  • 8/2/2019 Paris Peace Treaties


    Imperialist Concerns 01/04/2011 04:18:00

    British Concerns

    Very much for their empire, they had the largest empire in theworld at the time,

    o Had 80 million muslims under their rule as well Concerned for the security of their borders as well as the threat

    from Soviet Russia as well as the potential for the threat from

    the Ottoman empire.

    o Lord Curzon spoke of this in May 1919, arguing that thebody (of the Turkish Empire) may not want to be a corpse

    o Also spoke out about the need for a protective cordonaround the Soviet Union

    More concerned about this than self-determination ofthe Balkans

    Whilst Lloyd George claimed I am a believer in little nations hewas being more pragmatic than nationalist. An enlarged Greek

    state with British alliance could play a holding role in the East

    BUT did seek to address the minority issues in treaties followingthe Paris Peace Treaties

    o Does show that there were some concerns for itemsbeyond imperialism

    Overtly, Britain agreed with Wilsons 14 pointso They needed Wilson on-side in terms of his entry to the

    war and now with him personally heading up the American

    delegation, both British and French supported him whilst

    giving priority to their own national interests

    i.e. Britain signed off on all the points except thefreedom of the seas

    Wasnt too keen on the destruction of the Habsburg empire giventhe monarchical links both in blood and in terms of a similar

    monarchical system of government

    o The replacments for both the Habsburg and Ottomanempires were therefore more of a punishment to the old

    empires and to advance british and French economic


    o The following treaties, in the guise of self-determination,crushed the economic powers of the Central Powers by

    redrawing their borders and by forcing reparations on them.

  • 8/2/2019 Paris Peace Treaties


    We can see this in the large ethnic mixing thatoccurred

    i.e. Romania, Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia Policy of punishment and reward contradicted the

    Wilsonian points on which the treaties were meant to

    be built upon

    Serbia, Romania, Greece, Yugoslavia werewinners

    Bulgaria, Ottomans, Albania were losers No Plebiscites were allowed to contest the mixup of

    ethnic groups in these areas.


    Wanted to weaken the German military and exact revenge onthem for the French losses in WWI

    o Came in the form of reparations and harsh militarypenalties such as no military occupation of the Rhineland

    and troop (100,000) and navy limitations (15,000)


    Inexperienced and nave Hupchick, was often circumventedby the more experienced Lloyd George and Clemencau

    His inexperience lay more in just diplomatic circles, he didntunderstand the complexities of the Balkan states.

    o Didnt know what Transylvania was or what Romanianclaims to it were

    o Point 9 concerns Italian borders along lines of nationalitybut he didnt specific anywhere on the Dalmation coast

    except Triesta, but these had already been promised to

    Italy in the Treaty of London in 1915

    o Point 10 argues for free development of successor statesfrom the Habsburgs, but the same point argues for the

    positon of the Habsburg empire in Europe

    o Point 11 argues that Habsburg troops leave areas such asMontenegro and the establishment of state lines

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    There were no state lines after 500 years of Milletrule

    o Point 12 wanted the breakup of ottoman empire but didntsuggest any way of doing this

    America was also not a world power at this point, he did not havthe bargaining power that he wanted

    He lost power in America during this time, had to return andultimately the League of Nations was not ratified in the Senate.

  • 8/2/2019 Paris Peace Treaties


    Nationalist Concerns 01/04/2011 04:18:00


    The 14 points aimed towards a period of self-determination forthe Balkan nations

    Wilson did listen to the concerns of the Balkan states he justdidnt understand them fully.

    o Must not consider this an active dismissal of the nationalistideals though.

    o when I gave utterances to those words, I said themwithout knowledge that nationalities existed. Moynihan

    Proclaimed against secret treaties promising territories such asthe Treaty of London with Italy in 1915, which Wilson had


    o Highlights an active attempt to remove the secrecy of theImperialist powers from diplomacy

    Also wanted an American led League of Nations, this would havevery little interest in the imperial and strategic powers of Europe,

    as Wilson had very little love for the old Colonial powers of

    France and England

    The fact that the new nations were guaranteed by the League of Nations

    highlights a certain level of commitmentAlso the Balkan states did receive a large amount of land from the Centrla

    Powers, with Romania receiving 32% of Hungary in the settlements

    Harold Nicolson We came to Paris convinced that a new order was

    about to be established, we left convinced that the new order had merely

    fouled the old

    Arguably, Take Ionescu was probably the most proactive leader in trying

    to form a Balkan alliance all the way to Poland in order to make sure that

    the treaty of Versailles was revised, but disputes between Poland and

    Czechoslovakia stopped this from occurring.

  • 8/2/2019 Paris Peace Treaties


    4/1/2011 4:18:00 AM

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