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PALEO CHOC-NUTTY BITES Quick & Super Easy Paleo Candy Recipe!

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Now and then, everyone has chocolate cravings. No need to feel guilty about it. In fact, craving

chocolate (dark) is a good thing because it benefits the body in more ways than one. If you’re on the

Paleo diet, don’t feel that you’re deprived of this luxury. Here is a Paleo-friendly chocolate recipe sure to

win you over and put a smile to your face.

Ingredients for 10-12 bites

100g Dark Chocolate Bits

¼ cup Coconut Flakes

2 tablespoons Coconut Oil

1 cup halved walnuts (or your favourite nut)

Pinch of sea salt

Things you’ll need

A medium-sized heat resistant or microwavable bowl

A 12-hole silicone mini muffin or ice cube mould (if you have ice cube moulds in fun shapes, even


A spoon for mixing and scooping the mixture into the moulds

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Place the dark chocolate bits into the bowl and put it in the microwave. Set your microwave to medium

(50%) power or power level 5 for 2 minutes. Your defrost setting will also do. Heat the dark chocolate on

this setting and let stand for another 2 minutes to let the chocolate soften further.

Stir the chocolate until smooth with your spoon, and then add the remaining ingredients but leave out

the walnuts. Mix well until all ingredients have blended together. Set aside.

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Take your silicone mould and place it on a baking tray. The tray just makes it easier to handle. Prepare

your silicone mould by filling two walnut halves (for mini muffin moulds) or one walnut half (for ice cube

moulds). You can fill it with more pieces if you’re a big fan of nuts.

If you’re using non-silicone type of moulds, make sure you rub a bit of coconut oil on them first. This will

make it easier to take them out of their moulds later on.

Next, pour or spoon the chocolate mixture into the moulds, making sure to cover the nuts completely. If

you’re pouring instead of spooning, it’s a good idea to use a pouring cup with a spout to direct the

mixture neatly into each mould.

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Once that’s done, place the mould (with the tray) in the freezer for 20-25 minutes to let set before

moving it to the fridge. Leave in the fridge until completely hardened.

When it’s ready, carefully push them out of their mould and store in an airtight container.

Paleo Choc-Nutty Bites need to be kept chilled in the fridge until ready to eat and will keep for months in

the fridge. To pretty them up, try wrapping them in different coloured foils.

The great thing about this recipe is it’s totally versatile. If you don’t fancy nuts, then spice it up with a

pinch of chilli powder and cinnamon powder. Add these ingredients with the coconut flakes, coconut oil,

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and salt, after the dark chocolate has softened. Adjust the intensity of these flavours to your liking; but

in this case, less is more.

For a fruity version, add your favourite berries in place of the walnuts. With fruits though, your

chocolate bites won’t last as long as berries make the bites spoil faster. A tip – make only one portion at

a time. Instead of using fruit bits, you can also use their juice instead. Chocolate works well with orange.

These mouth poppers are perfect as gifts. Once you’ve tried them, you’ll want to double or triple the

portions when you make them next. Your friends will find them simply irresistible!

A Little about the Ingredients

First, a bit about Paleo diet and what it is. For those not familiar with this diet, the simplest way to

describe is a diet that has you eating foods similar to caveman. Think all foods you could hunt or pick.

It’s the healthiest way to eat and works with your genetics, not against.

The ingredients used in the Paleo Choc-Nutty Bites are all Paleo-approved. Albeit, dark chocolate is not a

food you can hunt or pick, nor purely Paleo, it is allowed in moderation; but only chocolate that is 75%

or higher in cocoa content.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolates are known for their antioxidant properties. They are a rich source of minerals like

copper, magnesium, iron, and manganese. Due to low sugar content and the absence of milk solids in

dark chocolate, it is suitable for the Paleo diet followers, and a great snack to ease sweet cravings

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Coconut is popular and great for this diet. It comes in many varieties including milk, cream, juice, flour,

flakes, oil, and even butter. It is a great substitute for dairy and oil with high concentrations of medium

chain fatty acids known to boost metabolism. It is low in sugar and is easier to digest too. Coconut also

supports our thyroid function and immune system. Like all good foods, it also has antioxidant,

antibacterial, and antiviral properties.

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Nuts and seeds are very nutritious but should be consumed in moderation, as some do contain high

amounts of Omega-6 fatty acids and phytates. Walnuts are great because they have anti- proliferative

and antioxidant properties that can prevent cancer. It lowers cardiac risks by lowering cholesterol and

LDL cholesterol. It is one of the best sources for high omega-3 content, but also high in omega-6, so eat

in moderation. You’ll also find that walnut is a good source of magnesium, manganese and copper.

Sea Salt

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Salt is a tricky one because as cavemen, we didn’t use salt in our foods. That said, salt was derived from

other practices such as cooking in sea water or consuming sea weeds. In the modern-Paleo diet, the

alternative is to use sea salt, simply because it still holds many of its natural elements. Sea salt helps

regulate fluid balance, blood pressure in conjunction with water, and sleep. It promotes blood sugar

regularity, a healthy PH balance, sinus health, and, bone and skin health. It slows the aging process and

also supports our sex drive.

In a nutshell, Paleo diet is all about foods that are full of minerals and vitamin. You’d be surprised at all

the health benefits one can achieve following this diet and how tasty foods are in their most natural


Take the delicious Paleo Choc-Nutty Bites for example – taste naughty yet they’re healthy!

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