  • 7/23/2019 Palestinian Woman Dies After Tear Gas Inhalation as Settlers Seize Homes


    Palestinian woman dies after tear gas inhalation

    as settlers seize homes

    Palestinian students walk between cement blocks at a newly erected Israeli

    checkpoint in Jerusalems Jabal al-Mukabir neighborhood on 19 October.

    Mahou! "bu #urk"P" images

    $harlotte %il&er-'( October '(1)

    Israeli settlers assisted by occupation forces evicted Palestinians from two homes in

    the Baten al-Hawaarea ofSilwanin East Jerusalem on Monday.

    Separately an elderly Palestinian woman died the same day after sufferin! from the

    effects of Israeli tear !as her family said.

    "hey came at # a.m. one hundred soldiers$ %a&ai 'bu (ab one of the residents

    e)pelled by the settlers in Silwan told 'laraby "*.
  • 7/23/2019 Palestinian Woman Dies After Tear Gas Inhalation as Settlers Seize Homes


    "hey bro+e down the doors and forced us out. "hey smashed our furniture and threw

    it outside$ he added.

    Some two do,ens members of the 'bu (ab family are now homeless.

    'teret ohanim a far ri!ht or!ani,ation that helps settle Jews in East Jerusalem with

    the !oal of creatin! a Jewish ma&ority there claims the homes have belon!ed to the

    or!ani,ation since before #/0.

    Palestinians e)pelled from their property in Jerusalem and the rest of the country in

    #/0 and after are denied the ri!ht to recover it by Israel.

    Uri Blau@uri_blau2 Palestinian houses evicted today in#Silwan& handed to settlers. That'll surly calm things.

    Photos from last week

    5:27 AM - 19 Oct 2015

    'ccordin! to settlement watchdo! Peace (ow the settler population in Baten al-Hawa

    has doubled in the last year.
  • 7/23/2019 Palestinian Woman Dies After Tear Gas Inhalation as Settlers Seize Homes


    My mom is dying*

    1n Monday hundreds of Palestinians attended the funeralof 23-year-old Huda

    Muhammad 4arwish who died after she was delayed on her way to a hospital due to

    Israeli movement restrictions in East Jerusalem.

    4arwish fled her home early Monday mornin! after it was filled with tear !as fired by

    Israeli forces in the villa!e of Issawiyeh family members said. %elatives tried to ta+e

    4arwish to a hospital but their car was held up by Israeli forces.

    't around 5 a.m. my mother started feelin! ill because of the tear !as fired in the

    villa!e$ one of 4arwish6s sons told the 7adi Hilweh Information enter a local news


    He said they headed toward the villa!e6s eastern entrance the only way in or out since

    Israel sealed the main entrance to Issawiyeh as part of its crac+down on Palestinians in


    "here were a lot of people at the chec+point so we tried to pass the other cars but a

    soldier opened fire towards our vehicle$ the son e)plained.

    7e were held up the soldier swore at us and searched us. I told him my mom is

    dyin!. 'fter half an hour another soldier told him to chec+ on the health condition of

    my mother who showed clear si!ns of severe illness. 'fter that they let us pass$ he


    7hen we reached the hospital she was admitted to intensive care and &ust 8 minutes

    later we were told she had died.$

    1ne of 4arwish6s sons e)plained what happened in this video9

    +arbed wire

    "he death of Huda 4arwish is a direct conse:uence of the measures ordered by Prime

    Minister Ben&amin (etanyahu to close off Palestinian nei!hborhoods in East

    Jerusalem to appease public outcry over a series of attac+s that have +illed ei!ht

    Israelis since the start of 1ctober.
  • 7/23/2019 Palestinian Woman Dies After Tear Gas Inhalation as Settlers Seize Homes


    Israeli Border Police stop Palestinians leavin! the East Jerusalem nei!hborhood of

    Issawiya on 3 1ctober.1ren ;iv'ctiveStills

    Meanwhile at least /5 Palestinians and one Eritrean refu!ee have also been

    +illed.'ccordin!to the Palestinian 'uthority health ministry of the slain

    Palestinians were 2 years old or youn!er.

    "he ministry reportsthat more than 088 Palestinians have been in&ured by live fire

    or rubber-coated steel bullets as protests continuethrou!hout the 7est Ban+ and in


  • 7/23/2019 Palestinian Woman Dies After Tear Gas Inhalation as Settlers Seize Homes


    "he mother of Ehab Hanani # mourns durin! her son6s funeral in the villa!e of Beit

    =uri+ near the 7est Ban+ city of (ablus on > 1ctober. "he teen was shot dead by

    Israeli forces durin! a protest near (ablus the previous day.

    (edal Eshtayah'P' ima!es

    Israel reportedly plansto completely seal off Issawiyeh with cement bloc+s and barbed


    It has almost completely sealed off East Jerusalem6s Jabal al-Mu+abirnei!hborhood

    from the rest of the city with a prefabricated wall that also separates Palestinian homes

    from each other.
  • 7/23/2019 Palestinian Woman Dies After Tear Gas Inhalation as Settlers Seize Homes


    ' Palestinian man wal+s past a newly erected temporary wall installed by Israel in the

    East Jerusalem nei!hborhood of Jabel al-Mu+abir # 1ctober.

    1ren ;iv'ctiveStills

    (etanyahu has reportedlyhalted construction of the wall but Israel continues to place

    chec+points and roadbloc+sthrou!hout East Jerusalem.


    Israeli police say they are investi!atin!the lynchin! of a seriously in&ured Eritrean

    refu!ee followin! the fatalshootin!of an Israeli soldier at a bus station in Bir al-

    Saba?Beer Sheva@ on Sunday.

    Israeli authorities named the assailantas A-year-old Muhannad al-':abi aPalestinian Bedouin citi,en of the state who lives in the (a:ab ?(e!ev@town ofHura.

    4urin! the incident a security !uard shot A#-year-old Haftom ;arhum an asylum

    see+er from Eritrea apparently mista+in! him for a !unman.

    'fter he was shot a crowd of people +ic+ed the bleedin! ;arhum and shouted

    obscenities at him. He died from his wounds a few hours later in hospital.,7340,L-4712997,00.html,7340,L-4712997,00.html
  • 7/23/2019 Palestinian Woman Dies After Tear Gas Inhalation as Settlers Seize Homes


    "he attac+ was captured on video.

    Punishments or non-Jews only

    Israeli culture ministerMiri %e!evcalled on the !overnment to revo+e the

    citi,enshipof al-':abi6s mother who was born in as if they are forei!ners whose residency it can arbitrarily


    %ettler attacks

    Elsewhere in the occupied 7est Ban+ some A88 Israeli settlers attac+ed Palestinianvilla!es near Hebron on Sunday ni!htMa6an (ews '!ency reported.

    "hey threw firebombs at Palestinian homes settin! some on fire local residents and

    medics said. Meanwhile Israeli soldiers assisted the settlers by firin! tear !as and live

    ammunition at Palestinians tryin! to aid families under attac+.
  • 7/23/2019 Palestinian Woman Dies After Tear Gas Inhalation as Settlers Seize Homes


    1ne Palestinian was in&ured with live ammunition durin! the settler rampa!e.

    Israel continued its campai!n of raids and arrests in the 7est Ban+ detainin! more

    than 58Palestinians over the wee+end.

    1n Saturday Israeli forces shot dead five Palestiniansin the 7est Ban+ includin! East

    Jerusalem alle!in! they had tried to stab members of its forces.

    acist atmosphere

    "hrou!hout present-day Israel Palestinian citi,ensand others are at !rave ris+ of

    racist attac+s and outri!ht discrimination as the lynchin! of Haftom ;arhum


    Palestinians have been sub&ected to what human ri!hts !roups have condemnedase)tra&udicial e)ecutions in the streets.

    'n increasin! number of municipalities are bannin! Palestinians from wor+in! in

    schools and some cities are movin! to ban Palestinian employees

    alto!ether Haaret, reported.

    7hile some cities are presentin! their new security$ measures as race-neutral others

    are e)plicitly bannin! minorities.$

    'uthorities in Hod Hasharon for instance informed residents that school &anitors will

    be accompanied by security !uards throu!hout their wor+ on campuses.

    Si++uy an or!ani,ation that promotes the e:ual treatment of Palestinian wor+ers in

    present-day Israel denounced the deterioratin! conditions for Palestinian wor+ers

    amid the escalatin! violence.

    4ov Dhenin a lawma+er belon!in! to the Joint 'rab ist said these sorts of

    restrictions were ille!al.

    Meanwhile in another si!n of its !rowin! sensitivity to mountin! international

    criticism the Israeli !overnment is movin! forward with a billto bar the entry to the

    country of any non-citi,en who has called for a boycott of Israel includin! of !oods

    produced in 7est Ban+ settlements.
  • 7/23/2019 Palestinian Woman Dies After Tear Gas Inhalation as Settlers Seize Homes


    'li 'bunimah contributed reportin!.

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