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K. Hovnanian's Four Seasons atPalm Springs Community

Association3800 Four Seasons Boulevard

Palm Springs CA 92262760‐323‐3008


A community resident isinterested in starting a RoundRobin Tennis play for men onTuesdays and Thursdays.Watch for informationconcerning this in upcomingeblasts.There will be a Coffee HouseNight at the Lodge on October22 for residents only.Garage sale will be conductedon October 29 from 7 a.m. to12 p.m.. The Board approvedgate attendants to be presentto address entry at the gates.Flu Shots will be available atthe Lodge on October 29 from10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The costwill be $30 for flu shots and/or$65 for pneumonia shots forthose without insurance.Those having Medicare Part Bor other participating healthplan coverage will need tobring the correctdocumentation regarding proof

of coverage.Veteran’s Day celebrationincluding the traditional flagraising in front of the Lodgewill be conducted onNovember 11.Holiday Open House will beDecember 10 at the Lodge.The Board consented to allowthe annual Toy Drive for theholidays. The Palm SpringsFire Department has been veryappreciative of our pastdonations and continues torely on our community to helpthem reach their goals ofobtaining and distributingthese toys to as manydisadvantaged families as theycan.FOUR SEASONS NEIGHBORHOODORGANIZATION

~Michele Fuller

CERT Training will be providedOctober 6 and October 15 for$50. Anyone interestedshould contact the Palm

(The following is a synopsis of committee reports and decisions made by the Boardof Directors during the meeting and is not meant to be comprehensive orcomplete, but rather to be informational for those who did not or were not ableto attend the Open Board Meeting held on September 22, 2011.)

From The Director's Chair

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Newsletter WebsitePhoto SiteCalendar

BOARD OFDIRECTORSDiana GracePresidentSheilah ItsonVice PresidentChet PaniqueSecretaryRoger BallTreasurerJames FogartyJohn PapazianKen Wong

BOARD MEETINGSCHEDULE 201122 Sept ‐ 1:00 PM1 Dec ‐ 1:00 PM19 Jan ‐ 1:00 PM

Springs Fire Department forappointmental information.


Don said that the committeestill had a significantworkload, but that since build‐out they have started to see itbeginning to shrink. Hethought that things wereprogressing well. Thecommittee withdrew itsrequest. Therefore the exhibitB forms will continue to berequired for the foreseeablefuture.


The turf buy‐back project hasbeen completed. The HOAshould receive the $2500rebate by the end of themonth.Watering of the trees has beenimproved with changes in thewatering system (bubblers vs.spray) and wells providedaround the trees to retainwater. The trees areexpected to do much betterwith the changes.


The committee wanted toinstall do not enter signs atthe gated exits to thecommunity. The Board did notfeel it was necessary to postsigns and took no action on therequest.The committee has requestedto purchase a camera as atemporary measure to beinstalled at the exit gate tothe parking Lodge parking lotas a result of the theft offurniture from the east poolareas. The cameras will costabout $200 each. This wasapproved by the Board.Ross Willour has resigned fromthe committee and Dickexpressed the committee’sappreciation for hiscontributions.


Dick JewellL said that thecommittee is nearingcompletion of phase 1 of theirmission. They are about 1

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COMMUNITY ACCESSCONTROLDick JewellChairpersonRoger ConwayVice ChairpersonBrian BoeckmanVice ChairpersonBill CombsRoss WillourDick BergstromDavid SupinaDiana GraceBoard Liaison

RULES ANDREGULATIONSRobyn MaceriChairpersonJoan LopemanVice ChairpersonJeanne BlackburnSecretaryGloria KappGlen LockhartRoger BallBoard Liaison

meeting away from havingidentified all the documentsand the retentionrequirements for each ofthem. They will now focus onwhere they are being storedand attempt to eliminateunnecessary duplication wherepossible.


Ken Wong requested theappointments of PamelaSatterfield and Victoria Reeseas members to the committee.The Board approved theappointment.


The Board approved arecommendation to replace

the dishwasher in the Bistro.There was a recommendationby the committee regardingthe printer in the computerresource center in the Lodge.The committee asked that thecomputer be removed becauseof abuse by users andarguments that resulted fromits use. The Board approvedthe recommendation andinstructed staff to remove iteither when the toner inkcartridges ran out of ink, itquits working, or by the endof the month whichever occursfirst.The committee also notedwood surfaces that needpainting to preserve the woodand prevent it fromweathering. Staff wasinstructed by the Board toseek estimates.Craig recommended theappointment of RichardPiassoli as a new member forthe committee. The Boardapproved the appointment.Mark Dolan resigned from thecommittee and Craigexpressed the committee’sappreciation for hiscontributions.

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The committeerecommended lighting for thepool areas to keep themlighted 24/7. This would be ata cost of $349 a month. TheBoard did not support therecommendation and no actionwas taken by the Board.The committee recommendedinstallation of pyracanthahedges along the wash fromDesert Breeze Way to WindmillWay to prevent entry over thewall. The Board approved therecommendation.


The Board approvedreassignment of $50,000 fromthe Reserve Fund account20720 CD‐0010 maturing9/27/11 into the Comericachecking account because ofthe need for liquid funds in theReserve Fund as recommendedby the finance committee.The Board approved theReserve Study for 2012 asrecommended by the Financecommittee.

The Board approved the 2012Budget and there will be “NODUES INCREASE FOR 2012!”


The newsletter committee islooking for new members.Please apply if you areinterested.RULES AND REGULATIONSCOMMITTEE

~Robyn Maceri

Revisions for the ageverification and intent to rentforms were tabled until theDecember 1 meeting.The Board approved theappointment of ThomasJenkins as a new member forthe committee.


The Cabaret show has beensold out. 170 tickets were soldand it looks to be a good eventfor the HOA.The committee will sponsorthe Holiday Food Drive for theDesert Aids Project.


The Board approved adding anair conditioning register to thefront office to improve airflow.

NEW BUSINESSThe Board approved extendedhours of operation for theBistro for Sunday NightFootball.The Board approved a policy ofzero tolerance for workplaceabuse. Loud and/or obnoxious behavior will not betolerated which is directed atstaff.

ANNOUCEMENT OF NEXTMEETINGThe next Board meeting willon December 1 at 1:00 p.m. inthe Lodge Ballroom.Come on down and see yourBoard in action and keep upwith what’s happening in the“hood”.

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From the Editor's DeskARCHITECTURALDonald RichroathChairpersonJudy CrottsVice ChairpersonVicki KnabSecretaryMargo HobkirkRobert SaenzDiana GraceBoard Liaison


Bill RobertsChairpersonJim WettonVice ChairpersonRick HobkirkSecretaryJoan LopemanEdward LopatinRoger BallBoard Liaison

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COMMON AREALANDSCAPECy HegerichChairpersonDeanna SparksVice ChairpersonPat EllerdSecretaryChase BurkeJames FogartyBoard Liaison

NEWSLETTERVictor RanieriEditor, Photo Editor,WebmasterJim WettonTreasurerJim WettonSecretaryJan HowellReporter

Copy EditorSheilah ItsonBoard Liaison

If you have heart disease, fluseason can be a dangerous time.Death from influenza (flu) is morecommon among people with heartdisease than among people withany other chronic condition.Fortunately, getting a flu shot canreduce your risk of catching theflu or developing complicationsfrom the flu.Doctors have long recommendedthat older adults and other high‐risk groups get flu shots, but nowemphasize the importance of flushots for those with heart disease.The flu shot could preventthousands of flu‐relatedcomplications and deaths everyyear in people who have heartdisease.Why are flu shots important forthose with heart disease?According to the Centers for

Disease Control and Prevention(CDC), the flu is estimated tocause more than 36,000 deathsand 200,000 hospitalizationsannually in the United States. Therate of flu‐related complications iseven higher among people withheart disease.If you have heart disease, you'reat increased risk of complicationsfrom the flu — includingpneumonia, respiratory failure,heart attack and death. Havingthe flu can also cause dehydrationand worsen pre‐existingconditions, such as heart failure,diabetes or asthma.If you live with or care forsomeone who has heart disease,it's a good idea to get a flu shotyourself. If you're less likely tocatch the flu, so are others aroundyou, including those who haveheart disease.


By Mayo Clinic staff

Flu Shots

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SOCIAL COMMITTEERobert SaenzChairpersonMarian MartinezVice ChairpersonLinda WrightTreasurerKaren BellSecretaryLyn WrightChris DiDieuChuck BustosDavid SchlegelRose Marie KeyesSheilah ItsonBoard Liaison

FACILITIESCraig SilverChairpersonChuck BustosVice ChairpersonTony EllerdSecretaryMark T. DolanTom AlexanderJames FogartyBoard Liaison

Even if you get the flu despitehaving a flu shot, you'll probablyhave a less severe case of the flu.Getting a flu shot might evenlower your risk of a heart attack ifyou have heart disease.Is it safe to get a flu shot if I haveheart disease?Flu shots are safe for most peoplewho have heart disease. Get yourflu vaccine injected by needle,which is usually done in the arm.Some people develop mild armsoreness at the injection site, alow‐grade fever (about 99 to 100F, or 37 to 38 C) or muscle aches.These side effects usually go awaywithin a day or two.The flu vaccine that is given bynasal spray (FluMist) isn'trecommended for people withheart disease because it's madewith live virus that can trigger flusymptoms in people with heartdisease.Talk to your doctor before gettinga flu shot if:

You're allergic to eggsYou've had a serious allergic

reaction to the flu vaccine in thepast

You have a history of Guillain‐Barre syndrome that developedafter receiving a flu shot

You're sick with a fever at thetime you plan to get a flu shot

When should I get a flu shot?If you have heart disease, get theflu shot each fall when it becomesavailable, usually late Septemberthrough November. However, if flushots are still available and youhaven't yet received a vaccination,you'd still benefit from getting aflu shot in January or later. That'sbecause the flu season doesn'ttypically peak until January,February or March.Do I have to get a flu shot frommy cardiologist?You don't have to get your flu shotfrom your cardiologist. However,the American Heart Associationrecommends that cardiologistshave the flu shot available at theirclinics. The flu shot is alsoavailable through primary caredoctors, some specialists, publichealth departments, and somepharmacies. It's best to call aheadto determine if vaccine isavailable and when. Some placesmay require an appointment.

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Life is a Cabaret

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EMERGENCYPREPAREDNESSJim CrottsProject CoordinatorCal RahmannInventory ControlSecretary

Ross WillourVicki KnabJoan LopemanJanna JoosAl JacksonDiana GraceBonnie HonohanJim BayleChet PaniqueBoard Liaison

Come see the photos at our Photo website. Click on the imagebelow.

Ifi you have any pictures you would like to share withus, send them to the Photo Editor.

Veterans DayVeteran’s Day is Friday, November 11, 2011.We will be having our usual flag raising eventand invite all veterans and their families andfriends and residents of Four Seasons to comedown for the ceremony, and then indulge insome patriotic cake in The Lodge. Time will bedetermined later. Check the Novembercalendar and newsletter for final details.

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New Year's Eve

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IT’S THAT TIME AGAIN!As most of you know, theHomeowners Associationconducts two electionsannually to fill expired termsand vacancies for the Board ofDirectors and the DistrictDelegates. Since positions areheld by Four Seasonshomeowners, the opportunityto play an important role inthe ongoing and futurecommunity operations is opento one and all.

DISTRICT DELEGATESOur community has fivedistricts, per the CC&Rs. Eachmust have a Delegate andAlternate Delegate. Theseindividuals poll/vote on behalfof their district members, asrequested by the Board, onspecific issues. During the pastsix years such voting has beenrare, requiring little of thedelegates’ time. Notice ofElection and applications weresent out previously and theelection has been scheduledfor October 12, 2011,throughout the day, dependingon your district. Check yourofficial ballot to determine the

time for your district. Please,mail your ballot after votingand signing the yellowenvelope as soon as possible.You may also hand deliver yourvoted ballot to The Lodge orbring it to your scheduleddistrict meeting.

BOARD OF DIRECTORSBoard members are chargedwith various responsibilities,including adequate and fairrepresentation. They mustmake critical decisions, followapplicable laws, be responsive,and ensure community input isproperly evaluated. Inaddition, they act ascommittee liaisons, providingguidance and support. Theyare, in fact, representative ofus all. In late August each ofyou should have receivedwritten Notice of Electioninformation and a BoardApplication. Please give itserious thought. Board ofDirectors applications are dueby October 31, 2011.

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Coffee House Nightat The Lodge

Saturday, October 22, 2011 at6:30 PM The Lodge will besponsoring Coffee House Night.We will be serving a variety ofcoffees for residents and theirguests to enjoy.From a cultural standpoint,coffeehouses largely serve ascenters of social interaction:the coffeehouse providessocial members with a place tocongregate, talk, write, read,entertain one another, or passthe time, whether individuallyor in small groups of 2 or 3.Plan to join your neighbors andfriends at Coffee Central atThe Lodge in a friendlyenvironment with somerelaxing music. Or bring yourguitar and play some acousticmusic for other attendees.This is a free event.

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VoteCoffee House

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Daytime temperatures are stillwarm, but those night andearly morning temperaturesare nice and cool. That meansit's time to change the grass.For those of you just movinginto the Valley, it's probablynews to you that there are twolawns: summer and winter. Ifyou want a green lawn in thewinter, you'll need to plant itsoon; and your window to do itonly lasts from the middle ofSeptember to the middle ofOctober. Scalping in the fall isrecommended. ReseedingBermuda grass lawns withWinter Rye grass is required.For a lush green lawn, thereare some tasks to becompleted and timing isimportant. See the steps belowfor an easy how‐to list forcreating a beautiful winterlawn.INSTRUCTIONS:Mow grass normally, then dropthe mower and scalp theBermuda grass as close to theground as you possibly can.This mean you may have to cutthe grass a couple timeslowering the blade each time.Then rake away the excessgrass.The seed‐to‐lawn ratio is

about 20 pounds of seed forevery 1,000 square feet oflawn. After you've spread thegrass seed, spread a 1/4‐inchto 1/2‐inch layer of compostover the seed. Don't apply thecompost too heavily or you'llsuffocate the seed. Spreadingcompost is not requiredhowever it is suggested.REMEMBER:A dry seed is a dead seed. So,it’s important to keep the lawnmoist for the first 7 days.Water your new lawn 3 to 4times each day, in 3‐ to 5‐minute increments. Keep thesoil moist, but not wet (i.e. nostanding water). By the 7thday you should begin to seeyour new grass emerging.Allow the grass to grow 2inches, and then stop wateringyour lawn for 24 hours. Mowyour lawn, and then set up anew watering schedule.Note: Always water in themorning and fertilize regularlywith organics.

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Traffic RemindersStop, Look and Listen

Please be sure to stop at thestop signs and yield the rightof way to pedestrians,particularly at the intersectionof Savanna Way and FourSeasons Boulevard. Normaltraffic regulations apply whendriving in this community.

* * * * * * * * *Flu Shots

Flu shots will be available onSaturday, October 29, 2011 atThe Lodge between 10:00 amand 1:00 pm. Residents andguests will receive flu andpneumonia immunizations forfree if they have Medicare PartB or other participating healthplan coverage and they bringthe correct documentation ofproof of this coverage. Thosewithout insurance will pay $30for flu shots and/or $65 forpneumonia shots.

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Winter grass re‐seeding time!

New Directories are available.Pick up your updated directory at theReception Desk in The Lodge.

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The Wonders of ArtCan’t draw a straight line? That’s ok, they’re boring anyway.Would you be interested in an art class. I have someone interested in teaching a“Foundational Drawing” class. If I have 5 committed people interested in taking thisclass, I will set up a time and dates. The class would be 8 classes over 8 weeks, 2 hourseach class and would cost $55.00 per session.Please call or come into The Lodge to sign‐up. (760) 323‐3008

A good number of Residentsare once again putting outlightweight plastic bags fortrash pickup, and birds arehaving a field day scatteringnasty stuff all over our yards,sidewalks and streets.Just as a cautionary note, ifthis practice continues ourcurrent rule that allows theuse of sealed, heavy‐dutyplastic bags could be injeopardy. There was a timewhen all trash had to beplaced in cans with handlesand sealed lids. Ongoingproblems with strewn trashmay require that we revertback to that rule.Please do everything you canto follow our current rule,

which is stated below foryour quick reference:Page 7, General Rulesregarding Residential Lots,Paragraph 2.“Waste Disposal. All rubbishand trash storage facilities,

including garbage cans, shall bekept screened and concealedfrom view. All rubbish, trash,garbage, green waste andrecyclables shall be placed ineither sealed, heavy‐dutyplastic bags, cans withhandles and sealed lids or, inthe case of recyclables, inrecyclable bins provided by thedisposal services company.Wherever possible, suchcontainers should be placed forcollection the morning ofcollection, but no earlier than 5p.m. the evening prior to theday of collection, and should beremoved by dusk the day ofcollection.”Thank you for your help inkeeping our Community cleanand sanitary.

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A Note from the Rules & Regulations Committee

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Toy DriveWe will be collecting toys again this year for the holiday season. When you start yourholiday shopping, please remember the less fortunate in our valley. The Palm Springs FireDepartment has been very appreciative of our past donations and continue to rely on ourcommunity to help them reach their goals of finding and distributing to as manydisadvantaged families as they can.

Saturday, October 29, 20117 am – 12 pmThe bi‐annual Garage Sale willbe Saturday, October 29, 2011from 7:00 am to 12:00 pm.Please sign up at The Lodge.We need to have 10 residencesparticipating for theAssociation to pay for theadvertising in the Desert Sun.You will be required topurchase a permit from theCity of Palm Springs, but threehomes may go in together onone permit so it only costsabout $6 ‐ $7 per household.So now is the time to clean outyour garage and closets andmake a little money too. Cindywill buy permits on Monday,October 24th so you must signup and pay her the permit feeby that date.

Come in and sign up at TheLodge. The staff will be ableto give an exact cost perhousehold by October 18th orso, depending on participants.If we do not have 10residences participating, thecost of the advertising will beadded in and shared amongstthe participants. Checksshould be made out to FourSeasons at Palm Springs andnotate “Garage Sale” in thememo area. No cash accepted.If we have at least ten (10)homes participating, theAssociation will pay for the adin The Desert Sun. Our Rulesand Regulations allow two“Community Garage Sales” peryear, so now is the time toreorganize the closets andgarage and get rid of those

treasures you don’t useanymore.

Call or email Cindyat The Lodge,

[email protected] (760) 323‐3008 for more

information.* * * * * * * * *

Garage Sale

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Tennis Anyone?Four Seasons at Palm Springs is considering arranging men's round robin tennis to be held atthe Association's two tennis courts on Tuesday and Thursday of each week from 8:30 to 11:00a.m. The level of the tennis is to be USTA 3.0 to 4.0 or mid‐ C to low‐B players.Each day play will be limited to 8 players. The first 8 players who call on or before Friday willplay on Tuesday. The first 8 players who call on or before Monday will play on Thursday. Theway the event will work is each player will draw a number. Then players 1 and 2 will playagainst players 3 and 4. Players 5 and 6 will play against players 7 and 8. Four games will beplayed then the players will switch sides. It will be no add scoring with eight games played.The first team to win five games will be the winners. If the match goes to four games all, aone point tie breaker will be played. The team to serve will be chosen by a spin of a racket.When both courts finish, the winners at each court will change courts, the losers will stay.Then each winner will play the next match with one of the losers to be decided by a spin of aracket. This format shall continue for a total of four rounds.All men in the community that are interested in participating should fill out the form belowand mail or deliver it to Cindy Hayward at the Lodge.  I would like to participate in the men's round robin tennis. (Please print.) 

NAME:_________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS:______________________________________________________________PHONE NO.______________________ TENNIS LEVEL________________________

   If you have any questions about the tennis round robin you can call Tennis Coordinator DanielBoyle at 760‐325‐6433 after October 1, 2011.


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Health Corner

DEFINITIONGlycemic index diet is ageneral term for weight‐lossdiets that are based on yourblood sugar level. Manypopular commercial diets, dietbooks and diet websitesrevolve around the glycemicindex, including Nutrisystem,the Zone diet and SugarBusters.A glycemic index diet uses theglycemic index to guide youreating plan. The glycemicindex was originally developedto help improve blood sugarcontrol in diabetes. Theglycemic index classifiescarbohydrate‐containing foodsaccording to their potential toraise your blood sugar level.The glycemic index diet is nota true low‐carbohydrate dietbecause you don't have tocount carbohydrates (carbs).Nor is it a low‐fat diet. It alsodoesn't require you to reduceportion sizes or count calories.But the glycemic index dietdoes steer you toward certaintypes of carbs.

PURPOSEDiets based on the glycemicindex suggest that you eatfoods and beverages with lowglycemic index rankings tohelp you keep your blood sugarbalanced. Proponents say thiswill help you lose weight andreduce risk factors for certainchronic diseases.WHY YOU MIGHT FOLLOW THE

GLYCEMIC INDEX DIETYou might choose to follow theglycemic index diet becauseyou:• Want to change blood sugarimbalances related to yourcurrent diet• Want to change your overalleating habits• Don't want to count caloriesor go low‐carb• Want a diet that you canstick to for the long termCheck with your doctor orhealth care provider beforestarting any weight‐loss diet,especially if you have anyhealth conditions, includingdiabetes.


Nutrition and Healthy Eating

DIET DETAILSProponents of the glycemicindex diet, sometimes called alow GI diet, say that highblood sugar levels are linked toa variety of health problems,including diabetes, obesity andheart disease. They say thatfollowing a diet based on theglycemic index can help youchoose foods that will result inweight loss and prevention ofchronic diseases. But scientificevidence supporting the roleof the glycemic index diet inweight loss remains mixed.And you might be able toachieve the same healthbenefits by eating a healthydiet, maintaining a healthyweight and getting enoughexercise.

BLOOD SUGAR BASICSSugar (glucose) is a mainsource of energy for the cellsthat make up your muscles andother tissues. Glucose comesfrom two major sources:carbohydrates in food andextra stores in your liver.Carbohydrates come in the

Health Corner

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Foods ranked by the glycemicindex are given scores:High: 70 and up. Examplesinclude instant white rice,brown rice, plain white bread,white skinless baked potato,boiled red potatoes with skinand watermelon.

Medium: 56 to 69.Examples include sweet corn,bananas, raw pineapple,raisins and certain types of icecream. Low: 55 and under.Examples include raw carrots,peanuts, raw apple,grapefruit, peas, skim milk,kidney beans and lentils.With the glycemic index diet,a high glycemic index isundesirable. Proponents saythat foods and beverages withhigh glycemic index scores arerapidly digested by your body.This causes a spike in yourblood sugar, which may thenbe followed by a rapid declinein blood sugar, creating widefluctuations in your bloodsugar level. In contrast, itemswith low glycemic indexrankings are digested moreslowly, raising blood sugar in amore regulated and gradualway.Because low glycemic indexfoods are absorbed moreslowly, they stay in your

form of sugar, starch and fiber.After you eat or drinksomething with carbs, yourbody breaks down each type ofcarbohydrate in essentially thesame way, converting it intosugar. The exception is fiber,which passes through yourbody undigested. The sugarthen enters your bloodstream.From there, it entersindividual cells throughoutyour body to provide energy.Extra sugar is stored in yourliver and muscles in a formcalled glycogen.Two hormones from yourpancreas help regulate thelevel of blood sugar. Thehormone insulin moves sugarfrom your blood into your cellswhen your blood sugar level ishigh. The hormone glucagonhelps release the sugar storedin your liver when your bloodsugar level is low. This processhelps keep your body fueledand ensures a natural balancein blood sugar.

BLOOD SUGAR IMBALANCESome food is thought todisrupt this natural balance bycreating large spikes in yourblood sugar level. When yourblood sugar and insulin levelsstay high, or cycle up anddown rapidly, your body hastrouble responding and overtime this could contribute toinsulin resistance. Insulin

Nutrition and Healthy Eating(con'd)

resistance is associated with ahost of health problems,including:Type 2 diabetesObesityHigh blood pressureStroke


The glycemic index ranks foodsand beverages based on howthey affect your blood sugarlevel. Foods are scored on ascale of 0 to 100. Only foodsand beverages that containcarbs are ranked, since theyhave the biggest effect onblood sugar. You can findextensive lists online and inbooks of GI rankings, but manyfoods and beverages remainunranked. Manufacturers canpay to have their brand‐nameproducts ranked by SydneyUniversity Glycemic IndexResearch Services in Sydney,Australia, which maintains acomprehensive database ofglycemic index values forcarbohydrate‐containing foods.

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a year or more. But someevidence suggests that a diethigher in protein and lower onthe glycemic index may lead tosustained weight loss. Someevidence also suggests thatyou may lose weight on aglycemic index diet simplybecause you choose more fiberand protein, which helps youreduce portion sizes and eatless.Still other studies suggest thatthere's little if any evidencethat having an elevated bloodsugar level leads to weightgain if you're healthy. Thesestudies note that insulin isvital to good health, and thatinsulin becomes a problemonly when insulin resistancedevelops. Insulin resistancedoesn't develop from eatingcertain carbs or proteins butfrom being overweight. Weightloss from any type of dietimproves blood sugar control.The bottom line is that to loseweight, you must reduce thecalories you take in andincrease the calories you burn.Traditional recommendationsfor weight loss advise losing 1to 2 pounds (0.45 to 0.9kilograms) a week by reducingcalories and fat andemphasizing complexcarbohydrates. Losing a largeamount of weight rapidly couldindicate that you're losingwater weight or lean tissue,

digestive tract longer. This iswhy these foods are sometimescalled slow carbs. These foodsmay help control appetite anddelay hunger cues, which canhelp with weight management.Balanced blood sugar also canhelp reduce the risk of insulinresistance.


Many commercial diets arebased on the glycemic index.What you can eat depends onthe specific commercial dietyou follow. Sydney University'sglycemic index website doesn'tpromote specific commercialweight‐loss plans or label carbsas good or bad. Rather, itrecommends that you use theglycemic index to help youchoose what foods to eat andsuggests that you:Focus on breakfast cerealsbased on oats, barley and branChoose breads with wholegrains, stone‐ground flour orsourdoughEat fewer potatoesEat plenty of fruits andvegetablesAvoid oversized portions ofrice, pasta and noodles


Commercial diets that arebased on the glycemic indexsay that you'll lose weightwithout having to count carbsor calories. Foods that have alow glycemic index ranking aresaid to make you feel fulllonger and to balance yourblood sugar.Results from research studiesare mixed, and some studieshave been of poor quality.Some studies show that caloriefor calorie, there's littledifference in hunger aftereating a high GI food or a lowGI food. Other studies, though,conclude that you're morelikely to lose weight andreduce your body mass index(BMI) with a glycemic indexdiet than with a traditionaldiet, even if you're obese andneed to lose a significantamount of weight. That maybe, at least in part, becauseit's easier to stick to theglycemic index diet for thelong term since it's notconsidered an extreme diet.One study showed thatparticipants following the Zonediet maintained a weight lossof about 7 pounds (3.2kilograms) after one year —about the same amount ofweight lost as in the threeother diets in the study. Therehave been few studies aboutthe impact of the glycemicindex diet on weight loss after

Nutrition and Healthy Eating(con'd)

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foods don't generally list theirGI rank on the label, and it canbe hard to estimate what itmight be. And for some typesof food, the glycemic indexdatabase has multiple entries— you may not be sure whichentry is accurate.On the other hand, manygenerally healthy foods arenaturally low on the glycemicindex, such as whole grains,legumes, vegetables, fruitsand dairy products. If you eata healthy diet, based on freshfoods that aren't highlyprocessed, you may get thesame benefits of the glycemicindex diet. But if you needextra guidance towardhealthier choices, the glycemicindex may help.

RISKSStudies of the glycemic indexdiet haven't revealed anyspecific health risks tofollowing the diet. However,it's possible that if you chooselots of low GI foods that arehigh in calories, sugar andsaturated fats, you coulddevelop some of the samehealth problems the diet hopesto prevent.

rather than fat.HEALTH BENEFITS

Proponents of the glycemicindex diet say that you canimprove or reduce the risk ofserious diseases, includingdiabetes and cardiovasculardisease.Almost any diet can reduce oreven reverse risks factors fordiabetes and cardiovasculardisease — if it helps you shedexcess weight. And mostweight‐loss diets can improveblood cholesterol or bloodsugar levels, at leasttemporarily.On the other hand, theglycemic index doesn't rankfoods according to how healthythey actually are. Indeed,some foods with the preferredlower GI ranking may, in fact,be less healthy because theycontain large amounts ofcalories, sugar or saturatedfat, especially packaged andprocessed foods. Both potatochips and ice cream, forinstance, have a lowerglycemic index ranking than dobaked potatoes, even thoughbaked potatoes are generallyconsidered healthier. So whilelower GI items may help bloodsugar balance, choosing themindiscriminately could lead toother health problems.

OTHER CONCERNSOne major concern with theglycemic index is that it ranksfoods in isolation. But inreality, how your body absorbsand handles carbs depends onmany factors, including howmuch you eat; how the food isripened, processed orprepared; the time of day it'seaten; other foods you eat itwith; and health conditionsyou may have, such asdiabetes. So the glycemicindex may not give an accuratepicture of how one particularfood affects your blood sugar.Glycemic load is a relatedconcept that scores a foodproduct based on both carbcontent and portion size. Butthe larger the portion size, thegreater the calories consumedwhether the glycemic index ishigh or low.It also can be difficult tofollow a glycemic index diet onyour own. For one thing, mostfoods aren't ranked byglycemic index. Packaged

Nutrition and Healthy Eating(con'd)

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6 monthsOct ‐ Mar6 months

Oct ‐ Mar

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Refrigerator Rag

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