

28-47 43 Street, Astoria, NY 11103 Phone: (718) 278-1611

Parish STAFF

Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April 21, 2019

When Christ your life appears, then you too will appear with him in glory. — Colossians 3:4 *********************************************************************** HAPPY EASTER! Happy Easter! Or as most other languages prefer: Blessed Pasch—Passover! Pasua, Pascua, Páscoa, Pâques! Israel’s Passover through the Red Sea to the Promised Land! Jesus’ Passover through the Cross to resurrection! Our catechumens’ Passover last night, and ours once upon a time, through Baptism’s waters to our family’s Eucharist! Welcome, everybody! As someone once said of the Catholic Church, “Here comes everybody!” So in this Jubilee of Mercy, we make our own Saint John Chrysostom’s Easter welcome from fourteen hundred years ago: “Let everyone enjoy this radiant feast! You who fasted from Lent’s beginning, and you who didn’t fast at all, rejoice! The table’s richly set! Come, take from it, everybody, no worries, no embarrassment! All of you, taste the banquet of faith! Enjoy the feast of forgiveness! Let no one grieve for having sinned again and again: pardon has risen from the tomb!” Happy Easter! Blessed Pasch! Welcome, everybody! *********************************************************************** READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Acts 2:14, 22-33; Ps 16:1-2, 5, 7-11; Mt 28:8-15 Tuesday: Acts 2:36-41; Ps 33:4-5, 18-20, 22; Jn 20:11-18 Wednesday: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 105:1-4, 6-9; Lk 24:13-35 Thursday: Acts 3:11-26; Ps 8:2, 5-9; Lk 24:35-48 Friday: Acts 4:1-12; Ps 118:1-2, 4, 22-27; Jn 21:1-14 Saturday: Acts 4:13-21; Ps 118:1, 14-21; Mk 16:9-15 Sunday: Acts 5:12-16; Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24; Rev 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19; Jn 20:19-31 ***********************************************************************

Bread and Wine to be consecrated at Masses during the weekend of April 20-21 in memory of Hazel Louise Incantalupo as requested by The Incantalupo Family

Sanctuary Lamp for the Weekend of April 20-21 will burn in memory of Hazel Louise Incantalupo as requested by The Incantalupo Family

******Sanctuary Lamp for the Weekend of April 27-28 will burn in memory of Frank Sullivan as requested by the His Loving Wife


Our office will be closed on

Monday, April 22, 2019 Happy Easter!


Juan Felipe Aviles, Charles Paci, Jane Vassil, Isabella Colombo, Mary Gus, Mary Battaglia

Those Who Have Entered into Eternal Life

Nerina Kudic, Barbara C. Brendel

Saturday, April 20: Holy Saturday; The Easter Vigil in the Holy Night 9:00 Morning Prayer w/Blessing of Easter Baskets 7:40pm Solemn Celebration of the Easter Vigil  

Easter Sunday, April 21: Resurrection of the Lord 7:45 Easter Mass Celebration 9:00 Easter Mass Celebration 10:30 Easter Mass Celebration (Spanish) 12:00 Easter Mass Celebration 7:00 Please note there will be no Evening Mass on Easter

Monday, April 22: Monday within the Octave of Easter; Earth Day 9:00 Guillermo Alonso

Tuesday, April 23: Tuesday within the Octave of Easter 8:00 Blazevic Family

Wednesday, April 24: Wednesday within the Octave of Easter; Administrative Professionals Day 12:00 Divine Percy Prayer Group Assunta & Rafaele Mastrogiacomo, Msgr. Vincent Keane

7:30 pm Oscar Lema & Family, Henry Hernando Santana (Special Intention)

Thursday, April 25: Thursday within the Octave of Easter 8:00 Maria & Vincent Leo, Madeline Florip

Friday, April 26: Friday within the Octave of Easter 12:00 Maria Cotov  

Saturday, April 27: 8:00 Charlie Guglielmini 5:00 Guilana Boudouvas Aldo Stepancic (Anniversary) Diego & Maria Lomanto  

Sunday, April 28: Saturday within the Octave of Easter 7:45 Zabrina & Juan Collazo Jr. 9:00 Lidia & Giuseooe Sansalone, Beniamino Vlacich, Pietro Filippi, Adalciza Honovic 10:30 Felix Obdulia & Juan Espinales, Marta Laura Olivares 12:00 Giordano Vlacich 7:00 Alice Loeffler


Summer of Fun 2019

“A Full – Day Program for Less than a Baby-Sitter!” JUNE 24 TO AUGUST 16

7:30 a.m. Drop-off time (later if desired) 5:45 p.m. Pick-up time (earlier if desired)

ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: Art & Crafts, Basketball, Dodge ball,

Whiffle Ball, Pool Tables, Table Tennis, Board Games,

Story Time!



REGISTRATION (in the School Lobby): Fridays: May 17 & June 7 ~ 3:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Thursday: June 6 ~ 3:00 pm– 5:30pm Saturdays,: June 8, 22 ~ 9:30 am – 11:30 am

CALL (718) 278-1611 FOR MORE INFO! ***************************************************************************

RCIA Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults

Welcome and Congratulations to the following Elect who received the 3 Sacraments of Initiation, Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist at the Easter Vigil, Saturday, April 20, 2019 at 7:30pm Chiu Christina Papajohn Irene Xhani Elton As well as the following Candidates who we Welcome into Full Communion by their Profession of Faith, Confirmation and Eucharist. DeHority Brooke Confirmation and Eucharist. Betancourt Joseph Di Marco Giouseppe Hurtado Kimberly Lopez Fabiola Rodriguez Jose Enriquez Neil Sin Richard Trinidad Obdulia Molina Mario

Message From Our Pastor……. Dear Parishioners, The Church sings Alleluia— praise be to God! Praise be to God, for in the Easter Feast, we see that the tomb is not the end. Our Father’s love has been manifested in His victory of raising Christ from the dead - the first fruits of all those who have fallen asleep. It is our sincere hope that you be filled with that joy that flows from faith in God who is faithful to His people and who would love us into eternity. May we always hear His voice and receive His Son in the Eucharist! On behalf of Fr. Cesar, Fr. Bill, and myself we wish you, your family and loved ones a truly blessed Easter Day and hope of renewal in the Spirit that we all my rise together in the light of Christ’s glorious resurrection. Sincerely yours in Christ, Fr. Vincent Miceli

$75 deposit due by Tuesday, April 23rd. Please make checks payable to St. Joseph Church and drop off in the Parish Office.

Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Divine Mercy

Father Miceli invites parishioners and friends to join him as he leads a Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of Divine Mercy in Stockbridge, MA, on Saturday, June 15th. The day will include Mass, opportunities for Confession, recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet and time to visit the grounds of the Shrine. The bus will leave St. Joseph’s at 7:30 A.M. and will return to St. Joseph at approximately 8:00 P.M. If you would like to join the Pilgrimage, please reserve your seat by signing-up at the Parish Office. The cost is $50 per person. Seating is limited so first come, first served. We hope that you will take advantage of this opportunity to join us for a very special day of prayer and fellowship. Peregrinación al Santuario Nacional de la divina misericordia

El padre Miceli invita a los feligreses y amigos a unirse a él mientras conduce una peregrinación al Santuario Nacional de la Divina Misericordia en Stockbridge, MA, el sábado 15 de junio. El día incluirá la Misa, las oportunidades para la confesión, la recitación del Coronilla de la divina misericordia y el tiempo para visitar el lugar del Santuario. El autobús partirá de San José a las 7:30 A.M. y regresará aproximadamente a las 8:00 P.M. Si desea unirse a la peregrinación, por favor reserve su asiento registrándose en La oficina de la parroquia. El costo es de $50 por persona. Los asientos están limitados, por lo que primero se sirven. Esperamos que aprovechen esta oportunidad para acompañarnos en un día muy especial de oración y comunión.

Domingo de Pascua: La Resurrección del Señor

21 de abril de 2019 Cuando se manifieste Cristo, vida de ustedes, entonces también ustedes se manifestarán gloriosos, juntamente con él. — Colosenses 3:4 *********************************************************************** ¡FELIZ PASCUA!

¡Feliz Pascua! La Pascua de Israel a través del Mar Rojo a la Tierra Prometida! La Pascua de Jesús a través de la cruz a la resurrección. La Pascua de nuestros catecúmenos anoche, y la nuestra una vez más, a través de las aguas de nuestro bautizo a nuestra familia eucarística. ¡Bienvenidos todos! Como alguien dijo una vez acerca de la Iglesia católica: “¡aquí vienen todos!” Así que en este jubileo de misericordia, hacemos nuestra propia Pascua de san Juan Crisóstomo desde hace cuatrocientos años “¡Permitan que todos se alegren en esta fiesta radiante! Ustedes que ayunaron desde el inicio de la Cuaresma y ustedes que no ayunaran para nada, ¡alégrense! ¡La mesa está generosamente arreglada! Vengan, sírvanse, todos, no se preocupen, ¡no se avergüencen! ¡Todos ustedes, prueben el banquete de la fe! ¡Disfruten la fiesta del perdón! ¡No lloren por haber pecado una y otra vez: el perdón se levanta del sepulcro!” ¡Feliz Pascua! ¡Bienvenidos todos! **********************************************************************

TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Hace casi dos mil años María Magdalena fue muy de mañana al sepulcro de Jesús. Fue a rezar como muchos hacemos ante la tumba de un ser amado. Esa mañana ella se convertiría en apóstol de los apóstoles, primera testigo de Jesús resucitado de entre los muertos. Siglos después el testimonio de la Magdalena sigue siendo importante en la historia cristiana. Durante estos días en Anguiano, España, hombres y jóvenes de las viejas familias de la zona bailan y caminan con una pequeña imagen de la Magdalena. Se visten con camisas y faldones largos de muchos colores, mostrando la belleza de la diversidad hispana. Ellos bailan en honor de esa santa mujer de Magdala y lo hacen sobre andas de casi un metro de altura. Ellos toman la imagen desde la iglesia de su pueblo en las montañas en el norte del país y la llevan bailando por las calles empedradas bajando al santuario que han preparado para ella. Todo el pueblo reza y festeja en honor de la santa que fue buscando un difunto y se encontró con el Señor de la vida eterna **********************************************************************

NOS ACORDAMOS DE TI Nos acordamos de ti, oh Jesús resucitado, el primero de entre los muertos. Tu resurrección destruye el poder de la muerte y cambia las lágrimas de agonía a lágrimas de alegría. ¡Bendito eres! *************** ESPERANZA INMORTAL ¡Esperanza inmortal disipa la tristeza! Un ángel al lado de la tumba se sienta.

Update on Parish Weekly Collection, April 7, 2019

Sunday Collection..........................................$5,443 Easter Remembrance………………………..$1,115 Total Collection..............................................$6,558 **********************************************************************

The Divine Mercy Prayer Group Please join us for our weekly meeting every Wednesday after the Noon Mass, in the Gathering Space; Length of meeting is approximately one hour. ***********************************************************************

Food Pantry Our Food Pantry is open every Thursday from 8:00 to 9:00am, to assist any parishioner that is need of food. To register please bring a NYC Benefit card.

Please Note: The Secure Food deposit Box… Located in the front lobby of our church on the Rectory side. Please deposit all dry food (pasta, rice, beans, cans and bottles) there. This will assist us in securing that your food donations go directly to the needy. *********************************************************************** Irish Gala Dance - SAVE THE DATE


Saturday Evening, April 27, 2019 New York 'Mary from Dungloe' are looking forward

to welcoming everyone back to St. Joseph's in Astoria, Queens to their Irish Gala Dance.

Young ladies between 19‐27yrs are welcomed to enter the pageant – kindly call for an applica on.

Two winners will be selected for 2019 /2020. Each winner will receive a return trip to

Co. Donegal, Ireland, accommoda on and many valuable gi s.

Irish Band Mike and Noreen Sherry will provide the music along with a tradi onal Irish musician, Irish Step Dancers, raffle,50/50 hot and cold 

buffet, dessert, tea, coffee free sodas on the night as well as two free addi onal alcohol beverages.

Book early to avoid disappointment. Emcee : Anne Marie Moloney 1984 MFD winner Doors open : 7:30pm – dancing un l midnight

Admission : $50.00 Anne‐Marie: 347.596.6104

[email protected] Eileen: 917.418.0779 Mary: 347.645.3858


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