Page 1: Parable of the Sadhu

The Parable of the Sadhu

Page 2: Parable of the Sadhu

Twilight of the Elites?

People have lost faith in pillar institutions (i.e., government, business, the Church) because those institutions have broken a social contract where people grant power in exchange for a smoothly operating society.

— Christopher Hayes,Editor, The Nation

writing in Time Magazine

Page 3: Parable of the Sadhu

Confidence in Institutions


Small Business


Organized Religion

Medical System


Supreme Court

Public Schools

Court System


Television News

Organized Labor


Big Business



0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80

Great Deal Quite A LotSource: Gallup, June 7-10, 2012

Page 4: Parable of the Sadhu

Twilight of the Elites?

What are we to do in the wake of this broad-based implosion?

Reform institutions to reconstitute a more reliable and democratic form of authority.

— Christopher Hayes,Editor, The Nation

writing in Time Magazine

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Twilight of the Elites?

To build a more reliable and democratic form of authority, there also must be an ethical framework guiding future decision-making.

It’s not being taught.

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The Lack of Ethical Education Compulsory Coursework is Minimal

Graduate School Undergraduate School High School

Survey of Greek Philosophers It’s Greek to me!

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Parable of the Sadhu

Backpackers in Nepal

New Zealander discovers an unconscious Indian sadhu

He was alive!

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Parable of the Sadhu

Carried below Snow Line

Treated for Hypothermia

Given Clothing

Food and Water

Shown a Safer Path


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Individual vs. Group

Money at a Problem?

Immediate Response

Failure to Act is a Decision

No One Can Quit!

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Individual vs. Group

Everyone has a Mountain

Stress is the Real Test

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Build the Foundation

Leaders must encourage their organizations and support their employees.

Encourage freedom of inquiry

Support personal values

Forge a common set of values, beliefs, and expectations.

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The Parable of the Sadhu

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