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Inspiration - Innovation - Inclusion

I S S U E 1 8 - W E E K 6 T E R M 4 2 0 1 9

Phone : 6862 1844 Fax : 6862 5046 Email : [email protected]

Parkes High School, Proud to be a member of the

Henry Parkes Learning Community, “Leading In Education”

Year 12 Graduation

The Parkes High School Graduation evening was held on 15 November, at the Parkes Leagues Club where the Year 12 students were presented to family and friends for the final time. The night was a celebration of the achievement of six productive years in secondary school and the completion of the HSC.

The evening was chaired by the newly appointed 2020 School Captains Faith Hanstock and Nicayden Greenwood. Mrs Sandra Carter, Principal of Parkes High School, made a speech thanked the Year 12 students for six wonderful years and wished the 2019 cohort a successful and safe journey for the next part of their lives on behalf of the Parkes High Community. Becky Wright and Hannah Potts responded on behalf of Year 12 and reflected on their time at PHS.

2019 Captains Becky Wright and Ethan Pay then gave a heart warming speech thanking all of the Parkes High teachers for their dedication in helping them achieve their best, year advisor Mrs Susan Riley for her loving and caring nature and family for their continued support. The outgoing captains then had the honour of cutting the graduation cake provided by Mrs Kristy Berry.

Year 12 students, Maddison Bland, Tiana Dumaine and Jorja Clarke entertained the audience with two brilliant musical items.

During the evening, several academic awards were presented including First in Subject Awards and the Dux Award. Congratulations to Viviane Tosetti who was announced the Dux of Year 12 Trial HSC, and to all the other award winners.

The finale for the evening was the final rollcall of the class of 2019 where they were presented a gift from the school by Mrs Riley followed by everyone watching an emotional movie montage dedicated to the students.

Mr Warren Murray and the Year 11 Graduation committee did an amazing job of organising a beautiful evening as a tribute to Year 12.

The PHS community wish all graduates a safe and prosperous future.

Parkes High School Dux of Year 12 Trial HSC Viviane Tosetti is pictured below left with Principal Mrs Sandra Carter. School Captains Becky Wright and Ethan Pay are pictured below right cutting the graduation cake.

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Inspiration - Innovation - Inclusion


Green Light Logistics and Transport Information Day Year 10 and 11 students had a great time at the Green Light Logistics and Transport information day at Linfox Parkes. Students had the opportunity to see all areas of the transport and logistics world and talk about many career opportunities. Staff at Linfox were extremely hospitable giving informative tours both inside the offices and outside on site. A big thank you to Mr Scott Morrissey and the Linfox staff for having the students at their work place and also TAFE for supplying the students with resources.

Creative Ceramics By Year 10 Visual Arts Students These amazing ceramic works by Year 10 Visual Arts Students – Alleyne Gaut, Kirsty Wilson, Ruby Dawson, Rachel Ostler, Courtney Sinclair, Summa Payne and Imagen Smith – were inspired by Vippo Srivilasa’s ( ornate figurines from his series titled They Fill Your Heart Without Trying, 2018.

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Inspiration - Innovation - Inclusion


CHS Softball Gala Day Three Players Picked

For Western Team The Parkes High Open Girls Softball team travelled to Orange for the CHS gala day recently. The girls had a range of experience but came together to dis-play a mighty effort. Some games were closer than others with the Parkes girls facing teams that have very strong local competitions. Three PHS girls, Abigail Simpson, Holly McColl and Marites Woods, were announced in the Western Softball team. Softball coach, Miss Emily Collett was very excited with the selections. “I am so excited the girls were selected for the Western team. They played real-ly well all day and were rewarded for their talent. The girls will play at Curl Curl on the Northern Beaches later on in the year” said Miss Collett. Well done to all the girls.

U/14 League Tag Team Make Final at Dubbo Gala Day.

Today the Open Girls and U/14 Girls League Tag teams played in the Dubbo Gala Day. All of the open girls games were extremely close while the U/14 girls were undefeated all day and made the final. The final saw the girls play the classy Dubbo St John's team. It was a great game and the girls played with awesome sportsmanship and only lost by 2 tries (8 nil). Well done to all the girls and coaches Ms Mee and Ms Kempson.

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Uniform Pool Needs Clothes

Have your children grown out of their uniforms? Consider making a donation to the Parkes High clothing pool!

We have helped over 50 students with donations of jumpers, skirts, shirts and pants.

Please launder, fold and drop into the office in a plastic bag. We welcome any donations. Thank you!

The Townsend Memorial Scholarship

The Townsend Memorial Scholarship is available to students attending Parkes High School to assist students to complete a degree course of study at the University of NSW or University of Sydney in the faculty of Medicine,

Law, Dentistry, Architecture, Agriculture, Veterinary Science or Engineering.

Please see Mrs Carter to discuss your application.

IMPORTANT DATES Tuesday 26 November

P&C Meeting 7.30pm in Conference Room

All welcome

Monday 2 December Year 6 Transition Day

Thursday 5 December MAD Night

Friday 6 December SRC Christmas Bingo

Inspiration - Innovation - Inclusion



Due to the increasing number of students with severe allergies and anaphylaxis we ask students, parents and all staff to not bring the following items to school:

All nuts, including; peanuts, cashews, pistachios, nut mixes, peanut butter, products including peanut / nut or extract or oil. These include nutella, muesli bars, satay, various sweets, chocolate and biscuits.

Raw egg

Also, students should not share or exchange food

Payments To The Office

Due to changes in school banking procedures all receipting for school fees, excursions etc are

unable to be processed after 3.00pm.

Payments for uniform remain unchanged.

REMINDER - Energy Drinks are not consumed at Parkes High School

Long term effects of Energy Drinks include cardiovascular problems, heartburn, ulcers, difficulty

sleeping (insomnia) and anxiety.

Please make good choices for your health. Staff will confiscate and discard Energy Drinks

to support your health and wellbeing.

Parkes High School is now a licensed award unit and can guide students who choose to accept the challenge and strive toward a Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver or Gold award. Several students have now completed or nearly completed their bronze award and we are looking to get organised for 2020. Students who are 14 or over can take part in the Duke of Ed which requires students to spend at least 6 months working on four areas: developing a skill, Physical Recreation, Service and The Adventurous Journey. Expressions of interest or any questions should be emailed to Mrs Helen Vere at [email protected] . Pictured right are students on the Adventurous Journey hike in the National Park South of Sydney.

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Inspiration - Innovation - Inclusion


Remembrance Day

On the 11 November, whilst the whole school observed a minute silence at 11am, our SRC joined Mrs Carter in attending the Parkes Remembrance Day service in Cooke Park.

Our Captains, Nicayden Greenwood and Faith Hanstock, read names of fallen soldiers from Parkes and District, met Deputy PM Hon Michael McCormack and were interviewed by Prime 7 news.

RSL Poppy Appeal If you were in the Parkes CBD you would have seen our wonderful Year 10 volunteers helping with the RSL Poppy Appeal. They visited businesses up and down Clarinda Street. There was a wonderful selection to purchase to show your support including the new purple pieces to remember the animals who served alongside our troops.

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Inspiration - Innovation - Inclusion


Principal’s Report Year 12 Graduation: Last week we congratulated Year 12 on successfully completing 13 years of education at their Graduation Dinner. It was a wonderful celebration of the achievements of a caring, supportive and talented group of students. Many of our Year 12 students had already received early entry to the universities of Sydney, Wollongong, UNE and CSU. Year 12 Year Adviser Mrs Susan Riley and Year 11 Year Adviser Mr Warren Murray, worked with our Year 11 Graduation Committee to prepare a fabulous night to farewell our Year 12 students. Special thanks go to our Deputy Mayor Mrs Barbara Newton and her husband, Dr Rick Newton, for being our guests, and to Minister Stephen Gaut for saying Grace prior to the wonderful evening. Remembrance Ceremony: Our School Captains, Faith Hanstock and Nicayden Greenwood, represented the school on Monday at the Remembrance Service in Cooke Park as part of our community tribute to the servicemen and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice in fighting for our country. Both Faith and Nicayden were interviewed for the evening news and were exceptional ambassadors for our school. Sport: Our sports staff have been very mindful of the conditions we are experiencing at the moment. We will endeavour to keep students inside if the air quality may cause respiratory or vision issues. High Potential and Gifted Classes for 2020: Thank you to the large number of parents who came to our information evening last week. We are working to ensure we are meeting the individual learning needs of our students and the new policy. In 2020, we are looking to expand our current program and have year group classes. Several members of staff have already had specific professional learning in teaching gifted students and we will continue to take opportunities for this learning. Our approach for 2020 is a pilot and it is important to keep the lines of communication open. Please let us know if you have any concerns or ideas to improve our processes. Transition: Our Year 6 students have been transitioning to high school with guidance of Ms Emily Collett, Year Advisor for Year 7, 2020 together with Mrs Renee Summerhayes, our Learning and Support Teacher. Mrs Melinda Richter will be our Deputy Principal for Year 7 in 2020. Mr Andrew Kingsford-Smith has been supporting our Special Education students to ensure a smooth transition to high school. All 2020 Year 7 students will attend a transition day at Parkes High on Monday 2 December 2019. SRC Christmas BINGO Night: Our very busy SRC students are organising the annual Bingo Night, scheduled for Friday the 6 December. I am hoping that this year the students sell me some winning booklets! Hot Weather: As our weather is becoming hotter students are encouraged to wear a broad brimmed hat as it gives protection to the ears and back of the neck as well as the face. School broad brimmed bucket hats are available from the office for $15.00. 2020: School resumes on Wednesday 29 January for Years 7, 11 and 12. On Thursday 31 January, all students will attend school. Thank you to our parents who are continually supporting our school and fostering pride in our school through their children wearing our school uniform. Most items of our school uniform are available from our school office. Please be mindful that our school uniform has been ratified by our P&C and as such it is a core rule and requirement of all government schools that students wear school uniform. P&C Meeting: Our next P&C Meeting for 2019 will be held in the Conference Room (just along the corridor from the front office) on Tuesday 26

November at 7.30 pm. This will be the last meeting for the year. I look forward to seeing all our

new and continuing parents.

Please contact the school (6862 1844) or make an appointment if you need to discuss any aspect of your child’s education or if you need clarification on any issues or events your child may be involved in. Please be aware that all visitors to the school, including parents, must report to the office in Albert Street. At Parkes High School we are safe, respectful and responsible. Have a safe and relaxing holiday break. Mrs Sandra Carter Principal

Pictured is Mr Warren Murray and the Year 11 Graduation

committee who did an amazing job of organising the Year 12 Graduation.

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Year 12 Graduation Evening

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Inspiration - Innovation - Inclusion


Science Opportunities

If interested see Mr Pigram in the Science staffroom.

Step One: Save the World! Sydney Science Experience Dates: 15-17 January 2020 Times: 9am-4pm each day Who: keen students Year 8 and above Cost: $190 (inc GST) Come one and come all passionate environmentalists and climate change champions! It is more important than ever to roll up our sleeves and learn how to take care of our planet. Our 3-day holiday program would like to invite Year 8 and above high school students to attend this extravaganza of hands-on workshops, interactive talks with environmental speakers, and lessons with current climate scientists! From 3D printing coral reefs to building insect hotels to changing environmental laws – you will be learning new STEM skills to help save the world! A great way to spend your holidays with friends and enthusiasts. STEM Girls @ Sydney Dates: 20–21 January 2020 Who: female-identifying students entering Year 11 in 2020 Cost: free This exciting two-day workshop on campus is for female high school students who want to explore the disciplines and careers available in science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) and how you can apply these skills in everyday life. Participate in hands-on activities and hear from a panel of women who are pursuing careers across different STEM industries. You will also visit the research facilities of ANSTO and Google’s office as part of the program.

Everyone2day arrival at school on time is important because:- this ensures your child does not miss out on important learning activities; it helps students learn the importance of punctuality and routine; It gives students time to greet their friends before class; and It allows the students to begin their school work with everyone else in their class therefore

decreasing the opportunity for disruption.

Lateness is recorded as partial absence and Needs to be explained by parents/caregivers in the same way as other absences. Explanations can be by note, text message, email or verbal depending

on the systems set up in your child’s school.

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A reminder to parents to notify the school about your child’s health

We welcome information from parents about your child's health, even if you are not requesting specific support from our school. Our school asks for medical information when you enrol your child. It is also important that you let us know if your child’s health care needs change or if a new health condition develops.

Information about allergies, medical conditions such as asthma and diabetes and other health care related issues (including prior conditions such as medical procedures in the last 12 months) should be provided to the school by parents. Please provide this information in writing to the Principal. This will greatly assist our school in planning to support your child’s health and wellbeing.

Please also remember to notify staff in the school office of any changes to your contact details or to the contact details of other people nominated as emergency contacts.

We appreciate your assistance in this regard and assure you that any information you provide the school will be stored securely and will only be used or disclosed in order to support your son or daughter’s health needs or as otherwise required by law.

Term 4 Assessment Schedules For Students, Parents and Carers Please use this as a guide to help your child plan their study schedules and assessment tasks. On occasion, changes may need to be made to this guide due to unforeseen circumstances.

Students can confirm these dates with the Head Teacher of the faculty if they have any concerns.

Maths Help

Does your child have maths questions they need help with?

Would they benefit from a quiet place to do their homework?

Looking for assessment preparation?

Maths help is available for all students in any year, from 3:25pm on Thursday afternoons in the Learning hub (B9). No bookings needed, no cost.

Helen Vere - Mathematics Teacher Distance Education Support Duke of Edinburgh Award Leader Parkes High School

Inspiration - Innovation - Inclusion

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11/12

Week 7 Technology Mandatory

Technology Mandatory


Week 8 English Studies English Standard English Advanced

Mathematics Advanced Numeracy

Week 9 GATS English GATS English Biology Ancient History

Business Studies Visual Arts

Physics SLR

Week 10 Chemistry CAFS

Legal Studies Agriculture

PDHPE Modern History




Now Available At Parkes High School Cash or Cheque to the School Office

Please note that uniform CANNOT be paid through POP online

Trackpants $30.00

School Jumper $50.00

School Jackets $50.00

Beanies $10.00

Scarves $10.00

School Hats $15.00

School Tie $15.00

School Sport Socks $15.00

Polar Fleece Jacket $60.00

Blue Shirt $22.00

White Shirt $22.00

Long Sleeved Shirts $22.00

Girls Skirt $60.00

Girls Dress Pants $40.00

Sport Shorts $15.00

Sport Shirts $25.00

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Inspiration - Innovation - Inclusion

If you are sitting your HSC exams in or after 2020 you will need to meet a minimum standard of literacy and numeracy to receive your Higher School Certificate.

Literacy and numeracy skills are key for success in everyday life. Achieving the HSC minimum standard means you will have a level of skills necessary for success after school.

Students show they have met the HSC minimum standard by passing online tests of basic reading, writing and numeracy skills needed for everyday tasks. The minimum standard online tests are not based on NAPLAN.

Students master basic skills at different stages so there are multiple opportunities available for students to understand what to expect and pass the minimum standard online tests, from Year 10 until a few years after Year 12.

Some students will be eligible for disability provisions for the minimum standard tests, or an exemption from the HSC minimum standard requirement.

Important changes to the HSC minimum standard

From last year, Year 9 NAPLAN tests will no longer be available as an early way for students to demonstrate the standard. This change has been made to ensure NAPLAN remains focussed on its diagnostic purpose and to reduce unnecessary stress on young people. PLEASE REFER TO THE LINK BELOW FOR MORE INFORMATION

HSC Minimum Standards – Year 10 Students


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Canteen Volunteers Needed If you have a spare hour a day at either

11.00 am or 1.30pm to help serve recess or lunch it would be greatly

appreciated. Please call Canteen on 68 622 805

Maths and English Caring, qualified tutors

Year 1 to Year 10

Health and Safety Risk Aerosol Spray Deodorants

Aerosol Spray Deodorants are BANNED from school as they pose a health risk to students and staff through the potential for asthma attacks and

allergic reactions. These will be confiscated if brought to school.

If students need deodorant at school they are encouraged to use roll on deodorants.

Parkes High School ‘Bring Your Own Device’


Please refer to our Parkes High School website for specifications before purchasing any new

“Bring Your Own Device” computers or tablets.

Health and Safety Changes

ALL visitors to the school MUST report to the office and sign in.

ALL visitors attending assemblies or events will be required to SIGN IN either at the office or

at the LP Johnston Hall.

Signing Your Child Out Of School

If you send a note to the school in the morning we can have your child waiting at the office

for you to collect.

This will save you time waiting for us to get them from their class.

Please make sure you include your child’s full name on the note.

Parkes High School P & C Executive Contacts

President - Stephen Gaut on 0418 667 180

Vice President - Sharon Woods on 0401 629 020 Secretary - Craig Bland on 0447102053

Treasurer - Tracy Glasson on 0459 661 252

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