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Public RDI systems – Rationale, indicators and impact assement*

Christopher Palmberg Chief advisor, Ph.D

Tekes Strategic Intelligence

*This presentation draws on ’Finnish Finnish Impact Framework and Indicators for Science, Technology, and Innovation’ held by Tarmo Lemola in Budapest on April 27th, 2009 and Luoma et al. 2011. ’Better results, more value’. Tekes Review 288/2011

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Structure of presentation

1. What are public RDI systems and how are they legitimized?

2. What are RDI indicators, why are they needed and which are the challenges?

3. Examples of impact assement models and indicators – the case of Tekes

02-2012 DM

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1. What are public RDI systems and how are they legitimized?

02-2012 DM

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The Finnish public RDI system


Academy of Finland


Ministry of Employment

and the Economy



Other ministries and their institutes

Sitra Finnvera plc

Finpro Finnish Industry

Investment Ltd

Regional ELY Centres

GOVERNMENT Research and Innovation

Council Ministry of

Education and Culture

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R&D investments in some countries

Source: OECD, Main Science and Technology Indicators

09-2011 DM 36109 and 36054












Percentage of GDP

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Public sector’s share of total R&D funding in 2009

Source: Eurostat

11-2011 DM 36109 and 36054


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Million euros

Tekes R&D funding by sectors – from technology towards services and intangibles

Construction is included in the industrial figures.

01-2012 DM 906697 and 607668

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Why are public RDI policies needed – how are they legitimized? Traditional arguments § Market failure

•  Informationl assymetries, knowledge spill-overs, externalities, over-exploitation of commons

New arguments…in response to societal challenges? § Structural system failures

•  Infrastructural , institutional, network, capabilities failures

§ Transformational system failures •  Directionality, demand articulation, policy coordination, reflexivity


Source: Weber & Rohracher,forthcoming in 2012.

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2. What are RDI indicators, why are they needed and which are the challenges?

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What is an Research, Development and Innovation (RDI) indicator? “Indicators are quantitative representations that might reasonably be thought to provide summary information bearing on the scope, quality, and vitality of the science and engineering enterprise. They are intended to contribute to an understanding of the current environment and to inform the development of future policies”

Modified from NSB/NSF Science and Engineering Indicators

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Why are RDI indicators needed?

§ Importance of science, technology and innovation for social and economic progress – a stylized fact

§ Continuous pressure to increase resources to RDI to compete globally

§ Pressure to ascertain effective use of public resources such as taxes

§ Need to legitimate risky RDI investmnents characterized by uncertainty

§ Need to understand dynamics of scientific and technological progress

§ Need to build an evidence-base for policy

6/8/12 © Advansis Oy 2006 11

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Criteria for RDI indicators

1.  Clear connection to research and innovation 2.  Clear connection to the phenomenon and impact area it

represents 3.  Clear policy connection 4.  Transparency 5.  Intuitive and easily understandable 6.  Internationally comparable 7.  Easy and regular updating, basis for regular statistics gathering 8.  Statistically reliable 9.  Good temporal, sectoral and geographical coverage 10.  Clear message on the direction and distance to the target state 11.  Based on solid theories or coherent frameworks


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Basic framework for assessing impacts of RDI

§ Traditional and well-studied role of RDI in creating preconditions for economic growth and renewal - other objectives and impacts known in less detail…

§  Input-activity-output model most common framework § The chain from research and innovation to socioeconomic

benefits is not linear but involves several feedback loops that provide new inputs to the process at various stages


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Key challenges in RDI impact assessment

§  Causality: the relationships between research and innovation inputs, activities, outputs, and impacts are often unclear or nonlinear.

§  Attribution: it is difficult or even impossible to separate the impact of research and innovation from other inputs and activities – the additionality problem

§  Internationality: the impacts of research and innovation are international by nature – activities and value chains are global, and both positive and negative spillovers exist.

§  Time scale: the impacts are realized both in the short and long-term.

§  Breakdown of impacts to particular socio-economic target: how to define e.g. impact on environment, public welfare or culture.


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Indicator sources – some examples

§ U.S. National Science Board/National Science Foundation: Science and Engineering Indicators

§ Other national indicator publications, including statistical agencies

§ OECD: Main Science and Technology Indicators •  Indicator manuals: Frascati and Oslo manuals, Patent Statistics Manual etc.

§ EU: European Innovation Scoreboard

§  International competitiveness reports (WEF, IMD)


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Top 10 traditional RDI indicators

1.  R&D expenditure as a percentage of GDP 2.  Publications 3.  Citations 4.  Patents 5.  New products and processes 6.  International trade and trade balance in high-tech products 7.  Young innovative companies 8.  Mobility of researchers 9.  Science and technology labor force 10.  Growth in productivity But we also need ’blue-sky indicators, e.g. based on www


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3. How are RDI impacts being assessed – the case of Tekes?

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*Developed jointly by Finnish Academy and Tekes in collaboration with external experts Copyright © Tekes 01-2010DM 196759

Capabilities and

skills of

Innovative activity

Productivity and Renewal of industries

Societal and environmental


Tekes objectives Impacts• Economic growthand renewal

• Culture and learning

• Welfare• Environment

• Growth and internalization• Productivity• Distribution and utilization

of new knowledge and skills

• Innovative products and servicesprocesses and methods

• Organizational development• new enterprises, business

areas and services


• Research and innovation activity• Education• New processes and networking


• Investments in intellectual and tangible capital

• Existing capabilities and knowledge


Tekes model for RDI impact assesment*

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Economy and economic renewal

§ Observes the effects that research and innovation activities have, or should have, on the development and renewal of the economy and the opportunities and challenges arising from this

§ Perhaps the most common and the furthest elaborated impact area of research and innovation activities, which also provides a good basis for international comparison


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Hierarchy of phenomena related to economy and economic renewal


National prosperity

Foreign Direct Investments

High growth enterprises

Productivity of the economy

Strengthening of intangible assets

Position in global value networks

Investments in R&D&I General conditions and incentives for R&D&I

Human resources for R&D&I





Continuous improivement of competitiveness

Collaboration, networks and knowledge flows Capability to innovate

Job creation

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Indicators related to economy and economic renewal

Phenomenom Indicators Na#onal  prosperity   GDP  per  capita  

Overall  produc#vity  of  the  economy    

Total  Factor  Produc2vity  TFP    Produc2vity  renewal  indicator  

Foreign  Direct    Investments   Share  of  Foreign  Direct  Investments  per  GDP    

Strengthening  of  intangible  assets    

Share  of  new  innova2ve  products  and  services  from  business  turnover.    Volume  and  share  of  intangible  investments  

Posi#on  in  global  value-­‐networks   Exports  of  knowledge-­‐intensive  sectors    

Con#nuous  improvement  of  compe##veness   Development  of  turnover  in  knowledge  intensive  sectors  (or  alterna2vely  in  KI  jobs)  

Collabora#on,  networks  and  knowledge  flows     Share  of  public  and  private  organisa2ons  having  collaborated  in  innova2on  projects  

Capability  to  innovate   Development  of  paten2ng,  registered  trademarks  and  designs  (EPO  /  USPTO  /  TRIAD)  

Investments  in  R&D&I    

Share  of  R&D&I  expenditure  in  business  turnover  Government  direct  &  indirect  support  to  business  R&D  Foreign  direct  investments  in  Finnish  R&D&I  

Human  resources  for  R&D&I   Availability  of  highly  educated  workforce  

General  condi#ons  and  incen#ves  for  R&D&I   GDP  share  of  VC  investments  at  different  growth  stages  …  


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§ Many of the causality chains from the inputs of research and innovation to the impacts on the environment are at least partly known based on the knowledge on natural sciences and technologies

§ Environmental issues often have a global character – impacts are transnational

§ Environmental issues are integrated to most of the activities in business and public sectors

§ Energy is a remarkable part of this impact area as it drives economic activities and well-being in addition to its impact on the state of environment, climate change, and use of natural resources

§ The operational environment is often playing a significant role in increasing the interest to innovate and use innovations


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Hierarchy of phenomena related to environment


State  of  the  Finnish  environment

Sustainableconsumptionof  natural

resourcesBiodiversityClimate change

New  information  and  knowledge  related  to  


Consumers'  attitudesand  behaviorGreen  businessEnvironmentally

positive innovations

R&D&I  activities directedtowards environment

Cooperation  within  environment  related  value  networks  and  strengthening  of  skill  


R&D&I  investments  in  sectors  vital  to  environment

Operational  environment  supporting  the  aimsSkills and  human resources





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Indicators related to environment


Phenomenom Indicators State  of  the  Finnish  environment   Water  systems  ecological  state  

Climate  change   Green  house  gas  emissions  in  Finland  

Biodiversity   Endangeredness  of  Finnish  species  Sustainable  consump#on  of  natural  resources  

Share  of  renewable  energy  in  energy  produc2on  

New  informa#on  and  knowledge  related  to  environment  

Scien2fic  environmental  publica2ons  among  the  top  10%  most  cited  publica2ons  worldwide  as  %  of  total  scien2fic  publica2ons  of  the  country  Use of environmental information in political decision making

Environmentally  bening  innova#ons   Interna2onal  patents/forwarded  references  of  patents  in  the  environmental  sector  Green  business   Revenue  of  companies  in  energy  and  environment  sector  

Private sector energy efficiency Consumers'  aKtudes  and  behavior   Household  energy  efficiency    

R&D&I  ac#vi#es  directed  towards  environment  (quality,  challenges,  extent)    

Companies  with  innova2on  opera2ons  in  the  energy  and  environmental  sectors  Amount of environmental R&D&I activities in research institutions

Coopera#on  within  environment  related  value  networks  and  strengthening  of  skill  flows    

Coopera2on  between  private  sector,  universi2es  and  research  centers  in  environment  sector  

R&D&I  investments  on  environment   Private  R&D&I  expenditure  on  environment  Public R&D expenditure on environment Venture capital directed towards environment

Skills  and  human  resources   No  relevant  indicator  so  far  

Opera#onal  environment  suppor#ng  environmentally  benign  ac#ons  

No  relevant  indicator  so  far  

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Summing up

§ The focus of public RDI systems is broadeding, Finland being a good example of this

§ RDI indicators remain important but RDI impact assessment is increasingly challenging

§ There is also a need for new types on real-time ’blue-sky’ indicators

§ Emerging and developing countries also need public RDI systems • What kind of systems? • Where should they focus? • How could their impacts be assessed?

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