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JAMES A. BARR, Dimctor 01 Comm

A. L. COWELL, Assistant Director of Coma-rasc

H . K. BAS S E'

IT , Assistant Director of Coma-rasc



Page 5:  · PANAMA- PA CIFIC IN TE RN ATI O NA L EXPO S ITI O N 3 Foreword One of the most important features of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition will be the great series of Congr
Page 6:  · PANAMA- PA CIFIC IN TE RN ATI O NA L EXPO S ITI O N 3 Foreword One of the most important features of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition will be the great series of Congr



One of the most important features of the Panama-Pacific International Expositionwill be the great series of Congresses, Conferences and Conventions to assemble in ornear San Francisco during l 9 l 5.

“The Wisdom of all ages is none too great for the world


s work. said President

McKinley in his famous address at Buffalo in September. l 90 l This single salient

sentence epitomizes the plans already formulated for the Congresses to be held under theauspices of the Exposition in l 9 l 5 . As the material exhibits will show world progresson all lines, so will the Congresses ga ther together the experience of the ages in education ,science, literature. industry and social service.

The President and Directors of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition havefrom the first recognized the desirability of providing for a series of Congresses and Conferences that would exceed in scope and excel in character anything heretofore attempted.

and that would stand as a monument long after the material features of the Exposition havebeen forgotten. The progress already made iustifres the statement that this hope will beful ly realized.

This Announcement gives a list of Congresses Conferences and Conventions that

lave met or will meet in or near San Francisco duung the Exposition period. For the

fionvenience of all interested. the list is given in chronological order. It seems quite certainhat this list will be materially increased before the close of the Exposition period. Both


ire American and the International Associations are evincing the keenest interest in par

ticipating in this great series of national and international gatherings.

With the Exposition as a world forum , every conceivable line of human thought willhave representation . Delegates will be present from practically all civilized nations.

All planning to visit the Exposition might well take into account the dates of thoseCongresses , Conferences and Conventions in which they are especially interested. Theexhibits will be on display throughout the Exposition period to December 4. I9 ] 5. Withthe exception of visiting the Exposition on stated dates to study special exhibits on suchlines as horticulture and live stock, it would be as well to come to San Francisco in Juneas in November or at any other time . It , therefore. seems logical for anyone to time hisvisit to the Exposition from the standpoint of the dates of those special groupings of Con

gresses and Conventions in which he is especially interested. By planning to visit theExposition from


the standpoint of the dates of Congresses and Conventions, it will. ofcourse. be entirely possible to study exhibits and enioy the Exposition as a whole in connection with attending Convention programs. This will also tend to emphasize the thoughtof making the Exposition a special working laboratory for each particular group of Con

gresses and Conventions.It is hoped that this Announcement may be a real service to all planning to visit

x the Exposition.



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National and international Congresses on education , science, literature , industry and

social service have, since the Paris Exposition of l 889 , been a leading feature of all international expositions. The Panama-Pacific International Exposition is the first contem

poraneous international Exposition to be held . The Panama Canal , the completion of

which the Exposition celebrates, will have a marked effect in shaping the future of theworld's commerce. All Departments of the Exposition have so planned their work as topresent the best experience of the past and the best practice of today in a way that wi llforecast better things for the tomorrow of the world. In the same way the many programsof the Congresses, Conferences and Conventions will seek to gather together the bestexperience of the past and the best practice of today in order to outline plans that wi llhelp to solve the many problems before communities, states, nations, the world.

SERVICE THE CENTRAL THOUGHTAll Expositions, in their work of arranging for Congresses, have had a central theme .

The central thought of the Chicago Exposition in its Congresses was given expression bythe World Parliament of Religions . The central thought of the St. Louis Exposition inits Congresses was learning , as exemplified by the World


s Congress of Arts and Science .

The ten years since the St . Louis Exposition have been years of social , educational , economicand industrial unrest. Communities, states , nations , the world as a whole , have beengroping for a solution of problems along all such lines . This is shown clearly by the

multiplication of organizations, each seeking to solve some special problem from the loca l.state. national or world standpoint . In the sense of meeting the needs of the world , of

giving the greatest possible help to state, national and international organizations, the

central thought of the many Congresses , Conferences and Conventions to be held in and

near San Francisco in l 9 l 5 will be service, ! social , educational and industrial service .


One of the most distinctive phases of the work of arranging for Congresses and

Conventions at the Panama-Pacific International Exposition is the so-called!

group ingplan .


The teacher, the physician , the dentist, the social worker, the librarian , the workeron any line, could hardly afford to attend one convention in March. another in May ,

another in September and so on. Most of those interested in special lines of work belongnot to one but to several organizations. With San Francisco so far from the centers ofpopulation , it seemed well to develop a plan so that related conventions might meet duringa period extending over from one to three weeks. Under such a plan , all those interestedin particular lines of investigation may. at the expense of but one trip to San Francisco ,attend all related programs, thus securing the greatest amount of service in the least possibletime at the least possible expense. Among the periods already established under thegrouping plan are those concerned with education , science , history , economics , genealogy ,

social service. labor, engineering, press, insurance , dentistry, pharmacy , library, medicineand hygiene, nursing , gas, agriculture, conservation and forestry, live stock , etc . , etc. Thesegroupings are clearly indicated in the chronological list included in this announcement .

THE ADVANCE SURVEYA recognized weakness at most Expositions held in the past has been that members

of Congresses and Conferences have received no advance mforrnation in definite , organizedform , concerning the exhibits illustrating their respective lines of interest . At the suggestionof the Director of Congresses, various educational , scientific and technical Congresses and

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Conferences meeting in San Francisco in l 9 l 5 will have committees of members. in all

cases recognized experts, make a survey of the exhibits. This survey, listing exhibits inwhich their members will be especially interested, will be issued as a printed outline bythese associations, and mailed to their members from two to four months in advance ofthe dates selected for such Congresses and Conferences. These outlines will be illustratedwith maps showing how the various Exposition entrances may be conveniently reachedfrom the hotel district and how the exhibits listed may be located on the grounds and inthe various exhibit palaces . In many instances papers presented before various associationswill be based in part on exhibits . Under this plan the Exposition is regarded as a workinglaboratory in its relation to Congresses and Conferences. In this way it is hoped that theExposition , through both Congresses and exhibits, may have a definite message to all linesof educational , scientific and industrial thought.


Practically all of the national and international organizations of the world have beeninvited to hold regular or special meetings or to send delegations to San Francisco toparticipate in the activities of the Exposition . Up to date, 822 Congresses, Conferences andConventions have been scheduled to meet in or near San Francisco with specific datesnamed. The following will give a general idea of the diversified character of these manygatherings

Agricul tural and HorticulturalBusiness and Commercial



GenealogicalGreek Le tter SocietiesGovernmental and CivicHistorical and LiteraryIndustrial


LaborLive Stock

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No Exposition ever held has made such preparation to care for Congresses and Conventions as has the Panama-Pacific International Exposition . The Exposition MemorialAuditorium at the Civic Center in San Francisco was erected to provide accommodationsfor the Exposition series of Conventions. This building cost $ l The lot onwhich the Auditorium was erected cost the city of San Francisco $70 l ,000 . The building. with ground and equipment, will cost about Following the close ofthe Exposition on December 4th next, the Auditorium will be given to the City of S anFrancisco as a permanent memorial. The Auditorium is four stories in height and occupiesan entire block at the Civic Center in San Francisco about one mile from the ExpositionGrounds. The building has eleven main halls, seating from 400 to l l ,600 each. Bya system of movable partitions four of the large halls may be converted into fourteen smallerhalls. so that it is possible to conduct a maximum of twenty-one Congresses and Conventionsat the same time with from 250 to l l ,600 people each . In addition to the twenty-onehalls that are available when the movable partitions are in use, there are nineteen roomsfor committee and section meetings with seating capacities of from twenty-five to onehundred and twenty-five. With the twenty-one halls and the nineteen comm ittee andsection rooms in use. it would be possible to accommodate a maximum of l 8 ,000 peopleat one time.

In addition to the halls available in the Exposition Memorial Auditorium , conventionswill also be held in Festival Hall and Congress Hall on the grounds . Congress Hall hasbeen provided especially for the convenience of live stock, agricultural and horticulturalorganizations. The City of Oakland, just across the Bay from San Francisco, has completed its Municipal Auditorium at a cost of about $ l which auditorium wil lbe available for many of the Congresses and Conventions. The University of Californiaand Stanford University have also provided all available halls and lecture rooms for theconvenience of educational, scientific and other learned bodies meeting at the two universities during the Exposition period. As many as l 00 Congresses and Conventions couldbe accommodated daily in and near San Francisco.

WORLD UNIVERSITYThe Panama-Pacific International Exposition may be considered a world university

for l 9 l 5. The Director-in-Chief, the Chiefs of Departments , the officers of the manyCongresses might be considered members of the faculty ; the Exposition , in fact, all Califarnia. a working laboratory ; the world at large the student body.

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ROUTES AND RATESThe delegate to San Francisco will have a choice of routes that will give for sight

seeing and study a range never before presented in the history of expositions. Any oneof the many rail lines leading west may be used. There is also


a route by steamship fromAtlantic Coast ports direct to San Francisco through the Panama Canal. Ii) general. thedelegate may reach the Exposition City via Denver, Ogden and Salt Lake City direct orvia Los Angeles ; via El Paso and Los Angeles, Albuquerque direct or via Los Angeles,or via Spokane , Seattle, Portland, Vancouver, Victoria or Prince Rupert.

The following round trip rates have been announced


ArkansasFort SmithHot SpringsLittle RockPine Bluff

ColoradoColorado SpringsDenver


HartfordNew Haven

De lawareoverWilmington

District of ColumbiaWashington

FloridaJacksonvilleKey WestPensacolaTampa



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Grand Rapids

Mississippiac n


MissouriKansas CitySt. JosephSt. LouisSpringfield


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New HampshireConcord

New JerseyCamdenJersey CityNewarkTrenton

New MexicoAlbuquerque

New YorkAlbany

New York City! StandardNew York City! DifferentialRochesterSyracuse

North CarolinaCharlotte

North DakotaFargoGrand Forks



OklahomaOklahoma City

Pennsylvaniai i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i i


South CarolinaCharlestonColumbia

South Dakota

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HoustonSan Antonio



New BrunswickFrederictonMonctonSt. John

Nova ScotiaHalifax I I

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The round trip rates as shown below are sold under diflerent conditions as to limitand routings and so noted.


IdahoBo ise, via PortlandBoise , via OgdenWallace

Mon tanaAnaconda



Klamath FallsPortland

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British ColumbiaVancouver

3-months return limitSaskatchewan Via Portland Via St. Paul

ReginaSaskatoon I

The rates quoted above cover travel by rail only. No attempt has been made tofurnish information regarding steamship rates between San Francisco and points reachedby steamer, on account of the fact that steamer passenger rates are based on class ofsteamer and accommodations available. Steamer rates are, however, usually somewhatlower than rail rates and include berth and meals while aboard ship .

All railroad tickets are good via any direct line, returning via the same or any otherdirect line. Tickets from Chicago , St . Louis and similar territory are good via NewOrleans, returning via the same or any other direct route. All rates apply via Los Angelesfrom eastern points. Round trip tickets going or returning via Canadian or northern linesthrough Prince Rupert, Victoria , Vancouver, Seattle or Portland ; Shasta Route (rail) orsteamship between these points and San Francisco are as shown in list above , except thattickets via Prince Rupert are higher than fares shown via Portland , which includesberth and meals on steamer Prince Rupert to Seattle . Usual stopover privileges will beallowed on both going and return trip .

Tickets will be on sale to December l st, l 9 l 5. good for ninety days from date of

sale , except that final return limit on all tickets so ld at above rates will be Decemberl 5th. 19 15.

The sleeping car rates can readily be determined on inquiry at starting points. Twoclasses of sleeping cars are operated into San Francisco from the east, known as standardand tourist service . The rate in the tourist cars is one-half of the rate in the standardsleepers between the same points.

Special excursion rates by both rail and water are in effect from S an Francisco topoints of interest throughout the Pacific Coast.

PANAMA CANAL ROUTE FROM ATLANTICThe Panama-Pacific Line of the International Mercantile Marine Company will

inaugurate a regular passenger service between New York and San Francisco through thePanama Canal, first sailing from New York May l st, from: San Francisco May 22nd, andevery three weeks thereafter, calling in either direction at either Los Angeles or San Diego.The twin-screw steamers



and“Kroonland, each tons displacement,

will maintain this service, m aking the trip in sixteen days. Fare first cabin , $ l 25 and up ;third cabin , $60 .

Arrangements have been completed with the railroads whereby round trip ticketswill be issued one way rail and one way steamer through the Panama Canal, basis oflowest first-class limited rail fare between the initial point and either San Francisco orNew York, but the special advantage in buying round trip tickets will be that same willcarry a ninety-day limit and be good for stopovers.

The American-Hawaiian Steamship Company have equipped one of their steamerswith passenger accommodations, for service between New York and San Francisco ; faresfirst class only, from $ 125 up.

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The Exposition management has organized an Official Exposition Hotel Bureau ,the services of which are rendered free . This bureau will undertake to furnish informationregarding hotels , apartments, boarding-houses , and rooms for individuals , parties and conventions. The Bureau will make contracts for hotel and other accommodations which maybe desired during the Exposition year. These accommodations , the most modern of anycity in the world , will be contracted upon the basis of from one to three dollars per dayper person , European plan , and for any date and any leng th of time desired . Rates at afew of the more fashionable hotels are from to per day per person , Europeanplan . Rates American plan are from up per person per day. The contractingparty will be required to give a satisfactory guarantee that the rooms will be used at thetime stated in the contract.

Booklets and other literature will be sent to anyone wishing information in regard toreservations or anything connected with a visit to the Exposition in I9 ] 5. Reservationsat these hotels may be made by addressing “

Official ExpositionO

Hotel Bureau , FlanneryBuilding , San Francisco .


The traveler who has not made hotel reservations in advancewill find Official Exposition Information Bureaus at the terminal stations in San Francisco .

On application at any of these he will be informed of the hotels having available rooms atthe price he desires to pay . This will enable him to avoid the annoyance

,frequent in

previous exposition cities , of traveling from crowded hotel to crowded hotel in search of

accommodations. No charges are made for the serv ice of the Official Exposition Information Bureaus.


The Inside Inn on the grounds will make a specialty of catering to the Congressesand Conventions that will meet in San Francisco in l 9 l 5 . Among the convention conveniences will be a hall seating 1000 persons. Officers of organizations holding sessionsin San Francisco in 19 15 may contract with the Inside Inn for accommodations for theirmembers at fixed rates and for agreed dates .

The rates per day (European plan ) at the Inside Inn for one person in a room withdetached bath will be $ l .5o, or one person in a room with privatebath will be or For two or more persons in a room therate will be for each additional person . In addition to the charge for rooms a chargeof 50 cen ts will be made for each adult guest and 25 cents for each child between theages of five and twelve years for daily admission to the grounds. This is the only chargethat is made, the guest at the Inside Inn having the privilege of entering and leaving thegrounds as many times each day as he desires without extra charge for admission .

The dining service and cuisine will be of the highest character . Single meals willbe served as follows : Breakfast , 75 cents ; luncheon , $ l .00 ; dinner, Meals alsowill be served a la carte in the cafe .

The Inside Inn , being within the Exposition grounds , will be subject to the Rulesand Regulations of the Exposition , and no abuses , overcharges , nor anything offensive tothe moral sense or good taste , will be permitted. For reservations or information address“Inside Inn , Exposition Grounds , San Francisco .


San Francisco o ffers a cool coast summer climate with no rain ; a winter climatewithout snow , ice or blizzard . The following are a few facts gleaned from Bulletin 44

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The Climate of San Francisco, prepared by Professor A. G. McAdie of the UnitedStates Weather Bureau , and published by the United States Department of Agricultu re :

The annual mean temperature of San Francisco is 56 degrees Fahrenheit. Septemberis the warmest, and January the coldest month . The mean temperature of Septembe r is

degrees , and of January In the last twenty years there have been only twentyseven days during which the temperature exceeded ninety degrees, and in the same periodit has not fallen below 32 degrees , the freezing point. The differences between day andnight temperatures are small . The warmest hour, 2 p. 111 has a mean temperature of

and the coolest hour, 6 a. m. , has a mean temperature of degrees.

The following shows the average number of rainy days during the months of theExposition period, the data being taken from the official records covering sixty-two years :March , l l rainy days ; April , 6 ; May, 4 ; June, 1 ; July, 0 ; August, 0 ; September, 2October

,4 ; November, 7. Delegates should bring overcoats and wraps. From A pril

to November umbrellas may safely be left at home.

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Pacific Coast Society of Orthodontists,San Francisco , February 22 , 23 and 24, 19 15.

Dr. William H . Bolton , President , 42 1 Cobb Bldg. , Seattle, Wash .

Dr. John R. McCoy, Secretary, 908 Brockman Bldg . , Los Angeles, Cal.

District Attorneys’ Association of California,

Oakland , February 22 to 25, inclusive , 19 15.

John E. Fredericks, President, Los Angeles, Cal .Franklin Swart , Secretary, Redwood City, Cal.

Alameda District , California Federation of Women’

s Clubs,Berkeley

,Cal . , February 25 to 27 , inclusive , 19 15.

Mrs. W. E. Colby, President, Berkeley, Cal.

Palaeontological Society of America , Pacific Coast Section,University of California and Stanford University, February 27th, 19 15.

Roy E. Dickerson , President, 1 14 Burnett Avenue, San Francisco.

Earl L. Packard, Secretary, Bacon Hall , University of CalBerkeley, Cal.

Immigrant \Vork Conference of Northern California ,San Francisco , March 1 and 2 , 19 15.

C. W. Blanpied, Chairman , Central M . E . Church , San Francisco .

Master Painters and Decorators Association of California ,San Francisco, March 4 , 5 and 6 , 19 1 .

Wm. T. Beck, Secretary, 76 1 Devisadero Street, San Francisco .

Dartmouth Alumni Association of the Pacific Coast,San Francisco , MarchSelden C . Smith , President, 20 zud St San Francisco.

F. J . Regan , Secretary, Shreve Building, S an Francisco .

United States Sugar Manufacturers’

Association ,San Francisco, March 8 , 19 15.

Truman G. Palmer, Secretary, 90 1 Union Trust Building,Washington , D. C.

State Association of Joumeymen Plumbers and S teamfitters of California ,San Francisco, March 1 1 , 12 , 13 , 19 15.

W. R . McMillan, President, 1340 Natoma Street, S an Francisco.

Charles A. Coon , Secretary , 357 W. 63rd Street, Los Angeles, Cal.

National Park Service, Department of the Interior,University of California , March 1 1 , 12 , 13, 19 15 .

Mark Daniels, General Superintendent and Landscape EngineerNational Parks, Monadnock Bldg. , San Francisco.

Non-Retailing Wholesale Jewelers’

and Silversmiths’ Association of the PacificCoast , San Francisco , March 13 , 19 15.

Walter L. Glenn , Secretary, 85 Post S t. , San Francisco .

Pacific Tum-Bezirk. San Francisco , March 14 and 15, 19 15 .

Emil Rother, Secretary, 2460 Sutter S t. , San Francisco.

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State Building Trades Council of California ,San Francisco , March 15 to 20 , inclusive, 19 15 .

P. H . McCarthy, President, Merchants National Bank Bldg . ,

San Francisco.O. A. Tveitrnoe , Secretary, Merchants National Bank Bldg


Grand Lodge , Knights of Honor of California ,San Francisco

,March 16 and 17 , 19 15 .

Thos. Johnstone, Secretary, 14 15 Steiner St San Francisco.

California State Retail Hardware Association ,S an Francisco , March 17 , 18 , 19 , 19 15.

L. R . Smith , Secretary, 56 1 Sixteen th Street, Oakland , Cal .

Student Volunteer Conference , (State of California , Northem . )Stanford University, March 20 and 2 1 , 9 15.

Miss Grace Steinbeck, President, San Jose , Cal .Miss Helen Denhart, Secretary, San Jose, Cal.

California Cattlemen’

s Protective Association ,San Francisco , March 23 , 19 15.

F. J. Sinclair, Acting Secretary, 628 Montgomery St San Francisco .

San Joaquin Valley Water Problem Association,San Francisco , March 23 , 19 15.

John Fairweather, President, 1035 Forthcamp Ave . , Fm o, Cal .

A. L. Cowell , Secretary, 2400 Van Ness Ave San Francisco .

Inland Waterways Association of California,S an Francisco , March 23 , 24 and 25, 19 15.

David H. Walker, Executive Secretary, 120 7 Merchant'

s ExchangeBldg S an Francisco .

California State Young Men’

s Christian Association ,Berkeley, March 24 and 25, 19 15 .

E. Sprunger, Secretary, 7 15 S. Hope St Los Angeles, Cal .

American National Live Stock Association ,San Francisco , March 24 , 25, and 26 , 19 15.

H . A. Jastro , President, Bakersfield , Cal . ,T. W. Tomlinson , Secretary, 909 17th S t. , Denver, Colo.

Festivals Association of the Pacific Coast,San Francisco , March 25, 26 and 2 7 , 19 15.

Geo L. Hutchin , President , 2 70 Monadnock Bldg. , San Francisco,

Lou1s Levy , Secretary, P.-P. I . E . Administration Bldg San Francisco.

New England College Men’

s Association of San Francisco ,an Francisco , March 26 , 19 15.

Selden C. Smith , President , 20 2ud St San Francisco .Winsor D. Wilkinson , Secretary, 2525 Benvenue Ave. , Berkeley, Cal.


s Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church.S an Francisco District,

San Francisco , March 30 , 19 15 .

Mrs. John Stephens, Secretary, 995 Dolores St San Francisco.

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California Beer Bottlers’ State Board of Trade ,San Francisco , March

1s Levy, Secretary, 524 Gough Street, San Francisco.

Sutter County Teachers’ Institute,San Francisco , April 1 to 6 , inclusive , 19 15.

Miss Lizzie Vagedes, County Supt. of Schools , Yuba City , Cal .


s Social Progress Congress,San Francisco , April 1 to 1 1 , inclusive, 19 15.

Bishop William M . Bell , Chairman , Committee on Arrangements,227 West 5 1st Street, Los Angeles, Cal .

Counties Committee of the California Development Board ,San Francisco , April 3, 19 15 .

Wm. J . Dutton. President , 433 California S t. , San Francisco ,Robert Newton Lynch , Vice-President and Manager, Ferry BldgSan Francisco ,

Edgar Allen Forbes, Secretary, Ferry Bldg. , San Francisco .

Madera County Teachers’

Institute ,San Francisco , April 5 , 6 , and 7 , 19 15.

Craig Cunningham, County Supt . of Schools, Madera , Cal.

Merced County Teachers’ Institute ,S an Francisco, April 5, 6, and 7 , 19 15.

Miss Margaret Sheehy, County Supt. of Schools , Merced , Cal.

S an Benito County Teachers’

Institute,San Francisco, April 5 to 9 , inclusive, 19 15.

Cagney, County Supt. of Schools, Hollister, Cal.

Sonoma County Teachers’

Institute ,San Francisco, April 5 to 9 , inclusive, 19 15.

Miss Florence M . Barnes, County Supt . of Schools, Santa Rosa , Cal.


Institute of the City and County of San Francisco ,San Francisco , April 5 to 9 , inclusive, 19 15 .

Alfred Roncovieri, County Supt . of Schools, City Hall , San Francisco.

Contra Costa County Teachers’ Institute,San Francisco , April 5 to 9 , inclusive , 19 15 .

Wm. H . Hanlon , County Supt . of Schools , Martinez, Cal.

Mendocino County Teachers’ InstituteSan Francisco, April 5 to 9, inclus1ve, 19 15.

Mrs. Anna Porterfield, County Supt . of Schools, Ukiah , Cal.

Marin County Teachers’

Institute,San Francisco , April 5 to 9. inclusive , 19 15.

Jas. B . Davidson , County Supt . of Schools, San Rafael , Cal .

Alameda County Teachers’ Institute ,San Francisco, April 5 to 9. inclusive , 19 15.

Geo . W. Frick, County Supt. of Schools, Oakland, Cal .

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Placer County Teachers’

Institute,San Francisco , April 5 to 9, inclusive , 19 15.

Miss Irene Burns, County Supt. of Schools, Auburn , Placer Co Cal.

Stanislaus County Teachers’ Institute,S an Francisco , April 5 to 9, inclusive , 19 15.

Frank A. Bacon , County Supt. of Schools, Modesto , Cal .

Santa Clara County Teachers’

Institute,San Francisco , April 5 to 9 , inclusive , 19 15.

D . T. Bateman , County Supt. of Schools, San Jose , Cal.

Music Supervisors of the Schools of California,San Francisco , April 5 to 9 , inclusive, 19 15.

Glenn H . Woods , President, Oakland , Cal .

Miss Zannette W. Potter, Secretary , Oakland , Cal .

California Teachers’

Association,Bay Section ,

San Francisco , Apri l 5 to 10 , inclusive , 19 15.

Miss Minnie Coulter, President, Santa Rosa , Cal.A. J. Cloud , Secretary, City Hall , San Francisco .

Amador County Teachers’

InstituteS an Francisco , Ap ril 5 to 10 , 1nc1usive, 19 15.

W. H . Greenhalgh , County Supt . of Schools , Jackson , Cal.

State Federation of School Women’

s Clubs ,San Francisco , April 6 and 7 , 19 15.

Mrs . M . M . Fitz Gerald , President, 405 Filmore St San Francisco.

Miss Alice R. Power, Secretary, 324 Phelan Bldg. , San Francisco.

Great Camp of California , Knights of the Maccabees of the World,San Francisco , April 6 and 7 , 19 15.

S . W. all , Great Commander, 80 1-802 First National BankBldg. , Oakland , Cal.

California Association of Applied Arts and Sciences,San Francisco , April 9 , 19 15.

Jas. E. Addicott, President , 13 1 1 Waller St San Francisco .

Miss Adale Tobriner, Secretary, The Bristol , 1642 Fil lmore StSan Francisco .

California Fuel Dealers Protective Association ,San Francisco , April 9 and 10 , 19 15.

J . Cal Ewing, President , Care of W. G . Stafford 8: Co 234

Steuart S t. , San Francisco.J. B. Muir, Secretary , 202-203 Thomson Bldg. , Oakland, Cal.

California Council of Education ,San Francisco , April 10 , 19 15 .

E. Morris Cox, President, City Hall , Oakland , Cal .Arthur H . Chamberlain , Secretary, Monadnock Bldg. , San Francisco .

California Association ofI

Teachers of English ,San Francisco , April l 15 .

Miss Emma J. Brecki

iPresident , 3003 Summit St Oakland, Cal.Miss E. V. Schneider, Secretary , 2934 West St Oakland, Cal.

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Grand Lodge, Knights and Ladies of Honor,San Francisco , April 13, 19 15.

Dr. S . American , Grand Secretary, 2235 15th St San Francisco .

Grand Council of California , Royal Arcanum ,

San Francisco , Apri l 13, 14 and 15, 19 15.

G. L. Davidson, Grand Secretary, 374 Wilcox Bldg . , LosAngeles, Cal.

Woman’s Occidental Board of Foreign Missions,San Francisco , April 13 , 14 and 15 , 19 15.

Mrs. H . B. Pinney, President, 2830 Buchanan St San Francisco .Mrs. George A. Kennedy, General Corresponding Secretary, 2040Santa Clara Ave Alameda , Cal .

Grand Court Order of the Amaranth of California ,San Franc1sco , Apri l 14 , 15 and 16, 19 15 .

Mrs. Nellie M. Newhofi , Grand Royal Matron , 55 1 ThirdSan Francisco.

Mrs. Elspeth Behrenz,Grand Secretary, 1235 20th Ave

San Francisco.

American Association of Passenger Traffic Officers,San Francisco , April 15 and 16 , 19 15.

W. C. Hope , Secretary, 143 Liberty St New York City.

Synodical Society of California for Home and Foreign Missions,San Francisco

,April 16 , 19 15 .

Miss Julia Fraser, President for Home Missions, Oakland , Cal .Mrs. R . W. Cleland , President for Foreign Missions, Los Angeles, Cal .

California Society, Sons of the American Revolution ,San Francisco , April 19 , 19 15.

T. A. Perkins, Secretary, Mills Building , San Francisco.

Grand Council of California , Royal and Select Masters,San Francisco, April 19 , 19 15.

Thomas A. Davies , Grand Recorder, Masonic Temple,San Francisco .

New England Association of California,

San Francisco , April 19 , 19 15.

Ralph L . Hathorn, President , 68 Post St San Francisco .

E. W. Wheeler, Secretary , 106 1 Page St San Francisco.

Grand Parlor, Native Sons of the Golden West,San Francisco , April 19 to 23 , inclusive, 19 15 .

Louis H . Mooser, Grand President, 155 Sutter St San Francisco .

Fred H . Jung , Grand Secretary , 4 14 Mason St San Francisco.

International Bahai Congress,San Francisco , April 19 to 25, inclusive , 19 15.

Dr . Frederick W. D’

Evelyn, President, Phelan Bldg . , S anFrancisco .

W. C . Ralston , Secretary, 3 12 Phelan Bldg. San Francisco.

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Fire Underwriters’

Association of the Pacific,San Francisco , April 20 and 2 1 , 19 15.

Calvert Meade , Secretary, San Francisco.

Grand Chapter of Royal Arch Masons of the State of California,S im Francisco , April 20 andWilliam A. Davies , Grand Secretary, Masonic Temple,S an Francisco .

Th e Praetorians,San Francisco , April 20 and 2 1, 19 15.

S . S . Oppenheimer , District Manager, Pacific Bldg . , S an Francisco.

Danish Society Dania of California ,San Francisco , April 20 to 23, inclusive, 19 15.

M . Eriksen , Grand President , Ferndale, Cal.Carl Plow, Grand Secretary, Petaluma. Cal.


Auxiliary of the Danish Society, Dania of California ,S an Francisco

,April 20 to 24 , inclusive , 19 15.

Mrs . H . Krogh , Grand Secretary, Box 37 , Newman , Cal.

California Conference of the Swedish Lutheran Church (Augustana Synod) ,San Francisco, April 20 to 25 , inclusive, 19 15Rev . P. E . Berg, D . D. , President, Templeton , Cal .Rev. A. M . Le Veau , Secretary, San Jose , Cal.

Book Committee of the Methodist Episcopal Church ,San Francisco , April 20 to 26 , inclusive, 19 15.

John S . Patten , Chairman, Chattanooga , Tenn.Dr. Ezra S . Tipple , Secretary, Madison , N . J .

Brotherhood of American Yeomen , (Special Meeting.)San Francisco , April 2 1 , 19 15.

William Koch , Grand Foreman, Des Moines, Iowa .Carl Anderson , District Manager, 9 1 1 Geary St San Francisco .


s Home and Foreign Missionary Society of the California Conferenceof the Swedish Lutheran Church ,San Francisco, April 2 1 , 19 15.

Mrs. P. E. Berg, President, Templeton , Cal .

Knights Templar of California,San Francisco , April 22 and 23, 19 15.

Thos. A. Davies , Eminent Sir Grand Recorder, Masonic Temple,S an Francisco .

California Swine Breeders’

Association ,San Francisco , AprilA. M . Henry , President, Farrmngton, Cal.Prof. J . 1. Thompson , Secretary, Davis, Cal.

Luther League of the California Conference of the S wedish Lutheran Church ,San Francisco , April 23 , 19 15.

Rev. Luther Dalssten, Acting President, Riverside, Cal .

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Society of Mayflower Descendants in the State of California,San Francisco , April 24, 19 15.

Charles Mills Cayley, Governor, 2328 Piedmont Ave. , Berkeley, Cal.Seth Wilson Cushman, Secretary, 15 17 Filbert S t. , Oakland, Cal.

Debating League of California, (High School , )an Francisco, April 24, 19 15

J . M. Lowney, President, Merchants’

National Bank BldgS an Francisco .

Abel S abalot, Secretary, 366 Fifth Ave. , San Francisco.

Southern California Editorial Association,

S an Francisco, April 24 to 29 , inclusive, 19 15 .

Harlan G. Palmer, President, Hollywood, Cal.S. M. Greene, Secretary, Inglewood, Cal.

Manhattan Life Insurance Company, (Agency Convention)11 Francisco , April 26, l 5.

Frank K. Kohler, Supervisor of Agencies, 70 Broadway, NewYork City.


s Auxiliary of the7Society

of California Pioneers,San Francisco, Apr11 2 1915 .

Mrs. Timothy Guy Phelps, President, Hotel Clift , San Francisco.Mrs. Lewis E. Stanton , Secretary, 2826 Pierce St San Francisco.

Second District, California Congress of Mothers,S an Francisco, April 28 and 29 , 19 15.

Mrs. A. L. Whitman , Vice-President, 8 15 Scott S t. , San Francisco.

The Business Men’

s League of St. Louis,San Francisco, April 30 , 1915.

William Flewellyn Saunders, Secretary and General Manager,5 10 Locust S t. , St. Louis, Mo .

Constitution Grand Lodge, Independent Order B’

nai B nth,San Francisco, May 2 to 8 , inclusive, 19 15.

A. B . Seelenfreund, Secretary, 1248 Tribune Bldg. , Chicago, 111.

National Council of Jewish Women (Executive Session) ,San Francisco, May 3, 4 and 5 , 19 15.

Mrs. Nathaniel E . Harris, President, 1 14 South Ave. ,Bradford, Penn.

Mrs. Ernestine B . Dreyfus, Secretary, 3437 Pasco , Kansas City, Mo.

Grand Court of California , Foresters of America ,S an Francisco, May 3 to 8 , inclusive , 19 15.

Joseph B. Reboli , Grand Secretary, Grant Bldg . , San Francisco.

Grand Circle of California Companions of the Forest of America ,Francisco, May 4 to 7 , inclusive, 19 15.

Miss Agnes D. Bremer. Grand Financial Secretary, 823 CentralAlameda, California.

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Daughters of Veterans , Grand M y of the Republic,Department of California and Nevada.San Jose , May 1 1 to 14 , inclusive, 19 15.

Mrs. Florence Haines, Department President,150 W. 5zud St Los Angeles, Cal.

Grand Army of the Republic, Department of California and Nevada ,ay 1 1 to 14 , inclusive, 19

John H . Roberts, Assistant Adjutant General,603 City Hall, San Francisco.


s Relief Corps, Grand Army of the Republic,Department of California and Nevada .S an Jose. May 1 1 to 15, inclusive, 19 15.

Mrs. Lue A. Tripp. Department President,16 1 W. San Carlos S t. , San Jose, Cal .

Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of California and Nevada,San Jose. May 1 1 to 15 , inclusive, 19 15.

e R. Smith , Department President.3338 Conklin Ave. East San Diego , Cal.

Sons of Veterans, United States of America , Division of California and Pacific.S an Jose, May 1 1 to 15, inclusive, 19 15.

co . O. kwood, Division Commander,Los Angeles Military Academy, Huntington Drive, Los Angeles, Cal.

Grand Lodge. I . O. O . F. of the State of California ,S an Francisco , May 1 1 to 16 , inclusive, 19 15.

H. D. Richardson , Grand Secretary, Odd Fellows Building, San Francisco.

Rebekah Assembly, 1. O. O. F. of California ,S an Francisco, May 1 1 to 16 , inclusive, 19 15 .

Mrs. Mary E. Donoho, Grand Secretary,Odd Fellows Building, San Francisco


s Congress of Retail Grocers, San Francisco, May 12 , 19 15.

Frank B. Connolly, Presiding Chairman , 3 18-3 19 Sheldon Bld. , San Francisco.


Mutual Fire Insurance Companies,S an Francisco, May 13 and 14 , 19 15 .

Aug. Lutge. President, Napa, Cal.G. F. Cromer, Secretary, Currier Bld Los Angeles, Cal .

Veteran Odd Fellows’

Association of California,S an Francisco, MayWm. H . Barnes, Secretary, Odd Fellows

Bld San Francisco.

California Association of Cycling Clubs , San Francisco , May 14 and 15. 19 15.

W. B. Steiger, President, 17 7 Post St San Francisco .

The Association of Employed Officers of the Young Women’

s ChristianAssociation of the United States of America.

Asilomar, May 14, 15 and 16, 19 15 .

Miss Florence Brown, Chairman , Young Women’

s Christian Association.

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S tanford Alumni Reunion , Stanford University, May 15 , 19 15 .

J. E . McDowell, Secretary, 19 15 Reunion Committee,Stanford University, Cal.

California Society of Etchers, San Francisco, May 15, 19 15 .

Louis C. Mullgardt, President, Chronicle Bld . , San Francisco.

California Civic League, San Francisco , May 15 , 19 15.

Miss Julia George, President, 1 136 Eddy S t. , San Francisco.Miss Florence Locke. Secretary, 655 Walsworth St Oakland. Cal.

Mills College Alumnae Reunion , Mills College, May 15. 19 15.

Miss Janet Haight, President, Mills College Alumnae Association,Orange S t. , Oakland, Cal.Miss Anna Sawyer, Secretary, Mills College , Cal.

Dramatic Order Knights of Khorassan , San Francisco, May 17 , 19 15.

H . Schaffner, Secretary, Knights of Pythias Castle,1 1 1 Valencia Street, San Francisco.

Supreme Grand Circle, Companions of the Forest, Ancient Order of Foresters,San Francisco , May 17 , 18 and 19 , 19 15 .

Miss Ella Wunderlich , Secretary 19 15 Comm ittee,525 Market St San Francisco.

Grand Lodge, Knights of the Royal Arch .

San Francisco , May 17 , 18 and 19 , 19 15.

Frank G. Roney, Grand Recorder,Mechanics

Bld., 948 Market S t San Francisco .

Grand Lodge, Knights of Pythias, San Francisco , May 17 to 2 1 inclusive, 19 15.

Herman Schaffner, Grand Keeper of Records and Seal ,Knights of Pythias Castle, 1 1 1 Valencia Street, San Francisco .

Grand Temple, Pythian Sisters, San Francisco, May 17 to 2 1 inclusive, 19 15.

Mrs. Louise Holmes, Grand Mistress of Records and Correspondence,478 19th S t. , Oakland, Cal.

California Federation of Women’

s Clubs,San Francisco , May 17 to 2 1, inclusive , 19 15.

Mrs. Lillian Pray-Palmer, President , 540 West Ivy Street, San Diego . Cal .Mrs. Geo . Butler, Corresponding Secretary, San Diego , Ca]

Supreme Tent, Knights of the Maccabees of the World,San Francisco, May 17 to 2 1 inclusive , 19 15.

L. E. Sisler, Supreme Record Keeper, Detroit, Mich.

The National Association of the Young Women’

s Christian Associationsof the United States of America (Dedication Service) ,

San Francisco, May 18, 19 15.

Mrs. Robert E . Speer, President , 600 Lexington Ave New York City.Miss Mabel Cratty, Secretary, 600 Lexington Ave. , New York City.

California Congress of Mothers, San Francisco , May 18 and 19 , 19 15.

Mrs. H . N . Rowell. President, 3 158 College Ave. , Berkeley, Cal.Mrs. W. F. Eschbacher, Cor. S ecretary. 843 34th S t. , Oakland. Cal.

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American Omithologists’

Union, S an Francisco, May 18 , 19 and 20 , 19 15.

Juo. H . Sage, Secretary, Portland , ConnJoseph Mailliard , Chairman , Committee on Local Arrangements,18 15 Vallejo S t. , San Francisco.

Baptist State Convention (Colored) , Oakland, May 18 to 22 , inclusive, 19 15.

Rev . F. W. Cooper, 337 E . 1 1th S t. , Riverside, Cal.Rev. G. C. Coleman. Recording Secretary, 859 34th St Oakland , Cal.

National Wholesale Grocers’

Association of the United States,San Francisco, May 19 , 20 and 2 1 , 19 15 .

Alfred H . Beckmann , General Secretary , 6 Harrison St New York City.

National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations,(Special Conference. ) San Francisco , May 20 , 2 1 and 22 , 19 15 .

Mrs . Arthur A. Bimey, Cor. Secretary, 9 10 Loan and Trust BldgWashington , D C .

Mrs. H . N . Rowell , President , California Congress of Mothers,3 158 College Ave. , Berkeley, Cal .

Employed Officers’

Conference, Y. M . C. A. of North America ,Asilomar, May 20 to 23 , inclusive , 19 15.

R . P. Kaighn , Chairman Executive Comm1ttee, 124 E . 28th StNew York Ci1 .ty

M . L. Foss, Secretary, 1 12 1 Bedford Ave. Brooklyn , N . Y.

Cereal Conference (Under Direction of University of California andU. S. Department of Agriculture) ,

Merced, May 24 , 19 15 .

University of California , May 25 , 19 15.

Davis, May 26 , 19 15.

Chico, May 27 , 19 15.

Prof. John W . Gilmore , University of California , Berkeley, Cal .Prof. M . A. Carlton , U. S. Department of Agriculture , Washington , D. C.

American Iron , Steel and Heavy Hardware Association ,San Francisco , May 24 to 28 , inclusive , 19 15.

E . W. A. Waterhouse , President ,Care of Waterhouse Gt Lester, 540 Howard St San Francisco .

John G . Purdie , Secretary-Treasurer, Marbridge Bldg. , New York City.

Prudential Insurance Company of America , Club ,(Agency Convention . ) San Francisco , May 24 to 28 , inclusive. 19 15 .

Geo. B . Speer, Assistant Secretary, Newark, N . J .

Young Men’

3 Christian Associat1on, Special Conference,San Francisco , MayGeo. W. Marston , President, San Diego , Cal .J . E . Sprunger, Secretary, State Office Y. M. C. A . , Los Angeles. Cal .

National Association of Supervisors of State Banks,Oakland , May 25 to 28 , inclusive , 19 15.

T. J . Smith , President , Frankfort , Ky.

California State Association of Stationary Engineers,San Francisco , May 27 , 28 and 29 , 19 15.

W. T. W. Curl, Secretary, 4 103 Dalton Ave. , Los Angeles, Cal .

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California Bankers’

Association , San Francisco , May 2 7 , 28 and 29 , 19 15.

Frederick H . Colburn , Secretary, 1064 Mills Bldg. , San Francisco.

Oregon Bankers’ Association , San Francisco , May 2 7 , 28 and 29 , 19 15.

J . L. Hartman, Secretary, Portland , Ore.

Nevada Bankers’

Association, San Francisco , May 27 , 28 and 29 , 19 15 .

J . W. Davey, Secretary, Reno , Nev .

Idaho Bankers’

Association , San Francisco , May 2 7 , 28 and 29 , 19 15 .

J . W. Robinson , Secretary, Boise , Idaho .

National Child Labor Committee , San Francisco. May 28 , 29 and 30 , 19 15.

Dr. Felix Adler, Chairman , New York City.

Dr. Owen R . Lovejoy , Secretary, 105 E. 22nd St New York City.

Norwegian Singers of the Pacific Coast,San Francisco , May 28 to June 3, inclusive , 19 15 .

Klaus Olsen , President , Comer Buchanan and Sutter S ts San Francisco.Amt Haugerud, Secretary, 22 16 Folsom St San Francisco .

International Bible Students’

Association,Oakland and San Francisco , May 29 to June 7 , inclusive, 19 15.

Pastor C . T. Russell, President , 122 Columbia Heights, Brooklyn, N . Y.

E. W. Brennersen, Secretary, 122 Columbia Heights , Brooklyn , N . Y.

Carpet and Shade Workers’

International Association , S an Jose, May 3 1 , 19 15 .

Joseph Foley, General Secretary, 3 Railway Avenue, San Francisco.

Synod of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church of America ,San Francisco , May 3 1 to June 6 , inclusive , 19 15.

Dr. H . G. Stub , President, 806 Sheldon Ave . , St. Paul , Minn .

Federation of Singers of the Synod of the Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Church ofAmerica, San Francisco , May 3 1 to June 6 , inclusive , 19 15.

Nils Fosen , Secretary, 1708 Elliott Ave . , Minneapolis, Minn .

Young People’

s Association of the Synod, Norwegian Evangelical Lutheran Churchof America , San Francisco , May 3 1 to June 6 , inclusive , 19 15.

Rev . O. J. Ordal , President, 9 12 S . 17th St Tacoma , Wash.

Baptist Conference, San Francisco , June 1 , 19 15.

Dr. Geo . E Burlingame, Chairman , Committee of Arrangemen ts ,2 1 Octav1a St San Francisco.

Sons of Norway, District Convention , District No . 2 ,

San Francisco, June 1 , 2 and 3 , 19 15.

HalvorQuam', Secretary, 2808 Rockfeller Ave. , Everett, Wash .

Royal Neighbors of America , (Special Congress and School of Instruction . )San Francisco , June 1 , 2 and 3 , 19 15 .

Mrs. Annie Little Barry , State Supervising Deputy,1935 El Dorado Ave. , Berkeley, Cal.

Daughters of Norway, Pacific Coast District,San Francisco , June 1 to 4 , inclusive , 19 15.

Miss Helga Thronsen, Secretary, 43 1 Duboce Ave . , San Francisco.Miss Marie Gjirde, Chairman , Committee on Arrangements ,1626 Sutter S t. , San Francisco.

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California Library Association, Berkeley, June 3 to 9 , inclusive, 19 15 .

J . L. Gill is, President, Sacramento, Cal.Alice J . Haines, Secretary, State Library. Sacramento , Cal.

California County Librarians. Berkeley, June 3 to 9, inclusive, 19 15.

J . L. Gillis, President, State Library, Sacramento, Cal.

American Library Association, Berkeley, June 3 to 9 , inclusive, 19 15.

H . C. Wellman. President, City Library, Springfield, Mass.

George B . Utley, Secretary, 78 E. Washington S t. , Chicago, Ill.

National Association of State Libraries, Berkeley, June 3 to 9 , inclusive, 19 15 .

J . L. Gillis, President, California State Library, S acrameh to , Cal .M . G. Dodge, Secretary, California State Library, Sacramento, Cal.

Special Libraries Association , Berkeley, June 3 to 9 , inclusive, 19 15.

Richard Holland Johnston , President, Librarian , Railway Bur eau.Munsey Bldg. , Washington, D. C.

Guy Elwood Marion , Secretary, 1 10 1 Tremont Bldg. , Boston, Mass.

American Association of Law Libraries, Berkeley, June 3 to 9 , inclusive, 19 15 .

E . J . Lien , President, State Library, St. Paul , Minn .Miss Gertrude E . Woodard , Secretary, Law Library,University of Michigan , Ann Arbor, Mich .

League of Library Commissions, Berkeley, June 3 to 9 , inclusive , 19 15 .

M . S. Dudgeon , President, Wisconsin Free Library Commission ,Madison , WisMiss Julia A. Robinson , Secretary, Iowa Library Comm ission.Des Moines, Iowa.

American Sweet Pea Society, San Francisco , June 4 , 19 15.

Lester L. Morse , President, 48 Jackson S t San Francisco.

Harry Bunyard , Secretary, 342 W. 14th S t. , New York City.

General Advisory Commission , Federation of Women’

s Boards of ForeignMissions of the United States , San Francisco, June 4 to 5 , 19 15.

Mrs. De Witt Knox, Chairman , 1748 Broadway, New York City.


s Congress of Missions, (In Charge of the General Advisory Commission , Federation of Women

s Boards of Foreign Missions of the UnitedStates and the Council of Women for Home Missions. )

San Francisco , June 6 to 13 , inclusive, 19 15.

Mrs. DeWitt Knox, Chairman , General Advisory Commission,Federation of Women

s Boards of Foreign Missions of the U. S1748 Broadway, New York City .

Mrs. George W. Coleman , President , The Council of Women for HomeMissions, 177 W. Brookline St Boston , Mass .

Mrs. Paul Raymond , Honorary Chairman , Local Committee on

Arrangements, 1370 California S t. , San Francisco .Mrs. E. J . Denniston , Chairman , Local Committee on Arrangements,3454 2 13t St San Francisco.

Council of Women for Home Missions ,San Francisco , June 6 to 13 , inclusive , 19 15 .

Mrs. Geo. W. Coleman, President, 177 W. Brookline S t. , Boston, Mass.

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Architectual League of the Pacific Coast , San Francisco , June 7, 8 and 9 , 19 15.

August G. Headman , Secretary , Phelan Bldg. , San Francisco.

International Association of Marble Workers ,San Francisco , June 7 to 12 , inclusive , 19 15.

Stephen C. Hogan , Secretary , 406 E. 149th S t. , New York City.

International Association , Masters of Dancing, San Francisco , June 7 to 12 , 19 15.

P. H . Kelly , Secretary, 135 Beech St Holyoke , Mass .

National Electric Light Association, San Francisco, June 8 to 1 1 , inclusive, 19 15.

C. Martin , Secretary, 29 West 39th St New York City.

Grand Parlor, Native Daughters of the Golden West,San Francisco , June 8 to 12 , inclusive , 19 15.

Miss Alice H . Dougherty, Grand Secretary ,12 1 1 Spreckels Building, San Francisco.

California Branch , United National Association of Post Ofiice Clerks,Oakland , June 12 , 19 15.

George P . Feely, Secretary, San Francisco

American Society of Tropical Medicine, S an Francisco , June 14 , 15 and 16 , 19 15 .

Dr. John M . Swan , Secretary , 457 Park Ave . ,Rochester, N . Y

Eclectic Medical Society of the State of California ,S an Francisco , June 14 to 17 , inclusive , 19 15.

Dr. H . Ford Scudder, Secretary , S. Hill St Los Angeles, Cal.

National Eclectic Medical AssociationSan Francisco, June 14 to 17 , inclus1ve, 19 15.

Dr. Wm. P. Best, Recording Secretary,22 18 E. l oth S t. , Indianapolis, Ind.

Hotel and Restaurant Employees’

International Alliance andBartenders

International League of America ,San Francisco , June 14 to 19 , inclusive , 19 15.

Jere L. Sullivan , Secretary, Commercial Tribune Bldg. , Cincinnati , O.

Beneficial Life Insurance Company, (Agency Convention. )San Francisco , June 14 to 19 , inclusive , 19 15 .

John D . Giles , Director of Agencies for Utah , Salt Lake City, Utah .

Rockhurst Prayer Conference , San Francisco , June 14 to 20 , inclusive, 19 15.

Rev . J . Q. A. Henry, D. D Chairman at Large ,Hotel Rodman , Philadelph1a, Pa .

Rev. Warren C. Sherman , Pacific Coast Chairman ,2328 Warring S t. , Berkeley, Cal.

Mrs. Mindora Berry-Goodwin , Corresponding Secretary,Rockhurst Center, 130 McA llister S t. , San Francisco.

Baronial Order of Runnemede , San Francisco , June 15, 19 15.

Chas. Marshall , Signet, 235 W. Chelten Pa.Orville Dwight Baldwin , Chairman , Committee on Arrangements ,1000 Green S t. , S an Francisco .

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Pacific Coast Oto-Opthalmological Society,San Francisco , June 15 , 16 and 17 , 19 15.

Dr. Cullen F. Welty, Secretary, Shreve Bldg. , San Francisco.

Supreme Lodge, Friends of the Pacific , S an Francisco, June 15 , 16 and 17 , 19 15.

Mrs. Lena Scholten , Supreme Secretary,2385 Mission St San Francisco.

American Suggestive Therapeutical Association ,San Francisco , June 15 to 18 , inclusive , 19 15.

S . W. Weltmer, Secretary, Nevada , MO .

California State Homoepathic Medical Society ,

San Francisco , June 16 to 19 , inclusive, 19 15.

Dr. Guy Edmund Manning , President, 39 1 Sutter St San Francisco .

Dr. Edgar H . Howell , Secretary , Head Building, San Francisco .

United Swedish Singers of the Pacific Coast ,San Francisco June 16 to 30 , inclusive , 19 15.

Lambert G1sslow, Secretary, 3808 22nd St San Francisco .

American Association , Medical Milk Commissions , San Francisco , June 17 , 19 15 .

Dr. T. C . McCleve, President, Berkeley, Cal .Dr. Otto P. Geier, Secretary , 124 Garfield Place , Cincinnati, O .

Pan-American Medical Congress, San Francisco , June 17 , 18 and 19 , 19 15 .

Dr. Ramon Guiteras , Secretary, 80 Madison Ave . , New York City.

American Climatological and Clinical Association ,San Francisco , June 18 and 19 , 19 15.

Dr. Henry Sewall , President , 1360 Vine St Denver, Colo.

Dr. Guy Hinsdale, Secretary, Hot Springs, Va .

Pacific Coast Machinery Dealers’ Association ,San Francisco , June 18 and 19 , 19 15 .

Eldridge Green , President, 39 Stevenson St San Francisco .

John W. Berger, Secretary , 1 10 Market S t. , San Francisco .

National League of Nursing Education ,San Francisco, June 20 to 2 7 , inclusive, 19 15.

Miss Sara E. Parsons, Secretary,Massachusetts General Hospital , Boston , Mass.

California State Nurses’ Association ,San Francisco , June 20 to 2 7 , inclusive , 19 15 .

rs aylor, Secretary,1



Ramse11 S t. , Ocean View, San Francisco .

American Nurses’

Association , San Francisco , June 20 to 27 , inclusive , 19 15 .

Miss Genevieve Cooke , President, 1 143 Leavenworth St San Francisco .

Miss Katherine Dewitt, 45 S . Union S t. , Rochester, N . Y.

National Organization for Public Health Nursing ,San Francisco, June 20 to 2 7 , inclusive , 19 15 .

Miss Ella Phillips Crandall , Secretary , 54 E. 34th S t. , New York City.

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Alpha Omega Alpha Honorary Fraternity, San Francisco , June 23 and 24 , 19 15.

Prof. Russell Burton-Opitz. President. Medical Dept. ,Columbia University , New York City.

Prof. W. W. Root. Secretary. Slaterville Springs. N . Y.

The Medical Association of the Isthmian Canal Zone.San Francisco, June 24. 19 15 .

Dr. H . C. Clark, Secretary-Treasurer, Ancon, Canal Zone.Dr. H . T . S ummersgill. Chairman , Committee of Arrangements,2ud and Parnassus Ave . , San Francisco .

Masters and Past-Masters of the Counties of San Joaquin , Stanislaus , Merced.Madera , Amador. Calaveras. Tuolumne and Mariposa , Free and Ac

cepted Masons of California , San Francisco, June 24, 19 15.

Wm. J . Thomaycr, President, Lodi , Cal .Orrin S. Henderson , Secretary. P . O. Box 14 , Stockton, Cal.

Pacific Claim Agents’ Association , San Francisco, June 24 , 25 and 26, 19 15.

N . Henry, Secretary, Electric Bldg. , Seattle , Wash .

Pacific Association of Railway Surgeons , San Francisco, June 25, 19 15.

Dr. Louis P. Howe, Secretary, Physicians’ Bldg. , San Francisco .

Omega Upsilon Phi Fraternity, San Francisco , June 25 and 26. 19 15.

H . Brooker Mills, M . D Senior Grand Master, Philadelphia , Pa.

T. Carroll Davis , M . D. , Grand Scribe,2408 W . Allegheny Ave . , Philadelphia , Pa .

American School Hygiene Association,San Francisco , June 25 and 26. 19 15.

Dr. Thomas A. Storey, S ecretary,College of the City of New York. New York City .

Prof. L . M . Terman. Chairman , Committee on Arrangements.Stanford University. Cal.

American Academy of Medicine, S an Francisco, June 25 to 28 , inclusive, 19 15.

Dr. Woods Hutchinson. President , New York City.

Dr. Chas. McIntire, Secretary. Easton. Pa.

National Wholesale Saddlery Association ,San Francisco , June 27 to July 3. inclusive, 19 15.

Henry O thmer. Secretary-CommissionerChicago Stock Exchange Bldg. , Chrcago. Ill.

Associated Manufacturers of Saddlery Accessories,San Francisco , June 2 7 to July 3. inclusive. 19 15.

Walter R . Stone. Secretary, 620 Granite Bldg. , Rochester, N. Y.

Pacific Coast Women’s Press Association , San Francisco , June 28 , 19 15.

Miss Ina Coolbrith , President, 1067 Broadway. S an Francisco.

State Association of Master Plumbers of California.San Francisco , June 28 andJohn L. E . F1rm1n. Secretary. 120 Page St San Francisco.

International Congress of Mazdaznan Philosophy,San Francisco. June 28 and 29 , 19 15 .

Mrs . Helen Pearce. President , 1355 California S t S an Francisco.

Miss Clara Zimmerman. Secretary, Local Branch. Argyle Apartments.146 McAllister S t. , S anFrancisco.

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American Association of Instructors of the Blind .

Berkeley, June 28 to 30 , inclusive , 19 15 .

E . E. Allen , Secretary, School for the Blind. Watertown , Mass.L. E . Milligan , Chairman. Committee of Arrangements ,California School for the Deaf and the Blind. Berkeley. Cal.

National Speech Arts Association ,San Francisco. June 28 to July 2 . inclusive , 19 15 .

Geo. C . Williams. President. Ithaca , N . Y.

Miss Grace Makepeace. Secretary,10 19 Starkweather Ave Cleveland, O .

California Speech Arts Association ,San Francisco , June 28 to July 2 , inclusive, 19 15 .

Prof. L. E . Bassett. President, Leland Stanford Jr. University, Cal .Miss Ethel Cotton. Secretary, 1 1 12 Market St San Francisco .

National Association of Tanners , S an Francisco. June 29 , 19 15.

Cudworth Beye , Executive Secretary. 2 12 W. Washington St Chicago, Ill.

Congress of Authors and Journalists,San Francisco , June 29 to July 2 , inclusive , 19 15 .

Miss Ina Coolbrith , President. 1067 Broadway. S an Francisco .

Alpha Omicron Pi. Berkeley. June 29 to July 3, inclusive. 19 15.

Miss Anna E. Many, Grand Secretary ,

1325 Henry Clay Ave New Orleans. La.

Lindenwood College Reunion , S an Francisco , June 29 to July 5 , inclusive. 19 15 .

Miss Sara Elizabeth Edwards. Secretary. 730 Clara Ave St . Louis , Mo.

Tourist Association of Central California. San Francisco. June 30 , 19 15.

E. D. Moore. Managing Director, 525 Market St S an Francisco.

National Association of MasterPlumbers,S an Francisco. June 30 . July 1 and 2. 19 15.

D Durkin. Jr.. Secretary ,Schuyler Bldg . , 6th and Diamond Sts Philadelphia. Pa .

Phi Sigma Fraternity. San Francisco. July 1 , 2 and 3 , 19 15.

R . P. Baker. Supreme President , 1 160 Bay St Alameda , Cal .J . R. Hermann, Chairman. Committee on Arrangements ,120 Folsom S t. , San Francisco.

American Association of Workers for the Blind.Berkeley. July 1 to 3 . inclusive. 19 15.

Chas. F. F . Campbell. Secretary. 9 1 1 Franklin Ave . , Columbus. Ohio .

L. E. Milligan , Chairman , Committee of Arrangements ,California School for the Deaf and the Blind. Berkeley, Cal.

Sigma Phi Upsilon Fraternity (Grand Chapter) .Berkeley. July 1 to 5. inclusive. 19 15.

Robert L. Patterson , President. 2 18 7 Shattuck Ave Berkeley, Cal .Virgil Price , S ecretary . 202 1 24th Ave . , Oakland, Cal.

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The Missionary Education Movement (Pacific Coast Section)Asilomar, July 2 to 1 1. inclusive, 19 15.

Rev . Ernest F. Hall. Chairman. 920 Sacramento S t. , San Francisco .

Rev . Miles B . Fisher, Secretary-Treasurer, 4 17 Market St San Francisco.

National S ales Managers’ Association of America ,S an Francisco. July 3. 19 15.

M. Louis Wooley. President. 444 Market St S an Francisco .Don T. Lee. Secretary, 9th and Dodge S ts. . Omaha , Nebr.

California Genealogical3

S oc



S an Francisco. JulyHenry Byron Phil lips. President. 13 1 1 Grove St Berkeley. Cal .Miss Sarah Louise Kimball. Secretary.1 1 13 Claus Spreckels Bldg . , S an Francisco .

Travelers’ Protective Association (Special Conference)

S an Francisco, July 3. 19 15.

David van Gelder. President. Califemia Division ,20 7 Underwood Bldg. , San Francisco .

Harry T. Moore. Secretary, California Division.20 7 Underwood Bldg . , San Francisco.

International Conference of Women Workers.S an Francisco. July 4 to 7 , inclusive , 19 15.

Mrs. May Wright Sewall , Chairman , Organizing Committee,140 1 Hyde S t. , San Francisco.

Navy League of the United States.San Francisco. July 5. 6 and 7, 19 15 .

H . Dadmun. Secretary. Southern Bldg . , Washington. D. C.

California High School Teachers’

Association.University of California. July 5 to 9 , inclusive , 19 15.

Herbert O. Williams, President ,Principal , Sacramento High School , Sacramento. Cal.

Elmer E . Washbum . Secretary , Fremont High School. Oakland. Cal.

Pi Beta Phi Sorority.Berkeley. July 5 to 9. inclusive, 19 15 .

Miss Amy B. Onken. Grand Secretary. Chapin. Ill.

Classical Association of Northern California ,University of California. July 5 to 9. inclusive , 19 15.

Prof. H . C . Nutting. President, University of California, Berkeley. Cal.Miss Mary B. Clayes. Secretary. High School. Berkeley. Cal.


Friendly Society in America (Eighth Province) ,S an Francisco. July 5 to 9. inclusive. 19 15.

Miss P. A. Tallman , Vice-President of Province. Spokane. Wash .

Miss Cornelia E. Marshall. Head of Social Service Department for America.2 12 1 Buchanan S t. , San Francisco.

International Press Congress,San Francisco. July 5 to 10 ,

inclusive, 19 15.

Walter Williams, Director. Dean of the School of Joumalism.

University of Missouri , Columbia , Mo.

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National Congress on Recreation ,San Francisco. July 5 to 10 1nc1usive, 19 15 .

Eustace M. Peixotto. Cha1rman. Executive Committee.1058 Phelan Bldg. , San Francisco.

Gustavus Schneider, Secretary, Berkeley. Cal .

Conference of Amateur Press Associations.San Francisco, in week of July 5. 19 15.

Edward F . S uhre. Chairman of Conference , 364 1 Juniata St St. Louis, Mo.

W. J . Held. Chairman of Local Committee. 839 36th S t. , Oakland. Cal.

Alpha Chi Omega Sorority (Special Meeting) .San Francisco. 1n week of July 5 5.

Mrs. Alta Allen Loud, National President, Albion , Mich.

Mrs. Courter. President of San Francisco Alumnae Club ,138 Cabrillo St San Francisco.

California Press Association.S an Francisco. July 6. 1915.

Friend W. Richardson , President , Sacramento, Cal .Oran A. King, Secretary, Concord, Cal .

Grand Interfratemity Council of the United States ,S an Francisco , July 6 and 7. 5.

Warren Manley. President, 130 1 Merchants’

Exchange Bldg . , San Francisco.

Warren Piper. First Vice-President. 3 1 N . State S t. , Chicago, IllMurray T. Quigg. Second Vice-President ,435 West End Ave. , New York City.

Joseph F. Gregoire. Secretary-Treasurer.206 N . Meridan St Indianapolis, Ind .

J. Ward Brown. Director of Publicity , 14 19 8th Ave. , Brooklyn. Y.

George P. Foster, Jr Editor of the Bulletin ,3 10 N . Menard Ave. , Chicago , 111.

California State Rural Letter Carriers’

Association.S an Francisco. July 6 and 7 , 19 15.

Juo. W. Haynes. Secretary, San Jose , Cal .

California Drug Clerks’

Association.San Francisco , July 6. 7 and 8. 19 15.

J. S. O’

Callaghan, President , 6 16 Pacific Bldg. , San Francisco.

W. W. McCune, Secretary, 6 16 Pacific Bldg . , San Francisco .

American Association of Museums,S an Francisco , July 6 , 7 and 8. 19 15 .

Prof O . C. Farrington , President.F1e1d Museum of Natural History, Chicago.

Paul M . Rea. Secretary ,Charleston Museum. Charleston , S. C.

Association of Retail Sheet Music Dealers of the United States.S an Francisco. July 6. 7 andChas. Hofrneyer. President, 332 Boylston St Boston , Mass.

R. W. Hefielfinger, Secretary , 446 S. Broadway. Los Angeles. Cal.

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National Leather and Shoe Finders’

Association ,S an Francisco. July 7. 8 and 9 . 19 15.

Henry Kleine. President. Chicago. Ill.Samuel W. Burtschaell. Vice-President. 6 19-2 1 Mission St S an Francisco.

George A. Knapp. Secretary , 724 Victoria Bldg. , St . Lou1s. Mo .

National Editorial Association (Special Conference following Los Angeles C0 11vention) .San Francisco. July 7, 19 15.

Oakland. July 8 , 9 and 10 , 19 15.

C. E. Hosmer. President. 524 Barclay Block. Denver. Colo.

George Schlosser. Secretary, Sioux Falls, S . D .

Gamma Eta Kappa Fraternity.San Francisco. July 7 to 10 , inclusive , 19 15 .

Sumner I. Benedict, Secretary, 3 1 Union Square. New York City .

Baptist Young People’

s Union of America.Oakland. July 7 to 1 1. inclusive , 19 15 .

Rev. Wm. E . Chalmers, General Secretary,10 7 South Wabash Ave . , Chicago, Ill.

Pacific Coast Convention of Baptist Young People’

s Societies,Oakland , July 7 to 1 1. inclusive , 19 15.

Alexander R . Heron. President , Los Angeles, Cal .P. Burton Wilcox. Secretary. Pasadena , Cal .Arthur Leonard \Vadsworth. Field Secretary. McMinnville. Ore.

National Federation of Musical Clubs (Special Meeting)San Francisco. July 8. 19 15.

Mrs. Julius Eugene Kinney. President, 737 Corona St Denver. Colo .

Mrs. J. H . S missaert. Secretary, Wolfe Hall. Denver. Colo.


E!uity Association (Special Convention)San Francisco , July 8 , 19 15.

Francis Wilson, President,c/o Players

Club. 16 Gramercy Park, New York City.

Howard Kyle, Recording Secretary. 608 Longacre Bld . , New York City.

International Milk Dealers’ Association ,San Francisco , July 8 and 9. 19 15.

Charles H . Hood President,Boston. Mass .

John LeFeber, V 1ce-President. Milwaukee, Wis.Samuel O . Dungan. Secretary. Indianapolis, Ind .

National Council of Women Voters ,San Francisco. July 8. 9 and 10 , 19 15.

Mrs. Emma Smith Dev oe , President, 605 Perkins Bldg. , Tacoma. Wash .

American Association of Journalism Teachers,

San Francisco, July 10 , 19 15.

Prof. Merle Thorpe, President. University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan.Prof. Hugh Mercer Blaine , Secretary.Louisiana State University , Baton Rouge. La .

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Philological Association of the Pacific Coast.Berkeley, July 10 . 19 15 .

Prof. C . G. Chinard, Secretary , 1706 Oxford St Berkeley, Cal.

State University of Iowa Reunion ,San Francisco , July 10 , 19 15.

Herbert M . Harwood. Secretary , University of Iowa Association.Iowa City. Iowa .

Theta Delta Chi.San Francisco. July 10 to 13 , inclusive , 19 15.

Seward G. Spoor, President. 149 Broadway. New York City.

Walter S . Mallory, Secretary. Paxinosa Ave . , Easton. Pa.

Congress of the Federal Suffrage Association ,San Francisco. July 1 1 , 12 and 13. 19 15.

Rev. Olympia Brown. President. Racine , Wis.Mrs. Clara Bewick Colby, Corresponding Secretary,522 6th St. N . W Washington , D. C .

International Congress of Viticulture,San Francisco. July 12 and 13. 19 15.

Prof. Wm . B. Alwood ,President , Commission on Organization ,

Charlottesville. Va .

American Wine Growers’

Association.San Francisco. July 12 and 13. 19 15 .

L. J . Vance, Secretary. 302 Broadway, New York City .

California Viticultural Exhibit Association ,San Francisco , July 12 and 13, 19 15.

H. F. Stoll. Secretary , Room 50 1,12 Geary St San Francisco.

California Grape Protective Association,

San Francisco. July 12 and 13 , 19 15.

H . F . Stoll. Secretary , Room 50 1, 12 Geary St San Francisco.

State Board of Viticultural Commissioners,San Francisco , July 12 and 13. 19 15.

E . M . Sheehan , Secretary , State Capitol , Sacramento. Cal.

Sigma Kappa.Berkeley. Cal . . July 12 to 16 , inclusive , 19 15.

Mrs. Ethel Hayward Weston , Grand Secretary. Oldtown. Me.

Motion Picture Exhibitors’

League of America .San Francisco, July 12 to 16. inclusive, 19 15 .

M . A. Pearce , President, 4 15 E . Baltimore St Baltimore, Md.

W. R. Wilson. Secretary. Columbus, Ohio .

Theatrical Mechanical Association of the United States and Canada.San Francisco , July 12 to 17 , inclusive , 19 15.

Robert C. Newman, Secretary. c/c Shea’

s Theatre, Toronto , Canada.

Wm . R . Whorff. Secretary, Convention Committee,R epublic Theatre , S an Francisco .

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The Music Teachers’

Association of California,Oakland. July 12 to 17 , inclusive. 19 15.

Henry Bretherick, President, 1062 Page S t. , San Francisco .

Miss Marie Withrow, Secretary, 20 16 Pine St San Francisco.

Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity,San Francisco , July 12 to 17. inclusive, 19 15.

James Anderson Hawes. General Secretary,30 Broad S t. , New York City.

John Hubert Mee, Local Secretary,Merchants

Exchange Bldg. , San Francisco.

YaleWeek Under the Auspices of the Yale Alumni Association of Northernom1a.

San Francisco, July 12 to 17. inclusive, 19 15.

William H. Crocker, President,Crocker National Bank Bld. , San Francisco.

Charles F. Mills, Secretary, 8 18 Kohl Bldg San Francisco.

Sociedade Portugueza Rainha Santa Izabel.Oakland, July 12 to 17. inclusive, 19 15.

Mrs. Anna C. Martins, Secretary. 1220 Washington St Oakland, Cal .

Phi Lambda Epsilon.San Francisco , July 14, 15 and 16 , 19 15.

Howard H . Fassett. Chairman , Conclave Committee.22 17 19th Ave., Oakland, Ca

National Negro Farmers’

CongressSan Francisco. July 14 to 17 , 1nc1usive, 19 15.

Dr. E. L. Blackshear. President,Principal. Prairie View State Normal and Industrial College,Prairie View, Texas.

Inter-Mountain Life Insurance Company (Agency Convention) .S an Francisco, JulyWm . Spry. President, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Great Republic Life Insurance Company (Agency Contest) .San Franc1sco. July 1 5.

E. C. Cooper. President. Los Angeles. Cal .Pandolfo. General Agent. San Antonio, Texas.


s Association of California ,San Francisco , July 15 and 16 , 19 15.

Geo. B. Ferguson, President. Oakland, Cal .W. H. Collins, Secretary. 1 148 Harrison St San Francisco.

United Artisans. Oakland. July 15. 16 and 17. 19 15.

rank M . Reed, President of the 19 15 Committee,435 13th S t. , Oakland, Cal.

Mrs. Josephine Gearhart, Secretary 19 15 Committee.83 Echo Ave., Oakland, Cal.

Pi Kappa Phi Fratemity,San Francisco, July 15. 16 and 17. 19 15.

E. R. W. Gunn. Grand Secretary. Oxford. Ga.

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Panama-Pacific Historical Congress,San Francisco. July 19. 20 and 2 1, 19 15 . University of California , Berkeley.July 22. 19 15 . Stanford University, July 23, 19 15.

J. J . Van Nostrand, Secretary, 2737 Dwight Way. Berkeley. Cal.

International Association of Rotary Clubs.S an Francisco. July 19 to 23 , inclusive, 19 15.

Frank L. Mulholland. President, 14 1 1 Nicholas Bldg. , Toledo , Ohio.

Chesley R . Perry, Secretary, 9 10 Michigan Ave. , Chicago, Ill.

Alpha Xi Delta Sorority,Berkeley. July 19 to 23 1nc1usive, 19 15.

Miss Lena G. Baldwrn. Secretary , Elmira , N . Y.

National Association of the Deaf,S an Francisco . July 19 to 24 inclusive. 19 15 .

Jay Cooke Howard. Pres1dent. Providence Bldg . , Duluth , Minn .

A. L. Roberts. Secretary, Olathe. Kan.L. C. Williams , Chairman. 19 15 Local Committee, 4 15 Lick Bldg. , S anFrancisco.

American Optical Association. S an Francisco. July 19 to 24. inclusive, 19 15.

E. E. Arlington , Secretary, 29 S . Clinton Ave Rochester, N . Y.

World’s Optometry Congress.San Francisco. July 19 to 24, inclusive, 19 15.

Dr. Leroy M. Allum , Secretary. 4 1 1 Phelan Bldg. , San Francisco .

Supreme Lodge of the Fraternal Brotherhood, (Agency Contest. )San Francisco. July 19 to 26 , inclusive. 19 15.

Gen . George S. Adolph , Los Angeles , Cal.

Princeton Reunion,San Francisco. in week of July 19. 19 15.

C. N . Black. President, Princeton Alumni Association of Northemand Nevada. 58 Sutter St San Francisco.

Platt Kent, Secretary. Princeton Alumni Association of Northern Californiaand Nevada. 200 Bush St San Francisco.

University of Wisconsin Alumni Reunion ,San Francisco, between July 19 andProf. H . E . Bolton. President, Northern California Alumni Association.University of California. Berkeley. Cal .Frank V. Cornish , Secretary, Northern California Alumni Association, Underwood Bldg. , San Francisco.

Epworth League. Special Conference ,San Francisco. July 20. 19 15.

O. D. Jacobi. President , California Conference Epworth League,53 18 Dover St Oakland. Cal.

W. F. Sheridan. D. D. , General Secretary.Central Office, 1020 Wabash Ave . , Chicago. Ill.Percy F. Morris, Chairman , Epworth League Day Committee ,5443 Miles Ave . , Oakland. Cal.

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Prairie Life Insurance Company , (Agency Convention . )San Francisco. July 20 , 19 15

M . M . Heptonstall, President. Omaha. Nebr.

The National Federation of College Women ,San Francisco , July 20 . 19 15 .

Mrs. William O. Thompson. Ohio State University. Columbus. Ohio .

Miss Edna Armstrong , Secretary. 1555 Belmont Ave. , Columbus, Ohio.

National Conference on Mothers’

Public School Pension System.

San Francisco. July 20 , 2 1 and 22 . 19 15.

Otto McFeely, Chairman , Comm ittee on Arrangements. Oak Park. 111.

American Historical Association.San Francisco. July 20 and 2 1 19 15 . University of California , Berkeley.July 22. 19 15. Stanford University, July 23, 19 15.

Prof. Henry Morse Stephens, President.Faculty Club. University of California , Berkeley. Cal .

Waldo G . Leland. Secretary, Washington . D . C .

J. J. Van Nostrand. Local Secretary. 2 73 7 Dwight Way , Berkeley, Cal .

Kappa Sigma Fratemity.

San Francisco , July 2 1. 22 and 23. 19 15 .

Herbert M . Martin , Worthy Grand Scribe. Danville. Va .

National Association of Electrical Contractors of the United States,San Francisco, July 2 1 , 22 . 23 and 24. 19 15.

George H . Duffield. Secretary, 4 1 Martin Bldg . , Utica , N . Y.

American Physical Education Association.Berkeley. July 2 1 to 24 , inclusive , 19 15 .

Dr. J. H . McCurdy, Secretary, 93 \Vestford Ave . , Springfield , Mass.

Bay Cities’

Physical Education Association,

University of California , July 2 1 to 24 , inclusive. 19 15 .

J . B . Nash, Secretary, Oakland Playground Commission. Oakland, Cal .

Middle West Physical Education and Hygiene Society,University of California. July 2 1 to 24. inclusive , 19 15 .

Dr. W. J . Monilam , Secretary, University of Chicago , Chicago , 111.

Physical Education Association of the Pacific Coast.University of California , July 2 1 to 24 , inclusive. 19 15.

E . B. DeGroot. President. San Francisco.F. L. Kleeberger, Secretary. University of California , Berkeley.

Central District of California. Luther League.San Francisco. July 2 1 to 24 , inclusive, 19 15.

Charles L. Trabert. President. Syndicate Bldg . , Oakland. Cal.Luther Meyer

,Secretary. 2 15 Delmas Ave . , San Jose, Cal.

California and Nevada District of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod of Missouri,Ohio and Other States.

Oakland, July 2 1 to 2 7 inclusive , 19 15.

Rev . G. E. Bernthal. President. 969 Eddy S t. , San Francisco .

Rev . D. W. J .Lange, Secretary. 2904 Harper S t. , Berkeley, Cal.

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National Association of Comptrollers and Accounting Officers of the United States.S an Francisco , July 22 , 23 and 24. 19 15.

Geo. M . Rex, Secretary. 525 Industrial Trust Bldg. , Providence. R. 1.

National Association of Talking Machine Jobbers,S an Francisco. July 22 . 23 and 24, 19 15.

Edwin C. Rauth. Secretary. Koerber-Brenner Cc . , St. Louis. Mo.

Swedish-Finnish Temperance Association of America ,S an Francisco , July 22. 23 and 24, 19 15.

John Berg, Secretary, 4044 N. Leamington Avs. , Chicago. Ill.

American Penmanship Teachers’

Association ,S an Francisco. July 23. 19 15.

Miss Lenore Conrad. President, 80 1 Waverly S t. , Palo Alto. Cal.

The McDowell Clan.San Francisco. JulyGen. John Hugh McDowell. Historian, Route 5. Buntyn, Tenn.

California Association of Commercial Secretaries.San Francisco. July 23 and 24, 19 15.

W. H . Nagle. Secretary. Santa Rosa, Cal .

National Society Americans of Royal Descent.San Francisco , July 23 orMiss Sally S omervell Mackall. President,

“Mackall Square.


28th andQS ts.. Washington, D. C.

Mrs. Walter D . Mansfield, Chairman. Local Committee.Fa1rmont Hotel , S an Francisco.

Congress on Marriage and Divorce ,San Francisco and Oakland, July 23 to 26, inclusive. 19 15.

Rev. Francis Miner Moody, Executive Secretary,Room 120 1. 109 N. Dearbom St Chicago. Ill .

Kimball Family Association of California,San Francisco. July 24. 19 15.

Wm. Roy Thurston Kimball , Treasurer, 3 16 Clay S t. , S an Francisco.

Miss Sarah Louise Kimball , Secretary,1 1 13 Claus Spreckels Bldg . , San Francisco.

The Irvine Society of America ,San Francisco, July 24, 19 15 .

Frank C. Irvine , Secretary, 400 16th St New Brighton. Pa.

Loyal Order of Moose of the World (Adjourned Meeting) .S an Francisco. July 24, 25 andWalter E . Dom , Past Supreme Dictator, Hearst Bldg. , S an Francisco.

M. M. Garland, Supreme Dictator, Pittsburgh, Pa .

William T . Giles. Supreme Secretary, Anderson , Ind.

North American Gymnastic Union (Convention and Tournament) ,San Francisco, July 25 to 28. inc1usive, 19 15.

Theo. S terripfel, President. c/c Fletcher National Bank. Indianapolis. Ind.

Peter Scherer. Secretary, Box 248. 1ndianapolis. Ind.

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American Section of the Theosophical Society,San Francisco. July 25 to 28 , inclusive. 19 15.

A. P . Warrington , General Secretary,Krotona, Hollywood. Los Angeles, Cal.

Wertz Family Association ,S an Francisco, July 26, 19 15.

Mrs. Estelle Ryan-Synder. President, 1305 Ashland Block, Chicago , 111.

Society of Colonial Daughters of America ,S an Francisco, July 26 , 19 15 .

Miss Mary Florence Taney, Secretary. The Woodford, Covington. Ky.

American Society of Colonial Families.San Francisco, July 26. 19 15.

Rev. George A. Smith , Secretary, 6 Beacon St Boston. Mass.

Shedd Family Association,S an Francisco, July 26. 19 15.

Frank E . Shedd, Secretary, 60 Federal St Boston, Mass.

National Association of Piano Merchants of America,San Francisco, July 26 , 2 7 and 28. 19 15 .

P. T. Clay. President, Sutter and Kearny S ts. . San Francisco .

Percy S . Foster, Secretary. 1330 G S t. , Washington, D . C.

Independent Order of Foresters, High Court of California ,S an Francisco, July 26, 2 7 and 28 , 19 15.

Murphy. High Chief Ranger. 434 A rguello Blvd. , S an Francisco .

E . N. Cameron. High Secretary, Pacific Bldg. , San Francisco.

National Vocational Art and Industrial Federation,San Francisco. July 26 to 29 , inclusive, 19 15.

Mrs. Robert L. McCall. Secretary, 4 7 14 Washington Blvd . Chicago. 111.

California State Fruit Growers’

Convention.Stanford University, July 26 to 30 , inclusive. 19 15 .

Exposition Grounds, San Francisco, July 3 1 19 15

Dr. A. J. Cook. President and Chairman, Comm1ttee on Arrangements,State Commission of Horticulture, Sacramento. Cal.

California Building and Loan League.San Franc1sco. July 26 to 3 1. incli151ve. 19 15 .

J . M. Hunter. President, Los Angeles. Cal.Leon Martin , Secretary, 1st National Bank Bldg. , S an Francisco.

United States League of Building and Loan Associations,San Francisco, July 26 to 3 1. inclusive, 19 15.

Charles Eugene Clark. President, Covington. Ky.H . F. Cellarius. Secretary, Cincinnati. Ohio.

International Congress of Building and Loan Societies.San Francisco, July 26 to 3 1 inclusive, 19 15.

L. L. Rankin , President. Columbus, Ohio .

Enoch Hill , Secretary, Halifax. England.

Leon Martin. Asst. Secretary. 1st National Bank Bldg. , S an Francisco.

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Farmers National Life Insurance Company of America.San Francisco. July 26 to 3 1, inclusive. 19 15.

John M . Stahl. President. Chicago. III.

The Genealogical Society of Utah ,San Francisco , July 27. 19 15 .

An thon H . Lund, President ,12 7 N . West Temple S t. , Salt Lake City, Utah .

Joseph F. Smi th , Jr.. Secretary-Treasurer,165 N . 2ud West St S alt Lake City, Utah.

General Convention of Churches of Christ. Special Post-Convention Meeting.San Francisco, July 2 7, 19 15 .

Graham Frank. Secretary. Citizens’

Bank Bldg. , Liberty, Mo.Ellis Purlee. Secretary, Christian Church of California North.Box 157 , Alameda , Cal.

The International Exposition Eisteddfod 19 15 .

San Francisco. July 2 7 to 30 , inclusive, 19 15 .

W . Solomon Jones. General Secretary,Exposition Bldg. , 2 16 Pine St San Francisco .

A lpha Delta Pi Sorority,Berkeley. July 27 to 3 1, inclusive , 19 15 .

Miss Ethel Thayer, Secretary. 463 Blue Hill Ave . , Grove Hall. Mass.

International Lord’

s Day Congress.Oakland. July 2 7 to August 1 , inclusive, 19 15.

Woodrow Wilson , Honorary Chairman. Council of Honor.White House. Washington , D. C.

Dr. Wm. P. Swartz. Chairman , Executive Committee ,3 1 Bible House. New York City.

Rev. H . L. Bowlby. Secretary. 203 Broadway. New York City.

Dr. Edward L. Parsons, Chairman, Pacific Coast Committee,Berkeley. Cal .

The Jewett Family of America,San Francisco. July 28. 19 15.

Geo . A. Jewett. President. Des Moines , Iowa .Dea. Amos Everett Jewett , Secretary, Rowley, Mass.

International Congress of Genealogy,San Francisco , July 28. 29 and 30 , 19 15.

Orra E. Monnette, Chairman. Organizing Committee.308 S . Broadway. Los Angeles. Cal.

Miss Carlie Inez Tomlinson , Organizing Secretary.Exposition Bldg . , San Francisco.

Christian Church of California North.San Francisco. July 28 to August 1 , inclusive, 19 15.

Rev. Geo. Brewster, President , San Jose. Cal.Rev. Ellis Purlee. Corresponding Secretary. Box 157 , Alameda. Cal.

Christian Women’

s Board of Missions , State Convention ,San Francisco , July 29. 19 15 .

Mrs. N . E. Galloway. Secretary. Healdsburg.Cal .

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Congress of Religious Philosophies ,San Francisco, July 29 . 30 and 3 1, 19 15.

Ernest E . Power , Organizing Secretary. Service BldgPanama-Pacific International Exposition. San Francisco .

Swedish-Finnish Benevolent and Aid A ssociation ,Eureka. Cal . . July 29 to 3 1. inclusive. 19 15.

John Soderback. Secretary , 15 10 Tenth St Escanaba. Mich .

The North American Schweizer Bund.

S an Francisco , July 29 to August 1 , inclusive , 19 15.

J . J . Grob. Secretary, Milwaukee. Wis .

United Swiss Societies of S an Francisco and the Bay Counties.San Francisco July 29 to August 1. inclusive, 19 15.

Geo . J . Sterger. Jr. . Secretary.2 13 Italian-American Bank Bldg . , San Francisco .

West Coast Potato Association ,Palo A lto, July 30 , 19 15 .

M . V. Shear, Secretary, Moorland. Cal.

American Academy of Political and S ocial Science ,San Francisco , July 3 1 , 19 15Prof. L. S . Rowe, President ,University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia. Pa .Prof. J . P . Lichtenberger. Secretary ,University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia , Pa .

The Jewish Chautauqua Society,San Francisco. July 3 1 to August 3, inclusive, 19 15.

Miss Jeanette Miriam Goldberg, Secretary, Jefferson , Texas.

Delta Delta Delta Sorority,Asilomar, Monterey Cc . , Cal July 3 1 to August 5, inclusive, 19 15.

Mrs. Alfred McCray. National Secretary,No . 1 1 Parkview Apts . . Dayton , Ohio.

National Plant, Flower and Fruit Guild,San Francisco , July. 19 15.

Miss Ellen Eddy Shaw. National Secretary, 7oth 5th AveNew York City.

University of Pennsylvania Alumni Reunion .San Francisco , July. 19 15.

Dr. G . H . Richardson , President of University of PennsylvaniaAlumni Association of California , 29 17 Clay S t. , San Francisco .

F . F. De Lisle, Secretary-Treasurer of University of PennsylvaniaAlumni Association of California , Realty Bldg. , Oakland , Cal.

Young Family Association ,San Francisco , August 1 , 19 15.

Le Grande Young. President. 109 1 S . 1 1th St S alt Lake City, Utah .

Don Carlos Young, Vice-President. 505 C . S t. , S alt Lake City , Utah .

B . S . Young , Secretary. 2 17 I St S alt Lake City. Utah .

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369 .

370 .

37 1.

372 .


World’s Bible Congress.Francisco , August 1 , 2, 3. andRev . John Fox. Secretary, Bible House, New York City.

International Seaman’

s Union of America.San Francisco. August 2. 19 15.

T. A. Hansen, Secretary, 570 W. Lake St Chicago, Ill.

Tri-State Good Roads Association ,San Francisco, August 2 and 3. 19 15.

J . H . Baxter. President.Merchants’

Exchange Bld S an Francisco.

Geo . E. Boos, Secretary, Medford, Ore .

American Association of Economic Entomologists,San Francisco , August 2 and 3 , 19 15.

F. Burgess, Secretary, Melrose Highlands, Mass.

Independent Order of Red Men.S an Francisco. August 2. 3 and 4. 19 15.

M. Feutscher. Grand Secretary. 602 Hampshire St S an Francisco .

International Conference , Order of the Star in the East,San Francisco. August 2 . 3 andMiss Marjorie Tuttle. National Representative for the United States.Krotona, Hollywood, Los Angeles, Cal.

National German-American Alliance,San Francisco, August 2 to 5. inclusive, 19 15Dr. C. J. Hexamer, President, 4 19 Walnut S f Philadelphia.

Association of American Dairy, Food and Drug Officials.Berkeley. August 2 to 5, ir1c1usive, 19 15.

Dr. S. J. Crumbine. President. Topeka, Kan.

Prof. Wm. M . Allen , Secretary. Raleigh. N . C.

The Chinese Students’

Alliance 1n the United States (Western Section) .Berkeley. August 2 to 5, inclusive, 19 15.

Ping Ling, Chairman , 3 18 Emerson St Palo Alto. Cal.Miss L. L. Shew. Secretary. 1739 Carlton S t. , Berkeley, Cal .

Armco Iron Culvert Manufacturers’

Association.Oakland, August 2 to 7. inclusive. 19 15.

Paul T. DeFrees. Secretary , Warren. Pa.

American Genetic Association,

Berkeley, Cal ..August 2 to 7. inclusive. 19 15.

Geo . M . Rommel. Secretary. 5 1 1 1 1th S t. , N. W Washington. D. C .

Delta Gamma Sorority.Berkeley. August 2 to 7 . inclusive. 19 15.

Miss M. Agnes Burton, Secretary. 27 Brainard St Detroit, Mich.

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Seismological Society of America ,University of California and Stanford University,August 2 to 7. inclusive. 19 15 .

Prof. S . D. Townley, Secretary , Stanford University. Cal .

American Paleontological Society ,San Francisco and University of California , Berkeley,August 2 to 7 , inclusive. 19 15Dr. R. S. Bassler. Secretary ,

United States National Museum , Washington , D . C .

Entomological Congress.University of California and Stanford University.August 2 to 7 , inclusive , 19 15 .

Prof. V. L. Kellogg, Chairman. Committee on Arrangements ,Stanford University, Cal .

American Physical Society ,University of California and S tanford University ,August 2 to 7 , inclusive. 19 15.

Prof. Ernest Merritt. President.Ohio S tate University , Columbus , Ohio .

Prof. Al fred D. Cole Secretary,Ohio State Univers1ty. Columbus , Ohio .

American Association for the Study of the Feeble Minded,

Oakland. Au g ust 2 to 7 , inclusive , 19 15.

H . H . Goddard. Ph .D. , President, Vineland. N . J .Dr. A. C . Rogers , Secretary, Faribault. Minn .

American Mathematical S ociety,University of California and Stanford University,August 3. 4 and 5, 19 15.

Prof. F. N. Cole , Secretary. 50 1 West 1 16th St New York City.

The Society of American Bacteriologists.San Franc1sco. Berkeley and Stanford University. August 3, 4 andDr . Bergey , President, Philadelphia , PaDr. A . Parker Hitchens , Secretary-Treasurer. Glenolden. Pa.

American Social Hygiene Association , (Special Conference . )Berkeley. August 3 , 4 and 5. 19 15.

Dr. Wm. F. Snow, General Secretary. 105 W. 4oth St New York City .

American Psychological Association ,University of California. August 3 , 5 and 6 , 19 15 .

Stanford University. August 4. 19 15 .

Prof. Robert Morris Ogden , Secretary ,

University of Kansas. Lawrence , Kan .

American Astronomical Society,University of California . Berkeley, August 3 and 5. 19 15 .

Stanford University , AugustLick Observatory, AugustProf. Philip Fox Secretary. Dearbom Observatory, Evanston. Ill .

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Pi Kappa Alpha Fratemity.Oakland. August 3 to 6. inclusive , 19 15.

Paul Tulane Atkinson. Grand Secretary,Box 2 1 1. Hampden Sidney, Va.

Sigma Chi Fraternity.Berkeley. Cal.. August 4. 5 and 6. 19 15.

Newman Miller. Grand Consul , 606 S . Michigan Ave . , Chicago. Ill.Frederick C. Grabner. Executive Secretary.606 S . Michigan Ave. , Chicago. Ill.

Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U. S (Agency Convention. )Lake Tahoe. August 4. 5 and 6. 19 15.

John B. Lunger. Vice-President, 165 Broadway. New York City.

Kappa Alpha Pi National Fraternity.San Francisco, August 4 to 8. inclusive, 19 15.

eI. Grand Corresponding Secretary,44 19 Cullom Ave . , Chicago. III.R . H . Schultz, Grand Master, 337 County Bldg. , Chicago , 111.

American National Association of Masters of Dancing,San Francisco. August 4 to 15. inclusive , 19 15.

T. McDougalI, Secretary, 46 16 Forbes S t. , Pittsburgh. Pa.

American Druggists’

Syndicate ,San Francisco, August 5. 19 15.

C. H . Goddard , Secretary. Long Island City. N . Y.

Cumberland Presbyterian Special Conference.San Francisco. August 5 , 19 15.

Rev. D. W. Fooks. Stated Clerk and Treasurer,General Assembly, Fulton, Ky.

Rev. W. L. Williams, Moderator. Pacific Synod.175OA Wilcox Ave . , Hollywood, Cal.

Miss Guerdon Sitton. Stated Clerk, Pacific Synod,S an Leandro. Cal.

International Typographical Union , Post Convention Session.San Francisco, AugustMarsden G. Scott. President. Claypool Indianapolis, Ind.

Geo . A. Tracy. President. San Francisco Union ,Underwood Bldg. San Francisco.

Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Company,5(Agency

Convention.)San Francisco , August 5 and 6 , 19 15.

Gail B . Johnson , Vice-President. Los Angeles, Cal.

Great Pacific S aengerbund,

(Festival following the Convention held in Los Angeles. )San Francisco , August 5 and 6 , 19 15.

Dr. Max Magnus. President. 948 Market St San Francisco.

Universal Corn Convention under the Auspices of the NationalTop Notch Farmers

Club.San Francisco. August 5 and 6, 19 15.

W . I . Dunson. President, Alexander City. Ala.

Chas. F. Mills. Secretary. Springfield. Ill.

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Phi Alpha Delta Law Fratemity ,

San Francisco , August 5. 6 and 7 , 19 15.

Edgar A. Jonas. Supreme Justice , Fort Dearbom Bldg. , Chicago , III.C. C. Roads. Supreme Recorder, Williamson Bldg. , Cleveland. Ohio .

California State Bee Keepers’ Association.San Francisco , August 5, 6 and 7. 19 15.

Willis Lynch. President , 1035 S . Califomia St Stockton. Cal.A. B . Shaffner, Secretary. 4232 W. First St Los Angeles, Cal.

Western Federation of Improvement Clubs,S an Francisco, August 5. 6 and 7. 19 15.

R . D . Lytle, President, Tacoma , Wash .

Mrs. F. F. Martin. Secretary, Paulsbo.Wash .

The Chinese Students’ Christian Association of North America.(Wes tern Department. )Berk


yy. August 5. 6 and 7. 19 15.


um. Associate General Secretary.2504 Regent St Berkeley, Cal.

Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority. Grand Council Meeting.Berkeley. August 5 to 10 . inclusive, 19 15.

Miss Eva Powell. Grand President, 2 703 Dwight Way. Berkeley. Cal.

Cornell Alumni Reunion.San Francisco, August 6. 19 15.

C. Willard Evans. President of Cornell University Club ofNorthern California , 187 Fremont St San Francisco .

T. R. Ludlam , Secretary of Cornell University Club ofNorthern California.40 1 Insurance Exchange Bldg. , San Francisco.

Association of Alumni Secretaries.Berkeley and Stanford. August 6 and 7 , 19 15.

Wilfred B . Shaw. Secretary, Ann Arbor. Mich .

California Pharmaceutical Association ,S an Francisco. August 6 and 7. 19 15.

Prof. F . T. Green , President ,Dean. California College of Pharmacy, San Francisco .

K. B. Bowerman. Secretary, 238 Stockton St San Francisco.

Sigma Phi Society.Berkeley, August 6 and 7. 19 15.

Philip J. Ross, Permanent Secretary, 66 Broadway. New York City.

Pacific Coast Student Conference of the Young Women ’shristian Association.Asilomar, August 6 to 16. inclusive, 19 15.

Miss Oolooah Burner, Chairman , 600 Lexington Ave. , New York C ity .

Daughters of Liberty.San Francisco, August 7 . 19 15 .

Mrs. Isabel Strong. President. Larkspur. Marin Co Cal.Mrs. K. Smith , Secretary. 1 127 Hampshire S t. , San Francisco .

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Kansas City Life Insurance Company, (Adjourned Meeting.)San Francisco , August 7. 19 15 .

J . B. Reynolds, President. Kansas City. Mo.

Official Dairy Instructors’

Association,San Francisco, August 7. 19 15.

Prof. C. W. Larson , Secretary-Treasurer. State College, Pa.

Missouri State Life Insurance Company, (Agency Convention. )San Francisco, August 9. 19 15.

Edmund P. Melson. President, St. Louis. Mo.


and Bankers’

Life Insurance Company. (Agency Convention.)San Francisco. August 9 , 19 15 .

E. B. Jewett. Secretary. Wichita. Kan.

Society for the Promotion of Agricultural Science,Berkeley, August 9 and 10 . 19 15.

Prof. L. A. Clinton, Secretary,U. S . Dept. of Agriculture. Washington, D. C.

The American Society of Agronomy.

University of California , Berkeley, August 9 and 10. 19 15.

C. W. Warburton , Secretary,U. S. Dept. of Agriculture.Washington. D. C.

American Farm Management Association,Berkeley. August 9 and 10. 19 15.

Geo. A. Bill ings, Secretary, Office of Farm Management. Washington. D. C.

Central Life Assurance Society of the United States. (Agency Convention.)San Francisco, August 9 and 10 . 19 15.

Geo. B. Peak. President. Des Moines, Iowa.

Pacific Fisheries Society.S an Francisco , August 9. 10 and 1 1. 19 15.

John N . Cobb. Secretary. 2323 N. Broadway, Seattle, Wash.

American Society of Sanitary Engineering,San Francisco , August 9, 10 and 1 1. 19 15.

L. J . Lawlor. Secretary-Treasurer, Box 1095. Pittsburgh. Pa.

International Congress for Thrift.Oakland, August 9 to 12 , inclusive, 19 15.

S. Straus. President.American Society for Thrift, Straus Bldg. , Chicago, 111.

Union Central Life Insurance Company. (Agency Convention. )San Francisco. August 9 to 12 , inclusive, 19 15.

J. R. Clark. President, Cincinnati. Ohio .

American Statistical Association ,University of California. August 9 to 13 , inclusive. 19 15.

Prof. C . W. Doten , Secretary. 49 1 Boylston St Boston , Mass.

Spanish-American War Nurses,San Francisco. August 9 to 13 , inclusive. 19 15.

Miss Isabel Harroun. President. 300 Congress Place, Pasadena, Cal.Miss Mary E. Craig, Secretary. 2225 Glenarm S t. , Denver, Colo.

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American Economic Association.University of California and Stanford University,August 9 to 14 , inclusive, 19 15.

Prof. Allyn A. Young, Secretary, Cornell University. Ithaca , N. Y .

American Pharmaceutical Association ,San Francisco. August 9 to 14, inclusive , 19 15.

J. W. England , Secretary of the Council.4 15 N. 33rd S t. , Philadelphia. Pa.

Dr. Albert Schneider, Secretary. Committee on Local Arrangements,723 Pacific Bldg. , S an Francisco .

United Master Butchers’

Association of America.

11 Francisco. August 9 to 14, inclusive, 19 15.

John A. Kotal , Secretary, 5323 S . Halsted St Chicago , Ill.Robt. N. Weiss, Chairman. San Francisco 19 15 Retail Butchers

Committee, 295 1 Folsom St San Francisco.

American Conference of Pharmaceutical Faculties,S an Francisco , August 9 to 14. inclusive , 19 15.

W. J. Teeters, Secretary, Iowa City, Iowa.

National Association of Boards of Pharmacy.S an Francisco August 9 to 14, inclusive , 19 15 .

H . C. Chnstensen, Secretary, 450 Bowen Ave Chicago, Ill.

American Sociological Society, (Summer Meeting .)San Francisco. University of California and StanfordAugust 9 to 14. inclusive, 19 15.

Prof. E . A. Ross. President ,University of Wisconsin. Madison, Wis.

Prof. Scott E. W. Bedford. Secretary.University of Chicago , Chicago, Ill.

Eighth Conference of Indian School Workers.S an Francisco, August 9 to 14. inclusive. 19 15.

Hon. Cato Sells, Commissioner of Indian Adairs. Washington , D. C .

International Immigration Congress.11 Francisco, August 9 to 15,

inclusive. 19 15.

C . W. Blanpied, Chairman , Sub-Committee.Central Methodist Church , San Francisco.

Congress on Indian Progress under the Auspices of the NorthernCalifornia Indian Association,

San Francisco. August 9 to 15, inclusive, 19 15.

Mrs. J. Fred Smith. President,Northern California Indian Association, Campbell , Cal.

C. E. Kelsey, General Secretary,145 South Twelfth S t. , S an Jose, Cal.

American Association for the Advancement of Agricultural Teaching,Berkeley, August 10 , 19 15.

A. V. Storm. President. University of Minnesota , Minneapolis. Minn.

A. H. Monahan , Secretary, U. S. Bureau of Education.Washington, D . C

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American Osteopathic Association and California OsteopathicAssociation , Special Joint ConferenceSan Francisco , August 10. 19 15.

Dr. H . L. Chiles. Secretary.American Osteopathic Association , 466 Main St. Orange. N. J.

Dr. Margaret H . Famham , Secretary.California Osteopathic Association , Elkan Gunst BldgSan Francisco .

Grand Lodge, Ancient Order United Workmen of California .San Francisco , August 10 . 19 15.

W. J . Petersen , Grand Master Workman. City Hall. Oakland. Cal.C. T. Spencer. Grand Recorder. 3 1 1 Pacific Bldg San Francisco.

Bankers Life Company (Agency Convention) .

San Francisco, August 10. 19 15.

Geo . Kuhns. 2ud Vice-President. Des Moines, Iowa.

National Conference on Race Betterment,S an Francisco , August 10 and 1 1. 19 15.

Dr. Stephen Smith. President ,State Board of Charities. New York City.

Emily F. Robbins, Secretary, Battle Creek. Mich .

National Association of Life Underwriters,San Francisco. August 10. 1 1 and 12. 19 15 .

H . M. Willett. President. Fourth National Bank Bldg. , Atlanta, Ga.

American Philatelic Society.San Francisco. August 10. 1 1 and 12 . 19 15.

Gen. C. A. Coolidge, U. S. A .. Retired. President,Pasadena Apts. . Detroit. Mich .

Wm. E. Ault , Secretary. 33 1 E . Chestnut St Jeffersonville. Ind.

Henry Byron Phillips, Director at Large for Pacific Coast,13 1 1 Grove S t. , Berkeley. Cal.

Montana Life Insurance Company , (Agency Convention .)San Francisco. August andH . R. Cunningham. Vice-President. Helena, Mont.

Columbia Life and Trust Company. (Agency Convention. )San Franc1sco. August 10 , 1 1 an 9 15.

S . P. Lockwood. Vice-President, Portland. Ore .

Pacific Coast Gold and Silversmiths Association.San Francisco. August 10 , 1 1 and 12. 19 15.

George Lewis, President. c/c Shreve 8: Co. , San FranciscoM. A. Hirschman. Secretary. 220 Grant Ave . , San Franc1sco.

California Reservation. Improved Order of Red Men.S an Francisco. August 10 to 13. inclusive, 19 15.

Robt. L. Lincoln , Great Sachem.

Pacific Coast Steamship Company. San Francisco.J . M . Heron. Great Senior Sagamore. Orient Bldg . , San Francisco .

Porter L. Bliss, Great Chief of Records.240 Golden Gate Ave. , S an Francisco .

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Degree of Pocahontas, Improved Order of Red Men.S an Francisco. August 10 to 13, inclusive, 19 15.

Mrs. Bertha A. Brazile. Great Keeper of Records.430V2 T St Sacramento. Cal.

National Tax AssociationSan Francisco. Univers1ty of California and Stanford University.August 10 to 14 , inclusive. 19 15Thos. S . Adams, Secretary, State Capitol. Madison. Wis.

Political Science Association (Pacific Coast Branch ) .

University of California and San Francisco, August 10 to 14. inclusive. 19 15.

Prof. David P. Barrows. President. University of California. Berkeley, Cal.Prof. T. H . Reed. Acting Secretary, University of California. Berkeley, Cal.

County Assessors’

Association of California.

San Francisco. August 10 to 14. inclusive, 19 15.

E. E. Long. President. Fairfield. Cal .Thomas M. Robinson. Secretary. County Assessor

s Office. Oakland. Cal.

National Congress of Boys’

and Girls’

Agricultural Clubs and Leaders of theNorthern. Central and Western States .University of California , August 10 to 15. inclusive. 19 15.

O. H . Benson. Chairman. U. S. Dept. of Agriculture. Washington. D . C.

T. J. Newbill. Secretary-Treasurer, Pullman. Wash .

Sorority Editors’

Conference.Berkeley. AugustMiss R. Louise F1tch Chairman. Euclid Apartments, Berkeley. Cal.

Woodmen of the World, Pacific Jurisdiction (Twenty-fifth Anniversary Meeting)S an Francisco. August 1 1. 19 15.

I . I. Boak. Head Consul , Denver. Colo.

Peter F. Gilroy, Deputy Head Consul. 995 Market St San Francisco.

Pacific Highway Association of North America .S an Francisco. August 1 1 to 12. 19 15 .

H. L. Bowlby. Executive Officer. State Highway Commission, Salem. Ore.

Association of American Agricultural Colleges and Experiment Stations.

Berkeley. August 1 1. 12 and 13. 19 15.

o E. A. Bryan. President. State College of Washington. Pullman. Wash .

J. L. Hills. Secretary, University of Vermont. Burlington. Vt.W. O . Th ompson , Chairman. Executive Committee. Columbus. Ohio .

National Pan-Hellenic Congress.

Berkeley. August 1 1 to 14. inc1usive. 19 15.

M . E . M. Parmelee , Chairman , 73 18 North Ashland Blvd Chicago. Ill.Miss Lena G. Baldwin , Secretary. 670 Euclid Ave. Elmira. N. Y.

Phi Chi Fraternity.

Francisco. August 1 1 to 14. inclusive. 19 15.

F. P . McCann. Jr. . President , 10 10 Kohl Bldg . , San Francisco .

Burr Moulthrop, Secretary. 1 109 Flood Bldg. , San Francisco.

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International Hindusthanee Students’ Convention.

S an Francisco. August 14. 15 andDr. K. D . S hastri , Chairman. Committee on Arrangements,P. O. Box 19 1. S an Francisco.

V. P. Iyer. Secretary. Committee on Arrangements.P. O . Box 455. Berke1ey. Cal.

National Grand Lodge of the United States. International Order of Good Templars.

Francisco. August 14 to 17 , inclusive, 19 15.

Willard O. Wylie. National Secretary. Beverly. Mass.

League of Teachers’


Oakland. August 14 to 2 1. inclusive. 19 15.

Miss Grace De Graff. President, 704 Lovejoy St Portland. Ore.

Miss Estelle Hutchins. Secretary-Treasurer, 1008 German S t. , Erie. Pa.

Florida Life Insurance Company.

S an Francisco , August 15. 19 15.

M D. Johnson. President, Jacksonvi lle , Fla .

Grand Council. Young Men’

s Institute, Pacific Grand Council Jurisdiction .S an Francisco, August 15 to 18. inclusive, 19 15.

Benjamin L. McKinley , Grand President,Humboldt Bank Bldg . , S an Francisco.

Geo. A. Stanley. Grand Secretary, 92 Sanchez St San Francisco .

Young Ladies’

Institute.S an Francisco. August 15 to 20 . inclusive, 19 15.

Miss Nellie A. Grant. Grand President, 342 E. Magnolia S t. , Stockton. Cal.

Miss Josephine T. Molloy. Grand Secretary. 1009 Fell S t. , San Francisco.

Smith College Reunion .S an Francisco , between August 15 and 25. 19 15 .

Dr. Adelaide Brown. President of Northern California Smith College Club.45 16th Ave . , San Francisco .

International Life Insurance Company (Agency Convention) .

San Francisco, August 15 to September 1, inclusive, 19 15.

W. F. Grantges. Secretary. St . Louis. Mo

Alpha Delta Sigma Fraternity.

Francisco. August 16 andMortimer D. Williams. President. 14 1 Milk St Boston, Mass.

C. Chester Caywood. Secretary,123 1 New York Ave N. W Washington. D. C.

Congress of Reforms.

San Franc1sco. August 16 to 20. inclusive, 19 15.

Mrs. Sara J. Dorr. Chairman. San Jose. Cal .

National Shorthand Reporters’

Association.S an Francisco. August 16 to 20 , inclusive. 19 15.

Charles E. Weller, Secretary. 206 Masonic Temple. La Porte. Ind.

Monterey County Teachers’

Institute.Francisco. August 16 to 20 , inclusive. 19 15.

Geo. S chultzberg. County Supt. of Schools, Monterey. Cal.

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International Photo-Engravers’

Union of AmericaSan Franc1sco. August 16 to 2 1. inclusive. 1915.

Louis A. Schwarz. Secretary-Treasurer.5609 Germantown Ave. , Philadelphia. Pa.


Society of American Florists.

San Francisco, August 16 to 2 1 inclusive, 19 15.

Mrs. Chas. H . Maynard. Secretary. 260 Rosedale Court, Detroit. Mich .

International Students’ Reunion , under the Auspices of the

Corda Fratres Association of Cosmopolitan Clubs.University of California. Leland Stanford Junior University, andSan Francisco, August 16 to 2 1 inclusive. 19 15.

Dr. George Nasmyth. President. Corda Fratres Association of CosmopolitanClubs. Harvard University, Cambridge. Mass.

William W. Welsh. Secretary, International Bureau of Students.1 16 S. Michigan Ave ., Chicago , Ill.

Taraknath Das, Chairman. Committee of Arrangements,Box 455. Berkeley. Cal.

National Association of Co llegiate Alumnae .

S an Francisco. August 16 to 23. inclusive, 19 15.

Miss Caroline L. Humphrey, Presiden t, 23 Maple Ave Cambridge, Mass .Miss Vida Hunt Francis. General Secretary, Spruce St Philadelphia. Pa.

Pacific Coast City Conference of the Young Women’

s Christian Association .Asilomar, August 16 to 25, inclusive, 19 15.

Miss Anna V. Rice. Chairman , Lexington Ave New York City.

National Education Association.Oakland, August 16 to 28 , inclusive, 19 15.

Dr. David Starr Jordan. President, Stanford University. Cal.Durand W. Springer, Secretary, Ann Arbor, Mich .

International Congress of Education .Oakland. August 16 to 28. inclusive, 19 15.

Dr. David Starr Jordan. President, Stanford University, Cal.Durand W. Springer. Secretary. Ann Arbor, Mich .

Dr. P. P. Claxton , Chairman , Executive Committee,U. S. Commissioner of Education , Washington, D C.

Frederic E . Farrington , Secretary, Executive Comm1ttee,Associate Professor of Education, Teachers

College.Columbia University. New York City.

Departmental Congress on Kindergarten Education .Oakland. August 17 , 19 15.

Miss Anna M. Stovall, President. Supervisor. Golden Gate KindergartenAssociation. 560 Union S t. , San Francisco .Miss Anna I. Jenkins. Secretary. Pasadena. Cal.

Departmental Congress on Rural and Agricultural Education.akland. August 17. 19 15Edward C. Bishop. President, Schools Extension Department,Iowa State College. Ames. Iowa.

F. L. Griffin. Secretary,Extension Service, Agricultural College. Corvallis, Ore.

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Departmental Congress on School Hygiene.Oakland. August 17. 19 15 .

Linnaeus N. Hines. President. Supt. of Schoo ls. Crawfordsville. Ind.

Dr. Ernest B. Hoag. Secretary. Long Beach. Cal.

Departmental Congress on Educational Investigation.Oakland.August 18. 19 15.

Robt. J . Aley. President. University of Maine. Orono. Me.Wm. B . Owen. Secretary. Principal. Chicago Normal School. Chicago. Ill.

Departmental Congress on Music Education .Oakland. August IS . 19 15.

Miss Lucy K. Co le. President.Supervisor of Music. University of Washington. Seattle. Wash.

Herman E. Owen. Secretary. Director of Music. Public Schools. San Jose.Cal.

Departmental Congress on Physical Education.Oakland. August 18Baroness Rose Posse. President.President. Posse Normal School of Gymnastics. Boston. Mass.Miss May G . Long. Secretary.Supervisor. Physical Training. Public Schools. Everett. Wash.

Departmental Congress on Elementary Education.Oakland. August 20 . 19 15 .

Miss Margaret E. S challenberger. President. Commissioner of ElementarySchools. Department of Public Instruction. Sacramento. CalMiss Mary E . Foster. Secretary.Superintendent. Cass County Schools, Plattsmouth . Nebr.

Departmental Congress on Science Education.Oakland. August 20. 19 15.

John A. Randall. President.Department of Physics. Pratt Institute. Brooklyn. N. Y.

Miss Emma Conley. Secretary.State Inspector. Domestic Science. Madison. Wis.

Departmental Congress on School Administration.Oakland. August 20. 19 15

O. M . Plummer. President.Director. Board of Education. North Portland. Ore.

Frank M. Bruce. Secretary.Business Manager. American School Board Journal. Milwaukee. Wis.

Departmental Congress on Relationship Bemeen the School and Co-operativeganrzations.

Oakland. August 23. 19 15.

Mrs. Louis Hertz. President. Hotel Bristol. S an Francisco.

Mrs. E. L. Baldwin. Secretary. 1440 Clay S t. , S an Francisco .

Departmental Congress on Secondary Education.

Oakland. August 23. 19 15 .

George E . Marshall. President. Principal. High School. Davenport. Ia.

Claude P. Briggs. Secretary. Principal. High School. Rockford. Ill.

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Departmental Congress on Libraries.

Oakland. August 24. 19 15.

Miss Harriet A. Wood. President.Schoo l Librarian. Library Association of Portland. Portland. Ore.

Miss Lucille Fargo. Secretary. Spokane. Wash .

Departmental Congress on the Professional Supervision of Public Schools.Oakland. August 24. 19 15 .

M. P. S hawkey. President.State Superintendent of Public Instruction. Charleston. W. Va.C. Warriner. Superintendent of Schools. Saginaw. Mich.

Departmental Congress on the Preparation of Teachers.Oakland. August 24 and 27 19 15.

Dwight B. Waldo. President.President. Western State Normal School. Kalamazoo. Mich .

Waite A. Shoemaker. SecretaryPresident. State Normal School. St. Cloud. Minn.


tom m on Administrative Problems as Viewed by Class-Room


Oakland. August 26. 19 15.

Miss Nellie Minehan. President.Vice-Principal. Jefferson Street School. Milwaukee. Wis.

Miss Lydia L. Hazelton. Secretary.Teacher. Public Schoo ls. Minneapolis. Minn.

Departmental Congress on the Education of Exceptional Children .Oakland. August 26. 19 15.

Dr. M. P. E . Groszmann. President.Director. Study and Education of Exceptional Children. Plainfield. J .

Samuel B . Allison. Secretary.District Superintendent of Schools. Chicago. Ill.

Departmental Congress on Vocational Education and Practical A rts.

Oakland. August 26. 19 15.

Arthur H . Chamberlain. President.Secretary. California Council of Education. Monadnock BldgSan Francisco .

Wilson H . Henderson. Secretary.Director of Industrial Education. University of Wisconsin. Madison.

Departmental Congress on Business Education.Oakland. August 27. 19 15Reginald R. Stuart. President.Head of Commercial Department. High School. Oakland. Cal.

Alvah B. Way. Secretary.Head of Commercial Department. High School. Petaluma. Cal.

Departmental Congress on Higher Education.

Oakland. August 27. 19 15Livingston Farrand. President.President. University of Colorado. Boulder. Colo

John E. Rouse. Secretary. Head of School Education.James Milliken University. Decatur. Ill.

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Anti-Cigarette League of America.

Oakland. August I7. 19 15.

Miss Lucy Page Gaston. Superintendent. 1 1 19Woman’

s Temple. Chicago. 111.

National Federation of State Teachers’

Associations.Oakland. August 17. l 9 l 5.

Supt. Charles S. Foos. President. Reading. Pa .Walter W. Remington. Secretary. East Side High School. Denver. Colo.

National Vocational Guidance Association .Oakland. August 17 and 18. 19 15 .

H . Corson Ryan. Secretary. Bureau of Education. Washington. D . C.

Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York.Agency Convention. Club.

San Francisco. August 17 and 18. 19 15.

Geo . T. Dexter. Vice-President. 34 Nassau St New York City.

The American Rose SocietySan Francisco. August andBenjamin Hammond. Secretary. Beacon. N . Y.

Society of American Florists and Ornamental Horticulturists.

San Francisco. August 17 to 20 . inclusive, 19 15 .

John Young. Secretary. 53 West 28th S t. , New York City.

Sons of St. George. Pacific Coast Jurisdiction.Oakland. August 17 to 20 . inclusive. 19 15.

Thos. Poyser. Grand Secretary. 157 Ney Street. S an Francisco.

Order of Scottish Clans.San Francisco. August 17 to 20 . inclusive. 19 15 .

Peter Kerr. Royal Secretary. 906 Old South Bldg. , Boston.

National Association of Gardeners.

San Francisco. August 17 to 20 . inclusive. 19 15.

John W. Everitt. President. Glen Cove. N. Y.

M . C. Ebel. Secretary. Madison. N. J.

The Florists’

Telegraph Delivery.

San Francisco. August 17 to 20 . inclusive. 19 15.

Irwin Bertermann. President. Indianapolis. Ind .

Albert Pochelon. Secretary. 153 Bates St Detroit. Mich .

International Kindergarten Union .

Oakland. August 17 and 19. 19 15

San Francisco. August 18. 20 . 2 1 and 22. 19 15.

Mrs. Mary Boomer Page. President. 54 Scott St Chicago. Ill.Miss May Murray. Secretary. Springfield. Mass.

Conference of Text-Book Authors.Oakland. August 18 , 19 15.

Arthur H . Chamberlain. Chairman. Committee on Arrangements.Monadnock Bldg . , San Francisco.

National Association of State Supervisors and Inspectors of Rural Schools.

Oakland. August 18. 19 15 .

Lester S . Ivins. President. Supervisor of Agricultural Education. Lebanon. O.

C. F. Brown. Secretary. Rural School Supervisor. Baton Rouge. La.

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Conference of Art and Manual Training Teachers.

San Francisco. August 18 and 19 . 19 15 .

Royal B . Farnum. Director. Albany. N . Y.

American Institute of Banking.San Francisco. August 18. 19 and 20 . 19 15 .

William S . Evans. President. 5 Nassau St New York City .

George E. Allen. Educational Director. 5 Nassau S t. , New York City.

The American Association of Park Superintendents.San Francisco. August 18. 19 and 20 . 19 15.

Roland W. Cotteri ll. Secretary-Treasurer. Seattle. Wash .

Grand Lodge of California. International Order of Good Templars.

San Francisco. August 18. 19 and 20 . 19 15.

codore D . Kanouse. Grand Secretary.1535 W. 16th St Los Angeles. Cal .

National Council of Teachers of English .

Oakland. August 18 andProf. James F . Hosic. SecretaryChicago Teachers

College. 68th St. and Stewart Ave Chicago. III.

The School Garden Association of America .Oakland. August 18 and 20 . 19 15 .

V. E. Kilpatrick. President. 24 W . 3oth St New York City.

W. Finney, Secretary. St. Paul. Minn .


s Life Insurance Company (Agency Convention) .

San Francisco. August 18 to 2 1 inclusive. 19 15E. O. Burget. Secretary. Frankfort. Ind .

Phi Delta Kappa .Oakland. August 18 to 2 1. inclusive. 19 15 .

J. Harold Williams. President.Department of Education. Stanford University. Cal .

James R . Young. Secretary.School of Education. University of Chicago. Chicago. Ill .


Hail Association of America .

San Francisco. August 19. 19 15 .

John D . Esler, Secretary. Saddle River. N . J .

Congress of School Women under the Auspices of the California Federationof School Women

s Clubs.Oakland , August 19 . 19 15.

Miss Ethelind M. Bonney. Chairman. Congress Committee.204 W. Lafayette St Stockton. Cal .

American Association of Railroad Superintendents .San Francisco. August 19 and 20 . 19 5.

Chas. Burlingame, President. Room 2 13. Union Station. St . Louis. Mo.E . H . Harmon. Secretary. Room 10 1. Union Station. St. Louis. Mo.

Delta Tau Delta Fraternity.San Francisco. August 19. 20 and 2 1. 19 15 .

enry T. Bruck. Secretary, Box 445. Dayton. Ohio .

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California Presidential Postrnasters’

Association.San Francisco. August 19. 20 and 2 1. 19 15.

Charles 0 . Dunbar. President. Santa Rosa. Cal.

Federal Life Insurance CompanyFrancisco. August andIsaac Miller Hamilton. President. Chicago. Ill.

Edinboro State Normal School Alumni Reunion .

Oakland. August 19 to 2 1 inclusive. 19 15.

Rupert Peck. President. Rexburg. Idaho.

Frank E. Baker. Principal. Pennsylvania State Normal School. Edinboro. Pa.

Primary Synod of the Province Numbered Eighth of theProtestant Episcopal Chur

Oakland. August 19 to 22. inclusive. 19 15.

Right Rev. William F. Nichols. Convener.12 15 Sacramento S t. , S an Francisco.

Right Rev. Paul Jones. Secretary. Salt Lake City. Utah .

Southland Life Insurance Company (Agency Convention) .

S an Francisco. August 20 5 .

Jas. A. Stephenson. President. Dallas. Texas.

Associated Harvard Clubs.

S an Francisco. August 20 andC. Bard. Secretary. 245 Plymouth Bld Minneapolis. Minn.

International Reunion of Purdue University Alumni.Francisco. August 20 . 2 1 and 22. 19 15V. D. Cousins. President. San Francisco Section.623 Sheldon Bldg. , San Francisco.

B. Otto. Secretary. San Francisco Section.South Berkeley. Cal.

Mount Holyoke College Reunion.

San Francisco,August 2 1 19 15.

Mrs. J. H . Laughlin. President. Northern California Alumnae Association.

2 17 Hillcrest Road. Berkeley. CalMiss Helen True. Secretary. Los Gatos. Cal .

University of Missouri Alumni Reunion.

San Francisco. August 2 1. 19 15.

Dr. R C. Cottingham. President of Northern California Alumni Association.Pacific Building. San Francisco.

M . H. Brinkley, Secretary-Treasurer of Northern California AlumniAssociation. 833 Market St San Francisco .

Eleventh Universal Congress of Esperanto .S an Francisco. August 22 to 29. inclusive. 19 15.

General Sebert. President. 14 rue Bremontier. Paris. France.

Gabriel Chavet. General Secretary. 5 1 rue de Clichy. Paris. France.

Esperanto Association of North America.S an Francisco. August 22 to 29. inclusive. 19 15 .

Dr. C. H . Fessenden. Secretary. Newton Center. Mass.

H . B. Langille. Chairman. Committee on Arrangements.22 14 Durant S t. , Berkeley. Cal.

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Pacific Coast Conference. Unitarian Churches.

San Francisco. August 23 or August (Either preceding orfollowing general conference) .

Rev. M. A. Baker. Secretary. 15 16 Grand S t. , Alameda. Cal.

National Congress of Mothers and Parent-Teacher Associations Conference.Oakland. August 24. 19 15 .

Mrs. Frederick S cholf. President , 34 18 Baring St Philadelphia. Pa .Mrs. Arthur A. Bimey, Corresponding Secretary.9 10 Loan and Trust Bldg. , Washington. D. C.

Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York. Agency Convention.C ub

San Francisco. August 24 and 25 19 15.

Geo . T. Dexter. 2nd Vice-President. 34 Nassau St New York City.

California Land and Title Association .

S an Francisco. August 24. 25 and 26. 19 15.

Henry E . Monroe. President. 105 Montgomery St San Francisco .James M . Watson. Secretary. Fairfield. Cal .

American Association of Title Men .S an Francisco. August 24. 25 and 26. 19 15.

H . L. Burgoyne. President. Cincinnati. Ohio.Geo. E. Whitcomb. S ecretary, Northwood. Iowa.

General Conference. Unitarian Churches.

San Francisco. August 24 to 27. inclusive. 19 15.

Rev . Walter F. Greenman. Secretary. 684 Astor S t. , Milwaukee.Wis.

Columbian National Life Insurance Company (Agency Convention) .

Santa Cruz. August 25. 19 15. (Will come to S an Francisco in a bodyafter convention . )Wm. C. Johnson. Vice-President. Boston. Mass.

Classical Association of the Pacific Northwest.Oakland. AugustProf. Kelly Rees. President. Reed College. Portland. Ore.

Miss Juliann A. Roller. Secretary. 1 145 Ivon S t. , Portland. Ore.

Chi Psi Fraternity.

San Francisco. August 25 to 28. inclusive. 19 15.

Edward Cassius Swift. President. Ottawa. 111.Harold G . Aron. S ecretary , 50 Pine St New York City .

Perry Evans. Chairman. Committee on Arrangemen ts.Mills Bldg. , San Francisco .

Delta Chi Fraternity .

San Francisco. August 25 to 28 . inclusive. 19 15.

W. W. Bride. Secretary. Union Savings Bank Bldg . , Washington. D

American Institute of Chemical Engineers.San Francisco. August 25 to 28. inclusive. 19 15 .

Prof J . C. Olsen. Secretary. Cooper Union. New York City.

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573. National Association for the Study and Education of Exceptional Children.Oakland. August 26. 19 15.

Dr. M. P . E . Groszmann. Educational Director, Plainfield. N. J .

574. Association of State Superintendents.

Oakland. August 26. 19 15.

Thos. E . Finegan. Chairman. Committee on Arrangements. Albany. N . Y.

Mrs. Mary C . C. Bradford. Member. Committee on Arrangements.Denver. Colo.

M . L. Brittain. Member. Committee on Arrangements. Atlanta. Ga .

Northern California Congregational Conference.S an Francisco. August 26.Rev . C. L. Mears. President. 20 14 Central Alameda. Cal.Rev. L. R . Rathbone. D. D . Secretary. 4 17 Market St San Francisco .

American Dental Trade Association .

San Francisco. August 26 and 27. 19 15.

W. L. Truesdell. Secretary, Box 65. Station F. Columbus. Ohio .

Universal Esperanto Association (Special Conference) .

San Francisco. August 26 and 27. 19 15H . Bolingbroke-Mudie. President.77 Kensington Garden Square. London. W . C England.

H. Hodler. Director. 10 rue de la Bourse. Geneva. Switzerland.

D. E . Parrish. Chairman. Committee on Arrangements.1350 Pine St San Francisco.

Western States Life Insurance Company (Agency Convention) .

San Francisco. August andF. S. Withington. Secretary. San Francisco.

Phi Kappa Sigma.

San Francisco or Berkeley. August 26. 27 and 28 . 19 15.

Richard M. Philler. Secretary. 133 S. 4th S t. , Philadelphia. Pa.

Society of Applied Psychology.San Francisco. August 26. 27 and 28. 19 15 .

Warren Hilton. President. Monadnock Bldg . , San Francisco.

International Educational Home Economics Congress.

Oakland. August 26. 27 andMiss Martha Van Rensselaer. President.College of Agriculture. Cornell University.Ithaca. N. Y.

Miss Anna Barrows. S ecretaryTeachers

’ College. Columbia University. New York City.

Gamma Phi Beta Sorority.Asilomar, August 26 to 29. inclusive. 19 15 .

Mrs. O. Y. Harsen. President. 53 Arthur St Yonkers. N. Y.

Miss Emma F. Lowd. Secretary. 52 Irving Place. New York City.

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World’s Congress of Young People’

s Societies .San Francisco. August 27. 19 15.

Oakland. September 17. 19 15 .

Fred D . Parr, President.c/o Dodge Steamship Co 16 California St San Francisco .

Miss Bertha Richardson. Secretary. 558 Chenery S t. , San Francisco.

Association of American Universities.Berkeley. August 2 7 andGeorge E . Vincent. President. University of Minn Minneapolis. Minn .Herman V . Ames. Secretary, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia. Pa.

Alpha Tau Omega .

San Francisco. August 2 7 and 28 . 19 15 .

Claud T. Reno. Secretary. 323-324 Commonwealth Bldg . , Allentown. Pa.

Pacific Coast Division. Religious Education Association .Oakland , August 2 7. 28 and 29 . 19 15.

Rev. Miles B . Fisher. Secretary. 4 17 Market St San Francisco .

Religious Education Association .

Oakland. August 27. 28 and 29 . 19 15.

Dr H . F. Cope. General Secretary . 332 S . Michigan Ave. , Chicago. Ill .

Red Cross Congress .San Francisco. August 28. 19 15 .

Ernest P. Bicknell. National Director,Union Trust Bldg. , Washington . D . C.

National Federation of Religious Liberals .Oakland . August 29. 19 15 .

Prof. Jesse H . Holmes. Ph.D President. Swarthmore. Pa.Rev. Chas . W. Wendte. D. D. , Secretary. 25 Beacon St Boston. Mass.

Free Religious Association of America .Oakland. August 29. 19 15 .

Rev. John Haynes Holmes , President.Park Ave . and 34th St New York City.

Rev. C . E. Beals. Secretary. 49 Prospect S t. , Stoughton. Mass.

Psi Omega Fraternity.

San Francisco. August 30 . 19 15.

Dr. E . H . Sting. Secretary. Tiffin. Ohio .

Dr. Edwin P. James. Deputy Councilor.Security Bank Building. Oakland. Cal .

American S ociety of Orthodontists .San Francisco , August 30 . 19 15 .

Dr. F. M. Casto. Secretary. Rose Building. Cleveland. Ohio .

General Grand Council of Royal and Select Masters of theUnited States of America .

San Francisco. August 30 and 3 1. 19 15.

Henry W. Mordhurst. General Grand Secretary, Fort Wayne. 1nd.

Thomas O . Heydenfeldt. Secretary. Joint Executive Committee.Thomas Clunie Building. S an Francisco.

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National Association of State Universities .Berkeley. August 30 and 3 1 19 15.

Dr. Benjamin Ide Wheeler. President. University of California. Berkeley. Cal.Dr. Guy Potter Benton. Secretary. Burlington. Vt.

Federation of French Alliances of the United States and Canada.S an Francisco. August 30 and 3 1 19 15.

J. LeRoy White. President. 147 Fourth Ave . , New York City.Dr. Louis Delamarre. Secretary-General. 147 Fourth Ave. , New York City.

National Association of Dental Examiners .San Francisco. August 30 and 3 1 19 15 .

Dr. J . A. West. Secretary. 4 17 Utica Bldg . , Des Moines , Iowa.

Acacia Fraternity.

San Francisco. August 30 , 3 1 and September 1. 19 15 .

Harry E. Kilmer. Grand Secretary. Centerville. Mo.G. D . Ream. Chairman. 19 15 Conclave Committee.2634 Bancroft Way. Berkeley, Cal .

California State Veterinary Medical Association .Oakland. August 30 to September 3. inclusive. 19 15 .

C . L. Roadhouse , Secretary. University of California. Berkeley. Cal .

Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity.

San Francisco. August 30 to September 4. inclusive. 19 15.

Harry B . Wassell. Secretary. 14 1 1 Commonwealth Bldg. , Pittsburg. Pa .C . C. Chambers , Field Secretary. 14 1 1 Commonwealth Bldg. , Pittsburg. Pa.M. E. Van Dine , Chairman Committee on Arrangements.Kohl Bldg . , S an Francisco .

International New Thought Congress.San Francisco. August 30 to September 5. inclusive. 19 15 .

Miss Grace Wilson. Secretary.California New Thought Exposition Committee.220 Post Street. San Francisco.

Panama-Pacific Dental Congress.

San Francisco. August 30 to September 9. inclusive. 19 15.

Dr. Frank L. Platt. President. Elkan Gunst Bldg. , San FranciscoDr. Arthur M . Flood , Secretary. 240 Stockton Street. San Francrsco.

International Dental Federation.San Francisco. August 30 to September 9 . inclusive. 19 15.

Dr. Truman W. Brophy. President , 8 1 East Madison Street. Chicago. Ill .Dr. Florestan Aguilar. Secretary-General , Madrid. Spain .

Dr. Burton Lee Thorpe. Assistant Secretary.3605 Lindell Boulevard. St. Louis. Mo.

National Dental Association .

San Francisco. August 30 to September 9 . inclusive. 19 15.

Dr. Donald M . Gallie. President. 32 N . State S t. , Chicago. Ill.Dr. Otto U. King. Secretary. Huntington , Ind .

California State Dental Association .San Francisco. August 30 to September 9 . inclusive. 19 15.

Dr. E. E . Evans. Secretary. Union Savings Bank Bldg . , Oakland. Cal.

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Delta Sigma Delta Fraternity. Supreme Chapter.San Francisco. August 30 to September 9 . inclusive. 19 15.

Dr . Burton Lee Thorpe. Supreme Grand Master.3605 Lindell Blvd .. St. Louis. Mo.

Dr. R . Hamill D . Swing. Supreme Scribe. 1623Walnut St Philadelphia. Pa.

Society for Horticultural Science .Berkeley. August 3 1 19 15.

C . P. Close. Secretary-Treasurer. College Park. Md.

Beta Theta Pi .Oakland. August 3 1 to September 3. inclusive. 19 15.

Fran H . Sisson. President. 527 Fifth Ave . , New York CityFrancisW. Shepardson. General Secretary. 5558 Kimbark Ave . , Chicago. Ill.James Gavin. General Treasurer.10 12 Hume-Mansur Bldg. , Indianapolis. 1nd.

International Congress of Farm Women .

San Francisco. August 3 1 to September 3. inclusive. 19 15.

Mrs . Belle Van Dorn Harbert. President. Manzanola. Colo.Mrs. Gordon Randlett. Secretary. Fargo. N . D .

American Veterinary Medical Association .Oakland. August 3 1 to September 3. inclusive. 19 15.

Dr. N . S. Mayo. Secretary.Abbott Alkaloidal Cc . , Ravenswood. Chicago. Ill.

Association of Veterinary Faculties and Examining Boards of North America.Oakland. August 3 1 to September 3. inclusive. 19 15.

Dr. E . W. Babson. Secretary.’ Gloucester. Mass.

Pittsburgh Life and Trust Company. (Agency Convention) .

San Francisco , August. 19 15.

Howard S. Sutphen. Director of Agencies. Pittsburgh. Pa.

University of Michigan Alumni Reunion .

San Francisco. in month of August. 19 15.

John B . Clayberg. President. Michigan Alumni Association in San Francisco.Pacific Bldg San Francisco.Inman Scalby. Secretary. Michigan Alumni Association in San Francisco.Kohl Bldg. , San Francisco .

Phi Delta Theta Reunion .

San Francisco. August. 19 15.

George G . D . Kierulff. Alumni Commissioner.Foxcroft Bldg. , 68 Post St San Francisco.

Ohio State University Alumni Reunion .

San Francisco. August. 19 15.

Wm . E . Whitaker. President of Northern andCentral California Ohio State University Association.1300 Franklin S t. , Oakland. Cal

Norman Rushton. Secretary of Northern andCentral California Oh io State University Association.157 Twenty-fifth Ave San Francisco.

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Intersouthern Life Insurance Company.San Francisco. August or September. 19 15 .

Ed. L. Williams. Vice-President. Louisville. Ky.

General Grand Chapter of Royal A rch Masons of the United States of America .San Franc1sco. September 1. 2 and 3. 5.

Charles A. Conover. General Grand Secretary. Coldwater. Mich.Thomas O. Heydenfeldt. Secretary. Thomas Clunie Bldg. , San Francisco.

National Guard Association of the United States.

San Francisco. September 1. 2 and 3. 19 15.

Gen . Guy E. Logan. Secretary.Adjutant-General of Iowa. Des Moines, Iowa .

American Pomological Society.

Berkeley. September 1. 2 and 3. 19 15.

L. A. Goodman. President. Kansas City. Mo.

E. R. Lake. Secretary. 2033 Park Row. Washington. D. C.

National Life Insurance Company of U. S. A. (Agency Convention) .

San Franc1sco. September 1. 2 andRobt. D. Lay. Secretary. Chicago. Ill.

Alpha Sigma Phi.San Francisco. September 1. 19 15.

Berkeley. September 2 . 3 and 4. 19 15.

Wayne M. Musgrave. Grand Junior President.5 1 Chambers St New York City.

American Fisheries Society.

San Francisco. September 1 to 4. inclusive. 1915.

Daniel B . Fearing. President. Santa Barbara. Cal.Dr. G. W. Fisld. Chairman. Executive Committee. Sharon. Mass.

Southern California Dental Association .San Franc1sco. SeptemberDr. W. E. Sibley. Secretary. 2 18 Bradbury Bldg . Los Angeles. Cal.

Alpha Delta Phi Fratemrty.

San Francisco and Berkeley. September 2 . 3 and 4. 19 15.

Carl R . Ganter. Secretary. 136 W. 44th St New York City.

Psi Upsilon .

Berkeley. September 2. 3 and 4. 19 15.

George S. Coleman. Secretary. Tribune Bldg. , New York City.

California State Spiritualists’

Association.S an Francsico. September 2 to 5. inclusive. 19 15 .

C. A. Buss. President. 1050 20th St San Diego. Cal.Mrs. Mary C. Vlasek. Secretary. 12 1 E. 30th St Los Angeles. Cal.

American Chemical Society. Adjourned Meeting.San Francisco. September 4. 19 15.

Dr. Charles H . Hurty. President. Chapel Hill. N . C.

Chas. L. Parsons. Secretary. Box 500. Washington. D . C.

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Northern California State Baptist Young People’

s Union .San Francisco. September 4. 5 and 6. 19 15 .

F. G. Weismann. President. 29 Croxton Ave. , Oakland. Cal.Miss Frances Weisser. Secretary. Oakland. Cal.

Utah State Dental Society.

San Francisco. September 5. 19 15.

Dr. E. C. Fairweather. Secretary. S alt Lake City. Utah .

Brotherhood of St. Andrew in the United States of America.(Special Post-Convention Meeting . )

San Francisco. September 5. 19 15 .

Edward H . Bonsall. President. Philadelphia. Pa.Hubert Carelton. General Secretary. Boston. Mass.G. Frank Shelby. Field Secretary for the West.167 1 Harrison St Denver. Colo.

Phi Sigma Kappa .S an Francisco. September 6. 19 15.

Wm. A. McIntyre. President. 2 1 W. Spring S t. , Ardmore. Pa .John Adams Lowe. Secretary.Williams College Library.Williamstown. Mass .

Gustav de Bretteville. Chairman. Committee on Arrangements.Claus Spreckels Bldg. , San Francisco .

Alpha Chi Sigma.Berkeley. September 6. 7 and 8. 19 15 .

Harry A. Curtis. Grand Master Alchemist. Boulder. Colo.

National Federation of Post Office Clerks.

S an Francisco. September 6. 7 and 8. 19 15.

Thos. F. F1aherty. National Secretary. Washington. D . C .

John A. Gilmour. Local Secretary. San Francisco.

The Newthot World Congress of Newology .

San Francisco. September 6 to 12 . inclusive. 19 15.

Dr. N . N . New. Chairman. Newthot Science Exhibit.Palace of Education. Exposition Grounds. San Francisco.

Dr. M . L. Claire. Secretary. Newthot Science Exhibit.Palace of Education. Exposition Grounds. San Francisco.

Kappa Alpha Fraternity. D . R . Neal Province (South) .

S an Francisco. September 7. 8 and 9. 19 15.

Dr. L. D . Mead. Province Commander. Butler Bldg. , S an Francisco.R. G . Thompson. Province Secretary. Flood Bldg. , San Francisco .


Conference on City Planning.Oakland. September 7 to 1 1. inclusive. 19 15.

Chas. H . Cheney. Secretary. Crocker Bldg. , San Francisco.

League of California Municipalities.

Oakland. September 7 to 1 1. inclusive. 19 15.

a E . Snow. President. Mayor of Fresno. Fresno. Cal .H . A. Mason and Wm. J . Locke. Secretaries. Pacific Bldg. , San Francisco .

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International Irrigation CongressStockton. September 13 andFresno. September 15 andSacramento. September 17 and 18. 19 15.

San Francisco . September 20. 19 15.

J . B. Case. President. Abilene. Kansas.

Arthur Hooker. Secretary.Fresno. Cal during April and May.Sacramento. Cal. . during June and July.Stockton. Cal. . during August and September.L. A. Nares. Chairman. Board of Control. Fresno. Cal.

National Society. Daughters of the American Revolution.S an Francisco. September 14 and 15. 19 15 .

Mrs. Will iam Cumming Story. President-General.Continental Memorial Hall. Washington. D. C.

Congressional Union forWoman Suffrage .Francisco. September 14. 15 and 16. 19 15.

Miss Alice Paul. Chairman of Executive Committee.1420 F St. N. W Washington. D. C

Grand Council. Catholic Ladies’

Aid Society.S an Francisco. September 14 to 17. inclusive. 19 15 .

Mrs. M. J . Smith. Secretary. 65 1 Pacific Bldg . , San Francisco .

American Brotherhood of Cement Workers.

San Francisco. September 14 to 18. inclusive. 19 15F. C. Gengenback. General President and Organrzer.646 W. 67th S t. . Chicago. Ill.

Henry Ullner. Secretary-Treasurer. 705 Clunie Bldg. , San Francisco .

National Association of Employing Lithographers.

S an Francisco. September 15. 16 and 17. 19 15 .

J . F. Powers. President. 30 Ferry S t.. New York City.

Idaho State Life Insurance Company (Agency Convention) .

Francisco. September 15 to 18. inclusive. 19 15Chas. S. Chadwick. General Manager. Boise. Idaho.

California Annual Conference. Methodist Episcopal Church .San Francisco. September 15 to 2 1 inclusive. 19 15.

Rev. Edwin H . Hughes. Resident Bishop. 435 Buchanan S t.. S an Francisco .

Rev. Charles E . Irons. Secretary. S an Jose. Ca]

American Society of Mechanical Engineers.San Francisco. September 16 andCalvin W. Rice. Secretary. 29 W. 39th St New York City.

American Institute of Mining Engineers.S an Francisco. September 16 and 17. 19 15.

Bradley Stoughton. Secretary, 29 W. 39th St New York City.

American Electrochemical Society.San Francisco. September 16. 17 and 18. 19 15.

Prof. Jos. W. Richards. Secretary. Lehigh University. South Bethlehem. Pa.

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Panama-Pacific Convention of the American Institute of Electrical Engineers.S an Francisco. September 16. 17. 18. 19 15.

F. L. Hutchinson. Secretary. 33 W. 39th St New York City.

American Society of Heating and Ventilating Engineers.San Francisco. September and 18. 1 5 .

J. J. Blackmore. Secretary. 29 W. 39th S t. . New York City.

American Society of Civil Engineers.San Francisco. September 16 to 19 . inclusive. 19 15.

Chas. Warren Hunt. Secretary. 220 W. 57th S t.. New York City.

Theta Xi Fraternity.S an Francisco. September 18. 19 15.

H . T. Wreaks. Secretary. 80 Madison Lane. New York City.

Michigan College of Mines. Alumni Reunion.

Francisco. September 18. 19 15.

Benjamin F. Sparks. Secretary. Houghton. Mich .

Mining and Metallurgical Society of Arnerica.

S an Francisco. September 20 . 19 15.

W. R. Ingalls. President. l oth Ave. 8: 36th St New York City.F. F. Sharpless. Secretary. 52 Broadway. New York City.

Pacific Coast Association of Port Au thorities.

San Francisco. September 20 and 2 1 19 15.

General H . M . Chittenden. President. Seattle. Wash.Leo V. Merle. Secretary. Ferry Bldg . , San Francisco.

American Mining Congress.San Francisco. September 20 . 2 1 and 22. 19 15.

J. F. Callbreath. Secretary. Washington. D . C.

International Engineering Congress. 19 15.

S an Francisco. September 20 to 25. 19 15.

Prof. W. F . Durand. Chairman. Foxcroft Bldg . , San Francisco.

W. A. Cattell. Secretary. Foxcroft Bldg. , San Francisco.

Sovereign Grand Lodge , Independent Order of Odd Fellows.S an Francisco. September 20 to 25. inclusive. 19 15 .

John B. Goodwin. Grand Secretary. Baltimore. Md.


International Union of North America .San Francisco. September 20 to 25. inclusive. 19 15.

W. R. Deal. Secretary. Suite“A.


Bishop Bldg . , Kansas City. Kan.

Grand Encampment of the State of California. I . O. O. F.

San Francisco. September 20 to 25. inclusive. 19 15.

W. H . Barnes. Grand Scribe. Odd Fellows’

Bldg. , San Francisco .

International Association of Bridge and Structural Iron Workers.San Francisco. September 20 to 30. inclusive. 19 15.

Harry Jones. Secretary. American Central Life Bldg. , Indianapolis. Ind.

American Society of Agricultural Engineers.

San Francisco. September 2 1 and 22. 19 15 .

F. M. White. Secretary. Madison. Wis.

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Telephone Pioneers of America.San Francisco. September andTheodore N. Vail. President. 15 Dey St New York City .

I. H . Starrett. Secretary. 15 Dey S t. . New York City.

National Convention of Insurance Commissioners .Del Monte. September 2 1 to 24. inclusive. 19 15 .

J . E . Phelps. Insurance Commissioner. Royal Bldg . , San Francisco .

Welfare Union.San Francisco. September 23. 19 15 .

Mrs. M . A. MacKenzie. Superintendent. 828 Filbert S t. , Oakland. Cal .

American Society of Refrigerating Engineers.San Francisco. September 23 and 24. 19 15.

W. H . Ross. Secretary. 154 Nassau St New York City.

American Mine Safety Association .

San Francisco. September 23 and 24. 19 15 .

Dr. A. F. Knoefel. President. Terre Haute Trust Bldg . , Terre Haute. Ind .

H . M . Wilson. Secretary-Treasurer. Bureau of Mines. Pittsburgh. Pa.

American Association of Refrigeration.San Francisco. September 23 and 24. 19 15.

Frank A. Home. President, 16 1 Chambers S t.. New York City .

J . F. Nickerson. Secretary. 43 1 S . Dearbom St Chicago. Ill.

Illinois Gas Association. (Adjourned Meeting) .

San Francisco. September 27. 1 5.

H . H . Clark. Secretary. 72 W. Adams St Chicago. III.

The American Association for the Study of S pondylotherapy.

San Franc1sco. September 27. 28 andDr. Albert Abrams. Honorary President. 29 1 Geary St. San Francisco.Dr. D . V. Ireland. President. Wilmington. Ohio .

Dr. S. E . Bond , Secretary. Richmond. Ind.

Continental Life Insurance and Investment Company. (Agency Convention ) .

San Francisco , September 2 7. 28 and 29 . 19 15 .

C . W. Helser. Superintendent of Agencies. Salt Lake City, Utah.

San Mateo County Teachers’

Institute .South San Francisco. September 27. 28 and 29 . 19 15.

Roy W. Cloud. County Supt. of Schools. Redwood City. Cal.

National Association of Stationers and Manufacturers.San Francisco. September 2 7 to 30 ,

inclusive. 19 15 .

Mortimer W. Byers. Secretary, 4 1 Park Row. New York City.

Safety Conference .San Francisco. September 27 to 30 . inclusive. 19 15 .

Will J. French. Commissioner.California Industrial Accident Commission. San Francisco .

John R . Brownell. President. Local Council No . 15.National Safety Council, Underwood Bldg. , San Francisco.

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Pacific Coast Fire Chiefs’

Association .San Francisco. September 2 7 to 30 . inclusive. 19 15.

. .W Bringhurst. Secretary. Seattle. Wash.

International Gas Congress.

San Francisco. September 2 7 to October 1. inclusive. 19 15.

Geo . G . Ramsdell. Secretary, 29 W. 39th S t. . New York City .

American Gas Institute.San Francisco. September 2 7 to October 1. inclusive. 19 15.

George G. Ramsdell. Secretary. 29 W. 39th St New York City.


s Christian Temperance Union of California .Oakland. September 2 7 to October 1, inclusive. 19 15.

Mrs. Sara J. Dorr. President. 706 Emory S t.. San Jose , Cal .Mrs . Anna Marden DeYo. Corresponding Secretary.3 City Hall Ave . , San Francisco .

Pacific Coast Gas Association .San Francisco. September 27 to October 2. inclusive. 19 15 .

C. Jones. President. 702 Grant Bldg . . 7th 8: Market Sts . . San Francisco.Henry Bostwick. Secretary. 445 Sutter St San Francisco .

State Society of Certified Public Accountants.San Franc1sco. SeptemberJ. F. Forbes. Secretary. Crocker Bldg . San Francisco .

American Association of Public Accountants. Special Adjourned Meeting.S an Francisco. September 28. 19 15 .

A. P. Richardson. Secretary. 55 Liberty St New York City .

Master Brewers’

Association of the United States .San Francisco . September 29. 30 and October 1. 19 15.

William F. Carthaus. President. c/o Lemp Brewing Co St. Louis. Mo .A. P. Otto Moeller. Secretary. c/o Lemp Brewing Co. , St.

Louis. Mo .

The Order of the Golden S eal.San Francisco. September 30 . 19 15.

Hon. Hill Montague. Supreme Commander. Travelers’

Bldg. . Richmond. Va .Arthur F. Bouton. Supreme Secretary. Roxbury. N . Y.

American Life Convention .

Del Monte. September 30 . October 1 and 2 . 19 15 .

T. W. Blackburn. Secretary. Omaha. Neb.

I . D . E. S. of the State of California .Oakland. September 30 to October 4. inclusive. 19 15.

J. C . Valim. Supreme Secretary. 8 12 Broadway. Oakland. Cal.

California State Brewers’

Association .

San Francisco. September. 19 15 .

William Schuldt. Secretary. Humboldt Bank Bldg. . San Francisco .

Needlework Guild of America.San Francisco , SeptemberMrs. Truman H . Newberry. National President. Detroit. Mich .

Miss Rosamond K . Bender. National Corresponding Secretary.17 16 Chestnut S t. . Philadelphia. Pa .

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National Association of Fish and Game Commissioners.

San Francisco. September. 19 15 .

George H. Graham. President. Springfield. Mass.

Ernest Napier. Secretary. Trenton. N. J.

Tau Beta Pi.Berkeley. September. 19 15.

R. C. Mathews. Secretary. Executive Council. Knoxville, Tenn .

National Drainage Congress.

San Francisco. September. 19 15 .

Edmund T. Perkins. Honorary President.1 1 10 First National Bank Bldg. . Chicago. 111.

Col . E . J. Watson. President. Columbia. S. C.

Motor Truck Club of America .San Francisco. September. 19 15.

Th eodore D . Pratt. President. c/c Central Stamping Co. , Newark. N. J .F. Nelson Carle. Secretary. c/o General Vehicle Co Long Island City.

California Draft Horse Breeders’

Association .

San Francisco. October 1.Henry Wheatley. President. Napa. Cal.Prof. J. I. Thompson. Secretary. Davis. Cal.

George Washington Life Insurance Company (Agency Contest) .

San Francisco. October 1 to 7. inclusive. 19 15 .

Harrison B. Smith. President. Charleston. W. Va.

American Association of Importers and Breeders of Belgian Draft Horses.

San Francisco. October 2. 19 15.

J . D. Conner. Jr. . Secretary.Wabash. Ind.

American Prison Association.Oakland. October 2 to 7. inclusive. 19 15 .

George L . Sehon. General Secretary. Louisville. Ky.

National Prisoners’

Aid Association .Oakland. October 2 to 7. inclusive. 19 15.

Rev. James Parsons. President. 1547 Hewitt Ave . , St. Paul. Minn.

C. M. Thompson. Secretary. Room 78. State Capitol. Hartford. Conn.

Volunteers of America.

San Francisco. October 3 to 7. inclusive. 19 15.

Col. J . W. Merrill. Secretary. 34 W. 28th St New York City.

New World Life Insurance Company (General Convention) .

San Francisco. October 3 to 8. inclusive. 19 15J . J . Cadigan. President. Spokane. Wash.

American Shire Horse Association .San Francisco. October 4. 19 15 .

Chas. Burgess. Secretary. Wenona. 111.

American National Insurance Company (Agency Convention) .

S an Francisco. October 4. 5 and 6. 19 15

W. L. Moody. Jr.. President. Galveston. Texas.

Y .

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Association of Life Insurance Counsel .San Francisco. October 4. 5 and 6. 19 15.

Sen . Wm . J . Tully. Secretary. General S olicitor.Metropolitan Life. New York City.

Marquette Life Insurance Company (Agency Contest) .

San Franc1sco. October 4. 5 andM . F. Girten. President. People

s Gas Bldg. . Chicago. Ill.

German-American Life Insurance Company5(Agency

Convention) .

San Francisco. October 4. 5 and 6.

J . A. Keith. General Agent. Omaha. Neb .

Volunteer State Life Insurance Company (Agency Contest) .

San Francisco. October 4. 5 andW. L. McPheeters. Vice-President. Chattanooga. Tenn .

American Central Life Insurance Company (Agency Convention) .

San Francisco. October 4 to 8. 19 15.

H . M . Woollen. President. Indianapolis, Ind.

American Electric Railway Accountants’

Association .

San Francisco. October 4 to 9 . inclusive. 19 15.

M. R . Boylan. Secretary. c/o Public Service Railway Co. . Newark.

American Electric Railway Claims Association.San Francisco. October 4 to 9 . inclusive. 19 15.

B. B . Davis. Secretary.c/o Columbus Railway. Power and Light Co .. Columbus. Ohio .

American Electric Railway Transportation and Traffic Association.San Francisco. October 4 to 9 . inclusive, 19 15E. B . Burritt. Secretary. 29 W. 39th S t. . New York City.

American Electric Railway Association .

San Francisco. October 4 to 9 . inclusive. 19 15.

E. B. Burritt. Secretary. 29 W. 39th S t. . New York City.

American Electric Railway Manufacturers’


San Francisco. October 4 to 9 . inclusive. 19 15.

H . G. McConnaughy. Secretary. 165 Broadway. New York City.

American Electric Railway Engineering Association .San Francisco October 4 to 9 . inclusive. 19 15.

E. B . Bum tt. Secretary. 29 W. 39th S t. . New York City.

Continental Casualty Company.San Francisco. October 4 to 9. inclusive. 19 15.

H. A. Behrens. Second Vice-President. 1208 Michigan Ave. , Chicago.

Jefferson Standard Life Insurance Company (Agency Convention) .

San Francisco. October 4 to 10 . inclusive. 19 15.

G. A. Grimsley. President. Greensboro. N. C .

Great Western Accident Association (Agency Convention) .

San Francisco. October 4 to 16. inclusive. 19 15 .

H. B. Hawley. President. Des Moines , Iowa.

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World’s Insurance Congress.

San Francisco. October 4 to 16. inclusive. 19 15.

W. L. Hathaway. Commissioner. 222 S ansome S t. . San Francisco.Garner Curran. Deputy Commissioner. 8 13 Insurahce Exchange Bldg. S anFrancisco.

American Institute of Actuaries (Special Meeting) .

San Francisco. October 4 to 16. inclusive. 19 15.

T. W. Appleby. Secretary. c/o Ohio National Life. Cincinnati. Ohio .

California State Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents.

San Francisco. October 4 to 16. inclusive. 19 15.

C . Fred Burks. Secretary. 5 18 Syndicate Bldg. . Oakland. Cal.

General Baptist Association (Colored) .

Oakland. October 5 to 10 . inclusive. 19 15.

Rev. G . C . Coleman. Corresponding Secretary. 859 34th S t. . Oakland. Cal.

Cremation Association of America .

San Francisco , October 6. 19 15.

Hugo Erichsen. President. 240 Chandler Ave. , Detroit. Mich.

California State Automobile Association .San Francisco. October 6. 19 5 .

P. J . Walker. President. Monadnock Bldg. . San Francisco.

D . E. Watkins. Secretary. 1628 Van NessAve . , San Francisco .

Pacific Branch. Woman’

s Foreign Missionary Society of theMethodist Episcopal Church .

Oakland. October 6. 7 and 8. 19 15.

Mrs. Geo. B . Smyth. President. 2509 Hearst Ave Berkeley. Cal.Mrs. S . F . Johnson. Corresponding Secretary.273 S. Catalina Ave. , Pasadena. Cal.

Conselho Supremo da Uniao Portuguesa do Estado da California (U. P. E. C . )Oakland. October 6 to 9. inclusive. 19 15.

Fraga. Supreme Secretary. Berkeley. Cal.

National Terra Cotta Society.San Francisco. October 6 to 9. inclusive. 19 15.

H . J . Lucas. Assistant Secretary. Metropolitan Bldg . . New York City.

Fifth American Peace Congress.

San Francisco. October 6 to 9 . inclusive. 19 15.

Arthur D . Call. Executive Director. Colorado Bldg Washington. D . C.

Aetna Life Insurance Company (Agency Convention ) .

San Francisco. October 6 to 10 . inclusive. 19 15 .

Rowe. Vice-President. Hartford. Conn .

Aetna Accident and Liability Company (Agency Convention) .

San Francisco. October 6 to 10 . inclusive. 19 15 .

J . S . Rowe. Vice-President. Hartford. Conn .

The Automobile Insurance Company of Hartford (Agency Convention ) .

San Francisco. October 6 to 10. inclusive. 19 15.

J . S . Rowe. Vice-President. Hartford. Conn.

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International Order of the King’

s Daughters and S ons (California Branch) .

Oakland. October 15. 19 15.

rs Matilda Brown. President. 600 29th St Oakland. Cal.Miss May E. Raymond. Secretary. 4 1 Lake Ave. , Piedmont. Cal.

State League of Postmasters of the Third and Fourth Class.

Francisco. October 15 to 18. inclusive. 19 15.

Chas. F. Keller. President. Kaweah. Cal.

California Conference of Boys’

and Girls’

Agricultural Clubs.n Francisco. October 16. 19 15 .

Prof. B. H. Crocheron. State Leader. University of California. Berkeley.

Society of American Foresters.San Francisco. October 18. 19 15 .

K. W. Woodward , Secretary. U. S . Forest Service.Washington. D . C.

American Builders’

Week. Under the Auspices of theGeneral Contractors’ Association .

San Francisco. October 18 to 23. inclusive. 19 15.

Wm. E. Hague. Secretary. 1 10 Jessie St San Francisco.

Western Forestry and Conservation Association.San Francisco. October 19 and 20. 19 15.

T. A llen. Forester. 72 1 Yeon Bldg . . Portland. Ore .

California State Grange. Patrons of Husbandry.

Oakland. October 19 to 22. inclusive. 19 15.

Joseph Holmes. Master. R. D . No . 3. Sacramento. Cal.Mrs. Nellie W. Hunt. Secretary. Napa. Cal.

California Grand Chapter. Order of the Eastern Star.San Francisco. October 19 to 22. inclusive. 19 15.

Mrs. Kate J. Willats. Grand Secretary. 1002 Ellis St San Francisco.

American Forestry Association.

San Francisco. October 20. 19 15.

P. S. Ridsdale. Executive Secretary.Maryland. Bldg. . 14 10 H St. N . W Washington. D. C.

National Temperance Council of America.

S an Francisco. October 20 . 19 15.

Daniel A. Poling. President. 3 1 Mount Vernon S t.. Boston. Mass.

Ernest H . Cherrington. Secretary. Westerville, Ohio.

Ayrshire Breeders’ Association.

San Francisco. October 20. 19 15.

C . M. Winslow. Secretary. Brandon. Vt.

United Daughters of the Confederacy .

San Francisco. October 20 to 23. inclusive. 19 15.

Mrs. D . McLaurin Stevens. President. Brandon , Miss.

Mrs . F. M. Williams. Secretary. Newton. N . C.

Miss Nora A. Queen. Secretary. 19 15 Committee.22 12 Sacramento St San Francisco.

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773 .


Northern California Peace Society.

San Francisco. October 2 1 19 15 .

Robert C. Root. Secretary. 22 18 Durant St Berkeley. Cal .

Pacific Logging Congress.San Francisco. October 2 1 19 15.

Geo . M . Cornwall. Secretary-Treasurer. Portland. Ore.

American Short Horn Breeders’ Association .

San Francisco. October 22. 19 15 .

S. W. Harding. Secretary. 13 Dexter Park Ave .. Chicago. 111.

California Association of Electrical Inspectors .San Francisco. October 23. 19 15 .

John W. Carroll. Secretary. 55 Fulton S t. , San Francisco.

American Aberdeen Angus Breeders’

Association .

San Francisco , October 25. 19 15.

Chas . Gray. Secretary. 8 17 Exchange Ave . . Chicago. Ill .

State Humane Association of California .

San Francisco , October 25. 26 and 2 7. 19 15.

Hugh J . Baldwin , President. San Diego. Cal .Th omas D . Coull . Secretary. Porterville, Cal .

Independent Telephone Association of America.San Francisco. October 25 to 29 . inclusive.E Fisher. President. Grand Rapids. Mich .

W. S. Vivian. Secretary. 19 S . La Salle S t.. Chicago. Ill.

American Petroleum Society.San Francisco. October 25 and 30. 19 15.

Dr. Irving C. Allen. Secretary. 506 Customs House. San Francisco.

Red Polled Cattle Club of America.

San Francisco. October 26. 19 15.

Harley A. Martin. Secretary. Gotham.Wis.

The Polled Durham Breeders’

Association .San Francisco. October 26. 19 15 .

J. H . Martz. Secretary. Greenville. Ohio .

P. E . O . Sisterhood (Special Meeting) .

San Francisco. October 26. 19 15.

rs. Martha Horne Nance. President of Chapter A. Francisco.5 12 Falcon Ave.. San Francisco.

California Creamery Operators’

Association.San Francisco. October 28. 29 and 30 . 19 15.

L. M. Davis. Secretary, University Farm. Davis. Cal.

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California Retail Grocers’

and Merchants’

Association.Oakland. October. 19 15.

Frank B. Connolly. Secretary. 3 19 Sheldon Bldg. . San Francisco.

International Longshoremen’

s Association. Pacific Coast District.S an Francisco. November 1 to 6. inclusive. 19 15John Kean. President. 948 Market St San Francisco.

J. A. Madsen. Secretary-Treasurer. 3 Ainsworth Bldg . . San Francisco .

American Milch Goat Record Association.San Francisco. November 3. 19 15.

J . C. Darst. Secretary. 15 16 N . Main S t. . Dayton. Ohio .

The Foote Family Association of America .San Francisco. November 3. 19 15

J . Merri ll Foote. President. 10 10 Storey Bldg .. Los Angeles. Cal.

American Poland China Record Association .San Francisco, November 3. 19 15

w. M. McFadden. Secretary.Union Stock Yards. Chicago. 111.

Romney Sheep Breeders’

Association .

San Francisco. November 4. 19 15.

Joseph Wing. Secretary. Mechanicsburg. Ohio.

Salvation Army Conn Francisco. November 4 to 7. inclusive. 19 15 .

Miss Booth. Commander of the U. S. Forces. New York City.

Thomas Estill. Commissioner of the Western Territory , Chicago. Ill.

Continental Dorset Club.San Francisco, November 5. 19 15.

Joseph Wing. Secretary. Mechanicsburg. Ohio.

National Swine Growers’

Association.San Francisco. November 5. 19 15 .

A. C. Halliwell. President. World Bldg. . Union Stock Yards. Chicago. Il l .

American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders’ Association .

San Franc1sco November 5 and 5.

Dwight Liricoln. Secretary. Milford Center. Ohio .

American Southdown Breeders’

Association.S an Francisco. November 6. 19 15.

F. S. Springer. Secretary. Springfield. Ill.

American Hampshire Swine Record Association .San Francisco. November 6. 19 15

C . Stone. Secretary. 703 E .

Nebraska Ave .. Peoria. Ill.

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786 . American Hampshire Sheep Association .San Francisco. November 8. 19 15 .

C. A. Tyler. Secretary. Coldwater. Mich.

78 7. American Oxford Down Record Association .San Francisco. November 8. 19 15

W. A. S hafor. Secretary. Ham1lton. Ohio .

International Longshoremen’

s Association .

San Francisco. November 8 to 13. inclusive. 19 15 .

T. V. O’

Connor. President. 702 Brisbane Bldg. . Buffalo. N . Y.

John J. Joyce. Secretary-Treasurer. 702 Brisbane Bldg. . Buffalo. N. Y.

American Federation of Labor.San Francisco. November 8 to 20 , inclusive. 19 15.

Samuel Gompers. President. Washington. D . C.

Frank Morrison. Secretary. 80 1 G St . N . W Washington. D. C .

American Duroc-Jersey Swine Breeders’

Association.San Francisco. November 9 . 19 15.

Robert J. Evans. Secretary. Union Stock Yards. Chicago, 111.

The National Duroc-Jersey Record Association .S an Francisco. November 9. 19 15 .

J. R . Pfander. Secretary. Jefferson Bldg. . Peoria. 111.

American Angora Goat Breeders’

Association .San Francisco. November 9. 19 15.

A lva L. McDonald. Secretary. Stock Exchange Bldg . , Portland. Ore.

National Association of Professional Baseball Leagues.San Francisco. November 9. 10 and 1 1. 19 15.

M . Sexton. President. Rock Island. 111.J . H . Farrell. Secretary. Auburn. N . Y.

O. I . C . Swine Breeders’

Association .San Francisco. November 10 . 19 15 .

O. C . Vernon. Secretary. Goshen , Ind.

American Tamworth Swine Association.San Francisco. November 10 . 19 15 .

E. N. Ball. Secretary. Hamburg. Mich .

Northern California Baptist Convention .Berkeley. November 10 to 13. inclusive. 19 15.

H . E. Wilkinson. President. Fresno, Cal .C. W. Brinstad, Corresponding Secretary. Berkeley. Cal.

Patrons of Husbandry. National Grange.Oakland. November 10 to 19. inclusive. 19 15 .

Oliver Wilson. Master. Peoria. 111C. M . Freeman. Secretary. Tippecanoe. Ohio.

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809 .


Northwest Angora Goat Association .

San Francisco. November 1 1. 19 15 .

Alva L. McDonald. Secretary. Stock Exchange Bldg .. Portland. Ore .

Chester White Swine Record Association.

San Francisco. November 1 1. 19 15.

F. F. Moore. Secretary. Rochester. Ind .

The American Shropshire Registry Association.San Francisco. November 1 1. 15.

Miss Julia M . Wade. Secretary. Lafayette. Ind.

National Mohair Growers’

Association .

San Francisco. November 1 1. 19 15.

J. E. McCarty. Secretary. Paluxy. Texas.

Theta Chi Fraternity (Coast Reunion) .

San Francisco. NovemberA. C . Pickett. President of Local Chapter,24 15 Prospect St Berkeley. Cal.

E. Wesson Clark. National Secretary. 10 1 Milk St Boston. Mass.

American Berkshire Congress.San Francisco. November 12 and 13. 19 15.

F. S. Springer. Secretary. Springfield. Ill .

American Yorkshire Club.

San Francisco.November 15. 19 15 .

Harry G. Krum. Secretary. White Bear Lake. Minn.

American Association of Fairs and Expositions.San Francisco. November 15 and 16. 19 15.

Charles Downing. Secretary. Indianapolis. Ind.

American Buff Plymouth Rock Club.San Francisco. November 18. 19 15.

W. S. Robison. Secretary. Fayette. Mo.

American Buckeye Club.

San Francisco. November 18. 19 15 .

Elton C. Mahon. President. Norwood. Tenn.A. H. Weisberg. Secretary. Nevada. Mo.

American Buff Plymouth Rock Club. Pacific Coast Division.

San Franc1sco. November 18. 19 5 .

W. S. Robison. Secretary. Fayette. Mo.

Buff Minorca Club of America .San Francisco. November 20 . 19 15.

W. P. Williams. Secretary. 1 102 West 52nd St Los Angeles. Cal.

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8 18.

8 19.


International Municipal Congress Under Direction of theSouthern Commercial Congress.San Francisco. November 22 to 26. inclusive. 19 15.

Dr. Clarence J . Owens. Managing Director.Southern B ldg.. Washington. D. C.

American Cornish Club.San Francisco. November 24. 19 15 .

John Ward. Jr. . National Secretary-Treasurer. Pennington.

American Pigeon Fanciers’

Association ,San Francisco. November 24. 19 15 .

John A. Koenig. Secretary. 330 Chestnut S t.. Milwaukee.Wis.

Philological Association of the Pacific Coast.San Francisco. November 26 and 2 7. 19 15 .

Prof. C. G. Chinard, Secretary. 1706 Oxford St Berkeley. Cal.

The Newthot Science World Congress.

San Francisco. November 28 to December 4. inclusive. 19 15.

Dr. N . N. New. President. Newthot Science Exhibit.Palace of Education. Exposition Grounds. San Francisco.

Dr. M. L . Claire. Secretary. Newthot Science Exhibit.Palace of Education. Exposition Grounds. San Francisco.

North American Division Conference. Seventh Day Adventists.San Francisco. November 29 and 30 . 19 15 .

Geo. B. Thompson. Secretary. Takoma Park. Washington. D. C.

California State Conference of Bricklayers, Masons and Plasterers’

International Union of America.San Francisco. November.Thos. W. Ryan. Secretary. 2835 Adeline St Oakland. Cal.

Bicknell Family Association.San Francisco. November. 19 15.

ThomasW. Bicknell. President. 20 7 Doyle Ave.. Providence. R. 1.

National Society of the Sons and Daughters of the Pilgrims.San Francisco. November. 19 15.

ThomasW. Bicknell. Secretary. Providence. R. 1.

Conference of Irrigation Experts under the Auspices of theerican Irrigation Association.

S an Francisco. November. 19 15.

A. R. Kanaga. President. 12 7 Montgomery St San Francisco.

Horace Brown. Secretary. 127 Montgomery S t.. S an Francisco.

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820 . Pacific Coast Millinery Association.San Francisco. November. 19 15 .

Henry S. Nathan. President, 733 Market St San Francisco .

Ben Armer. Secretary. 499 Monadnock Bldg.. San Francisco.

82 1. The National Pet Stock Association of America.San Francisco. December 2. 19 15.

Chas. 5. Gibson. Secretary. 1045 W. Warren Ave .. Detroit. Mich.

822. Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America.(Special Conference) .

San Francisco. at various times during the Exposition Period.

Dr. Charles S . Macfarland. General Secretary.105 E. 22nd St New York City.

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