-514-8027)

    Website Will Friesen (916-225-2440)

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    Continued from Page 1 – New Year’s Resolutions

    the pandemic you became a chunk, a hunk, a drunk or a monk to get through the past nine months.” ( I want to clarify for readers that have taken holy orders, a monk in this behavioral continuum refers to lay people who actively avoid connecting with friends and family).

    I will admit this quad-based wisdom resonated with me; I know a person who has adopted one or more of these behaviors over the past nine months as their “go to” coping mechanism. Setting aside the physical and mental health risks of each of these four behaviors, I think it’s best to point out that each of these habits is not spiritually good for the long term. This is due to the reality that all four behaviors, when reduced to their fundamentals, are a different approach to satisfying self-focused needs. Unfortunately, this year finding an exit off this self-centered road is made difficult given that devising a new year’s resolution invites us to look inward to identify behaviors that turn us into our better selves. In the past I’ve commonly made resolutions dedicated to achieving my goals, satisfying my needs, or making my dreams a reality. This year the “my” in the new year’s resolution will be joined with a greater group, what does my family need, what does my community need, what do others need from me. I am certain that I’ve heard many excellent January homilies that have asked me to set aside my selfish pre-occupations and do something for others. The difference this year is that I am ready to listen and follow.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

    Council raises over $1100 for Bishop Gallegos

    Maternity Home By PGK Deacon Larry Niekamp, Financial Secretary

    Among the downs of this year, there was at least one UP! Your donations to support the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home exceeded all past years – over $1100. On December 23, Deacon Larry and his wife Lady Norma Niekamp delivered the gifts that we were able to purchase for the home. Paulette, the home’s director, had told us what they really needed, and so we brought them 24 baby health kits (including thermometers) to be given to each Mom, 8 queen bed sheet sets, 8 queen mattress protectors, and 6 desk lamps. Lady Knights Jean Gobbo and Norma Niekamp did the shopping. In addition, we were also able to give a gift card to each of the staff members, thanking them for their service. In partnership with the St. Vincent de Paul Food Locker at St. John the Evangelist parish, where many of our members serve, we also delivered about 20 large-size cans of fruit, vegetables, chili, etc. We missed the opportunity to gather as a council this year to visit with the Moms and babies and to deliver the gifts, but through your generosity we were able to help support them as we have in the past. Thank you.


    Names on the sick/distress list are removed after being on the list for more than one year. Names may be reinstated simply by contacting Will Friesen at [email protected], or by personal request at any meeting. Some very long-term entries (marked with an asterisk) will remain since they are known special cases. Names will continue to be removed each month as their anniversary occurs.

    Brothers, families and friends listed below will be remembered during our

    business meetings:

    Aborted Children All Caregivers of the sick

    Milt Amaral (dec)… Steve Robinson (dec, son-in-law of

    Gene Gobbo)

    Jerry Butler Bruce Collins

    Bill Davis Ray Fischbach

    Bob Kelnhofer’s grandson Chuck Mentzer (uncle of John Bartel)

    Chris Obodoefuna (dec)… Michael Scott*

    Christopher Scott* Russ Spear(dec).

    Patty Kochis Dick Hall

    Chuck Cuny

    Lady Knights:

    Barbara Wroblicky Luisita Visitacion (dec)

    To report illness or death contact Fraternal Committee

    GK Michael Dougherty


    JOE’S CAFÉ…Stop by for a tasty bit! - A Recipe for Success PGK Joe Romanazzi

    This month Joe’s Café is sharing a special recipe with the readers of this column. It’s the Café’s tried and true Recipe for Success. The Café’s version uses simple ingredients and always comes out perfect because it is Heavenly inspired. No other Recipe for Success combines more wholesome ingredients for nourishing our bodies and our souls any better than what the Café dishes up. The genesis of this article was the spotting of a small wall plaque in my optometrist’s office with three words—LIVE * LAUGH * LOVE. I decided to check out the popular phrase to learn more about it. It turns out that the phrase is credited to American writer, Bessie Anderson Stanley (March 25, 1879 – October 2, 1952). It formed the basis of an essay she wrote for a magazine contest in 1904. The challenge was to answer the question “What is Success” and to do it in 100 words or less. Mrs. Stanley’s entry was the contest winner and earned her a $250 prize.

    Mrs. Stanley’s winning essay reads:

    He achieved success who has lived well, laughed often, and loved much; Who has enjoyed the trust of pure women, the respect of intelligent men and the love of little children; Who has filled his niche and accomplished his task; Who has never lacked appreciation of Earth's beauty or failed to express it; Who has left the world better than he found it, Whether an improved poppy, a perfect poem, or a rescued soul; Who has always looked for the best in others and given them the best he had; Whose life was an inspiration; Whose memory a benediction.

    Reflecting on the above essay, and what we observe going on all around us these days, things have certainly gone haywire. We know part of the reason is our society often links acquired wealth and possessions to measure human success. This then begs the question: what is the purpose of our lives? If we are to believe the hard-sell advertising we are bombarded with every day on television and social media outlets, more is better. We will not be happy or successful unless we keep adding to our bank accounts, our mountain of possessions, or unless we subscribe to someone else’s deviant morals and way of life.

    My Brothers, the Café’s recipe recognizes our purpose in life as both Catholics and Knights is to earn our way into Heaven. That’s the long and short of it. Achieving this goal defines Real Success both now and for the hereafter. We will get to Heaven by having faith, seeking to know God better, keeping the Ten Commandments, and following God’s will for us by loving Him and our neighbors as ourselves. The Prophet Jeremiah (30:22) says in the Old Testament: “You shall be my people and I shall be your God.” When we join together and form the body of Christ in our Council family and parish communities, we show deep love and affection for our God. This is made greater when we actively participate and invite other Catholic men to join us to live, laugh, and love ala Council 4970 style. Our dedication and determination never go unnoticed by Our Lord. The late American poet Maya Angelou said, “If you find it in your heart to care for somebody else, you will have succeeded. The sentiments expressed in the essay and in the quote pretty much sum up our work as righteous Knights in Arden-Carmichael Council 4970. WE LIVE * WE LAUGH * WE LOVE and equally important, WE SERVE * WE CARE!!!

    Call for Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home Assistance For more than ten years our council has helped support the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home here in Sacramento. This year the home's director has told us that they need new sheets for all the beds. You can send your donation by check payable to:

    Knights of Columbus 4970 PO Box 175 Carmichael, CA 95609

    or Pay online by credit card using the link on the Life Programs page our Council website:



    Our council can take pride in our new storage room at Saint Ignatius of Loyola. PGK Miguel Sabral led a small band of volunteers including Brothers Bill Davis, Joe Romanazzi and Rich Romo to help him install wood shelves in our new storage room on December 3, 2020. The room is located in the Parish Center, just steps away from the kitchen used to prepare our pancake breakfasts. Brother Miguel assessed the space, took measurements, and purchased the materials. He did much of the necessary pre-work at his home to ensure an efficient and clean project. As the photos show, the mission was expertly accomplished. Our supplies were moved into our new digs immediately following the shelves going up. We have a new storage room that meets our needs and one that we can all take pride in. Pictures of Pope Saint John Paul II and of our Founder, Blessed Father Michael J. McGivney, are proudly displayed on the wall in our new space.

    First photo Front Row: (L to R) Brothers Joe Romanazzi and Rich Romo; Back Row: (L to R) Brothers Miguel Sabral and Bill Davis. Second and third photos show the new shelves and the rest of the space.

    Men’s Bible Study January 6 and 20 at 7-8 p.m.

    On Zoom- Contact Michael Fazio at [email protected] for Zoom Link and more information

    Calling all men to an engaging discussion of the previous Sunday’s gospel. Below are the readings and a preview of our discussion questions. Hope you can join us.

    January 6

    Reading Gospel from Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord: Matthew 2:1-12 Question: Then they opened their treasures and offered him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. What gifts do I have to offer the Lord? How can I place these gifts at the service of God and God’s people?

    January 20

    Reading Gospel from Second Week in Ordinary Time: John 1:35-42 Question: The two disciples heard what he said and followed Jesus. How have I heard the voice of the Lord? How can I follow Jesus more closely?

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    Council 4970 hosts Novena for Father Dave Ayotte By Michael Fazio, Editor

    Council members and Saint Ignatius parishioners were saddened to learn that Father Dave Ayotte, a brother Knight and priest who previously served at Saint Ignatius, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Pancreatic Cancer. As he began treatment, our council sought the intercession of our founder, Blessed Michael McGivney, to cure Father Dave of his cancer. The Council lead a Novena from December 9- 17 over Zoom. Over 280 people prayed the Prayer for Canonization of Blessed Father McGivney over the course of the nine-day Novena, with the special intention of asking the favor of a cure for Father Dave's cancer. Father McGivney was beatified on October 31, 2020 and needs one more miracle to be recognized as a Saint. As a parish priest, we pray Father McGivney will be the perfect intercessor for Father Dave, a wonderful priest, homilist, confessor, and advocate for social justice.

    A CaringBridge site has been set up by two parishioners from Father Dave’s current parish (St. Monica’s) that will have updates on Father Dave's health and regular messages from him to those who know and love him. A Google calendar has been created for all the prayer services, Novenas, and plans for Father Dave, which are taking place around the world.


    Google Calendar:

    We ask all Knights and Lady Knights to pray the Prayer for Canonization of Blessed Father McGivney for Father Dave:

    God, our Father, protector of the poor and defender of the widow and orphan, you called your priest, Blessed Michael McGivney, to be an apostle of Christian family life and to lead the young to the generous service of their neighbor. Through the example of his life and virtue, may we follow your Son, Jesus Christ, more closely, fulfilling his commandment of charity and building up his Body which is the Church. Let the inspiration of your servant prompt us to greater confidence in your love so that we may continue his work of caring for the needy and the outcast. We humbly ask that you glorify Blessed Michael McGivney on earth according to the design of your holy will. Through his intercession, grant the favor I now present, for Father Dave Ayotte to be cured of his cancer. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

    Knights provide valuable assistance for Christmas Masses By Michael Fazio, Editor

    The parking lot of Saint Ignatius was filled with cars and the Christmas spirit as Saint Ignatius hosted two outdoor, drive-in Christmas masses on December 24th and 25th. Parishioners participated in the mass in their cars with an altar in front of the Parish Center, music performed inside the Parish Center, and everything broadcast through the radio. Council members PGK Miguel Sabral, Rich Romo, Shawn Herrick, Michael Fazio, and Mark Neuburger served as ushers, helping cars find their places in line. Christmas Eve mass saw 64 cars participate, with 36 cars on Christmas Day. Our Council members even assisted some parishioners whose batteries died during mass. The priests at both masses recognized the contribution of the Knights, and members were showered with a “honking” ovation in thanks for the work we did. It was a great effort that may lead to future drive-in masses. And it was great to be together serving Christ again in this outdoor setting. Merry Christmas!



    ARDEN – CARMICHAEL COUNCIL 4970 PO BOX 175 Carmichael CA 95609

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